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pdfAttachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Fiscal Year 2012
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
Organization ................................................................................................................................. 1
Planning Process .......................................................................................................................... 1
Plan Follow up and Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 1
The Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Strategic goal: Prevent occupational illnesses through reduced exposure to workplace
hazards ............................................................................................................................ 2
Strategic goal: Promote occupational safety and health research on emerging issues ........... 4
Strategic goal: Protect the health and safety of workers during public health emergencies .. 5
Strategic goal: Train physicians, nurses, industrial hygienists, and other professionals to
address workplace health hazards from a practical, public health perspective through
HHE field experiences ..................................................................................................... 6
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
This document describes the Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program Strategic Plan for
Fiscal Year 12. It is our third strategic plan developed after the National Academies released a
report titled The Health Hazard Evaluation Program at NIOSH, which was based on its evaluation
of the HHE Program in Fiscal Year 2008 and we released our Plan to Implement the National
Academies Program Evaluation Recommendations in Fiscal Year 2009.
This plan and the effort that led to its development demonstrate the HHE Program’s
commitment to transparency and accountability. Health hazard evaluations are the core of our
mission, and the nature of this work requires that we be responsive and proficient. To meet the
challenge of strengthening our impact of the health of the U.S. workforce, we must think
strategically and plan for the future.
The structure of our strategic plan follows guidance developed by NIOSH for its program
portfolio, in which the HHE program is considered a cross‐sector program
( The plan includes long‐range strategic goals,
intermediate goals, annuals goals, and performance measures (which may apply to goals at any
of these levels). Tracking our performance and results against these targets will allow us to
gauge progress towards our mission:
to protect worker health through problem solving, research, risk
communication, and dissemination of findings and
recommendations by responding to external requests for hazard
evaluations and technical assistance.
Our strategic plan encompasses four strategic goals. The strategic goals describe a specific
desired change in the social system.
Strategic goal (SG) 1. Prevent occupational illnesses through reduced exposure to
workplace hazards
SG 2. Promote occupational safety and health research on emerging issues
SG 3. Protect the health and safety of workers during public health emergencies
SG 4. Train physicians, nurses, industrial hygienists, and other professionals to address
workplace health hazards from a practical, public health perspective through HHE field
For each strategic goal, the plan includes intermediate goals, which describe the desired
activities that organizations or individuals undertake with the outputs created by the program,
annual goals, which describe program activities, including outputs and transfers to stakeholders,
and performance measures, which are indicators of progress toward the annual goals. The
performance measures also are assessed as part of organizational and individual performance.
The HHE Program will review this Strategic Plan at the end of FY2011 and make necessary
adjustments. It is anticipated that the strategic goals and intermediate goals are not likely to
change significantly unless external factors impact the Program. Annual goals and their
performance measures are more likely to be adjusted based on resources, progress towards
meeting the goals, and changing priorities.
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan
This document describes the Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program Strategic Plan for
Fiscal Year (FY) 2010. It is our second strategic plan developed after the National Academies
released a report titled The Health Hazard Evaluation Program at NIOSH, which was based on its
evaluation of the HHE Program in FY2008 and we released our Plan to Implement the National
Academies Program Evaluation Recommendations (reference) in FY2009.
This plan and the effort that led to its development demonstrate the HHE Program’s
commitment to transparency and accountability. Health hazard evaluations are the core of our
mission, and the nature of this work requires that we be responsive and proficient. To meet the
challenge of strengthening our impact of the health of the U.S. workforce, we must think
strategically and plan for the future.
The structure of our strategic plan follows guidance developed by NIOSH for its program
portfolio, in which the HHE program is considered a cross‐sector program
( The plan includes long‐range strategic goals,
intermediate goals, annuals goals, and annual performance measures. The strategic goals
describe a specific desired change in the social system. For each strategic goal, the plan includes
intermediate goals, which describe the desired activities that organizations or individuals
undertake with the outputs created by the program, annual goals, which describe program
activities, including outputs and transfers to stakeholders, and performance measures, which
are indicators of progress toward the annual goals.
Planning Process
The HHE Program Strategic Plan for FY2011 updates the 2010 plan. It was developed
following a year‐end review of the FY2011 plan and assessment of performance measures. Items
were removed if work was completed, measures modified to reflect current resources, and
annual goals and performance measures consolidated to remove redundancies.
Plan Follow up and Evaluation
The HHE Program will review this Strategic Plan at the end of FY2011 and make necessary
adjustments. It is anticipated that the strategic goals and intermediate goals are not likely to
change significantly unless external factors impact the Program. Annual goals and performance
measures are more likely to be adjusted based on resources, progress towards meeting the
goals, and changing priorities.
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan
The Plan
Strategic goal: Prevent occupational illnesses through reduced exposure to
workplace hazards
1.1. Intermediate goal: Increase the number of health hazard evaluation requests
concerning high priority and/or emerging occupational health problems
1.1.1. Annual goal: Increase awareness of the program's services within specific
industries Visit 3‐5 auto repair shops for observational assessments to help
identify and prioritize potential hazards. (addresses Services sector goal
1.2.1) Conduct an HHE in an auto repair shop to characterize the potential
hazards identified in our observational assessments Establish contacts with CPWR and others to help generate and HHE
request regarding green jobs in the construction sector Conduct an HHE regarding green jobs in another industry identified by
the HHE program as a priority (e.g., recycling)
1.1.2. Annual goal: Increase awareness of the program's services among Hispanic
workers Obtain one HHE request from Hispanic employer or workers as a result
of our outreach Provide assistance via email or phone to at least one Hispanic employer
or employee regarding occupational health and safety topics Host a webinar discussion with a Hispanic worksite about the results of
an HHE Host a webinar discussion with stakeholders highlighting resources
available to Hispanic employers and employees Develop and implement guidelines for project officers on how to handle
written translations during an HHE Translate into Spanish a designated section of the HHE numbered
reports for 50% of reports released Implement a system to track the number of HHEs that use Spanish
resources Develop a plan for converting the Spanish HHE webpages into the new
template and improving their usability
1.1.3. Annual goal: Develop and/or strengthen partnerships with other government
programs Conduct formal outreach to NIOSH surveillance grantees to inform them
of the services of the HHE program Call local health departs to whom we sent notification letters/final
reports in FY11 to gauge their response to our information. Formalize a partnership with the ATSDR ACE program Host a meeting with Cincinnati‐area health departments and the OSHA
area office to advance local partnerships and knowledge of the HHE
program Develop and distribute HHE informational materials to selected local
health departments
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan Develop and distribute HHE informational materials to OSHA area
offices Participate in quarterly OSHA‐state health department conference calls Present HHE program activities during two NIOSH‐OSHA monthly
information exchange conference calls
1.1.4. Annual goal: Focus resources on activities with high potential for impact Following the initial site visit, HHE investigators report the presence of a
potential health hazard in 50% of HHE field investigations At least 40% of HHE field investigations address issues that are not well
described in the scientific literature (according to the NIOSH project
officer) The HHE program posts reports on its website for 75% of field
1.2. Intermediate goal: Facilitate implementation of recommendations at work sites
investigated through the HHE Program 75% of followback survey respondents report that recommendations
made at the closing conference were implemented 80% of followback survey respondents report that workplace conditions
have improved since the NIOSH evaluation
1.2.1. Annual goal: Provide high quality service to HHE stakeholders at investigated
work sites 90% of respondents to the health hazard evaluation followback survey
report that the Recommendations section of the report was “very or
somewhat useful” to them 90% of employees responding to the health hazard evaluation
followback survey report that the Highlights section of the report was
“very or somewhat useful” to them" Complete 75% of reports within 9 months of the last site visit Complete post‐report phone consultations for 80% of investigated work
sites Make onsite, post‐investigation presentations for two health hazard
evaluations Develop a partnership at one work site to assist in implementation and
evaluation of recommendations Complete four onsite followback surveys Obtain information about implementation of recommendations from
90% of eligible health hazard evaluations 1 year after report release. Obtain post‐release review of a 20% sample of HHE reports released in
FY10 by members of the HHE Alumni Network
1.3. Intermediate goal: Enhance awareness of hazards identified and controls recommended
by HHE Program investigators among employees and employers at work sites not
investigated by the Program
1.3.1. Annual goal: Provide high quality service to HHE requestors at non‐investigated
work sites 65% of health hazard evaluation requesters completing a followback
survey report that the letter was helpful
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan 65% of health hazard evaluation requesters completing a followback
survey report that they shared with information in the letter with others
at the worksite." Complete 90% of letters within 6 months of the request Post health hazard evaluation reports on the NIOSH website within 1
month of release Complete re‐design of HHE topic page Obtain post‐release review of a 5% sample of HHE letters released in
FY10 by members of the HHE Alumni Network
1.3.2. Annual goal: Share HHE findings with other occupational health and
safety/public health professionals Provide 12 HHE Program‐based presentations at the annual meetings of
appropriate medical/industrial hygiene/public health organizations Participate in meetings of at least two NORA Sector Research Councils Submit four publications to peer‐reviewed journals Submit 24 HHE summaries to the International Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Health Announce all health hazard evaluation reports in Epi‐X within 2 months
of distributing to the investigated facility Announce all health hazard evaluation reports in NIOSH eNews within 2
months of distributing to the investigated facility Participate as requested in intra‐ and inter‐agency workgroups Distribute all HHE reports to the relevant OSHA offices and state health
and labor agencies
1.3.3. Annual goal: Develop new information products based on HHE program
activities and findings Develop and distribute an annual HHE Program report for 2010 Develop a topic concept memo for one NIOSH‐numbered document Submit six articles to trade publications or websites Update HHE Facebook page weekly Send quarterly updates to HHE alumni participants
Strategic goal: Promote occupational safety and health research on emerging issues
2.1. Intermediate goal: Provide occupational safety and health researchers with information
about emerging issues
2.1.1. Annual goal: Transfer information to internal and external partners Prepare and disseminate annual HHE summary information to NORA
sector research councils Participate on the Coordinating Committees of at least six NIOSH cross‐
sector programs Distribute newly released HHE reports to relevant sector and cross‐
sector programs
2.1.2. Annual goal: Get info from external sources on emerging hazards Update prioritized list of emerging hazards for which health hazard
evaluations could be used to provide information Poll alumni network for suggestions Occ med osha project
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan Hold teleconference with OSHA emerging issues staff every 6 months to
share information
Strategic goal: Protect the health and safety of workers during public health
3.1. Intermediate goal: Provide stakeholders with information about high priority
occupational health issues likely to arise during public health emergencies
3.1.1. Annual goal: Develop and disseminate information anticipating likely chemical,
biological, or radiological threats and natural or man‐made disasters Do we want a new goal
3.2. Intermediate goal: HHE Program personnel respond appropriately to requests for
3.2.1. Annual goal: Maintain adequate numbers of trained and certified staff Maintain 80% of HHE Program field staff who are: (a) medically cleared
and (b) current on annual respirator training and fit testing Maintain HAZWOPER certification for 80% of HHE Program field staff Maintain 90% HHE Program field staff who meet CDC Tier 3 ICS training
requirements (100, 200, 300, 700, 800) Maintain 20% HHE Program field staff who meet CDC Tier 4 ICS training
requirements (Tier 3 + 400) Maintain 100% HHE Program field staff who keep their CDC
Neighborhood profiles up to date concerning deployment role, training,
demographic information, etc.
3.3. Intermediate goal: Ensure that the HHE Program is ready to respond to requests for
3.3.1. Annual Goal: Emergency response‐related equipment is available for field
deployment within 24 hours of request to respond Maintain an electronic inventory of industrial hygiene sampling
equipment Add capabilities to the equipment inventory system to handle
expendable items Keep calibrations up‐to‐date for industrial hygiene equipment likely
to be used in an emergency deployment and maintain calibration
records in an easily retrievable format Perform and document maintenance of the Field Evaluation and
Emergency Response Vehicle (FERV) to ensure its readiness for
deployment Develop SOPs for operating the FERV and institute formal driver
training Maintain four drivers trained to drive the FERV Maintain two persons with certification to ship dangerous goods Incorporate training on radio communications into the annual
HAZMAT refresher course Maintain anthrax sampling supplies, equipment, and PPE to allow
collection of at least 500 environmental samples during an
emergency response
Attachment E: HHE local health department brochure evaluation, Strategic Plan Research the availability and cost of automated systems for sample
logging/documentation/calculations in the field Develop SOPS for modified level C dress‐out, sample chain of
custody, and anthrax sampling methods
3.3.2. Annual goal: Management systems are in place to facilitate efficient response to
requests for assistance Maintain a staffing database that is current and complete with regards
to home/work/cellular telephone numbers for responder and
emergency contact, security clearance status, and passport information Develop a generic baseline medical questionnaire that can be modified
quickly for specific events
3.3.3. Annual goal: Preparedness activities are in place to facilitate efficient response
to requests for assistance Develop and implement training modules for the following: anthrax
sampling methods including chain‐of‐custody and modified level C
dress‐out Draft a lessons learned document for the new validated Bacillus
anthracis surface sampling methods for distribution to NIOSH EPRO
Strategic goal: Train physicians, nurses, industrial hygienists, and other
professionals to address workplace health hazards from a practical, public health
perspective through HHE field experiences
4.1. Intermediate goal: Facilitate the dissemination of information to occupational health
and safety and/or medical trainees about HHE Program opportunities, including EIS
Program and NIOSH rotations
4.1.1. Annual goal: Provide information to academic trainees about the HHE program Present HHE program overview/activities to two training programs
4.2. Intermediate goal: Create opportunities to facilitate request for training with the HHE
4.2.1. Annual goal: Provide high quality, training opportunities for occupational health
trainees Host four trainees for a 1‐month each Include four trainees as tag‐alongs on HHE site visits Institute a standard curriculum for 1‐month rotations
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - HHE Program Strategic Plan FY2012.docx |
Author | alt0 |
File Modified | 2013-08-27 |
File Created | 2012-05-14 |