512 EXIM 512 EXIM Final Draft Questionnaire 2-13-2012

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2012 512 EXIM Final Draft Questionnaire 2-13-2012.xlsx

488 USGS Gap Analysis - 515 SSA Electronic Access

OMB: 1090-0008

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Welcome and Thank You Text
Current Model Qsts
Current Custom Qsts

Sheet 1: Welcome and Thank You Text

Model Instance Name:



Date: 5/19/2011

Welcome and Thank You Text


This welcome text is shown at the top of the questionnaire window and the thank you text at the bottom. This is a good place to mention the site/company/agency name so the visitor knows whom they are taking the survey for. Feel free to modify the standard Welcome text shown in the box below.


Welcome Text Example

Welcome Text

Thank you for visiting The Export-Import Bank's exim.gov. You've been randomly chosen to take part in a brief survey to let us know what we're doing well and where we can improve.

Please take a few minutes to share your opinions, which are essential in helping us provide the best online experience possible.

Thank You Text Example

Thank You Text

Thank you for taking our survey - and for helping us serve you better.

Please note you will not receive a response from us based on your survey comments. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please visit the Contact Us section of our web site.

Sheet 2: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:


Partitioned (Y/N)? Et4lwBZE4RoMJwYMoUIkMQ==


Date: 1/18/2011

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the visual appeal of this site. 23 What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
26 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. 24 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. 25 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
27 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Request information (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site.

28 How likely are you to request product / service information from Ex-Im Bank in the next 6 months?
5 Please rate the quality of information on this site.

6 Please rate the freshness of content on this site.

Banking - Use more services (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

29 How likely are you to utilize additional products or services offered by Ex-Im Bank in the next 6 months?
7 Please rate how well the site is organized.

8 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

9 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

10 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
11 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.
12 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.
13 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
14 Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site.

15 Please rate the convenient placement of the features on this site.

16 Please rate the variety of features on this site.

Product Descriptions (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

17 Please rate the thoroughness of product descriptions on this site.

18 Please rate how understandable the product descriptions are on this site.

19 Please rate how well the product descriptions provide answers to your questions.

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



Date: 2/13/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

Final Draft

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label

What is your primary role in visiting the site today? Small Business Owner (non-exporting)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Role

Small Business Exporter

Other Exporter (non-small business)



Ex-Im Bank City/State Partner

International Buyer


Government Official

News Media or Researcher

Other, please specify: A

A Please specify your other primary role in visiting the site today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Role

Before visiting exim.gov, which of the following products or services were you aware that the Ex-Im Bank provided. (Please check all that apply.) Working Capital (pre-export financing)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multiple Y
Aware of Ex-Im

Export credit insurance

Loan guarantees

Direct loans (buyer financing)

Support for Small Business Exporters

None of the above

What type(s) of information were you looking for on the site today? (Please check all that apply.) How to apply for Ex-Im Bank financing
Radio button, one-up vertical Multiple Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Ex-Im Products B


Learn about Ex-Im Bank

Information on how to export

Ex-Im Bank Policies

Check the status of my application

Access Ex-Im Online Application System

News and Events

Special Initiatives

Job opportunities at Ex-Im

Finding a lender

Finding an insurance broker

Exposure Fee Information & Fee Calculators

Board or Credit Committee meeting minutes

Country Limitation Schedule (CLS)

Information on how to buy from U.S. companies

Just browsing

Other, please specify: A

A Please specify what other type of information you were looking for.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Reason_Other

B Please select what type(s) of Ex-Im Bank products you are interested in today. (Please check all that apply.) Working Capital
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multiple Y Skip Logic Group Reason_Product


Loan Guarantee

Finance Lease Guarantee

Direct Loan

Other, please specify: C

C Please specify what other type of Ex-Im Bank products you are interested in today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Reason_Product_Other

Were you able to find all the information you were looking for today? Yes 
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find Information

I wasn't looking for anything in particular

No, I wanted to find: E

E Please tell us specifically what you were unable to find or accomplish on the site:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Cannot find_OE

Please select all of the choices that were true for you as you looked for information on the website today. (Please check all that apply.) I didn't have any difficulty finding the information I wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multiple Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty finding information

I wasn't sure what to look for or exactly what I wanted

I know you have a particular product, but I couldn't find information regarding it

I found the terminology confusing

I would have like more information on the products

There was too much information

I was look for a specific document, but I couldn't find it

I would have liked more information offered in multiple languages

It took me a long time to find what I was looking for

I encountered another difficulty finding the information G

G Please specify the other kind of difficulty you encountered looking for information.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Difficulty_Other

How did you primarily find out about the Ex-Im Bank website? Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find Ex-Im

Bank email or brochure

Trade shows

Global Access Forum presentation

Lender referral

Broker referral

Colleague / friend / word of mouth

One of Ex-Im's regional offices

Other US government or state agency

Trade association or Chamber or Commerce

News article

Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Other, please specify: A

A What other method did you use to find the Ex-Im Bank website?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Find Ex-Im

How frequently do you visit this site? My first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Visit Frequency

Daily / more than once a day

Several times a week


Monthly, or less often

What sections or features of exim.gov do you find useful? (Please select all that apply.) Home Page
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Useful Sections

Small Business Support


Products & Policies

News and Events

Ex-Im Online

Find Forms


Key Industries


About Ex-Im

Country Limitation Schedule (CLS)

Exposure Fee Information & Fee Calculators

Board or Credit Committee meeting minutes

Economic Impact Notices

Brokers lists


About Ex-Im

Other, please specify other links you would like to see on the exim.gov homepage: Z

Z What other links would you like to see on the exim.gov homepage?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Useful Sections

Are you a current customer of Ex-Im Bank? Yes E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Current Customer

No B

B Have you ever been a customer of Ex-Im Bank? Yes C, E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Past Customer


C Why are you no longer a customer of Ex-Im Bank? (Please check all that apply.) Not exporting now and don't plan to export for the immediate future
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Why no longer Customer

Not exporting now, but may need your services in the future

Still exporting, but no longer need your products and services

Still exporting, but found more appropriate products and services somewhere else

Still exporting, but not using Ex-Im Bank services (not adequate or too slow)

Other, please specify: D

D Please specify another reason why you are no longer a customer of Ex-Im Bank.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_no longer customer

E Please let us know which Ex-Im Bank products / services you are or were involved with? (Please check all that apply.) Working Capital
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Program/Services


Loan Guarantee

Finance Lease Guarantee

Direct Loan

Information on how to export to other countries

Other, please specify: F

F Please specify other Ex-Im Bank products / services you are or were involved with.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Program/Services

Which of the following sources drove you to visit the site today? Please rank the top 3 (Rank 1 is most important).
Rank 1 (Required)
Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 2 (Optional) Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 3 (Optional) Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

Which if any of these EX-IM social media outlets have you visited. (Please check all that apply.) YouTube
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multiple N OPS Group Social Media EX-IM

Twitter (@EximBankUS)

LinkedIn (Export-Import Bank of the United States)


What type of internet connection do you have? Analogue (dial-up, modem)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N OPS Group Internet Connection

Broadband / high speed (cable, satellite, DSL)

Mobile broadband

Other: please specify X

Don't know

X Other internet connection

Text area, no char limit
N OPS Group OE_Internet Connection

If you could make one change to the exim.gov, what would that be?

Text area, no char limit
N OPS Group OE_One Change

Please provide a few examples of what you liked best while visiting the site today.

Text area, no char limit
N OPS Group OE_Liked Best on Site
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
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