Measures Name/Client name (CQs and Answer choices) |
Department of State V2 |
AKR5757 |
What primary method are you using to locate the information you are looking for? |
"Find it by" feature -> "Browse by" feature |
C,E,F |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
single |
y |
Skip Logic Group |
Categories on the TOP blue navigation bar (e.g. multimedia, blog, etc.) |
E |
Categories on the TOP white navigation bar (e.g. about state, policy issues, etc.) |
E |
Links in the page |
E |
Search feature on this site |
C,G |
Third-party search feature (such as Google, Yahoo, etc.) |
Other |
US Courts |
SAC2322 |
What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? |
SAC2322A001 |
Read news News from the federal Judiciary |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Primary Reason |
8 |
SAC2322A002 |
Find general General information about the Federal Courts |
SAC2322A003 |
Find your local court |
SAC2322A004 |
Find court records or case information |
SAC2322A005 |
Find a court form or fee |
SAC2322A006 |
Find Federal Court rules or policies |
SAC2322A007 |
Find information Information on / about federal judges or judgeships |
SAC2322A008 |
Find statistics Statistics |
SAC2322A009 |
Find educational resources |
SAC2322A010 |
Find homework Homework help |
SAC2322A011 |
Find Get bankruptcy forms or information |
SAC2322A012 |
Search for a job |
SAC2322A013 |
Other, please specify: |
B |
SAC2323 |
B |
Other primary reason for visiting the site today |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Primary Reason |
9 |
SAC2324 |
Did you find the information you were looking for? |
SAC2324A001 |
Yes |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Did you find |
10 |
SAC2324A002 |
No |
E |
SAC2325 |
E |
What information were you unable to find? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Looking for |
11 |
SAC2326 |
How did you look for information on the site today? (Please select all that apply.) |
SAC2326A001 |
Search feature |
A,Z |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
How look for information |
12 |
SAC2326A002 |
Top navigation bar |
B,Y |
SAC2326A003 |
Left navigation bar |
B,Y |
SAC2326A004 |
Links in the center of the page |
B,Y |
SAC2326A005 |
Information For list (upper right corner of homepage) |
B,Y |
SAC2326A006 |
Other, please specify: |
C |
SAC2327 |
C |
Please specify what other way you looked for information: |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_How look for |
13 |
SAC2328 |
A |
Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply.) |
SAC2328A001 |
Search results were helpful |
Multiple |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Search experience |
14 |
SAC2328A002 |
Results were not relevant/not what I wanted |
SAC2328A003 |
Too many results/I needed to refine my search |
SAC2328A004 |
Not enough results |
SAC2328A005 |
Returned NO results |
SAC2328A006 |
Received error message(s) |
SAC2328A007 |
Search speed was too slow |
SAC2328A008 |
I experienced a different search issue (please explain): |
D |
SAC2329 |
D |
Please explain what other search issue you experienced: |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Search experience |
15 |
SAC2330 |
Z |
How can we make the search feature more useful to you? |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Search improve |
16 |
SAC2331 |
B |
How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) |
SAC2331A001 |
I had no difficulty navigating this site |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multiple |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Navigation experience |
17 |
SAC2331A002 |
Links often did not take me where I expected |
SAC2331A003 |
Had difficulty finding relevant information |
SAC2331A004 |
Links/labels are difficult to understand |
SAC2331A005 |
Too many links/navigational options to choose from |
SAC2331A006 |
Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) |
SAC2331A007 |
Could not navigate back to previous information |
SAC2331A008 |
I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: |
F |
SAC2332 |
F |
Please explain what other navigation difficulty issue you experienced: |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Navigation experience |
18 |
SAC2333 |
Y |
What specific ways can we improve your experience navigating on this site? |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Navigation improve |
19 |
Have you visited the News Section today? |
Yes |
AA, BB |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
News Section |
20 |
No |
Don't know |
AA |
What were you looking for in the News Section? |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_News looking for |
21 |
BB |
Are there other features or information that you would like to see in the News Section? |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_News other info |
22 |
Do you access the internet on your mobile device? |
Yes |
CC, DD |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Mobile Use |
23 |
No |
CC |
What type(s) of mobile devices do you use to access the internet? (Please select all that apply.) |
Smartphone |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
Mobile Device |
24 |
Tablet |
Other, please specify: |
EE |
EE |
Other mobile device you use to access the internet |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Mobile Device |
25 |
DD |
How would you want to interact with on your mobile device? (Please select all that apply.) |
Not at all |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Mobile Interaction |
26 |
Read news from the federal Judiciary |
Find general information about the Federal Courts |
Find your local court |
Find court records or case information |
Find a court form or fee |
Find Federal Court rules or policies |
Find information on / about federal judges or judgeships |
Find statistics |
Find educational resources |
Find homework help |
Find bankruptcy forms or information |
Search for a job |
Other, please specify: |
Please specify what other ways you would like to interact with the site on your mobile device |
Text Area – no character limit |
N |
OPS Group |
Mobile Interact |
27 |
SAC2334 |
What is your gender? |
SAC2334A001 |
Male |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Gender |
28 |
SAC2334A002 |
Female |
SAC2334A003 |
Prefer not to answer |
SAC2335 |
What best describes your age range? |
SAC2335A001 |
under 18 |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Age |
29 |
SAC2335A002 |
18-24 |
SAC2335A003 |
25-34 |
SAC2335A004 |
35-44 |
SAC2335A005 |
45-54 |
SAC2335A006 |
55-64 |
SAC2335A007 |
65-74 |
SAC2335A008 |
75 or older |
SAC2335A009 |
Prefer not to answer |
PBGC gov v3 |
ACQLiv0010397 |
Please rate your overall impression of PBGC's work as it carries out its mission to protect pensions. |
1=Poor |
A |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
y |
Skip logic group |
Overall Impression |
2 |
A |
3 |
A |
4 |
A |
5 |
A |
6 |
A |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
ACQLiv0010398 |
A |
Please specify your reason for this score. |
Text area, no char limit |
S |
N |
OE_Overall impression |
ACQLiv0010399 |
Please rate the clarity of information you received from PBGC. |
1=Poor |
A |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
y |
Skip logic group |
Info Received |
2 |
A |
3 |
A |
4 |
A |
5 |
A |
6 |
A |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
ACQLiv0010400 |
A |
Please specify your reason for this score. |
Text area, no char limit |
S |
N |
OE_Info Received |
ACQLiv0010401 |
Please rate how confident you are that future interactions with PBGC will meet your needs. |
1=Not At All Confident |
A |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
y |
Skip logic group |
Future Interact |
2 |
A |
3 |
A |
4 |
A |
5 |
A |
6 |
A |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Very Confident |
Don't Know |
ACQLiv0010402 |
A |
Please specify your reason for this score. |
Text area, no char limit |
S |
N |
OE_Future Interact |
ACQLiv0010403 |
How confident are you that the PBGC will preserve defined benefit pension plans and protect workers' pensions? |
1=Not At All Confident |
A |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
y |
Skip logic group |
Preserve Plans |
2 |
A |
3 |
A |
4 |
A |
5 |
A |
6 |
A |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Very Confident |
Don't Know |
ACQLiv0010404 |
A |
Please specify your reason for this score. |
Text area, no char limit |
Single |
N |
OE_Preserve Plans |
SAC7383 |
Thinking about the agency as a whole, please rate your perception of the thoroughness of the information that the PBGC provides. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7384 |
Please rate how understandable you find the information that the PBGC provides. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7385 |
Please rate how well the agency's information provides answers to your questions. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7386 |
Thinking about the agency's services as a whole, please rate the extent to which the PBGC provides needed services. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7387 |
Please rate the range of services offered by the PBGC. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7388 |
Please rate how well the PBGC delivers its services. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7389 |
Please rate your impression of the PBGC's level of responsiveness to those served by the agency. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7390 |
Please rate the options available for the delivery of PBGC services. |
1=Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Don't Know |
SAC7391 |
Please rate your overall impression of the PBGC's work as it carries out its mission to protect pensions. |
1=Poor |
Radion button, scale, no don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
SAC7392 |
Please rate how well the PBGC shows that it takes responsibility for preserving pension plans. |
1=Poor |
Radion button, scale, no don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
SAC7393 |
Please rate how effectively you feel the PBGC perserves pension plans. |
1=Poor |
Radion button, scale, no don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
SAC7394 |
Please rate how effectively you feel the PBGC protects pensioners. |
1=Poor |
Radion button, scale, no don't know |
S |
Y |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10=Excellent |
Careers.state V2 |
ACQOsl0004504 |
Please tell us which, if any, of the forums and blogs you interacted with today on the website? |
ACQOsl0004504A01 |
Did not interact with any forums or blogs |
B |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Forums |
ACQOsl0004504A02 |
Not sure |
ACQOsl0004504A03 |
Chose one of the blog links |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A04 | forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A05 |
Diplomatic Security Recruitment forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A06 |
Medical Specialists Recruitment forum |
A |
Information Technology Specialists |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A08 |
Foreign Service Mentors forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A09 |
Family Life forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A10 |
Veterans forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A11 |
Student Programs forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A12 |
Disability and Reasonable Accommodations forum |
A |
ACQOsl0004504A07 |
Franklin Fellows forum |
A |
ACQCol0010730 |
A |
Do you ever access the website from a mobile device (e.g. Smartphone, Tablet)? |
ACQCol0010730A01 |
Yes |
Radio button one up vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic |
Forum - Mobile Site |
ACQCol0010730A02 |
No |
ACQCol0010853 |
B |
Please tell us why you did not interact with the forums. |
I was not interested |
Radio button one up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Forums - Did NOT interact |
I did not know that the site had forums |
I had technical issues accessing the forums |
Other, please specify |
C |
ACQCol0010854 |
C |
Please tell us the other reason you did not interact with the forums. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
OE_No Forum Interaction |
Careers.state V2 |
ACQCol0010857 |
Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site. |
1 = Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
Single |
Y |
PL_Clarity |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 = Excellent |
Don't know |
ACQCol0010858 |
Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site. |
1 = Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
Single |
Y |
PL_Understand |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 = Excellent |
Don't know |
ACQCol0010859 |
Please rate this site on its use of short, clear sentences. |
1 = Poor |
Radio button, scale, has don't know |
Single |
Y |
PL_Sentences |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 = Excellent |
Don't know |
| |
eRulemeRulemaking Initiative - Private |
ALM0030 |
How frequently do you visit this site? |
First time |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
More than once a day |
B |
Once a day |
B |
Once a week |
B |
Once a month |
B |
Twice a year or less |
ACQCol0010883 |
B |
Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site changes. (check all that apply) |
The design of the site pages are more streamlined |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Redesign Impressions |
The design of the site pages are less streamlined |
The design of the site pages are about the same |
The navigation of the site is more user friendly |
The navigation of the site is less user friendly |
The navigation of the site is about the same |
It is easier to find what I'm looking for |
It is harder to find what I'm looking for |
I have the same level of difficulty in finding information |
Other Comments (please specify) |
C |
ACQCol0010901 |
C |
Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent redesign. |
Text field, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Redesign |
AED08171 |
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) |
Search box/Search tab |
A,B, X |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Home Page Features |
Browse tab |
M, N, O |
Learn tab |
L |
Advanced Search |
A,B, X |
Are you new to the site?' links |
Site Map |
What's Hot |
Closing Soon --> Regulations with comments due soon |
Newly Posted Regulations |
EO 13563 and Regulatory Resources |
Other (please specify): |
C |
None of the above |
ACQCol0010894 |
M |
Are the documents shown under each category grouped logically? |
Yes |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Browse Tab |
No |
G |
ACQCol0010895 |
G |
Please tell us how you feel the document categories could be grouped more logically. |
Text field, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
OE_Logical Categorization |
ACQCol0010896 |
N |
Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? |
Yes, it was useful |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
Submit a Comment Page |
No, I did not see that icon |
No, I did not realize where that icon would lead |
No, I wanted to read the regulation first |
No, I did not want to submit a comment |
ACQCol0010897 |
O |
Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? |
Yes, it was useful |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
SM Share Functionality |
No, I did not see that icon |
No, I did not want to share any regulations |
ACQCol0010898 |
L |
Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. |
I learned information about the process I did not know |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
Regulatory Timeline |
I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process |
I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered |
I found the explanations confusing |
I expected different information within the Learn tab |
None of the above |
AED08172 |
C |
What other homepage features did you use today? |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Home Page Features |
AED08173 |
A |
Which features of --> on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) |
Used the Sort By dropdown |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search Features |
Filtering results by agency --> Filtered results by Agency |
R |
Filtered results by Category |
Filtering results by type of document --> Filtered results by Document Type |
S |
Filtering results by type of docket folder --> Filtered results by Docket Type |
T |
Filtered by Posted |
Filtered by Comment Period |
Filtered by Comments Due |
Searching within results --> Searched within Results |
W |
Document preview (magnifying glass icon) --> Used the Document Spotlight (magnifying glass icon) |
Z |
None of the above |
Other (please specify): |
D |
AED08174 |
R |
How useful was filtering the results by agency? |
Very useful |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Filtering_Agency |
Somewhat useful |
Not useful |
AED08175 |
S |
How useful was filtering the results by type of document? |
Very useful |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Filtering_Document |
Somewhat useful |
Not useful |
AED08176 |
T |
How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? |
Very useful |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Filtering_docket folder |
Somewhat useful |
Not useful |
AED08179 |
W |
How useful was the ability to search within results? |
Very useful |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Search within Results |
Somewhat useful |
Not useful |
ACQWro0008337 |
Z |
How useful was the document preview --> Document Spotlight feature? |
Very useful |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Document Preview --> Document Spotlight |
Somewhat useful |
Not useful |
AED08180 |
D |
Which other search result features were most useful to you today? --> did you use today? |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Search Features Used |
AED08181 |
B |
What was your impression of the search feature --> results? (check all that apply) |
Results were relevant to my search terms or needs |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Impression of Search Feature |
Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs |
Too many results displayed |
Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted |
Returned not enough/no results |
I could not open the link |
Search speed was too slow |
Other (please specify): |
E |
AED08182 |
E |
Please tell us about your impression of the search feature. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Impression of Search Feature |
EDO03618 |
X |
Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today. |
Text field, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Search Keyword |
AED05844 |
What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) |
Find a document |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Y |
Skip Logic |
Submit a comment |
A |
Browse by topic |
Download documents |
Browse Featured Regulations |
Just wanted to explore the site |
Bookmark a docket or document |
Set up an e-mail notification |
Other, please specify |
ZZ |
ACQCol0010884 |
A |
When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
N |
Skip Logic |
Document Preference |
Download and read the PDF on the computer |
Read it on the website |
Read it on a tablet or other mobile device |
CWS01241 |
ZZ |
Other reason for visiting the site today --> Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today. |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic |
ACQWro0008361 |
Which of the following services would you use to stay connected to |
Facebook |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Social Media |
Twitter |
YouTube |
Blogs |
Podcasts/Online webcasts |
RSS feeds |
API/Widgets |
None |
Other, please specify |
A |
ACQWro0008362 |
A |
Please tell us which other online services you would use to stay connected to |
Text field, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Social Media |
ACQCol0010885 |
Which of the following social media tools and services do you use to share information or stay connected to |
Email/Email Alert |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Social Media |
Facebook |
Twitter |
YouTube |
Blogs |
Podcasts/Online webcasts |
RSS feeds |
API/Widgets |
None |
Other, please specify |
A |
ACQCol0010886 |
A |
Please tell us which other online services you use to stay connected to |
Text field, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic |
Other Social Media |
MMM00067 |
Which of the following best describes your role in visiting our site today? |
TRICARE beneficiary |
E, F, G |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Family, friend or caregiver of TRICARE beneficiary |
Future TRICARE beneficiary |
TRICARE Network Provider or Provider Staff |
TRICARE Non-Network Provider or Provider Staff |
Prospective TRICARE Provider or Provider Staff |
Military Treatment Facility Clinical Staff |
TRICARE Beneficiary Advisors and Customer Service Staff |
All other Military Health System/TRICARE staff (Including government and supporting contractors) |
Media/Researcher |
Other |
5929 |
E |
For TRICARE beneficiaries only- which best describes your status? |
Active Duty Service Member |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Family of Active Duty Service Member |
Family of Deceased Active Duty Service Member |
National Guard or Reserve Member (Activated) |
Family of National Guard or Reserve Member (Activated) |
National Guard or Reserve member (Non-Activated) |
Family of National Guard or Reserve Member (Non-Activated) |
Retired Service Member |
Family of Retired Service Member |
Family of Deceased Retired Service Member |
Other Beneficiary |
Not Applicable |
MMM00068 |
F |
For TRICARE beneficiaries only: which of the following best describes your TRICARE enrollment option? |
Sponsor is active duty (no premium paid) |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Sponsor is active duty and family member has disenrolled from Prime to use TRICARE Standard |
Single |
N |
Sponsor is retired and we pay either $230/individual or $460/family per year Sponsor is retired and we pay either $260/individual or $520/family per year |
Sponsor is retired and we pay the Medicare Part B premium; TRICARE for Life |
Sponsor is retired (and we do NOT pay either a TRICARE or Medicare Part B premium; TRICARE Standard) |
Not applicable |
5928 |
G |
For TRICARE beneficiaries only- do you receive most of your care from: |
A military clinic or hospital |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
A civilian clinic or hospital |
Not applicable |
SSA iClaim V2 English Equiv |
Social Security Administration |
SAC3074 |
What type of benefits were you applying for? |
SAC3074A001 |
Retirement |
M, Q, R, X, Y, Z, U, E, W |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Type of Benefits |
SAC3074A002 |
Disability |
M, Q, R, X, Y, Z, U, E, G, W |
SAC3074A003 |
Spouse's |
M, Q, R, X, Y, Z, U, E, W |
SAC3074A004 |
Medicare only |
M, Q, R, X, Y, Z, U, E, W |
SAC3074A005 |
I am not applying today |
SAC3075 |
M |
How did you learn about the Social Security online application? (Select all that apply.) |
SAC3075A001 |
Social Security website |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Learn About Online App |
Types |
SAC3075A002 |
Friend, spouse, relative, neighbor or acquaintance |
SAC3075A003 |
Social Security employee |
B |
SAC3075A004 |
Another website or search engine |
SAC3075A005 |
News (TV, radio, newspaper or Internet) |
SAC3075A006 |
Advertisement |
SAC3075A007 |
Social Security statement |
SAC3075A008 |
Community Group or Association |
SAC3075A009 |
Other, please specify |
A |
SAC3076 |
A |
Please specify how you learned of Social Security online. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Learn about online app |
SAC3077 |
B |
How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? |
SAC3077A001 |
Visited a local Social Security office |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Contact SSA Employee |
SAC3077A002 |
Called a local Social Security office |
SAC3077A003 |
Called the national 800 number |
SAC3077A004 |
Other, please specify |
D |
SAC3078 |
D |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Contact SSA Employee |
SAC3079 |
Q |
Did you complete your application today? |
SAC3079A001 |
Yes, I completed my new application today |
C |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Complete App |
SAC3079A002 |
Yes, I restarted and completed my earlier application today |
C |
SAC3079A003 |
No, I did not complete my new application, but I plan to complete it later |
C |
SAC3079A004 |
No, I did not complete my re-started earlier application, but I plan to complete it later |
C |
SAC3079A005 |
No, I do not plan to complete my application at all |
C |
SAC3079A006 |
I'm not applying for benefits today |
SAC3080 |
C |
For whom are you filing this online application for Social Security benefits? |
SAC3080A001 |
Myself |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Whose Behalf |
SAC3080A002 |
My spouse |
SAC3080A003 |
My parent |
SAC3080A004 |
Another relative |
SAC3080A005 |
My friend |
SAC3080A006 |
My client |
SAC3080A007 |
Other |
SAC3081 |
R |
If you stopped working on your application, please tell us why. (Select all that apply.) |
SAC3081A001 |
I finished my application today |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Why Stopped App |
SAC3081A002 |
Needed to find documents/other information for my application |
SAC3081A003 |
Too many questions |
SAC3081A004 |
Takes too long |
SAC3081A005 |
Too complicated to use without help |
SAC3081A006 |
My medical/physical condition prevents me from working on the computer for long periods |
SAC3081A007 |
Application wouldn't accept empty/blank fields |
SAC3081A008 |
Received an error message or was "kicked out" of the application |
SAC3081A009 |
I had a problem entering dates or other information in some of the pages |
SAC3081A010 |
Other Reason |
zz |
SAC3082 |
zz |
Please tell us the other reason you stopped working on your application. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Stopped Application |
SAC3083 |
X |
Did you visit the Social Security home page ( today? |
SAC3083A001 |
Yes |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Homepage |
SAC3083A002 |
No |
SAC3084 |
Y |
Did you use the SEARCH box on our website to find what you needed? |
SAC3084A001 |
Yes |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Search |
SAC3084A002 |
No |
SAC3085 |
Z |
Please tell us how easy it was for you to find the application for benefits. |
SAC3085A001 |
I had little or no difficulty getting to the application |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Find app |
SAC3085A002 |
I found it somewhat difficult to find the application |
Z1 |
SAC3086 |
Z1 |
I found it somewhat difficult to find the application because: (Select all that apply.) |
SAC3086A001 |
I did not know where to begin looking |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Difficult to Find |
SAC3086A002 |
It was not clear to me where the links would lead |
SAC3086A003 |
The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner |
SAC3086A004 |
I used the search function but the results didn’t seem to apply. |
SAC3086A005 |
Other reason (please describe) |
Z2 |
SAC3087 |
Z2 |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Difficult to Find |
SAC3088 |
U |
How did you arrive on the Social Security website today? |
SAC3088A001 |
Typed or into the browser |
Dropdown (Select-one) |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Arrive |
SAC3088A002 |
Did a search (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo) |
SAC3088A003 |
Followed a link from |
SAC3088A004 |
Followed a link from another website |
SAC3089 |
E |
Please rate the clarity of the instructions provided for this Social Security online application. |
SAC3089A001 |
1 = Not At All Clear |
F |
Radio Button Scale Has Don’t Know |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Clarity of Instructions |
SAC3089A002 |
2 |
F |
SAC3089A003 |
3 |
F |
SAC3089A004 |
4 |
F |
SAC3089A005 |
5 |
F |
SAC3089A006 |
6 |
SAC3089A007 |
7 |
SAC3089A008 |
8 |
SAC3089A009 |
9 |
SAC3089A010 |
10 = Very Clear |
SAC3089A011 |
Don't know |
SAC3090 |
F |
What part of the instructions was not clear? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Clarity of Instructions |
SAC3091 |
G |
Did you complete the Online Disability Report today? |
SAC3091A001 |
Yes |
Radio Button One Up Vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Disability Report |
SAC3091A002 |
No |
SAC3091A003 |
Don't recall |
SAC3092 |
W |
Do you have any other problems with this Social Security Online application that weren't covered in earlier questions, or any suggestions on how we can improve it? (Please do not include any personal information in your answer.) |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
Other Problems |
SAC3093 |
What influenced your decision to use our online benefit application? (Select all that apply.) |
SAC3093A001 |
I did not want to go to an SSA field office |
Checkbox One Up Vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Influenced Decision Benefits |
SAC3093A002 |
I did not want to do business over the phone |
SAC3093A003 |
I prefer to use online services as much as possible |
SAC3093A004 |
I learned about filing online while visiting |
SAC3093A005 |
Someone from SSA recommended filing online |
SAC3093A006 |
A friend, relative, or colleague recommended filing online |
SAC3093A007 |
I knew that if I had a question, I could then call or visit SSA |
SAC3093A008 |
I am filing on behalf of another person |
A |
SAC3093A009 |
Other, please specify |
B |
SAC3094 |
B |
Please specify what influenced your decision to file for benefits online. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Influenced Decision |
SAC3095 |
A |
Please specify your role. |
SAC3095A001 |
I am a non-profit professional |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Role |
SAC3095A002 |
I am a for-profit professional |
SAC3095A003 |
I am a friend or relative |
SAC3095A004 |
Other, please specify |
C |
SAC3096 |
C |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
OE_Role |
CMS Palmetto GBA J11 MAC |
SAC1434 |
Please select your location and contract: (please select all that apply) |
SAC1434A001 |
South Carolina – Part A |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Location |
SAC1434A002 |
South Carolina – Part B |
SAC1434A003 |
North Carolina – Part A |
SAC1434A004 |
North Carolina – Part B |
SAC1434A005 |
Virginia – Part A |
SAC1434A006 |
Virginia – Part B |
SAC1434A007 |
West Virginia – Part A |
SAC1434A008 |
West Virginia – Part B |
Home Health and Hospice |
SAC1434A009 |
Not applicable |