Measures Name/Client name (CQs and Answer choices) | ||||||||||
AHRQ Quality Measures | ||||||||||
How frequently do you visit this site? | This is my first visit | |||||||||
Every few months or less often | ||||||||||
Once a month | ||||||||||
Once a week | ||||||||||
Several times a week | ||||||||||
Daily/more than once a day | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
Please indicate your primary reason for visiting the NQMC site today. (Select one.) | Nothing in particular (just browsing) | |||||||||
Find a specific quality measure(s) | ||||||||||
Review the newest quality measures to keep myself current | ||||||||||
Determine the quality measures available on a specific topic/issue/domain, etc. | ||||||||||
View tutorials on quality measurement | ||||||||||
Access the HHS Measure Inventory (a separate repository within NQMC) | ||||||||||
For academic or health services research | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | ||||||||||
Specify your other reason for visiting the NQMC site today. | ||||||||||
Did you find the information you were looking for today? | Yes | |||||||||
Partially | ||||||||||
No | ||||||||||
I was not looking for anything in particular/ I was just browsing | ||||||||||
What were you looking for that you were unable to find? | ||||||||||
Please describe your experience with navigation (clicking on links and buttons) on this site today. | I had no difficulty browsing on this site. | |||||||||
Could not navigate back to previous information | ||||||||||
Would often feel lost, not know where I was | ||||||||||
Links did not take me where I expected | ||||||||||
Links/labels are difficult to understand | ||||||||||
Too many links or navigational choices | ||||||||||
Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken link) | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | ||||||||||
What other navigation experience did you have today? | ||||||||||
If you used the search/text box feature of the site today to find your information, what was your experience with the search functionality? | I did not encounter any difficulties | |||||||||
Search results were not helpful | ||||||||||
Returned too many results | ||||||||||
Returned not enough results | ||||||||||
Returned no results | ||||||||||
Returned results that were too similar/redundant | ||||||||||
Results were not relevant to my search | ||||||||||
I did not use the search feature today | ||||||||||
Other search experience | ||||||||||
What other search experience did you have today? | ||||||||||
Which of the following best describes you? | ||||||||||
Physician/Physician Assistant | ||||||||||
Nurse/Nurse Practitioner | ||||||||||
Other Health Care Provider | ||||||||||
Consumer/General Public | ||||||||||
Health Researcher/Analyst | ||||||||||
Educator/Student | ||||||||||
Health Administrator | ||||||||||
Health Care IT/CDS Implementer | ||||||||||
Health Insurer | ||||||||||
Librarian/Information Specialist | ||||||||||
Media/Press | ||||||||||
Measure Developer | ||||||||||
Public Sector Health Care Purchaser/Employer or Policymaker | ||||||||||
Private Sector Health Care Purchaser or Benefits Manager | ||||||||||
Federal/State/Local Policymaker | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | ||||||||||
Specify other role. | ||||||||||
Which of the following best represents your primary institutional affiliation? | Hospital | |||||||||
Ambulatory care facility | ||||||||||
Home care service | ||||||||||
Physician's office | ||||||||||
Rehabilitation facility | ||||||||||
Residential facility (assisted living facility, nursing home) | ||||||||||
Private health plan or health insurance organization | ||||||||||
Health care professional organization | ||||||||||
Government agency (federal, state or local) | ||||||||||
Quality oversight organization | ||||||||||
University or other academic institution | ||||||||||
Consumer or patient advocacy organization | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | ||||||||||
Specify other primary institutional affiliation. | ||||||||||
How would you describe your level of familiarity with quality measurement? | Very familiar | |||||||||
Somewhat familiar | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Somewhat unfamiliar | ||||||||||
Very unfamiliar | ||||||||||
Please indicate how you or your organization plans to use quality measures. (Select one) | Assess/compare the quality of clinical providers | |||||||||
Identify/prioritize issues in health care quality | ||||||||||
Determine financial payments to clinical providers | ||||||||||
Evaluate a program/intervention's effectiveness | ||||||||||
For academic research | ||||||||||
For personal research | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | ||||||||||
I do not plan to use quality measures at this time | ||||||||||
Specify other plan for using quality measures. | ||||||||||
If you plan to measure performance, which of the following settings or types of providers are your most important focus? (Select all that apply.) | I am not planning to measure performance | |||||||||
Primary care | ||||||||||
Specialty providers | ||||||||||
Hospitals | ||||||||||
Long-term or rehabilitation facilities | ||||||||||
Health insurance plans | ||||||||||
Public health or community-based programs | ||||||||||
Other, please spcify | ||||||||||
Specify other important focus. | ||||||||||
If you could make one change to the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Web site, what would it be? | ||||||||||
OPM Manager | ||||||||||
EDO06400 | T | What DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Bureau/Department Component/OPDIV do you work for? | CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Group | |||
IHS – Aberdeen Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Alaska Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Albuquerque Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Bemidji Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Billings Area | ||||||||||
IHS – California Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Headquarters (Rockville, Dallas, Albuquerque, Seattle) | ||||||||||
IHS – Nashville Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Navajo Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Oklahoma Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Phoenix Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Portland Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Tucson Area | ||||||||||
IHS – Other | ||||||||||
PBGC | ||||||||||
New | Would you like PBGC to contact you regarding your response? | Yes | A | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Contact | ||
No | ||||||||||
New | A | Please provide the following information, and a PBGC representative will contact you. Name: (First/Last Name) |
Text field, <100 char | S | N | Name | ||||
New | A | Email: (e.g. | Text field, <100 char | S | N | |||||
New | A | Telephone: (e.g. 555-555-5555) | Text field, <100 char | S | N | Telephone | ||||
New | A | Best weekday to be reached: | Monday | Drop down, select one | S | N | Best Day to Reach | |||
Tuesday | ||||||||||
Wednesday | ||||||||||
Thursday | ||||||||||
Friday | ||||||||||
New | A | Best time to be reached: | 9 - 10 AM (EST) | Drop down, select one | S | N | Best hour to Reach | |||
10 - 11 AM (EST) | ||||||||||
11 - 12 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
12 - 1 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
1 - 2 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
2 - 3 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
3 - 4 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
4 - 5 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
5 - 6 PM (EST) | ||||||||||
New | A | Type of assistance requested from PBGC: | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Assistance requested | ||||
BLS Full Site | ||||||||||
What information were you primarily looking for on this website when our survey appeared? | The Occupational Outlook Handbook | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Primary Info Seeking | ||||
Inflation or Price Information | ||||||||||
Pay or Benefits Information | ||||||||||
Employment or Unemployment Information | ||||||||||
Productivity Information | ||||||||||
Workplace Health or Safety Information | ||||||||||
Nothing Specific | ||||||||||
Something Else | A | |||||||||
A | Please tell us what you were looking for | Text field, <100 char | Other_Primary Info | |||||||
How would you prefer to find information on this website? | Navigate to the information | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | How Prefer Find Info | |||||
Use an A-Z index | ||||||||||
Search for the information with a search engine | ||||||||||
What would most improve navigation or the layout on this website? | Using a more graphical interface to find information | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | How Improve Nav | ||||
A brochure that describes all BLS products and how to find them | ||||||||||
Simplifying the homepage | ||||||||||
Consolidating/using fewer links | ||||||||||
Something else | B | |||||||||
B | Please tell us what would most improve navigation or the layout of this website | Text field, <100 char | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_How Most Improve Nav | |||||
What would most improve the search function on this website? | Filtering search results by topic, year, geography, etc. | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | How Improve Search | ||||
Having the search box offer search suggestions as you begin to type | ||||||||||
Providing suggestions on related search-terms or sources of information | ||||||||||
The search function worked effectively | ||||||||||
I did not use the search function | ||||||||||
I'm not sure what would improve the search function | ||||||||||
Something Else | C | |||||||||
C | Please tell us what would most improve the search function on this website | Text field, <100 char | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_How Most Improve Search | |||||
Was the information on this website easy to understand? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Info Understandable | |||||
Somewhat | ||||||||||
No | ||||||||||
AED07464 | Which one of the following BEST describes you? | Accounting, Contracting, or Payroll Professional | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | N Y | OPS Group | Best Describes | |||
Employer or Business Owner, or CEO/COO | ||||||||||
Information Technology Professional IT/IS professional, or Librarian | ||||||||||
Healthcare Professional | ||||||||||
Employment Law, Safety, Healthcare, or Insurance Specialist | ||||||||||
Journalist | ||||||||||
Marketing or Sales Professional | ||||||||||
Economist or Social Scientist | ||||||||||
Financial Professional/Analyst | ||||||||||
Student: Elementary, Middle or High School Level | ||||||||||
Student: College or Graduate Level | ||||||||||
K-12 Teacher, Professor, or School Counselor Educational Faculty, Adviser, or Administrator | ||||||||||
Unemployed Job-Seeker, or Changing Careers Changing Careers or Unemployed Jobseeker | ||||||||||
Parent Assisting Children | ||||||||||
Private Citizen Seeking Information (visit is not career-related) | ||||||||||
Other (please specify): | P | |||||||||
AED07465 | P | Other best describes Please tell us what best describes your occupation | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OE_Best Describes | ||||
How satisfied are you with the products and information provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics? | Very satisfied | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Sat with BLS Products and Info | |||||
Somewhat satisfied | ||||||||||
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | ||||||||||
Somewhat dissatisfied | ||||||||||
Very dissatisfied | ||||||||||
US MINT | ||||||||||
MMW0986 | A | What types of activities do you use your mobile device for? (Please select all that apply) | MMW0986A01 | Checkbox, one-up vertical | M | Y | Skip Logic Group | Mobile Activities Preference | ||
MMW0986A02 | ||||||||||
MMW0986A03 | ||||||||||
Sending or receiving text messages | ||||||||||
Reading emails | ||||||||||
Browsing websites | ||||||||||
Making phone calls | ||||||||||
Viewing and/or taking pictures | ||||||||||
Viewing and/or taking videos | ||||||||||
Internet browsing (searching information or reading news or articles, etc.) | ||||||||||
Completing web based transactions (i.e., banking, purchase merchandise, purchase services, etc.) | ||||||||||
Audio streaming | ||||||||||
Video streaming | ||||||||||
Playing Games | ||||||||||
MMW0986A04 | None of the above | |||||||||
B | Have you ever accessed the U.S. Mint site from your mobile device? | Yes | E | Checkbox, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accessed US Mint from mobile | ||
No | ||||||||||
E | What information were you looking for when accessing the U.S. Mint site from your mobile device? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Info wanted on site from mobile | ||||
C | If the U.S. Mint created a mobile site, what information would you like to see on the site? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Info want on mobile site | ||||
Did you add an item to your shopping cart today? | Yes, I did | A | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Add Item to Cart | |||
No, I did not | B | |||||||||
A | Did you make a purchase on the U.S. Mint site ? | Yes, I did | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Make a Purchase | |||
No, I did not | C | |||||||||
B | Why did you not add an item to your shopping cart today? | I did not come to the site with the intent to purchase | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Make a Purchase | |||
The item I wanted to purchase is not available/not released yet | ||||||||||
I need more information before purchasing | ||||||||||
I did not understand how to add a product to my shopping cart | ||||||||||
I had a technical error when trying to add an item to my shopping cart | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | D | |||||||||
D | Please describe why you did you not add an item to your shopping cart today? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Did not Add Item to Cart | ||||
C | What was the primary reason for not purchasing the item(s) in your cart? | Just browsing / not sure if I really want the item | T | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Logic Group | Did not Purchase Reason | ||
Need more information before purchasing | BB | |||||||||
Product is not available/not released yet | ||||||||||
Price is too expensive | ||||||||||
Shipping cost is too expensive | ||||||||||
Trouble entering my shipping/billing address | CC | |||||||||
Technical error while trying to purchase | E | |||||||||
Other, please specify: | G | |||||||||
G | Other reason for not purchasing: | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Other Reason Not Purchase | ||||
T | What additional information could we provide to help you make a decision? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Add Info Help Decision | ||||
BB | What additional information would you like to have before making a purchase? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Add Info Before Purchase | ||||
CC | What kind of trouble did you have? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Trouble | ||||
E | What kind of technical error or issue did you experience? | Text area, no char limit | S | N | Skip Logic Group | Technical Error | ||||
When do you plan on making a purchase from the U.S. Mint website? | Today | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Purchase Timing | |||||
In the next week | ||||||||||
In the next month | ||||||||||
In the next 1-3 months | ||||||||||
As soon as the product I am looking for is released | ||||||||||
Never | ||||||||||
MMW0984A03 | Not Sure | |||||||||
TRICARE | ||||||||||
MMM00061 | Which of the following best describes your main reason for visiting our Web site today? | Find out what’s covered | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Randomize | ||||
Look up costs | ||||||||||
Find a military or civilian doctor | ||||||||||
Make an appointment | ||||||||||
Referral | ||||||||||
Find contact information | ||||||||||
Find claims information | ||||||||||
Find enrollment information | ||||||||||
Pharmacy | ||||||||||
Check eligibility | ||||||||||
Update personal information | ||||||||||
Learn about the plans / options | ||||||||||
Look for health/wellness information | ||||||||||
Other (please explain) | A | |||||||||
NEW | 2A | Please describe your experience with the site's search feature. | Very helpful | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | No | ||||
Somewhat helpful | 3A, 3B | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | 3A, 3B | |||||||||
ACQOsl0002177 | H, 3A, 3B | What key word(s) did you use to search? | Text area, no char limit | No | SKIP LOGIC GROUP | |||||
NEW | 3A, 3B | What information were you searching for on the site? | Text area, no char limit | |||||||
New | Which of the following professional groups should NGS engage with, in addition to the surveying community? | Emergency responders | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Professional Groups | |||
Energy producers | ||||||||||
Agriculture | ||||||||||
Coastal management | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify any other professional groups NGS should engage with. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Professional Groups | ||||
New | Which geodesy / remote sensing topics should NGS explain better, or provide tutorials on? | Shoreline; the role of geodesy and remote sensing in ensuring safe navigation | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Geodesy or Sensing Topics | |||
Crustal and land movement; the role of geodesy and remote sensing in updating positions where significant crustal and land movement occurs | ||||||||||
Geographic Information Systems (GIS); the role of geodetic control in GIS | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify the topics NGS should explain better. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Geodesy or Sensing Topics | ||||
New | Regarding accurate positioning, what is the most important issue or challenge in your profession? | Obtaining geodetic control in the field | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Accurate pos issue | |||
Identifying land subsidence or uplift sea-level changes | ||||||||||
identifying shoreline ore sea-level changes | ||||||||||
Defining the relationship between land elevations and water levels | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify the most important accurate positioning issue or challenge in your profession. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Accurate Pos Issue | ||||
New | What is the primary reason passive survey control marks (e.g., bench marks) are important to your work? | Using these marks is required by federal, state, or local requirements | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Survey Controls Impt | |||
Using these marks is included in contract terms | ||||||||||
I can't depend on satellite systems being available in the areas where I work | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify why passive survey control marks are important to your work. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Survey Controls impt | ||||
New | Which of the following primarily drives your accuracy needs? | Legal requirements | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Drives Accuracy Needs | |||
Scale of what I am measuring requires high accuracy | ||||||||||
I want the highest accuracy possible | ||||||||||
I don’t have high accuracy requirements; within a few feet is good enough. | ||||||||||
not applicable – I am visiting this site for other reasons | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify what primarily drives your accuracy needs. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Drives Accuracy Needs | ||||
New | Which of the following best describes the datum realization you are most likely to use? | I use whatever datum realization my original dataset is in. | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic | Datum Realization | |||
I use the most recent datum realization. | ||||||||||
I use the datum realization I am most comfortable with. | ||||||||||
I do not make a distinction between datum realizations. | ||||||||||
not applicable – I am visiting this site for other reasons | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
New | A | Please specify the datum realization you are most likely to use. | Text area, No Limit | Single | N | OE_Datum Realization | ||||
NAIAD | ||||||||||
SAC4023 | Please rank the top 3 factors that brought you to the website today. (Rank 1 = Most important) Rank 1 |
SAC4023A001 | Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Rank Group | SV - Rank 1 | ||
SAC4023A002 | Video I saw on YouTube | |||||||||
SAC4023A003 | Internet blogs or discussion forums | Adjust Template/Style Sheet | ||||||||
SAC4023A004 | Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter) | Randomize | ||||||||
SAC4023A005 | Message directly from NIAID on a social network | |||||||||
SAC4023A006 | Mobile phone text messages or alerts | |||||||||
SAC4023A007 | Instant Message from a friend or colleague | |||||||||
SAC4023A008 | Familiarity with site/organization | |||||||||
SAC4023A009 | Email Alerts | |||||||||
SAC4023A010 | Search engine results | |||||||||
SAC4023A011 | Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know | |||||||||
SAC4023A012 | TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising | |||||||||
SAC4023A013 | Internet advertising | |||||||||
SAC4023A014 | Link from another website | |||||||||
SAC4023A015 | Don't know | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
SAC4023A016 | Other | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
SAC4024 | Rank 2 | SAC4024A001 | Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Rank Group | SV - Rank 2 | ||
SAC4024A002 | Video I saw on YouTube | |||||||||
SAC4024A003 | Internet blogs or discussion forums | Adjust Template/Style Sheet | ||||||||
SAC4024A004 | Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter) | Randomize | ||||||||
SAC4024A005 | Message directly from NIAID on a social network | |||||||||
SAC4024A006 | Mobile phone text messages or alerts | |||||||||
SAC4024A007 | Instant Message from a friend or colleague | |||||||||
SAC4024A008 | Familiarity with site/organization | |||||||||
SAC4024A009 | Email Alerts | |||||||||
SAC4024A010 | Search engine results | |||||||||
SAC4024A011 | Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know | |||||||||
SAC4024A012 | TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising | |||||||||
SAC4024A013 | Internet advertising | |||||||||
SAC4024A014 | Link from another website | |||||||||
SAC4024A015 | Don't know | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
SAC4024A016 | Other | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
SAC4025 | Rank 3 | SAC4025A001 | Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Rank Group | SV - Rank 3 | ||
SAC4025A002 | Video I saw on YouTube | |||||||||
SAC4025A003 | Internet blogs or discussion forums | Adjust Template/Style Sheet | ||||||||
SAC4025A004 | Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter) | Randomize | ||||||||
SAC4025A005 | Message directly from NIAID on a social network | |||||||||
SAC4025A006 | Mobile phone text messages or alerts | |||||||||
SAC4025A007 | Instant Message from a friend or colleague | |||||||||
SAC4025A008 | Familiarity with site/organization | |||||||||
SAC4025A009 | Email Alerts | |||||||||
SAC4025A010 | Search engine results | |||||||||
SAC4025A011 | Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know | |||||||||
SAC4025A012 | TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising | |||||||||
SAC4025A013 | Internet advertising | |||||||||
SAC4025A014 | Link from another website | |||||||||
SAC4025A015 | Don't know | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
SAC4025A016 | Other | Anchor Answer Choice | |||||||| | ||||||||||
ALM0164 | Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? | Yes | Radio Button One Up Vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | ||||
No | A, B | |||||||||
A | Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today? | Text field, <100 char | N | Not able to accomplish | ||||||
B | Did you, or do you plan to, contact any of the following for help with what you could not accomplish today? | Yes, the helpdesk | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | N | |||||
Yes, a specific department/agency directly | ||||||||||
No, I do not plan to contact any of the above resources | ||||||||||
No, I give up on trying to accomplish my task | ||||||||||
CWS01245 | B | Please tell us about your other experience. --> Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | |||||
FDA | ||||||||||
Please rate how well the search result descriptions helped you decide which one to select. | Model Question | |||||||||
Please rate how well the search results provided the information needed to narrow or refocus your search. | Model Question | |||||||||
Palmetto J1 MAC | ||||||||||
NEW | Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply. | No, I have not | SKIP G | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Yes | Skip Group | Connected | ||
YouTube | ||||||||||
Mobile apps | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | SHIP H | |||||||||
NEW | SKIP H | Please specify the social network. | Text area, no char limit | No | Skip Group | Specify Network | ||||
NEW | SKIP G | Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | No | Skip Group | Direct To SCP | |||
No | ||||||||||
Palmetto GBA Railroad | ||||||||||
NEW | Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply. | No, I have not | SKIP G | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Yes | Skip Group | Connected | ||
YouTube | ||||||||||
Mobile apps | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | SKIP H | |||||||||
NEW | SKIP H | Please specify the social network. | Text area, no char limit | No | Skip Group | Specify Network | ||||
NEW | SKIP G | Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | No | Skip Group | Direct To SCP | |||
No | ||||||||||
Palmetto GBA J11 | ||||||||||
NEW | Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply. | No, I have not | SKIP K | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Yes | Skip Group | Connected | ||
YouTube | ||||||||||
Mobile apps | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | SKIP L | |||||||||
NEW | SKIP L | Please specify the social network. | Text area, no char limit | No | Skip Group | Specify Network | ||||
NEW | SKIP K | Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | No | Skip Group | Direct To SCP | |||
No | ||||||||||
IRS Sat Survey v2 | ||||||||||
CWS05373 | Which category best describes you? Are you …? | An individual taxpayer | B | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip logic | Role | ||
Representing a business | D | |||||||||
Representing a charity or non-profit organization | ||||||||||
Representing a government entity | ||||||||||
A tax professional (i.e. accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.) | ||||||||||
An academic/researcher | ||||||||||
Military | ||||||||||
Retirement fund administrator | ||||||||||
An IRS employee | ||||||||||
A VITA/TCE volunteer | ||||||||||
Other | ||||||||||
B | Please specify your individual taxpayer role. | Employee | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Individual | ||||
Self employed | ||||||||||
International taxpayer | ||||||||||
Parent | ||||||||||
Student | ||||||||||
Senior and/or retiree | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | C | |||||||||
C | Other individual role: | Text field, <100 char | N | Other individual | ||||||
D | Please specify your business type. | Corporation | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Business | ||||
Partnership | ||||||||||
International business | ||||||||||
Small business & self employed | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | E | |||||||||
E | Other business type: | Text field, <100 char | N | Other business | ||||||
What area/section of the site are you primarily visiting today? | Filing | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Area Visited | |||||
Payments | ||||||||||
Refunds | ||||||||||
Credits & Deductions | ||||||||||
News & Events | ||||||||||
Forms & Publications | ||||||||||
Help & Resources | ||||||||||
For Tax Professionals | ||||||||||
Hot Topics | ||||||||||
Tools | ||||||||||
Social Media | ||||||||||
Other | ||||||||||
CWS05375 | What is your primary reason for coming to the website today? | Download a current tax form, publication, or instructions | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip logic | Reason | |||
Filing a return | ||||||||||
Payment plan | ||||||||||
Refund status | ||||||||||
General tax information | A | |||||||||
Amended tax return status | ||||||||||
Prior year tax form, publication, or instructions | ||||||||||
Ordering forms from the IRS | ||||||||||
Tax return or account transcript | ||||||||||
Mailing addresses for tax forms | ||||||||||
e-file information | ||||||||||
e-file PIN | ||||||||||
Free File information | C,D | |||||||||
Tax calculators/worksheets | ||||||||||
e-Services | ||||||||||
PTIN | B | |||||||||
EIN | ||||||||||
Tax regulations or written determinations | ||||||||||
Revenue rulings or court cases | ||||||||||
Tax statistics | ||||||||||
Link and Learn (VITA/TCE) training | ||||||||||
Contact information | ||||||||||
Subscription sign-up | ||||||||||
Non-English language information | ||||||||||
Latest news releases | ||||||||||
IRS social media tools | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
CWS05376 | A | If you answered "Other" or "Obtain general tax information" as a primary reason, please specify. | Text area, no char limit | N | Other reason/general info | |||||
CWS05379 | Including today, how many times did you contact the IRS about your Primary Reason for using | Once (today was the first time) | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | # contacted IRS | ||||
Twice | ||||||||||
Three times | ||||||||||
Four or more Times | ||||||||||
CWS05383 | How did you find information on our website today? (Please mark all that apply.) | search | B,C,E | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip logic | Method | ||
Advanced search | B,C,E | |||||||||
Forms and publications area | B,C,E | |||||||||
Site navigation | B,C,E | |||||||||
Links on a page | B,C,E | |||||||||
Site Map | B,C,E | |||||||||
Bookmarks | ||||||||||
Internet search engine (e.g., Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.) | ||||||||||
Links to from other websites | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
CWS05384 | A | Please specify other method. | Text field, <100 char | N | Other method | |||||
CWS05385 | B | What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on the IRS website? | Text area, no char limit | N | Search terms | |||||
CWS05386 | C | If you performed a search on today, what type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter? (Please choose one response only.) | Delivered the expected results | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | N | Search diff | |||
Top recommendations were helpful | ||||||||||
Auto-complete feature was helpful | ||||||||||
Too many results returned | ||||||||||
No results returned | ||||||||||
Results irrelevant to search terms | ||||||||||
Unsure of search terms to use | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | D | |||||||||
CWS05387 | D | If you answered "Other" above, please specify other search difficulty. | Text area, no char limit | N | Other search diff | |||||
CWS05388 | E | What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation on the IRS website? (Please choose one response only.) | Navigation worked as expected | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | N | Navigation diff | |||
Navigation terms were intuitive | ||||||||||
Banners and promotions were appropriate/useful | ||||||||||
Consistent page elements (header and footer) made navigation easier | ||||||||||
First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive | ||||||||||
Expected links were not present on Web pages | ||||||||||
Links did not take me where I expected | ||||||||||
Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult | ||||||||||
Navigation was not helpful | ||||||||||
Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.) | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | F | |||||||||
FDA | ||||||||||
In addition to visiting the FDA site, what other sites might you visit to find the information you are looking for? | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Additional Sites | ||||||
PBGC | ||||||||||
SAC4233 | Which best describes you? | United Airlines worker or retiree | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip logic group | Role | |||
SAC4233A001 | Worker or retiree | |||||||||
SAC4233A002 | Widow(er) or spouse or beneficiary | |||||||||
SAC4233A003 | Researcher or student | |||||||||
SAC4233A004 | Practitioner or pension professional | |||||||||
SAC4233A005 | Media or press representative | |||||||||
SAC4233A006 | Trade association or business organization | |||||||||
SAC4233A007 | Other (please specify) | A | ||||||||
SAC4234 | A | Other - best describes you: | Text field, <100 char | N | Skip logic group | OE_Role | ||||
SAC4244 | Did you search by name, company, or state in PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search? | SAC4244A001 | Yes | A | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip logic group | Missing participant list | |
SAC4244A002 | No | |||||||||
SAC4245 | A | On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate the ease of using PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search. | SAC4245A001 | 1 = Very Difficult | B | Radion button, scale, no don't know | Single | Y | Skip logic group | Ease of using MPL |
SAC4245A002 | 2 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A003 | 3 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A004 | 4 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A005 | 5 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A006 | 6 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A007 | 7 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A008 | 8 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A009 | 9 | B | ||||||||
SAC4245A010 | 10 = Very Easy | B | ||||||||
SAC4246 | B | Please tell us about your experience with PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search. (Select all that apply) | SAC4246A001 | I wasn’t sure what the list was | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip logic group | Problems with MPL | |
SAC4246A002 | I found myself or my pension plan | |||||||||
SAC4246A003 | I didn’t find myself or my pension plan | |||||||||
SAC4246A004 | Search results were helpful | |||||||||
SAC4246A005 | Search results were not helpful | |||||||||
SAC4246A006 | Returned too many results | |||||||||
SAC4246A007 | Returned not enough or zero results | |||||||||
SAC4246A008 | Other (please specify) | C | ||||||||
SAC4247 | C | Please specify your experience with PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search. | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip logic group | OE_MPL experience | ||||
SAC4235 | Why did you visit PBGC's website today? | SAC4235A001 | To find information about my pension plan | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip logic group | Purpose | ||
SAC4235A002 | To search for unclaimed pensions on PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search | |||||||||
SAC4235A003 | To log in to MyPBA (worker or retiree info) | |||||||||
SAC4235A004 | To obtain tax information or Form 1099 | Randomize | ||||||||
SAC4235A005 | To follow up on an annual funding notice I received | |||||||||
SAC4235A006 | To find premium-related information | |||||||||
SAC4235A007 | To log in to My PAA (premium-related matters) | |||||||||
SAC4235A008 | To research plan termination | |||||||||
SAC4235A009 | To find information and news about PBGC | |||||||||
SAC4235A010 | To find information on defined benefit pensions | |||||||||
SAC4235A011 | Other (please specify) | A | Pin Answer Choice | |||||||
SAC4236 | A | Other - purpose in visiting PBGC's website today: | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip logic group | OE_Purpose | ||||
PSC Offiline v2 | ||||||||||
Representative - Professionalism | Thinking about the representative you who worked with you, please rate the following: Please rate the professionalism of the representative. |
FDIC App v3 | ||||||||||
ACQwil0012243 | Which of the following web applications did you use today? (Select all that apply) | ACQwil0012243A01 | Bank Find | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | y | App Use | |||
ACQwil0012243A02 | Institution Directory | |||||||||
ACQwil0012243A03 | Summary of Deposits | |||||||||
ACQwil0012243A04 | Statistics on Depository Institutions | |||||||||
ACQwil0012243A05 | Statistics on Banking | |||||||||
ACQwil0012243A06 | Historical Statistics on Banking | |||||||||
Real Estate for Sale | ||||||||||
ACQwil0012243A07 | Other |
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |