Model Instance Name: |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) |
MID: |
ptxE5gN0Bw5lhNQIE9Z4ZA== |
Date: |
1/20/2011 |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) MODEL QUESTION LIST |
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts |
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction) |
Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Satisfaction |
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
1 |
Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site. |
17 |
What is your overall satisfaction with this site? |
20 |
How likely are you to return to this site? |
2 |
Please rate the convenience of the features on this site. |
18 |
How well does this site meet your expectations? |
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
3 |
Please rate the variety of features on this site. |
19 |
How well does this site compare with your idea of an ideal website? |
21 |
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else? |
Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
4 |
Please rate the visual appeal of this site. |
22 |
How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for regulations under development? |
5 |
Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. |
Regulatory Participation (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
6 |
Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. |
23 |
How likely are you to participate in the regulatory process in the future? |
Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree) |
7 |
Please rate how well the site is organized. |
24 |
I can count on this site to act in my best interests. |
8 |
Please rate the options available for navigating this site. |
25 |
I consider this site to be trustworthy. |
9 |
Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for. |
26 |
This site can be trusted to do what is right. |
10 |
Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site. |
Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
11 |
Please rate how quickly pages load on this site. |
12 |
Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site. |
13 |
Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site. |
Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
14 |
Please rate how thoroughly this site discloses regulatory information. |
15 |
Please rate how quickly regulatory information is made available on this site. |
16 |
Please rate how well regulatory information can be accessed by the public on this site. |
r |
Model Instance Name: |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) |
MID: |
ptxE5gN0Bw5lhNQIE9Z4ZA== |
Date: |
1/20/2011 |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) MODEL QUESTION LIST |
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts |
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction) |
Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Satisfaction |
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
1 |
Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site. |
17 |
What is your overall satisfaction with this site? |
20 |
How likely are you to return to this site? |
2 |
Please rate the convenience of the features on this site. |
18 |
How well does this site meet your expectations? |
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
3 |
Please rate the variety of features on this site. |
19 |
How well does this site compare with your idea of an ideal website? |
21 |
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else? |
Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
4 |
Please rate the visual appeal of this site. |
22 |
How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for regulations under development? |
5 |
Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. |
Regulatory Participation (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
6 |
Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. |
23 |
How likely are you to use participate in the regulatory process in the future? |
Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree) |
7 |
Please rate how well the site is organized. |
24 |
I can count on this site to act in my best interests. |
8 |
Please rate the options available for navigating this site. |
25 |
I consider this site to be trustworthy. |
9 |
Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for. |
26 |
This site can be trusted to do what is right. |
10 |
Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site. |
Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
11 |
Please rate how quickly pages load on this site. |
12 |
Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site. |
13 |
Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site. |
Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
14 |
Please rate how thoroughly this site discloses regulatory information. |
15 |
Please rate how quickly regulatory information is made available on this site. |
16 |
Please rate how well regulatory information can be accessed by the public on this site. |
r |
Model Instance Name: |
red & strike-through: DELETE |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER |
MID: ptxE5gN0Bw5lhNQIE9Z4ZA== |
pink: ADDITION |
Date: |
1/20/2011 |
blue + -->: REWORDING |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) CUSTOM QUESTION LIST |
Skip Logic Label |
Question Text |
Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to |
Type (select from list) |
Single or Multi |
Required Y/N |
Special Instructions |
CQ Label |
EDO09253 |
How frequently do you visit |
First time |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Visit Freq |
Daily or more often |
About once a week |
About once a month |
Less than once a month, but more than once a year |
Once a year or less |
EDO09254 |
What is your role in visiting this visit? |
Government employee (Federal) |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Role |
Government employee (State, Local, or Tribal) |
Academic/Researcher |
Employee at a company/organization affected by Federal regulations |
Employee at a company/organization that participates in the Federal regulatory process |
General public |
News media |
Other (please specify): |
A |
EDO09255 |
A |
Other Role |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Role |
EDO09256 |
How did you find out about the web site? |
Search engine |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
OPS Group |
Find Out |
Link from another web site |
Newspaper, magazine, or other publication |
Word of mouth |
Don't know |
Other (please specify information source): |
B |
EDO09257 |
B |
Other Source |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Find Out |
EDO09258 |
Which of the following resources, if any, were you specifically looking for this visit? (Please select all that apply.) |
The most recent Unified Agenda or Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Resources |
Previous Unified Agenda(s) |
Previous Regulatory Plan(s) |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Related Links |
The Reg Map |
Other (please specify): |
C |
EDO09259 |
C |
Other Resources |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Resources |
EDO09260 |
Did you accomplish what you wanted to on the site today? |
Yes |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Accomplished Goal |
No |
A,B |
EDO09261 |
A |
Please tell us about the information you could not find. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Did Not Find |
EDO09262 |
B |
What do you intend to do next to find the information you need? |
Continue looking on |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Do Next |
Come back to later |
Look elsewhere online |
E-mail |
Give up |
Other (please specify): |
D |
EDO09263 |
D |
Please tell us what you intend to do next. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Do Next |
EDO09264 |
What sections of the web site did you view during this visit? (Please select all that apply.) |
The Unified Agenda and the Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Sections Visited |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Related Links |
The Reg Map |
Other |
Not Sure |
EDO09265 |
Please describe your experience with navigation on this web site. |
I had no difficulty navigating this site |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Navigation |
Too many links or navigational choices |
Links did not take me where I expected |
I experienced broken links, error messages, or other technical difficulties |
I was able to navigate to the general area, but could not find the specific content I needed |
Other navigational issue (please specify): |
E |
EDO09266 |
E |
Other Navigation Experience |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Navigation |
EDO09267 |
Did you use a search tool this visit? |
Yes |
A,B |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search |
No |
Not Sure |
EDO09268 |
A |
Which section(s) of the site did you search? |
The Unified Agenda and the Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search - Section |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Not Sure |
EDO09269 |
B |
Please describe your search experience. |
I had no difficulty searching on this site |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search - Experience |
Search returned too many results |
Search returned too few results |
Search returned no results |
I received an error message |
Results were not pertinent to my search criteria |
The response time was too long |
Other search issue (please specify): |
F |
EDO09270 |
F |
Please describe the issue you experienced with the search tool. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Search Exp |
EDO09271 |
Did you interact with the bar or pie chart featured on the homepage today? |
Yes |
A,D |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Dashboard |
No |
Not Sure |
EDO09272 |
A |
Please tell us what you thought of these charts. |
I found them useful/interesting |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Dashboard Opinion |
I found them interesting, but they did not pertain to the information I was looking for today |
I did not understand the information that was shown |
I felt they took up too much space on the page |
None of the above |
EDO09273 |
D |
Please provide any additional feedback regarding the bar and pie charts. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
OE_Dashboard |
EDO09274 |
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our site? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Improvements |
Model Instance Name: |
red & strike-through: DELETE |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER |
MID: ptxE5gN0Bw5lhNQIE9Z4ZA== |
pink: ADDITION |
Date: |
1/20/2011 |
blue + -->: REWORDING |
RegInfo v2 (Client: Regulatory Information Service Center) CUSTOM QUESTION LIST |
Skip Logic Label |
Question Text |
Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to |
Type (select from list) |
Single or Multi |
Required Y/N |
Special Instructions |
CQ Label |
EDO09253 |
How frequently do you visit |
First time |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Visit Freq |
Daily or more often |
About once a week |
About once a month |
Less than once a month, but more than once a year |
Once a year or less |
EDO09254 |
What is your role in visiting this visit? |
Government employee (Federal) |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Role |
Government employee (State, Local, or Tribal) |
Academic/Researcher |
Employee at a company/organization affected by Federal regulations |
Employee at a company/organization that participates in the Federal regulatory process |
General public |
News media |
Other (please specify): |
A |
EDO09255 |
A |
Other Role |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Role |
EDO09256 |
How did you find out about the web site? |
Search engine |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
OPS Group |
Find Out |
Link from another web site |
Newspaper, magazine, or other publication |
Word of mouth |
Don't know |
Other (please specify information source): |
B |
EDO09257 |
B |
Other Source |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Find Out |
EDO09258 |
Which of the following resources, if any, were you specifically looking for this visit? (Please select all that apply.) |
The most recent Unified Agenda or Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Resources |
Previous Unified Agenda(s) |
Previous Regulatory Plan(s) |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Related Links |
The Reg Map |
Other (please specify): |
C |
EDO09259 |
C |
Other Resources |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Resources |
EDO09260 |
Did you accomplish what you wanted to on the site today? |
Yes |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Accomplished Goal |
No |
A,B |
EDO09261 |
A |
Please tell us about the information you could not find. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Did Not Find |
EDO09262 |
B |
What do you intend to do next to find the information you need? |
Continue looking on |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Do Next |
Come back to later |
Look elsewhere online |
E-mail |
Give up |
Other (please specify): |
D |
EDO09263 |
D |
Please tell us what you intend to do next. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Do Next |
EDO09264 |
What sections of the web site did you view during this visit? (Please select all that apply.) |
The Unified Agenda and the Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Sections Visited |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Related Links |
The Reg Map |
Other |
Not Sure |
EDO09265 |
Please describe your experience with navigation on this web site. |
I had no difficulty navigating this site |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
Navigation |
Too many links or navigational choices |
Links did not take me where I expected |
I experienced broken links, error messages, or other technical difficulties |
I was able to navigate to the general area, but could not find the specific content I needed |
Other navigational issue (please specify): |
E |
EDO09266 |
E |
Other Navigation Experience |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
Other Navigation |
EDO09267 |
Did you use a search tool this visit? |
Yes |
A,B |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search |
No |
Not Sure |
EDO09268 |
A |
Which section(s) of the site did you search? |
The Unified Agenda and the Regulatory Plan |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search - Section |
Regulatory Reviews |
Information Collection Reviews |
Not Sure |
EDO09269 |
B |
Please describe your search experience. |
I had no difficulty searching on this site |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search - Experience |
Search returned too many results |
Search returned too few results |
Search returned no results |
I received an error message |
Results were not pertinent to my search criteria |
The response time was too long |
Other search issue (please specify): |
F |
EDO09270 |
F |
Please describe the issue you experienced with the search tool. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Search Exp |
EDO09271 |
Did you interact with the bar or pie chart featured on the homepage today? |
Yes |
A,D |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Dashboard |
No |
Not Sure |
EDO09272 |
A |
Please tell us what you thought of these charts. |
I found them useful/interesting |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Dashboard Opinion |
I found them interesting, but they did not pertain to the information I was looking for today |
I did not understand the information that was shown |
I felt they took up too much space on the page |
None of the above |
EDO09273 |
D |
Please provide any additional feedback regarding the bar and pie charts. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
OE_Dashboard |
EDO09274 |
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our site? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Improvements |