Sample Custom Questions - Government Clients | |||||
Organization Name | Question Text | Answer Choices | Type e.g. drop-down menu, check boxes, radio buttons, open-ended |
Required Y/N |
select one or all that apply |
NIH - AIDSinfo | How frequently do you visit this site? (CQ235) | 1 First time 2 More than once a day 3 Daily 4 About once a week 5 About once a month 6 Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | Why are you visiting the AIDSinfo site today? | 1 Find information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials 2 Patient education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS 3 Professional continuing education 4 Confirm or verify information prior to contacting a health care provider with a question or concern 5 Find materials for a project or presentation 6 Conduct scientific research 7 Order publications 8 Access materials in Spanish 9 Obtain information about AIDS vaccine development 10 Access federal HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines 11 Find general information on HIV/AIDS 12 Download or install Treatment Guidelines on a PDA (Palm, Pocket PC, etc.) 13 Find links to other Internet resources on HIV/AIDS 14 Obtain promotional or training materials about AIDSinfo 15 Just browsing 16 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | multi-select |
NIH - AIDSinfo | If you answered OTHER to why are you visiting the AIDSinfo site today, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - AIDSinfo | What best describes the result of your visit? (Check all that apply) | 1 Sought further information from a library 2 Discussed HIV/AIDS or related condition with your doctor 3 Improved understanding of HIV/AIDS or related condition 4 Learned more about treatment options 5 Considered participating in a clinical trial 6 Referred a patient to a clinical trial 7 Made a doctor's appointment 8 Discussed HIV/AIDS or related condition with a family member or friend 9 Learned more about the pros and cons of different HIV drugs 10 Conducted further research on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment 11 Used info for a project or presentation 12 Gave info to someone else 13 Used info for clinical patient care 14 Sought further info from other websites 15 Planned or conducted further research 16 Didn't find what I wanted 17 There was no specific outcome 18 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | multi-select |
NIH - AIDSinfo | If you answered OTHER to what best describes the result of your visit, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - AIDSinfo | What best describes your role in visiting the AIDSinfo site during this session? | 1 Physician 2 Dentist 3 Nurse 4 Other provider (e.g. case manager, social worker) 5 Researcher or Scientist 6 Patient 7 Family or friend of person living with HIV 8 Advocate 9 Pharmacist 10 Pharmaceutical industry official 11 Librarian or other information provider 12 College or Graduate Student 13 General public 14 Educator 15 Elementary school student (up to grade 6) 16 Secondary school student (grades 7 - 12) 17 Healthcare administrator 18 News reporter or media 19 Public health official 20 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | How did you access the AIDSinfo website today? | 1 Bookmark or Favorites list 2 Link from a National Library of Medicine (NLM) web page 3 Link from a National Institutes of Health (NIH) web page 4 Link from a federal website 5 Link from a non-federal website 6 Web Search engine (Yahoo!, Netscape, MSN, Google, etc.) 7 Library 8 Typed in URL address 9 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | If you answered OTHER to How did you access the AIDSinfo website today?, please specify: | Open end | |||
NIH - AIDSinfo | Did you use any of these AIDSinfo services today? | 1 Email 2 Online Live Help 3 Telephone reference service 4 None of these |
Drop-down menu | Y | multi-select |
NIH - AIDSinfo | Do you have any suggestions for improving AIDSinfo? | Open end | N | ||
NIH - AIDSinfo | Please select the country from which you are currently accessing AIDSinfo. | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NIH - AIDSinfo | If you are accessing this site from the U.S., from which state are you currently accessing this site? (CQ3642) | 1 List states 52 Outside the U.S. |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | What is your gender? CQ2304) | 1 Female 2 Male |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | Please select the category that includes your age. (CQ3643) | 1 24 and under 2 25 - 34 3 35 - 44 4 45 - 54 5 55-64 6 65 and over |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | 1 Current elementary school student 2 Current middle or high school student 3 Did not complete high school 4 High school graduate 5 Some college or vocational school 6 Current college or graduate student 7 College graduate 8 Some postgraduate school 9 Graduate or professional degree |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | What is your preferred reading language on the Web? | 1 English 2 Spanish 3 Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | If you answered OTHER to what preferred reading language on the Web, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - AIDSinfo | How do you describe your ethnicity? (CQ3788) | 1 Hispanic or Latino 2 NOT Hispanic or Latino |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - AIDSinfo | How do you describe your race? | 1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
Drop-down menu | N | select all that apply |
NIH - Medline Plus | How frequently do you visit this site? |
1 First time 2 More than once a day 3 Daily 4 About once a week 5 About once a month 6 Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | Why are you visiting the MedlinePlus site today? (Select all that apply) |
1 For a project or presentation 2 Obtain the opinion of a health care provider 3 Find info on alternative treatments, herbals, or vitamins 4 Find info on clinical trials 5 Keep up with breaking health news 6 Search for health care products or services 7 Find general health and wellness info 8 Find health self-help groups 9 Find info on a specific disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment 10 Find info on medicines or prescription drugs 11 Search for health care provider (physician/dentist/hospital/etc.) 12 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | multiselect |
NIH - Medline Plus | If you answered "Other" to "What is your primary reason(s) for visiting this website during this session?," please specify: |
Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - Medline Plus | What best describes the result of your visit? (Select all that apply) |
1 Sought further information from a library 2 Discussed the results with a doctor 3 Improved understanding of a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment 4 Altered exercise or eating habits 5 Made a decision about treatment options 6 Made a doctor's appointment for self or another 7 Discussed a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment with family member of friend 8 Switched from one medicine or prescription drug to another 9 Conducted further research on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment 10 Used information for a project or presentation 11 Gave information to someone else 12 Other 13 Nothing specific happened |
Drop-down menu | Y | multiselect |
NIH - Medline Plus | If you answered "Other" to "What best describes the result of your visit?," please specify: |
Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - Medline Plus | What best describes your role in visiting MedlinePlus during this session? |
1 Educator 2 Patient with a specific disease or condition 3 Secondary Student (grades 7-12) 4 Family or friend of patient 5 Researcher/Scientist 6 General health consumer 7 Health Care Provider (e.g., Physician, Dentist, Nurse) 8 Health Care Administrator 9 Librarian or Information Professional 10 College/Graduate Student 11 News Reporter/ Media Person 12 National Library of Medicine Staff 13 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | If you answered "Other" to "What best describes your role today?," please specify |
NIH - Medline Plus | How did you learn of the MedlinePlus Web site? |
Web search engine (Yahoo!, Google, AOL, etc.) Link from another Web site Link from NIH Web site Library Newspaper or magazine article Health organization or association (hospital, clinic, AMA, etc.) Physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health provider Family member or friend TV/radio School Don't know |
NIH - Medline Plus | Did you use the search box to find something on this Web site during your visit today? |
Yes No Unsure |
Y | ||
NIH - Medline Plus | If you used the search box: |
10 Did the top results answer your question? 11 Did the list of search result items and their general headings make sense to you? 12 Did you find it helpful to have the search result items grouped under these general headings? 13 Did you use the folders to the left of the search results? |
Y/N | ||
NIH - Medline Plus | Did you find the information you were looking for? |
Yes No Still looking |
NIH - Medline Plus | In terms of search, what would help you find the information you want? |
Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - Medline Plus | In which country were you born? |
Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NIH - Medline Plus | From which country are you currently accessing MedlinePlus? | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NIH - Medline Plus | If you are accessing this site from the U.S., from which state are you currently accessing this site? | 1 Alabama 52 Outside the U.S. |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | What is your gender? |
1 Female 2 Male |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | Please select the category that includes your age. |
1 24 and under 2 25 - 34 3 35 - 44 4 45 - 54 5 55-64 6 65 and over |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? |
1 Current middle or high school student 2 Did not complete high school 3 High school graduate 4 Some college/vocational school 5 College graduate 6 Some postgraduate school 7 Graduate/professional degree |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | What is your preferred reading language on the Web? |
1 English 2 Arabic 3 Chinese 4 French 5 German 6 Italian 7 Japanese 8 Korean 9 Polish 10 Portuguese 11 Spanish 12 Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | How do you describe your ethnicity? |
1 Hispanic 2 Non-Hispanic |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Medline Plus | How do you describe your race? |
1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
Drop-down menu | N | select all that apply |
NIH - NCI | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI | How frequently do you visit this site (the NCI Web site)? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month About every 6 months |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI | What is your primary role for visiting the NCI Web site today? | Concerned I may have cancer or could be at-risk for cancer 25526 Currently diagnosed with cancer Cancer Survivor (a history of cancer beyond the diagnosis and treatment phase) Concerned about someone with cancer (e.g. family member, friend or co-worker) Health Care Provider (e.g., nurse, physician, etc.) Scientist/Researcher Health Care Administrator Librarian or Information Professional Journalist/Reporter Student Educator Advocacy group member National Cancer Institute Staff Other |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI | If you answered "other" for your role, please specify: | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NCI | Please complete this sentence: I am visiting the NCI Web site today to find information on ______. | Cancer prevention Testing for cancer (detection/screening) Standard cancer treatments or therapies Alternative cancer treatments or therapies Cancer risk factors or causes Genetic risk factors/family history Cancer prognosis Cancer recovery Coping with concerns about cancer Managing cancer pain and symptoms Clinical trials Quitting smoking Financial concerns related to cancer Cancer treatment facilities Physicians or cancer specialists Cancer statistics Research funding (grants, contracts, etc.) Research tools and resources Medicines or prescription drugs News related to cancer General health and wellness The National Cancer Institute Cancer information to print out for a doctor’s visit Cancer information for a report/paper Other cancer-related information Other |
Check Boxes | Y | All That Apply |
NIH - NCI | If you answered “other” or “other cancer-related information” for why you are visiting this site, please specify: | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NCI | Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: The information I found on this site was too hard to understand. | Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI | Other than your health care provider, where would you look first for cancer-related information? | Family/friends/coworkers Librarian or Information Specialist Newspaper, magazine or books Brochures or pamphlets Academic or medical publications (e.g., New England Journal of Medicine) Television or radio American Cancer Society Disease association (e.g., The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, American Lung Association) Cancer Information Service (e.g. 1-800-4-CANCER) General health/fitness Web sites (e.g., Government Web site (e.g.,, Health care center/hospital’s Web site Online search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo!) Pharmaceutical Web site (e.g., drug site or medical device site) Your health plan/HMO Web site Other |
Radio buttons | Y | Select one |
NIH - NCI | If you selected 'Other', please specify: | Open-ended | |||
NIH - NCI | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | Current middle or high school student Did not complete high school High school graduate Some college/vocational school College graduate Some postgraduate school Graduate/professional degree |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - NCI | What is your gender? | Female Male |
Radio buttons | N | select one |
NIH - NCI | How do you describe your ethnicity? |
Hispanic Non-Hispanic |
Radio buttons | N | select one |
NIH - NCI | How do you describe your race? |
1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
Radio buttons | N | select one |
NIH - NCI | Please select the category that includes your age. | 17 and under 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 and over |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - NCI | If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be? | Open Ended | N | ||
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | How frequently do you search for clinical trials on | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | Which of the following best describes your role in searching for clinical trials on | Diagnosed with cancer Patient with a condition other than cancer Concerned about someone with cancer Health Care Provider (i.e., nurse, physician, etc.) Scientist/Researcher Health Care Administrator Librarian or Information Professional Journalist/Reporter Student Educator Advocacy group member National Cancer Institute Staff Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | If you answered "other" for your role, please specify: | Open Ended | |||
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | Did you find the information you were looking for? | Yes No Not yet |
Drop-down menu | Y | |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | If you couldn't find the information you were looking for, please specify why: | Open Ended | |||
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | Please rate how easy or difficult it was to use the clinical trials search form | 1 Very easy 2 Somewhat difficult 3 Moderately difficult 4 Very difficult |
Radio Buttons | Y | |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: The information on this site is too hard to understand. | 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree |
Radio Buttons | Y | |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | How would you rate searching for clinical trials on to searching for clinical trials on other Web sites? | 1 Much worse than others 10 Much better than others Not applicable |
Radio Buttons | Y | |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | Please rate how easy or difficult it was to find information that explained the clinical trials search form and how to use it | 1 Very easy 2 Somewhat difficult 3 Moderately difficult 4 Very difficult |
Radio Buttons | Y | |
NIH - NCI Clinical Trials | If you could change one thing about searching for clinical trials on this site, what would it be | Open Ended | |||
NIH - NIAID | Which of these best describe you? | General public Researcher outside NIH Research Support Staff NIH Employee Student Health Practitioner Media Other |
Vertical Radio buttons |
Y | select one |
NIH - NIAID | If you answered "Other" to what best describes you, please specify below: | open ended | Text Box | N | |
NIH - NIAID | Have you found the information you were looking for yet? | Yes No |
Vertical Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - NIAID | If you did NOT find the information you were looking for, what were you looking for? | open ended | Text Box | N | n/a |
NIH - NIAID | Do you have suggestions for how we might improve our site? | open ended | Text Box | N | n/a |
NIH - NIAMS | How frequently do you visit this website? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
radio button | Y | select one |
NIH - NIAMS | Which of the following best describes what you are looking for visiting the website today? | Health related information Patient research registries Grant information Contracts information NIAMS laboratories Clinical trials/studies with patients Researcher resources News and events Employment opportunities Information about NIAMS Links to other organizations Information in Spanish Other |
radio button | Y | select one |
NIH - NIAMS | If you answered "Other" to the information you were looking for, please, specify: | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NIAMS | If you could not find what you were looking for, what was it? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NIAMS | Which of the following best describes your role in coming to the website today? | General public Representative from voluntary organization Representative from professional organization Patient Family member of a patient Scientist/Researcher Student Teacher Retired Health professional Media Other |
radio button | Y | select one |
NIH - NIAMS | How could we improve our information to best meet your needs? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NIDA for Teens | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | What age group do you belong to? | 10 and under 11 to 13 14 to 16 17 to 19 20 to 30 31 and older |
Y | select one | |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | Which of the following best describes you? | Student Parent Teacher Researcher Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | What is your gender? | Male Female |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | Do homework/project for school Search for information on different drugs Read stories and news about drugs Get scientific information Use Guide for teachers Other |
Radio-button | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | How did you find this site? | From a Search on the web School assignment Magazine ad or article From the NIDA web site Other | Drop-down menu | N | |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | What do you like most about the site? | Facts on Drugs Have Fun and Learn section Ask Dr. NIDA section Real stories Parents and teachers part of the site Science behind drug abuse section Pictures and graphics Other |
Radio-button | N | |
NIH - NIDA for Teens | What do you like least about the site? | Facts on Drugs Have Fun and Learn section Ask Dr. NIDA section Real stories Parents and teachers part of the site Science behind drug abuse section Pictures and graphics Other |
Radio-button | N | |
NIH - NIDA Main | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA Main | What age group do you belong to? | 18 and under 18 to 25 26 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 65 and older |
Y | select one | |
NIH - NIDA Main | Which of the following best describes the reason for your current visit to the website? | Find general information about NIDA Find information on drugs of abuse Find information on research funding Find information on research findings/publications Find information on research news Find information on Clinical Trials Find training or employment opportunities Other |
Radio-button | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA Main | If you could not find what you were looking for, what was it? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NIDA Main | Which of the following groups best describes your role? | General public Health professional Researcher Teacher Student Media Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDA Main | How could we improve our information to best meet your needs? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - NIDCD | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDCD | Which best describes you? | NIDCD grantee Potential NIDCD grantee Someone who has a communication disorder Someone who has a family member with a communication disorder Someone who has a friend or acquaintance with a communication disorder High school or college instructor Student |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDCD | What is your primary reason for visiting our site today? | Find information on research conducted by NIDCD Find information on research sponsored by NIDCD Order publications Find teaching materials Find clinical trials Find the latest news Find related organizations Find scientists at NIDCD Find information abou |
Drop-down menu | N | Multi-select |
NIH - NIDCD | Which of the following statements best matches your opinion about seeking information on this site? | I was able to find the information that I was looking for, and it was very useful I was able to find the information that I was looking for, but it was hard to understand I was able to find the information that I was looking for, but it was too much infor |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDCD | If you did NOT find what you were looking for or it was NOT ENOUGH information to be useful, what were you looking for? | Open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - NIDCD | Which area of the site were you primarily visiting today? | Research Funding for research Health Topics Health Resources About Us News and Events Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIDCD | What additional information or resources would you like to see included on our website? | Open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - NIGMS | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | Which best describes you? | NIGMS grantee Potential NIGMS grantee High school or college instructor Student Journalist NIGMS employee Other NIH staff Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | What is your primary reason for visitingour site today? | Find information about research funding opportunities Find information about training grants Find information about minority programs Find information about NIGMS Learn about medical research Order free publications Register for a meeting Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | Have you found the information you were looking for yet? | Yes No Not Sure |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | If you did NOT find what you were looking for, what were you looking for? | Open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - NIGMS | Which area of the site were you primarily visiting today? | Initiatives Research Funding Training and Careers Minority Programs News and Events Publications Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | What is your primary area of special interest? | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Cellular Imaging Chemical Methodologies & Library development Collaborative Research Complex Biological Systems Genetic & Genomic Resources for Model Organisms Metals in Medicine Minority Opportunities in Research Modeling Infectious Diseases Research Training, Fellowships, and Career Development Single Molecule Detection & Manipulation Stem Cell Initiatives Systems Biology Trauma, Burn, Perioperative Injury & Wound Healing Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - NIGMS | What additional information or resources would you like to see included on our website? | Open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | Which best describes you? | Teacher (Grades 9-12) Teacher (Grades 6-8) Teacher (grades K-5) Home School Teacher Teacher (College) Student (Grades 9-12) Student (Grades 6-8) Librarian of Information Specialist Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | How did you find our site? | Search engine (Yahoo, Excite, Google, etc.) Link from another site Publications/Products Word-of-Mouth Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | How likely are you to return and spend more time exploring this site? | 1=Not at all likely 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=Very likely 11=Don't know |
Radio Buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | Please rate the Office of Science Education site on it's value as a resource to support your education goals. | 1=Not at all valuable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=Very valuable 11=Don't know |
Radio Buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | Which area of the site were you primarily visiting today? | Curriculum Supplements LifeWorks Science Education Resources Science Fair Speakers Bureau Videos/Posters NIH in the News Exhibits and Conferences Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | Which areas of the site do you visit most often? Select all that apply. | Curriculum Supplements LifeWorks Science Education Resources Science Fair Speakers Bureau Videos/Posters NIH in the News Exhibits and Conferences Other |
Two-up | Y | Multiple Select |
NIH - Offic of Science Education (OSE) | What additional information or resources would you like to see included on our website? | open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | Which best describes your affiliation? | NIH employee NIH contractor Federal employee College or University employee Contract Research Organization employee Non-profit Research Organization employee Pharmaceutical Research employee US Citizen Non-US Research Institution employee Non-US Citizen Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | Which best describes you? | Scientist Veterinarian IACUC coordinator IACUC member Reseach technician Animal caretaker Veterinary technician Animal welfarist Public citizen Student Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | What is your primary reason for visiting our site today? | To complete or register for training courses To learn about guidelines and policies To enroll in/learn about special programs To obtain useful forms To learn about training opportunities To learn about health and safety To learn about disaster response To learn about animal well being To access useful resources Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | Were you able to find the information you were looking for? | Yes No Not Sure |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | Which section of the site were you primarily visiting today ? | ARAC guidelines NIH Policy Animal Exposure Surveillance Program Regulations and Standards Animal Care and Use Training Health and Safety Disaster Response Animal Well Being Useful Forms Useful Resources Recommended Links Posters |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Office of Animal Care and Use | What additional information or resources would you like to see included on our website? | Open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time Daily More than once a day About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | Which best describes you? | Outside job seeker Internal job seeker Student Medical Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | Were we able to direct you to the information you were looking for? | Yes No Not Sure |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | If you went to the current opportunities section of the site, is it clear which job website contains the job postings you are interested in? | Yes No Not Sure Did not visit current opportunities section |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | What type of position are you looking for? | Non Scientific Scientific Administrative Medical Senior Executive Student Opportunities Research & Training Opportunities Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | Which area of the site were you primarily visiting today? | Current Job Opportunities Research & Training Opportunities Senior Job Openings Student Opportunities Hot Jobs About NIH Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | Which tool on this site do you prefer using to find jobs? | USAJobs HHS Careers CareerHere No preference Did not use any of the tools |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - OHR (Jobs @NIH) | What additional information or resources would you like to see included on our website? | open ended | N | NA | |
NIH - PubMed | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - PubMed | What is your primary reason for visiting the PubMed site today? | Perform basic biological research Perform clinical research Find articles by specific authors Find articles in specific journal Check journal reference Education Patient care Own health care or that of family or friend Other |
Check box | Y | multi-select |
NIH - PubMed | What best describes the result of your visit? | Kept up to date about research in field of interest Obtained full text of selected articles of interest Improved understanding of a disease, diagnosis or treatment Learned about methods relevant to research Conducted further research on disease, diagnosis or treatment Obtained help in reporting research results Determined viability of research area Sought further information from library Made decision about patient care Delivered search results to the requester Discussed search results with my health care professional Completed administrative responsibilities Did not find what I wanted Other |
Check box | Y | multi-select |
NIH - PubMed | If you answered OTHER to what best describes the result of your visit (or to what was the outcome of your visit), please specify: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - PubMed | If you answered that you didn't find what you wanted, please describe what you wanted: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - PubMed | What best describes your role in visiting the PubMed site during this session? | Physician Researcher or Scientist Patient Patient friend or family College or Graduate Student General health consumer General public Educator Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - PubMed | What primary method did you use to find the information you were looking for? | Search box Navigation links Site Map External search engine All of the above None of the above |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - PubMed | How did you first learn about the PubMed website? | From a health organization or association From a newspaper, magazine, journal or newsletter From a listserv or email message From an instructor, class, workshop, professional meeting Web search engine (Yahoo!, Netscape, MSN, Google, etc.) From a federal website, including NLM and NIH From a non-federal website Library Don't recall Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - PubMed | How did you access the PubMed website today? | Bookmark or Favorites list Link from a National Library of Medicine (NLM) web page Link from a National Institutes of Health (NIH) web page Link from a NCBI sequence resource Link from a federal website Link from a non-federal website Web Search engine (Yahoo!, Netscape, MSN, Google, etc.) Library Typed in Web address Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - PubMed | Which of these PubMed services do you know about and use? Journals Database MeSH Database Single Citation Matcher Batch Citation Matcher Clinical Queries LinkOut Related Articles Online Help PubMed Tutorial Cubby |
For each item: - know about and use it - know about it but don't use it - don't know about it |
Grid of radio buttons, three per item | N | select one |
NIH - PubMed | Which of the following related resources did you use during this session? | PubMed Central NCBI sequence resources Other sequence resources Other publications database |
Check box | N | multi-select |
NIH - PubMed | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | Current middle or high school student High school graduate Some college or vocational school Current college or graduate student College graduate Some postgraduate school Graduate or professional degree Not applicable |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - PubMed | Please select the country from which you are currently accessing PubMed. | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NIH - PubMed | Do you have any suggestions for improving PubMed? | Open end | N | ||
NIH - SEER | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - SEER | Which of these best describes you? | General public SEER Investigator NCI Staff Oncology program employee Cancer registrar Statistical Analyst Medical Practioner Health Department Staff Media/journalist Student Researcher Cancer Patient/Family member Other |
Check boxes | Y | All that apply |
NIH - SEER | How did you hear about SEER? | Search engine Another website/link Media/news story Other government site NIH site Site bookmarked Referral Printed materials Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - SEER | What are your primary reasons for visiting the site today? | Learn about SEER Find desired databases Use data collection tools Order SEER publications Find specific cancer statistics Read recent reports Find appropriate statistical software Use the analysis tools Learn about cancer registrar training Use the Fast Stat search feature Research Find SEER contact information Other |
Check boxes | Y | All that apply |
NIH - SEER | Did you find the information you were looking for? | Yes No Partially Still looking |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - SEER | What method are you using to locate information on this site? | Search feature Fast Stat feature By topic All of the above Other |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NIH - SEER | What other information would you like to see on our site? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - SEER | Do you have any other comments about our site? | Open-ended | N | ||
NIH - Toxnet | How frequently do you visit this site? | 1 First time 2 More than once a day 3 Daily 4 About once a week 5 About once a month 6 Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | Why are you visiting the TOXNET website today? | 1 Looking for toxicology or environmental health information 2 Looking for information on medicines or prescription drugs 3 Looking for specific chemicals 4 Looking for the link between diseases and specific chemicals 5 Looking for information on a specific disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment 6 Looking for reproductive and genetic effects of specific chemicals 7 Responding to a hazardous materials emergency 8 Responding to a poison control query 9 Responding to patient care 10 Conducting scientific research 11Working on a school project 12 Just browsing 13 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select multiple |
NIH - Toxnet | If you answered OTHER to Why are you visiting TOXNET, please specify: | ||||
NIH - Toxnet | What was the outcome of finding the information you obtained during your visit? | 1 Improved understanding of a chemical and/or its effects 2 Improved understanding of an environmental or occupational health concern 3 Affected how you responded to a poison control query 4 Affected how you responded to a hazardous materials emergency 5 Used information in preparing a risk assessment 6 Used information for clinical patient care 7 Asked a health professional about a specific chemical 8 Contacted a local health department or government agency about your concerns 9 Contacted a business, industry association, or labor union about your concerns 10 Used info in regulatory activities 11 Sought further info from other websites 12 Planned or conducted further research 13 Used info for a publication or presentation 14 Other 15 Didn't find what I wanted |
Y | select multiple | |
NIH - Toxnet | If you answered OTHER to the outcome of finding the information you obtained during your visit, please specify. If your comment is about a specific database, please tell us which one. | ||||
NIH - Toxnet | If you answered that you didn't find what you wanted, please describe what you wanted. If your comment is about a specific database, please tell us which one. | ||||
NIH - Toxnet | How did you access the TOXNET website today? | 1 Bookmark or Favorites list 2 Link from a National Library of Medicine (NLM) web page 3 Link from a National Institutes of Health (NIH) web page 4 Link from a federal government website 5 Link from a non-federal government website 6 Web search engine (Yahoo!, Netscape, MSN, Google, etc.) 7 Library 8 Typed in URL address 9 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | Which of the following TOXNET databases are you searching during this visit? (Select all that apply) | 1 HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank 2 TOXLINE 3 ChemlDplus 4 GENE-TOX 5 IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System 6 DART - Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology 7 TRI - Toxics Release Inventory 8 CCRIS - Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information Center 9 NCI-3D 11 ITER - International Toxicity Estimates for Risk 10 None of the above |
Drop-down menu | Y | multiselect |
NIH - Toxnet | Which of the following related resources are you using today? (Select all that apply) | 1 Haz-Map 2 Tox Town 3 Household Products Database 4 Specialized Information Services home page 5 Tox/Environmental Health Information home page 8 MEDLINE or PubMed 9 MedlinePlus MICROMEDEX, POISINDEX, TOMES 13 STN 14 ToxFile 15 CHEMSEARCH 16 MDL 17 RTECS 18 CHEMpendium 19 ChemFinder, ChemINDEX 20 Lexi-Comp, Lexi-Drugs, Lexi Poisoning/Tox 11 None of the above |
Y | multiselect | |
NIH - Toxnet | What best describes your role in visiting TOXNET during this session? | 1 Toxicologist/Pharmacologist 2 Researcher/Scientist 4 Emergency or poison control responder 5 Health Care Provider (e.g., Physician, Dentist, Nurse) 6 Public health official 7 Regulator: federal, state, local 8 Chemist 9 Environmental engineer 10 Industrial hygienist 12 Librarian or Information Professional 13 Educator 14 Interested citizen 20 College or graduate school student 21 Public interest group 25 Patient or family/friend of patient 23 Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | If you answered OTHER to your role in visiting TOXNET, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
NIH - Toxnet | Do you have any suggestions for improving TOXNET or its databases? If your comment is about a specific database, please tell us which one. | Open end | N | select one | |
NIH - Toxnet | Which best describes your employer? | 1 Government 2 School, college, or university 3 Private industry or business 4 Non-profit organization 5 Self-employed 6 Not applicable |
N | ||
NIH - Toxnet | From which country are you currently accessing TOXNET? | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NIH - Toxnet | What is your gender? | 1 Female 2 Male |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | Please select the category that includes your age. | 1 24 and under 2 25 - 34 3 35 - 44 4 45 - 54 5 55-64 6 65 and over |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | 3 High school graduate 4 Some college/vocational school 5 Current college or graduate student 6 College graduate 7 Some postgraduate school 8 Graduate or professional degree |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | How do you describe your ethnicity? OMB Cleared |
1 Hispanic or Latino 2 NOT Hispanic or Latino |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NIH - Toxnet | How do you describe your race? OMB Cleared |
1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
Drop-down menu | N | select all that apply |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month About every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | Which category best describes you | Economist/statistician Business owner/entrepreneur Government official Trade policy/association official Educator Student Reporter/news professional General public Other (please specify) |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | If you answered "Other" to "Which category best describes you?,"please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | What is your primary purpose for visiting the BEA Web site today? | Access a news release Download data tables Access the Survey of Current Business Get general information on the U.S. economy Locate contact information for a BEA staff member Learn about jobs and careers at BEA Other (please specify) |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | If you answered "Other" to "What is your primary purpose for visiting the BEA Web site today?," please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | Did you find what you were looking for today? | Yes No Wasn't looking for anything specific (Just browsing) |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | If you did not find what you were looking for today, what were you looking for specifically? | Open end | N | select one | |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | Describe any additional information, products, or services you would like to see on the BEA Web site. | Open end | N | select one | |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time Daily At least once a week At least once a month Less frequently than once a month |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Which of the following best describes you? | Student Job-seeker/Career-changer Career/Employment counselor Educator Parent of student BLS employee Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Why are you seeking information from the Occupational Outlook Handbook site? Select all that apply. | Planning my career Considering what to study in school Looking for a new job Finding out more about my current occupation Getting career information for someone else Completing a school assignment Other |
Check boxes | Y | select all that apply |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | What types of information in the Handbook are you most interested in? Select all that apply. | Job outlook Earnings Training, other qualifications, and advancement Nature of the work Sources of additional information Other |
Check boxes | Y | select all that apply |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Not yet |
Check boxes | Y | select one |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | If you did not find what you were looking for, what was it? | NA | Open End | N | NA |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | What would you improve on the Occupational Outlook Handbook site? | NA | Open End | N | NA |
CDC | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | What site content do you find most useful? | Statistics Basic information (e.g., fact sheets) Slides Links to other sites Training announcements MMWR index Frequently Asked Questions Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | How do you primarily use the content on this site? | Reference Complement other information Provide data to others Make decisions and/or set policies Prepare articles, studies, or papers Personal interest Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | What is your highest level of education completed? | Did not complete high school or GED High school or GED Some college Bachelor's degree Some graduate study Mater's degree Some doctoral work Ph.D, M.D., J.D., or other doctoral degree Prefer not to respond |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | Which best describes you? | General Public Executive or manager Physician Nurse Educator Librarian or media specialist News media Researcher or scientist Student Unspecified healthcare professional Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | What best describes your organization? | Health care Federal, State or Local Government Educational Library News media Scientific research Unspecified private sector Unemployed Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
CDC | Which best describes your background? | 1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
checkboxes | Y | select all that apply |
CIA | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Radio button | Y | select one |
CIA | What is your primary role in coming to the site today? | Find employment-Submit resume Find employment-Research opportunities Other |
Radio button | Y | select one |
CIA | How did you hear about the site? | Magazine Advertisement Newspaper Advertisement Brand Recognition Friend Family Search Engine Other Internet Site Just assumed you have a website Other |
Radio button | Y | Select one |
CIA | Which of the following would you most like to see added to this site? | Greater variety of job categories Skill/qualification matching Market trend information (salaries, outlook, etc.) Career planning/counseling None |
Radio button | Y | Select one |
CIA | What type of career are you pursuing? | Scientist Engineer Technologist Clandestine Service Language Position Analytic Position Professional Position Other |
Radio button | Y | Select one |
CIA | Which method do you prefer using in applying for a job? | Apply using the CIA's apply online E-mail directly to the company No preference |
Drop-down menu | Y | Select one |
CIA | What type of connection to you most often use for Internet access? | Dial Up High Speed Cable High Speed Satellite Other |
Radio button | Y | Select one |
CIA | What areas of the website did you find to be of highest value? | Benefits Career Builder CIA Culture Diversity FAQs How to Apply I Chose CIA Life at CIA Positions Descriptions |
Drop-down menu | Y | Select multiple |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | Where are you located? | U.S. Canada Mexico Central America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia/New Zealand |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you answered US for the above question 'Where are you located?', please answer the following question: Which best describes you? | Exporter Researcher U.S. Government-USDA U.S. Government-Executive Branch Department U.S. Government-Legislative Branch U.S. Government-Other Agency State government Local government Media Non-Profit Organizations Other Student Consultant Private citizen Farmer Trade association representative Importer Embassy staff |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you answered something other than 'U.S' for the above question 'Where are you located?', please answer the following question: Which best describes you? | Exporter Researcher Government Media Non-Profit Organizations Other Student Importer Farmer Foreign embassy staff |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | Which part of the website did you come to visit today? | Marketing Programs Issues and Policies Research and Information Commodities Selling overseas Learn about FAS Find FAS contact information Other Trade capacity building International technical collaboration International cooperation on sustainable agriculture |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you chose 'Other' for 'Which part of the website did you come to visit today?', please specify: | ||||
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | What is the main reason for your visit to the FAS Web site this session? |
Learn about programs Apply for programs Statistical market searchable databases Overseas market reports Commodity specific reports U.S. export requirements Foreign import requirements Check updates on trade agreements/negotiations Information on trade capacity building Other Didn't have a main reason for visiting |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you chose 'Other' for 'What is the main reason for your visit to the FAS Web site this session?', please specify: | ||||
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | What are you searching for today? | Statistical market information Information on trade capacity building Information on international technical collaboration Information on cooperation on sustainable agriculture Other Information on how to sell products overseas Market development programs Food Aid programs Export financing International trade agreements and negotiations |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | What sources brought you to our site? |
Search engine Other federal or government site Other USDA site Bookmark Referral from friend Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No I was not looking for anything in particular |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If answered "No" above, please tell us what specific information were you looking for? (Please specify) | Open ended | N | ||
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | What would you like to see more of on our site? | International trade agreements/negotiations Interactive applications Regulatory information Feature reports Trade barriers Biotechnology Protecting the food supply Overseas market and commodity reports Nothing more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | How do you prefer to search on this site? | Search by subject Search by FAS program office Search engine Specific searchable database Search by audience |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you used the site's "Search engine" feature to find your information, how satisfied are you with your end results? | 1=Very dissatisfied 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=Very satisfied 11=Don't Know |
Radio buttons | N | select one |
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you are not satisfied with your end results after using the site's "Search engine" feature, please tell us why? | Open ended | N | ||
Dept. of Agriculture - FAS | If you could improve one thing on this website, what would it be? (Please specify) | Open ended | N | ||
Dept. of Justice | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Justice | What is your role in visiting this site today? | Media Legal Community Law Enforcement Business Community Job Seeker Researcher Crime Victim Citizen Government Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Justice | If you answered "Other" to "What is your role in visiting this site today", please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
Dept. of Justice | What were you looking for when you came to | Information about a specific DOJ program A specific DOJ publication A brief or court document An electronic form Contact information Research information for work Research information for school Funding information General information about DOJ Job information or Postings at DOJ Just curious Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select all that apply |
Dept. of Justice | If you answered "Other" to "What were you looking for when you came to this site", please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
Dept. of Justice | Did you find what you were looking for? | I wasn't looking for anything in particular Yes - I found what I was looking for No - I haven't found what I was looking Don’t know yet |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Dept. of Justice | What is the one thing you would most like to see improved on this site? | Open end | N | select one | |
Dept. of Justice | What other types of information do you think should be available on this web site? | Open end | N | select one | | | How frequently do you visit | First time Once a day More than once a day About once a week About once a month Less than once a month |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | In what state do you currently reside? | (list every state including D.C.) | Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | How did you find out about | Referred by a search engine Referred by another website/link Told by a friend Referred by a librarian or educator Media/news story |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | What were you looking for when you came to (Choose all that apply) | Just curious Info about a specific government agency or program Research about a specific topic Contact information for government officials Specific government online service or transaction Government news Download a government form Look for state or local government information General information about the United States Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | Which best describes you? (More than one may apply to you. Choose the one that best describes you in terms of why you came to FirstGov today) | Child or Teen College Student Parent Senior Citizen Teacher or Academic Faculty Librarian Media Business or Non-Profit Owner or Manager Business Employee or Worker Federal Government Employee State Government Employee Local Government Employee Foreign Visitor Other |
Check boxes | y | multi-select | | What would you like to see more of on the FirstGov website? | open-ended | text area | n | open-ended |
Forest Service | How frequently do you visit this site? | *First time *More than once a day *Daily *About once a week *About once a month *Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Forest Service | How often do you visit a National Forest or Grassland? | *Several times a week *Once a week *Once a month *Once every six months *About once a year or less often *Never |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Forest Service | Which best describes your location? | *Alaska OR Hawaii *Northeastern U.S. *Midwestern U.S. *Southeastern U.S. *Southwestern U.S. *Rocky Mtn. U.S. *West coast U.S. *From Canada *From outside the U.S. and Canada |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Forest Service | If you answered Outside the U.S. and Canada to the description of your location, please specify. | Open end | |||
Forest Service | How would you best describe yourself as it pertains to your current site visit? | *Business owner/employee *Forest Service employee *Other Federal government employee (not Forest Service) *State/local government employee *News Media *Professor *Student *Other |
Drop-down menu | ||
Forest Service | If you answered other to what best describes yourself as it pertains to your current site visit, please specify. | Open end | |||
Forest Service | What is the main reason for your visit to the Forest Service website this session? | *Academic research *Advistory/restrictions/current conditions info *Assistance with private land/forest *Conduct business with the Forest Service *Data or statistics *Employment or volunteering *Fire information *Locate a person or office *Planning/policy information *Program/project updates *Travel/vacation planning *Just browsing *Other |
Check boxes | Y | select one |
Forest Service | If you answered other to the main reason for your visit, please specify. | Open end | |||
Forest Service | What would you like to see more of on our website? | *A way to buy maps and guidebooks *Forest Service information on policy, programs and projects *History on the Forest Service *More information about plants, animals, and trees or other research info *More online maps *More photos *More recreation information *Other |
Check boxes | Y | select one |
Forest Service | If you answered other to what would you like to see more of on our website, please specify. | Open end | |||
Forest Service | After visiting our website, which of the following do you feel you know more about? | *The Forest Service and what it does *Ecosystem health and conservation *Scientific and technical assistance available from the Forest Service *How to safely and responsiblyuse the National Forests and Grasslands |
Check boxes | Y | select all that apply |
IRS | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
IRS | Which category best describes your role when coming to this site? | An Individual Tax Payer Representing a Business Representing a Charity or Non-Profit Organization Representing a Government Entity A Tax Professional (such as an accountant, attorney, tax consultant, tax preparer, bank trust officer, etc) Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
IRS | If you answered "Other" for "Which category best describes your role?", please specify. | Open-ended | N | ||
IRS | If you came to for tax info relating to businesses, how would you categorize your particular business? | Large or mid-size business Small business or self-employed individual |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
IRS | What is your primary reason for coming to the site? | Obtain general tax information Download a tax form, publication, or instructions Obtain info on tax regulations or written determinations Obtain info on revenue rulings or court cases Obtain info on e-file To sign-up for or login into e-services Obtain info on the status of your tax refund Obtain tax statistics Obtain an EIN Contact the IRS Find mailing addresses for tax forms Order forms from the IRS Use online tax calculators Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
IRS | If you answered "Other" for "What is your primary reason?", please specify. | Open-ended | N | ||
IRS | How do you usually find information on our site? | Search Engine IRS Keyword Navigation to the Web page Site Map Bookmarks Internet Search Engine (e.g., Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.) Links to from other websites Other |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
IRS | If you answered "Other" for "How usually find information?", please specify. | Open-ended | N | ||
IRS | Did you find the information you were looking for? | Yes No Partially |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
IRS | If you answered "No" for "Did you find the information you were looking for", what specific type of information were you trying to find? Please specify. | Open-ended | N | ||
Library of Congress | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | Which best describes you? | General Public K-12 Student K-12 Educator College Student Scholar/Researcher/Professor Librarian Publisher Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | How did you find our site? | Search engine (Yahoo, Excite, Google, etc.) Link from another site Publications/Products Teacher Recommendation Conference Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | open ended | N | NA | |
Library of Congress | How likely are you to return and spend more time exploring this site? | 1=Not at all likely 10=Very likely 11=Don't know |
Radio Buttons | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | Please rate the Library of Congress site on it's value as a cultural and educational institution. | 1=Not at all valuable 10=Very valuable 11=Don't know |
Radio Buttons | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | Which area of the site were you primarily visiting today? | American Memory America's Library Exhibitions Global Gateway National Library of the Blind and Disabled Law Library Learning page Research Centers (e.g. business, manuscripts, etc.) THOMAS Copyright Office Catalogs Shop Events Jobs Content for Librarians Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress | Which areas of the site do you visit most often? Select all that apply. | American Memory America's Library Exhibitions Global Gateway National Library of the Blind and Disabled Law Library Learning page Research Centers (e.g. business, manuscripts, etc.) THOMAS Copyright Office Catalogs Shop Events Jobs Content for Librarians Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | Multiple Select |
Library of Congress | If you could make one change/improvment to the Library of Congress site, what would it be? | open ended | N | NA | |
Library of Congress - Store | How frequently do you visit this Web site? | First time Daily About once a week About once a month Less than once a month |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | What was your primary purpose in coming to the Library of Congress Shop today? | Research product information Make a purchase Received special offer Comparison shop Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | How many times have you purchased from the Library of Congress Shop? | This was my first time 2-3 times 4-7 times 8 or more times I don't know |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | What led you to consider the Library of Congress Shop for your purchase(s) today? | E-Mail from Shop TV Advertisment Internet Search (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc) Link from another Web site Prior experience with Shop Recommendation from friend/family/colleague Don’t recall Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | What is the primary reason you decided to purchase from the Library of Congress Shop? | Product selection Convenience of shopping online versus catalogs Price Promotional offer Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | Who are you purchasing for? | Yourself Child Other family member Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | When do you expect to receive your order? | 1-2 days 3-5 days 6-9 days 10-12 days 13 or more days |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | How did you shop for products during this visit? | By product category (e.g. Books, Calendars) Using the search feature Browsing Using a combination of the above Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
Library of Congress - Store | If you could identify one improvement we could make to the Shop Web site or ordering process, what would it be? | Open | N | N/A | |
NAL | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or more |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NAL | If you are a USDA employee Select One | Office of the Secretary Main USDA Office(Communications, Dept. Admin., etc..) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) Coop.State Research, Education, and Extension Service Economic Research Service (ERS) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Forest Service (FS) Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Office of Community Development (OCD) Risk Management Agency (RMA) Rural Development (inc. Rural Business i.e. Coop. Service) Other USDA Program Office |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NAL | Which best describes your role in coming to our site? | American tribal representative Business/industry employee College/university faculty/staff Elementary/secondary educator Farmer, rancher or other agricultural producer Federal government (nonUSDA) employee General Public Librarian or Information Specialist News media representative Nonprofit organization representative State or local government representative Student Other |
check boxes | Y | all that apply |
NAL | How did you find our site? | Search engine (Yahoo, Excite, Google, etc.) Link from another site Conference Publications/Products Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NAL | Please specify (search engine, magazine, conference name, etc.) | open ended | N | select one | |
NAL | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | Grade school or some high school High school graduate Some college/vocational school College graduate Some postgraduate school Graduate/professional degree |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NAL | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | open ended | N | ||
NAL | Were you able to find the information you were seeking? | I found all the information I needed I found most of the information I needed I found some of the information I needed I was unable to find any information Not sure yet |
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NAL | What else would you like to see on our site? | open ended | N | ||
NIJ | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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NIJ | Which best describes you? | Administrator/manager Staff Elected/appointed official Educator Researcher Technology developer Student General public Other |
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NIJ | What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session? | Background information on a topic Information for a research project List of resources on a topic Information on available funding Practical guidance on the purchase or implementation of a technology Practical guidance on a policy/practice decision or change |
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NIJ | How will you use the information you got at this site today? (Check all that apply.) |
Apply for funding Pass it on to a colleague Help form a policy decision or change Help develop or change a practice/intervention program Use it for research project Use it for technology development project For publications, do you plan to read through the document For publications, do you plane to use it as a reference Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | Multi-select |
NIJ | Which topics are of interest to you? (Check all that apply.) |
Child Protection Communications and Information Systems Community policing Corrections Courts Crime Prevention Criminology Counterterrorism Delinquency prevention DNA evidence Electronic/Cyber Crime Family violence Forensic sciences Gangs Juvenile Justice Law Enforcement Parole and probation School Safety Sentencing Substance abuse Technology for Public Safety Agencies Victims of crime Violence |
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NIST | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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NIST | How did you find out about | Keyword search Link from another website |
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NIST | What information were you looking for? | Check boxes | Y | Multi-select | |
NIST | How were you trying to locate the information? | Browsing Search engine Site map |
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NIST | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Not yet |
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NLM Main | What best describes your role in visiting NLM's website today? | 1 Educator 2 Patient with a specific disease or condition 3 Secondary Student (grades 7-12) 4 Family or friend of patient 5 Researcher/Scientist 6 General health consumer 7 Health Care Provider (e.g., Physician, Dentist, Nurse) 8 Health Care Administrator 9 Librarian or information Professional 10 College/Graduate Student 11 News Reporter, Media Person 12 NLM Staff 13 Other |
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NLM Main | In which country were you born? | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NLM Main | From which country are you currently accessing NLM's website? | Drop-down menu | N | select one | |
NLM Main | If you are accessing this site from the U.S., from which state are you currently accessing this site? | 1 List states 52 Outside the U.S. |
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Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NLM Main | Please select the category that includes your age. | 1 24 and under 2 25 - 34 3 35 - 44 4 45 - 54 5 55-64 6 65 and over |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NLM Main | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? | 1 Current middle or high school student 2 Did not complete high school 3 High school graduate 4 Some college/vocational school 5 College graduate 6 Some postgraduate school 7 Graduate/professional degree |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NLM Main | What is your preferred reading language on the Web? | 1 English 2 Arabic 3 Chinese 4 French 5 German 6 Italian 7 Japanese 8 Korean 9 Polish 10 Portuguese 11 Spanish 12 Other |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NLM Main | How do you describe your ethnicity? OMB Cleared |
1 Hispanic 2 Non-Hispanic |
Drop-down menu | N | select one |
NLM Main | How do you describe your race? OMB Cleared |
1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 White 6 I do not wish to provide this information |
Drop-down menu | N | select all that apply |
NLM Main | How did you learn of NLM's Web site? | Web search engine (Yahoo!, Google, AOL , etc.) Link from another Web site Link from NIH Web site Library Newspaper or magazine article Health organization or association (hospital, clinic, AMA, etc.) Physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health provider Family member or friend TV/radio School Don't know |
NLM Main | If you answered "Other" to "What is your primary reason(s) for visiting this website during this session?," please specify: |
open end | N | ||
NLM Main | If you answered "Other" to "What best describes the result of your visit?," please specify: | open end | N | ||
NLM Main | If you answered "Other" to "What best describes your role in visiting this website today?," please specify: | open end | N | ||
NRC | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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NRC | Which role/affiliation best describes you? | NRC licensee State or local government International regulatory community Public interest group NRC employee NRC contractor Other federal employee Nuclear industry Member of the public Law firm News media Congress Researcher Consultant Student Teacher Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRC | If you answered "Other" above, what other role best describes you? | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | Find out about NRC Read about what NRC does Read event reports Research about nuclear reactors Find information on nuclear materials Research information on radioactive waste Find out about public involvement/meetings Learn about current rulemakings Report a safety concern Learn about emergency preparedness Know about radiation protection Find employment at NRC Contact NRC Get information on license fees Download NRC forms Electronically submit documents News and info Find out what's new on the website Other |
Check boxes | Y | select all that apply |
NRC | If you answered "Other" above, what is your other primary reason for visiting the site? | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Partially |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
NRC | What source brought you to our site? | Search engine Other government site Site bookmarked Referral Printed materials Media/news story Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRC | How do you prefer to navigate this site? | Regular search feature Advanced search feature Top & left navigation bars Quick links Site index Site map Other No preference |
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NRC | If you answered "Other" above, what is your other preferred means for navigating the site? | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | What feature or aspect or the NRC site do you most appreciate? (Please be brief and specific) | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | What feature or aspect or the NRC site do you least appreciate? (Please be brief and specific) | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | What other information would you like to see on the NRC site? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
NRC | Do you have any other comments about our site? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
NRCS | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day About once a day About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | What was your primary purpose in visiting this site today? | To obtain natural resource information To obtain technical information To obtain program information To report information To obtain employee/office information Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | If you answered "Other" to what was your primary purpose in visiting this site today, please specify: | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | Which of the following best describes your role in coming to this site today? | Agricultural landowner/operator Urban/suburban landowner/operator Private business/industry/consultant NRCS employee Other government employee Tribal government/group Educator/student Partner group Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | If you answered "Other" to which of the following best describes your role in coming to this site, please specify: | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | What is the primary navigation method you are using to locate the information you are looking for today? | Search feature Navigation bars Both of the above Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | If you answered "Other" to what is the primary navigation method you are using to locate the information you are looking for, please specify: | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | Did you find the information you were looking for today? | Yes, I found it No, I haven't found it yet ![]() |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | If you were not able to find the information you were looking for today, please specify what were you looking for. | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | What is your preferred method to obtain information or answers to your questions? | Online/Website Telephone Service Center Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
NRCS | If you answered "Other" to what is your preferred method to obtain information or answers, please specify: | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | What do you like most about this site? | Open ended | N | ||
NRCS | What do you like least about this site? | Open ended | N | ||
NWHIC | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | How did you first learn about this site? | Search engine Link from another site Obtained link from a publication, newsletter, or email Obtained link from a colleague/friend/professor/other person Referred to site by NCJRS staff Learned about the site at a conference Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | If you answered, "other" to "How did you learn about this site?," please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | What was your main reason for visiting this site? | Find a publication/product (e.g. video, resource guide) Find a victim service program Obtain funding information Participate in or find out more about an online discussion Learn about program information or best practices Conduct general research on a topic or issue Just browsing Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | If you answered, "other" to "What was your main reason for visiting this site?," please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | What best describes your organizational affiliation? | U.S. Department of Justice Other Federal agency Criminal or juvenile justice professional association Victimology/Victim assistance professional organization Other professional association Educator Practioner Researcher Student American Indian/Alaska Native Community-based/"Grassroots" organization Corrections Courts Drug/Health Services Law Enforcement Policymaker Victim services Youth services General Public Media Private organization |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | If you answered, "other" to "What best describes your organizational affiliation?," please specify: | Open end | N | ||
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | How will the information you obtain today be used? | Make a referral for a victim Improve victim services programs Learn more about victim issues To obtain funding Training Presentation or speech Program development Policy development Media Report/Research for work/school Reference Other |
Check box | Y | Multiple |
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | If you answered, "other" to "How will the information you obtain today be used?," please specify: | Open end | N | ||
OVC - Office for Victims of Crime | What is the one thing you would most like to see improved on this site? | Open end | N | || | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | What best describes you? | Government employee, political appointee Government employee, career Military No government affiliation Media |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one | | What information were you looking for? | President's Management Agenda Messages from the President Appointee Directory Ethics Guidance Records Management information Department Links FAQs on the GAO and IGs Legislative Process information Other |
Check boxes | Y | Multi-select |
SSA - FAQ's | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | If there were no "Answers to Your Questions" section on our website, how would you have contacted Social Security to ask your question? (Choose only one response.) | Send an email Browse the Website Call Social Security’s 800 number Call my local Social Security office Visit my local Social Security office Write a letter to Social Security Would not have contacted Social Security |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | Did we answer your question(s)? | Yes, my question (s) was answered completely Yes, my question (s) was answered partially No, my question (s) was not answered at all |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | Please rate on a scale of 1- 10 (where 1=Very difficult and 10 = Very Easy), how easy it was to find the answer(s) you were looking for? | 1 - 10 scale | Radio Button | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | Please rate on a scale of 1- 10 (where 1=Very difficult and 10 = Very Easy), how easy it was to understand the answer(s) you received? | 1 - 10 scale | Radio Button | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | If you plan on following up with Social Security to clarify the answer you received during this site visit, how do you intend to contact Social Security? | Send an email Call Social Security’s 800 number Call my local Social Security office Visit my local Social Security office Write a letter to Social Security Return to the Website at a later time |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
SSA - FAQ's | Are there any additional subjects that you would like us to include in Social Security’s “Answers To Your Questions”? | Open end | Text Box | N | select one |
SSA - Main | How often do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less frequently |
SSA - Main | What was the main reason for your visit today? | Apply for benefits Check status of my application for benefits Plan for retirement Get information about the disability program Make a Social Security card or number, name, or address change Make a change affecting benefits I already receive Check for popular baby names Look for Federal employment Find my local office; how to contact Social Security Download forms Services for employers/businesses Research Social Security or its financial status Other |
SSA - Main | If you answered “Other,” please explain: | ||||
SSA - Main | Which of the following best describes you? | General Public Advocate or representative Employer Social Worker Other |
SSA - Main | If you answered “Other,” please explain: | ||||
SSA - Main | Are you visiting the site on behalf of someone else? | Yes No |
SSA - Main | If you are visiting on behalf of someone else, who is it? | Relative Friend Patient Client Other |
SSA - Main | How did you hear about this site? | From Social Security Newspaper, magazine, television or other media source Search Engine Linked from another Website Word-of-mouth Other |
SSA - Retirement Planner | How often do you visit Social Security's Retirement Planner? | First time Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less frequently |
SSA - Retirement Planner | How did you hear about the Retirement Planner? | Clicked on the link on the Social Security home page Social Security Representative told me about it Read about it in a Social Security publication Place of employment/HR Department Financial Advisor Saw it in a newspaper, magazine, television or other media source Got it from a Search Engine Linked from another website Other |
Drop-down menu | select one | |
SSA - Retirement Planner | From where are you accessing the Retirement Planner? | Home Work Financial Planner's office Friend or relative's home Other |
SSA - Retirement Planner | Which of the following best describes you? | Individual/Self Employer (e.g., Human Resources Department) Financial Advisor Service Agency or Organization (e.g., AARP, Council on Aging, government agency, non-profit organization, etc.) Other |
SSA - Retirement Planner | What is your (or the person you are assisting) primary purpose for visiting the Retirement Planner today? | Find my retirement age Learn about factors that may affect my retirement benefits Calculate my benefits Learn about Social Security Programs Decide when to retire Apply for retirement Find out what happens if I work after retirement Other |
SSA - Retirement Planner | If you plan to use one of the benefit calculators during this visit, which will you use? | Quick Calculator Online Calculator Detailed Calculator WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision) Online Calculator Not Applicable |
SSA - Retirement Planner | WHEN do you (or the person you are assisting) plan to file for retirement benefits? | Within 12 months 1 to 3 years 3 to 6 years 6 or more years Not applicable |
SSA - Retirement Planner | HOW do you (or the person you are assisting) plan to file for retirement benefits? | File Retirement Application Online By Telephone Face to Face in an SSA Field Office Not Applicable |
SSA - Retirement Planner | What is your overall rating of SSA's Retirement Planner? | 1-10 scale (where 1 is the lowest rating and 10 is the highest rating) | |||
SSA - Retirement Planner | Do you have any problems with, or specific suggestions to improve SSA's Retirement Planner? | Open-Ended | |||
US Dept of Interior | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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US Dept of Interior | Which best describes you? | General public Recreational Enthusiast Scientist Researcher Ranger Teacher Student Other |
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US Dept of Interior | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | I am visiting a park soon Find a Park of interest American History Learn about America's culture Find grants and assistance Find the latest educational features See what's new Looking for a cultural resource subject Looking for a cultural resource program Research information on specific nature and science topics Read the NPS Digest Find news releases in the NPS Press Room Search for Official NPS publications Search for a bookshop Contact NPS Find employment Learn NPS Become a Junior Ranger on line Find fun and games in your National Park Check out the GalleryZone Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of Interior | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Partially Still looking |
Check boxes | Y | select one |
US Dept of Interior | How do you usually find information on our site? | Search feature Advance search Search by Topic Quick Links Top navigation bar Left navigation bar Site Map Other |
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US Dept of Interior | Are you going to visit a park soon? | Yes No Maybe |
Check boxes | Y | select one |
US Dept of Interior | What other information would you like to see on the NPS site? (Please specify) | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of Interior | Do you have any other comments about our site? (Please specify) | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Which of the following best describes how often you visit this website? | This is my first time More than once a day Daily Weekly Monthly Less than monthly |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | What is your home country? | Please refer to the Countries tab. | Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Please select the response that best represents your participation category type to this website. | ECA Program Alumnus Department of State Foreign Services National (FSN) Department of State Foreign Service Officer (FSO) Department of State Civil Service Officer (CS) Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | What program did you participate in? | Please refer to the Programs tab. | Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? | Check calendar of upcoming alumni events See grant opportunity listings Participate in live online discussions Participate in discussion forum Read alumni news See photo gallery Post/see alumni resumes Post/read articles written by alumni Use optional Alumni ListServ Learn about exchange/training programs Register for the Website Search for fellow alumni Search for host family members Other |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Not sure |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | How did you find out about State Alumni? | Search engine Another website/link Another alumnus Orientation End-of-Program workshop U.S. Embassy or Consulate IATP Center Alumni Resource Center Promotional bookmark Alumni Coordinator Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Do you feel that this website connects you to the alumni community? | Yes No Not sure |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Through this website, have you ever reconnected with a fellow alumnus with whom you had lost touch? | Yes No Not sure |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | Would you recommend this site to another alumnus? | Yes No Not sure |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | Why would you recommend it or not recommend it? (please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Would you visit the site more often if it had more resources in languages other than English? | Yes No Maybe |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | If "yes", which languages would you like to see? | Arabic Chinese French German Hindi Italian Japanese Korean Polish Punjabi Russian Spanish Turkish Urdu Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | If you answered "other" for languages, please specify. | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Would you visit the site more often if there were more information specific to alumni of your particular exchange program(s)? | Yes No Not sure |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Have you ever applied for a job or grant or attended an event that you learned about from this website? | Yes No |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | Have you ever gotten a job or won a grant that you learned about from this website? | Yes No |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | What types of jobs and grants that aren't listed should be included? | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Have you participated in a Q&A Live? | Yes No |
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US Dept of State Alumni Site | Are there any topics you would like us to address in a Q&A Live? (please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | What other types of information or features do you think should be available on the State Alumni site? (please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Alumni Site | Please describe any other comments you have. | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | Where are you located? | U.S. Canada Mexico Caribbean Central or South America Europe (Scandinavia to Turkey) Middle East/North Africa Africa (Sub-Sahara) Russia, Caucasus, Central Asia (former USSR) South Asia (Afghanistan to Sri Lanka) East Asia (Korea, Mongolia to Indonesia) Pacific (Australia/New Zealand, Islands) |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | Which best describes you? | International Student Scholar/Researcher Parent Teacher/Educator Education Administrator Educational Adviser U.S. Government Employee Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | If you answered "Other" above, what other best describes you? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | What source brought you to our site? |
Search engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN) U.S. College/University website Other U.S. Department of State site Other U.S. Government site Bookmark Referral from friend Other None Fulbright Commission website US Embassy website |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | If you answered "Other" above, what other source brought you to our site? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? | Locate an EducationUSA Advising Center Learn how to apply to a U.S. College/University Find a U.S. College/University Find visa information Learn about U.S. Higher Education Find financial aid and scholarship information Learn about life in the U.S. Other Learn about tuition and fees Find a list of all accredited universities/colleges in the USA |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | If you answered "Other" above, what is your other primary reason for visiting the site today? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | What method are you using to locate information on this site? | Search Categories on the top navigation bar Categories on the left navigation bar Quick Links All of the above Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Partially Still looking |
Radio buttons | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | If you could not find the information you were looking for, what specific information were you trying to find? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | How did you find out about | Search engine Another website/link Word of mouth Educational Adviser Media/news story Friend Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State EducationUSA Site | What other types of information do you think should be available on the EducationUSA site? (Please specify) | Open-ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Exchanges Site | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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US Dept of State Exchanges Site | Where are you located? | U.S. Africa The Americas East Asia and the Pacific Europe/Eurasia Middle East and North Africa South Asia |
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US Dept of State Exchanges Site | Which best describes your role in visiting this site? | Academic (instructor, professor, lecturer) Business Government (U.S.) Government (Foreign) Media Military Non-profit Organization Researcher Student (High school) Student (Undergraduate/Graduate) Other |
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US Dept of State Exchanges Site | If you answered "Other" above, please specify your other role. | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Exchanges Site | What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? | Learn about exchange program opportunities Apply for exchange programs Seek educational and cultural information See funding opportunities/open RFGPs Read press/public releases/briefings Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of State Exchanges Site | If you answered "Other" above, please specify your other reason. | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of State Exchanges Site | Did you find what you were looking for? | Yes No Partially |
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US Dept of State Exchanges Site | What other information would you like to see on our site? | Stories from exchange participants More grant information Audio/visual components Photo galleries Moderated chats Q&A sessions Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | All that apply |
US Dept of State Exchanges Site | If you answered "Other" above, please specify what other information you would like to see. | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of Transportation | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time About once a day More than once a day About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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US Dept of Transportation | What was your primary purpose in visiting this site today? | To conduct research for academic purposes Safety News Dockets & Regulations Jobs Education/Training About U.S. Department of Transportation Budget information Contact information Information about a specific U.S. Department of Transportation program Information about a U.S. Department of Transportation agency Just curious Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of Transportation | If you answered "Other" to your primary purpose in visiting this site, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
US Dept of Transportation | Which term describes you best? | Congressional staff General public Travel Industry Organization U.S. Department of Transportation Employee/Contractor Federal Government Employee-not U.S. Department of Transportation Traveler Press/Media State or Local Government Employee Student/Researcher Other |
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US Dept of Transportation | If you answered "Other" to which term describes you best , please specify: | Open end | N | ||
US Dept of Transportation | What were you looking for on this visit to the U.S. Department of Transportation site? | Consumer information Safety information Travel information Data or Statistics U.S. Department of Transportation forms Federal regulations Business opportunities Job opportunities at U.S. Department of Transportation License/Certificate Other |
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US Dept of Transportation | If you answered "Other" to what were you looking for on this visit, please specify: | Open end | N | ||
US Dept of Transportation | If you used the search feature today, did it enable you to find the information you were looking for? | Yes No |
US Dept of Transportation | If you were not able to find the information that you were looking for today, what were you looking for? | Open end | |||
US Dept of Transportation | What can USDOT do to improve this site? | Open end | |||
US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | Where are you located? | West Northwest Southwest Mid-west Northeast Southeast Other |
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US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | What best describes your role in visiting this site? | Individual saver/investor Bank or credit union representative Member of the press Financial planner Pension fund manager Hedge fund manager Broker Primary dealer Research analyst Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | If you answered "Other" above, please specify other role. | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? | Purchase a Treasury security Open a TreasuryDirect account Access my TreasuryDirect account Learn about TreasuryDirect Check rates for Treasury securities Learn terms and conditions of T-bills, notes or TIPS Learn how to buy or redeem T-bills, notes or TIPS Learn how to buy or redeem a savings bond Learn terms and conditions of savings bonds Calculate current value of a savings bond I own Learn how to replace lost, stolen or destroyed savings bond Other |
Drop-down menu | Y | select one |
US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | If you answered "Other" above, please specify other reason for visiting. | Open ended | N | ||
US Dept of Treasury - Treasury Direct | What source brought you to our site? | Search engine Another website/link Media/news story Other government site Site bookmarked Referral from a friend/family/colleague/banker Brochure, flyer, poster, or other printed material Other |
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White House Off. Of National Drug Control Policy | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time More than once a day Daily About once a week About once a month Every 6 months or less |
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White House Off. Of National Drug Control Policy | If you answered, "other" to "How did you learn about this site?," please specify: | Open end | N | select one | |
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