Electronic Data Reporting: Systems Measures

Project LAUNCH Cross-Site Evaluation

Project LAUNCH - Instrument #2 - Electronic Data Reporting - Systems Measures

Electronic Data Reporting: Systems Measures

OMB: 0970-0373

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Project LAUNCH Cross-Site Evaluation

Systems Measures

September 2009



  1. Lead State agency for Project LAUNCH

Agency Name:



City, State:


  1. Please list the names of the agencies and organizations on the State Council on Young Child Wellness.

For each of the agencies/organizations listed, answer C and D:

  1. During this reporting period, how many individuals from the agency/organization have been members of the Council?

  1. Please indicate the division(s) or program(s) represented by the individuals from this agency/organization:

Health (e.g., hospital, clinic, primary care practice)

Public health

Mental health

Child welfare


Child protective services


Substance abuse prevention

Early childhood education (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start)

Elementary education (e.g., schools)

Faith community

Law enforcement

Criminal justice (e.g., courts)

Juvenile justice


Private sector business


Civic or volunteer sector

State/Territory government (e.g., Office of the Governor)

Tribal government (e.g., Tribal Council)

Family member or organization

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Was the State Council on Young Child Wellness newly formed or part of an existing structure or committee that existed prior to Project LAUNCH?

Newly formed

Existed prior to Project LAUNCH

  1. How many State Council meetings have occurred during this reporting period?








Seven or more

  1. During this reporting period, what have been the key functions and responsibilities of the State Council on Young Child Wellness and/or any of its subcommittees or work groups? Check all that apply.

Strategic planning

Developing the environmental scan

Allocating Project LAUNCH budget/resources

Determining the service array

Establishing formal arrangements among agencies

State-level System coordination

Service coordination

Collaboration in service delivery

Developing a workforce development/training strategy

Developing an outreach plan

Conducting program outreach

Policy development


Planning for sustainability

Program evaluation

  • Other - please specify: __________________

  1. To what degree does the State Council on Young Child Wellness include issues related to cultural competence in their deliberations?

Always included

Sometimes included

Not included

  1. If Always Included, please provide an example of these deliberations:

  1. To what extent does the State Council on Young Child Wellness incorporate the perspective of parents/families in their deliberations?

Always included

Sometimes included

Not included

  1. If Always Included, please provide an example of these deliberations:


  1. During this reporting period, what State-level factors have facilitated progress toward implementation of Project LAUNCH? Check all that apply.

Families are active participants on the State Council for Young Child Wellness

Staff stability in State agency leadership positions

Collaboration/cooperation from necessary State partners/stakeholders

Supportive political climate at the State level

Regular attendance by members at meetings of State Council on Young Child Wellness

Stability in membership of State Council on Young Child Wellness

Stability in State-level project staff

Shared goals among State child-serving agencies

Other – please describe: __________________

  1. During this reporting period, what State-level factors, if any, presented challenges toward implementation of Project LAUNCH? Check all that apply.

Families are not active participants on the State Council on Young Child Wellness

Some agencies/organizations are missing from State Council on Young Child Wellness

Staff turnover in State agency leadership positions

Lack of collaboration/cooperation from necessary State partners/stakeholders

Unsupportive political climate at the State level

Irregular attendance by members at meetings of State Council on Young Child Wellness

Turnover in membership of State Council on Young Child Wellness

Turnover in State-level project staff

Lack of shared goals among State child-serving agencies

Other – please describe: __________________

During this reporting period . . .

This is not applicable to Project LAUNCH

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH, but scheduled activities have not begun

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities have just begun

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities are underway and timely

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities have been fully implemented

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the State to develop and implement an integrated system of care for children and families at the State level

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the State in establishing or maintaining an ongoing interagency collaborative process for the assessment of needs with respect to the development of care for young children and families

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported collaboration with other State agencies and organizations in the formulation of coordinated policies, standards, data collection and analysis, financing of services

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported State-level program monitoring to assure comprehensive, coordinated services for young children and their families

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the State in establishing or maintaining a process for facilitating community systems building through mechanisms such as technical assistance and consultation, education and training

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported the development of common procedures and protocols for data policies and program operations at the State level

  1. During this reporting period, have Project LAUNCH activities at the State level accomplished any of the following at either the State or community level? Check all that apply AND for which you have supporting data.

Increased awareness of child wellness

Used funds in an innovative manner (such as blended or pooled funding)

Increased integration of service systems (such as maternal and child health, primary care, mental health, substance abuse prevention/treatment)

Created partnerships among State-level child-serving agencies, organizations, or providers

Influenced organizational or State policy affecting access to or delivery of services for young children and families

Enhanced cultural competence of providers

Increased the amount of, or access to data available to agencies, organizations, and service providers on the health status of the target population

Other – please describe: ___________________

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other information related to Implementation Progress that has not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. Please list the 3-5 agencies/organizations that have been the most important State-level collaborators for implementation of Project LAUNCH during this reporting period. Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms, but write out the full name of the agency/organization.

For each of the agencies/organizations listed, answer B – I:

  1. Is the agency/organization represented on the State Council on Young Child Wellness?



  1. Please indicate the type of agency/organization (select one).

Health (e.g., hospital, clinic, primary care practice)

Public health

Mental health

Child welfare


Child protective services


Substance abuse prevention

Early childhood education (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start)

Elementary education (e.g., schools)

Faith community

Law enforcement

Criminal justice (e.g., courts)

Juvenile justice


Private sector business


Civic or volunteer sector

State/Territory government (e.g., Office of the Governor)

Tribal government (e.g., Tribal Council)

Family member or organization

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Please indicate the nature of the collaboration during this reporting period. Check all that apply.

Collaborative strategic planning

Shared funding of programs or services

Delivery of programs or services

Data sharing agreement (e.g., shared case files or MIS)

Policy development

Co-location of staff

Common intake forms

Common assessment tools/protocols


Coordinated case management

Joint staff training

Development of consistent messages on young child wellness

Sustainability planning

Joint participation in interagency committees/boards

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. What have been the benefits of collaborating with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

Provided a broader perspective on issues and problems related to young child wellness

Gained access to data for planning child wellness programs and services

    • Partner for funding of child wellness programs and services

    • Partner for creation of new child wellness programs and services

Partner for expansion of existing child wellness programs and services

Provided data to help change policy related to young child wellness

Provided political support on policy or funding issues related to young child wellness

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. During this reporting period, how formal was the agreement to collaborate with this agency/organization? Check all that apply.

Informal agreement

Written memorandum of understanding

Voluntary contractual relationship

Collaborative relationship mandated by law

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. What factors have facilitated collaboration with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

Staff time dedicated to collaboration efforts

Support from senior agency/organization officials

Fiscal resources dedicated to collaboration efforts

Shared mission and vision

Common programmatic agendas

Legislative mandate to collaborate

History of collaboration prior to Project LAUNCH

Supportive political climate

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Which of the following, if any, have been challenges to collaborating with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

There have been no challenges to collaborating with this agency/organization

Insufficient staff time available for collaboration efforts

Low level or lack of support from senior agency/organization officials

Inadequate fiscal resources dedicated to collaboration efforts

Differences in mission and vision

Competing or different programmatic agendas

No history of collaboration prior to Project LAUNCH

Unsupportive political climate

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. To what extent have the goals for collaboration with this agency been met?

All goals have been met

Most, but not all goals have been met

Some, but not all goals have been met

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other information related to Collaboration that has not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. During this reporting period, have there been any Project LAUNCH-funded efforts at the State level aimed at raising awareness about young child wellness?


No If No, go to Part IV

  1. Please indicate the areas you are trying to raise awareness about. Check all that apply.

Vision of young child wellness

Current data about the physical, social, emotional, and behavioral health of children within the State or community

Consequences of not addressing problems affecting the physical and behavioral health of young children

Need for integration of physical and mental health

Coordination among State-level child- and family-serving agencies

State Council on Young Child Wellness

Available services for families and children

Other – please describe: _____________________

  1. For awareness raising activities conducted at the State level, please indicate which groups are the focus of the awareness raising efforts. Check all that apply.

The general public

Parents, families, caregivers

Business community


Schools/school districts

Child-serving organizations other than schools

Law enforcement agencies

Local courts

Faith-based organizations

Civic or volunteer organizations

Healthcare professionals

Local government officials

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH-funded, State-level activities related to Program Outreach/Awareness that have not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. Has Project LAUNCH developed a workforce development plan at the State level to ensure a skilled and trained workforce of early childhood and mental health professionals?


No, not yet, but this will be a future activity of Project LAUNCH

No, the State has no plans to develop a workforce development plan under Project LAUNCH

  1. During this reporting period, how many State-level staff have received training on any topic funded by Project LAUNCH?

  1. Please specify the type or topic(s) of the training. Check all that apply.

Training on a specific evidence-based program or practice

Social and emotional development of infants and young children

Behavioral health of infants and young children

Physical health of infants and young children

Media advocacy

Research, policies, and practices related to young child wellness

Cultural competency

Family engagement

Referral policies and/or processes

Systems and/or organizational/agency collaboration

Other – please specify: ______________________

No training has been provided to State-level staff by Project LAUNCH during this reporting period

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH activities at the State level related to Workforce Development that have not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. Have any of the agencies on the Council on Young Child Wellness developed a formal process for monitoring the quality of services provided to young children and families as a result of their participation in Project LAUNCH?

Yes →If Yes, go to B

No, not yet, but this will be a future activity of Project LAUNCH → If No, not yet, go to E

No, agencies do not have plans to develop a quality monitoring process under Project LAUNCH → If No, go to E

  1. Please list the agencies that have developed a formal process for monitoring the quality of services provided to young children and families.

For each of the agencies/organizations listed, answer C and D:

  1. What service elements are assessed as part of the quality monitoring process? Check all that apply.

Quality and content of family/child assessment

Quality of service delivery (e.g., program fidelity)

Qualifications/training of program staff

Accessibility of programs/services

Cultural appropriateness of services

Family centeredness

Program/service outcomes

Participant satisfaction

Other – please specify: ____________________

  1. For what purposes does the agency implementing the quality monitoring process collect information? Check all that apply.

State reporting requirements

Federal reporting requirements

Board of health or other government body reporting requirements

Service improvement

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Which of the following quality monitoring activities are used at the State level to collect information on Project LAUNCH-funded programs/services? Check all that apply.

No quality monitoring activities are conducted at the State level for Project LAUNCH-funded programs/services

Collection, review, and analysis of program implementation data

Collection, review, and analysis of program outcome data

Direct observation of program delivery

Interviews with service providers

Interviews with parents, caregivers, and/or families

Participant satisfaction surveys

Grievance and complaint tracking

Chart/record reviews or audits

Focus groups

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. To what extent are family representatives involved in the State’s quality monitoring process for Project LAUNCH? Check all that apply.

Families were involved in designing the quality monitoring process

Families are involved in data collection activities

Families are involved in data analysis activities

Families review reports of service quality

Families advise Project LAUNCH staff and other service providers on service improvement

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Do any of the agencies on the State Council on Young Child Wellness have an evaluation plan/strategy for assessing the implementation and outcomes of Project LAUNCH?

Yes →If Yes, select agency(ies) from drop-down list of agencies on State Council

Please upload evaluation plan/strategy here:

No, not yet, but this will be a future activity of Project LAUNCH

No, agencies do not have plans to develop a quality monitoring process under Project LAUNCH

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH activities at the State level related to Quality Monitoring and Evaluation that have not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. During this reporting period, what strategies have you used at the State level to ensure sustainability? Check all that apply.

Seeking other Federal funding

Seeking State/Tribal or local funding

Implementing a fund development strategy

Providing ongoing training, including refresher training, for new and existing service providers and staff

Developing collaborative efforts with State/Tribal or local agencies/organizations

Developing collaborative efforts with other organizations

Working to ensure that evidence-based programs and services funded by Project LAUNCH are incorporated into the missions/goals and activities of government agencies and local organizations

Working to implement State laws, policies, and/or regulations to continue activities, programs, and services

Working to implement local laws, policies, and/or regulations to continue activities, programs, and services

Working to secure Medicaid or other health plan reimbursement

Other – please specify: ____________________

  1. What State-level challenges to sustainability have you have faced? Check all that apply.

Fiscal climate

Unstable collaborative relationships

Political climate (e.g., minimal or no political support or insufficient political will)

Organizational setting(s) not supportive

No champion for the program

Unenthusiastic providers and staff

Unable to document outcomes of Project LAUNCH program

No challenges at this time

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Please describe any successes, if any, during this reporting period at the State level to ensure the sustainability of Project LAUNCH.

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH activities at the State level related to Sustainability that have not been covered previously in this Section.



  1. Lead community agency for Project LAUNCH

Agency Name:



City, State:


  1. Please list the names of the agencies and organizations on the Community Council on Young Child Wellness.

For each of the agencies/organizations listed, answer C and D:

  1. During this reporting period, how many individuals from the agency/organization have been members of the Council?

  1. Please indicate the division(s) or program(s) represented by the individuals from this agency/organization:

Health (e.g., hospital, clinic, primary care practice)

Public health

Mental health

Child welfare


Child protective services

Substance abuse prevention

Early childhood education (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start)

Elementary education (e.g., schools)

Faith community

Law enforcement

Criminal justice (e.g., courts)

Juvenile justice


Private sector business


Civic or volunteer sector

County/city government

Tribal government (e.g., Tribal Council)

Family member or organization

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Was the Community Council on Young Child Wellness newly formed or part of an existing structure or committee that existed prior to Project LAUNCH?

Newly formed

Existed prior to Project LAUNCH

  1. How many Community Council meetings have occurred during this reporting period?








Seven or more

  1. During this reporting period, what have been the key functions and responsibilities of the Community Council on Young Child Wellness and/or any of its subcommittees or work groups? Check all that apply.

Strategic planning

Developing the environmental scan

Allocating Project LAUNCH budget/resources

Determining the service array

Establishing formal arrangements among agencies

Community-level System coordination

Service coordination

Collaboration in service delivery

Developing a workforce development/training strategy

Developing an outreach plan

Conducting program outreach

Policy development


Planning for sustainability

Program evaluation

Other - please specify: __________________

  1. To what degree does the Community Council on Young Child Wellness include issues related to cultural competence in their deliberations?

Always included

Sometimes included

Not included

  1. If Always Included, please provide an example of these deliberations:

  1. To what extent does the Community Council on Young Child Wellness incorporate the perspective of parents/families in their deliberations?

Always included

Sometimes included

Not included

  1. If Always Included, please provide an example of these deliberations:

  1. What is the target geographic area of your Project LAUNCH program (i.e., name of county(ies), zipcodes, etc.)?

  1. How would you describe the target area? Check all that apply.



  • Suburban (directly outside an urban center)

  • Indian reservation

  • A specific target population within a defined geographic area. Specify target population: _______________________________

  • Other – please specify: _________________________________


A. During this reporting period, what community-level factors have facilitated progress toward implementation of Project LAUNCH? Check all that apply.

Families are active participants on the Community Council for Young Child Wellness

Staff stability in Project LAUNCH service provider organizations

Collaboration/cooperation from necessary partners/stakeholders

Supportive political climate at the community level

Regular attendance by members at meetings of Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Stability in membership of Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Stability in project staff

Shared goals among service providers, families, and community members

Other – please describe: __________________

B. During this reporting period, what community-level factors, if any, presented challenges toward implementation of Project LAUNCH? Check all that apply.

Families are not active participants on the Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Some agencies/organizations are missing from Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Staff turnover in service provider organizations

Lack of collaboration/cooperation from necessary partners/stakeholders

Unsupportive political climate

Irregular attendance by members at meetings of Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Turnover in membership of Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Turnover in project staff

Lack of shared goals among service providers, families, and community members

Other – please describe: __________________

During this reporting period . . .

This is not applicable to Project LAUNCH

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH, but scheduled activities have not begun

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities have just begun

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities are underway and timely

This is a planned component of Project LAUNCH; scheduled activities have been fully implemented

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the community to develop and implement an integrated system of care for children and families at the community level

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the community in establishing or maintaining an ongoing interagency collaborative process for the assessment of needs with respect to the development of care for young children and families

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported collaboration with other community agencies and organizations in the formulation of coordinated policies, standards, data collection and analysis, financing of services

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported community-level program monitoring to assure comprehensive, coordinated services for young children and their families

  1. Project LAUNCH has assisted the community in establishing or maintaining a process for facilitating community systems building through mechanisms such as technical assistance and consultation, education and training

  1. Project LAUNCH has supported the development of common procedures and protocols for data policies and program operations at the community level

  1. During this reporting period, have Project LAUNCH activities at the community level accomplished any of the following? Check all that apply AND for which you have supporting data.

Increased awareness of child wellness

Increased referrals among agencies or programs

Increased service capacity in the community

Used funds in an innovative manner (such as blended or pooled funding)

Increased integration of service systems (such as maternal and child health, primary care, mental health, substance abuse prevention/treatment)

Created partnerships among community-level child-serving agencies, organizations, or providers

Influenced organizational or governmental policy affecting access to or delivery of services for young children and families

  • Enhanced cultural competence of providers

  • Increased family participation in Project LAUNCH services

Increased the amount of, or access to data available to agencies, organizations, and service providers on the health status of the target population

Other – please describe: ___________________

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other information related to Implementation Progress that has not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. Please list the 3-5 agencies/organizations that have been the most important community-level collaborators for implementation of Project LAUNCH during this reporting period. Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms, but write out the full name of the agency/organization.

For each of the agencies/organizations listed, answer B – I:

  1. Is the agency/organization represented on the Community Council on Young Child Wellness?



  1. Please indicate the type of agency/organization (select one).

Health (e.g., hospital, clinic, primary care practice)

Public health

Mental health

Child welfare


Child protective services

Substance abuse prevention

Early childhood education (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start)

Elementary education (e.g., schools)

Faith community

Law enforcement

Criminal justice (e.g., courts)

Juvenile justice


Private sector business


Civic or volunteer sector

County/city government

Tribal government (e.g., Tribal Council)

Family member or organization

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Please indicate the nature of the collaboration during this reporting period. Check all that apply.

Collaborative strategic planning

Shared funding of programs or services

Delivery of programs or services

Data sharing agreement (e.g., shared case files or MIS)

Policy development

Co-location of staff

Common intake forms

Common assessment tools/protocols


Coordinated case management

Joint staff training

Development of consistent messages on young child wellness

Sustainability planning

Joint participation in interagency committees/boards

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. What have been the benefits of collaborating with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

Provided a broader perspective on issues and problems related to young child wellness

Gained access to data for planning child wellness programs and services

    • Partner for funding of child wellness programs and services

    • Partner for creation of new child wellness programs and services

Partner for expansion of existing child wellness programs and services

Provided data to help change policy related to young child wellness

Provided political support on policy or funding issues related to young child wellness

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. During this reporting period, how formal was the agreement to collaborate with this agency/organization? Check all that apply.

Informal agreement

Written memorandum of understanding

Voluntary contractual relationship

Collaborative relationship mandated by law

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. What factors have facilitated collaboration with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

Staff time dedicated to collaboration efforts

Support from senior agency/organization officials

Fiscal resources dedicated to collaboration efforts

Shared mission and vision

Common programmatic agendas

Legislative mandate to collaborate

History of collaboration prior to Project LAUNCH

Supportive political climate

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Which of the following, if any, have been challenges to collaborating with this agency/organization during this reporting period? Check all that apply.

There have been no challenges to collaborating with this agency/organization

Insufficient staff time available for collaboration efforts

Low level or lack of support from senior agency/organization officials

Inadequate fiscal resources dedicated to collaboration efforts

Differences in mission and vision

Competing or different programmatic agendas

No history of collaboration prior to Project LAUNCH

Unsupportive political climate

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. To what extent have the goals for collaboration with this agency been met?

All goals have been met

Most, but not all goals have been met

Some, but not all goals have been met

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other information related to Collaboration that has not been covered previously in this Section.


  1. During this reporting period, have there been any Project LAUNCH-funded efforts at the community level aimed at raising awareness about young child wellness?


No If No, go to Part IV

  1. Please indicate the areas you are trying to raise awareness about. Check all that apply.

Vision of young child wellness

Current data about the physical, social, emotional, and behavioral health of children within the community

Consequences of not addressing problems affecting the physical and behavioral health of young children

Need for integration of physical and mental health

Coordination among community-level child- and family-serving agencies

Community Council on Young Child Wellness

Available services for families and children

Other – please describe: _____________________

  1. For awareness raising activities conducted at the community level, please indicate which groups are the focus of the awareness raising efforts. Check all that apply.

The general public

Parents, families, caregivers

Business community


Schools/school districts

Child-serving organizations other than schools

Law enforcement agencies

Local courts

Faith-based organizations

Civic or volunteer organizations

Healthcare professionals

Local government officials

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH-funded, community-level activities related to Program Outreach/Awareness that have not been covered previously in this Section.


------ This section is included for State System Measures only ------


------ This section is included for State System Measures only ------


  1. During this reporting period, what strategies have you used at the community level to ensure sustainability? Check all that apply.

Seeking other Federal funding

Seeking State/Tribal or local funding

Implementing a fund development strategy

Providing ongoing training, including refresher training, for new and existing service providers and staff

Developing collaborative efforts with State/Tribal or local agencies/organizations

Developing collaborative efforts with other organizations

Working to ensure that evidence-based programs and services funded by Project LAUNCH are incorporated into the missions/goals and activities of government agencies and local organizations

Working to implement State laws, policies, and/or regulations to continue activities, programs, and services

Working to implement local laws, policies, and/or regulations to continue activities, programs, and services

Working to secure Medicaid or other health plan reimbursement

Other – please specify: ____________________

  1. What community-level challenges to sustainability have you have faced? Check all that apply.

Fiscal climate

Unstable collaborative relationships

Political climate (e.g., minimal or no political support or insufficient political will)

Organizational setting(s) not supportive

No champion for the program

Unenthusiastic providers and staff

Unable to document outcomes of Project LAUNCH program

No challenges at this time

Other – please specify: _____________________

  1. Please describe any successes, if any, during this reporting period at the community level to ensure the sustainability of Project LAUNCH.

  1. This space is provided for you to describe any other Project LAUNCH activities at the community level related to Sustainability that have not been covered previously in this Section.


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByDepartment of Health and Human Services
File Modified2011-04-20
File Created2011-04-20

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