According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0535-0245. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 70 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Scheduling Codes |
Section C, Item 1
1 Condition of crop (observation) 2 Soil moisture by feel 3 Use of soil moisture sensing devices (such as moisture blocks or tensiometers) 4 Use of plant moisture sensing devices (such as pressure (chamber) bomb or infrared (IR) thermometer) 5 Use of irrigation scheduling service (including commercial and government) 6 Reports on daily crop-weather evapo-transpiration (ET) use (Internet, newspapers, radio, TV, fax, and email) 7 Water delivered by irrigation organization in turn (no choice by water user) 8 Personal calendar schedule 9 Computer simulation models (not from a commercial service) 10 When neighbors begin to irrigate 11 Other: (Specify) ____________________________________ |
Section C Crop Table
Abbreviated listing for CEAP
Alfalfa seed 35
Amaranth 221
Artichokes 101
Asparagus 102
Bahia grass seed 227
Bahia hay 232
Barley, all 190
Barley, feed or malt 2
Barley, feed 290
Barley, malt 291
Barley, seed 173
Beans, dry edible 3
Beets 103
Bentgrass seed 228
Bermuda grass seed 229
Bermuda hay 231
Birdsfoot trefoil seed 224
Bluegrass seed 40
Broccoli 104
Bromegrass seed 215
Brussels sprouts 105
Buckwheat 84
Cabbage, fresh 2106
Cabbage, processed for kraut 4106
Canola 85
Cantaloupe 4
Carrots 107
Castor beans 86
Cauliflower 108
Celery 109
Chicory 261
Chinese cabbage 249
Chinese peas, sugar, snow 234
Chufas 222
Cilantro 153
Clover and Timothy hay 310
Clover seed 194
Clover seed, crimson 214
Clover seed, ladino 202
Clover seed, red 43
Clover seed, sweet 208
Clover seed, white 203
Collards 185
Corn, all 191
Corn, dry fodder, hogged or grazed 218
Corn, for corn nuts 195
Corn, grain 6
Corn, seed 38
Corn, silage 5
Corn, white 7
Cottonseed 184
Cotton, pima 282
Cotton, upland 281
Crambe 176
CRP 302
Cucumbers for pickles, processed 4111
Cucumbers, fresh 2111
Daikon 258
Dichondra 177
Dill, for oil 179
Eggplant 112
Emmer and spelt 161
Endive/Escarole 259
Fava beans 154
Field and forage crops, other 317
Flaxseed 9
Forage and greenchop 10
Foxtail millet seed 204
Garlic 114
Ginger root 89
Ginseng 198
Grass seed, all 351
Grass seed, other 138
Grass silage 226
Grasses, other than clover & sudan 311
Green peas, English 239
Green peas, fresh 2122
Green peas, processed 4122
Greens 116
Guar 160
Hay, alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures 1
Hay, Bahia 232
Hay, Bermudagrass 231
Hay, other 11
Hay, small grain 217
Hay, wild 225
Herbs, dried 211
Herbs, fresh 212
Hops 12
Horseradish 151
Idle cropland 318
Indian corn 188
Kale 186
Kenaf 181
Lespedeza seed 41
Lettuce, head 117
Lettuce, other 149
Lettuce, romaine 146
Lima beans, dry 268
Lima beans, fresh 2115
Lima beans, processed 4115
Lentils 169
Lotus root 210
Meadow foam 139
Melons, honeydew 13
Melons, miscellaneous 14
Millet 141
Mint, all 310
Mint, all for oil 159
Mungbeans 197
Mushrooms 93
Mustard cabbage 253
Mustard greens 187
Mustard seed 94
Oats 15
Okra 118
Onions, dehydrated 135
Onions, dry 120
Onions, green 119
Orchard grass seed 42
Parsley 121
Pastured cropland 316
Peanuts 16
Peas, all other 123
Peas, Austrian winter 200
Peas, blackeye 124
Peas, Southern (crowder, cowpeas) 243
Peas, dry edible 17
Peppermint for oil 18
Peppers, bell 126
Peppers, hot 244
Peppers, other 127
Pimientos 245
Popcorn 19
Potatoes 20
Pumpkins 128
Radishes 129
Rapeseed 170
Rapini 130
Redtop seed 205
Rhubarb 143
Rice, all 21
Rice, sweet 319
Rice, wild 178
Rutabagas 147
Rye 22
Ryegrass seed 136
Safflower 98
Sage 168
Sesame 152
Shallots 144
Silage & haylage (except corn & sorghum) 23
Snap beans, fresh 2131
Snap beans, processed 4131
Sorghum, all 192
Sorghum, grain 25
Sorghum, hay 219
Sorghum, hogged 220
Sorghum, molasses 174
Sorghum, silage 24
Sorghum-sudan crosses 180
Southern peas, cowpeas, crowder . 243
Soybeans 26
Spearmint 27
Spinach, fresh 2132
Spinach, processed 4132
Squash, summer 133
Squash, winter 150
Strawberries 74
Sudan 167
Sudangrass seed 206
Sugarbeets, all 360
Sugarbeets for seed 137
Sugarbeets for sugar 28
Sugarcane, all 354
Sugarcane for seed 209
Sugarcane for sugar 29
Summer fallow 333
Sunflower seed, non-oil varieties 148
Sunflower seed, oil varieties 30
Sweet corn for seed 246
Sweet corn, fresh 2110
Sweet corn, processed 4110
Sweet potatoes 31
Sweetclover seed 208
Tall fescue seed 44
Teff 199
Timothy hay and clover 310
Timothy seed 45
Tobacco transplants from beds 175
Tobacco, burley 193
Tobacco, flue-cured 196
Tobacco, other 32
Tomatoes, fresh 2134
Tomatoes, processed 4134
Triticale 162
Tung nuts 51
Turnip greens 189
Turnips 145
Vegetables, other 236
Vegetables, seeds 37
Vetch seed, hairy 39
Watercress 238
Watermelons 33
Wheatgrass seed 201
Wheat, all 34
Wheat, all, for seed 172
Wheat, durum 163
Wheat, other spring 164
Wheat, winter 165
Pasture as crop rotation 316
Section D: Fertilizer Application Methods
Section D, Item 2, Column 8 |
1 Broadcast, ground without incorporation 2 Broadcast, ground with incorporation 3 Broadcast, by air (aerial application) 4 In seed furrow 5 In irrigation water (fertigation) 6 Chiseled/injected or knifed in 7 Banded/side-dressed in or over row 8 Foliar or directed spray |
Common Fertilizers & Percent Analysis
F = Fungicide; H = Herbicide; I = Insecticide; M = Misc. Other;
MD = Defoliant/Dessicant; MG = Growth Regulator; MS = Soil Fumigant
D/L Class Product Code Product Name
L H 4758 2,4-D Amine
L H 4377 2,4-D Amine 4
L H 4759 2,4-D Amine 4 CA
L H 4664 2,4-D Amine 6
L H 4283 2,4-D L.V. 4 Ester
L H 4271 2,4-D Lo-V Ester
L H 4562 2,4-D LV4
L H 4480 2,4-D LV6
L H 4006 AAtrex 4L
D H 4008 AAtrex Nine-O (WP)
L H 4689 Abolish 8 EC
D H 4648 Accent Gold
D H 4339 Accent Herbicide
D I 1483 Acephate 75 WSP
D I 1525 Acephate 90SP
D H 4657 Achieve 40DG
L H 4892 Achieve SC
D F 7239 Acrobat MZ
D I 1858 Actara
L I 1427 Admire 2 Flowable
D H 4991 Affinity Tankmix
L H 4351 Agsco 400 (EC)
D H 4683 Aim
D MD 9370 Aim
L H 4879 Aim EC
L H 4880 Aim EW/Avalanch
D H 4859 Ally Extra
D H 4123 Ally XP (60DF)
D H 4390 Amber
L I 1975 Ambush
D I 1975 Ambush 25WP
L I 1133 Ammo 2.5EC
D H 4876 Amplify
D MG 9365 Apogee PGR
L H 4130 Arrosolo 3-3E
L H 4954 Arrow 2EC
L I 1004 Asana XL
D I 1882 Assail 70WP
L H 4133 Assert (2.5EC)
L H 4371 Assure II
L H 4041 Atrazine 4L
L H 4042 Atrazine 5L
D H 4043 Atrazine 80 (WP)
D H 4044 Atrazine 90DF
D H 4603 Authority
D H 4681 Authority 75 DF
L H 4135 Avenge (2L)
D H 4651 Axiom DF
D I 1971 Aztec 4 67 %Granular
D/L Class Product Code Product Name
L H 4786 Backdraft
L H 4823 Balance Pro
D H 4652 Balance WDG
L H 4136 Banvel (4L)
L H 4617 Banvel + 2,4-D
L H 4327 Banvel SGF (2EC)
L H 4676 Banvel-K + Atrazine
L H 4808 Barrage
L H 4531 Barrage HF
L H 4019 Basagran
L H 4796 Basagran T/O
D H 4521 Basis
D H 4611 Basis Gold
L I 1246 Baythroid 2 (EC)
D H 4140 Beacon (75DF)
L H 4386 Betamix (EC)
L H 4387 Betanex (EC)
L H 4920 Beyond
L H 4470 Bicep II
L H 4637 Bicep II Magnum
L H 4638 Bicep Lite II Magnum
L H 4694 Bicep Magnum TR
L I 1213 Bidrin 8
L H 4655 Bison
L H 4146 Blazer 2L
D F 7050 Bluestone
D H 4149 Bolero 10G
D H 4199 Bolero 15 G
L H 4324 Bolero 8EC
L H 4795 Boundary
L H 4963 Brash
D F 7241 Bravo Ultrex
L F 7008 Bravo Weather Stik
L F 7193 Bravo ZN
L H 4655 Bromox/MCPA 2-2
L H 4153 Bronate (4EC)
L H 4864 Bronate (Bronate Pro #2)
L H 4856 Bronate Advanced
L H 4884 Buccaneer Herbicide
D H 4155 Buckle
L H 4024 Buctril (2EC)
L H 4026 Buctril + Atrazine
L H 4025 Buctril 4EC
L H 4027 Bullet (4EC)
L F 7534 Bumper 41.8EC
L H 4158 Butoxone 200 (2EC)
L H 4159 Butyrac 175
L H 4160 Butyrac 200
D F 7521 Cabrio EG
L H 4679 Cadre
D H 4680 Cadre DG
L H 4847 Callisto (4L)
L H 4896 Camix
D H 4161 Canopy
D H 4610 Canopy XL
L H 4031 Caparol 4L
D F 7088 Captan 50W
L I 1140 Capture 2EC
D H 4690 Celebrity
D H 4799 Celebrity Plus
D I 1868 Centric
D H 4919 Cerano 5 MEG
L MG 9098 Cerone
L F 7244 Champ Formula 2
L F 7231 Champ Plus
L H 4887 Cinch ATZ
L H 4469 Clarity (4L)
D H 4167 Classic (25DG)
L H 4875 ClearOut 41 Plus
D H 4394 Clearpath
L H 4904 Clincher SF
L H 4169 Cobra (2E)
L H 4170 Collego
L I 1008 Comite (6.55EC)
L I 1401 Comite II
L H 4578 Command 3ME
L H 4171 Command 4EC
L H 4841 Command Xtra
L H 4173 Confidence 4EC
L I 1441 Confirm 2F
D F 7053 Copper Sulfate
L H 4872 Cornerstone
L H 4176 Cotoran 4L
D H 4178 Cotoran DF
L H 4034 Cotton-Pro
L MG 9222 CottonQuik
D I 1009 Counter (15G)
D I 1241 Counter 20CR
L H 4894 Credit
L H 4982 Credit Duo Extra
L I 1249 Curacron 8E
L H 4117 Curbit EC
L H 4180 Curtail (EC)
L H 4365 Curtail M (EC)
D F 7315 Curzate 60DF
L MD 9031 Cyclone
L H 4654 Cyclone Concentrate
L H 4898 Dagger
L I 1665 Decis 1.5EC
L I 1557 Declare
L MD 9049 Def 6 Emulsifiable Def
(aka Flufenacet 4 SC)
L MD 9014 Defol 6
L H 4803 Degree Xtra
L I 1775 Denim
D H 4038 Devrinol 50-WP
L I 1041 Diazinon 4E
D I 1050 Diazinon 50 WP
L H 4866 Dicamba SG
L I 1718 Digon 400
L I 1212 Dimate 4EC
L I 1028 Dimethoate 2.67 EC
L I 1267 Dimethoate 400
L I 1029 Dimethoate 4EC
L I 1403 Dimethoate 5 lb.
D I 1145 Dimilin 25W
L I 1715 Dimilin 2L
L H 4039 Direx 4L
D H 4040 Direx 80DF
L H 4820 Discover
L H 4938 Discover NG
D H 4677 Distinct (aka Overdrive)
D I 1033 Di-Syston 15%G
L I 1034 Di-Syston 8 EC
D F 7127 Dithane 75DF Rainshield
L F 7015 Dithane F-45 Rainshield
D F 7016 Dithane M-45 (WP)
L F 7318 Dithane M-45 Flowable
L H 4045 Diuron 4L
D H 4605 Diuron 80DF
D H 4807 Domain
L F 7592 Domark 230 ME
L H 4534 DoublePlay
D MD 9046 Dropp 50WP
L MD 9418 Dropp SC
D MD 9290 Dropp Ultra
L H 4660 Dual II Magnum
L H 4661 Dual II Magnum SI
D H 4753 Dual IIG Magnum
L H 4659 Dual Magnum
L H 4806 Duet
L H 4198 Durango(aka GF-1279)
L F 7226 Echo 720
D F 7332 Echo 90DF
L F 7329 Echo Zn
D F 7287 Elite 45 DF
L F 7465 Eminent 125 SL
L I 1720 Empower (aka Nutripel)
L I 1199 Endosulfan 3EC
D F 7571 Endura (70WG)
D H 4956 Envoke
L H 4769 Envoy
D H 4749 Epic
L H 4053 Eptam 7-E
D H 4973 Equip Corn Herbicide
L F 7515 Equus 720
L H 4203 Esteron 6E
L H 4900 ET
L MG 9207 Ethephon 6
D H 4855 Everest 70%
D H 4055 Evik 80W
D H 4523 Exceed 64.6 DF
D H 4205 Express (DF)
L H 4756 Extreme
D H 4336 Facet 50WP
D H 4693 Facet 75 DF
D H 4760 Facet GR
L MG 9114 Fair 85
L H 4210 Fallow Master
D H 4211 Far-Go Granular (10%)
L H 4642 Field Master
D H 4214 Finesse
L MG 9220 Finish
L MG 9283 Finish 6
D H 4643 FirstRate
L H 4532 Flexstar
L MD 9047 Folex 6EC
L F 7254 Folicur 3.6 F
D I 1440 Force 3G
L H 4291 Formula 40
D I 1678 Fortress 2.5 G
D I 1397 Fortress 5 G
L H 4448 Frontier 6.0
D H 4644 Frontrow
L H 4597 Fultime Herbicide
D I 1259 Furadan 10G
D I 1053 Furadan 15G
L I 1054 Furadan 4F
D I 1151 Furadan 5G
L I 1374 Fury 1.5 EC
L H 4492 Fusilade DX
L H 4442 Fusion
L I 1521 Fyfanon ULV 9.9lbs
D H 4962 Gangster
D H 4915 Gangster FR
D H 4964 Gangster V (aka Valor)
D H 4839 Gauntlet
D F 7499 Gavel 75DF
L MD 9164 Ginstar EC
D H 4125 Glean FC (75DF)
L H 4882 Gly Star Plus
L H 4990 Gly-4 Plus
L H 4580 Glyfos X-TRA
L H 4840 Glyphomax
L H 4999 Glyphomax XRT
L H 4890 Glyphosate 4
L H 4838 Glyphosate Original
L H 4886 G-Max Lite
L H 4542 Goal 2XL
L H 4314 Gramoxone Extra
L H 4402 Gramoxone Inteon
L H 4404 Gramoxone Max
L MD 9399 Gramoxone Max
L H 4064 Gramoxone Super
L H 4685 Grandstand R or CA
L H 4393 Grasp
L H 4484 Grazon ET
L H 4494 Guardsman Herbicide
L H 4852 Guardsman Max
L I 1152 Guthion 2L
D H 4139 Harmony Extra XP
D H 4137 Harmony GT XP
L H 4602 Harness
D H 4650 Harness 20G
L H 4529 Harness Xtra
L H 4649 Harness Xtra 5.6L
L MD 9048 Harvade - 5F
L F 7522 Headline
L F 7603 Headline SBR
L H 4955 Helosate Plus
L H 4221 Hi-Dep
L H 4065 Hoelon 3EC
D H 4517 Hornet
D H 4861 Hornet WDG
L H 4333 Ignite (only for cotton)
D F 7240 Indar 75 WSP
L I 1863 Intrepid 2F
L H 4969 Intrro
D I 1901 Intruder WSP
D I 1974 Javelin WG
L I 1252 Karate (1EC)
L I 1707 Karate Z
D H 4066 Karmex DF
L I 1062 Kelthane MF
L H 4888 Keystone
L I 1470 Knack
(aka Esteem 0.86EC)
L H 4629 L Treflan HFP
L H 4524 Laddok S-12
L H 4229 Landmaster BW
L I 1064 Lannate LV (2.4 lbs.)
D I 1065 Lannate SP
L F 7483 Laredo EC
L H 4230 Lariat (4F)
L I 1066 Larvin 3.2
D I 1384 Larvin DF
L H 4069 Lasso (4EC)
L H 4150 Layby Pro
L H 4665 LeadOff
D I 1671 Lepinox WDG
L I 1814 Leverage 2.7
L H 4989 Lexar Herbicide
L H 4640 Liberty
L H 4678 Liberty ATZ
D H 4607 Lightning DG
L H 4074 Linex 4L
D H 4233 Londax (60DF)
D H 4077 Lorox DF
D I 1068 Lorsban 15G
L I 1069 Lorsban 4E
D I 1070 Lorsban 50W
L H 4522 Low Vol 4 Ester
L H 4885 Lumax
L H 4826 LV 400 2,4-D
L H 4906 Mad Dog Glyphosate
L I 1085 Malathion 5 EC (55%)
L I 1725 Malathion 5 EC (56%)
L I 1236 Malathion 5 EC (57%)
L I 1228 Malathion 8E
L I 1157 Malathion ULV 9.7lbs
L F 7064 Manex
D F 7025 Manzate 75DF
L H 4235 Marksman
D H 4566 Matrix (aka Shadeout)
D H 4791 Maverick
L H 4293 MCP 4 Ester
L H 4292 MCP Amine 4
L H 4513 MCPE Phenoxy
L MG 9405 Mepex Plus
L MG 9188 Mepichlor 4.2% Liquid
L MG 9420 Mepiquat Chloride,
Farm Saver
L F 7396 Mertect 340-F
L H 4231 Micro-Tech
D F 7449 Microthiol Disperss
L H 4491 Mirage (4EC)
L I 1082 Mocap EC
L I 1329 Monitor 4
L H 4144 MSMA 4 Plus
L H 4194 MSMA 6 Plus
L H 4147 MSMA 6.6 (EC)
L I 1363 Mustang
L I 1895 Mustang Max
L H 4916 Newpath Herbicide
D H 4692 NorthStar
L H 4388 Nortron EC
L H 4590 Nortron SC
Flowable Herbicide
D I 1546 Nufos 15 G
L I 1547 Nufos 4E
L MG 9108 Off-shoot-T 85
L I 1278 Oil
D H 4195 Olympus Flex
D H 4860 Option
L H 4138 Oracle Dicamba
D H 4242 Ordram 15-G
D H 4406 Ordram 15-GM
L H 4243 Ordram 8-E
L F 7199 Orius 3.6 F
D F 7201 Orius 45 WP
D F 7200 Orius 45DF
D I 1102 Orthene 75 S
D I 1481 Orthene 75 WSP
D I 1509 Orthene 90 WSP
D I 1258 Orthene 90S
D I 1822 Orthene 97
D I 1316 Orthene Tobacco
Insect Spray
D H 4951 Osprey
L H 4940 Outlaw
(aka Bushwhacker)
L H 4862 Outlook
D H 4569 Peak (WDG)
D F 7098 Pencozeb 75DF
D F 7026 Pencozeb 80WP
L H 4813 Pendimax 3.3
L I 1164 Penncap-M
L MG 9397 Pentia
L I 1902 Permethrin 3.2 AG
D H 4525 Permit
L I 1884 Perm-UP 3.2 EC
L MG 9137 PGR-IV
D I 1240 Phorate 20-G
L MG 9299 Pix
L MG 9099 Pix Concentrate
L MG 9295 Pix Plus
L MG 9038 Pix Ultra
L H 4329 Pledge 4SL
L H 4081 Poast (1.5 EC)
L H 4703 Poast 3.5
L H 4334 Poast Plus (1EC)
D MG 9107 Polado L
D I 1105 Pounce 1.5 G
D I 1106 Pounce 25WP
L I 1107 Pounce 3.2EC
L MG 9039 Prep brand Ethephon
L MG 9100 Prime+ EC
L H 4084 Princep 4L
D H 4249 Princep Caliber 90
L H 4573 Prism (aka Select)
D F 7568 Pristine
L I 1972 Proaxis
L H 4712 Progress
L I 1057 Prolex
L H 4164 Propanil 3E
L H 4213 Propanil 4E
D H 4337 Propanil WDG (50%)
L F 7528 PropiMax EC
L H 4360 Prowl 3.3 EC
D H 4504 Prowl DG
L H 4942 Prowl H2O
L H 4581 Puma 1EC (Bronate Pro )
L H 4254 Pursuit
D H 4505 Pursuit DG
L H 4255 Pursuit Plus EC
D H 4646 Python WDG
L F 7291 Quadris (aka Abound)
L F 7085 Quadris Opti
L F 7575 Quilt
D F 7141 Rally 40W
L H 4604 Raptor
D H 4750 Rave
L H 4256 Reflex
L I 1552 Regent 4 SC
D I 1532 Regent 80 WG
D H 4905 Regiment
L MG 9394 Reglone
L H 4527 Resource
L H 4500 Rezult
L H 4398 Rezult B
L H 4784 Rezult G
L H 4903 Rhino
L H 4078 Rhomene MCPA Amine
L H 4262 Rhonox (EC)
L H 4897 RiceStar HT
L F 7286 Ridomil Gold EC
D F 7307 Ridomil Gold GR
D F 7341 Ridomil Gold PC
D F 7323 Ridomil Gold WSP
L I 1977 Rimon 0.83EC
D F 7174 Ronilan DF (50%)
L H 4700 Roundup Custom
L H 4564 Roundup Export
L H 4093 Roundup Original
L MD 9172 Roundup Original
L H 4315 Roundup Original II
L MD 9342 Roundup Original II
L H 4939 Roundup Original Max
L H 4707 Roundup Pro
L H 4561 Roundup Ultra
L MD 9281 Roundup Ultra
D H 4762 Roundup Ultra Dry
L H 4881 Roundup Weather Max
L MG 9008 Royal MH-30
L H 4857 RT Master
L H 4675 Saber
L H 4846 Salvan (Cornbelt)
L H 4265 Salvo
D H 4874 Sandea
D H 4391 Savage
L H 4266 Scepter
D H 4318 Scepter 70DG
L I 1170 Scout X-Tra
L H 4396 See MCPA Ester
L H 4447 Select 2 EC
L H 4095 Sencor 4
D H 4096 Sencor DF (75%)
L H 4960 Sequence
L I 1132 Sevin 4F
D I 1018 Sevin 80S
D I 1496 Sevin 80WSP
L I 1093 Sevin RP4
L I 1019 Sevin SL
L I 1092 Sevin XLR Plus
L MG 9062 Sevin XLR Plus
L H 4554 Shotgun Flowable
L H 4048 Simazine 4L
D H 4049 Simazine 80 W
D H 4342 Simazine 90DF
D H 4098 Sinbar (80WP)
L MD 9079 Sodium Chlorate 2lb.
L MD 9186 Sodium Chlorate 5lb.
L MD 9018 Sodium Chlorate 6lb.
L H 4487 Solve MCPA Ester
L H 4507 Sonalan HFP
D H 4705 Spartan
L I 1543 SpinTor 2SC
D H 4641 Spirit
L H 4269 Squadron
L H 4389 Stam 4SC
D H 4338 Stam 80 EDF
L H 4270 Stam M4
D H 4560 Staple
L H 4868 Starane + Saber
L H 4819 Starane + Salvo
L H 4863 Starane + Sword
L H 4628 Starane EC
L MD 9080 Starfire (1.5L)
D H 4845 Steadfast
D H 4924 Steadfast ATZ
L H 4802 Sterling
L I 1806 Steward
L H 4320 Stinger (3EC)
L H 4272 Storm
L F 7513 Stratego
D H 4901 Strongarm
L I 1529 Success
L MG 9119 Sucker Plucker
Concentrate (85%)
D I 1394 Sulfur 92%
D F 7129 Sulfur Dusting (92%)
(aka Honey Dew)
L MD 9009 Sulfuric Acid Potato
Vine Desiccant
L MG 9260 Super Boll
L F 7073 Super Tin 4L
D F 7215 Super Tin 80WP
D H 4950 Suprend
L H 4516 Surpass 100
D H 4577 Surpass 20 G
L H 4103 Surpass 6.7-E
L H 4515 Surpass EC
D F 7393 Switch 62.5WG
D H 4501 Synchrony STS
L I 1467 Taiga Z
L H 4403 Targa
L MS 9011 Telone II
D I 1124 Temik 15G
D I 1256 Thimet 15-G
D I 1127 Thimet 20-G
L I 1910 Thionex (Thiodan) 3EC
L F 7202 Thiophanate
Methyl 4.5F AG
L F 7076 Tilt
L F 7366 Tilt/Bravo
L H 4530 TopNotch
D F 7151 Topsin 85 WDG
D F 7040 Topsin M 70WP
L H 4281 Tordon 22K (2EC)
L H 4662 Touchdown 5
L H 4922 Touchdown CF
L H 4848 Touchdown Herbicide
L I 1526 Tracer
L H 4983 Treflan 4L
D H 4508 Treflan 5G
L H 4108 Treflan E.C.
L H 4629 Treflan HFP
D H 4111 Treflan TR-10
L H 4450 Trifluralin 4 (EC)
L H 4112 Trilin
D H 4285 Trilin 10G
L F 7321 Trilogy
L I 1899 Trimax
L H 4815 Trust 4EC
L H 4867 Turret
L H 4843 Ultra Blazer
D H 4824 UpBeet
L I 1903 Up-Cyde 2.5 EC
D H 4871 Valor WP
L MS 9012 Vapam
L H 4317 Velpar L (2EC)
L H 4893 Volley ATZ Lite
L I 1247 Vydate C-LV (3.77lbs)
L I 1177 Vydate L (2 Lbs)
L I 1987 Warhawk
L I 1553 Warrior
L H 4204 Weed Killer 4D
L H 4003 Weedar 64
L H 4295 Weedmaster
L H 4296 Weedone 638
L H 4298 Weedone LV4
L H 4299 Weedone LV6
L H 4308 Wham! EZ
L H 4309 Whip 1EC
L H 4379 Whip 360
L H 4945 WideMatch
L H 4946 WideMatch M
L H 4899 WildCard
L H 4247 Wise Up
(aka Meychem Glyphosate)
D H 4858 Yukon Herbicide
L I 1983 Yuma 4E
L I 1289 Zephyr 0.15 EC
Conversion Factors for Liquid & Dry Products
Liquid Products:
1 Gallon = 4 Quarts 1 Quart = 2 Pints 1 Pint = 16 Fluid Ounces 2 Cups = 1 Pint
Dry Products: 1 Pound = 16 Dry Ounces 1 Ounce = 28.3 Grams 1 Pound = 453 Grams
AS Aqueous Suspension D Dust DF Dry flowable DG Water-Dispersible Granules E or EC Emulsifiable Concentrate ES Emulsifiable solution F or L Flowable G or GR Granular L Liquid LV Low volatility M or ME Microencapsalted P Pellets S Solution SL Slurry SP Soluble powder W or WP Wettable powder WDG or WG Water-Dispersible Granules WSP Water-soluble packet
Section F Pesticide Application Methods |
4 Seed Furrow 5 Chemigation (in irrigation water) 6 Chisel/injected or knifed in 8 Direct spray, foliar 10 Seed Treatment by producer prior to planting 11 Broadcast, ground, not incorporated 12 Broadcast, ground, w/ hood, not incorporated 13 Broadcast, ground, foliar 21 Broadcast, ground, incorporated 22 Broadcast, ground, w/ hood, incorporated 31 Broadcast, aerial 32 Broadcast, aerial, foliar |
71 Banded/side-dressed 72 Banded/side-dressed, w/ hood 73 Banded/side-dressed, foliar 76 T-Banded (Combo of banded and injected), soil
SPOT TREATMENTS 91 Spot treatment 92 Spot treatment, w/ hood 93 Spot treatment, foliar
Section H
Irrigation System Type Codes
1 Hand-move |
10 Siphon Tube from unlined ditches |
2 Solid or Permanent Set |
11 Siphon Tube from lined ditches |
3 Side Roll or Wheel Line |
12 Portal System from unlined ditches |
4 Center Pivot or Linear Move with impact sprinklers |
13 Portal System from lined ditches |
5 Center Pivot or Linear Move low pressure spray nozzles below the tower and suspended above ground level |
14 Any Poly Pipe System |
6 Center Pivot or Linear Move with spray or bubbler nozzles discharging on or near the ground |
15 Gated Pipe (not poly pipe) |
7 Big Gun |
16 Improved Gated Pipe (surge flow or cablegation not poly pipe) |
8 Low Flow Irrigation (drip, trickle or micro spray) |
17 Subirrigation |
9 Other - Specify |
18 Open discharge from well, pump, border large scale turned structures or large alfalfa valves |
19 Other - Specify |
Section H, Item 4c Practices to Improve Water Use Efficiency |
Practice Code |
Practice |
Practice Code |
Practice |
1 |
Ditch Improvement |
7 |
Flow/Limit & Monitor |
2 |
Water Leveling |
8 |
Field Borders / Run Off Control |
3 |
Pipe Drop |
9 |
Angle Dikes |
4 |
Overflow Gate |
10 |
Stale Seed Bed |
5 |
Furrow Dams (check dam) |
11 |
Tail Water Recovery |
6 |
Underground Pipes |
12 |
Alternating Row & Furrows |
Machinery and Implement Codes
PLOWS and DISKS 01 Chisel Plow (Big Ox) 02 Coulter Plow CoulterChisel, Soil Saver, Soil Conserver) 03 Deep Ripper (Knife, Bed Knife, Slide) 04 Disk Plow
Moldboard 05 Regular 06 Two-way 07 Stubble-mulch (Noble, Sweeps, Hoeme Plow, Muckeroy Plow) 08 Subsoiler (Chisel, Ripper, V-ripper, Big Ox) 09 Disk-chisel (Mulch Tiller)
Offset Disk 10 Heavy Disk 11 Light Disk 12 One-way Disk (Disk Tiller) 13 Single Disk
Tandem Disk 14 Plowing 15 Regular 16 Paraplow |
PACKERS 51 Culti-packer (Pulverizer, Crow-foot, Serrated, Ring, Spiral)
Roller-packer 52 Attachment, Plow Packer 53 Smooth & Flat, Roller Packer |
PLANTERS 108 Sprig Planter 111 Bedder-shaper Planter 112 Lister-bedder 113 No-till, Minimum Till, (Ripper Planter) 114 Conventional,Regular (Tye, Flex) 115 Air Delivery/vacuum 116 Ridge till 359 Vegetable Planter |
DRILLS and SEEDERS 101 Aerial Seeding 102 Broadcast Seeder
Drill 103 Air Delivery 104 Lister Disk, Grain 105 No-till, Minimum till 106 Plain, Grain 107 Press, Disk or Hoe |
CULTIVATORS 21 Field Cultivator (Regular Digger, Triple K, Danish Tined, Swedish Tined, Incorporated, S-tine,Cultivator, Vibra-shank Harrow, Lilliston Tiller) 22 Furrow-out 23 Rotary Hoe (Crust Buster)
Row 24 Disk Sweep, Shovel 25 Rolling, Rotary
Field Cultivator 26 Heavy Duty (Duckfoot Cultivator) 27 Marker 28 Fallow Master |
BEDDERS-SHAPERS 41 Bedder (Shaper, Bedshaper, Crowder) 42 Bed Shaper, Bed Former 364 Plastic Mulcher/Bedder
Disk 43 Hipper 44 Row 45 Float 46 Lister (Middle-buster) 47 Rotovator-bedder 48 Seedbed Roller (Flat Roller) 49 Sub-soil Bedder (Ripper-hipper) 50 Discovator |
HARROWS (DRAGS) 30 Heavy Harrow 31 Field Conditioner (Scratcher, Seed Bed Conditioner, Soil Conditioner, Ground Hog) 32 Finishing (Harrogator, Spiral,Roller, Knives, Shanks,Pegs, Smoother) 33 Flex-tine Tooth (Coil Tine) 34 Multi-weeder (Cultivator &Harrow) 35 Rail, Pipe, Log, Plank 36 Rod Weeder 37 Roller (Culti-mulcher, Pulvi-mulcher, Crumbler, Packer- mulcher, Packer & Shanks) 38 Spike Tooth 39 Spring Tooth 40 Powered Spike Tooth Harrow |
MISCELLANEOUS TILLAGE 61 Land-all, Do-all Mix-n-till, Till-all (Disk, Shovels, Reel & Spikes) 62 Mulch Treader, Picker, Skew Treader 63 Roto-tiller 64 Roterra (Roto-spike, Lely) 65 Sand-fighter 66 Soil Finisher (Finishing Tool, Mulch Finisher, Tri-tiller, Task Master) 67 Root Crown Puller 68 Stalk Puller/Chopper |
SUGARCANE EQUIPMENT Planters 350 Mechanical (Billet) 351 Hand
Harvesters 352 Single Row Chopper 353 Single Row Soldier 354 Two Row Soldier
Transfer Wagons 355 Billet, field 356 Wholestalk, field
Misc 357 Wholestalk Loader, field 363 Row Shaver |
SUGARBEET EQUIPMENT 231 Beater (Defoliator)
Harvester 233 Regular or Direct 234 Tank 235 Other
Thinner 236 Mechanical (Electronic) 237 Mechanical (Random)
238 Planter 239 Topper (Topsaver) |
TOBACCO EQUIPMENT Mechanical Harvester – (Self-propelled) 251 Multi-pass 252 Last-over 253 Once-over
Mechanical Harvester – (PTO-driven) 271 Multi-pass 272 Last-over 273 Once-over
Priming Aids 254 Field Box Filling 255 Field Racking 256 Looping on Sticks in Field 257 Other
262 Stripping Machine 263 Stripper, Carousel 264 Swinging Frame or Schaffel Wagon
265 Topper, 2 Row 266 Topper, 4 Row
258 Trailer/Wagon/Cart (Harvest) 259 Transplanter 270 Transplanter, Carousel 260 Transplant Digger, (Mechanical)
261 Tying Machine |
PEANUT EQUIPMENT 281 Combine, PTO 282 Digger-shaker 283 Shaker-inverter 284 Reshaker-conditioner 285 Vine cutter 286 Wagon |
COTTON EQUIPMENT 211 Chopper (Stalk Cutter) 212 Module Builder 213 Gleaner
Picker 214 Mounted 215 Self-Propelled
216 Rood Machine
Stripper 217 Mounted 218 Pull-Type 219 Self-Propelled
Misc 220 Trailer 221 Boll Buggy |
HARVESTING EQUIPMENT Small Grains/Row Crops Combine
121 Hillside 122 Self-propelled, 2wd 123 Self-propelled, 4wd 124 Track 125 PTO/motor Mounted
Windrower-swather 126 (Grain/hay) pto 127 (Grain/hay)
133 Corn Picker 134 Hand Harvesting 135 Tassel Stalker 224 Corn Binder
Misc 360 Vegetable Picker (Snap Bean) 358 Root Crop Digger/Harvester |
TRUCKS 301 Single Axle 302 Double Axle 303 Tri-Axle 304 Semi 305 Other Trucks
LAND FORMING EQUIPMENT 171 Backhoe 172 Disk Border Maker 173 Ditch Closer 174 Ditcher (Vee Rotary) 175 Levee Plow Disk 176 Quarter Drain Machine 177 Rear Mounted Blade 178 Corrugator (Furrow Dicer, Dammar Dicer, Dicer) 180 Land Plane Leveler (Water Leveler) 181 Laser Planer, Laser Leveler 182 Gate Setter 183 Bull Dozer |
MOWERS and BALERS 141 Amish Harvester
Baler 145 Motor Mounted 146 PTO (Large) 147 PTO (Small) 148 Self-propelled
Mowers 149 Mower-chopper-Rotary 150 Conditioner/PTO 151 Self-propelled 152 Drum-disk 153 Flail 154 Sickle
Rake 155 Dump 156 Side Delivery 157 Wheel 162 Hay Tedder |
OTHER IMPLEMENTS 191 Burn Buggy 192 Chaff/straw Saver 193 Electric-discharge Weed Killer 196 Off-field Thresher 197 Rock Picker 198 Rock Windrower or Rake 199 Rodent (Gopher) Killer 200 Roller Groover 201 Rubber-wheeled Weed Puller 202 Flail Shredder 203 Rotary Shredder 204 Silage Harvester 205 Stalk Shredder, Stalk Cutter 206 Swath Roller 207 Tractor or Truck - No Attachments 223 Flame Thrower 240 Aerator |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | hancda |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |