OMB Number: 1028-New
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
GAP Evaluation Survey
Welcome! This study is sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Gap Analysis Program (GAP). The purpose of this survey is to collect information to help GAP understand the needs of those who use GAP data and to understand how well existing GAP data and programs meet those needs.
We include data from state GAP projects, regional GAP projects, and the newest national GAP datasets in our definition of GAP data.
We estimate it will take an average of 28 minutes to complete this survey. If you need to stop at any time during the survey, you can exit and re-enter the survey to finish it at another time.
This survey is an adaptive survey—the questions you are asked later in the survey will be based on your answers early in the survey. The programming that allows the adaptive function to operate requires that some questions be answered. If you skip one of the required questions, the survey software will prompt you to enter an answer.
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.) requires us to inform you that this information is being collected to further the mission of GAP. Furnishing this information is completely voluntary and will be used to provide a report of up-to-date GAP data users. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions and completing the survey. Please direct any comments regarding this collection to the USGS Information Collection Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 807, Reston, VA, 20192. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: You are not required to provide your personal contact information in order to submit your survey. However, if you do not provide contact information, we will not be able to contact you for additional information to verify your responses. This information will only be used to initiate follow-up communications with you and will be deleted from our files immediately afterwards. The records for this collection will be maintained in the appropriate Privacy Act System of Records identified as Computer Registration System. (INTERIOR/USGS-20) published at 74 FR 23430 (May 19, 2009).
The first section of questions addresses your use of GAP data
Q1 Which statement best describes your use of GAP data:
a. I am using GAP data (either state, regional, or national data) at the present time, or have used it within the last five (5) years. Q11
b. I last used GAP data (either state, or regional) more than five (5) years ago. Q2
c. I am familiar with GAP data but have not used it. Q2
d. I am not familiar with GAP and believe I have received this survey in error. Q13
Q2 Which of the following is the most significant reason that you do not currently use GAP data? (select one response from the items listed below)
a. GAP data are not available for my area. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
b. GAP data are not applicable to the work I’m currently doing. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
c. GAP data are outdated. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
d. I have concerns about the content of the land cover data. Q3
e. I have concerns about the quality of the land cover data. Q4
f. I have concerns about the content of the predicted species distribution data. Q5
g. I have concerns about the quality of the predicted species distribution data. Q6
h. I have concerns about the content of the stewardship/protected areas data. Q7
i. I have concerns about the quality of the stewardship/protected areas data. Q8
j. GAP data are not compatible with the hardware that I use. Q9
k. GAP data are not compatible with the other software packages I use. Q10
l. Lack of information on how to use GAP data. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
m. Lack of support from my organization for use of GAP data. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
n. I use data similar to GAP data but that is provided by a different source. if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Justification for Q3 through Q10: The next set of questions
includes open ended questions that are designed to provide GAP with
information about the concerns the users have with GAP data. This
information will help GAP understand why past users and potential
users of GAP data do not currently use GAP data. GAP will use this
information to adjust their program to better meet the needs of GAP
data users.
Q3 My main concern about the content of the land cover data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q4 My main concern about the quality of the land cover data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q5 My main concern about the content of the predicted species distribution data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q6 My main concern about the quality of the predicted species distribution data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q7 My main concern about the content of the stewardship/protected areas data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q8 My main concern about the quality of the stewardship/protected areas data is: [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q9 The hardware I use is [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q10 The software package I use is [open-ended] if Q1 = b, then Q11; if Q1 = c, then Q13
Q11 Please indicate below the main issue that you used GAP data to address?
a. Agriculture
b. Biodiversity conservation
c. Climate change
d. Ecological/Ecosystem monitoring
e. Geology/Hydrology
f. Engineering/Construction/Surveying
g. Fish and Wildlife management
h. Fire management
i. Forest management
j. Invasive Species
k. Mapping/Cartography
l. Oil and gas/minerals exploration/extraction
m. Range/Grassland management
n. Recreation management
o. Rural planning and development
p. Transportation planning
q. Urbanization (growth, sprawl, etc.)
r. Water management (including coastal, wetland, and watershed management)
s. Other: [open response]
All responses Q12
Q12 Which option below most closely describes the purpose for which you used GAP datasets?
a. To provide information regarding conservation-related policy issues such as land use.
b. To provide decision makers with knowledge about topics such as conservation concepts, models or priorities.
c. To legitimize decisions, such as decisions about land use and land protection, made on the basis of other information.
d. To conduct academic research to fulfill course or degree requirements or for the purpose of publication.
e. To conduct applied research that is conducted for some reason other than to inform conservation decisionmaking.
All responses Q13
Q13 Which category best describes your organization?
a. Private (for profit)
b. State
c. University
d. County
e. Municipal
f. Federal
g. Non-profit
h. Regional
i. Tribal
j. Other: [open response]
All responses Q14
Q14 How important is the conservation of biodiversity in the mission of your organization?
a. Not important
b. Slightly important
c. Important
d. Very important
e. Critical
All responses Q15
Q15 Which field most closely describes your current position?
a. Ecology
b. Biology
c. Conservation
d. GIS
e. Land Use Planning
f. Fish and Wildlife Management
g. Land Management
h Other: [open response]
All responses Q16
Q16 What is the journal, newsletter, or publication that you read most frequently to keep current in your field? [Open-ended response] All responses Q17
Q17 In your current position, which of the following roles with respect to GIS data do you fill: (Please select all that apply)
a. Acquire data sets
b. Create data sets
c. Maintain data sets
d. Inventory data sets
e. Distribute data sets
f. Use data sets to create information products
All responses Q18
Q18 How long have you been using GIS technology?
a. Less than 1 year
b. 1-2 years
c. 3-5 years
d. 6-10 years
e. More than 10 years
All responses Q19
Q19 What was the main source of training you had on the use of GIS?
a. I am self-taught in GIS
b. Informal on the job training from a co-worker
c. Formal training provided by employer
d. Professional seminar on GIS provided by company other than employer
e. Formal undergraduate level GIS course
f. Formal graduate level GIS course
All responses Q20 (EXCEPTION: responses to Q1-d will skip to Q209.)
Q20 What level of GIS skill is necessary to use GAP data?
a. No skill required.
b. Must have basic GIS skills.
c. Must have intermediate GIS skills.
d. Must have advanced GIS skills.
All responses Q21
Q21 How did you first learn about the types of GAP data available?
a. I was a partner in a state GAP project.
b. I learned about it in school and used it for school projects.
c. I found it online on the GAP website.
d. I found an online link to GAP from another website.
e. Someone I knew told me about it.
f. GAP data were referenced in a publication I read.
g. GAP data were referenced in a conference presentation I attended.
h. Other: [open response]
All responses Q22
Q22 What was the primary method you used to get GAP data that you use?
a. It was distributed directly to me by GAP
b. I downloaded it off of the GAP website
c. A colleague sent it to me.
d. I am familiar with GAP data but have not used it.
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q23
In the next section of questions, we will ask you about GAP datasets. We want you to answer these questions keeping in mind the dataset with which you are most familiar. You will be asked which geographic dataset (state, regional, or national) you used. You will be asked which type of GAP data you used (land cover, predicted species distributions, stewardship/protected areas, or analysis).
For example:
If you used land cover data from Idaho state GAP, you should click Idaho in the state dropdown menu. When asked about type of data, you should select land cover. You should answer all questions on the survey asking about GAP data with the Idaho land cover data in mind.
Note: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are included on the state dropdown menu.
Q23 We would like to ask you a few questions concerning the GAP data set with which you have the most experience or with which you are most familiar. With which geographic set of data are you most experienced or familiar?
a. State: [drop down menu including all states plus Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands] Q27
b. Regional: [drop down menu including Southwest, Southeast, and Northwest] Q24
c. National: Q30
Q24 I prefer regional data sets because they are more accurate than state data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q25
Q25 I use regional data sets because they are more current than state data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q26
Q26 Regional data sets meet my needs for data more closely than state data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q33
Q27 I prefer state data sets because they are more accurate than regional data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q28
Q28 State data sets meet my needs for data more closely than regional data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q29
Q29 There are no regional data available for my location.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q33
Q30 I use the new national datasets because the national data is the most recently produced dataset.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q31
Q31 I use the new national datasets because I need data that is consistent at a national scale.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q32
Q32 I use the new national datasets because the way that national data is provided on the GAP website makes it easier to access and use than the state or regional datasets.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q33
Q33 We would like to ask you a few questions concerning the GAP data set with which you have the most experience or with which you are most familiar. With which type of GAP data are you most experienced or familiar?
a. Land cover
b. Predicted Species Distributions
c. Stewardship/protected areas
d. Analysis (Land cover + Predicted Species Distribution + Stewardship/protected areas)
All responses Q34
Q34 The GAP data I need for my area are available.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q35
Q35 I have to add to GAP datasets or manipulate the data to make it useful.
a. Strongly disagree Q37
b. Somewhat disagree Q37
c. Neither agree or disagree Q37
d. Somewhat agree Q36
e. Strongly agree Q36
Q36 What change or manipulation do you usually make to GAP data in order to make it useful? [open-ended response]
All responses Q37
Q37 In using GIS data in general, what extent (area of interest) do you most commonly use? The words “county” and “state” in response options are only given for general reference.
a. smaller than a county
b. about the size of a single county
c. multiple counties
d. state
e. multiple states
f. national
All responses Q38
Q38 In using GAP data, what extent (area of interest) do you most commonly use? The words “county” and “state” in response options are only given for general reference.
a. smaller than a county
b. about the size of a single county
c. multiple counties
d. state
e. multiple states
f. national
This section of the survey includes questions regarding your opinion of GAP land cover data.
Q39 GAP land cover data are useful at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q40
Q40 GAP land cover data are necessary at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q41
Q41 How important is it to have consistent seamless national coverage of vegetation?
a. Not important
b. Slightly important
c. Important
d. Very important
e. Critical
All responses Q42
Q42 How frequently should GAP land cover data be produced?
a. Yearly
b. Every 2-4 years
c. Every 5-7 years
d. Every 8-10 years
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q43
Q43 For my purposes, GAP land cover data are relevant.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q44
Q44 I believe that GAP land cover data are reliable. Reliable data are accurate, complete, dependable, and consistent.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q45
Q45 Appropriate processes were used to assemble GAP land cover data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q46
Q46 GAP land cover data are sufficiently current for my use.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q47
Q47 The appropriate set of GAP land cover data was available when I needed it.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q48
Q48 GAP land cover data are the best available data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q49
Q49 GAP land cover data are easy to use with other datasets.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q50
Q50 GAP land cover data are developed through cooperation with stakeholders (potential users of data)
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q51
Q51 It is easy for me to access the GAP land cover data I need.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q52
Q52 GAP land cover data are sufficiently complete for my intended uses.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q53
Q53 At what level would you rate the quality of GAP land cover data?
a. Very low
b. Low
c. Medium
d. High
e. Very High
All responses Q54
Q54 To what extent do GAP land cover data meet your expectations?
a. Not at all
b. Meets some expectations
c. Meets most expectations
d. Meets all expectations
All responses Q55
Q55 In your opinion, what one type of information or feature could be added to GAP land cover data to make the data more useful? [open-ended response]
All responses Q56
Q56 Are there alternative sources for the information provided in GAP land cover data – similar data but from a different source?
a. Yes Q57
b. No Q58
Q57 Name the primary alternative to GAP land cover data: [open-ended response]
All responses Q58
Q58 How would you grade the current performance of GAP on mapping the land cover of the United States?
I don’t have enough knowledge to grade this item.
All responses Q108
This section of the survey includes questions regarding your opinion of GAP predicted species distribution data.
Q59 GAP predicted species distribution data sets are useful at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q60
Q60 GAP predicted species distribution data sets are necessary at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q61
Q61 How important is it to have consistent seamless national coverage of predicted species distribution?
a. Not important
b. Slightly important
c. Important
d. Very important
e. Critical
All responses Q62
Q62 How frequently should GAP predicted species distribution data be produced?
a. Yearly
b. Every 2-4 years
c. Every 5-7 years
d. Every 8-10 years
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q63
Q63 It is more useful to me for species to be modeled on biological range rather than along state boundaries.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q64
Q64 The select group of species modeled by GAP is appropriate for my use.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q65
Q65 For my purposes, GAP predicted species distribution data are relevant.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q66
Q66 I believe that GAP predicted species distribution data are reliable. Reliable data are accurate, complete, dependable, and consistent.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q67
Q67 Appropriate processes were used to assemble GAP predicted species distribution data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q68
Q68 GAP predicted species distribution data are sufficiently current for my use.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q69
Q69 The appropriate set of GAP predicted species distribution data was available when I needed it.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q70
Q70 GAP predicted species distribution data are the best available data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q71
Q71 GAP predicted species distribution data are easy to use with other datasets.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q72
Q72 GAP predicted species distribution data are developed through cooperation with stakeholders (potential users of data)
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q73
Q73 GAP has a biologically meaningful rationale for defining the species to be modeled.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q74
Q74 It is easy for me to access the GAP predicted species distribution data I need.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q75
Q75 GAP predicted species distribution data are sufficiently complete for my intended uses.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q76
Q76 Previous GAP projects used deductive modeling - based on expert input on habitat associations - for predicted species distributions. The Northwest Regional GAP project added inductive modeling - based on species occurrences, climatic data input, and statistical algorithms. To what extent will this change from deductive to inductive modeling improve GAP predicted species modeling?
a. Cannot judge.
b. No improvement.
c. Slight improvement
d. Moderate improvement
e. Great improvement
All responses Q77
Q77 The selection of species to be modeled should be based on: (check one)
a. A hierarchical spatial model with widely occurring species being mapped more coarsely and species dependent on small habitat patches being mapped more finely
b. The species that are known to be modeled well with the current modeling approach used by GAP
c. The species that were previously identified as GAP species
d. Species that can be used as indicator, umbrella or keystone species
e. Species that are most sensitive to biological stressors such as climate change, invasive species, and habitat fragmentation.
f. Other: [open-ended response].
All responses Q78
Q78 At what level would you rate the quality of GAP predicted species distribution data?
a. Very low
b. Low
c. Medium
d. High
e. Very High
All responses Q79
Q79 To what extent do GAP predicted species distribution data meet your expectations?
a. Not at all
b. Meets some expectations
c. Meets most expectations
d. Meets all expectations
All responses Q80
Q80 In your opinion, what one type of information or feature could be added to GAP predicted species distribution data to make the data more useful? [open-ended response]
All responses Q81
Q81 Are there alternative sources for the information provided in GAP predicted species distribution data – similar data but from a different source?
a. Yes Q82
b. No Q83
Q82 Name the primary alternative to GAP predicted species distribution data: [open-ended response]
All responses Q83
Q83 How would you grade the current performance of GAP on mapping the predicted distributions of vertebrate species for the United States?
I don’t have enough knowledge to grade this item.
All responses Q108
This section of the survey includes questions regarding your opinion of GAP stewardship/protected areas data.
Q84 GAP stewardship/protected areas data sets are useful at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q85
Q85 GAP stewardship/protected areas data sets are needed at the following levels (select all that apply):
a. National
b. Regional
c. Ecosystem
d. State
e. County
f. Refuge
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q86
Q86 How important is it to have consistent seamless national coverage of stewardship/protected areas?
a. Not important
b. Slightly important
c. Important
d. Very important
e. Critical
All responses Q87
Q87 How frequently should GAP stewardship/protected areas data be produced?
a. Yearly
b. Every 2-4 years
c. Every 5-7 years
d. Every 8-10 years
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q88
Q88 Incorporating the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Commission on Protected Areas IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) codes is a great improvement.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q89
Q89 For my purposes, GAP stewardship/protected areas data are relevant.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q90
Q90 I believe that GAP stewardship/protected areas data are reliable. Reliable data are accurate, complete, dependable, and consistent.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q91
Q91 Appropriate processes were used to assemble GAP stewardship/protected areas data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q92
Q92 GAP stewardship/protected areas data are sufficiently current for my use.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q93
Q93 The appropriate set of GAP stewardship/protected areas data was available when I needed it.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q94
Q94 GAP stewardship/protected areas data are the best available data of that type.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q95
Q95 GAP stewardship/protected areas data are easy to use with other datasets.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q96
Q96 GAP stewardship/protected areas data are developed through cooperation with stakeholders (potential users of data)
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q97
Q97 It is easy for me to access the GAP stewardship/protected areas data I need.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q98
Q98 GAP stewardship/protected areas data are sufficiently complete for my intended uses.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q99
Q99 At what level would you rate the quality of GAP stewardship/protected areas data?
a. Very low
b. Low
c. Medium
d. High
e. Very High
All responses Q100
Q100 To what extent do GAP stewardship/protected areas data meet your expectations?
a. Not at all
b. Meets some expectations
c. Meets most expectations
d. Meets all expectations
All responses Q101
Q101 In your opinion, what one type of information or feature could be added to GAP stewardship/protected areas data to make the data more useful? [open-ended response]
All responses Q102
Q102 Are there alternative sources for the information provided in GAP stewardship/protected areas data – similar data but from a different source?
a. Yes Q103
b. No Q104
Q103 Name the primary alternative to GAP stewardship/protected areas data: [open-ended response]
All responses Q104
Q104 How would you grade the current performance of GAP on documenting the representation of land ownership and protection (mapping stewardship/protected areas)?
I don’t have enough knowledge to grade this item.
All responses Q108
This section of the survey includes questions regarding your opinion of GAP analysis (land cover + predicted species + stewardship/protected areas) data.
Q105 GAP analysis data, which combines land cover, predicted species distribution, and stewardship/protected areas data, are sufficiently complete for my intended uses.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q106
Q106 Are there alternative sources for the information provided in GAP analysis data – similar data but from a different source?
a. Yes Q107
b. No Q108
Q107 Name the primary alternative to GAP analysis (land cover + predicted species + stewardship/protected areas) data: [open-ended response]
All responses Q108
This section of the survey includes questions regarding how using GAP data has been beneficial for your organization.
Q108 I intend to continue to use existing GAP data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q109
Q109 To what extent are GAP data compatible with other data sets that you use?
a. Not at all Compatible Q110
b. Somewhat Compatible Q110
c. Moderately Compatible Q111
d. Very Compatible Q111
Q110 In what way is GAP not compatible?
a. Resolution
b. Format
c. Content
d. Software incompatibility
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q111
Q111 To what extent does using GAP data improve your capacity to impact conservation of biodiversity?
a. I don’t work directly on conservation of biodiversity
b. Not at all
c. Somewhat
d. Moderately
f. Use of GAP data maximizes my capacity.
All responses Q112
Q112 Use of GAP data helps my organization achieve its conservation related goals.
a. My organization doesn't have conservation related goals.
b. Strongly disagree
c. Somewhat disagree
d. Neither agree or disagree
e. Somewhat agree
f. Strongly agree
All responses Q113
Q113 To what extent has use of GAP data improved your communication of information to others involved in conservation of biodiversity?
a. Not at all
b. Somewhat
c. Moderately
d. Substantially
All responses Q114
Q114 To what extent does/did use of GAP data increase your productivity?
a. No increase in productivity
b. Slight increase in productivity
c. Moderate increase in productivity
d. Large increase in productivity
e. Extreme increase in productivity
All responses Q115
Q115 By using GAP data did your organization experience any of the following benefits?
a. Monetary savings
b. Time savings
c. Improved efficiency in the work process
d. Improved effectiveness
e. Improved decisions
Yes Q116
f. If there are benefits, other than the ones named above, that your organization experienced as the result of using GAP data, please name them here: [open-ended response]
All responses Q117 unless the response to e (Improved decisions) is yes, then respondents will go to Q116.
Q116 In what way(s) did use of GAP data improve decision making?
a. Provided necessary information.
b. Reduced uncertainty about decision options.
c. Products based on GAP data allowed for better visualization of decision options.
d. Products based on GAP data allowed for identification of issues that were unforeseen at the beginning of the project.
e. Other: [open-ended response]
All responses Q117
Q117 The quality of the work conducted by my organization would deteriorate if GAP data were no longer available.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q118
Q118 If GAP data were no longer available, which of the following actions would your organization most likely take?
a. I could switch to a readily available substitute data set.
b. I would have to search for an acceptable replacement data set.
c. Create the data set ourselves
d. Other: [open-ended response]
All responses Q119
Q119 If GAP data were no longer available, how much would you have to pay to purchase a substitute data set?
a. Less than $10,000
b. $10,000 – 20,000
c. $20,001 – 50,000
d. $50,001 – 100,000
e. More than $100,000
f. Unknown – no readily available substitute
All responses Q120
Q120 If GAP data were not available and you had to use alternate data, how much less effective would your products be that you now base on GAP data?
a. No change in effectiveness
b. Somewhat less effective
c. Moderately less effective
d. Substantially less effective
e. Actually, the products would be more effective
All responses Q121
To help GAP understand the needs of the users of GAP data, the next section includes a few questions regarding GIS software and data preferences.
Q121 Which GIS software packages do you frequently use? (select all that apply):
a. ArcView
b. ArcGIS
c. Imagine
f. MapInfo
g. Manifold
h. Idrisi
i. Other: [open response]
All responses Q122
Q122 Which GIS software packages do you have access to but only occasionally use? (select all that apply):
a. ArcView
b. ArcGIS
c. Imagine
f. MapInfo
g. Manifold
h. Idrisi
i. Other: [open response]
All responses Q123
Q123 Do you prefer to:
a. Access Web-based GIS tools/data sets.
b. Download data for use in your GIS system.
c. I have equal preference for each of the above options.
All responses Q124
Q124 When you are obtaining GIS data in general, which delivery option do you prefer?
a. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
b. Direct Download
c. Receive on CD-ROM, DVD, or external hard drive for large datasets
d. Other: [open response]
All responses Q125
Q125 In general when you download GIS raster data (GAP or other), which format do you most frequently use?
a. ESRI GRID (Interchange format)
b. Geotiff
c. Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
d. ERDAS .img
e. Other: [open response]
All responses Q126
Q126 When you download GAP raster data, which format do you most frequently use?
a. ESRI GRID (Interchange format)
b. Geotiff
c. ERDAS .img
d. Use all with roughly the same frequency
e. Use none of the above. I use other: [open response]
All responses Q127
Q127 How satisfied are you with the speed with which you can download GAP data?
a. Completely dissatisfied
b. Somewhat dissatisfied
c. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
d. Somewhat satisfied
e. Completely satisfied
All responses Q128
This section of the survey asks questions about learning to use GAP data, your opinions about training on the use of GAP data, and informational support to use GAP data.
Q128 How difficult was it for you to use GAP data the first time you used it?
a. Very difficult
b. Somewhat difficult
c. Not difficult or easy
d. Somewhat easy
e. Very easy
All responses Q129
Q129 If you had a question about using GAP data, what would your most likely course of action be?
a. Go online to the GAP website to find information
b. Go online to the GAP website to use one of the online data viewers.
c. Go online but not to the GAP website, I’d search for other GAP users
d. Contact someone I know who has previously used GAP
e. Contact someone I know who worked on a GAP project
f. Contact a current GAP staff member.
g. Contact someone I know who has GIS knowledge
h. Other: [open response]
All responses Q130
Q130 How valuable would training on the use of GAP data be to you?
a. Not at all valuable. Q137
b. Somewhat valuable Q131
c. Moderately valuable. Q131
d. Very valuable. Q131
Q131 How much would you be willing to pay, if necessary, for course registration for a one day training course on using GAP data?
a. Only a negligible amount, definitely less than $100
b. $100-200
c. $201-300
d. $301-400
e. $401-500
f. over $500
g. I would not be willing to pay any amount.
All responses Q132
Q132 How valuable would training on the use of GIS data as a tool for conservation decision making (that used GAP data as an example) be to you?
a. Not at all valuable.
b. Somewhat valuable
c. Moderately valuable.
d. Very valuable.
All responses Q133
Q133 How much would you be willing to pay, if necessary, for course registration for a one day training course on GIS data as a tool for conservation decision making that used GAP data as an example?
a. Only a negligible amount, definitely less than $100
b. $100-200
c. $201-300
d. $301-400
e. $401-500
f. over $500
g. I would not be willing to pay any amount.
All responses Q134
Q134 If you were to attend training on use of GAP data, what would be your preference for length of training?
a. ½ day
b. 1 day
c. 2 day
d. I would not attend training
All responses Q135
Q135 In your opinion, which of the following would be the most effective training method (for best learning) on the use of GAP data?
a. Training session- Instructor led classroom
b. Training session – Instructor led web-based
c. Training session held in conjunction with a conference
d. Online tutorial
e. Online Help desk- questions would be responded to by a member of the GAP staff
All responses Q136
Q136 Which of the following would be the most practical training method (training that could be completed within the realistic constraints of time and budget) on the use of GAP data?
a. Training session- Instructor led classroom
b. Training session – Instructor led web-based
c. Training session held in conjunction with a conference
d. Online tutorial
e. Online Help desk- questions would be responded to by a member of the GAP staff
All responses Q137
Q137 How satisfied are you with the support you have received from GAP staff in your use of GAP data?
a. Completely dissatisfied
b. Somewhat dissatisfied
c. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
d. Somewhat satisfied
e. Completely satisfied
f. I have never received any support from GAP staff (N/A)
All responses Q138
Q138 How satisfied are you with any communication you have had with GAP staff?
a. Completely dissatisfied
b. Somewhat dissatisfied
c. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
d. Somewhat satisfied
e. Completely satisfied
f. I have never had any communication with GAP staff (N/A)
All responses Q139
Q139 How did you learn to make use of GAP data?
a. I figured it out myself. Q140
b. A colleague helped me learn what I needed to know in order to use the data. Q141
c. A member of GAP staff helped me learn what I needed to know to use the data. Q142
d. I used resources on the GAP website. Q144
Q140 How easy was it to figure out how to use GAP in your work?
a. Very difficult
b. Somewhat difficult
c. Not difficult or easy
d. Somewhat easy
e. Very easy
All responses Q144
Q141 How easy was it to find a colleague who could provide you with the needed assistance?
a. Very difficult
b. Somewhat difficult
c. Not difficult or easy
d. Somewhat easy
e. Very easy
All responses Q144
Q142 How accessible were GAP staff when you needed assistance?
a. Extremely inaccessible
b. Somewhat inaccessible
c. Neither inaccessible or accessible
d. Somewhat accessible
e. Extremely accessible
All responses Q143
Q143 How satisfied were you with the assistance you received?
a. Completely dissatisfied
b. Somewhat dissatisfied
c. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
d. Somewhat satisfied
e. Completely satisfied
All responses Q144
We are interested in learning how GAP data and products based on GAP data are distributed. This section of the survey asks questions regarding your perceptions of how information about GAP spreads and your role in the information distribution process.
Q144 How would you characterize GAP’s coordination with other agencies to promote awareness and use of GAP data sets?
a. Insufficient to the point of rendering unusable the data that GAP provides because of lack of awareness.
b. Insufficient to the point that the data GAP provides are less widely used than they could be because GAP doesn’t coordinate much with other agencies.
c. Sufficient to the point that the most likely users of GAP data are aware of how to obtain data as the result of GAP coordination other agencies.
d. Sufficient to the point that both likely and unlikely users are aware of GAP data due to GAP coordination with other agencies.
e. I cannot judge this.
All responses Q145
Q145 Do you personally know someone who was involved in developing a regional GAP project?
a. Yes
b. No
All responses Q146
Q146 Do you personally know someone who is currently employed by GAP?
a. Yes
b. No
All responses Q147
Q147 Do you personally know someone who was involved in developing a state GAP project?
a. Yes
b. No
All responses Q148
Q148 How frequently do you send GAP datasets (in original form, without additions or revisions) to someone else?
a. Never Q150
b. Up to several times a year Q149
c. Once a month Q149
d. Once a week Q149
e. Daily Q149
Q149 To whom have you distributed GAP data in its original form, without additions or revisions? Mark all that apply.
a. A colleague at my workplace
b. A colleague in my local area
c. A colleague in my state
d. A colleague in my multi-state region
e. A colleague in another part of the country
f. A colleague in another country
All responses Q150
Q150 How frequently do you direct someone else to the GAP website to download data?
a. Never Q152
b. Up to several times a year Q151
c. Once a month Q151
d. Once a week Q151
e. Daily Q151
Q151 Whom have you directed to the GAP website to download data? Select all that apply.
a. A colleague at my workplace
b. A colleague in my local area
c. A colleague in my state
d. A colleague in my multi-state region
e. A colleague in another part of the country
f. A colleague in another country
All responses Q152
Q152 How frequently do you send others to the GAP website to use the online data viewers?
a. Never Q154
b. Up to Several times a year Q153
c. Once a month Q153
d. Once a week Q153
e. Daily Q153
Q153 To whom have you recommended using the online data viewers on the GAP website? Select all that apply.
a. A colleague at my workplace
b. A colleague in my local area
c. A colleague in my state
d. A colleague in my multi-state region
e. A colleague in another part of the country
f. A colleague in another country
All responses Q154
Q154 How frequently do you send someone else an information product (map, chart, document) that you created based on GAP data?
a. Never Q158
b. Up to several times a year Q155
c. Once a month Q155
d. Once a week Q155
e. Daily Q155
Q155 To whom have you distributed the product (dataset, map, chart, or other document) that you made using GAP data? Select all that apply.
a. An individual who makes policy about conservation of biodiversity
b. An individual who implements policy about conservation of biodiversity
c. An individual who advocates policy about conservation of biodiversity
d. An individual who studies conservation of biodiversity
e. An individual who creates products to be used by those who implement, advocate or make policy about biodiversity
All responses Q156
Q156 When you distributed the product (dataset, map, chart, or other document) that you made using GAP data, to how many individuals did you distribute?
a. An individual
b. A small group (3-5)
c. A moderate group (6-10)
d. A large group (11-50)
e. A very large group (such as a listserv)
f. An undefined group (made available to the public)
All responses Q157
Q157 When you distributed the product (dataset, map, chart, or other document) that you made using GAP data, how broad was your intended audience?
a. Local
b. State
c. National
d. International
All responses Q158
Q158 Who is the primary recipient of the product you make using GAP data?
a. Myself, I am the end user
b. Public, I publish
c. Legislators
d. State Planners
e. Land Managers
f. Other: [open response]
All responses Q159
Q159 Which of the following best describes the aspect of decision making present in your current position?
a. I make decisions regarding how to define policies affecting conservation of biodiversity.
b. I implement but do not make policies affecting conservation of biodiversity.
c. I provide information products to those who make policies affecting conservation of biodiversity.
d. I decide what data to use in creating information products to be used by those who make or implement policies affecting conservation of biodiversity.
e. None of the above
All responses Q160
Q160 Have you ever used a GAP data set or a product based on GAP data to make a decision that had a direct effect on conservation of biodiversity?
Yes Q161
No Q164
Q161 When responding to the following questions, think about the most recent time when you used a GAP data set or a product based on GAP data to make a decision that had a direct effect on conservation of biodiversity.
Without the information that GAP data provided, the decision made would have been very different.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q162
Q162 How successful would you say GAP data or products were in influencing the decision?
a. Very unsuccessful
b. Somewhat unsuccessful
c. Neither unsuccessful or successful
d. Somewhat successful
e. Very successful
All responses Q163
Q163 No decision would have been made without the information provided by GAP data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q164
This section of the survey includes questions regarding actions that GAP could take in the future to maximize the usefulness of its data.
Q164 Which database is most important to keep current?
a. Land cover
b. Predicted Species Distributions
c. Stewardship/protected areas
All responses Q165
Q165 Which is more important, to update existing data or to create new data?
a. Update existing
b. Create new
All responses Q166
Q166 What is the most important characteristic for future GAP data?
a. That it be comparable to the current (regional) and past (state) GAP data
b. That it be at a higher resolution
c. That it be at a lower resolution
d. That it be developed more closely with the individuals who will be primary users of the data
e. That it be seamless and nation-wide
All responses Q167
Q167 I intend to use new releases of GAP data in the future.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q168
Q168 I would use national level GAP data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q169
Q169 What process change would have the greatest effect on improving use of GAP data?
a. Correcting errors/omissions in existing data sets
b. Creating data sets more quickly from newer data
c. Incorporation of aquatic gap data sets
d. Provision of a GAP Helpdesk, where users could submit technical questions and issues for response by a GAP staff member
e. Training offered on use of GAP data
f. Aggressive marketing of GAP data to potential users
g. Other: [open-ended response]
All responses Q170
Q170 How useful would it be to have access to an individual to answer questions about using GAP data?
a. Not at all useful
b. Somewhat useful
c. Moderately useful
d. Very useful
All responses Q171
Q171 How useful would it be to have access to an individual who could help you modify GAP data for specific use?
a. Not at all useful
b. Somewhat useful
c. Moderately useful
d. Very useful
All responses Q172
GAP is interested in learning about effective means by which to communicate with current and potential users of GAP data. This section of the survey includes questions asking your opinion about possible outreach methods.
Q172 What factors would affect your attendance at a GAP conference? (select all that apply)
a. Cost
b. Location
c. Supervisory permission
d. Topics covered at the conference
e. Educational/Training Credit
f. Other: [open response]
All responses Q173
Q173 How likely is it that you would attend an annual GAP conference?
a. Very likely Q174
b. Somewhat likely Q174
c. Neither likely or unlikely Q174
d. Somewhat unlikely Q174
e. Very unlikely Q177
Q174 What topic would you most like to see covered at a GAP conference? Select one
a. Demonstrations by GAP staff of the uses of various GAP datasets.
b. Submissions and presentations by others (not GAP staff) demonstrating how they have used GAP data.
c. Ongoing discussions about the advantages and limitations of using GAP data.
d. In-depth workshops on how to use GAP data.
e. Presentations on current and in-development GIS software.
f. Presentations/discussions on conservation of biodiversity.
g. Other: [open response]
All responses Q175
Q175 How likely is it that you would submit a presentation to a GAP conference?
a. Very Likely
b. Somewhat likely
c. Neither likely or unlikely
d. Somewhat unlikely
e. Very Unlikely
All responses Q176
Q176 How useful would it be to have access to the proceedings from a GAP conference?
a. Not at all useful.
b. Somewhat useful
c. Moderately useful.
d. Very useful.
All responses Q177
Q177 What outreach activity would be most useful in reaching potential users of GAP data?
[open response]
All responses Q178
Q178 Have you ever used information that you located in the GAP Bulletin publication?
a. No Q179
b. Yes Q180
Q179 What is the main reason you haven’t used information from the GAP Bulletin publication?
I’m not familiar with the GAP Bulletin.
b. The information
provided is too narrow in focus to be of use to me.
c. Never had an occasion to use information from the Bulletin.
d. Other: [open response]
All responses Q182
Q180 How useful was the information?
a. Not at all useful.
b. Somewhat useful
c. Moderately useful.
d. Very useful.
All responses Q181
Q181 How would you rate the quality of the GAP Bulletin as an information source?
a. Poor
b. Fair
c. Good
d. Excellent
All responses Q182
Q182 When was the last time you visited the GAP website?
a. Never Q185
b. Within the last 4 months Q183
c. Within the last 5-8 months Q183
d. Within the last 9-12 months Q183
e. More than 1 year ago Q183
Q183 What was your primary purpose in visiting the site?
a. Information
b. Download data
c. Use a web map service
d. Use the Gap Ecosystem Data Explorer tool
e. Find contact information
f. Other: [open response]
All responses Q184
Q184 Did your visit to the website meet your needs?
a. No
b. Yes, the visit met a few of my needs
c. Yes, the visit met most of my needs
d. Yes, the visit met all of my needs
All responses Q185
In this section, we ask your opinion regarding the reputation of GAP and the data it produces.
Q185 GAP is mostly unknown in the community of conservation professionals.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q186
Q186 GAP is mostly unknown in the GIS user community.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q187
Q187 GAP has a reputation as being a credible source of data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q188
Q188 GAP has a unique niche in the biodiversity data it provides.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q189
Q189 GAP is losing ground to competing organizations that produce similar data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q190
Q190 Does the GAP program and its data have a national reputation?
a. GAP is not known
b. Known to a few individuals nation-wide
c. Known to some individuals nation-wide
d. Known to many individuals nation-wide
e. Well known nation-wide
All responses Q191
Q191 Does the GAP program and its data have a state-level reputation?
a. GAP is not known
b. Known to a few individuals state-wide
c. Known to some individuals state-wide
d. Known to many individuals state-wide
e. Well known state-wide
All responses Q192
Q192 Does the GAP program and its data have a municipal/county level reputation?
a. GAP is not known
b. Known to a few individuals at the level of cities and counties.
c. Known to some individuals at the level of cities and counties.
d. Known to many individuals at the level of cities and counties.
e. Well known at the level of cities and counties.
All responses Q193
Q193 What proportion of people who could potentially use GAP data actually know about GAP and the data it provides?
a. Less than 10%
b. Between 10 and 25%
c. Between 26 and 50%
d. Between 51 and 75%
e. Between 76 and 100%
All responses Q194
Q194 How strongly would you recommend use of GAP data to others, assuming they had an appropriate need for the type of data that GAP provides?
a. I would give my strongest recommendation to someone considering use of GAP data.
b. I would recommend use of GAP data.
c. I would hesitate to recommend use of GAP data.
d. I would caution against use of GAP data.
e. I would strongly urge others not to use GAP data.
All responses Q195
Q195 Have you recommended use of GAP data to someone else?
a. Yes Q196
b. No Q197
Q196 After you made the recommendation, did you receive feedback from the person to whom you recommended use of GAP data?
a. No, no feedback.
b. Yes, positive feedback
c. Yes, negative feedback
All responses Q198
Q197 What is the main reason why you have not recommended GAP data to someone else?
a. No appropriate opportunity has presented itself.
b. I have reservations about the accuracy of the data.
c. I have reservations that the data are outdated.
d. I had difficulty in using GAP data myself.
e. GAP data are missing relevant content.
f. Other: [open-ended response]
All responses Q198
In this section, we ask you to assess how well the GAP is meeting its goals and objectives. This is the last section of survey questions.
Q198 In your experience and opinion, in what way are GAP datasets most frequently used?
a. To solve policy issues such as land use issues relating to conservation
b. To provide decision makers with knowledge about topics such as conservation concepts, models or priorities.
c. To legitimize decisions, such as decisions about land use and land protection, made on the basis of other information.
d. To conduct academic research to fulfill course or degree requirements or for the purpose of publication.
e. To conduct applied research that is conducted for some reason other than to inform conservation decisionmaking.
All responses Q199
Q199 In your experience and opinion, what is the most appropriate use for GAP datasets?
a. To solve policy issues such as land use issues relating to conservation
b. To provide decision makers with knowledge about topics such as conservation concepts, models or priorities.
c. To legitimize decisions, such as decisions about land use and land protection, made on the basis of other information.
d. To conduct academic research to fulfill course or degree requirements or for the purpose of publication.
e. To conduct applied research that is conducted for some reason other than to inform conservation decisionmaking.
All responses Q200
Q200 Please rate how helpful GAP data are or could be in addressing the following issues:
a. Cannot judge. |
b. Not at all helpful. |
c. Slightly helpful |
d. Moderately helpful. |
e. Helpful |
f. Very helpful. |
Habitation conversion/loss |
Habitat conservation |
Invasive/exotic species |
Changes in hydrological processes/Hydrologic restoration |
Pollution |
Fire Suppression |
Disturbance caused by transportation/infrastructure development |
Consumptive use of biological resources |
Improper forest management |
Lack of knowledge about species |
Climate change |
Loss of natural community integrity |
Degradation of migration corridors/routes |
Destructive resource harvesting |
Non-consumptive use of resources |
Research on species |
Private land conservation |
Restoration of Species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) and habitats |
Species conservation and/or management |
Research on habitats |
Public lands conservation |
Other current biological conservation issue, please specify: [open-ended response]
If respondents select option b for any of the topics, they will be directed to Q201, otherwise respondents will be directed to Q202.
Q201 Why are GAP data not helpful in addressing those issues?
a. Data quality
b. Data availability, needed data are not available
c. Data are available but not in needed format or spatial resolution
d. Data are not helpful, because of limited awareness about GAP data
e. GAP data are just not relevant to this issue.
f. Other: [open response]
All responses Q202
Q202 The information products that can be derived from GAP data are compatible with existing policy making processes and models.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q203
Q203 GAP data are relevant to currently pending decisions that relate to the conservation of biodiversity
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q204
Q204 I believe individuals who are in positions to make decisions about conservation of biodiversity would be open to considering the type of information products that could be produced using GAP data.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Somewhat agree
e. Strongly agree
All responses Q205
Q205 To what extent has GAP met its objective to assess the geographic extent of biodiversity in the United States?
a. GAP has done nothing to meet this objective.
b. GAP is less than halfway to meeting this objective.
c. GAP is about halfway to meeting this objective.
d. GAP is more than halfway to meeting this objective.
e. GAP has completely met this objective.
f. I don’t have enough knowledge to make this judgment
All responses Q206
Q206 To what extent has GAP met its objective to assess the amount of biodiversity found on protected lands?
a. GAP has done nothing to meet this objective.
b. GAP is less than halfway to meeting this objective.
c. GAP is about halfway to meeting this objective.
d. GAP is more than halfway to meeting this objective.
e. GAP has completely met this objective.
f. I don’t have enough knowledge to make this judgment
All responses Q207
Q207 How would you grade the current performance of GAP on building institutional cooperation in the application of its information to state and regional management activities?
I don’t have enough knowledge to grade this item.
All responses Q208
Q208 How would you grade the current performance of GAP on providing information to the public and to those organizations charged with natural resource research, policy, planning, and management?
I don’t have enough knowledge to grade this item.
All responses Q209
Q209 End question: Would you like to provide any other comments about the data provided by the GAP? [open-ended response]
All responses or no response Q210
Q210 If you would like to receive notifications of new release of GAP data, products, and other information, please type your email address here. If you choose to provide your email address, it will not be associated with your answers to any survey questions: [open-ended response]
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Welcome |
Author | Joan Ratz |
Last Modified By | Joan Ratz |
File Modified | 2012-07-20 |
File Created | 2012-07-20 |