LRP Supporting Statement A

LRP Supporting Statement A.docx

National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Programs

OMB: 0925-0361

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Support Statement A

National Institutes of Health

Loan Repayment Programs (OD)

April 14, 2011

Milton Hernandez, Ph.D.

Director, Division of Loan Repayment

National Institutes of Health

Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0230

Telephone: 301-496-0180

E-mail: mh35c@


Abstract of the Supporting Statement

Abstract of the Supporting Statement

The NIH Loan Repayment Programs are designed to attract highly qualified physicians and other scientific or medical personnel to research opportunities at the National Institutes of Health (NIH, Intramural) and Non-NIH sites (Extramural). There are a total of 3 Intramural and 5 Extramural programs. Intramural includes AIDS Research Loan Repayment Program (AIDS-LRP), the General Research LRP (GR-LRP), which includes a program for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Fellows, and the Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (CR-LRP). The Extramural programs include Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (ECR-LRP), the Pediatric Research LRP (PR-LRP), the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP (CIR-LRP), the Health Disparities Research LRP (HD-LRP), and the Clinical Research LRP (LRP-CR). Data collected through application forms is necessary to determine an applicant’s eligibility for the program, including his or her research plans and career interests. The forms presented to the applicant vary based on the application type, Initial/New or Renewal. Each initial applicant is expected to spend approximately 10 hours completing and assembling the application package, and each renewal applicant approximately 8 hours. Both applications require supporting online forms to be completed by their colleagues. The time for completing these forms is included in this document.

Approximately 2,100 initial applicants and 1,250 renewal applicants are expected to submit application packages for an annual burden of 41,662.50 hours.

The cost of these submissions is expected to be approximately $1,701,641.69. The annualized cost to the Federal Government for administering the Loan Repayment Programs is expected to be $1,448,100. This cost includes administrative support by the Division of Loan Repayment and $800,000 for the continuing development and maintenance of the LRP Management Information System/Online Application System (MIS/OAS).

Supporting Statement

A. Justification

A.1. Circumstances Making the Collection of Data Necessary

This is a revision of a currently approved collection. In November 1988, Public Law 100-607 enacted Section 487A of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 288-1), which authorized the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish the AIDS Research Loan Repayment Program (AIDS-LRP) to attract additional health professionals into research involving AIDS. In June 1993, Public Law 103-43 reauthorized Section 487A and added Section 487C (42 U.S.C. 288-3), which established the General Research Loan Repayment Program (GR-LRP) to attract highly qualified health professionals, particularly physicians and doctoral-level scientists, to conduct research at NIH. Further, Public Law 103-43 also added Section 487E (42 U.S.C. 288-5), which established the Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (CR-LRP) to attract clinical researchers, primarily physicians and dentists, from disadvantaged backgrounds to the NIH. The purpose of these programs is to attract highly qualified physicians, nurses, and scientists to HIV/AIDS research, clinical research, and general research as employees of the NIH by countering the economic disincentives to entering or continuing in biomedical research careers when burdened with the repayment of educational loans.

In 1993, the U.S. Congress also authorized a loan repayment program for appropriately qualified health professionals who are not employees of the NIH. Specifically, the NIH Revitalization Act (Public Law 103-43) added to the PHS Act Section 487B (42 U.S.C. 288-2), which established the Contraception and Infertility Research Loan Repayment Program (CIR-LRP) to recruit qualified health professionals and graduate students who agree to commit to a minimum of 2 years conducting research with respect to contraception and infertility. In 2000, the U.S. Congress authorized three additional loan repayment programs and expanded the existing CR-LRP for appropriately qualified health professionals who are not employees of NIH or for-profit organizations. Specifically, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001 (Public Law 106-554) amended Section 487E of the PHS Act to allow expansion of the existing CR-LRP to include health professionals who are not employees of the NIH. The expanded program is known as the Extramural Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (ECR-LRP). The purpose of the ECR-LRP is to attract highly qualified health professionals from disadvantaged backgrounds to clinical research. The Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act (Public Law 106-525), Section 485G of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 287c-33) authorized the Health Disparities Research Loan Repayment Program (HD-LRP). The purpose of the HD-LRP is to recruit health professionals to minority health disparities and other health disparities research. The Public Health Improvement Act (Public Law 106-505) added Section 487F (42 U.S.C. 288-5a) to the PHS Act, and established a program of entering into contracts with qualified health professionals who agree to conduct clinical research. The purpose of the Clinical Research LRP (LRP-CR) is to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals as clinical investigators. The Pediatric Research Loan Repayment Program (PR-LRP) is authorized by the Children’s Health Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-310), Section 487F (42 U.S.C. 288-6). The PR-LRP offers support to health professionals who agree to conduct research that is directly related to diseases, disorders, and other conditions in children, including pediatric pharmacology as of 2007.

The Division of Loan Repayment has the statutory authorization from the Public Health Service Act necessitating the collection of data for the above-referenced programs. These programs have existing data collections with an OMB control number (OMB No. 0925-0361, expiration date 06/30/11).

A.2. Purpose and Use of the Information Collection

The Loan Repayment Programs are designed to provide repayment of existing eligible loans of up to $35,000 per year to qualified health professionals performing research in fields required by the NIH to support its mission. The data collected on individual application forms includes the following:

  • Loan data and status, which will be used to determine eligibility of the loan for repayment, program eligibility, payment projections should an LRP contract be awarded, and the Federal Tax Identification Number of the lender or servicer of the loan.

  • A personal statement, which will inform reviewers of the applicant’s career goals, academic objectives, and research objectives.

  • Disadvantaged background documentation (CR-LRP and ECR-LRP only), which will be used to determine an applicant’s eligibility for disadvantaged background status.

  • Recommendations for inclusion in the program, which will be used to determine the applicant’s aptitude to perform clinical, biomedical, contraception/infertility, health disparities, or behavioral research.

  • Research activity form, which will be used to determine the applicant’s research objectives and his or her role in the scientific research being conducted.

  • Assessment of research activities form, which will be used to describe the type of training interactions that an applicant has with his or her advisor, sponsor, or supervisor; the training mechanisms to be used; and the research resources and opportunities available to the applicant.

  • An assurance from the extramural institution (for individuals applying to the CIR-LRP, ECR-LRP, HD-LRP, LRP-CR, or PR-LRP) that the applicant will be provided the necessary time and resources to engage in the named research project if a loan repayment contract is awarded as a result of this application.

Applications are expected to be received from up to 2,100 initial applicants and 1,250 renewal applicants annually. Copies of the application forms and instructions are contained in Attachment 1: Data Collection Instruments with Instructions. The URL for the LRP application is The forms attached are for OMB review purposes only; applicant information will not be collected on paper.

Since receiving approval for the online application forms in 2008, the Division of Loan Repayment has continued to receive a steady number of applications during each cycle. The forms have remained unchanged other than as described below. Applicants and colleagues have responded positively to the usability of the online forms.

A.3. Use of Information Technology and Burden Reduction

Application forms and information materials are available online and must be submitted electronically through the LRP Web site at An applicant may contact the LRP Information Center at 866-849-4047 or to request assistance and advice on applying.

The LRP Web site is hosted by the NIH Office of the Director’s Office of Information Technology and has been developed to ensure data security and integrity. Data moving across the open Internet from the applicant to the Web server (Microsoft Internet Information Server) are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 128-bit encryption. The Web server then stores the data on a Microsoft SQL Server located on a private network. The logical and physical security of the computing equipment is protected by NIH Police, a secure server environment, and other security measures. A receipt with an application tracking number is provided to the applicant at the time the full application is submitted.

The data provided in the NIH LRP application, including personally identifiable information, are subject to The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a).   Because of this, the Division of Loan Repayment completes/updates a Privacy Impact Assessment annually.  The full PIA is available in the DHHS ProSight tool.

A.4. Efforts to Identify Duplication and Use of Similar Information

The information collected on the Loan Repayment Program application forms cannot be obtained from any other sources.

A.5. Impact on Small Businesses or Other Small Entities

This information collection will have a minimal impact on banks, colleges, and universities. These entities will be asked to read and verify the information supplied by the applicant. Although physicians can be considered small businesses, those physicians applying for the loan repayment programs are involved in AIDS, clinical, pediatric, contraception and infertility, health disparities, or general research and are not likely to fall into this category. For all respondents, the information being requested has been held to the minimum for the required use.

A.6. Consequences of Collecting the Information Less Frequently

In addition to the application for a 2- or 3-year initial award, participants can submit annual renewal applications for 1 or 2 years after the expiration of the initial award to continue to receive loan repayments. The renewal application is used to assess and prioritize continued program support. Collecting the information less frequently would not allow NIH staff the opportunity to analyze the status of the programs or their participants.

A.7. Special Circumstances Relating to the Guidelines of 5 CFR 1320.5

This project is in compliance with all provisions of 5 CFR 1320.5.

A.8. Comments in Response to the 60-Day Federal Register Notice and Efforts to Consult Outside Agency

The 60-day Federal Register notice appeared in Vol. 76, No. 28, published February 10, 2011, pages 7570-7571. No responses to the notice were received.

Before submission of this statement, the Division of Loan Repayment consulted with the directors of the intramural and extramural programs and individuals who are representative of the types of applicants, recommenders, and advisors who will complete the application forms. Those individuals are listed in Table A.8-1.

Table A.8-1. Individuals Consulted Prior to OMB Publication

Name, Title, and Affiliation

Consultation Date

Telephone Number

Sherry Mills, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Office of Extramural Programs, NIH

December 2010


Milton Hernandez, Ph.D., Director, Division of Loan Repayment, NIH

December 2010


Patricia Cole, Ph.D., Director, Intramural Loan Repayment Program, NIH

December 2010


Stephen J. Boehlert, Director of Operations, Division of Loan Repayment, NIH

December 2010


Applicants: Intramural (Initial)

Charlotte Hobbs, M.D., Assistant Clinical Investigator, Laboratory of Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

December 2010


Nichole Klatt, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

December 2010


Todd Prickett, Ph.D., Research Fellow, National Human Genome Research Institute

December 2010


Applicants: Extramural (Initial)

Thomas M. Borkowski, Ph.D., Clinical Study Coordinator, Department of Neurology, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

December 2010


Jason Butler, Ph.D., Instructor, Weill Cornell Medical College

December 2010


Thomas Caulfield, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, Martinez-Mayorga & Medina-Franco Laboratories, Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies

December 2010


Carma Cook, Ph.D., Postdoctorate Research Specialist, Department of Biology, Auburn University-Montgomery

December 2010


James Elliott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Northwestern University

December 2010


Shawn Farrokhi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy/Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh

December 2010


Anu Manchikanti Gomez, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality, San Francisco State University

December 2010


Meghan Slining, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

December 2010


Ryan Widau, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, University of Chicago

December 2010


Applicants: Intramural (Renewal)

Brandon Harvey, Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Neural Protection and Regeneration, National Institute on Drug Abuse

December 2010


Sarah Hubka, N.P., Nurse Practitioner, Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

December 2010


Karen Kurdziel, M.D., Staff Clinician, CCR, National Cancer Institute

December 2010


Thomas Uldrick, M.D., M.S., Staff Clinician, NIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch, National Cancer Institute

December 2010


Christa Zerbe, M.D., Fellow, Hematology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

December 2010


Applicants: Extramural (Renewal)  

John Billimek, Ph.D., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of California, Irvine

December 2010


Katherine E. Bunge, M.D., Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

December 2010


Laura E. Fredenburgh, M.D., Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital

December 2010


Pooma Kushalnagar, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center on Deaf Health Research, Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, University of Rochester

December 2010


Gerald Morris, M.D., Instructor, Washington University

December 2010


Kyle Popovich, M.D., Physician, Rush University Medical Center

December 2010


Bethany R. Raiff, Ph.D., Project Director/Principal Investigator, Center for Technology and Health National Development and Research Institutes

December 2010


Gabby Schmajuk, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

December 2010


Rebecca Seguin, Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

December 2010


Advisors/Supervisors: Initial

Dennis Durbin, Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

December 2010


Gammon Earhart, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Anatomy & Neurobiology and Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine

December 2010


John Hwa, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Yale University

December 2010


David Kimbrough Oller, Professor and Plough Chair of Excellence, School of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, University of Memphis

December 2010


Advisors/Supervisors: Renewal

December 2010

Tim Carey, Professor and Director, Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

December 2010


Khashayarsha Khazaie, Associate Professor, Microbiology-Immunology, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University

December 2010


Michael Marcangelo, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Anatomy & Neurobiology, and Neurology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, Pritzker School of Medicine , University of Chicago

December 2010


Joshua, Metlay, Professor, Department of Medicine, General Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

December 2010


Leslee J. Shaw, Professor, Cardiology, Emory University School of Medicine

December 2010



Craig Anne Heflinger, Ph.D., Professor, Human & Organizational Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University

December 2010


Bethany Teachman, Associate Professor, University of Virginia

December 2010


Kathleen Tebb, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco

December 2010


Organizational Contacts

R. David Azbill, Assistant Director, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, Medical University of South Carolina

December 2010


Joshua Barwick, Associate Dean for Administration, Emory University School of Medicine

December 2010


Pamela Caudill, Associate Vice President, Research Services, Office of Research Services, University of Pennsylvania

December 2010


Deborah Grupp-Patrutz, Director, Research Administration & Finance, Northeastern University

December 2010


A.9. Explanation of Any Payment or Gift to Respondents

No gifts or payments will be made to applicants for completing the application forms.

A.10. Assurance of Confidentiality Provided to Respondents

The data collected for the Loan Repayment Programs are maintained by the Division of Loan Repayment primarily for the purpose of determining an applicant’s eligibility for these programs. The data may also be used by the NIH for evaluating program performance.

Each application package includes a Confidentiality and Privacy Act Notice. All information collected through the NIH loan repayment program application forms will be in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974. Data gathered on the following forms are maintained in a Privacy Act System of Records, DHHS 09-25-0165:

  • Applicant Information form (NIH 2674-1)

  • Personal Statement form (NIH 2674-2)

  • Recommendations form (NIH 2674-3)

  • Loan Information form (NIH 2674-4)

  • IC Recommendation for LRP Funding form (NIH 2674-5)

  • Research Activities form (NIH 2674-6)

  • Assessment of Research Activity form (NIH 2674-7)

  • Research Accomplishments form (NIH 2674-8)

  • Certifications for Online Applications form (NIH 2674-9)

  • Institutional Contact form (NIH 2674-10)

  • Disadvantaged Background Documentation form (NIH 2674-11)

  • NIH Loan Repayment Program Contract (NIH 2674-12)

  • “Colleague” Recommendation Form (NIH 2674-13)

  • Assessment of Research Accomplishments form (NIH 2674-14)

  • Apply Here/Start of Application (NIH 2674-15)

  • Institutional Information form(NIH 2674-16)

  • Loan Data Verification (NIH 2674-17) *

  • Citizenship Information form (NIH 2674-18)

  • Funding Information form(NIH 2674-19)

* This form is used when a participant adds a loan, changes lenders or consolidates loans.

The last update was published in the Federal Register on February 8, 2002. The Privacy Act System of Records Notice for the Loan Repayment Programs is in the process of being updated with publication expected in the spring of 2011.

Information provided on each applicant and participant is retained and disposed of under the authority of the NIH Records Control Schedule. Participants’ records are maintained for 6 years after closeout. This is the minimum retention period for records of a financial nature. Data gathered from program applicants and participants are maintained in file folders and computer storage media. Access is limited to authorized personnel in the performance of their duties.

A.11. Justification for Sensitive Questions

The questions contained in the application and renewal forms for the intramural and extramural Loan Repayment Programs pertain only to information necessary to allow the NIH to determine an applicant’s eligibility for these programs and aptitude for biomedical research. The information does contain personally identifiable information such as the name, Social Security Number and address. Some of the information being collected is meant for use in program evaluation. The purposes of the information collection are described to applicants in the Confidentiality and Privacy Act Notice contained in the instructions.

A.12. Estimates of Hour Burden Including Annualized Hourly Costs

Approximately 2,100 initial applicants and 1,250 renewal applicants are expected to complete the application forms: 50 initial applicants from the intramural programs (GR-LRP, AIDS-LRP, and CR-LRP); 2,050 initial applicants from the extramural programs (CIR-LRP, ECR-LRP, HD-LRP, LRP-CR and PR-LRP); and 50 renewal applicants from the intramural programs and 1,200 renewal applicants from the extramural programs. Each initial intramural applicant is expected to spend approximately 10 hours, 7 minutes on completing and assembling the information for the application; each initial extramural applicant is expected to spend 10 hours, 45 minutes; each intramural renewal applicant is expected to spend 7 hours, 25 minutes, while each extramural renewal applicant is expected to spend 8 hours, 35 minutes. Three recommendations will be required for each initial applicant. Each person completing a recommendation for an applicant is expected to expend 30 minutes to do so. Each advisor, sponsor, or supervisor is expected to spend 60 minutes completing the Assessment of Research Activity form. In addition, each advisor, sponsor or supervisor is required to complete the Assessment of Research Accomplishments for renewal applicants only. The projection of the intramural estimates for initial applicants is shown in Table A.12-1; the projection of the extramural estimates for initial applicants is shown in Table A.12-2; the projection of the intramural estimates for renewal applicants is shown in Table A.12-3; and the projection of the extramural estimates for renewal applicants is shown in Table A.12-4.

Table A.12-1. Estimates of Hour Burden for Initial Applicants to Intramural Programs

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Frequency of Response

Average Hours per Response

Annual Hour Burden
















Financial Institutions









Table A.12-2. Estimates of Hour Burden for Initial Applicants to Extramural Programs

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Frequency of Response

Average Hours per Response

Annual Hour Burden
















Financial Institutions










Table A.12-3. Estimates of Hour Burden for Renewal Applicants to Intramural Programs

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Frequency of Response

Average Hours per Response

Annual Hour Burden















Table A.12-4. Estimates of Hour Burden for Renewal Applicants to Extramural Programs

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Frequency of Response

Average Hours per Response

Annual Hour Burden




















The cost to the applicant for completing the application is based on the average hourly wage for an NIH entry-level tenure-track scientist ($33.05 per hour). The cost for completing the Loan Information form by an applicant’s financial institution is based on 15 minutes of clerical time (at $20.67 per hour) to retrieve data from the institution’s files and complete the form. This rate is based on midlevel financial technician salary. Typically, recommenders and advisors will be senior scientists of NIH institutes or centers for intramural programs and equivalent scientists in biomedical research at academic research institutions and medical schools. The cost for the recommenders to complete the Recommendation form is based on 30 minutes at an average hourly rate of $71.63. The cost for the extramural advisors to complete the Assessment of Research Activity form is based on 60 minutes at an average hourly rate of $71.63. A projection of these estimates is shown in Table A.12-5 for initial intramural respondents, Table A.12-6 for initial extramural respondents, Table A.12-7 for renewal intramural respondents and Table A.12-8 for renewal extramural respondents.

Table A.12-5. Annualized Cost to Initial Intramural Respondents

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Hourly Wage Rate

Average Hours per Response

Total Cost
















Financial Institutions Professional/Clerical Prorated





Total Respondent Cost





Table A.12-6. Annualized Cost to Initial Extramural Respondents

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Hourly Wage Rate

Average Hours per Response

Total Cost
















Financial Institutions Professional/Clerical Prorated





Total Respondent Cost





Table A.12-7. Annualized Cost to Renewal Intramural Respondents

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Hourly Wage Rate

Average Hours per Response

Total Cost











Total Respondent Cost





Table A.12-8. Annualized Cost to Renewal Extramural Respondents

Type of Respondents

Number of Respondents

Hourly Wage Rate

Average Hours per Response

Total Cost
















Total Respondent Cost





A.13. Estimate of Other Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record Keepers

There are no additional costs associated with the collection of this information.

A.14. Annualized Cost to the Federal Government

The annualized cost to the Federal Government for administering the Loan Repayment Programs is expected to be $1,448,100.  The Division of Loan Repayment will provide ongoing administrative support for all eight LRP programs. That includes application receipt/support and the eligibility and financial vetting.

This work by the Division of Loan Repayment will require a portion of the time from the following:

  • Director

  • Operations Director

  • Three Financial Analysts

  • Four Support Specialists

  • Five Accounting Technicians

  • Four Information Specialists

The annualized cost also includes $800,000 for the continuing development and maintenance of the LRP Management Information System/Online Application System (MIS/OAS).

A.15. Explanation for Program Changes or Adjustments

The burden hours for the eight programs have increased by 5,332.75 hours. This number reflects adjustments for the greater number of initial applicants for the intramural (from 30 applicants to 50 applicants) and extramural programs (from 1,900 applicants to 2,050 applicants). Also, after consulting with recent applicants, the estimated time for initial extramural applicants to complete the forms increased from 10 hours, 21 minutes to 10 hours, 45 minutes. After consulting with recommenders, the estimated time to complete the Recommendation form rose from 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and based on a consultation with advisors and supervisors, the estimate for the Assessment of Research Activity form increased from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. In addition, the estimated response time for financial institutions to complete the Loan Data Verification form dropped from 1 hour, 15 minutes to 15 minutes. These changes will bring the total burden hours for the eight programs to 41,662.50 hours.

The following changes are being proposed to the individual forms. These changes are not expected to impact the burden time specified in the forms.

  • Applicant Information form (NIH 2674-1)

    • Section 4: Biosketch

      • Added sentence to instructions with document limit of 5 pages

    • Section 7: Certifications

      • Revised the text of the questions

  • Personal Statement form (NIH 2674-2)

    • Added alternative instructions for Intramural Renewal only

  • Loan Information form (NIH 2674-4)

    • Changed text of last sentence in instructions to be 30 days from 90 days.

    • Section 4: Loan Repayment Information

      • Moved question regarding consolidation from Section 2 to Section 4

      • Added text regarding defaulted loans to question on consolidated loans

  • IC Recommendation for LRP Funding

    • Changed references to “Office of Loan Repayment” and “NIH Office of Loan Repayment and Scholarship” to “Division of Loan Repayment”

  • Research Activities form (NIH 2674-6)

    • Section 1: Research Activities

      • Eliminated sentence in instructions requesting information on overall research environment.

  • Assessment of Research Activities form (NIH 2674-7)

    • Section 2: Description of Applicant’s Research Environment

      • Added sentence to the end of instructions asking for mentors funding

    • Section 3: Applicant’s Research Training/Mentoring/Career Development Plan

      • Added sentence asking for mentors prior mentoring experience

  • Certifications for Online Applications (NIH 2674-9)

    • Section 2: Applicant’s Certification of Accuracy of Information Provided

      • Added statement certifying to U.S. Citizenship

  • Disadvantaged Background Documentation (NIH 2674-11)

    • Changed reference to “Office of Loan Repayment Programs” to “Division of Loan Repayment”

  • Contract (NIH 2674-12)

    • Overall: Changed all references from NCMHD to NIMHD

    • Section A: Obligations of the Secretary or NIMHD director

      • Eliminated the text referencing the Participant Obligation

      • Changed the maximum payable amount for ACGME to $20,000

  • Recommendation (NIH 2674-13)

    • Section 2: Recommendation

      • Added Notice to instruction warning about the 30-minute time out

      • Updated text for renewal question on research accomplishments to make it more generic to all cases.

  • Apply Here (NIH 2674-15)

    • Changed references to “LRP Help Desk” and “LRP Helpline” to “LRP Information Center”

  • Institutional Information (NIH 2674-16)

    • Changed references to “Help Desk” to “LRP Information Center”

  • Loan Information Form (NIH 2674-17)

    • Changed references to “Office of Loan Repayment” to “Division of Loan Repayment”

    • Section 1: Information provided by Applicant

      • Added section on loan consolidation with 2 addition questions

  • Funding Information (NIH 2674-19)

    • Section 2: National Research Service Fellowship Award (NRSA) Support

      • Eliminated the need to enter the last section of the Award Number

A.16. Plans for Tabulation and Publication and Project Time Schedule

The data gathered during the annual application cycle is used for determining program eligibility and making awards.  However, summary application data may be used for various reports within NIH, published in the Annual Reports, and/or used for periodic evaluation studies of program effectiveness.

A.17. Reason(s) Display of OMB Expiration Date Is Inappropriate

The OMB expiration date will be displayed.

A.18. Exceptions to the Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions

There are no exceptions to the Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title(Date)
AuthorPatty Burgess
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-01

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