H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants SGA

Generic Solicitation for Grant Applications

State grant SGA-2011

H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants SGA

OMB: 1225-0086

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Federal Agency Name: U. S. Department of Labor

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Funding Opportunity Title: Mine Health and Safety Grants

Announcement Type: Initial Announcement

Funding Opportunity Number: MSHA 2011-1

CFDA Number: 17.600

Types of Assistance: Mandatory Grants

Number of awards: 48 to states or other eligible applicants.

Start date of project period: 10/01/2010

End date of project period: 09/30/2011

Estimated amount of funds

to be awarded: $8,441,000


The Secretary of Labor's vision for the U.S. workforce is Good Jobs for Everyone. One of the Secretary's goals is to secure a safe and healthy workplace, especially at mines. Under Section 503 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act), Public Law 95-164, as amended, the Secretary of Labor through the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) may award grants to States to improve and secure safe and healthy workplaces for U.S. miners.

MSHA recognizes that State's training programs are the "front line" source of mine safety and health training and education of miners and contract employees at mines. MSHA encourages State training programs, as a priority, to focus their efforts on small mining operations. Also, MSHA is interested in supporting programs that include training on miners' statutory rights, including to be provided a safe working environment and their right to refuse to perform an unsafe task. The Agency also encourages recipients to focus on programs which include education and training related to occupational health hazards and diseases (such as black lung and silicosis), mine emergency evacuation training and drills (including donning and transferring self-contained self-rescuers (SCSRs)), and mine rescue team training.


A. Eligible Applicants

Under Section 503(a), any State where mining is present may apply for a grant. Under this grant program, the Governor must designate the recipient of the State's grant. The recipient may be a State agency or other organization.

New applicants for a State grant must include documentation of the Governor's designation of the applicant as the recipient of the grant.

Applicants other than States and State-supported or local government-supported institutions of higher education will be required to submit evidence of nonprofit status, preferably from the Internal Revenue Service. A nonprofit entity as described in 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) (4), which engages in lobbying activities, is not eligible for a grant award. See 2 U.S.C. § 1611.

B. Matching.

Under Section 503(g), MSHA may only fund 80% of the activities under a State grant program. The State must provide matching funds of no less than twenty percent of the total program costs. MSHA encourages grant recipients to use cash or funds, rather than in-kind contributions, to meet their matching requirements.

C. Other Eligibility Requirements.

1. Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS).

Since October 1, 2003, every applicant for a Federal grant funding opportunity is required to include a DUNS number with its application. An applicant's DUNS number is to be entered into Block 8 of Standard Form (SF) 424. The DUNS number is a nine-digit identification number that identifies business entities uniquely. There is no charge for obtaining a DUNS number. To obtain a DUNS number, call 1-866-705-5711 or access the following website: http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform.

After receiving a DUNS number, all grant applicants must also register as a vendor with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) through the website http://www.ccr.gov. Grant applicants must create a user account and then complete and submit the online registration. The CCR site advises that this process takes about 1 hour to complete. Once you have completed the registration, it will take 3 to 5 business days to process. The applicant will receive an e-mail notice that the registration is active.

  1. Legal Rules Pertaining to Inherently Religious Activities by Organizations that Receive Federal Financial Assistance.

The government generally is prohibited from providing direct Federal financial assistance for inherently religious activities. See 29 CFR Part 2, Subpart D. Grants under this solicitation may not be used for religious instruction, worship, prayer, proselytizing, or other inherently religious activities. Neutral, non-religious criteria that neither favor nor disfavor religion will be employed in the selection of grant recipients and must be employed by grantees in the selection of contractors and subcontractors.


  1. Application Forms.

This announcement includes all information and links needed to apply for this funding opportunity. The full application is available through the Grants.govSM website, http://www.grants.gov/, under “Apply for Grants”. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number needed to locate the appropriate application for this opportunity is 17.600. If an applicant has problems downloading the application package from Grants.gov, contact Grants.gov Contact Center at 1-800-518-4726 or by e-mail at support@grants.gov.

The standard forms required for this grant are:

SF-424 Cover pages

- SF-424A Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs

- SF-424B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs

SF-LLL Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying

B. Period of Performance.

The performance period for these State grants is October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011. MSHA may approve a request for a no-cost extension to grantees for an additional period of time based on the success of the project and other relevant factors.

C. Program Design.

The proposed training and education program or other activities permitted under Section 503 of the Mine Act must address the recognition and prevention of safety and health hazards. Each applicant should conduct an analysis of the State's mining industry to identify problems or issues before developing the proposal. A successful application will be funded when the Action Plan includes efforts to address the problem or issues identified for the applicant's particular mining industry.

1. The Action Plan must identify problems or mine health and safety issues that exist and provide quantitative or qualitative documentation of the problem or issue. Selection of problems or issues to be addressed in the proposal should be made carefully. Examples of problems or issues are: lack of trained miners, the high number of "slips, trips, and falls of persons," or "material handling" mining accidents.

2. The Action Plan to train miners or employers clearly estimates the number to be trained and clearly identifies the types of miners and employers to be trained.

  1. If the Action Plan contains a train-the-trainer program, the following information must be provided:

  1. What ongoing support the grantee will provide to new trainers;

  2. The number of individuals to be trained as trainers;

  3. The estimated number of courses to be conducted by the new trainers;

  4. The estimated number of students to be trained by these new trainers and a description of how the grantee will obtain data from the new trainers documenting their classes and student numbers if conducted during the grant period.

4. The Action Plan describes the work plan activities and training.

      1. The training activities (e.g., curricula and training materials) planned and instructors (e.g., resume or other documentation that show their experience and knowledge to teach the course) used which will help to resolve the identified problems.

      2. The planned activities and training are tailored to the needs and levels of the miners and employers to be trained. Any special constituency to be served through the grant program is described, e.g., small mines, limited English proficiency miners. Organizations proposing to develop materials in languages other than English also will be required to provide an English version of the materials.

      3. If the proposal includes developing training materials, the work plan must include time during development for MSHA to review the educational materials for technical accuracy and suitability of content. If commercially-developed training products will be used for a training program, applicants also should plan for MSHA to review the materials before using the products in their grant programs.

      4. The utility of the educational materials is described.

      5. The outreach or process to find miners or trainees to receive the training is described.

5. If purchasing equipment, the proposal must include the health and safety need addressed, e.g., mine rescue equipment for small several small underground mines, the identities of the beneficiaries, and the location of the equipment. Also, the proposal should include any training activities required and instructors needed.

6. The extent the proposed project will contribute to MSHA's performance goals. MSHA has two program goals that will be considered indicators of the success of the program as a whole. The following table explains the types of data grantees must provide and their relationship with the Agency’s program goals and performance measures for the grants that support the Secretary's goals:




1. Agency creates more effective training and improves miners' safety and health.

Increase overall number of miners trained.

Provide quality training with clearly stated goals and objectives for improving safety.

Number of training events during the period.

Number of miners trained during the current reporting period.

Conduct and report pre-test and post-test results of trainees.

Course evaluations of trainer and training materials.

The extent to which others replicate (i.e., adopt or adapt) or institutionalize and continue the projects after financial assistance funding ends.

2. Agency creates training materials and improves miners' safety and health.

Increase number of quality educational materials developed.

Provide quality training with clearly stated goals and objectives for improving safety and health for miners.

Training materials are reproducible.

Conduct and report pre-test and post-test results of the training materials.

Evaluation of training materials to include the target audience, statement of goals and objectives, learning level, instructions for using, additional material requirements, secondary purposes, adult learning principles and usability in the mine training environment.

The extent to which others replicate (i.e., adopt or adapt) the funded projects.

3. Agency improves miners' safety and health.

Increase State's activity to develop and enforce effective mining health and safety laws and regulations consistent with section 506 of the Mine Act.

Improve State workers’ compensation and occupational disease laws and programs related to mining.

Provide quality training for State mine inspection personnel with clearly stated goals and objectives for improving safety and health for miners.

Provide equipment or provide research to improve miners' safety and health.

Train miners or State mine inspection personnel in the proper use of mining equipment to improve miners' safety and health.

Number of new mining laws and programs created during the period.

Number of enforcement initiatives related to these new mining laws and programs created during the period.

Number of new mining laws and programs created during the period.

Number of training events for inspectors during the period.

Number of inspectors trained during the current reporting period.

Conduct and report pre-test and post-test results of trainees.

Course evaluations of trainer and training materials.

Number of research on or use of new equipment for mining purposes.

Number of training events for inspectors or miners on proper use of equipment.

Number of inspectors or miners trained during the current reporting period.

  1. The Action Plan should include provisions for evaluating the organization’s progress in accomplishing the grant work activities and accomplishments, evaluating training sessions, and evaluating the program’s effectiveness and impact to determine if the safety and health training and services provided resulted in workplace change and improved workplace conditions. The proposal should include a plan to follow up with trainees to determine the impact the program has had in abating hazards and reducing miner injuries and illnesses.

C. Submission of Applications

Recipients participating in the MSHA State Grant Program will be notified, in writing, of the amount of Federal funds MSHA may make available to the recipient for the FY 2011 grant period. Recipients should not submit an application for funds until notified by MSHA of the FY 2011 Federal funding level for the recipient's State.

In making final awards, MSHA expects to authorize recipients to use FY 2011 federal funds for allowable expenses incurred by the recipient between October 1, 2010 and the September 30, 2011.

The closing date for receipt of applications under this announcement is July 1, 2011 (no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT). Grant applications must be submitted electronically through the Grants.gov website. The Grants.gov site provides all the information about submitting an application electronically through the site as well as the hours of operation. Interested parties can locate the downloadable application package by the CFDA No. 17.600.

Applications received by Grants.gov are electronically date and time stamped. An application must be fully uploaded and submitted (and must be date and time stamped by the Grants.gov system) before the application deadline date. Once an interested party has submitted an application, Grants.gov will notify the interested party with an automatic notification of receipt that contains a Grants.gov tracking number. This notification indicates receipt by Grants.gov only, not receipt by MSHA. MSHA then will retrieve the application from Grants.gov and send a second notification to the interested party by e-mail.

D. Project Financial Plan and Forms.

This section contains the forms and budget section of the application. A person with authority to bind the applicant must sign the application and forms. Applications submitted electronically through Grants.gov do not need to be signed manually; the form will automatically affix an electronic signature for the authorized person identified.

1. Completed SF 424, "Application for Federal Assistance." This form is part of the application package on Grants.gov and also is available at www.msha.gov. The SF 424 must identify the applicant clearly and be signed by an individual with authority to enter into a grant agreement. Upon confirmation of an award, the individual signing the SF 424 on behalf of the applicant shall be considered the representative of the applicant.

2. Completed SF 424A, "Budget Information – Non Construction Programs." This form is part of the application package on Grants.gov and also is available at www.msha.gov. The project budget should demonstrate clearly that the total amount and distribution of funds is sufficient to cover the cost of all major project activities identified by the applicant in its proposal, and must comply with the Federal cost principles and the administrative requirements set forth in this SGA.

3. Budget Narrative. The applicant must provide a concise narrative explaining the request for funds. The budget narrative should separately attribute the Federal and matching funds to each of the activities specified in the technical proposal and it should discuss precisely how any administrative costs support the project goals. Indirect cost charges, which are considered administrative costs, must be supported with a copy of an approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. Indirect Costs are those costs that are not readily identifiable with a particular cost objective but nevertheless are necessary to the general operation of an organization, e.g., personnel working in Accounting.

If applicable, the applicant must provide a statement about its program income. Program income is gross income earned by the grantee directly generated by a supported activity, or earned as a result of the award.

4. Completed SF 424B, "Assurances, Non-Construction Programs." Each applicant for these grants must certify compliance with a list of assurances. This form is part of the application package on www.grants.gov

5. Supplemental Certification Regarding Lobbying Activities Form. If any funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of a grant or cooperative agreement, the applicant shall complete and submit SF-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This form is part of the application package on www.grants.gov.

6. Non-profit status. New applicants must provide evidence of non-profit status, preferably from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), if applicable. (This requirement does not apply to State and local government-supported institutions of higher education.)

7. Accounting System Certification. A new applicant that receives less than $1 million annually in Federal grants must attach a certification stating that the organization (directly or through a designated qualified entity) has a functioning accounting system that meets the criteria below. The certification should attest that the organization’s accounting system provides for the following:

(a) Accurate, current and complete disclosure of the financial results of each Federally sponsored project.

(b) Records that identify adequately the source and application of funds for Federally sponsored activities.

(c) Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets.

(d) Comparison of outlays with budget amounts.

(e) Written procedures to minimize the time elapsing between transfers of funds.

(f) Written procedures for determining the reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs.

(g) Accounting records, including cost accounting records that are supported by source documentation.

E. Intergovernmental Review.

This program is eligible for coverage under Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." Where applicable, an applicant must contact the office or official designated as the Single Point Of Contact (SPOC) in its State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance and if the State has selected the program for review. Names and addresses for the SPOCs are listed in the OMB web site at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants_spoc/#TB_inline?height=220&width=370&inlineId=tb_external&linkId=16


  1. Administrative and National Policy Requirements.

All grantees will be subject to applicable Federal laws and regulations (including provisions of appropriations law) and applicable OMB Circulars. The grants awarded under this grant program will be subject to the following administrative standards and provisions, if applicable:

2 CFR Part 175, Award Term for Trafficking in Persons.

2 CFR Part 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A–21).

2 CFR Part 225, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments (OMB Circular A-87).

2 CFR Part 230, Cost Principles for Non-profit Organizations (OMB Circular A-122).

29 CFR Part 2, Subpart D, Equal Treatment for Religious Organizations.

29 CFR Part 31, Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Labor—Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

29 CFR Part 32, Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.

29 CFR Part 33, Enforcement of non-discrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Labor.

29 CFR Part 35, Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Department Of Labor.

29 CFR Part 36, Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.

29 CFR Part 93, Disclosure of lobbying activities.

29 CFR Part 94, Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance).

29 CFR Part 95, Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, and with commercial organizations, foreign governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments, and international organizations.

29 CFR Part 96, Audit requirements for grants, contracts, and other agreements.

29 CFR Part 97, Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local governments.

29 CFR Part 98, Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement).

29 CFR Part 99, Audits of states, local governments, and non-profit organizations.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 31.2, Contracts with commercial organizations (Codified at 48 CFR Part31.2).

Except as specifically provided, MSHA’s acceptance of a proposal or MSHA's award of Federal funds to sponsor any program does not constitute a waiver of any grant requirement or procedure. For example, if an application identifies a specific sub-contractor to provide certain services, the MSHA award does not provide a basis to sole-source the procurement (to avoid competition).

  1. Funding Restrictions

MSHA will determine whether costs are allowable under the applicable Federal cost principles identified in Part V.A and other conditions contained in the grant award.

  1. Allowable Costs.

Grant funds may be spent on conducting training and outreach, developing educational materials, recruiting activities to increase participants in the program, and on necessary expenses to support these activities. Grant funds also may be spent on equipment and other resources permitted under Section 503 of the Mine Act.

In addition to the training courses conducted for the mining industry, the funds may be used to provide assistance for the mining industry. Assistance may include, but is not limited to, conducting compliance assistance visits, assistance in preparing training plans, conducting inspections of mines, and conducting informational workshops which target one or more particular groups of mining operations in the State's mining industry, or other activities that would improve the health and safety of miners.

  1. Program Income.

If an applicant anticipates earning program income during the grant period, the application must include an estimate of the income that will be earned. Program income earned must be reported on a quarterly basis.

Program income earned during the award period shall be retained by the recipient, added to funds committed to the award, and used for the purposes and under the conditions applicable to the use of the grant funds. See 29 C.F.R. §§ 95.24 or 97.25.

3. Use of MSHA's Grants

In all cases, MSHA grants are intended to supplement, not supplant, existing State mine health and safety programs.

C. MSHA review of educational materials.

MSHA will review all grantee-produced educational and training materials for technical accuracy and suitability of content during development and before final publication. MSHA also will review training curricula and purchased training materials for technical accuracy and suitability of content before the materials are used. Grantees developing training materials must follow all copyright laws and provide written certification that their materials are free from copyright infringements.

When grantees produce training materials, they must provide copies of completed materials to MSHA before the end of the grant period. Completed materials should be submitted to MSHA in hard copy and in digital format (CD-ROM/DVD) for publication on the MSHA website. Two copies of the materials must be provided to MSHA. Acceptable formats for training materials include Microsoft Word (XP or later version), PDF, PowerPoint, and any other format agreed upon by MSHA.

D. License.

As listed in 29 C.F.R. § 95.36, the Department of Labor reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use for Federal purposes any work produced under a grant, and to authorize others to do so. Grantees must agree to provide the Department of Labor a paid-up, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use for Federal purposes all products developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under an award. Such products include, but are not limited to, curricula, training models, technical assistance products, and any related materials. Such uses include, but are not limited to, the right to modify and distribute such products worldwide by any means, electronic, or otherwise. Title 29 C.F.R. § 97.34 provides DOL and MSHA with similar rights for any work produced or purchased under the grant.

  1. Acknowledgement on Printed Materials.

All approved grant-funded materials developed by a grantee shall contain the following disclaimer: "This material was produced under grant number XXXXX from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government."

When issuing statements, press releases, request for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds must clearly state:

1. The percentage of the total costs of the program or project that will be financed with Federal money;

2. The dollar amount of federal financial assistance for the project or program; and

3. The percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program that will be financed by non-governmental sources.

  1. Use of U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) and MSHA Logos.

The USDOL or the MSHA logo may be applied to the grant-funded material including posters, videos, pamphlets, research documents, national survey results, impact evaluations, best practice reports, and other publications. The grantees must consult with MSHA on whether the logo may be used on any such items prior to final draft or final preparation for distribution. In no event shall the USDOL or the MSHA logo be placed on any item until MSHA has given the grantee written permission to use either logo on the item.

  1. Reporting.

Grantees are required by Departmental regulations to submit financial and project reports, as described below. All reports are due no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period. Grantees also are required to submit final reports no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period.

1. Financial Reports. The grantee shall submit financial reports on a quarterly basis. Recipients are required to use the U.S. Department of Labor's E-Grants System’s electronic SF-425 (SF-FFR), to report the status of all funds awarded and, if applicable, program income received and how it is being used.

2. Performance Report. A grantee must submit a mid-year technical report no later than 30 days after April 30, 2011. The technical reports provide both quantitative and qualitative information and a narrative assessment of performance under the grant. These reports will contain the following information:

    1. A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established for the period. Where output of the project can be quantified, a computation of the cost per unit of output may be required (to indicate improvement by the program to increase efficiency in using the Federal and State resources);

    2. Reasons for any objectives not met;

    3. Description on any significant developments or problems affecting the organization’s ability to accomplish the work. For example, an analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs; and

    4. An evaluation of the impact or results of the program's activities.

Between reporting dates, the grantee shall immediately inform MSHA of significant developments and/or problems affecting the organization’s ability to accomplish work.

3. Final Reports. At the end of the grant period, each grantee must provide a final financial report, a summary of its progress, and an evaluation report.

  1. Freedom of Information.

Any information submitted in response to this SGA will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, as appropriate.


Under Section 503(c), before MSHA may disapprove an application or a modification, the grantee is entitled to a public hearing.


Any questions regarding this solicitation for grant applications (SGA 2011-1) should be directed to:

Program Office:

Ms. Linda B. Davis

MSHA State Grants Program Manager

Educational Policy and Development

Mine Safety and Health Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

Denver Federal Center, Building 25, Room 2855

Denver, Colorado 80225

(303) 231-5954

(303) 231-5550 (FAX)


Mr. Robert Glatter

Management Officer

Educational Policy and Development

Mine Safety and Health Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

1100 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, Virginia 22209

(202) 693-9575

(202) 693-9571 (FAX)


Grants Office

Mr. Darrell A. Cooper

Grants Officer

Director, Acquisition and Management Division


1100 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, Virginia 22209

(202) 693-9831

(202) 693-9826 (FAX)


Ms. Paulette Collier

Grants Management Specialist


21st Floor

1100 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, Virginia 22209

(202) 693-9832

(202) 693-9826 (FAX)


Mr. Travis Munnerlyn

Grants Management Specialist


21st Floor

1100 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, Virginia 22209

(202) 693-9833

(202) 693-9826 (FAX)


The telephone numbers listed above are not toll free numbers.


This SGA requests information from applicants. This collection of information is approved under OMB Control No. 1225-0086 (expires November 30, 2012).

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for the grant application is estimated to average 20 hours per response, for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Each recipient who receives a grant award notice will be required to submit nine progress reports to MSHA. Each report will take approximately five hours to prepare.

Send comments regarding the burden estimated or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the OMB Desk Officer for MSHA, Office of Management and Budget Room 10235, Washington DC 20503 and MSHA, electronically to Robert Glatter at glatter.robert@dol.gov or the Grant Officer, Darrell A. Cooper at cooper.darrell@dol.gov or by mail to Robert Glatter, Room 2102, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22209.

This information is being collected for the purpose of awarding a grant. The information collected through this “Solicitation for Grant Applications” will be used by the Department of Labor to ensure that grants are awarded to the applicant best suited to perform the functions of the grant. Submission of this information is required in order for the applicant to be considered for award of this grant. Unless otherwise specifically noted in this announcement, information submitted in the respondent’s application is not considered to be confidential.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSGA
AuthorAleksandr Krivitskiy
Last Modified ByMichel Smyth
File Modified2011-02-22
File Created2011-02-18

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