Cumulative Products Table

Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs; 36 CFR 61

HPF Cumulative Products Table

Application and Reporting Requirement - State Cumulative Products Table

OMB: 1024-0038

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OMB Control Number 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/2014


Annual Grant

End-of-Year Report



Fiscal Year



1. Refer to both the Glossary and the Guidelines for Completing the Cumulative Products Table, below.

2. Application: Fill in all blanks in the “Cumulative Projection” columns.

3. Enter “N.A.” if the category is not applicable. Use “0" if the category is applicable, but no action is anticipated or has occurred during the reporting period.

Program Area and Products

Cumulative Projection


Review and Compliance


Properties Meeting National Register Criteria For Which a Written Eligibility Opinion is Provided

Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria For Which a Written Eligibility Opinion is Provided

Findings of “No Properties” And/Or “No Effect” On Which Written Opinions Are Provided

Other Findings of “Effect” On Which Written Opinions Are Provided

Memoranda of Agreement Signed

Programmatic Agreements Signed

OMB Control Number 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/2014


Annual Grant

End-of-Year Report



Fiscal Year


Program Area and Products

Cumulative Projection


National Register

A. State Nominations:

Number of New Nominations Sent to the National Register:











B. Federal Nominations:

Number of Federal Nominations Commented On

Preservation Tax Incentives


Certification Requests For:

Evaluations of Significance (Part 1s)


Descriptions of Rehabilitation (Part 2s)


Requests for Certification of Completed Work (Part 3s)


OMB Control Number 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/2014


Annual Grant

End-of-Year Report



Fiscal Year


Program Area and Products

Cumulative Projection


Survey and Inventory










B. AREA SURVEYED (in Hectares: 1 hectare = 2.5 acres = .004 square miles):

Reconnaissance Level Survey:



Intensive Level Survey:




Reporting Products in the Planning Program Area is optional. The effect of undertaking a Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation Plan results in activities and products usually reported in other Program Areas.

Specify Products (Optional):

OMB Control Number 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/2014


Annual Grant

End-of-Year Report



Fiscal Year


Program Area and Products

Cumulative Projection


Local Government Certification/


Number of Local Governments Newly Certified During Fiscal Year


Number of CLGs Evaluated

Number of CLGs Decertified


Development, Acquisition, and Covenants

Number of Predevelopment Projects For Which Plans and Specifications Are Reviewed

Number of Predevelopment Projects For Which Historic Structure Reports Are Reviewed

Number of Development Projects Completed

Number of HPF-Funded Covenants and Preservation Agreements Monitored

Other Activities

Reporting Products in this Program Area is optional. (Be specific when reporting activities completed).

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement. The National Park Service collects the information as part of the process for reviewing the procedures and programs of State, tribal, and local governments participating in the national historic preservation program and the Historic Preservation Fund grant program. The information will be used to evaluate those programs and procedures for consistency with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) and compliance with governmentwide grant requirements. Your response is required to obtain or retain a benefit under these programs. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.

The NPS provides no assurance of confidentiality to respondents with the exception of some location information concerning some properties included in government historic preservation property inventories. Pursuant to Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, release of information is tightly controlled when such release could have the potential of damaging those qualities that make a property historic.

Estimated Burden Statement: The public reporting burden for the collection of this information is estimated to average 7.46 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Chief, Historic Preservation Grants, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW. (Org Code 2256), Washington, DC 20240.

Cumulative Products Table

The following guidelines are to be used in completing Cumulative Products Table. Except where specifically stated, the guidelines apply to all Cumulative Products Tables sent by States.

A. General Guidelines.

1. Fill in all blanks. Do not combine data unless requested to do so.

2. Only activities funded or administered with HPF grant monies or used as allowable matching share should be reported on the Cumulative Products Table.

3. In the Heading, list the date of the current submission. That is, the date on an amended page should not be the same as on the original submission. This will help NPS ensure that only current data will be used for review and reports.

4. General purpose definitions may be found in the Glossary and Chapters 3, 6, and 30 of the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual. Chapter 6 also provides further details on which activities belong in which program areas and what the minimum requirements are for those program areas.

5. When additional funds are added to the grant, the appropriate pages of the Cumulative Products Table must be revised and sent to NPS. For example, when a State receives additional funds, revised Cumulative Products Table pages are normally required to show the additional cumulative products that will be accomplished with the new funding.

6. In the End-of-Year Report, report activity in each program area unless exempted by law or in writing by the National Park Service. If there has been no activity for particular blanks, enter 0.

7. There may be some situations in which double counting of Products is appropriate. For example, the area of a survey for both architectural/historical and archeological resources should be counted twice.

8. The blanks in the "Cumulative Projection" column are completed for the Annual Grant Application (and any subsequent amendments), and the blanks in the "Actual" column are completed for the End-of-Year Report (see Chapter 25). If there is no activity, enter 0.

9. The Cumulative Products Table is sent first with the Annual Grant Application but includes estimates on the products to be carried out with the funds carried over from the previous year and any approved preagreement costs. After the Annual Grant Application, the Cumulative Products Table projections are updated cumulatively as part of any subsequent award. For example, if a State plans to fund a reconnaissance level survey of 800 hectares for archeological resources with the funds carried over from the prior year and an additional 700 hectares with the current Annual Grant, the Cumulative Products Table for the Annual Grant Application will have the total of 1,500 hectares entered under "Reconnaissance Level Survey, Archeology." If the State then decides to use recaptured funds, for example, to survey an additional 500 hectares, the total would become 2,000 hectares.

10. A common method of making "cumulative projections" is to use the actual numbers from the previous year as the projection base for the upcoming year, modified to reflect any special circumstances, emphasis, and/or funding changes anticipated by the State.

11. Planned Products are results to be achieved, reviews to be performed, etc. For the End-of-Year Report, Products are those actions and results that were produced during the reporting period. It does not refer to the number of items received during the reporting period, nor to activities undertaken but not completed. For example, an item that is received during FY "1996" but upon which action is not completed until FY "1997" should be counted in the FY 1997 Annual Grant Application Cumulative Products Table and the FY 1997 End-of-­Year Report, not in the FY 1996 End-of-Year Report.

12. In the Products Section, some "Actual" blanks are marked "NPS DATA." These are elements for which States need not report data in the End-of-Year Report; the National Park Service maintains its own records for these elements.

13. There are two types of multipurpose subgrants, i.e., those generating products for two or more program areas:

a. A subgrant for which both the activities (and resulting products) and the costs are easily separable (such as printing a brochure on survey techniques and a brochure on preparing a nomination).

b. A subgrant for which neither the activities nor the costs are easily separable should be reported in the Other Activities Program Area.

B. General Guidelines (For Individual Appropriations Only). Supplemental requirements applicable to individual appropriations/apportionments will be supplied by NPS as needed.

C. Guidelines for Specific Program Areas.

1. Administration Program Area. Include the preparation of Grant Applications and End-of-Year Reports in this program area. Monitoring of activities in a specific program area, however, should be included in that program area. Refer to the Glossary and to Exhibit 7_B, "Additional Instructions for the SF 424A Budget Form," for further explanation of administrative costs.

2. Review and Compliance Program Area.

a. Report Products on the review of Federal compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, and 36 CFR 800 only.

b. Do not include reviews of Federal activity performed for compliance with other laws (e.g., the Archeological Resources Protection Act, the National Environmental Protection Act, etc.) or reviews of State or local undertakings carried out pursuant to State or local regulations in the Cumulative Products Table (this includes project or design review conducted by local preservation commissions). These remain eligible activities (see Chapter 6, Section O). A summary of these reviews may be included in an Cumulative Products Table continuation sheet or as a narrative elsewhere in the Application or End-of-Year Report, if desired. See Chapters 7 and 25.

c. Products completed pursuant to a Programmatic Agreement, a Memorandum of Agreement, a "Conditional" No Adverse Effect Agreement, or other agreement are reported in the same way as any other product. For example, a National Register eligibility opinion provided pursuant to a Programmatic Agreement is reported with other eligibility opinions, and a survey performed pursuant to a "Conditional" No Effect agreement is reported in the Survey and Inventory Program Area.

d. For both the "Properties Meeting National Register Criteria for which a Written Eligibility Opinion Is Provided" figure and the "Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria For which a Written Eligibility Opinion is Provided" figure, States must count individual properties and each property of a group whose eligibility is specifically and individually addressed. The written opinion must enable the Federal agency to identify, locate, and understand the significance of each property to which the State refers. See Chapter 6, Section O.

For the purposes of Cumulative Products Table, include opinions that there is not enough information to determine National Register eligibility in the "Properties Not Meeting National Register Criteria for which a Written Eligibility Opinion is Provided. See Exhibit 7-E-1, above.

The rule of thumb for counting previously evaluated properties is whether or not the State Office reevaluates the property's eligibility. Many properties change from eligible to ineligible (and vice versa) over time. If the State evaluates or reevaluates a property's eligibility because there is some reason to believe its standing might have changed, it is reported; otherwise, previously evaluated properties are not reported.

e. "Findings of 'No Properties' and/or 'No Effect' On Which Written Opinions Are Provided," refers to written opinions provided to a Federal agency as to whether or not the State agrees with (or believes that there should be) a Federal agency's finding that there are no National Register eligible or listed properties within the Federal undertaking's area of impact (i.e., "No properties;" see 36 CFR 800.4(d)) or that the Federal undertaking will have no effect on National Register eligible or listed properties (i.e., "No Effect;" see 36 CFR 800.5.(b)).

Include in this category those instances in which there will be "No Properties" or "No Effect" because the Federal agency has agreed to alter its original plans.

f. "Other Findings of Effect On Which Written Opinions Are Provided" refers to written opinions provided to a Federal agency as to whether or not the State agrees with (or believes that there should be) a Federal agency finding that its Federal undertaking would have "No Adverse Effect" (see 36 CFR 800.5.(d)) or an "Adverse Effect" (see 36 CFR 800.5(e)) on National Register eligible properties.

Include in this category instances in which the State has negotiated the steps which the Federal agency agrees to take in order for an "Effect" to be determined a "No Adverse Effect."

g. The unit of measure for all of the "Effect" determinations is the number of undertakings for which the State provides a written opinion. Only one finding per undertaking per Federal fiscal year is to be reported. In other words, the reviews of multiple drafts of a proposed undertaking must not be reported within a single Federal fiscal year. However, if the State has provided its written opinion on an undertaking's effect and the Federal agency submits a completely new proposal that would change the effect of the undertaking and the State provides its written opinion of the new effect, then the second written opinion is reported. The most common example of this would be where the planned path of a new highway has been changed.

Findings must be reported at their greatest level of effect. For example, if a States provides its written opinion that a single undertaking has "No Effect" on seven National Register eligible properties and an "Adverse Effect" on three properties, count the undertaking as one "Adverse Effect" and report it in the "Other Effects" blanks in the Cumulative Products Table.

If a single undertaking ends with multiple Federal agency findings for the properties included within its scope, the State must not count its comments more than once on the Cumulative Products Table. If, in addition, a State wishes to report all of the findings within an undertaking it may do so, but only on a continuation sheet or in a narrative accompanying the Cumulative Products Table.

h. "Memoranda of Agreement" (MOAs) pertain to specific Federal undertakings rather than a type of activity (e.g., a project to renovate a specific Post Office building, rather than a program to remove asbestos from schools).

"Memoranda of Agreement Signed" includes both new and revised MOAs and is reported when MOAs are signed by the SHPO. Only one MOA per undertaking per Federal fiscal year should be reported unless there has been a substantive revision made to an executed MOA within that time. The SHPO's signature will be taken by NPS as assurance that the State has made a substantive contribution to the MOA.

i. Reviews reported in this area must be substantive (i.e., involving examination of project documents) to be counted. For example, merely extending an MOA without review should not be counted.

j. "Programmatic Agreements Signed" (PAs) include PAs, new and revised (but not just renewed; there must be substantive changes), for which substantive work has been performed. These products deal with types of activities, rather than specific undertakings, and may be initiated by either the SHPO or a Federal agency. They are signed by the Federal agency representative and the SHPO and are executed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. See 36 CFR 800.13 for further information on PAs. Because the State's work is complete when the SHPO signs the PA, the product is reported at that point. The SHPO's signature on the PA will be taken by NPS as assurance the substantive work has been performed.

"Categorical No Effects" (a.k.a., "Categorical Exclusions") has been subsumed under the Programmatic Agreements category. Under 36 CFR 800.13, a Federal agency may elect to fulfill any part of its Section 106 responsibilities "for a particular program...or a class of undertakings that would otherwise require numerous individual requests for comment, through a Programmatic Agreement." PAs are not limited to treatment activities, and thus "Categorical No Effects" is within the purview of this section of the regulations. "Categorical No Effects" (and any other Section 106 compliance related programmatic agreement with a Federal agency) must meet all of the procedural requirements of a standard PA.

3. National Register Program Area.

a. Enter the number of nominations forwarded to the National Register by the State during the fiscal year, not the number of nominations in preparation or received by the State.

b. Do not report resubmissions of nominations returned by the National Register for additional action.

c. Any change to the boundaries of a resource already listed on the National Register should be reported as a new nomination.

d. Report nominations that the State forwards to the National Register, but that become determinations of eligibility because of owner objection.

4. Preservation Tax Incentives Program Area.

a. Products in this Program Area refers to the number of complete Historic Preservation Certification Applications to be forwarded to NPS, not to the number of applications received by the State.

b. Do not report a resubmitted application that was returned by NPS for additional information or reviewed a second time.

c. "Evaluations of Significance" includes "Determinations of Significance," "Certifications of Non-Significance," and "Decertifications of Significance."

d. Do not report applications forwarded to NPS without review or comment.

5. Survey and Inventory Program Area.

a. All Products reported, whether or not they are HPF funded, must be designed and conducted or supervised and reviewed, by those who meet the professional qualifications for the appropriate discipline, specified in 36 CFR 61. Survey and Inventory Products reported must meet the Secretary's "Standards for Identification and Evaluation."

b. "Properties Newly Added to the State Inventory" refers to the number of properties evaluated using the National Register criteria. A property may be reported whether or not it is eligible for listing in the National Register, or if there is insufficient information to determine eligibility.

c. Do not report inventory data on properties that already are part of the inventory but that are being computerized or are otherwise part of an inventory reorganization; report newly added properties only.

d. For "Area Surveyed," the unit of measure is hectares. One square mile equals 256 hectares. One hectare equals 2.5 acres.

e. Do not report areas surveyed at the "Intensive Level" of Survey in the "Reconnaissance Level" of Survey section unless two separate surveys of the same area were undertaken during the reporting period.

f. Characterize all surveys as either archeology or architecture/history. As a general rule, any survey referred to as prehistoric, underground, submerged, or similarly described should be characterized as archeology; characterize all others as architecture/history.

If an area is examined for both archeological and architectural/historic resources in a single survey, project, or task, include the area in both categories.

g. All surveys reported must be conducted in the field (i.e., not solely archival). For example, in a thematic survey for county courthouses, if the presurvey archival research indicates the location of the courthouses (as it should in most cases) report only the area of each courthouse; do not report the area of the entire county. Only if the entire area of the county was searched in the field for the courthouse, can the entire area of the county be counted.

h. Do not report distance traveled to get to the location being surveyed as part of "Area Surveyed."

i. For resurvey of areas to upgrade data in the State inventory, count only the area that actually will be, or was, surveyed again.

6. Planning Program Area. There are no prescribed Products that must be reported in the Planning Program Area. States may, however, report major preservation planning products in this portion of Cumulative Products Table if they are not reported in other program areas. All activities reported must meet the Secretary's Standards for Preservation Planning.

Typical activities might include:

a. Staff or subgrant efforts to develop plans, historic context documentation, special planning studies, ordinances or guidelines.

b. Planning subgrants awarded to local governments including Pass-Through allocation to Certified Local Governments. Report activities associated with the certification of local governments in the Local Government Certification/Pass-Through Program Area.

c. Development and/or review of model or specific area planning documents such as area management plans. Do not include preliminary certifications of rehabilitation in this category. See the Preservation Tax Incentives Program Area.

Activities which should not be reported in this Program Area include:

d. Activities such as outreach, public education, and training unless they relate specifically to preservation planning (instead, see the Other Activities Program Area).

e. Preparation of office administrative, management, or staff work plans; grant applications, End-of-Year Reports, etc., should be included in the Administration Program Area.

f. MOAs and PAs. These should be reported in the Review and Compliance Program Area.

g. Predevelopment activity (including plans and specifications, historic structure reports, feasibility studies, "Main Street" activities, etc.) and other site specific plans. See the Development, Acquisition, and Covenant Program Area.

h. Activities carried out to implement plans and ordinances are reported in the relevant Program Area.

7. Local Government Certification/Pass-Through Program Area.

a. Report only activities related to the Local Government Certification program in this program area. Report the Products of CLG Pass-Through subgrants in the appropriate program area. For example, the products from a CLG survey subgrant should be reported in the Survey and Inventory Program Area. Developing a preservation plan or preservation element of the local master plan should be reported in the Preservation Planning Program Area. The review of local zoning amendments, subdivision proposals, and development projects should be reported in the Review and Compliance Program Area.

b. At least 10 percent of the State's total allocation for the year must be passed through as subgrants to CLGs. Do not include the funds carried over from the prior year's Annual grant, or any other awards using prior year funds to make the calculation for the current fiscal year. See Chapter 9, Section K.6.

8. Development, Acquisition, and Covenants Program Area. Certain activities in this program area may, from time to time, be prohibited by Congress. When there are prohibitions, States must be sure to report only permitted activities.

a. Development. See Chapter 6, Section K for more detailed information on what constitutes "Development" and "Predevelopment."

1) For "Number of Predevelopment Projects For Which Plans and Specifications Are Reviewed" and for "Number of Predevelopment Projects For Which Historic Structure Reports Are Reviewed," the unit of measure is projects. Count projects only once, no matter how many plans and specifications or historic structure reports are involved.

2) The review of a development or predevelopment project is eligible even if HPF or matching funds are not used to pay for the project itself. For example, reviewing a site-specific historic structure report, or giving advice on renovating a building in accordance with the Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation, would be an eligible activity, even if paying for the renovation is not permitted with HPF Grant funds or matching share.

b. Acquisition. The review of an acquisition project (i.e., a nonconstruction activity; see Chapter 6, Section L) is eligible even if HPF or matching funds are not used to pay for the project itself.

c. Covenants and Preservation Agreements. See Chapter 6, Section M for a detailed description of requirements relating to Covenants and Preservation Agreements. For purposes of the Cumulative Products Table, monitoring of covenants and preservation agreements begins upon completion of an acquisition or development project.

9. Other Activities Program Area.

a. States are not required to have activity in this program area. Multi-purpose activities such as general outreach (which covers more than one program area and cannot be easily separated), public education (brochures, etc.), newsletters, preservation conferences, HABS/HAER documentation projects, etc., should be reported here. However, try to place activities in the appropriate specific Program Area whenever possible. A workshop on National Register forms, a publication of a survey, or other such single purpose products should be reported in the applicable program area.

If you have questions about placing certain activities in this program area, consult NPS to determine whether the activities are better suited to a more specific program area.

b. Report activity in this program area at the same scale or level of detail as the products listed by NPS on Cumulative Products Table. For example, report the number of issues and copies of a newsletter (e.g., 4 issues mailed to 2,500 constituents), not the number of pages.

D. Guidelines For Specific Program Areas (For Current Fiscal Year Appropriated Funds Only). Supplemental requirements applicable to individual appropriations/apportionments will be supplied by NPS if necessary.

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
File Modified2011-05-26
File Created2011-05-26

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