Green Jobs and Healthcare Implementation Study
Grantee Survey
Intro Screen 1: Welcome to the Green Jobs and Healthcare Grantee Survey. Click “continue” to proceed.
Note: This is the first screen that the participant will see after clicking on the link in the email invitation.
Intro Screen 2: Your organization is the recipient of a [PRE-FILL BASED ON RESPONDENT ID NUMBER: Healthcare and High Growth/State Energy Sector Partnership/Energy Training Partnership/Pathways Out of Poverty] grant through the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL/ETA).
The survey will ask questions about your grant program’s goals, design, operations, outcomes, and partnerships. There are no right and wrong answers, and your opinions and experiences are extremely important. The information that you and others provide will be used to improve other DOL/ETA grant programs in the future.
Your responses will be kept private within the limits of the law. Identifying information on each survey respondent will be maintained in a separate data file and apart from the survey data so that it is not possible to link particular responses to individual respondents. Once the survey is completed, all identifying data on each respondent will be destroyed. Finally, access to any data with identifying information will be limited only to contractor staff directly working on the survey. All findings in any written materials or briefings will be presented at the aggregate level and it will not be possible to link specific responses to individual respondents in any way.
Questions? Click here for Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
Click continue to begin the survey.
Note: OMB statement must appear at the bottom of the intro screen:
Public Burden Statement, OMB 1205-0NEW, expires xx/xxxx Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Respondent's obligation to reply is required to obtain benefits (P.L 111-5). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reading instructions, and completing and reviewing the requested information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Policy Development and Research, Room N-5641, Washington, D.C. 20210. |
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
“How did you get my name?”
We are contacting individuals who administer American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA)-funded Green Jobs and Healthcare grant programs. Your name was provided to us by the grantee organization for which you work or partner with.
“What happens if I don’t participate?”
Your participation is voluntary and will not affect your organization’s eligibility to receive future grant funding. However, your experiences and opinions are very important to the successful implementation of future grant programs.
“I don’t have the time.”
The survey is brief and should only take 15 minutes of your time. You can complete the survey at a time that is convenient for you. The information that you provide is critical to the success of the study.
“I’m not interested.”
We’re interested in your opinions and experiences. The information you provide will help future grantees successfully implement similar grant programs. There are no right or wrong answers. Any information you provide will be held private to the maximum extent allowed by the law.
“Are my answers confidential?”
Your responses will be kept private within the limits of the law. Information on each survey respondent will be maintained in a separate data file and apart from the survey data so that it is not possible to link particular responses to individual respondents. Once the survey is completed, all data on each respondent will be destroyed. Finally, access to any data with identifying information will be limited only to contractor staff directly working on the survey. All findings in any written materials or briefings will be presented at the aggregate level and it will not be possible to link specific responses to individual respondents in any way.
long will this take?”
The length of the survey is different for different people, but it usually takes about 15 minutes.
“What is the purpose of the study?”
purpose of the study
is to understand how grant programs such as yours are being
implemented. We hope to identify best practices and lessons learned
that may be helpful to future grant administrators.
“What information do you intend to collect?
The survey will ask questions about your grant program’s goals, design, operations, outcomes, and partnerships.
Green Jobs and Healthcare Grantee Survey
1. Program Context |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
1 |
1.a – Program Context |
What is the name of the grant you are supporting? |
____________________ |
2 |
1.a – Program Context |
What is the name of your organization? |
____________________ |
3 |
1.a – Program Context |
What is your position at your organization? |
____________________ |
4 |
1.c – Program Structure |
What is the primary responsibility of your organization as related to the grant? |
5 |
1.a – Program Context |
Did your organization use State Labor Market Information (LMI) in developing and designing the grant program? |
6 |
1.a – Program Context |
Did your organization use other sources of information about the local/regional labor market needs? |
7 |
1.a – Program Context |
If Q6 = Yes:
What methods did you use?
(Select all that apply.)
8 |
1.a – Program Context |
Has the economic situation in the targeted area gotten better, worse, or stayed the same during the course of the grant program? |
9 |
1.b – Grant Timeframe |
Is the timeframe for this grant program sufficient for implementing the program to enable achievement of its intended outcomes? |
10 |
1.b – Grant Timeframe |
If Q8 = No:
How much additional time would be needed? |
11 |
1.c – Program Structure |
Is this a new training program or an expansion of a previously existing program? |
1. Program Context |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
12c |
1.d – Policy Context |
Does the grant program incorporate, support, or leverage any local, state or Federal policies and programs (e.g., supporting the green economy)?
If “No” to Q12a, Q12b, and Q12c, Skip to Q14 |
Local Policies/Programs
State Policies/Programs
Federal Policies/Programs
13 |
1.d – Policy Context |
If Q12a, Q12b, or Q12c = Yes:
What policies or programs does the grant incorporate, support, or leverage?
(Open-ended) |
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ |
2. Program Components and Service Delivery Strategy |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
14 |
2.a – Program Components |
What types of training does the program offer?
(Select all that apply.)
15 |
2.a – Program Components
2.d – Support Services |
What types of supportive services does the program offer?
(Select all that apply.)
If “None”, Skip to Q17 |
16 |
2.a – Program Components
2.d – Support Services |
When are the support services offered?
(Select all that apply.)
17 |
2.a – Program Components |
What types of credentials are earned by participants in this grant program?
(Select all that apply.)
18 |
2.a – Program Components |
Does the training provided by this grant program focus on skills required in a new and emerging industry?
If “No”, Skip to Q20 |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
19 |
2.a – Program Components |
If Q18 = Yes:
Please identify the industry for which the grant program is providing skills training.
(Select all that apply.) |
20 |
2.a – Program Components |
Does the grant seek to provide training to participants that have not traditionally received this type of training or worked in the occupations being trained for in the past (e.g., training women for non-traditional occupations)? |
21 |
2.a – Program Components |
Please identify which types of individuals or groups are being targeted by the training:
(Select all that apply). |
22 |
2.b – Assessment and Case Management Services |
Does the grant conduct an in-depth assessment as part of the participant selection process? |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
23 |
2.b – Assessment and Case Management Services |
Does your organization provide career guidance? |
24 |
2.c – Participant Recruitment and Targeting |
What methods were used to recruit participants?
(Select all that apply). |
25 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
Were existing curricula used in developing the training program?
If “No”, Skip to Q27 |
26 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
If Q25 = Yes:
From what source(s) was the training curricula obtained?
(Select all that apply). |
27 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
If Q25 = No:
How long did it take to develop a new curriculum? |
_______ (Specify)
28 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
Is the training offered at different times of the day (e.g., in the evenings or weekends?) |
29 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
Is the training offered at facilities that are accessible by public transportation? |
30 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
What training modalities are used to deliver the training?
(Select all that apply). |
31 |
2.e – Training Design & Delivery |
Does the training program offer multiple entry/exit points to accommodate participants of different skill levels ? |
3. Partnerships |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
32 |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Prior to this grant, did your organization work on other grants or programs with the local workforce agency? |
33 |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Prior to this grant, did your organization work on other grants or programs with the education or training provider that is providing the training for this grant? |
34 |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Prior to this grant, did your organization work on other grants or programs with the employers that are partners in this grant? |
35b |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Does the local workforce agency have a clearly defined role in the grant?
Did the local workforce agency sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the grant program? |
36b |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Does the education/training provider have a clearly defined role in the grant?
Did the education/training provider(s) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the grant program? |
37b |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Do the employer partner(s) have a clearly defined role in the grant?
Did the employer partner(s) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the grant program? |
38b |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Does the union partner have a clearly defined role in the grant?
Did the union partner sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the grant program? |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
39b |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Does the local/state government partner have a clearly defined role in the grant?
Did the local/state government partner sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the grant program? |
40 |
3.a – Partner Relationships and Selection |
Which of the following organizations were not involved in the grant, but would have been useful to have been included as a part of the grant planning and/or implementation process?
(Select all that apply). |
41 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in program design:
42 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in developing the curriculum:
43 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in recruiting participants:
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
44 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in training delivery:
45 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in job placement:
46 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in managing the grant program:
47 |
3.b - Partner Roles and Responsibilities |
How involved were each of the following partners in developing a sustainability plan for after the grant has expired:
4. Program Management, Funding, and Sustainability |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
48 |
4.a - Leveraged Resources |
What kinds of leveraged resources did partners bring to the grant?
(Select all that apply). |
49 |
4.b - Use of Program Data |
How does the grant program collect outcomes data (e.g., employment, occupation, job retention) for program participants? |
50 |
4.b - Use of Program Data |
How does the grant program solicit feedback from program participants to make adjustments and improve the program? |
51 |
4.b - Use of Program Data |
How does the grant solicit feedback from employers to make adjustments and improve the program?
52 |
4.c - Sustainability |
Is there a formal sustainability plan for the program once the grant has expired?
If “No”, Skip to Q54 |
53 |
4.c – Sustainability |
If Q52 = Yes:
When was the sustainability plan developed? |
54 |
4.c - Sustainability |
What components of the program will be sustained?
(Select all that apply). |
55 |
4.c - Sustainability |
Once ARRA funding has been exhausted, what funding source(s) will sustain the program? |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
56 |
4.d – Grant and Funding Administration |
Please choose the option that best describes how you feel.
The process for the approval of grant expenditures: |
57 |
4.d – Grant and Funding Administration |
Please indicate the type(s) of technical assistance on grant administration provided to you by DOL:
(Select all that apply). |
5. Program Outcomes |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
58 |
5.a – Outcomes Achieved |
In addition to the outcome goals/performance requirements outlined in the SGA, were any additional goals established for this grant program?
If “No”, Skip to Q60 |
59 |
5.a – Outcomes Achieved |
If Q58=Yes:
Please list the additional goals established for this grant program. (open-ended) |
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ |
60 |
5.a – Outcomes Achieved |
In what outcome areas has the grant program been most effective in meeting its goals?
(Select all that apply). |
61 |
5.a – Outcomes Achieved |
In what outcome areas has the grant program been least effective in meeting its goals?
(Select all that apply). |
62 |
5.b – Career Pathways and Certifications |
Does the training help participants get onto a career pathway that allows for future advancement? |
63 |
5.b – Career Pathways and Certifications |
Does the training result in industry-recognized certifications or credentials? |
64 |
5.b – Career Pathways and Certifications |
Does the training result in stackable certifications/credentials? |
65 |
5.b – Career Pathways and Certifications |
Does the training result in portable certifications/credentials? |
6. Program Replicability and Lessons Learned |
# |
Research Question Related to |
Survey Question |
Potential Answers |
66 |
5.a – Outcomes Achieved |
Have the local economic conditions created challenges in achieving program goals? |
67 |
6.b – Lessons Learned |
In which of the following areas has the program faced challenges in implementation?
(Select all that apply).
If “None of the Above”, do not answer Q68 or Q69. |
68 |
6.b – Lessons Learned |
Have changes been made to the service delivery model to address these challenges?
If “No”, do not answer Q69. |
69 |
6.b – Lessons Learned |
If Q68 = Yes:
Please describe the changes made.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
IMPAQ International Page
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Green Jobs and |
Author | msacchetti |
Last Modified By | Naradzay.Bonnie |
File Modified | 2012-03-09 |
File Created | 2012-03-08 |