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pdfCDC Science Clips
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What is CDC Science Clips?
CDC Science Clips is a collabora on between the CDC Public Health Library
and Informa on Center (PHLIC) and CDC's Office of the Associate Director for
CDC Science Clips:
(If viewing within CDC, visit:
h p://
A free and comprehensive resource for
Is a weekly online bibliographic digest featuring scien fic ar cles and
evidence‐based public health
publica ons that are shared with the public health community each week
to enhance awareness of emerging scien fic knowledge;
Is available to CDC staff as well as state and local health departments,
academic ins tu ons, and the interested public;
Allows patrons to subscribe to specific topic(s) or all topics; and
Contains links to downloads of the full text of open access ar cles when
they are available.
The weekly digest has four components:
Top ten ar cles of the week ‐ Selected weekly by a senior CDC scien st
from the standard sec ons listed below.
CDC‐authored publica ons ‐ Ar cles published in the past 6‐8 weeks
authored by CDC or ATSDR staff.
Key scien fic ar cles in featured topic areas ‐ Influen al ar cles selected
on a rota ng basis by CDC subject ma er experts and coordinated with
CDC Vital Signs or Public Health Grand Rounds.
Public health ar cles noted in the media ‐ Ar cles about important public
health topics that have been men oned in the press.
How can I use CDC Science Clips?
Recent ar cles and publica ons are provided in a “one‐stop‐shop” format,
providing quick access to key scien fic findings.
CDC Science Clips can be browsed by topics, enabling rapid searching of key
scien fic findings.
CDC Science Clips is in the public domain and may be freely forwarded to
other colleagues and reproduced without permission. The original sources
and CDC Science Clips should be cited as sources.
Did You Know?
CDC Science Clips has more than 2,900 current subscribers. Subscribers include: public health
workers, scien sts, science teachers, school nurses, prac oners, researchers, and others.
Updated: August 2012
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Jamieson, Sara R. (CDC/OSELS/EAPO) |
File Modified | 2013-02-08 |
File Created | 2012-08-14 |