OMB Number: 1122-0020
Expiration Date: 6/30/2013
Margins: one-inch all around
Font: Arial
Font (regular text): 11 point
Font Size/style for Headings:
Announcement title: 26 point, bold
Other cover page headings:
“Eligibility” 16 point, bold
“Deadline” 16 point, bold
“Contact Information” 16 point, bold
Header for “Contents” (page 3) 20 point, bold
Program title (page 3) 20 point, bold
CFDA (page 3) 16 point, bold
Section headings 16 point, bold
Subheadings 11 point, bold
Sub, subheadings 11 point, underlined (not bold)
Bullet format: Bullet left-justified, text indented one quarter inch, bullets 11 point font.
Page numbers should be on the bottom, center of the page. All numbers used in text that are less than 10 should be spelled out.
There should be an extra line space before and after a section heading, but there should be no extra space after a sub-heading or sub, subheading.
Each space between paragraphs should be no larger than Arial, 11 point font.
Appendices should each have a separate title page with the word “Appendix” and the letter of the appendix in 15 point bold in a box and the title of the appendix in 14 point bold below the box.
Capitalize State, Federal, Tribal, and Territorial (except when they are adverbs). Always spell out United States, do not use U.S.
Use the following order for the four crimes: sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Always double check for spelling, formatting and grammatical errors prior to passing your draft on to the next levels of review. Please make every effort to use plain language.
U.S. Department of Justice
on Violence Against Women (OVW)
OVW Fiscal Year [Insert Date]
[Insert Program Name]
Applicants are limited to [Insert eligible applicants].
(See “Eligibility,” page [insert #])
All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. E.T. on [Insert date].
(See “Deadline: Application,” page [insert #])
[optional: To assist OVW in planning for the independent peer review process, letters of intent to apply should be submitted to [insert email address] by [insert date]. Please note, however, that letters of intent are optional. Interested applicants who do not submit a letter of intent by the deadline are still eligible to apply.
To ensure all applicants have ample time to complete the registration process through [insert GMS or], applicants should register online with [insert GMS or] by [Insert date two weeks before application deadline].
For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact OVW at (202) 307-6026.
In Fiscal Year 2012, OVW applications will be submitted through [Note: Change this to the Office of Justice Programs Grants Management System (GMS) for formula programs] For technical assistance with the [or GMS contact OVW GMS Support at 1-866-655-4482] contact the Customer Support Hotline at 1-800-518-4726 Number assigned to announcement OVW-[Insert number] [Internal note: Not needed for formula programs]
It is anticipated that all applicants will be notified, but not guaranteed, of the outcome of their applications by September 30, 2012.
Overview p.
About the OVW [insert program] p.
Deadlines p.
Application p.
Letter of Intent [Internal Note: optional] p.
Pre-Application Conference Calls [Internal Note: optional] p.
Eligibility p.
Eligible Entities p.
Program Eligibility Requirements p.
Types of Applicants p.
New p.
Continuation [if applicable] p.
Sub-Type [if applicable] p.
Award Information p.
Award Period p.
Award Amounts p.
Program Scope p.
Purpose Areas p.
Mandatory Program Requirements p.
OVW Priority Areas p.
Activities that Compromise Victim Safety and Recovery p.
Out-of-Scope Activities p.
Unallowable Activities p.
How to Apply p.
Formatting and Technical Requirements p.
Experiencing Unforeseen Technical Issues p.
Application Requirements p.
Summary Data Sheet p.
Project Narrative p.
Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative p.
Memorandum of Understanding [MOE] p.
[insert additional requirements worth points] p.
Additional Required Information p.
Proposal Abstract p.
Status of Current Project (if applicable) p.
Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) p.
Standard Assurances and Certifications p.
Letter of Nonsupplanting p.
Financial Accounting Practices p.
Financial Capability Questionnaire (if applicable) p.
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) p.
Selection Criteria p.
Review Process p.
Past Performance Review p.
Other Requirements p.
Federal Financial Guidelines and Reporting Requirements p.
Additional Requirements p.
Public Reporting Burden p.
Application Checklist p.
Appendix A – Application Type Reference Chart [Internal Note: optional] p.
OVW [Insert Program]
(CFDA [insert #])
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) is a component of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Created in 1995, OVW implements the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and subsequent legislation and provides national leadership on issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Since its inception, OVW has supported a multifaceted approach to responding to these crimes through implementation of grant programs authorized by VAWA. By forging State, local and tribal partnerships among police, prosecutors, judges, victim advocates, health care providers, faith leaders, and others, OVW grants help provide victims with the protection and services they need to pursue safe and healthy lives, while improving communities’ capacity to hold offenders accountable for their crimes. For general information on OVW grant programs please see the OVW Fiscal Year 2012 Grant Program Solicitation Reference Guide (Reference Guide) at
About the OVW [Insert Program]
[Insert program information] [Internal Note: this section should be brief: 1 – 2 short paragraphs]
The deadline for applying for funding under this grant announcement is [insert time] on [insert date]. Applications submitted after [insert date and time] will not be considered for funding.
Note: For applicants without Internet access, who cannot submit an application electronically, please contact [insert contact information] no later than [insert date] to request permission to submit an application by alternative means.
The [GMS or] registration deadline is [Insert date – two weeks before application deadline]. It is strongly encouraged that applicants begin the registration process well in advance of the deadline. For more information on the process of registering with [GMS or] please see the Reference Guide.
Letter of Intent [Internal Note: This is optional. Programs should only use this section if the information provided is actually used by the program (most commonly for new programs).]
If you intend to apply for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 funding under this program, we encourage you to submit a letter stating your intent to apply. OVW will use this information to predict the number of panels needed to review applications. The letter should be submitted to OVW at [insert program email address] by [insert date]. This letter will not obligate you to submit an application. You may submit an application for funding if you do not submit a Letter of Intent.
Pre-Application Conference Calls [Internal Note: this is optional]
OVW will conduct a total of [# of calls] Pre-Application Conference Calls. [Insert program specific information if applicable. For example, will there be a call for new recipients and a call for continuation?] During these calls, OVW staff will review the [insert program] requirements, review the solicitation, and allow for a brief question and answer session. [Internal Note: question and answer session is optional] Participation in these calls is optional.
The conference calls are all scheduled for [insert time and dates]:
[insert time and date & specify if for a particular group (e.g. new or continuation)]
[insert additional sessions if necessary]
Anyone who is interested in submitting an application to the [insert program] may register to participate in the calls. The total number of participants for each call is limited to [insert number] individuals.
To register, please e-mail or call [insert name, email and telephone number of contact person]. Your registration must be received at least two hours prior to the start of the call.
It is very important that you review this information carefully. Applications that are submitted by ineligible entities will not be considered for funding.
Eligible Entities [Internal note: the eligible entities listed below should be defined in the Glossary of Key Terms. To view a definition, a hyperlink must be created. Jacques will set this up for you.]
Eligible entities for this program are:
[insert program specific information]
Program Eligibility Requirements [Internal Note: This section should include requirements that the applicant must meet in order to be considered eligible for funding. It should not include requirements that can be addressed after the review process. This section is reserved for requirements that would remove an application from eligibility for funding if missing.]
In addition to meeting the eligible entity requirement outlined above, applications for the [insert name of program] must also meet the following requirement(s): [Internal note: This section should be edited as appropriate for each program. The list below is an example only. If a definition is required for any of the requirements it must be included in the Glossary of Key Terms and not in the body of the solicitation.]
Certifications [internal note: HIV Cert/Arrest, STOP Certification Requirement, etc]
[insert program information]
Certification of Eligibility [internal note: Arrest, STEP, Courts, and Campus, etc]
[insert program information]
Certification of Minimum Requirements [internal note: supervised visitation]
[insert program information]
Eligible Coalitions [internal note: State Coalitions]
[insert program information]
Eligible Service Area [internal note: Rural]
[insert program information]
Required Partnerships [internal note: Elder, Disability, etc]
[insert program information]
Requirement #7 [Internal note: insert additional requirements if necessary. Put in alphabetical order]
Types of Applicants [Internal note: this section can be modified to fit the needs of the program. For example, there may only be New applicants].
In FY-[Insert Date], OVW will accept applications for the [Insert program] from the following:
New: applicants who have never received funding under the [insert program] and/or [insert program information].
Planning Phase [Internal Note: this section is optional. It should be brief and not detail the requirements in this section.]
OVW has determined that new applicants under the [insert program] will be required to engage in a planning period prior to implementing proposed project activities. Please refer to the Program Scope on page [insert page] of the solicitation for further information about this requirement.
[insert program information]
[Internal Note: If grant funds will be held until the planning period has been completed it should be stated here]
Continuation: applicants who received funding under [insert program] and/or [insert program information].
Grant recipients who received new or supplemental funding for [insert number] months in FY [insert year] are NOT eligible to apply.
Sub-Type [Internal Note: this section is optional. It should be brief and not detail the requirements or definition for each sub-type in this section. Should be used for Courts, Campus, Disability. If a program does not use the chart in Appendix A, delete this section and remove the Appendix.
In addition to new and continuation applications, OVW has determined that applicants for the [insert program] must also identify as one of the sub-types listed below. Please refer to Appendix A: Application Type Reference Chart and the Program Scope on page [insert page] of the solicitation for further information about this requirement.
[insert sub-type #1]
[insert sub-type #2]
[insert additional sub-types as necessary]
Award Information
Award Period
The grant award period is [insert number] months. Budgets must reflect [insert number] months of project activity, and the total “estimated funding” (block 15) on the SF-424 must reflect [insert number] months.
Award Amounts
Applicants should carefully consider the resources needed to successfully implement the proposed project and present a realistic budget that accurately reflects project costs. [Internal Note: for programs that use a cap] Awards under the [Insert program] for FY [insert date] will be made for up to [insert amount].
[Internal Note: For different levels of funding for different types of applicants: Courts, Campus, Disability] Funding levels under the [insert program] for FY 2012 is as follows:
[insert applicant type, sub-type and funding level]
[insert applicant type, sub-type and funding level]
[insert additional as necessary]
[Internal Note: for formula programs: STOP, SASP, Coalitions]
By statute, OVW will award a base amount of [insert amount] to each State and Territory. Funds remaining after the allocated base amount will be distributed among the States and Territories according to population. The most accurate and complete data compiled by the United States Bureau of the Census are used to determine the populations. By statute, Indian Tribal populations are not included in the population count.
[Insert Match Requirement if applicable]
All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. Funding is not guaranteed.
Program Scope
Activities supported by the [insert program] are determined by statute, OVW Priorities and Requirements, and Federal regulations.
Purpose Areas [Internal note: in order to narrow/exclude statutory purpose area(s), it must be discussed with the appropriate Associate Director, and an approval memo must be submitted to the Director.]
In FY 2012, funds under the [insert program] may be used for the following purposes:
[insert purpose areas]
Mandatory Program Requirements [Internal note: these are for requirements that the grantee must engage in and not activities that are optional. For example, specific activities that the grantee must complete, % of time or funds dedicated toward a specific activity, etc. Elder, Disability, SV, Courts, STOP, etc].
[insert program requirements]
OVW Priority Areas [Internal Note: The unit should identify priority areas in conjunction with the AD and the Director. All special interest areas, program priority areas, statutory priority areas, OVW areas of interest, etc should be listed here.]
Applications proposing activities in the following areas will be given special consideration during the review process:
[Insert program information]
Activities that Compromise Victim Safety and Recovery
The following activities have been found to jeopardize victim safety, deter or prevent physical or emotional healing for victims, or allow offenders to escape responsibility for their actions:
Procedures or policies that exclude victims from receiving safe shelter, advocacy services, counseling, and other assistance based on their actual or perceived age, immigration status, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health condition, physical health condition, criminal record, work in the sex industry, or the age and/or gender of their children;
[insert program information]
Applications that propose activities that compromise victim safety and recovery may receive a deduction in points during the review process, or may be eliminated from further consideration entirely.
Out-of-Scope Activities
OVW has determined the activities listed below to be out of the program scope. Applications that propose out-of-scope activities may receive a point deduction during the review process. Applications that are determined to be substantially outside the scope of the [insert program] will not be considered for funding. The following activities are out of scope and will not be supported by [insert program] grant funding:
Research projects (This does not include program assessments conducted only for internal improvement purposes. See the definition of “research” in this solicitation’s section on Human Subject Research and Confidentiality Protections for additional information on what activities constitute research.)
[insert program information]
Unallowable Activities
The following is a list of activities that are unallowable and cannot be supported by [insert program] grant funding. Applications that propose unallowable activities may receive a point deduction during the review process. Applications that include substantial unallowable activities will not be considered for funding.
Purchase of real property
Physical modifications to building, including minor renovations (such as painting or carpeting) [Leave out for Disabilities]
How To Apply
This section describes what an application should include. Applicants should anticipate that failure to submit an application that contains all of the specified elements may negatively affect the review of the application; and, should a decision be made to make an award, it may result in the inclusion of special conditions that preclude access to or use of award funds pending satisfaction of the conditions.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete and submitted by the deadline.
Formatting and Technical Requirements
Applications must follow the requirements below. Points may be deducted for applications that do not adhere to the following requirements:
Double spaced (Project Abstract, Summary Data Sheet and charts may be single space)
8½ x 11 inch paper
One inch margins
Type no smaller than 12 point, Times New Roman font
Page numbers
No more than [insert number] pages for the Project Narrative
Word processing documents must be in the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF files (.pdf), or Text Documents (.txt).
Headings and sub-headings that correspond to the sections identified in How to Apply
Experiencing Unforeseen Technical Issues
If you experience technical difficulties at any point during the application process, please contact OVW GMS Support at 1-866-655-4482 or the Customer Support Hotline at 1-800-518-4726.
If you experience unforeseen technical issues that prevent you from submitting your application by the deadline, you must contact the technical support number above prior to the deadline AND contact the [insert grant program] at [insert contact information] within 24 hours after the deadline to request approval to submit your application. At that time, you will be required to email the complete grant application, your DUNS number, and provide a GMS or Help Desk tracking number(s). After OVW reviews all of the information submitted and verifies your technical issues with the Helpdesk, OVW will contact you to either approve or deny your request to submit a late application. If the technical issues you reported cannot be verified, your application will be rejected as untimely.
To ensure a fair competition for limited discretionary funds, the following conditions are not valid reasons to permit late submissions: (1) failure to begin the registration process in sufficient time; (2) failure to follow GMS or instructions on how to register and apply as posted on its website; and (3) failure to follow all of the instructions in the OVW solicitation.
Application Requirements
Applications must include the following sections in order for the application to be forwarded for further review. Applications that do not include these sections will not be considered.
Project Narrative
Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU,MOE, IMOU, MOI, Letters of Commitment)
[Insert program-specific requirements] [Internal note: edit the list above as appropriate and add any additional requirements that will keep an application from being reviewed]
Applications forwarded for review will be scored on the following:
Project Narrative
Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative
Summary Data Sheet
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU,MOE, IMOU, MOI, Letters of Commitment)
[Insert program-specific requirements]
Applications must address each section and include the detailed information outlined below in the specified section of their application.
[Internal note: point values per section are flexible, but must equal a total of 100 points]
Summary Data Sheet (XX Points)
The Summary Data Sheet should be 1 – 4 pages in length and may be single or double spaced. The Summary Data Sheet does not count toward the [insert number] page limit for the Project Narrative. Please provide the following information:
Name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address for the authorized representative. Please see the Reference Guide to determine who can be an authorized representative.
Name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address for the grant point-of-contact.
Statement as to whether the agency has expended $500,000 in Federal funds in the past fiscal year for the applicant. Please specify the end date of the fiscal year.
[insert program information]
Summary of Current and Recent OVW Projects (if applicable)
If the applicant has a current grant award or cooperative agreement under any OVW program, or received an award that has been closed within one calendar year, the information below must be included.
Identify grant by OVW program, award number, and project period.
Specify the total funds remaining in each grant as of the date of application.
Provide the total funds remaining in each grant in the Personnel, Contracts/Consultants and Travel (OVW sponsored TA events) categories as of the date of application.
List the number and titles of all full-time and/or part-time positions funded by the award.
Project Narrative (XX Points Total)
The Project Narrative may not exceed [insert number] pages in length, double-spaced. The Project Narrative is comprised of the following [insert number] sections:
Purpose of Application (XX points) [Internal Note: bullets can be edited to elicit the information that is most relevant to each program. For example, the disability program is most interested in knowing current services for people with disabilities in the service area, or gaps in services for people with disabilities within the service area]
This section must include:
Service area and target population;
Problem to be addressed;
Current services;
Gaps in services;
[insert program information]
What Will Be Done (XX points) [Internal Note: bullets can be edited to elicit the information that is most relevant to each program.]
This section must include the information below. In doing so, the applicant must provide a clear link between the proposed activities and the need identified in the “Purpose of Application” section.
Goals and objectives;
Tasks and activities;
Expected outcomes;
[insert program information]
Who Will Implement the Project (XX points)
This section must include the information below. In doing so, the applicant must justify who will be involved in the project and demonstrate that they have the capacity to address the stated need and that they can successfully implement the stated project activities.
Key personnel;
Experience and expertise of the organization and key personnel who will be directly involved with the project;
Clearly demonstrate that any partnerships required by the solicitation have been met;
[insert program information]
Sustainability Plan (XX points) [Internal note: discretionary programs only]
As this is a competitive, discretionary program, there is no guarantee of continuation funding. Applicants are required to include a plan describing how they would sustain project activities if Federal funding through the [Insert Program] were no longer available.
Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative (XX Points) [Internal note: discretionary programs only]
OVW has the discretion to award grants for greater or lesser amounts than requested and to negotiate the scope of work and budget with applicants prior to award of a grant. For guidance on budget requirements please see the Reference Guide. A Sample Budget Detail Worksheet is available at When preparing the Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative, please use the Sample Budget Detail Worksheet as a guide and be sure to include all necessary budget categories as outlined in the Worksheet.
Award Period and Amount [Internal note: make sure this is consistent with the information listed in Award Period and Award Amounts]
[insert program information]
Budget Requirements
Applicants are required to submit a budget detail worksheet that is reasonable and cost effective. The budget must adhere to the [OVW Financial Grants Management Guide – revert to OJP if OVW guide is not approved. This will be a hyperlink]. The budget detail worksheet must:
Include a budget narrative that supports and justifies all proposed costs and provides a clear link between specific project activities and proposed budget items;
Include a budget that reflects all costs related to implementing the proposed project and provides calculations for all costs;
[insert program information]
Food and Beverage/Costs for Refreshments and Meals
OVW funding cannot be used to purchase food and/or beverages for any meeting, conference, training, or other event, except if the following applies:
The location of the event is not in close proximity to food establishments. It should be a priority to try to secure a location near reasonably prices and accessible commercial food establishments.
If not serving food will significantly lengthen the e day or necessitate extending the meeting to achieve meeting outcomes.
It a special presentation at a conference requires a plenary address where there is no other time for food to be attained; or
Other extenuating circumstances which necessitate the provision of food.
Justification for an exception listed above must be included in the budget narrative.
Note: In addition to the requirements above, cooperative agreement or contract recipients, must complete and submit the Conference and Events Approval Form to OVW for review and approval prior to entering into a contract for any meeting, conference, training, or other event.
If an exception is made for food/beverages or refreshments, the cost of any individual meal, plus taxes any hotel service costs (e.g., labor cost for room setup), cannot exceed 150 percent of the General Services Administration (GSA) Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rate for that meal in that locality per attendee however OVW strongly encourages costs to stay at or below 100% of the applicable per diem rate for any meal provided, including any service costs. The current GSA M&IE rate breakdown by meal and by locality can be found at If OVW funds are used to provide breaks/refreshments, they can only be provided once per day, and any related expenses (food, beverages, plus taxes and any hotel service costs) cannot exceed 11.5% of the current GSA M&IE rate per attendee per day. However, OVW prefers that such costs fall well below 11.5%. This restriction does not apply to water provided at no cost, but does apply to any and all other refreshments, regardless of the size or nature of the meeting.
Training and Technical Assistance
All applicants are required to allocate funds in the amount of [Insert $] to support travel costs associated with technical assistance and capacity-building activities sponsored by OVW-designated technical assistance providers. Applicants from Alaska, Hawaii, and United States Territories should allocate [Insert $] to account for higher travel costs. These specific applicants may exceed the budget caps to account for this increased travel amount.
Accommodations and Language Access
Applicants are encouraged to allocate grant funds to support activities that help to ensure individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals and persons with limited English proficiency to have meaningful and full access to their programs. For example, grant funds can be used to support American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter services, language interpretation and translation services, or the purchase of adaptive equipment.
Applicants proposing to use grant funds to create websites, videos and other materials must ensure that they are accessible to persons with disabilities. Grant funds must be allocated for these purposes.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (XX Points Total)
[EMOU, IMOU, and MOE can also be included here if appropriate. Leave this out for STOP and Tribal Coalitions]
For purposes of this application, the MOU is a document containing the terms of the partnership, and the roles and responsibilities between two or more parties. The MOU should be a single document and it should be signed and dated by the Authorized Representative of each proposed partner agency during the development of the application.
The MOU must:
Clearly identify the partners and provide a brief history of the collaborative relationship among those partners, including when and under what circumstances the relationship began and when each partner entered into the relationship;
Clearly state the roles and responsibilities each partner will assume to ensure the success of the proposed project;
[insert program information]
[Internal Note: Include EMOU/IMOU Information here if appropriate]
The [EMOU/IMOU] must:
[insert program information]
Additional Required Information
The following documents will not be scored during the review process but they should be included with your submission. Failure to include any of the information may result in the inability to access funds if your application is selected for funding.
Proposal Abstract
The Proposal Abstract should provide a short and accurate summary of your proposed project including who will be involved with the proposed project, what will be done, the service area where the proposed project will take place and who will be impacted by the proposed project. Please do not summarize past accomplishments in this section.
Status of Current Project (if applicable)
Applicants applying for continuation funding under [insert program] must include the following
[insert program information]
Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
Applicants will complete the SF-424 online. For further information on the Standard Assurances and Certifications please see the Reference Guide.
Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Form 4061/6)
Forms will be completed online during the submission process. For further information on the Standard Assurances and Certifications please see the Reference Guide.
Letter of Nonsupplanting
Applicants must submit a letter to OVW’s Director, signed by the Authorized Representative, certifying that Federal funds will not be used to supplant State or local funds should a grant award be made. Please refer to for a sample letter. This should be a separate attachment to the application in [GMS or].
Financial Accounting Practices
Each applicant must prepare a response to the following questions. OVW will review the applicant’s responses to assist in evaluating the adequacy of the organization’s financial management system and to identify areas of need for training and technical assistance. This section of your application should be no more than two pages and should be a separate attachment to the online application in [GMS or].
Will all funds awarded under this program be maintained in a manner that they will be accounted for separately and distinctly from other sources of revenue/funding?
Does the applicant have written accounting policies and procedures? OVW may request a copy for review during the application/award process or as part of the grant monitoring process.
Is the applicant’s financial management system able to track actual expenditures and outlays with budgeted amounts for each grant or subgrant?
Does the applicant have procedures in place for minimizing the time elapsing between transfer of funds from the United States Treasury and disbursement for project activities?
Does the applicant have effective internal controls in place to adequately safeguard grant assets and to ensure that they are used solely for authorized purposes? Please provide a brief description.
Does the applicant have a documented records retention policy? If so, briefly describe the policy.
Is the individual primarily responsible for fiscal and administrative oversight of grant awards familiar with the applicable grants management rules, principles, and regulations? If not, the applicant must contact OVW’s Grants Financial Management Division at or 1-888-514-8556 immediately after the organization is notified of their award to coordinate training.
Financial Capability Questionnaire (if applicable)
All nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that apply for funding from OVW and have not previously (or within the last three years) received funding from OVW or OJP must complete a
Financial Capability Questionnaire, and submit it online along with their current year’s audit report. The form can be found at
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) [Internal note: leave out for STOP]
Applicants that intend to charge indirect costs through the use of an indirect cost rate must have a Federally-approved indirect cost agreement. Please include a copy of a current, signed Federally-approved indirect cost rate agreement. If you need additional information on this requirement, you may go to guide.pdf. This should be a separate attachment to the application in GMS or Applicants that do not have a Federally-approved indirect cost rate should budget all project related costs in the direct cost categories. Organizations that wish to negotiate an indirect cost rate may contact OVW’s Grants Financial Management Division at or 1-888-514-8556 for more information.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be scored based on the degree to which the applicant responds to each section and addresses each element contained within the corresponding section. Furthermore, applications will be scored based upon the quality of the response and the level of detail provided. Each element must be addressed in the section in which it is requested. Points may be deducted if the applicant does not include the information in the appropriate section even if it is included elsewhere within the application. Each section will be reviewed as a separate document and will be scored as such.
OVW reserves the right to deduct points for applications that are partially out of scope, that include unallowable activities, for applicants who are out of compliance with a current OVW grant award or cooperative agreement, and for any activities that compromise victim safety or confidentiality.
If an application is deemed to be substantially out of scope, proposes a substantial number of activities that are unallowable, or proposes activities that pose a significant threat to victim safety or a serious breach of confidentiality, it will not be considered for funding.
Review Process
OVW will subject all applications to a review process that is fair and based on the criteria outlined in this solicitation. OVW may utilize internal review, external review, or a combination of both.
Past Performance Review
OVW awards and cooperative agreements that are current or have been closed for up to one calendar year will be reviewed based on the elements listed below. Up to 25 points may be deducted from the application based on this review.
Progress reports submitted by the applicant, in conjunction with monitoring conducted by OVW, demonstrate the effectiveness of the current project, indicating timely progress toward meeting project goals and objectives;
Timely submission of progress reports;
The grantee has demonstrated that past activities supported with OVW grant funds have been limited to program purpose areas;
The grantee has complied with all special conditions of its existing grant award(s) from OVW;
The grantee has adhered to programmatic and financial reporting requirements, including timely submission of required reports;
The grantee has closed-out prior awards in a timely manner;
The grantee appropriately utilized and actively participated in OVW-sponsored workshops and other technical assistance events as required by a special condition of the current award;
The grantee has received financial clearances on all current grants from OVW;
The grantee has acted in a timely manner to resolve issues identified in an audit or an on-site financial or programmatic monitoring visit;
The grantee has complied with the Office of Management and Budget single-audit requirement; and
Grant funds have been spent in a timely manner.
OVW grantees with significant past performance issues may not be considered for funding.
Other Requirements
Federal Financial Guidelines and Reporting Requirements
Federal grants are governed by the provisions of the OMB circulars applicable to financial assistance and OVW's Financial Grants Management Guide, which are available from the OVW Web site. The Financial Grants Management Guide includes information on allowable costs, methods of payment, audit requirements, accounting systems, and financial records. This document will outline the successful administration of grant funds.
Any recipient of an award will be responsible for monitoring subgrants/contracts under the grant in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulations, OMB Circulars and guidelines, and the OVW Financial Grants Management Guide. Primary recipients will be responsible for oversight of subgrantee spending and monitoring specific performance measures and outcomes attributable to the use of OVW funds.
Additional Requirements
Applicants selected for awards must agree to comply with additional legal requirements upon acceptance of an award. OVW strongly encourages applicants to review the information pertaining to these additional requirements prior to submitting an application. Additional information for each requirement can be found in the Reference Guide. [Hyperlink needs to be added]
Faith-Based and Other Community
Research and the Protection of Human Subjects Anti-Lobbying Act (if applicable)
Financial and Government Audit Requirements
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (if applicable)
DOJ Information Technology Standards (if applicable)
Single Point of Contact Review
Non-Supplanting of State or Local Funds
Criminal Penalty for False Statements
Compliance with OVW Programs Financial Guide
Suspension or Termination of Funding
Nonprofit Organizations
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
Rights in Intellectual Property
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006
Awards in Excess of $5,000,000 – Federal Taxes Certification Requirement
Active CCR Registration
Public Reporting Burden
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. We try to create forms and instructions that are accurate, can be easily understood, and which impose the least possible burden on you to provide us with information. The estimated average time to complete and file this form is 30 hours. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, you can write to the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, 145 N Street, NE, Washington, DC 20530.
Application Checklist
Applicants must submit a fully executed application to OVW, including all required supporting documentation.
Application Document |
Completed? |
1. Summary Data Sheet |
Summary of Current OVW Projects |
2. Project Narrative. |
Purpose of the Application |
What Will Be Done |
Who Will Implement |
Sustainability Plan |
3. Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative [internal note: if applicable] |
4. MOU/MOE, Etc. [internal note: if applicable] |
5. Proposal Abstract |
6. Status of Current Project (if applicable) |
7. Application for Federal Assistance: SF 424 |
8. Standard Assurances and Certifications |
9. Letter of Nonsupplanting |
10. Financial Accounting Practices |
11. Financial Capability Questionnaire (nonprofits only) |
12. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (only if the applicant has a current Federally-approved rate) |
Other Program Specific |
Other Program Specific |
Application Type Reference Chart
[Internal Note: This chart is optional. Delete if it is not applicable for the grant program]
Application Type Reference Chart
[Internal Note: Below is an EXAMPLE using the Disability Grant Program. The chart is Optional]
Applicant Type |
Applicant Sub-type |
OVW Eligibility Requirement |
Mandatory Program Requirements |
OVW Priority Area |
Unallowable Activities: Out of Scope |
Award Period
Award Amount |
[Additional information as necessary] |
New |
Local Focused |
Multidisciplinary collaborative team comprised of:
* * At least one nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services organization, such as a state domestic violence or sexual assault coalition; and * * * At least one nonprofit, nongovernmental organization serving disabled individuals.
* The multi-disciplinary collaborative team must be comprised of organizations that have a local focus (Center for Independent Living, rape crisis center, community mental health organization, rape crisis center, or a domestic violence program/shelter.
Project Focus
Planning & Development Phase
* Applicants must engage with OVW and the designated technical assistance provider during the mandatory planning and development phase. The program planning requirements during this phase of the project include the drafting of the following materials:
Implementation Phase
OVW will determine when the planning and development phase is complete upon the award recipients’ demonstration that all materials have been completed satisfactorily. Once OVW has determined that the program planning requirements have been met, the multidisciplinary collaborative team will enter into the implementation phase of the project. Implementation initiatives and activities are identified in the strategic plan and are a direct result of the needs assessment.
Decision-Maker Participation
The Executive Director, CFO/CEO, Board of Directors and other decision-makers must be involved in an active and meaningful manner throughout the life of the project. They should expect to attend meetings and engage in conversations at various points in time. They should also be prepared to implement systemic changes within the organization to improve services and responses to women with disabilities and Deaf women who have experienced violence and abuse.
Technical Assistance
Technical assistance (TA) under the Disability Grant Program is proactive and required. Multidisciplinary collaborative teams must participate in all technical assistance events supported by OVW related to the Disability Grant Program. TA will be delivered through, but not limited to, frequent, regular contact with the OVW identified TA provider, site visits, tele/video conference calls, recipient meetings and Web-based technical assistance. Recipients should expect a high level of involvement with the OVW identified TA provider for the duration of the cooperative agreement.
Sexual Assault
* OVW is encouraging applicants to submit proposals that address sexual violence and include a sexual assault victim services organization as a mandatory member of the multidisciplinary collaborative team.
Applicants who propose the following will not be considered for funding
* Inclusion of organizations in the multi-disciplinary collaborative team that have a state focus (sexual assault or domestic violence coalition, State Disability Rights organization, State Independent Living Council)
* Applications proposing project activities that cover the entire state, multiple States, regional or nation-wide.
36 months |
$500,000 |
N/A [this column will be removed] |
Applicant Type 2 |
Applicant Sub-type 2 |
Applicant Type 3 |
Applicant Sub-type 3 |
Application Type 4 |
Application Sub-type 4 |
Applicant Type 5 |
Applicant Sub-type 5 |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | aloder |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |