Historic Preservation Fund Grants to Tribal Historic Pre

Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs; 36 CFR 61

THPO Grant Products Summary

Reporting and Quality Control Requirement - Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) Grants Product Summary Page

OMB: 1024-0038

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OMB Control Number: 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/2014

Historic Preservation Fund Grants to Tribal Historic Preservation Offices

Grant Products Summary

Tribe: _____________________________________________________

Fiscal Year: _____________________________________________________

Prepared By: _____________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________

Submit this form with the Narrative Annual Report by January 31. The form records accomplishments by the Tribal Historic Preservation Office using HPF grant funds during the calendar year. Enter “N.A.” if the category is not applicable. Use “0” if no activity occurred in the category. For answers to questions about this form, please call James Bird at (202) 354-1837, email: james_bird@nps.gov


Number of Federal findings of “No Properties” for which your office provided a written opinion

Number of Federal findings of “No effect” for which your office provide a written opinion

Number of Federal findings of “No Adverse Effect” for which your office provided a written opinion

Number of Federal findings of “Adverse Effect” for which your office provided a written opinion

Number of Memoranda of Agreement Signed/

Number Received and Reviewed


Number of Programmatic Agreements Signed/

Number Received and Reviewed


Number of Properties meeting National Register Criteria for which written eligibility opinions were provided

Number of Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria for which written eligibility opinions were provided



Number of Properties Nominated to the National Register

Number of Properties Listed Tribal Register


(Number of Properties/Sites

Added to Inventory)

Area Surveyed (in Acres)

Archaeological Sites

Architectural or Historical Sites

Historic Preservation Public Education

Number of Activities Sponsored or Participated, e.g.: sites visits, consultations, conference presentations, etc.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information is being collected for the annual report to NPS on the program achievements that the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) has accomplished with its Historic Preservation Fund grant. Your response is required to obtain or retain a benefit pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.). A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB (Office of Management and Budget) control number. OMB has approved this information collection and assigned control number 1024-0038.

Estimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 12 hours per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the (optional) form or its equivalent. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate to Chief, Historic Preservation Grants, National Park Service, 1849 C Street , NW. (Org. Code 2256), Washington, DC 20240.

Guidelines for Completing the Grant Products Summary

The following guidelines are to be used in completing the Grant Products Summary Form. Except where specifically stated, the guidelines apply to all Grant Products Summary Forms sent by Tribes.

  1. General Guidelines.

  1. Fill in all blanks. Do not combine data unless requested to do so.

  1. Only activities funded or administered with HPF grant monies or used as allowable matching share should be reported on the Grant Products Summary.

  1. In the Heading, list the date of the current submission. This will help NPS ensure that only current data will be used for review and reports.

4. General-purpose definitions are appended.

5. Double counting of products in some situations may be appropriate. For example, the area of a survey for both architectural/historical and archeological resources should be counted twice.

  1. Review and Compliance Program Area.

  1. Report Products on the review of Federal compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act as amended and 36 CFR 800 only.

  1. Do not include reviews on the Grant Products Summary Form of Federal activity performed for compliance with other laws (e.g., the Archeological Resources Protection Act, the National Environmental Protection Act, etc.) or reviews of Tribe or local undertakings carried out pursuant to Tribal or local regulations (this includes project or design review conducted by tribal planning commissions). These remain eligible activities (see Chapter 6, Section O). A summary of these reviews may be included in a Grants Product Summary continuation sheet or as a narrative in the Annual Report, if desired. See Chapters 7 and 25.

  1. Products completed pursuant to a Programmatic Agreement, a Memorandum of Agreement, a "Conditional" No Adverse Effect Agreement, or other agreements are reported in the same way as any other product. For example, a National Register eligibility opinion provided pursuant to a Programmatic Agreement is reported with other eligibility opinions, and a survey performed pursuant to a "Conditional" No Effect agreement is reported in the Survey and Inventory Program Area.

  1. For both the "Properties Meeting National Register Criteria for which a Written Eligibility Opinion Is provided" figure and the "Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria for which a Written Eligibility Opinion is provided" figure, Tribes must count individual properties and each property of a group whose eligibility is specifically and individually addressed. The written opinion must enable the Federal agency to identify, locate and understand the significance of each property to which the Tribe refers.

  1. For the purposes of Grant Products Summary Form, include opinions that there is not enough information to determine National Register eligibility in the "Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria for which a Written Eligibility Opinion is provided.

  1. The rule of thumb for counting previously evaluated properties is whether the Tribal Office reevaluates the property's eligibility. Many properties change from eligible to ineligible (and vice versa) over time. If the Tribe evaluates or reevaluates a property's eligibility because there is some reason to believe its standing might have changed, it is reported; otherwise, previously evaluated properties are not reported.

  1. "Findings of 'No Properties' refers to written opinions provided to a Federal agency when the Tribe concurs with a Federal agency's finding that there are no National Register eligible or listed properties (historic or prehistoric properties) within the Federal undertaking's area of potential effect or APE (i.e., "No properties;" see 36 CFR 800.4(d) (1)).

  1. No Effect' On Which Written Opinions Are Provided," refers to written opinions provided to a Federal agency if the THPO finds that there are historic or prehistoric properties present but that the Federal undertaking will have no effect on National Register eligible or listed properties as defined in Sec. 800.16(i).

  1. "No Adverse Effect’ for which your office provided a written opinion" refers to written opinions provided to a Federal agency as to whether or not the Tribe agrees with (or believes that there should be) a Federal agency finding that its Federal undertaking would have "No Adverse Effect" (see 36 CFR 800.5.(b))

  1. "Adverse Effect’ for which your office provided a written opinion” refers to those written opinions provided to a Federal Agency that an undertaking would cause Adverse Effects to the area of potential effect on National Register or eligible properties according to the criteria set forth in 36 CFR 800.5(a) (1), (2) (i)-(vii).

  1. Number of Properties meeting National Register Criteria for which written opinions were provided” refers to providing written opinions to a Federal Agency regarding the identification and evaluation of properties for their historic significance in reference to 36 CFR 800.4 (c).

  1. Number of Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria for which written opinions were provided” refers to those written opinions provided to a Federal Agency regarding the identification and evaluation of a property for historic significance for which the eligibility criteria are not met. (See 36 CFR 800.4 (c) (2)).

  1. The unit of measure for all of the "Effect" determinations is the number of undertakings for which the Tribe provides a written opinion. Only one finding per undertaking per Federal fiscal year is to be reported. In other words, the reviews of multiple drafts of a proposed undertaking must not be reported within a single Federal fiscal year. However, if the Tribe has provided its written opinion on an undertaking's effect, and the Federal agency submits a completely new proposal that would change the effect of the undertaking and the Tribe provides its written opinion of the new effect, then the second written opinion is reported. The most common example of this would be where the planned path of a new highway has been changed.

  1. Findings must be reported at their greatest level of effect. For example, if a Tribe provides its written opinion that a single undertaking has "No Effect" on seven National Register eligible properties and an "Adverse Effect" on three properties count the undertaking as one "Adverse Effect" and report it in the "Other Effects" blanks in the Grant Products Summary.

  1. If a single undertaking ends with multiple Federal agency findings for the properties included within its scope, the Tribe must not count its comments more than once on the Grant Products Summary. If, in addition, a Tribe wishes to report all of the findings within an undertaking it may do so, but only on a continuation sheet or in a narrative accompanying the Grant Products Summary.

  1. "Memoranda of Agreement" (MOAs) pertain to specific Federal undertakings rather than a type of activity (e.g., a project to renovate a specific Post Office building, rather than a program to remove asbestos from schools).

  1. "Memoranda of Agreement Signed" includes both new and revised MOAs. Only one MOA per undertaking per Federal fiscal year should be reported unless there has been a substantive revision made to an executed MOA within that time. The THPO's signature will be taken by NPS as assurance that the Tribe has made a substantive contribution to the MOA.

  1. Reviews reported in this area must be substantive (i.e., involving examination of project documents) to be counted. For example, merely extending an MOA without review should not be counted.

  1. "Programmatic Agreements Signed" (PAs) should include new and revised, (but not just renewed; there must be substantive changes), for which substantive work has been performed. These Products refer to types of activities, not specific undertakings. They may be initiated by either the THPO or a Federal agency. They are signed by the Federal agency representative and the THPO and are executed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. See 36 CFR 800.13 for further information on PAs. Because the Tribe's work is complete when the THPO signs the PA, the product is reported at that point. The THPO's signature on the PA will be taken by NPS as assurance the substantive work has been performed.

  1. Survey and Inventory” is activity directly pertinent to the location, identification and evaluation of historic and archeological resources. Inventory activity relates to the maintenance and use of previously gathered information on the absence and presence, of historic and archaeological resources within tribal lands. For this entry include the total acreage for which this activity was performed. This category is further delineated into two additional sub-categories.

  1. Archaeolgical” refers to a sub-category of the survey and inventory program area. Include the acreage surveyed as defined within the eligible activities of archaeological survey as set forth in Chapter 6 (H) (3) of the HPF Grants Manual.

  1. Architectural or Historical” refers to a sub-category of the survey and inventory program area. Include the number of prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in, or eligible for inclusion in the National Register, including artifacts, records, and material remains related to such a property or resource.

  1. Historic Preservation Public Education includes those activities listed within Chapter 6 (D) (3) of the HPF Grants Manual: “(1) activities to increase overall public awareness of technical preservation methods and techniques having application to historic and archeological properties, (2) dissemination of information to promote working relationships with the public and private sectors to achieve HPF grant objectives, (3) explanation of historic preservation planning and/or the goals of the Tribal Plan to Tribal, State and local governments and to public or private audiences; and (4) dissemination of the results of grant-funded work, including explanation of accomplishments, problems, and issues directly related to grant-assisted activities to the Tribal preservation constituency. In addition, refer to Chapter 13, items B.36, B.37 and B.49 for applicable allowable costs.

24. In the End-of-Year Report, report activity in each program area specified in the THPO MOA:

The report will include, at a minimum, the number of additional properties surveyed and added to the Tribe's inventory, the number of Federal undertakings reviewed pursuant to Section 106 of the Act, and a description of any educational activities and programs carried out. The report shall not be construed as requiring the provision of information that the Tribe deems to be sensitive or culturally inappropriate.

If there has been no activity for particular blanks, enter zero.

25. Planned Products are results to be achieved, reviews to be performed, etc. For the End-of-Year Report, Products are those actions and results that were produced during the reporting period. It does not refer to the number of items received during the reporting period, or to activities undertaken but not completed. For example, an item that is received during FY "1996" but upon which action is not completed until FY "1997" should be counted in the FY 1997 Annual Grant Application Grant Products Summary and the FY 1997 End-of-Year Report, not in the FY 1996 End-of-Year Report

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