

OVC TTAC /OJJDP NTTAC User Feedback Forms

OMB: 1121-0277

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Supporting Statements for the

Paperwork Reduction Act Submission

Agency: Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Title: OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package:

OVC TTAC : T-100, T-200, T-300, G-100, G-200, G-300;

OJJDP NTTAC: Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, Training/TA Requester Feedback Form, Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form, Follow-up Interview Protocol, Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form, Conference Session Feedback Form, Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form, Training Curricula Consultant Feedback Form, Web Comment Card, Focus Group for Needs Sensing Protocol, and the Publications/Products Feedback Postcard.

OMB No: 1121-0277


1. Necessity of Information Collection

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) are federal agencies within the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. In 2006, the Office of Justice Programs combined the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) and the OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance Center (OJJDP NTTAC) into one contract. In order to streamline data collection and reporting efforts, each of the existing evaluation forms for the OVC Training and Technical Assistance center was edited to serve the information collection needs of the OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance Center. Therefore, this is a request for approval for revision of evaluation forms to serve the information needs of both centers under the Office of Justice Program contract.

Congress formally established OVC in 1988 through an amendment to the 1984 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) to provide leadership and funding on behalf of crime victims. The mission of the Office for Victims of Crime is to enhance the nation’s capacity to assist crime victims and to provide leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for victims of crime. As one part of its mission, the OVC is committed to provide victims of crime with access to comprehensive, quality services. One of the ways it does this is through its Technical Assistance, Publications and Information Resources Unit (TAPIR). The TAPIR develops and disseminates training, technical assistance (TA), and information resources that support victim service providers and allied professionals. To further the dissemination of these resources, TAPIR manages the OVC Resource Center (OVCRC), the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC), education and outreach initiatives, and the publication and dissemination of OVC materials and grant products.

Authorized through the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (1974), OJJDP supports programs and policies that serve children, families, and their communities, through grants to state and local governments and youth-serving organizations They provide training and technical assistance, support research and evaluation, and disseminate information to help states and communities identify what works and find solutions to the challenges that confront our nation’s children. They focus this work on delinquency prevention, child protection, public safety, and strengthening the juvenile justice system. OJJDP’s mission is to provide national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. OJJDP supports states and communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system so that it protects public safety, holds offenders accountable, and provides treatment and rehabilitative services tailored to the needs of juveniles and their families

Each agency’s training and technical assistance center works to further the agency’s mission through increasing access to resources in the field. OVC TTAC was created in 1998 to serve as a central access point for OVC's training and technical assistance (TTA) resources and to funnel resources to local, state, tribal, and federal agencies to strengthen their capacity to serve victims. OVC sponsors training on victim issues for service providers, law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, the judiciary, clergy, and medical and mental health professionals. OVC TTAC provides user-friendly, efficient, and cost-effective resources by training agencies and organizations on victim-related topics; providing technical assistance in areas such as policy and program development, management, and evaluation; operating a speaker's bureau for conferences, focus groups, and other meetings; and maintaining a consultant pool of experts to support OVC's initiatives nationwide. OVC TTAC does this through a process that includes needs assessment, analysis, service coordination, and follow-up. Secondly, OVC TTAC works collaboratively with the OVC training and TA provider consortium to help develop or enhance their service delivery capabilities. The level of OVC TTAC assistance in this area includes materials development, arranging topical training sessions, the delivery of specialized TA to support program development, and maintenance of an interactive Web site designed to cultivate communication across providers and to promote shared learning between the providers and the field at-large.

Established in 1995, OJJDP NTTAC is designed to assist practitioners and communities identify and implement evidence-based prevention and intervention programming with customized training and technical assistance that aims to significantly impact delinquency, substance abuse and the other co-occurring problems that confront youth in the juvenile justice system everyday. To do this, the OJJDP's NTTAC's information collection, cataloguing and dissemination efforts culminate into five key Service Areas: Prevention, Graduated Sanctions, Intervention/Rehabilitation, Re-entry and Capacity Building/Program Management. These service areas are closely aligned with the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment's Juvenile Justice Planning Chart and includes OJJDP's Topics and the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant's 17 Purpose Areas. NTTAC has developed repositories of the latest training and technical assistance information on the providers, resources and publications and training calendar events in each of those five service areas. OJJDP's NTTAC believes that by categorizing all of its resources in one its five service areas it will assist practitioners navigate available training and technical assistance resources along the justice juvenile justice continuum from prevention programming, to intake/arrest, to adjudication and placement in intervention/rehabilitative programs with graduated sanctions and to community re-entry initiatives with intervention/rehabilitative programming and graduated sanctions. Lastly, since OJJDP aims to build capacity in the agencies that work to reduce juvenile delinquency and crime, NTTAC also has a repository of providers, publications and training events to assist juvenile justice practitioners and agencies with capacity building and program management. The primary activities of NTTAC include delivering customized training and technical assistance; identifying appropriate training and technical assistance subject matter experts, providers, and events that best meet the needs of the field; conduct ongoing needs assessments of the field; generating searchable directories of training and technical assistance providers, events, and resource materials; distributing individualized training and technical assistance packages, including "how to" guides, resource lists, and reference materials; and supporting efforts to evaluate and improve training and technical assistance delivery.

Both OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC are interested in assessing the outcome and impact of the assistance provided. The previously approved OVC TTAC protocols were revised to reflect current OVC TTAC activities and then edited and split to meet the information needs of OJJDP NTTAC’s differing types of events. The forms include six different feedback instruments for OVC TTAC and eleven forms for OJJDP NTTAC. Each instrument has been designed to ensure the confidentiality of any individuals who choose to provide feedback. With the exception of the Participant Feedback Forms (OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC), none of the feedback forms request personally identifiable information from respondents. The Participant Feedback Forms allow respondents the option of providing their name, telephone number, and e-mail address in the event that they would like to participate in a follow-up interview. The procedures for sharing and protecting this personally-identifiable information are described in item 2 below. All information on the feedback forms is collected in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974.

OVC TTAC has developed and will distribute an instrument for identifying the gaps in training needs among victim service providers and the emerging issues and trends within the victim services community. This instrument titled the OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey. In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, this instrument has been designed to ensure the confidentiality of any individual who chooses to provide input on the above topics. None of the specified feedback forms request personally identifiable information from respondents.

2. Needs and Uses

This is the revision and extension of the previously approved OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback form package. The instruments requiring clearance are collectively titled the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package. The Feedback Form Package is designed specifically to monitor the effectiveness of OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC=s programming, ensuring accountability, and quality customer service. The Package is comprised of the following forms: TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200), TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300), TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100), TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200), TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300), NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form, NTTAC Training/TA Participant Followon Interview Guide, NTTAC Training/TA Requester Feedback Form, NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form, NTTAC Overall Conference Feedback Form, NTTAC Conference Session Feedback Form, NTTAC Website Feedback Form, NTTAC Focus Group for Needs Sensing Protocol.. Each form will be used to assess the outcome and impact of OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC’s training and technical assistance activities.

  • The TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form, or the NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form will be completed by all individuals who receive training or technical assistance supported by OVC TTAC or OJJDP NTTAC. The form will be completed at the end of the TTA activity/event with duration of 2 or more hours. This form is intended to capture important feedback from participants about TTA events, including the performance of the instructor, the applicability of the TTA to the participant’s job duties and their plans to incorporate what they learned into their work activities, and changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or behaviors. The Participant Feedback Form allows respondents the option of providing their name, telephone number, and e-mail address in the event that they would like to participate in a follow-up interview. This interview is designed to gather information on knowledge, skill and attitude changes among individuals who have received training. Both the individuals, who elect not to participate and provide their personally identifiable information and those who do, are guaranteed confidentiality.

First, the Participant Feedback Form is primarily administered in hard copy paper format though it is available in electronic on-line format for webinars and when the training format is appropriate. Second, pursuant to Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22, OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC has an obligation to those interviewed to protect their identities and the information they provide. A statement ensuring the confidentiality of their personally identifiable information and their answers on the Participant Feedback Form appears just prior to the space where individuals are asked to provide personally identifiable information (i.e., name, telephone number, e-mail address).

Third, OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC employ on-site procedures to further secure personally identifiable information. Each facilitator is provided sealed envelopes into which completed Participant Feedback Forms are placed when submitted by the individual who has completed the form. The sealed envelopes are sent directly to OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Needs Assessment and Evaluation team members, who have signed certificates of confidentiality. These certificates indicate that the identity of persons interviewed and related data are to remain confidential; that the removal of names or disclosure of identities and related information is strictly forbidden; and that the contents of interviews are not to be discussed with anyone except Needs Assessment and Evaluation team members. Finally, personally identifiable information collected on-line or maintained in electronic databases are in a secure file structure only available to needs assessment and evaluation team members. The information provided by the individual is the only source of identifying information, and this information is kept in a secure location that is accessible only to members of the Needs Assessment and Evaluation team and is not distributed to anyone.

  • The TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200) and NTTAC Training/TA Requestor Feedback Form will be completed by every person requesting training and technical assistance through OVC TTAC or OJJDP NTTAC. The form is designed to gather information about the requester’s satisfaction with the service received and with the consultant(s) assigned to deliver the request. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300), NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form will be completed by any consultant providing training or technical assistance through OVC TTAC or OJJDP NTTAC. The form will be completed at the end of the TTA activity/event with duration of 2 or more hours. It is designed to gather information about the consultant’s satisfaction with the assistance/support received and with his/her assessment of the effectiveness of the service s/he delivered (what worked and what did not work). Additionally, the consultant is asked to provide information on additional assistance necessary for participants who received service (especially for intensive TTA activities) and comments related to improving the consultant process. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100) will be completed on an annual basis by individuals who have used OVC TTAC services through toll-free calls, emails, mail, and in-person contacts. The form will be administered on-line or by mail. The form is designed to gather information about the user’s satisfaction with the quality, efficiency, resources, and other assistance/support provided by OVC TTAC. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200) and NTTAC Web site Feedback Form will be completed on a quarterly basis by users of the OVC TTAC Web site or an as needed basis for users of the NTTAC website. The form will be administered on-line. The form is designed to gather information on the usability, appropriateness, and effectiveness of the Web site. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300) will be completed by users of any training and technical assistance materials/products produced by OVC TTAC. The form will be administered by mail or on-line. The form is designed to obtain user’s satisfaction with the quality and usability of the materials/products provided by OVC TTAC. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC Participant Follow-Up Interview Form and the NTTAC Participant Follow-Up Interview Guide will be distributed only to those that are interested in participating in a follow-up assessment. The Participant Follow-Up Interview Form measures the extent to which participants change their attitudes, improve knowledge, and/or increase skills after having attended the TTA event. Participants also are asked to comment on the usability/applicability of information provided at the event to their work. This form is administered over the phone or by e-mail.

  • The NTTAC Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form and the NTTAC Conference Session Feedback form will be completed either on-line or in hard copy by attendees at conferences organized by OJJDP NTTAC. The forms assess satisfaction with the conference logistics (e.g. hotel, registration, meeting spaces, etc) as well as the extent to which individual sessions improve knowledge, change attitudes, and the usability/applicability of information provided at the session to attendees professional work.

  • The NTTAC Focus Group Guide for Needs Sensing will be utilized in a webinar or in-person format to discuss and clarify specific information and assistance needs of juvenile justice professionals. This guide supplements the NTTAC National Needs Assessment of Juvenile Justice Professionals approved under OMB Control #1121-0327 and allows for more in-depth discussion of specific topics and issues raised in that effort. This form does not request that the respondent provide personally-identifiable information.

  • The TTAC Needs Assessment Survey is used to assess previous training and technical assistance (TTA) experiences and current and future TTA needs among victim service providers; to determine relevant training that will improve service delivery to victims of crime; to distinguish the training needs of victim service providers based on their position levels (i.e., line staff vs. administrator); to link improved job performance with position level; and, to assess the services received and the extent to which those services meet the needs of crime victims. Based on the information provided, OVC plans to develop relevant training opportunities for victim service providers, which we hope will improve service delivery to victims of crime. The Needs Assessment Survey will be open for completion on an annual basis by individuals who work in a program providing services to victims of crime. The crime victim service agencies include criminal justice-based programs, medical and mental health professionals, faith communities, education officials, and other allied agencies with victim service components.

  1. Efforts to Minimize Burden

Data entry, analysis and report generation on the information collected using the OVC TTAC Feedback Forms will be conducted using the OVC TTAC Information System (OTIS). OTIS is a comprehensive, Web-based, information management system that will capture the data collected from the OVC TTAC Feedback Forms and allow OVC TTAC to augment their training and technical assistance service delivery. OJJDP NTTAC is in the process of developing the NTTAC Resource Management System (NRMS) system to have similar capabilities. As more professionals have access to on-line systems, feedback forms will be conducted on-line as much as feasible to minimize cost and burden. Noted below are those forms that will utilize additional technological collection techniques:

  • Respondents will be given the option of returning completed the TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200), NTTAC Requestor Training/TA Feedback Form, TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300), NTTAC Consultant Training/TA Feedback Form, TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Training Curricula Feedback Form, NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form, NTTAC Follow-on Interview Form, TTAC Follow-on Interview Form via hard copy, on-line format, e-mail, or fax depending on the specific situation of the event. This is for the convenience of respondents.

  • The TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100) will be administered in hard copy form as well as an Internet-based form. The content of the Internet-based form is identical to the hard copy version. The decision to provide an Internet version of the form was intended to decrease the burden on respondents by reducing the time needed to complete and submit the survey. Additionally, if respondents prefer, a fax number will be provided for use in returning completed forms.

  • The TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200) and NTTAC Web site Feedback Form will be an Internet-based form. Using an Internet-based form was intended to reduce the time required to complete and submit the form, and overall, for the convenience of respondents.

  • The OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey will be Internet-based, which will allow OVC TTAC to distribute, collect and store data electronically. The decision to rely primarily on Internet-based versions of the survey was based on the desire to decrease the burden on respondents by reducing the time needed to complete and submit the survey. It is anticipated that the majority of the respondents will complete the survey online, a method that is both cost-efficient and will enable OVC to reach a wider audience more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the data gathered will be automatically stored in a format that will allow quick and easy exportation to other software for analyzing the data. The information collected from respondents using the Internet versions will be automatically entered into a database in a form that will expedite subsequent data analysis. In addition to the Internet-based version of the survey, individuals responding to this survey will have the option of replying by printing out hard copies from the Internet or by requesting hard copies of the survey.

  1. Efforts to Identify Duplication

The information to be collected is only for the purposes of OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC and is not available elsewhere.

  1. Methods to Minimize Burden on Small Businesses

Small businesses or other small entities are not a specific target population for OVC TTAC or OJJDP NTTAC services. However, should members of this target population request services, their level of satisfaction with the services rendered will be requested. Furthermore, the amount of potential burden placed on respondents was considered when the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package was developed and every attempt was made to reduce the time and effort needed to complete the forms.

  1. Consequences of Less Frequent Collection

The Feedback Form Package is designed specifically to monitor the effectiveness of OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC=s programming, ensuring accountability, and quality customer service. The data will then be used to advise OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC on ways to improve the support provided to its users and the victim service and juvenile justice fields at-large. Without this information, OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC will be at a disadvantage with regard to knowledge about the quality and effectiveness of services being rendered and user satisfaction.

Data using the Needs Assessment Survey will be collected on an annual basis, which will give OVC an opportunity to develop relevant training opportunities for victim service providers, which we hope will improve service delivery to victims of crime.

  1. Special Circumstances Influencing Collection

  • Respondents of the TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form, NTTAC Training Curricula Feedback Form, NTTAC Conference Logistics Feedback Form, and the NTTAC Conference Session Feedback Form are requested to complete the form immediately following the event either in hard copy or on-line. This is important to capture immediate feedback on the event and the content covered during the event before it is forgotten. Burden to the respondent is also reduced, as the forms are distributed directly to the respondents, and the respondents need not physically move or otherwise inconvenience themselves to complete the form. The TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200), NTTAC Requester Feedback Form, TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300), NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form, TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100), TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200), NTTAC Web site Feedback Form, TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300), do not require respondents to prepare a written response in fewer than 30 days though it is requested for the consultant and the requestor forms.

  • Respondents are not required to submit any documents.

  • Respondents are not required to maintain records for this data collection effort.

  • A statistically based survey method is not being used.

  • The pledge of confidentiality on the TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form, and NTTAC Training Curricula participant Feedback Form conforms to the Privacy Act of 1974. A pledge of confidentiality is provided, but respondents are not asked to disclose sensitive or protected information on the TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200), NTTAC Requester Feedback Form, TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300), NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form, TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100), TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200), NTTAC Web site Feedback Form, TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300).

  • Respondents of the Needs Assessment Survey are not required to prepare a written response in fewer than 30 days. Respondents are not required to maintain records for this data collection effort. A statistically based survey method is not being used.

  1. Public Comment and Consultation

A 60- and 30-day notice has been published in the Federal Register to solicit public comments in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act requirements. If we receive comments, those comments will be summarized and actions taken by OVC TTAC OJJDP NTTAC described herein. Moreover, experts in the field of training and technical assistance have been consulted in the creation of the OVC TTAC and NTTAC Feedback Form Package and the TTAC Needs Assessment survey. These experts have helped to refine the forms to ensure that they are comprehensive yet not overly burdensome for respondents.

  1. Payment or Gift to Respondents

The purpose of this OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package is to assess the outcome and impact of the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC’s training and technical assistance activities. No payments or gifts will be provided to respondents for completing any of the forms. Participation is voluntary.

The purpose of the Needs Assessment Survey is to identify gaps in training needs among victim service providers. No payments or gifts will be provided to respondents for completing the survey. Participation is voluntary.

  1. Assurance of Confidentiality

All information on the feedback forms is collected in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974. Any release of information will conform to the stipulations of the Privacy Act and the guidelines of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) as determined by Title 45 Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Only those who are required to review and process the forms will have access to the forms. Once the information from each form has been entered into an electronic database, only those persons with a valid identification, password, and permissions will have access to the information. The physical forms will be maintained in a safe location with limited access.

  1. Justification for Sensitive Questions

There are no questions of a sensitive nature. The OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package was reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which was established to ensure that research is conducted in compliance with Federal regulations, particularly Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46, which is the general IRB rule applicable to federally sponsored research. The primary purpose of the IRB is to protect the welfare of human research subjects and to ensure that physical, psychological and social risks to them are minimized.

A “Determination of IRB Status” was completed for the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package and it was determined that the Package is exempt from review. Policies requiring IRB review are applicable to research activities as stated in 45 CFR §46.101(a). However, all of the protocols contained in the OVC TTAC Feedback Form Package do not constitute “research” as it is defined in 45 CFR §46.102(d). The OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package is not a “means of systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge” (45 CFR §46.102(d)). On the contrary, the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package was determined to be non-research activities for the purpose of obtaining customer feedback regarding technical assistance and training services provided by and through OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC.

There are no questions of a sensitive nature for the OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey.

  1. Estimates of Hour Burden

The OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package contains forms that will require varying levels of burden hours to complete. For this reason, we have outlined the estimated annual burden hours for the forms as well as aggregated estimated burden hours for the entire Package.

The TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100), the NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form, the NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form, or the NTTAC Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form will be completed by all individuals who receive Training or TA at the conclusion of an activity/event. The form will contain pre-printed information identifying the specific TTA activity/event and instructor(s) facilitating the event. We anticipate that this form will take approximately 0.08 hours to complete. Approximately 8264.52 individuals are expected to complete the forms at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 661.16 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100)





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form





Total Annual Burden





The TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200) or NTTAC Training/TA Requestor Feedback Form will be completed by every person requesting training and technical assistance through OVC TTAC and through OJJDP NTTAC. The form will contain pre-printed information identifying the specific TTA activity/event details, instructor(s) facilitating the event, a description of the activity and expected outcomes. The document contains short closed-ended questions that require the respondent to provide their answers using simple rating scales and open-ended questions requiring short qualitative answers. We anticipate that this form will take approximately 0.08 hours to complete. Approximately 140 individuals are expected to complete the forms at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 11.2 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Requestor Feedback Form (T-200)





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Requestor Feedback Form










The TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300) or the NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form will be completed by consultants providing training or technical assistance through OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC with duration of 2 or more hours. The form will contain pre-printed information identifying the specific TTA activity/event, instructor(s) facilitating the event, a description of the activity and expected outcomes. The document contains both short closed-ended questions that require the respondent to provide their answers using simple rating scales and open-ended questions requiring short qualitative answers. We anticipate that this form will take approximately 0.08 hours to complete. Approximately 208.75 individuals are expected to complete the forms at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 16.7 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300)





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form





Total Annual Burden





The NTTAC Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form and the NTTAC Conference Session Feedback form will be completed by attendees at conferences organized by OJJDP NTTAC. The document contains both short closed-ended questions that require the respondent to provide their answers using simple rating scales and open-ended questions requiring short qualitative answers. We anticipate that the NTTAC Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form will take .08 hours to complete and the shorter NTTAC Conference Session Feedback form will take approximately 0.03 hours to complete. Approximately 5780.98 individuals are expected to complete the forms at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 193.19 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OJJDP NTTAC Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Conference Session Feedback Form





Total Annual Burden





The TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100) will be completed on an annual basis by individuals who have used OVC TTAC services through toll-free calls, emails, mail, and in-person contacts. The population of users of OVC TTAC services also include participants, requesters, and consultants, whose numbers are reflected in the estimated number of respondents for this Feedback Form. The form will be administered on-line or by mail. The on-line version of the form will be the same as the hard copy version. The document contains a total of 16 items, which takes approximately 0.08 hours to complete. Approximately 600 individuals are expected to complete the User Feedback Form at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 96 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100)





Total Annual Burden





The TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200) or NTTAC Website Feedback Form will be completed on an annual basis by users of the OVC TTAC and the OJJDP NTTAC Web sites. The form will be administered on-line. The TTAC Website Feedback Form takes approximately 0.08 hours to complete and the shorter NTTAC Website Feedback Form takes approximately .03 hours to complete. Approximately 3214 individuals are expected to complete the forms for an estimated total annual burden of 156.44 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Website Feedback Form (G-100)





OJJDP NTTAC Website Feedback Form





Total Annual Burden





The TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300) will be completed by all users of any training and technical assistance materials/products produced by OVC TTAC. TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300) takes approximately .05 hours to complete. Approximately 2,750 individuals are expected to complete the card on an annual basis for an estimated annual burden of 137.5 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300)





Total Annual Burden





The TTAC Participant Follow-Up Interview Form and NTTAC Training/TA Follow-up Interview Guide will be completed by those participants that are interested in participating in a follow-up assessment. The TTAC Participant Follow-Up Interview takes approximately .08 hours to complete and the NTTAC Training/TA Follow-up Interview Guide takes approximately .25 hours to complete. Approximately 986.5 individuals are expected to complete the Participant Follow-Up Interview Form for an estimated annual burden of 95.92 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Participant Interview Guide





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Follow-up Interview Guide





Total Annual Burden





The NTTAC Focus Group Guide for Needs Sensing will be utilized in a webinar format to discuss and clarify specific information and assistance needs of juvenile justice professionals. It is anticipated that each focus group will last for one hour and that there will be 10 focus groups with an average of 8 participants for a total annual burden of 80 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OJJDP NTTAC Focus Group Guide for Needs Sensing.





Total Annual Burden





The OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey will be completed on an annual basis by individuals who work in an administrative, management, line staff or voluntary capacity in a program providing services to victims of crime. The crime victim service agencies include criminal justice-based programs, medical and mental health professionals, faith communities, education officials, and other allied agencies with victim service components. The survey will consist of a maximum of 10 closed- and open-ended questions designed to gather baseline information about the type of agencies and organizations working with victims, their geographic and organizational settings (urban, rural, Tribal or State-level), the target populations they served, primary roles of the respondents, and their years of service delivery. The Survey also requests information on training and technical assistance experiences of service providers, problems or challenges with providing services (e.g., limited resources, staff turnover, barriers to access, lack of collaboration, etc.), and support needs (e.g., type, method of delivery, content, etc.). Approximately 1,400 individuals are expected to complete the survey at least once on an annual basis for an estimated total annual burden of 630 hours.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden hours per Response

Total Burden Hours

OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey





Total Annual Burden





Aggregated total number of respondent/responses for this entire package: 23,423

Percent of Responses completed electronically: 49.5%

Aggregated annual hour burdens for entire Package: 2030.11

  1. Estimate of Cost Burden

The estimated total annual cost burden to respondents resulting from the collection of information as part of the Feedback Form Package is $54,431.50. The Package contains forms that will require varying levels of burden hours to complete, which will affect the estimated cost burden. The estimates of annualized cost to respondents are based on appropriate wage rate categories and annual salaries for position types in which respondents serve.


Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Cost per Response

Total Cost

OVC TTAC Participant Feedback Form (T-100)





OVC TTAC Requester Feedback Form (T-200)





OVC TTAC Consultant Feedback Form (T-300)





OVC TTAC User Feedback Form (G-100)





OVC TTAC Web site Feedback Form (G-200)





OVC TTAC Resource Material Feedback Card (G-300)





OVC TTAC Participant Follow-Up Interview Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Participant Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Consultant Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Requestor Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training/TA Follow-on Interview Guide





OJJDP NTTAC Webinar Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Overall Conference Logistics Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Conference Session Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Training Curricula Participant Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Web Feedback Form





OJJDP NTTAC Focus Group for Needs Sensing





Total Annual Cost Burden


The estimated total annual cost burden to respondents resulting from the collection of information as part of the OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey Package is $10,410. The estimates of annualized cost to respondents are based on appropriate wage rate categories and annual salaries for position types in which respondents serve.

  1. Estimated Annualized Cost to Federal Government

We estimate the annualized cost to the Federal government to be $129,774.34. This cost estimate is based on the task order of work projected for completion under the contract for this training and technical assistance effort. As outlined below, the estimated annual Federal costs associated with the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package include the capital/startup and operating and maintenance costs necessary for this information collection to include: the quantification of hours for managerial and support staff to administer the Feedback Form Package process; the acquisition or development of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques; and operational expenses (e.g., equipment, overhead, printing, etc.) for the three years for which this approval is sought.

  • Capital/Startup costs: $47,563.78. This amount includes instrument design and development. This amount also includes the use and maintenance of information technology to store, generate, and assist in distributing and collecting the data necessary for carrying out this effort.

  • Operating and Maintenance costs: $82,210.56. This amount reflects the total annual costs for operating and maintaining any automated, electronic, mechanical or technological collection techniques, as well as, the labor necessary to implement, analyze and report on this effort.

We estimate the annualized cost to the Federal government of the OVC TTAC Needs Assessment Survey to be $21,000. This cost estimate is based on the task order of work projected for completion under the contract for this training and technical assistance effort. As outlined below, the estimated annual Federal costs associated with the OVC Needs Assessment Survey include the capital/startup and operating and maintenance costs necessary for this information collection to include: the quantification of hours for managerial and support staff to administer the Needs Assessment Survey process; the acquisition or development of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques; and operational expenses (e.g., equipment, overhead, printing, etc.) for the three years for which this approval is sought.

  • Capital/Startup costs: $16,000. This amount includes instrument design and development. This amount also includes the use and maintenance of information technology to store, generate, and assist in distributing and collecting the data necessary for carrying out this effort.

  • Operating and Maintenance costs: $5,000. This amount reflects the total annual costs for operating and maintaining any automated, electronic, mechanical or technological collection techniques, as well as, the labor necessary to implement, analyze and report on this effort.

  1. Reasons for Program Changes

Due to agency action, this information collection revision and extension is the result of OJP’s decision to combine the OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC into one contract. Additionally, it is the result of OVC and OJJDP’s decision to monitor how the TTAC and NTTAC are fulfilling their respective missions. We have asked for revisions in the way that NTTAC collects information to better reflect the information needed to improve products and services with tailored forms for different event types.

For the Needs Assessment Survey, due to agency action, this information collection is the result of OVC’s decision to monitor how it is fulfilling its mission to provide victims of crime with access to comprehensive, quality services. OVC will use this comprehensive assessment of the trends, challenges, gaps and needs of victim service providers in a formal, consistent and ongoing basis in order to develop TTA approaches that continuously meet the evolving needs of the field.

  1. Plans for Publication

There are no plans for publication. The Feedback Form Package is designed specifically to monitor the effectiveness of OVC TTAC and OJJDP NTTAC’s programming, accountability, and customer service activities. OVC and OJJDP intend to review the results for internal program management purposes. There are no plans for publication of the needs assessment survey. OVC intends to review the results for program planning and development purposes.

  1. Expiration Date Approval

OVC TTAC, OJJDP NTTAC and the OVC Needs Assessment surveys will display the OMB control number and expiration date.

  1. Exceptions to Certification Statement

There are no exceptions to Item 19 of OMB form 83-I.


We will not be employing statistical methods in this information collection. Therefore, items one through five (1-5) of section B are not addressed.

OMB Submission – OVC TTAC/OJJDP NTTAC Feedback Form Package Page 21

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleThe Supporting Statement
Last Modified ByScarbora
File Modified2011-09-24
File Created2011-09-24

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