We sent you a letter recently, inviting your participation in an important research study to understand how Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program (HPRP) grantees and subgrantees use HPRP funds to prevent homelessness in American communities. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has contracted with the Urban Institute and Abt Associates to collect and analyze the data.
This survey is completely voluntary and whether or not you decide to participate will not affect your agency’s relationship with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We keep all your information and answers private – your name will never be associated with anything you say. We will not identify you in any reports written about this study. You can skip any question that you do not want to answer and you can choose to end the interview at any time. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. You may also leave the survey and come back to it, if you need to check your files or with someone else for an answer.
If you have any questions about this study, or your rights as a survey participant, please call Julie Pacer at 312-529-9708.
S1. Please tell me which best describes your organization/agency?
01 Government agency with a direct client base that might be at risk of homelessness (e.g., TANF, mental health, child welfare, Veterans Affairs, public housing authority)
02 Other government agency (e.g., community/economic/housing development, governor or mayor’s office
03 Nonprofit organization human service provider
04 Religious institution or faith-based nonprofit
05 Legal aid agency
95 Other?
S2. Please tell me which best describes your role in the organization/agency?
01 Executive Director
02 Development Manager/Director
03 Program Manager
04 Case Manager
05 HMIS or Data Manager
95 Other ______________________________________
S3. This survey is for organizations and agencies that distribute or use HPRP funds for homelessness prevention. Does your organization or agency distribute or use HPRP funds for homelessness prevention activities?
S4. Does your organization receive HPRP funds directly from HUD for homelessness prevention activities; that is, are you an HPRP grantee?
S5. Does your agency/organization receive HPRP funds for homelessness prevention activities from another HPRP grantee; that is, are you an HPRP subgrantee?
(Note to Interviewer: Respondent can be both a grantee and a subgrantee)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
S6. Does your agency/organization subgrant funds to another organization?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
S7. Does your agency/organization directly provide HPRP-funded homelessness prevention assistance to households? That is, are you a direct service provider?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
Please tell me the issues that you feel knowledgeable talking about.
S8. How much do you feel you know about community level decisions on how the HPRP-prevention program was designed in your community?
01 A lot
02 Some
03 A little
04 None
97 Not sure
S9. How much do you feel you know about prevention services provided at the program level in your community/state to households using the HPRP funds?
01 A lot
02 Some
03 A little
04 None
97 Not sure
Pre-HPRP Homelessness Prevention Activities
The remainder of this survey asks detailed questions about funding, program design, and prevention activities. Please feel free to consult with others in your organization as necessary to provide accurate answers.
CP1. Did your [community/state] provide homelessness prevention assistance before HPRP funding became available?
01 Yes, FEMA/EFSG services only
02 Yes, something other than FEMA/EFSG services
03 Yes, both FEMA/EFSG services and other types of services
04 No [SKIP to QCP2]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QCP2]
CP1a. How similar are the households your [community/state] is now serving with HPRP prevention to households your community served with homeless prevention services before HPRP?
01 HPRP households are identical or very similar
02 HPRP households are somewhat similar
03 HPRP households are not at all similar
97 Not sure
CP1b. Did your [community/state] collect any kind of information on those households who sought homelessness prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP TO QCP2 or P1 if screened in as Provider]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QCP2 or QP1 if screened in as Provider]
CP1c. Did your [community/state] use that information to help design your HPRP homelessness prevention activities?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
P1. Did your [agency/organization] provide homelessness prevention assistance before HPRP funding became available?
01 Yes, FEMA/EFSG services only
02 Yes, something other than FEMA/EFSG services
03 Yes, both FEMA/EFSG services and other types of services
04 No [SKIP to QP2]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QP2]
P2. How similar are households you are now serving with HPRP prevention to households that use(d) your [agency’s/organization’s] homeless-specific services before HPRP?
01 HPRP households are identical or very similar
02 HPRP households are somewhat similar
03 HPRP households are not at all similar
97 Not sure
P3. Is your [agency/organization] currently involved in a local Continuum of Care?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
P4. Does your community have a local 10-year plan to end homelessness, or is it in the process of developing one?
01 Yes we have one or one in process
02 No [SKIP to QA1 or CP2 if also screened as a Community level planner]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA1 or CP2 if also screened as a Community level planner]
P4a. Have people from your agency been involved with developing or implementing that local 10-year plan?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
CP2. How was the HPRP grant that your community/state received from HUD distributed across prevention and rapid rehousing when you first received your HPRP grant?
________% was dedicated to prevention
________% was dedicated to rapid rehousing
97 Not sure [Skip to QCP3]
CP3. Has your [community/state] changed this distribution since you first received your HPRP grant?
01 Yes
02 No [Skip to QCP5]
97 Not sure [Skip to QCP5]
CP3a. What is the distribution now (at the time you are answering this survey)?
________% is dedicated to prevention
________% is dedicated to rapid rehousing
CP4. What were the reasons that your community shifted your HPRP funds allocation? Please select all that apply
01 Data collected indicated a needed shift in resources
02 Initially misidentified local prevention and rapid re-housing needs
03 Shift in priorities between the value of doing prevention versus rapid re-
04 Increase in the number of people in emergency shelters
05 Decrease in the number of people in emergency shelters
95 Other _______________________________________________
97 Not sure
CP5. How did your [COMMUNITY/STATE] decide how much of the HPRP funds were allocated to prevention activities and to rapid re-housing activities? Please check all that apply.
01 50-50 Split
02 Using information collected on the families or individuals who sought homelessness prevention assistance in your [COMMUNITY/STATE] before HPRP
03 Prior knowledge of the community’s homeless and at-risk population
04 Input from local homeless service providers
05 Prior experience with a particular program design (prevention or rapid re-housing)
06 Previously unable to fund a particular program design (prevention or rapid re-housing)
95 Other _________________________________________
97 Not Sure
HPRP Eligibility and Targeting
The next set of questions asks about eligibility and targeting for your HPRP prevention activities.
A1. When you received HPRP funds, what criteria did your community/your agency set for a household to be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance, other than those criteria required by HUD? Please select all that apply.
01 No additional eligibility criteria beyond those required by HUD
02 History of previous homelessness
03 Never homeless
04 Recently lost job
05 Employed or clearly employable
06 High likelihood of self-sufficiency within 3 months
07 No prior evictions
08 No criminal history
09 Imminent foreclosure or eviction notice
10 Disabilities
11 No significant disabilities
12 Cooperation with activities to promote self-sufficiency
13 Minimum income amount
14 Maximum income amount
95 Other (please specify) ______________________________________________
P5. What does your [agency/organization] require of HPRP prevention households in order for them to receive assistance? Please select all that apply
01 Engage with case management
02 Participate in financial counseling, financial management/literacy, budgeting
03 Actively look for work (if not working already)
04 Pay a share of the rent on any housing they get with HPRP prevention funds
05 Other
06 There are no requirements to receive assistance
97 Not sure
A2. Has your community/your agency made changes to your eligibility criteria since you received HPRP funding?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA3]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA3]
A2a. Would you say that the criteria your community/your agency uses now….[Please select from responses below]
01 Qualify families or individuals who have more intensive housing and
service needs than initially set
02 Qualify families or individuals who have less intensive housing and service
needs than initially set
03 Other (please specify) ________________________________________
97 Not sure
A3. HUD requires that a household’s income be less than 50 percent of area median income (AMI) to qualify for HPRP prevention assistance. Has your community or your agency set a lower income limit?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA4]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA4]
A3a. If yes, what is the maximum income a household may have and still receive HPRP homelessness prevention assistance?
_____ % of AMI
_____ % of Poverty Line
Specified dollar amount: $________________________________
95 Other ______________
97 Not sure
A4. When you initially received HPRP prevention funds, what population(s) did you expect to serve? Please select all that apply.
01 Families
02 Single adults
03 Unaccompanied youth
04 Other (please specify) __________________________________________
A5. When you initially received HPRP prevention funds, to which of the following specific population did you plan to target homelessness prevention funds? Please select all that apply.
01 Veterans
02 Families who are doubled-up
03 Individuals who are doubled-up
04 Homeless youth
05 Youth aging out of foster care
06 People leaving institutional settings (prison, jail, mental health treatment, and substance abuse treatment)
07 Families or individuals leaving transitional housing without permanent housing
08 Families or individuals living in public or subsidized housing that are at risk of losing their housing
09 Families or individuals living in a geographic area particularly hard-hit by unemployment
10 Families or individuals living in a geographic area particularly hard-hit by foreclosures
11 Families or individuals living in a geographic area known for having a high number of households that enter emergency shelter
12 Other (please specify) __________________________________________
13 None of these
A6. Have you made changes to the target populations since you received HPRP prevention funding?
01 Yes
02 No [Skip to QA7]
97 Not sure [Skip to QA7]
A6a. Which of the following populations do you now target with HPRP prevention funds?
01 Veterans
02 Families who are doubled-up
03 Individuals who are doubled-up
04 Homeless youth
05 Youth aging out of foster care
06 People leaving institutional settings (prison, jail, mental health treatment, and substance abuse treatment)
07 Families or individuals leaving transitional housing without permanent housing
08 Families or individuals living in public or subsidized housing that are at risk of losing their housing
09 Families or individuals living in a geographic area particularly hard-hit by unemployment
10 Families or individuals living in a geographic area particularly hard-hit by foreclosures
11 Families or individuals living in a geographic area known for having a high number of households that enter emergency shelter
12 Other (please specify) __________________________________________
13 None
A7. Does your [AGENCY/COMMUNITY/STATE] conduct outreach to identify households in need of homelessness prevention?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
The next set of questions asks about intake for HPRP homelessness prevention activities.
CP6. How do households in your community find their way to HPRP homelessness prevention assistance? Please select all that apply.
01 Community helpline (e.g., 211 line)
02 One provider or agency provides central intake
03 Multi-site, coordinated entry procedures
04 Multi-site, with different procedures at each site
05 People are referred by local agencies or organizations
95 Other (Please specify) _______________________________________
97 Not sure
CP7. Does your [community/state] use screening or assessment tool(s) as part of the intake process?
01 Yes
02 No [GO TO P6 OR A8]
97 Not sure [GO TO P6 OR A8]
CP8. In your [community/state] is there an agreed-upon, single, standard screening tool used across HPRP grantees/subgrantees to determine eligibility for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes, we have a single standard screening tool that everyone uses
02 No, we do not have a single standard screening tool, but all agencies
must collect the information to answer a standard set of questions
03 No, we do not have a single standard screening tool and there is no
uniformity in what information each agency collects during screening
04 Ours is the only HPRP-prevention program in the community/state
97 Not sure
CP9. In your [COMMUNITY/STATE] is there an agreed-upon, single, standard assessment tool used across HPRP grantees/subgrantees, to learn more about a household’s needs?
01 Yes, we have agreed to a single standard assessment tool
02 No, we do not have a single standard assessment tool, but all agencies
must collect the information to answer a standard set of questions
03 No, we do not have a single standard assessment tool and there is no
uniformity in what information each agency collects during assessment
04 Ours is the only HPRP-prevention program in the community/state
97 Not sure (SKIP TO P6 or A8)
CP10. Are these assessment tool(s) used to determine what HPRP prevention assistance a household will get?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
P6. How do people find their way to your agency for HPRP homelessness prevention services? Please select all that apply
01 Community helpline (e.g., 211 line)
02 One provider or agency provides central intake
03 Multi-site, coordinated entry procedures
04 Multi-site, with different procedures at each site
05 People are referred to our agency directly by local agencies or organizations
95 Other (Please specify) _______________________________________
97 Not sure
P7. Once households contact your agency for HPRP homelessness prevention assistance, what type of screening or assessment do you do to decide if you will serve them? Please select all that apply.
01 We do a quick pre-screening over the phone to assess probable eligibility
02 We do a short in-person screening to assess probable eligibility
03 We do a thorough assessment for everyone
04 We do a thorough assessment for those who screen in as probably eligible
05 We give some HPRP prevention assistance to everyone we determine to be eligible
06 We do not serve everyone who is eligible; we apply additional criteria to decide which households we will actually serve with HPRP prevention assistance
95 Other (Please specify) _______________________________________
97 Not sure
P8. Does your agency use a specific tool for pre-screening or screening?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QP9]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QP9]
P8a. Is this screening tool a standard one, that every provider of HPRP direct services is required to use to determine eligibility for HPRP homelessness prevention services?
01 Yes, we use a single standard screening tool
02 No, we do not use a single standard screening tool, but we must collect
the information to answer a standard set of questions
03 No, we do not use a single standard screening tool and there is no
uniformity in what information each agency collects during screening
97 Not sure
P9. Does your agency use a specific tool for assessment, to determine a household's eligibility or to learn about a household’s needs?
01 Yes, assessment tool for eligibility only
01 Yes, assessment tool to determine household needs only
01 Yes, assessment tool for both eligibility and to determine household needs
02 No [SKIP to QP10]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QP10]
P9a. Is this assessment tool a standard one, that every provider of HPRP direct services is required to use to determine final eligibility and assess client needs?
01 Yes, we use a single standard assessment tool
02 No, we do not use a single standard assessment tool, but we must collect
the information to answer a standard set of questions
03 No, we do not use a single standard assessment tool and there is no
uniformity in what information each agency collects during assessment
04 There are no other HPRP-prevention programs in the community/state
97 Not sure
P9b. Would you be willing to share your screening and/or assessment tool(s) with us? Instructions for sharing will be provided at the end of the survey.
01 Yes [Pop-up email with attachment?]
02 No
P10. Among households that receive a full assessment from your agency/organization for HPRP homelessness prevention assistance, about what percentage actually receives HPRP prevention assistance (either financial or services)?
97 Not sure
[SKIP P11 IS P10=100%]
P11. For those who do not receive HPRP homelessness prevention services, what are the reasons they do not receive services? Please select all that apply.
01 Found likely to be ineligible based on minimal screening
02 Found ineligible based on full assessment
03 Found eligible for HPRP, but do not meet additional criteria our agency uses
04 Found eligible, but do not show up for services or agency is unable to contact the household
05 Needs more intensive supports than what can be done with HPRP
06 Living outside the jurisdiction served by this agency
95 Other (please specify) _______________________
97 Not sure
P12. What is the most common reason why applicants do not receive HPRP homelessness prevention services?
01 Found likely to be ineligible based on minimal screening
02 Found ineligible based on full assessment
03 Found eligible for HPRP, but do not meet additional criteria our agency uses
04 Found eligible, but does not show up for services or agency is unable to contact the household
05 Needs more intensive supports than what can be done with HPRP.
06 Living outside the jurisdiction served by this agency
95 Other (please specify) _______________________
97 Not sure
Mainstream Agency Collaboration
The following questions ask about whether you collaborate with other agencies on HPRP-prevention. Please select “Yes” if you work with these agencies and “No” if you do not work with these agencies.
A8. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with an agency administering TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA9]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA9]
A8a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 TANF refers potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance who qualify for TANF to program
representatives to apply for benefits
03 Both
97 Not sure
A9. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] Child Welfare Department to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance??
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA10]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA10]
P9a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 Child Welfare refers potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance and who need Child Welfare services to the Child Welfare Department.
03 Both
97 Not sure
A10. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] Mental Health Agencies to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA11]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA11]
A10a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 Mental Health agencies refer potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance and who need Mental Health services to a Mental Health agency.
03 Both
97 Not sure
A11. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] Corrections Facilities (jails, prisons) to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA12]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA12]
A11a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 Corrections facilities refer potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You identify potentially eligible clients through in reach prior to the individual leaving the corrections facility
03 Both
97 Not sure
A12. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] to collaborate with the local school McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program (EHCY) to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA13]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA13]
A12a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 Schools refer potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 Other _________________
97 Not sure
A13. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] to collaborate with a Public Housing Authority (PHA) to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QA14]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QA14]
A13a. In what way do you work with this agency?
01 PHA refers potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance who qualify for Housing Choice Vouchers, public housing, or a similar housing subsidy.
03 Both
97 Not sure
A14. Does your [Agency/Community/State] work with your [community/state] to collaborate with a Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) to identify clients who need and might be eligible for HPRP prevention assistance?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to P13 or CP11]
97 Not sure [SKIP to P13 or CP11]
A14a. In what way do you work with this agency?
[Please check all that apply]
01 VAMC refers potentially eligible clients to your program for prevention assistance
02 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance who qualify for HUD-VASH
03 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance who qualify for VA health or income benefits
04 You refer clients seeking prevention assistance who qualify for other VA services
97 Not sure
P13. What HPRP homelessness prevention assistance does your agency offer? Please select all that apply.
01 Outreach and Engagement
02 Security and utility deposits or payments
03 Moving cost assistance
04 Motel or hotel vouchers
05 Back payment of rent
06 Back payment of utility bills
07 Ongoing rental assistance
08 Housing search and placement
09 Legal services
10 Credit repair
11 Landlord-tenant mediation
12 Ongoing case management assistance
13 Referrals to community-based services
95 Other (please specify) _______________________
P14. Do HPRP homelessness prevention clients receive financial assistance for help paying the rent or for back payments for rent arrears?
01 Yes, all clients receive financial assistance
02 Yes, some clients receive financial assistance
03 No, no clients receive financial assistance [SKIP TO QP20]
97 Not sure [SKIP TO QP20]
P15. How is the financial assistance structured? Clients receive....Please select all that apply.
01 One time payments for rental arrears/past rent
02 Income based subsidy (resident contributes set percent of their income towards rent)
03 Fixed or flat rate subsidy (e.g., flat amount per month or based on bedroom size)
04 Graduated or declining subsidy (based on steps)
05 Bridge subsidy (temporary assistance until client receives permanent subsidy)
95 Other (please specify) _______________________
P16. Do clients who receive ongoing rental assistance pay a share of the rent?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Not sure
P17. How long are clients eligible to receive rental assistance? Please select all that apply.
01 3 months or less
02 3-6 months
03 6-12 months
04 More than 12 months
97 Not sure
P17a. How long do most clients receive rental assistance?
01 3 months or less
02 3-6 months
03 6-12 months
04 More than 12 months
97 Not sure
P17b. How is the duration of rental assistance determined? Please select all that apply.
01 Use an assessment tool
02 Use caseworker judgment
03 Give all households the same duration of rental assistance
04 Use some other method
04 Maximum allowed by HUD
P18. The maximum length of time that HUD will allow HPRP prevention recipients to receive assistance is 18 months. Is the maximum duration of rental assistance at your agency lower than the HUD limit?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QP19]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QP19]
P18a. What is the maximum duration of rental assistance that a
participant can receive from your agency?
01 Less than 3 months
02 3 months to less than 6 months
03 6 months to less than 12 months
04 12 – 18 months
05 Arrears only
97 Not sure
P19. Does your agency have a maximum dollar amount of rental assistance that a participant may receive?
01 Yes
02 No [SKIP to QP20]
97 Not sure [SKIP to QP20]
P19a. What is the maximum dollar amount of rental assistance that a participant may receive in your community?
01 $1 - $500
02 $501 - $1000
03 $1001 - $2000
04 $2001 - $5000
05 >$5000
97 Not sure
P20. Does your agency offer case management services to HPRP prevention households or help them link to public benefits and services?
01 Yes
02 No [Skip to QP22]
97 Not sure [Skip to QP22]
P21. How often does your agency meet with HPRP prevention households to provide case management or linkage services? Please check all that apply.
01 At HPRP program entry
02 At HPRP program exit
03 Weekly
04 Monthly
05 At eligibility redetermination
95 Other (Specify)_______________
97 Not sure
P21a.How long do most clients receive case management or linkage services?
01 Less than 3 month
02 3 months to less than 6 months
03 6-12 months
04 More than 12 months
04 Duration of rental assistance
05 No case management or linkage help is offered
97 Not sure
P21b. How do HPRP prevention households receive case management or linkage services? Please select all that apply.
01 Home visits
02 By telephone
03 Office visits
04 Other
97 Not sure
P22. Once a family or individual’s HPRP prevention assistance ends, does your agency keep in touch, either to continue offering services or just to see how a household is doing?
01 Yes, we continue services for all HPRP clients after prevention assistance ends
02 Yes, we continue services for some HPRP clients after prevention assistance ends
03 Yes, we check up on HPRP clients periodically, but do not systematically offer services
04 No, we do not do any follow-up
97 Not sure
P23. Among households that receive HPRP prevention assistance from your agency/organization, what percent are not able to avoid homelessness and end up entering a homeless shelter?
97 Not
The next set of questions asks about tracking homelessness prevention activities and using the data for program decisions.
CP11. Does your community/state use data from your HPRP prevention programs for the following purposes? If yes, where do you enter or store the data?
Does your community/state… CP11a. Enter information from eligibility screeners for households that have been screened in? |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11a2. Where is this information entered? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11b. Enter information from assessments for households that are being served |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11b2. Where is this information entered? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11c. Enter information from eligibility screeners for households that have been screened out |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11c2. Where is this information entered? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11d. Enter information from assessments for households that are not being served |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11d2. Where is this information entered? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11e. Generate information for HUD performance reports (QPR or APR) |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11e2. From where is this information generated? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11f. Track what happens to households that receive HPRP-prevention services after they leave the program to see if they enter a homeless shelter after receiving prevention assistance |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11f2. Where is this information tracked? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11g. Examine how the HPRP-prevention program affects the number of people in shelter |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
[If YES:] CP11g2.? HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11h. Understand how much HPRP-prevention programs cost |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11i. Use data to make mid-course corrections in your HPRP program |
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11j. Use data to track key performance measures
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
CP11k. Use data to evaluate staff outcomes
01Yes |
02 No No
97 Not Sure Not sure
HMIS Other Client-level Data Base Other |
Changes in Capacity and Systems Change
CP12. Did HPRP-prevention help your community/state to…?
CP12a. Serve more people at risk of homelessness |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12b. Develop a stronger screener or risk assessment tool |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12c. Develop a coordinated or central intake system |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12d. Collect and manage data on prevention |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12e. Better identify households/persons at highest risk of homelessness |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12f. Collaborate with mainstream service agencies (such as TANF and child welfare) on homelessness prevention |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12g. Collaborate with community-based nonprofits on homelessness prevention |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12h. Become more involved in a 10-year plan to end homelessness |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
CP12i. Become more involved with Continuum of Care |
YYes |
NNo |
NNot Sure |
A15. When HPRP funding ends, how likely is it that your [community/state] will continue to fund homelessness prevention assistance, through its Emergency Shelter Grant funding or with other funding?
01 Very likely
02 Somewhat likely
03 Somewhat unlikely
04 Very unlikely
97 Not sure
A16. How likely is it that your agency will continue homelessness prevention efforts begun under HPRP after the grant funds are expended?
01 Very likely
02 Somewhat likely
03 Somewhat unlikely
04 Very unlikely
Thank you for responding to this survey. If you have any questions about this study, or your rights as a survey participant, please call Julie Pacer at Abt SRBI at 312-529-9708.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | H21286 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |