Part 887 30-day FR Notice


30 CFR 887 - Subsidence Insurance Program Grants

Part 887 30-day FR Notice

OMB: 1029-0107

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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 171 / Friday, September 2, 2011 / Notices

decision may appeal the decision within
the following time limits:
1. Unknown parties, parties unable to
be located after reasonable efforts have
been expended to locate, parties who
fail or refuse to sign their return receipt,
and parties who receive a copy of the
decision by regular mail which is not
certified, return receipt requested, shall
have until October 3, 2011 to file an
2. Parties receiving service of the
decision by certified mail shall have 30
days from the date of receipt to file an
3. Notices of appeal transmitted by
electronic means, such as facsimile or email, will not be accepted as timely
Parties who do not file an appeal in
accordance with the requirements of 43
CFR part 4, subpart E, shall be deemed
to have waived their rights.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the decision may
be obtained from: Bureau of Land
Management, Alaska State Office, 222
West Seventh Avenue, #13, Anchorage,
Alaska 99513–7504.
BLM by phone at 907–271–5960 or by
e-mail at
Persons who use a Telecommunications
Device for the Deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to contact the
BLM during normal business hours. In
addition, the FIRS is available 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message
or question with the BLM. The BLM
will reply during normal business
Joe J. Labay,
Land Transfer Resolution Specialist, Land
Transfer Adjudication II Branch.
[FR Doc. 2011–22529 Filed 9–1–11; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Land Management
[ORS04000.63320000.DD0000; HAG11–

Notice of Permanent Closure of Public
Lands in Clackamas and Multnomah
Counties, OR

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Bureau of Land Management,

ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that in
response to the Little Sandy River
Protection Act of 2001, a closure to
public entry is in effect on public lands
administered by the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) Salem District that

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are within the Bull Run Watershed
Management Unit. Exempt from this
order are BLM employees, authorized
permittees, and other Federal, State, and
county employees while on official
business of their respective agencies,
including associated vehicle use for
administrative and emergency purposes.
DATES: This closure will be in effect
from December 2, 2011 until further
Cindy Enstrom, BLM Salem District,
Cascades Resource Area Field Manager,
1717 Fabry Road, SE., Salem, Oregon
97306; e-mail:
or 503–315–5969. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the above individuals during
normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individuals. You will receive a
reply during normal hours.
permanent closure affects public lands
in sections 13, 14, 15, and 16, T. 2 S.,
R. 6 E., Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
and section 13, T. 1 S., R. 5 E.,
Willamette Meridian, Oregon; and
within the boundary of the Bull Run
Watershed Management Unit (BRWMU)
in Clackamas and Multnomah Counties,
Oregon. The public lands affected total
approximately 658 acres.
The closure is in response to the Little
Sandy River Protection Act of 2001
(Pub. L. 107–30) and provides for
further water quality protection. The
BRWMU is the main source of drinking
water for the city of Portland, Oregon.
The majority of the BRWMU is under
the joint management of the U.S. Forest
Service, Mount Hood National Forest,
and the Portland Water Bureau. Federal
regulations and City of Portland
ordinances prohibit public entry onto
other portions of the BRWMU. This rule
will provide consistency between public
lands and surrounding lands managed
by other agencies.
Under the authority of Section 303(a)
of the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
1733(a)), 43 CFR 8360.0–7, and 43 CFR
8364.1, the BLM will enforce the
following rule:

Federal, State, and local government
permittees and contractors conducting
authorized activities; members of
organized rescue or fire-fighting forces
in the performance of their official
duties; and persons with written
authorization from the BLM.
Any person who violates this
permanent public closure may be tried
before a United States Magistrate and
fined no more than $1,000, imprisoned
for no more than 12 months, or both.
Such violations may also be subject to
the enhanced fines provided for by 18
U.S.C. 3571.
The BLM will post closure signs at
main entry points to this area and take
steps to install physical barriers at the
BRWMU boundary. The affected lands
will be represented as closed to public
entry in maps, brochures, and other
forms of visitor information. Maps of the
affected area and other documents
associated with this closure are
available at the Salem District Office,
1717 Fabry Rd., SE., Salem, Oregon
97306. These documents include the
Little Sandy River Protection Act and
the Sandy River Basin Integrated
Management Plan.
Definitions: (a) ‘‘Public lands’’ means
any lands or interests in lands owned by
the United States and administered by
the Secretary of the Interior through the
Bureau of Land Management; (b)
‘‘Administrative purposes’’ means any
use by an employee or designated
representative of the Federal
government or one of its agents or
contractors in the course of their
employment or representation; and (c)
‘‘Emergency purposes’’ means actions
related to fire, rescue, or law
enforcement activities.
Authority: 43 CFR 8364.1.
Cindy Enstrom,
Cascades Resource Area Field Manager, BLM
Salem District.
[FR Doc. 2011–22531 Filed 9–1–11; 8:45 am]

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement
Notice of Proposed Information

You must not enter public lands within the
Bull Run Watershed Management Unit by
any means of travel including, but not
limited to, vehicles, off-highway vehicles,
bicycles, and foot.

AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement.
ACTION: Notice and request for

The following persons are exempt
from this order: Federal, State, and local
officers and employees in the
performance of their official duties;

SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement (OSM) is announcing

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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 171 / Friday, September 2, 2011 / Notices
its intention to request approval for the
collection of information for its
Subsidence insurance program grants.
This collection request has been
forwarded to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review and
comment. The information collection
request describes the nature of the
information collection and the expected
burden and cost.
DATES: OMB has up to 60 days to
approve or disapprove the information
collections but may respond after 30
days. Therefore, public comments
should be submitted to OMB by October
3, 2011, in order to be assured of
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, Attention: Department of
Interior Desk Officer, by telefax at (202)
395–5806 or via e-mail to Also,
please send a copy of your comments to
John Trelease, Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951
Constitution Ave., NW., Room 203—
SIB, Washington, DC 20240, or
electronically to
receive a copy of the information
collection request contact John Trelease
at (202) 208–2783, or electronically at You may also
review this collection by going to (Information
Collection Review, Currently Under
Review, Agency is Department of the
Interior, DOI–OSMRE).
of Management and Budget (OMB)
regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which
implement provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13),
require that interested members of the
public and affected agencies have an
opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping activities
[see 5 CFR 1320.8(d)]. OSM has
submitted a request to OMB to renew its
approval of the collection of information
contained in 30 CFR 887—Subsidence
insurance program grants. OSM is
requesting a 3-year term of approval for
each information collection activity.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
number for this collection is 1029–0107.
Regulatory authorities are required to
respond to this collection to obtain a
As required under 5 CFR 1320.8(d), a
Federal Register notice soliciting
comments on this collection of

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information was published on June 22,
2011 (76 FR 36574). One comment was
received, but was not pertinent to this
collection. This notice provides the
public with an additional 30 days in
which to comment on the following
information collection activity:
Title: 30 CFR 887—Subsidence
insurance program grants.
OMB Control Number: 1029–0107.
SUMMARY: States and Indian tribes
having an approved reclamation plan
may establish, administer and operate
self-sustaining State and Indian Tribeadministered programs to insure private
property against damages caused by
land subsidence resulting from
underground mining. States and Indian
tribes interested in requesting monies
for their insurance programs would
apply to the Director of OSM.
Bureau Form Number: None.
Frequency of Collection: Once.
Description of Respondents: States
and Indian tribes with approved coal
reclamation plans.
Total Annual Responses: 1.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 8.
Total Annual Non-Wage Costs: $0.
Send comments on the need for the
collection of information for the
performance of the functions of the
agency; the accuracy of the agency’s
burden estimates; ways to enhance the
quality, utility and clarity of the
information collection; and ways to
minimize the information collection
burden on respondents, such as use of
automated means of collection of the
information, to the addresses listed
under ADDRESSES. Please refer to the
appropriate OMB control number 1029–
0107 in your correspondence.
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment, including your
personal identifying information, may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

Dated: August 26, 2011.
Stephen M. Sheffield,
Acting Chief, Division of Regulatory Support.
[FR Doc. 2011–22406 Filed 9–1–11; 8:45 am]

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[Investigation No. 731–TA–1091 (Review)]

Artists’ Canvas From China;
Scheduling of an Expedited Five-Year
Review Concerning the Antidumping
Duty Order Investigation on Artists’
Canvas From China
AGENCY: United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives
notice of the scheduling of an expedited
review pursuant to section 751(c)(3) of
the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.
1675(c)(3)) (the Act) to determine
whether revocation of the antidumping
duty order on artists’ canvas from China
would be likely to lead to continuation
or recurrence of material injury within
a reasonably foreseeable time. For
further information concerning the
conduct of this review and rules of
general application, consult the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, part 201, subparts A through
E (19 CFR part 201), and part 207,
subparts A, D, E, and F (19 CFR part
DATES: Effective Date: August 5, 2011.
Joanna Lo (202–205–1888), Office of
Investigations, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436. Hearingimpaired persons can obtain
information on this matter by contacting
the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202–
205–1810. Persons with mobility
impairments who will need special
assistance in gaining access to the
Commission should contact the Office
of the Secretary at 202–205–2000.
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by
accessing its internet server (http:// The public record for
this review may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
Background.—On August 5, 2011, the
Commission determined that the
domestic interested party group
response to its notice of institution (76
FR 24516, May 2, 2011) of the subject
five-year review was adequate and that
the respondent interested party group
response was inadequate. The
Commission did not find any other
circumstances that would warrant
conducting a full review.1 Accordingly,
1 A record of the Commissioners’ votes, the
Commission’s statement on adequacy, and any


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2011-09-02
File Created2011-09-02

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