American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)


American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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ATUS Leave Module Requirements (8.19.10)


Universe: [(sect3.FWK = 1) OR (sect3.BUS2 = 1) OR (sect3.ABSRSN = 4-12, 14, DK, R)]


[(sect7.IO1INC = 1) OR (PUIO1COW ne 7 and sect7.IODP1 ne 1)]

Screen Name: PAID_Intro

Question text:

The next few questions are about paid and unpaid leave from a job.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Spanish translation:

El siguiente grupo de preguntas es acerca de las licencias con sueldo y sin sueldo de un empleo.

* Enter 1 to continue

Valid values: 1

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto PAID]

Special instructions:

Universe: PAID_Intro = 1

Screen Name: PAID

Question text:

[fill = MULTI], Do you receive paid leave on your job?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

[fill = MULTI], ¿Recibió usted licencia con sueldo en su empleo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. MULTI : If MJ = 1 then fill “Thinking about the job where you worked the most hours last week”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. MULTI: If MJ = 1 then fill “Si piensa en el empleo en el que trabajó la mayor cantidad de horas la semana pasada”

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto RSNPD_a]

[else goto UNPD_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: PAID = 1

Screen Name: RSNPD_a

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Own illness or medical care

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Enfermedad o atención médica propia

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_b]

Special instructions:

Universe: entry in RSNPD_a

Screen Name: RSNPD_b

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Illness or medical care of another family member

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_c]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_b

Screen Name: RSNPD_c

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Childcare, other than for illness

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_d]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_c

Screen Name: RSNPD_d

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Eldercare, other than for illness

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_e]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_d

Screen Name: RSNPD_e

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.


  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].


Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_f]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_e

Screen Name: RSNPD_f

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Errands or personal reasons

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Gestiones o razones personales

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNPD_g]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_f

Screen Name: RSNPD_g

Question text:

I’m going to read you a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. For each reason, please tell me if you are able to take paid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job.

Birth or adoption of a child

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por las cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Para cada uno, haga el favor de decirme si usted puede recibir licencia con sueldo en su empleo [fill = CURRENT].

Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

Skip instructions:

[goto PTO]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…leave in your current/main job”

Universe: entry in RSNPD_g

Screen Name: PTO

Question text:

Does your employer offer a single type of paid leave that can be used for multiple purposes, such as sick leave, vacation, or personal leave – these plans are sometimes called consolidated leave plans or PTOs?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Ofrece su empleador un tipo único de licencia con sueldo que se puede usar para múltiples fines, tales como licencia por enfermedad, vacaciones o licencia por razones personales (estos planes se conocen a veces como planes consolidados de licencias o PTO)?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto SEPPD_a]

[else goto PDTYPE_a]

Special instructions:

Universe: PTO = 1

Screen Name: SEPPD_a

Question text:

Does your employer also offer separate paid leave for…


  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Ofrece su empleador licencias con sueldo separadas para…

Días feriados?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto SEPPD_b]

Special instructions:

Universe: entry in SEPPD_a

Screen Name: SEPPD_b

Question text:

Does your employer also offer separate paid leave for…

Maternity or paternity leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Ofrece su empleador licencias con sueldo separadas para…

Licencia de maternidad o paternidad?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto SEPPD_c]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentence, “Does your employer…leave for…”

Universe: entry in SEPPD_b

Screen Name: SEPPD_c

Question text:

Does your employer also offer separate paid leave for…

Additional sick leave, not already included in your PTO?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Ofrece su empleador licencias con sueldo separadas para…

Licencia adicional por enfermedad, que no esté incluida ya en su PTO?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto UNPD_Intro]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentence, “Does your employer…leave for…”

Universe: PTO = 2, DK, or R

Screen Name: PDTYPE_a

Question text:

Employers offer different types of paid leave plans. Does [fill = MJ] offer you separate ...

Paid sick leave (for yourself or to care for other family members)?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Los empleadores ofrecen diferentes tipos de planes de licencia con sueldo. ¿Ofrece [fill = MJ] licencias individuales para….

Con sueldo por enfermedad (para usted o para cuidar a un familiar)?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. MJ: If MJ =1 then fill “the employer where you worked the most hours last week”

Else fill “your employer”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. MJ: If MJ = 1 then fill “el empleador para el cual usted trabajó la mayor cantidad de horas la semana pasada”

Else fill “su empleador”

Skip instructions:

[goto PDTYPE_b]

Special instructions:

Universe: entry in PDTYPE_a

Screen Name: PDTYPE_b

Question text:

Employers offer different types of paid leave plans. Does [fill = MJ] offer you separate ...

Paid vacation or annual leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Los empleadores ofrecen diferentes tipos de planes de licencia con sueldo. ¿Ofrece [fill=MJ] licencias individuales para….

Con sueldo vacaciones, vacaciones anuales?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

See fill instructions for screen name PDTYPE_a

Skip instructions:

[goto PDTYPE_c]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences “Employers offer…you separate…”

Universe: entry in PDTYPE_b

Screen Name: PDTYPE_c

Question text:

Employers offer different types of paid leave plans. Does [fill =MJ] offer you separate ...

Paid personal leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Los empleadores ofrecen diferentes tipos de planes de licencia con sueldo. ¿Ofrece [fill=MJ] licencias individuales para….

Con sueldo licencia por razones personales?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

See fill instructions for screen name PDTYPE_a

Skip instructions:

[goto PDTYPE_d]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences “Employers offer…you separate…”

Universe: entry in PDTYPE_c

Screen Name: PDTYPE_d

Question text:

Employers offer different types of paid leave plans. Does [fill =MJ] offer you separate ...

Paid holidays?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Los empleadores ofrecen diferentes tipos de planes de licencia con sueldo. ¿Ofrece [fill=MJ] licencias individuales para….

Con sueldo días feriados?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

See fill instructions for screen name PDTYPE_a

Skip instructions:

[goto PDTYPE_e]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences “Employers offer…you separate…”

Universe: entry in PDTYPE_d

Screen Name: PDTYPE_e

Question text:

Employers offer different types of paid leave plans. Does [fill = MJ] offer you separate ...

Paid maternity or paternity leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Los empleadores ofrecen diferentes tipos de planes de licencia con sueldo. ¿Ofrece [fill=MJ] licencias individuales para….

Con sueldo licencia de maternidad o paternidad?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

See fill instructions for screen name PDTYPE_a

Skip instructions:

[goto UNPD_Intro]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences “Employers offer…you separate…”

Universe: (PAID = 2, DK, or R) OR (entry in SEPPD_c) OR (entry in PDTYPE_e)

Screen Name: UNPD_Intro

Question text:

Now I’m going to ask you about unpaid leave.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Spanish translation:

Ahora le voy a preguntar acerca de la licencia sin sueldo.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Valid values: 1

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto UNPAID]

Special instructions:

Universe: UNPD_Intro = 1

Screen Name: UNPAID

Question text:

[fill = PAID] you allowed to take time off from work without pay?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

[fill = PAID] ¿Le permiten ausentarse un tiempo del trabajo sin recibir sueldo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. PAID: If PAID = 1 then fill “In addition to your paid leave, are”

Else if MJ = 1 then fill, “In your main job, are”

Else fill “Are”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. PAID: If PAID = 1 then fill “Además de su licencia con sueldo,

Else if MJ = 1 then fill, “En su empleo principal,

Else fill “”

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto RSNUN_a]

<2, DK, R> [(If PAID ne 1 then goto ADJ_Intro) (else if FABS =1 then goto LEAVE_Intro2) (else goto LEAVE_Intro1)]

Special instructions:

Universe: UNPAID = 1

Screen Name: RSNUN_a

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Own illness or medical care

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Enfermedad o atención médica propia

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_b]

Special instructions:

Universe: entry in RSNUN_a

Screen Name: RSNUN_b

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Illness or medical care of another family member

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_c]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…from work without pay.”

Universe: entry in RSNUN_b

Screen Name: RSNUN_c

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Childcare, other than for illness

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_d]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…from work without pay.”

Universe: entry in RSNUN_c

Screen Name: RSNUN_d

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Eldercare, other than for illness

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_e]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…from work without pay.”

Universe: entry in RSNUN_d

Screen Name: RSNUN_e

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.


  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.


Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_f]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…from work without pay.”

Universe: entry in RSNUN_e

Screen Name: RSNUN_f

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Errands or personal reasons

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Gestiones o razones personales

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

[goto RSNUN_g]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read… from work without pay.”

Universe: entry in RSNUN_f

Screen Name: RSNUN_g

Question text:

I’m going to read a list of reasons why you might have to miss work. Assuming that you have received your employer’s approval, for each reason, please tell me whether or not you are able to take time off from work without pay.

Birth or adoption of a child

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Voy a leerle una lista de razones por los cuales usted podría haber faltado al trabajo. Suponiendo que usted haya recibido la aprobación de su empleador, haga el favor de decirme por cada razón si le permiten ausentarse del trabajo sin sueldo por un tiempo.

Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto UNEVER]

<2, DK, R> [If (RSNUN_a = 1) OR (RSNUN_b = 1) OR (RSNUN_c = 1) OR (RSNUN_d = 1) OR (RSNUN_e = 1) OR (RSNUN_f = 1) then goto UNEVER]

[Else if FABS = 1 then goto LEAVE_Intro2]

[Else goto LEAVE_Intro1]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “I’m going to read…from work without pay.”

Universe: (RSNUN_a = 1) OR (RSNUN_b = 1) OR (RSNUN_c = 1) OR (RSNUN_d = 1) OR (RSNUN_e = 1) OR (RSNUN_f = 1) OR (RSNUN_g = 1)

Screen Name: UNEVER

Question text:

In your [fill = CURRENT] job, have you ever taken unpaid leave for [fill = THIS_THESE]?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

En su empleo [fill=CURRENT], ¿se ha ausentado alguna vez del trabajo sin recibir sueldo por [fill=THIS_THESE]?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “current”

  1. THIS_THESE: If more than one of RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g = 1 then fill “these reasons”

Else fill “this reason”

Spanish Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “actual”

  1. THIS_THESE: If more than one of RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g = 1 then fill “estas razones”

Else fill “esta razón”

Skip instructions:

<1> [If more than one of RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g = 1 then goto RSNEVER]

[else if FABS = 1 then goto LEAVE_Intro2]

[else goto LEAVE_Intro1]

<2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto LEAVE_Intro2]

[else goto LEAVE_Intro1]

Special instructions:

Universe: (UNEVER = 1 AND more than one of RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g = 1)

Screen Name: RSNEVER

Question text:

Which ones? That is, for what reasons have you taken unpaid leave in your [fill = CURRENT] job?

* Mark all that apply.

* Read highlighted options only.

  1. Own illness or medical care

  2. Illness or medical care of another family member

  3. Childcare, other than for illness

  4. Eldercare, other than for illness

  5. Vacation

  6. Errands or personal reasons

  7. Birth or adoption of a child

Spanish translation:

¿Cuáles? Es decir, ¿por qué razones usted se ha ausentado sin sueldo de su empleo [fill=CURRENT]?

* Mark all that apply.

* Read highlighted options only.

  1. Enfermedad o atención médica propia

  2. Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

  3. Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

  4. Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

  5. Vacaciones

  6. Gestiones o razones personales

  7. Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

Valid values: 1–7, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: see UNEVER for fill instructions

Skip instructions:

<1-7, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto LEAVE_Intro2]

[else goto LEAVE_Intro1]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out options based on answers to RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g. Where RSNUN_a – RSNUN_g ne 1, gray out those options.

  2. Make all other options, not grayed out, in bold black text

Universe: (FWK = 1 OR BUS2 = 1) AND (PAID = 1 OR UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: LEAVE_Intro1

Question text:

Now I want to ask you about your work time in the past week.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Spanish translation:

Ahora quiero preguntarle acerca de su tiempo de trabajo la semana pasada.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Valid values: 1

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto LEAVE]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE_Intro1 = 1

Screen Name: LEAVE

Question text:

Did you take any paid or unpaid leave from your [fill = MAIN] job over the past seven days, that is from last [Fill = DAY] through yesterday?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

Se ausentó usted con sueldo o sin sueldo de su empleo [fill = MAIN] en algún momento en los –últimos siete días, es decir, desde el [Fill = DAY] pasado hasta ayer?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

  2. MAIN: If MJ = 1 then fill “main”

Else fill “”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

  2. MAIN: If MJ = 1 then fill “principal”

Else fill “”

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto LVHRS]

[else goto ADJ_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE = 1

Screen Name: LVHRS

Question text:

In the past seven days, how many hours of leave did you take in total?

Spanish translation:

En los últimos siete días, ¿cuántas horas se ausentó en total?

Valid values: 1-168, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-168, DK, R> [If PAID = 1 then goto PDWK]

[else goto LVMAIN]

Special instructions:

Universe: (FABS = 1 AND PAID_INTRO = 1)

Screen Name: LEAVE_Intro2

Question text:

Earlier in the interview, you said that you did not work in the last seven days. How long have you been absent from your [fill = CURRENT] job?

* Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.

Spanish translation:

Anteriormente en esta entrevista usted dijo que no había trabajado en los últimos siete días. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado ausente de su empleo [fill=CURRENT]?

*Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.

Valid values: 1-99, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. CURRENT: see UNEVER for fill instructions

Skip instructions:

<1-99> [goto Intro2_SP]

< DK, R> [If PAID = 1 then goto PDWK]

[Else goto LVMAIN]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE_Intro2 = 1-99

Screen Name: Intro2_SP

Question text:

* Specify days, weeks, or months.

  1. Days

  2. Weeks

  3. Months

Valid values: 1-3

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-3> [If PAID = 1 then goto PDWK]

[else goto LVMAIN]

Special instructions:

Universe: (PAID = 1 and LEAVE = 1) OR (PAID = 1 and FABS = 1)

Screen Name: PDWK

Question text:

Did you use paid leave for any of the time that you took off from work in the past seven days?

* If necessary, probe to determine which “yes” – 1 or 2, above- is applicable.

  1. Yes, paid for all

  2. Yes, paid for some

  3. No, not paid

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Usó usted licencia con sueldo para cualquier tiempo que se haya ausentado del trabajo en los últimos siete días?

* If necessary, probe to determine which “yes” – 1 or 2, above- is applicable.

  1. Sí, con sueldo para todo el tiempo

  2. Sí, con sueldo para parte del tiempo

  3. No, sin sueldo

Don’t know


Valid values: 1–3, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-3, DK, R> [goto LVMAIN]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE = 1 OR (FABS = 1 and PAID_INTRO = 1)

Screen Name: LVMAIN

Question text:

Thinking about your longest period of leave in the last seven days, what was the main reason you had to take off from work?

* Read highlighted options.

  1. Own illness or medical care

  2. Illness or medical care of another family member

  3. Childcare, other than for illness

  4. Eldercare, other than for illness

  5. Vacation

  6. Errands or personal reasons

  7. Birth or adoption of a child

  8. Other

Spanish translation:

Teniendo en cuenta su periodo más extenso de ausencia en los últimos siete días, ¿cuál fue la razón principal que usted tuvo para ausentarse del trabajo?

* Read highlighted options.

1. Enfermedad o atención médica propia

2. Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

3. Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

4. Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

5. Vacaciones

6. Gestiones o razones personales

7. Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

8. Otro

Valid values: 1–8, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto LVPAIN]

<2> [goto FAMILL]

<3-8, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADJ_Intro]

[else if FWK = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADDLV]

[else goto LVILL]

Special instructions:

Universe: LVMAIN = 1

Screen Name: LVPAIN

Question text:

Was your illness or medical care work-related?

1. Yes

2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

"Fue su enfermedad o tratamiento medica relacionada con el empleo?"

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADJ_Intro]

[else if FWK = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADDLV]

[else goto LVILL]

Special instructions:

Universe: LVMAIN = 2

Screen Name: FAMILL

Question text:

Which member(s) of your family were ill?

* Mark all that apply

  1. Spouse or partner

  2. Child

  3. Parent

  4. Other relative

  5. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Qué familiar(es) suyo(s) estuvo enfermo?

* Mark all that apply

  1. Cónyuge o pareja

  2. Hijo

  3. Padre o madre

  4. Otro pariente

  5. Otro

Valid values: 1–5, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-5, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADJ_Intro]

[else if FWK = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ne 1) then goto ADDLV]

[else goto LVILL]

Special instructions:

Universe: PDWK = 1 or 2

Screen Name: LVILL

Question text:

What type(s) of leave did you use for this reason?

* Mark all that apply

* Read highlighted options.

  1. Sick leave (for yourself or to care for other family members)

  2. (Paid) Vacation or annual leave

  3. (Paid) Personal leave

  4. Paid holidays

  5. (Paid) Maternity or paternity leave

  6. PTO or consolidated leave

  7. Unpaid leave

  8. Other, specify

Spanish translation:

Qué tipo(s) de licencia usó usted por esta razón?

* Mark all that apply

* Read highlighted options.

  1. Licencia por enfermedad (para usted mismo o para cuidar a un familiar)

  2. (Con sueldo) Vacaciones o vacaciones anuales

  3. (Con sueldo) Licencia por razones personales

  4. Días feriados pagados

  5. (Con sueldo) Licencia de maternidad o paternidad

  6. PTO o licencia consolidada

  7. Licencia sin sueldo

  8. Otro, especificar

Valid values: 1–8, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-7, DK, R> [If FABS = 1, then goto ADJ_intro] [else goto ADDLV]

<8> [goto LVILL_SP]

Special instructions:

Universe: LVILL = 8

Screen Name: LVILL_SP

Question text:

* Specify

Valid values: 250 characters

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<250 characters> [If FABS = 1, then goto ADJ_Intro] [else goto ADDLV]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE = 1 AND (FWK = 1 or BUS2 = 1)

Screen Name: ADDLV

Question text:

[fill = LEAVE ]. In the past seven days, did you take additional leave for any other reason?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

[fill=LEAVE]. En los últimos siete días, ¿se ausentó usted con una licencia adicional por alguna otra razón?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. LEAVE: If [(LVMAIN = response) AND (LVMAIN ne 8, DK, or R)] then fill “You said you were on leave for (the)” and answer from LVMAIN

Else fill “”

Spanish fill instructions:

  1. LEAVE: If [(LVMAIN = response) AND (LVMAIN ne 8, DK, or R)] then fill “Usted dijo que estaba ausente por” and answer from LVMAIN

Else fill “”

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [goto LVYTD]

Special instructions:

Universe: LEAVE = 1 AND (FWK = 1 or BUS2 =1)

Screen Name: LVYTD

Question text:

Did you take any paid or unpaid leave from your job yesterday?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t know


Spanish translation:

¿Se ausentó usted ayer con licencia con sueldo o sin sueldo de su empleo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [If ADDLV = 1 then goto YTDMAIN]

[else goto ADJ_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADDLV = 1 and LVYTD = 1)

Screen Name: YTDMAIN

Question text:

What was the main reason you had to take off from work yesterday?

* Read highlighted options.

  1. Own illness or medical care

  2. Illness or medical care of another family member

  3. Childcare, other than for illness

  4. Eldercare, other than for illness

  5. Vacation

  6. Errands or personal reasons

  7. Birth or adoption of a child

  8. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Cuál fue la razón principal por la que usted tuvo que ausentarse de su trabajo ayer?

* Read highlighted options.

1. Enfermedad o atención médica

2. Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

3. Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

4. Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

5. Vacaciones

6. Gestiones o razones personales

7. Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

8. Other

Valid values: 1–8, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-8, DK, R> [goto ADJ_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: PAID_INTRO = 1

Screen Name: ADJ_Intro

Question text:

Now I’m going to ask you about schedule adjustments.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Spanish translation:

Ahora le voy a preguntar sobre ajustes al horario.

* Enter 1 to contiunue

Valid values: 1

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [If PAID = 2 and UNPAID = 2 then goto ADJ_a]

[Else if PAID = 2 and UNPAID = 1 then goto ADJ_b]

[Else if PAID = 1 and UNPAID = 2 then goto ADJ_c]

[Else if PAID = 1 and UNPAID = 1 then goto ADJ_d]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADJ_Intro = 1) AND (PAID ne 1 and UNPAID ne 1)

Screen Name: ADJ_a

Question text:

You said that you don’t have leave available [fill = MJ], but can you vary your work schedule or location if you needed to take time off work?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

Usted dijo que no tiene licencias disponibles [fill=MJ], ¿pero puede usted cambiar su horario de trabajo o el lugar si necesita ausentarse del trabajo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. MJ: If MJ = 1 then fill “in your main job”

Spanish Fill instructions:

  1. MJ: If MJ =1 then fill “en su empleo principal”

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto VARY_a]

<2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto HEALTH] [else goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADJ_Intro = 1) AND (PAID ne 1 and UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: ADJ_b

Question text:

Can you vary your work schedule or location instead of taking unpaid leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Puede usted cambiar su horario o el lugar de trabajo en vez de utilizar licencia sin sueldo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto VARY_a]

<2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto HEALTH] [else goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADJ_Intro = 1) AND (PAID = 1 and UNPAID ne 1)

Screen Name: ADJ_c

Question text:

Can you vary your work schedule or location instead of taking paid leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Puede usted cambiar su horario o el lugar de trabajo en vez de utilizar licencia con sueldo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto VARY_a]

<2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto HEALTH] [else goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADJ_Intro = 1) AND (PAID = 1 and UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: ADJ_d

Question text:

Can you vary your work schedule or location instead of taking leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Puede usted cambiar su horario o el lugar de trabajo en vez de ausentarse con licencia?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto VARY_a]

<2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto HEALTH] [else goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (ADJ_a = 1) OR (ADJ_b = 1) OR (ADJ_c = 1) OR (ADJ_d = 1)

Screen Name: VARY_a

Question text:

How can you vary your work schedule or location? Can you change:

The days that you work?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Cómo puede usted cambiar el horario o el lugar de trabajo? ¿Puede cambiar:

los días que trabaja?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [goto VARY_b]

Special instructions:

Universe: VARY_a = 1, 2, DK, or R

Screen Name: VARY_b

Question text:

How can you vary your work schedule or location? Can you change:

The hours that you work?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Cómo puede usted cambiar el horario o el lugar de trabajo? ¿Puede cambiar:

las horas que trabaja?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [goto VARY_c]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “How can you…or location? Can you change:”

Universe: VARY_b = 1, 2, DK, or R

Screen Name: VARY_c

Question text:

How can you vary your work schedule or location? Can you change:

The location where you work?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

¿Cómo puede usted cambiar el horario o el lugar de trabajo? ¿Puede cambiar:

el lugar donde trabaja?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [If FABS = 1 then goto HEALTH]

[Else if PAID = 2 and UNPAID = 2 then goto ADJWK_a]

[Else if LEAVE = 1 then goto ADJWK_b]

[Else goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

  1. Gray out the sentences, “How can you…or location? Can you change:”

Universe: (VARY_c = 1, 2, DK, or R) AND (FABS ne 1) AND (PAID ne 1 and UNPAID ne 1)

Screen Name: ADJWK_a

Question text:

In the last seven days – that is from [fill = DAY] through yesterday – did you change your work schedule or location because you needed to take time off work?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

En los últimos siete días – es decir desde [fill = DAY] hasta ayer – ¿cambió usted su horario o el lugar de trabajo debido a que necesitaba ausentarse del trabajo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Spanish Fill instructions:

1. DAY: fill current day

Skip instructions:

<1> [Goto VARYWK]

<2, DK, R> [goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (VARY_c = 1, 2, DK, or R) AND (FABS ne 1) AND (LEAVE = 1) AND (PAID = 1 or UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: ADJWK_b

Question text:

In the last seven days – that is from [fill = DAY] through yesterday – did you change your work schedule or location rather than use additional leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

En los últimos siete días – es decir desde [fill = DAY] hasta ayer – ¿cambió usted su horario el lugar de trabajo en vez de ausentarse con licencia adicional?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Spanish Fill instructions:

1. DAY: fill current day

Skip instructions:

<1> [Goto NOADD_a]

<2, DK, R> [goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: (VARY_c = 1, 2, DK, or R) AND (FABS ne 1) AND (LEAVE = 2) AND (PAID = 1 or UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: ADJWK_c

Question text:

In the last seven days – that is from [fill = DAY] through yesterday – did you change your work schedule or location rather than using leave?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

En los últimos siete días – es decir desde [fill = DAY] hasta ayer – ¿cambió usted su horario o lugar de trabajo en vez de ausentarse con licencia?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Spanish Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Skip instructions:

<1> [Goto NOADD_b]

<2, DK, R> [goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: ADJWK_b = 1

Screen Name: NOADD_a

Question text:

Why did you decide not to take additional leave?

*Mark all that apply

*Read highlighted options.

  1. Too much work

  2. Wanted to save leave

  3. Leave was denied

  4. Did not have enough leave

  5. Fear of job loss or other negative employment-related consequence

  6. Could not afford the loss in income

  7. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Por qué decidió no ausentarse con licencia adicional?

* Mark all that apply

* Read highlighted options.

1. Demasiado trabajo

2. Quería conservar el tiempo de licencia

3. El tiempo de licencia fue denegado

4. No tenía suficiente tiempo de licencia

5. Temor de perder el empleo o alguna otra consecuencia negative relacionada con el empleo

6. No podía darse el lujo de perder los ingresos

7. Other

Valid values: 1-7, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-7, DK, R> [goto VARYWK]

Special instructions:

Universe: ADJWK_c = 1

Screen Name: NOADD_b

Question text:

Why did you decide not to take leave instead?

*Mark all that apply

*Read highlighted options.

  1. Too much work

  2. Wanted to save leave

  3. Leave was denied

  4. Did not have enough leave

  5. Fear of job loss or other negative employment-related consequence

  6. Could not afford the loss in income

  7. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Por qué decidió no ausentarse con licencia entonces?

* Mark all that apply

* Read highlighted options.

1. Demasiado trabajo

2. Quería conservar el tiempo de licencia

3. El tiempo de licencia fue denegado

4. No tenía suficiente tiempo de licencia

5. Temor de perder el empleo o alguna otra consecuencia negative relacionada con el empleo

6. No podía darse el lujo de perder los ingresos

7. Other

Valid values: 1-7, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-7, DK, R> [goto VARYWK]

Special instructions:

Universe: [(ADJWK_a = 1) OR (ADJWK_b = 1) OR (ADJWK_c = 1)]

Screen Name: VARYWK

Question text:

In what way did you change your schedule in the last seven days?

*Mark all that apply.

*Read highlighted options.

  1. Worked different hours than usual, but the same total

  2. Worked fewer hours than usual

  3. Worked more hours than usual

  4. Worked different days than usual, but same total

  5. Worked fewer days than usual

  6. Worked more days than usual

  7. Worked at a different location than usual

  8. Other

Spanish translation:

¿De qué manera cambió usted el horario en los últimos siete días?

*Mark all that apply.

*Read highlighted options.

1. Trabajó en horas diferentes a las horas habituales, pero el mismo total de horas

2. Trabajó menos horas que habitualmente

3. Trabajó más horas que habitualmente

4. Trabajó en días diferentes que los días habituales, pero el mismo total de días

5. Trabajó menos días que habitualmente

6. Trabajó más días que habitualmente

7. Trabajó en un lugar diferente que habitualmente

8. Other

Valid values: 1–8, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-8, DK, R> [goto RSNVARY]

Special instructions:

  1. If VARY_a = 1 then highlight options 4, 5, and 6.

  2. If VARY_b = 1 then highlight options 1, 2 and 3.

  3. If VARY_c = 1 then highlight option 7.

  4. Gray out remaining options

Universe: VARYWK = 1-8, DK, R

Screen Name: RSNVARY

Question text:

Why did you need to change your work schedule or location [fill = INSTEAD]?

*Mark all that apply.

*Read all.

  1. Own illness or medical care

  2. Illness or medical care of another family member

  3. Childcare, other than for illness

  4. Eldercare, other than for illness

  5. Vacation

  6. Errands or personal reasons

  7. Birth or adoption of a child

Spanish translation:

¿Por qué tuvo usted que cambiar el horario o lugar de trabajo [fill = INSTEAD]?

*Mark all that apply

* Read all.

1. Enfermedad o atención médica propia

2. Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

3. Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

4. Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

5. Vacaciones

6. Gestiones o razones personales

7. Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

Valid values: 1–7, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. INSTEAD: If (PAID = 1 or UNPAID = 1) then fill “instead of taking leave”

Spanish Fill instructions:

  1. INSTEAD: If (PAID = 1 or UNPAID = 1) then fill “en vez de ausentarse con licencia”

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto LVPAIN2]

<2-7, DK, R> [goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: RNSVARY = 1

Screen Name: LVPAIN2

Question text:

Was your illness or medical care work-related?

1. Yes

2. No

Don’t Know


Spanish translation:

Fue su enfermedad o tratamiento medica relacionada con el empleo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Skip instructions:

<1, 2, DK, R> [goto NOLV_Intro]

Special instructions:

Universe: FABS ne 1 AND PAID_INTRO = 1

Screen Name: NOLV_Intro

Question text:

The next few questions are about times when you may have needed to take off from work but could not.

* Enter 1 to continue.

Spanish translation:

La siguiente serie de preguntas es acerca de las ocasiones en que usted puede haber necesitado ausentarse del trabajo, pero no pudo hacerlo.

* Enter 1 to continue

Valid values: 1

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto NOLV]

Special instructions:

Universe: NOLV_Intro = 1

Screen Name: NOLV

Question text:

During the past seven days, that is from last [fill = DAY] through yesterday, were there situations in which you needed to take off from work but did not?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Spanish translation:

En los últimos siete días – es decir desde [fill = DAY] hasta ayer –, ¿hubo situaciones en las que usted necesitó ausentarse del trabajo pero no lo hizo?

Valid values: 1, 2, DK, R

Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Spanish Fill instructions:

  1. DAY: fill current day

Skip instructions:

<1> [goto NEEDLV]

<2, DK, R> [goto HEALTH]

Special instructions:

Universe: NOLV = 1

Screen Name: NEEDLV

Question text:

Why did you need to take off work?

*Mark all that apply.

*Read highlighted options.

  1. Own illness or medical care

  2. Illness or medical care of another family member

  3. Childcare, other than for illness

  4. Eldercare, other than for illness

  5. Vacation

  6. Errands or personal reasons

  7. Birth or adoption of a child

  8. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Por qué necesitó usted ausentarse del trabajo?

* Mark all that apply

* Read highlighted options.

1. Enfermedad o atención médica propia

2. Enfermedad o atención médica de un familiar

3. Cuidado de niños, no por enfermedad

4. Cuidado de personas de edad avanzada, no por enfermedad

5. Vacaciones

6. Gestiones o razones personales

7. Nacimiento o adopción de un niño

8. Other

Valid values: 1–8, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-8, DK, R> [If (PAID = 2 and UNPAID = 2) then goto HEALTH]

[else goto RSNNO]

Special instructions:

Universe: (NOLV = 1) AND (PAID = 1 or UNPAID = 1)

Screen Name: RSNNO

Question text:

Why did you decide not to take leave?

*Mark all that apply.

*Read highlighted options.

  1. Too much work

  2. Wanted to save leave

  3. Leave was denied

  4. Did not have enough leave

  5. Fear of job loss or other negative employment-related consequence

  6. Could not afford the loss in income

  7. Other

Spanish translation:

¿Por qué decidió no usar el tiempo de licencia?

*Mark all that apply.

* Read highlighted options.

1. Demasiado trabajo

2. Quería conservar el tiempo de licencia

3. El tiempo de licencia fue denegado

4. No tenía suficiente tiempo de licencia

5. Temor de perder el empleo o alguna otra consecuencia negativa relacionada con el empleo

6. No podía darse el lujo de perder los ingresos

7. Other

Valid values: 1–7, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-7, DK, R> [ goto HEALTH]

Special instructions:

Universe: PAID_INTRO = 1

Screen Name: HEALTH

Question text:

Finally, I have a couple of questions about your health. Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?

  1. Excellent

  2. Very good

  3. Good

  4. Fair

  5. Poor

Spanish translation:

Finalmente, tengo un par de preguntas acerca de su salud. ¿Diría que su estado general de salud es excelente, muy bueno, bueno, regular o malo?

1. Excelente

2. Muy bueno

3. Bueno

4. Regular

5. Malo

Valid values: 1–5, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<1-5, DK, R> [goto PAIN]

Special instructions:

Universe: HEALTH in <1-5, DK, R.

Screen Name: PAIN

Question text:

Please think about how you felt physically over the past 7 days. DURING THE PAST 7 DAYS, ON AVERAGE, how much pain did you feel, if any? Please answer on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is no pain at all and 10 is pain as bad as it can be.

Spanish translation:

Por favor, piense acerca de cómo se sentía físicamente en los últimos 7 días. Durante los últimos 7 días, EN PROMEDIO, cuánto dolor se siente, en su caso? Conteste en una escala de 0 a 10 donde 0 es ausencia de dolor en absoluto y 10 es el dolor tan malo como puede ser.

Valid values: 0-10, DK, R

Fill instructions:

Skip instructions:

<0-10, DK, R> [goto END]

Special instructions:

Section 10 Completion Flags:

1. Set section complete flag (Store "yes" in sectcomp (10)).

2. *If PAIN <> EMPTY, then set section complete flag.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleATUS Leave Module Requirements
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-01

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