Savings Market Segmentation Study
Draft Questionnaire November 21, 2011
To develop a comprehensive categorization of the U.S. population based on a broad swath of attitude, demographic and behavioral measures. It is meant to create a body of knowledge about the potential public audiences for Treasury initiatives that can serve as a foundational sourcefor communications and product development over the next several years.
The survey will be conducted online using KnowledgePanel® which is probability-based online non-volunteer access panel. Panel members are recruited using a statistically valid sampling method with a published sample frame of residential addresses that covers approximately 97% of U.S. households. Sampled non-Internet households, when recruited, are provided a netbook computer and free Internet service so they may also participate as online panel members.
A total of 5000 interviews will be completed in the US among adults age 18+.
Italicized notes are for the review team only and will not be
part of the programmed survey.
Thank you for participating in this survey. Your input is extremely valuable to us. We will be asking you a variety of questions on topics ranging from your personal views on various social issues to your specific savings, spending and investing habits. First we’d like to ask you a few questions just for classification and eligibility purposes.
This section screens for a minimum level of financial decision
making and covers education and employment demographics. Gender,
age, education, race/ethnicity, household size and age of HH
members, housing type, household income, marital status, internet
access, home ownership, and state of residence are not included in
this section because Knowledge Panel maintains this information
separately for each active panelist. Each of these demographic
variables will be included in our final data file.
emographics: Education and Employment
What is the five-digit zip code for your home address? _ _ _ _ _
Please enter a five-digit number only (e.g., 01234)
Which of the following best describes how financial decisions are made in your household? (Select only one response.)
I make all the financial decisions alone.
I share in financial decisions with my spouse/partner.
I am not involved in the financial decisions in my household. [TERMINATE]
Are you currently enrolled in any of the following?
Community college
Four year undergraduate program
Adult continuing education program
A graduate program for an MA, MS or PhD
Law school
Business school (MBA)
Medical school
Other (Specify)
Not currently enrolled in school
Which one of the following best describes your current employment status?
Employed full time
Employed part time or seasonally
Not employed, but looking for work
Not employed, and not looking for work
How many paid jobs do you currently hold?
Three or more
IF Q5=2 OR 3, INSERT INTRO: For the next few questions, please answer for the one job where you work the most or would consider your main job.
Which of the following best describes your work?Select only one response.
Construction trades
Retail or sales
Restaurantor food service
Travel or tourism
Arts, design, media or sports
Office - clerical or other support
Office - professional or managerial
Legal or law enforcement
Healthcare or social services
Federal, state or local government
Childcare or personal care services
Cleaning, maintenanceor repairservices
Computer/technical or IT
Architecture or engineering
Financial services
Other (Specify) _________
How do you receive your pay?
Direct deposit to a bank account
Payroll (debit) card
Other (Specify) ___________
What do you usually do with your check each pay period?
Cash it through a check cashing service
Cash it at a bank or credit union
Deposit it to a bank account
Other (specify)
Which of the following best describes the size of the company or business where you work?
Just one employee (self-employed)
2 to less than 10 employees
10 to less than 50 employees
50 to less than 100 employees
100 employees or more
This section just contains one comprehensive question,
pertaining to major life events experienced recently or
anticipated in the near future. Setting this context will play a
critical role in understanding individuals’ saving and
investment behavior and attitudes.
ife Stages
Listed below are several major household and personal events that you may or may not have experienced.
For each event, please indicate on the left whether the event occurred in your household in the past two years, more than two years ago, or never. Then, indicate on the right whether you expect this event to occur in the next year or not.
Never experienced |
Experienced more than 2 years ago |
Experienced within the past two years |
Expect to experience in the next year |
Do not expect to experience in the next year |
Open first bank account
Purchase primary home (house, condo or townhome) (KEEP WITH 3)
Purchase secondary home (house, condo or townhome)
Sale of home (house, condo or townhome)
Change of residence
Caretaking for a parent or guardian
Start of first job
Move out of parents home
First marriage
Subsequent marriage (KEEP WITH 9)
Divorce or separation
Birth or adoption of child
Begin working in preferred profession or field
Start of own business
Sale of own business
Complete education/graduate
Start saving specifically for retirement
Start saving specifically for child’s education
Enter retirement
Child entering college
Last child leaving home
Home foreclosure
Change of employer
Income increase of more than 25%
Income decrease of more than 25%
Job promotion
Job loss or layoff
Disabled or unable to work
Start of new job after time off
Death of spouse or partner
Home refinance or restructuring of mortgage loan
Restructure of personal loans
Debt consolidation
Financial products
This section contains the ownership measures for the broad array
of financial instruments as well as amount of assets held in each.
INTRO LANGUAGE:We are now interested in learning about some of your savings and investment activities.
For each of the following financial products, please indicate whether you personally have one now, have had in the past, or never had. (DO NOT RANDOMIZE)
Have now
Had in the past but don’t have now
Never had
Don’t know
Bank checking account
Bank savings account
Money market account or certificate of deposit (CD)
Mutual funds
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
Fixed or variable annuities
Employer sponsored retirement account [401(k) or similar]
Non-employer sponsored retirement account (IRA, Roth IRA or similar)
Stocks or bonds of individual companies
Municipal bonds or municipal bond funds
College savings or tuition plan (529 or similar)
Paper U.S. Savings Bonds
Electronic U.S. Savings Bonds
Treasury bills (T-bills), notes, bonds, or TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)
Cash savings at home/not in a financial institution
A credit card
A debit card
ASK Q12ONLY IF Q4=1 or 2 (Employed full or part time) AND Q11G(Employer sponsored retirement account [401(k) or similar]) = 2, 3, or 4
Does your employer offer a 401(k) retirement savings plan or similar payroll deduction retirement savings plan?
Don’t know
IF “No”or “Don’t know” IN Q12, ASK:
How likely would you be to enroll if your employer were to offer you a 401(k) retirement savings plan or similar payroll deduction retirement savings plan?
Very unlikely to enroll
Somewhat unlikely to enroll
Somewhat likely to enroll
Very likely to enroll
Don’t know
IF “Yes” in Q12, ASK:
Which of the following best describes why you are not participating in your employer’s 401(k) retirement savings plan or similar payroll deduction retirement savings plan? (Select only one response)
I am not eligible for the plan.
The plan offered is not as good as other retirement options, so I invest in other plans not offered by my employer.
I don’t feel the need to invest at this time.
I don’t have enough money to participate right now.
There was a change to the matching funds that made it less attractive
Other (specify)
When was the last time you purchased a U.S. Savings Bond for yourself or for someone else?
Within the last year
One to two years ago
More than two years ago
Financial Knowledge
This section is designed to assess general financial knowledge,
financial planning behavior and orientation toward risk.
These next questions ask you to describe how you personally approach financial issues such as saving, borrowing and investing money.
How would you rate your knowledge on financial issues? Select only one response.
Very knowledgeable about financial issues
Moderately knowledgeable about financial issues
Somewhat knowledgeable about financial issues
Uninformed about financial issues
How would you rate your knowledge on each of the following specific financial products or plans? Use a 6-point scale where 1 means you are “not at all knowledgeable" and 6 means you are “extremely knowledgeable.”
1 Not at all knowledgeable |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 Extremely knowledgeable |
Money market account or certificate of deposit (CD) |
Mutual funds |
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) |
Stocks |
Fixed or variable annuities |
Employer sponsored retirement account (401(k) or similar) |
Non-employer sponsored retirement account (IRA, Roth IRA or similar) |
College savings or tuition plan (529 or similar) |
U.S. Savings Bonds |
Treasury bills (T-bills), notes, bonds, or TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) |
When it comes to saving or investing money, which of the following best describes you? Select only one response.
Very conservative; want to completely avoid risk of losing money
Moderately conservative; not inclined toward much risk
Moderately aggressive; willing to take some risk to grow assets
Very aggressive; willing to take larger risks for potentially greater growth
Which of the following do you have? Select all that apply.
A household budget (a personal plan you use to monitor finances)
A will (a document that specifies what to do with your assets when you die)
A financial plan (a document that maps out your current financial state and strategies to reach your future financial goals)
An estate plan (a plan to distribute your assets upon death that takes into account the effects of your will, taxes, insurance, and trusts)
None of these [EXCLUSIVE]
Do you regularly use a financial advisor? By this we mean an individual who works for an investment or financial management firm, and provides advice and guidance on investments, insurance andother financial matters.
Don’t know
Savings Attitudesand Behavior
This section provides a more detailed assessment of savings
behavior as well as perceptions of saving. The Broad Financial
Attitudes and Behaviors section (below) also includes a range of
attitudes on the topic of savings.
What percent of your total income do you set aside for savings on a regular basis (in any type of savings vehicle)?
ENTER NUMBER FROM 0 TO 100% ____________
Don’t know / Prefer not to say
INTRO: Many people save their money with certain objectives in mind. Some of these are short-term objectives (vacations, appliances, furniture, etc.) and some are long-term objectives (retirement, college savings, etc.).
SKIP TO Q23IF “Don’t Know” in Q21
You said you set (INSERT ANSWER FROM Q21)% of your income aside for savings on a regular basis. If you had to separate this into short-term versus long-term savings, how would you divide this savings?
short-term savings = X%
long-term savings = X%
Don’t know / Prefer not to say
How much would you estimate you currently have set aside for short term savings?
No savings at all
Less than $1,000
$1,000 to less than $5,000
$5,000 to less than $10,000
$10,000 to less than $25,000
$25,000 to less than $100,000
$100,000 to less than $200,000
$200,000 or more
Don’t know / Prefer not to say
How would you finish this sentence? "Long-term savings is for needs that will occur in ________."
1 or more years
2 or more years
3 or more years
5 or more years
10 or more years
15 or more years
20 or more years
Don’t know
Now, thinking of just long term savings and investments, including retirement savings in an employer sponsored retirement account, what would you estimate as the total amount of your long term household savings? Please do not include the value of your home in this estimate.
No savings at all
Less than $1,000
$1,000 to less than $5,000
$5,000 to less than $10,000
$10,000 to less than $25,000
$25,000 to less than $100,000
$100,000 to less than $200,000
$200,000 or more
Don’t know / Prefer not to say
How much equity would you estimate you have in your residence? By that we mean the current market value of your residence minus the amount you owe on your mortgage.
None, do not own a home
Owe more than the value of the home
Under $50,000
$50,000 to $99,999
$100,000 - $199,999
$200,000 - $299,999
$300,000 – $399,999
$400,000 - $499,999
$500,000 or more
Don’t know/Prefer not to say
Which of these feelings or emotions do you personally associate with saving for the short term and/or the long term? Select all that apply.
In control
Disinterested OR Apathetic/don't pay much attention
None of the above
All of the above
What are your reasons for saving money? Select all that apply.
Household repairs
Auto repairs
To buy a car
To buy a house
To furnish a home
To start a family
For a wedding
For holiday gift-giving
Medical expenses
My child(ren)’s education
My own education
To leave money behind for heirs
To care for my elderly parents
All of the above
Other (specify)
ASK IF Q28=”Retirement” (14); OTHERWISE SKIP TO Q31
Which of the following reasons explain why you started savingfor retirement? Select all that apply.
Employer encouraged it
Got married
Started a family
Started working
Qualifiedto join a company retirement plan
Received a promotion or pay increase
Children left home
Paid off majordebts
Got closer to retirement age
Liked the tax benefits of retirement savings plans
Took professional financial advice
Took guidance from friends and family
Afraid of not having enough in retirement
Anticipated long term healthcare needs
Followed parents’ example
Don’t want to be old and broke
Don’t know
Other reason (SPECIFY)
And which would you say is the single most important factor? [SHOW ITEMS SELECTED IN Q29ONLY; IF ONLY ONE ITEM SKIP TO Q33]
Which of the following reasons explain why you do not currently save for retirement? Select all that apply.
I do not work full-time.
I do not have access to a retirement savings plan through my employer.
I do not have any spare money.
I do not trust financial service providers.
I do not understand retirement savings plans.
I have to pay off debts.
Retirement is too far away to think about it.
Retirement is too close to do anything about it.
I will live with my children when I reach old age.
I prefer short-term savings that I can readily access.
I am afraid of poor investment returns.
I would rather spend my money now.
I’m saving in a different way.
I’ve never thought about it seriously.
My partner’s retirement plan will provide sufficient income.
Social Security will cover my retirement.
I’m taking care of my elderly parents.
I’m still taking care of adult children.
The value of my home will cover my retirement.
Other reason (SPECIFY)
And which would you say is the single most important factor? [SHOW ITEMS SELECTED IN Q31ONLY; IF ONLY ONE ITEM SKIP TO Q33]
How would you rate yourself in terms of how well you are meeting your own long term savings goals?
Far ahead of where I expected to be at this point
Somewhat ahead of where I expected to be at this point
Right on target with where I expected to be
Somewhat behind where I expected to be at this point
Far behind where I expected to be at this point
I have no idea
Which of the following debts or loans do you currently hold? (Check all that apply.)
Education loan
Car loan
Home equity loan
Loan against retirement
Business loan
Credit card debt
Personal loan
Medical bill
Loan from parents or others
Debt to a pawn shop
Other debt(s) (Specify)
None of these (SKIP TO Q36)
FOR EACH DEBT/LOAN HELD IN Q34, ASK: Approximately, what is the outstanding balance of this debt/loan?
(FIX RANGE to GO TO 999,999)
Don’t know/prefer not to say
Broad Financial Attitudes and Behavior
How would you rate your level of trust in the following types of institutions?
Do not trust at all
Do not trust very much
Trust somewhat
Trust a great deal
Don’t know
"Wall Street" banks
Regional banks
Community banks
Insurance companies
Brokerage firms
Financial advisors
Credit Unions
The Federal Reserve
The U.S. Government
The U.S. Treasury
Below is a list of statements expressing how people may feel about various issues related to personal finances. For each statement please indicate whether you agree or disagree, using the following scale:
Disagree Strongly
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Agree Strongly
I often have unexpected expenses which makes it hard to save.
I spend too much money on unnecessary things which makes it hard to save.
I just keep putting off saving.
I pretty much spend for today and let tomorrow bring what it will.
When I settle down with a family and job I’ll be able to start saving.
Our household’s spending habits haven’t changed much in the past two years.
I am confident I will have enough money to live comfortably when I am ready to retire.
No matter how fast our income goes up we never seem to get ahead.
I think the best way to save or invest is to have money automaticallydeposited from my pay.
I’m a “saver” rather than a “spender.”
Prices are high these days which makes it hard for me to save.
I don’t know enough about saving options.
I want to save but am barely making ends meet.
I am not very good at saving money.
There is no way I’ll be able to put away enough money to retire.
Saving money for unexpected expenses is a top priority for me.
It is a priority for me to save for longer term goals such as retirement or education.
When I save, accessibility to the funds is more important than higher interest rates.
I never buy on credit.
I get a pay-day loan when I need to.
Credit cards enable people to get into too much debt.
I frequently buy things even if I can’t afford them.
I’m concerned that I have more debt than I can manage.
To buy anything other than a house or car on credit is unwise.
I am willing to take substantial risks to realize substantial gains from investments.
I am willing to accept some risks of losing money if an investment is likely to come out ahead of inflation in the long run.
I keep all my savings in bank accounts or government securities.
I am not afraid to invest in stock markets even if my money is at risk.
A secure investment is more important than high interest rates.
It is very important to me to have both a guaranteed interest rate and federal insurance on my savings.
I do a very good job of keeping my financial affairs in order.
I am very disciplined in savings and spending decisions.
As long as I have enough to live on, I am satisfied with the amount of money I have.
I feel optimistic about my personal financial future.
Having enough money is a constant worry in my life.
I feel I have a lot of control over my financial future.
I am overwhelmed with financial decisions.
I’m afraid that financial websites just want to sell you products.
I am satisfied with my household’s current financial situation.
Following a budget is more trouble than it is worth.
Five years from now, our family income will probably be a lot higher than it is now.
My friends and neighbors often come to me for advice about investing.
In our family, I take care of the checkbook and pay the bills.
I like to discuss my financial options with family or friends before making a decision about them.
I shop around for financial products or services.
I would be willing to pay for professional financial advice.
My household knows how to choose the financial products and services that are best for us.
I am unlikely to try a new financial service or product until someone I know recommends it
I feel completely lost when it comes to financial matters.
I don’t find that financial planning websites are very useful.
I prefer to do all my own trading online.
I research investing opportunities and strategies online from a wide variety of sources.
Managing my financial affairs is something like a hobby. I enjoy taking care of them.
I sometimes feel stupid when I ask questions about financial matters.
I don't need advice in terms of how I handle my money.
I feel qualified to make my own investment decisions.
Over the past several years, I have tried to become much more knowledgeable about savings and investments.
Using a financial advisor as a sounding board for ideas about my finances is important to me.
I like to pay cash for everything I buy.
Because of changes in the interest rate, I have had to change the products I use to save and invest.
I am always looking for the lowest cost financial services.
I prefer to do most of my financial business in person.
My household should consolidate accounts to make finances easier to manage.
My household should look into diversifying investments to take advantage of new opportunities.
Whenever possible, I prefer to conduct financial transactions electronically--use an ATM, phone, computer, or mobile device--rather than bank in person.
Using a check-cashing service is a lot easier than using a bank to cash a check.
I feel I am treated with respect when I walk into a financial institution.
Banks are difficult to deal with.
Banks only want you as a customer if you have a lot of money.
I don’t think the internet is a safe place to conduct financial transactions
The recession changed the way I think about saving money.
I have reduced my spending on non-essential items as a result of the recession.
I’ve become much more conservative in my investment choices as a result of the recent economic crisis.
The recession has had very little impact on my investment decisions.
I am wary of government securities and bonds as a result of the recent financial crisis.
I feel much more anxious about finances and the future than I used to.
I believe the recession has fundamentally changed the way the next generation will manage their finances.
I have left or plan to leave my bank in protest against the behavior of financial institutions in the past few years.
I do have a household budget and I follow it.
Thinking back to the past month, about how many times would you say you did each of the following?
Once a month
2 or 3 timesa month
Once a week
A few times a week
More than once a day
Don’t know
Used an ATM
Borrowed money from a pawn shop
Used a check cashing service (other than a bank)
Borrowed from a pay-day lender (other than a bank)
Made a transaction inside of a bank
Used a mobile device application to check bank balances
Used a mobile device application to pay a bill
Used a mobile device application to transfer money
Bought something online using a credit card or Paypal
Received bills by email
Paid bills online
Transferred money from one account to another online
Checked an account balance online
Used an online financial calculator to project earnings, loan costs or retirement savings
Sought financial advice or guidance online
Bought or sold stocks or mutual funds online
Bought savings bonds or Treasury securities online
Talked to a stock broker or financial advisor on the phone
Have you ever done any of the following? Check all that apply.
Opened a checking or savings account online
Applied for a credit card online
Applied for a loan or line of credit online
Filed your tax return online
None of these
This section covers usage of various financial information
tools and sources as well as general usage of media and
ources of Financial Information and Use of
Media and Technology
Where have you found useful information related to saving or investing during the past month? (Select all that apply.)
Local newspaper
National newspaper (e.g., Wall Street Journal, NY Times, USA Today, LA Times)
Personal finance magazine (e.g., Money, Kiplinger's, SmartMoney)
General interest or business magazine
Business programming on radio, television or cable
Business or financial websites, financial blogs
Banking websites
Professional financial advisor
Bank employee
Family, friends, or acquaintances
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube
U.S. Treasury securities website (
Other (specify)
Have not researched or sought out financial advice during the past month
Please rate each of the following possible sources of advice on saving or investing in terms of how much you trust that advice.
Trust completely
Trust somewhat
Neither trust nor distrust
Distrust somewhat
Distrust completely
Don't know/don't use
Bank employee
Professional financial advisor
Accountant or tax advisor
Local newspaper
National newspaper (e.g., Wall Street Journal, NY Times, USA Today, LA Times)
Personal finance magazine (e.g., Money, Kiplinger's, SmartMoney)
General interest or business magazine
Business programming on radio, television or cable
Business or financial websites, financial blogs
Family, friends, or acquaintances
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube
U.S. Treasury securities website (
Financial advice “personalities” such as SuzeOrman, Jim Cramer, Michelle Singletary and others
During an average day, about how many hours do you spend on the following activities?
Less than one hour
One to two hours
Three to four hours
More than four hours
Listening to the radio
Watching television
Reading newspapers
Reading magazines
Reading websites, blogs, and online newspapers/magazines
Checking emails, texts, discussion boards, and social media messages (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube)
Using mobile applications
Listening to podcasts
Do you have and use any of the following social media applications?
Yes, I use this.
Yes, but I don't use this.
No, but I plan to use this soon.
No, I never plan to use this.
No, I’m not familiar with this.
Facebook account/page
LinkedIn profile
Twitter account
YouTube account
Which of the following online activities have you done in the past week? (Select all that apply.)
Visited social networking sites (such as Facebook, My Space, etc.)
Visited professional networking sites (such as LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc.)
Visited online newspaper or magazine sites
Sent email
Read blogs
Participated in discussion boards or chat rooms
Purchased goods/services
None of these online activities
This section identifies awareness and usage of TreasuryDirect
and interest in purchasing electronic savings bonds and U.S.
Treasury Securities.
wareness and Consideration of
TreasuryDirect, Electronic Savings Bonds and Treasury Securities
TreasuryDirect is an online program by which individuals can set up accounts to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds as well as other U.S. Treasury securities (like Treasury bills and notes) directly from the U.S. Treasury. The system allows you to conduct many transactions online – you can purchase and reinvest securities, schedule payments, and perform account maintenance from your computer.
Were you aware of TreasuryDirect prior to taking this survey?
Have you ever visited the website?
Do you have a TreasuryDirect account?
Don’t know
At the end of this year, the only ways to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds will be by setting up an online account at the website or by using IRS tax refund dollars. Savings bonds purchased in TreasuryDirect are in an electronic format (no paper bonds are issued) and can be redeemed online after being held for a minimum of 12 months. Payments are made directly to your bank account.
Based on this description, how likely are you to buy U.S. savings bonds online in the next 12 months?
Very unlikely to purchase
Somewhat unlikely to purchase
Somewhat likely to purchase
Very likely to purchase
Don’t know
Now please consider marketable U.S. Treasury securities [Treasury bills, notes, bonds or TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)]. Marketable Treasury securities differ from savings bonds in that they can be actively traded (bought or sold) at market-based prices during the life of the securities, but cannot be redeemed prior to maturity. They can be purchased directly from TreasuryDirect or through a financial agent.
How likely are you to purchase marketable Treasury securities in the next few years?
Very unlikely to purchase
Somewhat unlikely to purchase
Somewhat likely to purchase
Very likely to purchase
Don’t know
This section assesses past usage and future interest in savings
bond payroll programs.
ayroll Savings Bonds Programs
Some employers offer their employees the opportunity to purchase U. S. Savings Bonds through payroll deductions. Prior to taking this survey, had you heardof the payroll savings bond program?
Not sure
Are you currently enrolledin the payroll savings bond program or have you been enrolled in the past?
Currently enrolled SKIP TO Q.53
Enrolled in the past but no longer
Never enrolled
The savings bonds purchased in the current payroll program are in electronic form (no paper savings bonds are issued). How likely would you be to enroll in the savings bond payroll program if your employer offered it to you in the next two years?
Very unlikely to enroll
Somewhat unlikely to enroll
Somewhat likely to enroll
Very likely to enroll
Don’t know
This section identifies interest in the potential new Treasury
ew Product Options
The U.S. Treasury is now considering two new savings plans. Both would be offered through a payroll deduction program, but eachplan has different features and benefits. Please read the each plan description and answer the questions that follow.
(RETIREMENT PLAN DESCRIPTION – FOR Q53-54)The U.S. Treasury Retirement Savings Plan is designed to help you save for a secure retirement with as little as $25 to start and with no account set up or maintenance fees. To enroll, you simply notify your employer that you want to participate and then decide how much you want to contribute each payday. If you change jobs, your retirement plan goes with you. You directly manage the plan electronically like an online bank account and can contribute as little as $5 per pay period and change the amount any time. The U.S. Treasury Retirement Savings Plan offers the same rate of return offered to many employees of the federal government. The plan follows IRS guidelines for similar retirement products.
Based on this description, how likely would you be to invest in the Treasury retirement savings plan in the next two years?
Very unlikely to invest
Somewhat unlikely to invest
Somewhat likely to invest
Very likely to invest
Don’t know
ASK IF Q53=3 OR 4
Assuming this Treasury retirement savings plan is offered, how do you see yourself using this plan? [ROTATE OPTIONS "1" AND "2"]
As a primary retirement savings plan [CANNOT SELECT “2” IF SELECT “1”]
As a supplemental retirement savings plan [CANNOT SELECT “1” IF SELECT “2”]
As a retirement savings plan for my employed child
The U.S. Treasury (INSERT WORKING NAME FOR SAVINGS PLAN)offers a secure and convenient way for you to save for major purchases or emergencies. With as little as $25 to start, you can easily set up your savings plan to start saving on a regular basis through automatic payroll deductions. You manage the plan electronically like an online bank account and can contribute automatically each payday any amount you decide—from $5 per pay period to $500 per month. Each calendar year, all of your contributions are invested in a Treasury savings product/security that earns interest for ten years. The Flexible Savings Plan's rate of return is generally higher than traditional savings accounts or CDs and you have no risk of losing any of your contributions.
Based on this description, how likely would you be to invest in the Treasury general savings plan in the next two years?
Very unlikely to invest
Somewhat unlikely to invest
Somewhat likely to invest
Very likely to invest
Don’t know
Assuming this Treasury general savings plan is offered, how would you see yourself using this plan? [ROTATE 1-2]
As a supplement to other savings accounts
As an alternative or replacement for another savings account
What would you expect to use this program to save for? Select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE LIST]
Emergencies or “rainy days”
Down payment on a home
Car or other vehicle
Other (SPECIFY____________________)
General Psychographic and Lifestyle Questions
section contains more general psychographic and lifestyle
questions. These help identify more general characteristics such
as willingness to take risks, propensity to plan and be organized,
etc. This will help us to develop a richer picture of the
Below is a list of various statements about interests and opinions. For each statement please indicate whether you agree or disagree, using the following scale:
Disagree Strongly
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Agree Strongly
I am the kind of person who knows what I want to accomplish in life and how to achieve it.
I am always on the go.
I struggle to balance the demands of work and family.
I am an impulse buyer.
I work very hard most of the time.
My greatest achievements are still ahead of me.
I often wish I could just get organized.
I feel fortunate to have a decent job in my chosen field.
Everything is changing too fast today.
I have more self-confidence than most of my friends.
I very seldom make detailed plans.
I don’t like to take chances.
I am drawn to the excitement of taking risks.
I wish I knew how to relax.
I am one of the first of my friends to try new things.
I feel I am under a great deal of pressure most of the time.
I’d like to be considered a leader.
Having a stable, secure job is more important than making a lot of money.
Success in personal relationships is more important to me than professional success.
It’s hard to get a good job these days.
My job is a source of income only, not the profession I would choose.
I work very hard most of the time.
Sometimes I feel that I don’t have enough control over the direction my life is taking.
I feel a social or personal responsibility, moral obligation or religious or spiritual motivation to give to charities.
My life is very stressful.
I am easy to please.
I always seek fun times.
I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party.
I just can’t seem to get my act together.
I am constantly working but just don’t seem to get ahead.
I feel that my personal and career goals are on track.
I like to pamper myself.
Before I go shopping, I sit down and make a complete shopping list.
It seems as though everyone in our family is always on the run.
I am wary of anything managed by the government.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Segmentation Qux |
Author | Christine Le Pottier;Jon Dewitt;Brian OMeara |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |