Management Systems (IMS)
Address Lookup Tool (ALT)
October 25, 2010
Document Revision History
Version |
Date |
Description of Revision |
0.1 |
11/22/2010 |
Baseline Version |
1.0 |
11/23/2010 |
Initial Version |
1.01 |
11/29/2010 |
Updated helpdesk support information |
Table of Contents
1 Overview 1
2 Gaining Access to the ALT 2
3 System Access 9
4 Performing an Address Lookup 10
5 Support 15
The Address Lookup Tool (ALT) allows Study Center (SC) Users and healthcare providers the ability to determine whether a women’s primary residential address (either individually or in batch) is in a National Children’s Study (NCS) segment. This document contains steps on how to use the Address Lookup Tool NCS web application hosted by National Institute of Health (NIH).
To access the ALT users need to complete a two-step process: authentication and registration.
This process ensures that the credentials provided by the user are valid.
There are 3 account types healthcare providers may use to complete the authentication process:
NIH /NIHEXT Staff –Use NIH or NIH External (NIHEXT)* Domain accounts to log into NCS applications
OpenID –Use a newly created or existing OpenID account to login – Google, PayPal or VeriSign.
Research Organizations – Use an account from any organization that is federated with NIH to log into the NCS application
*Note: The NIH External (NIHEXT) Domain is where users can get accounts without having NIH badges.
To begin the authentication process, a user must:
2. Select a Sign- In account type from the “Welcome to the NCS Login”, as illustrated in Figure 2-1, and is directed to an account login page.
Figure 2‑1
The following figures, 2-2 through 2-5, represent the account login pages for NIH, NIHEXT Staff and Research Organizations and OpenID users: Google, VeriSign and PayPal.
Figure 2‑2
NIH Login Page
Figure 2‑3 Google Login Page
Figure 2‑4 VeriSign Sign In Page
Figure 2‑5 PayPal Login Page
illustrate an OpenID login, will be the selected Sign In
account of choice.
Select ”Google”
Figure 2‑6
The Sign In page for Google will appear with a message from NIH requesting information from the user’s account.
For first time NCS Users, login using the user’s existing Google (Open ID) account. If an existing Open ID account has not been established, the user can create an account and then login.
Figure 2‑7
Once the users has logged in with an existing or new account, a message is returned.
Figure 2‑8
Select “Allow” for information to be sent to NIH for registration.
Note: User must allow 1 hour after first login before they can register with their OpenID account.
After user waits for 1 hour and logs in again with their OpenID, a “Not Authorized” page will appear and request the user to proceed to the Address Lookup Tool Registration Page.
Figure 2‑9
Select “Click” to begin the Address Lookup Registration Process.
Note: In order to refresh the browser to re-enter the ALT URL, the user must Logout from the “Not Authorized” page, or close the browser and reopen.
The Federated Registration System (FRS) enables a first time user to request access or an existing user to request additional access to an NIH hosted NCS web application. Upon final authentication of user, a request for registration information is generated and information is then submitted. The request for user access is then sent to the associated Study Center and a confirmation message that the request was sent to the SC is generated. Verifications of user request are sent to the NICHID Network Team. Access is then granted and confirmed.
The ALT Registration Page requests the following information:
Name (First*, Last*)
Phone Number (International Code, Phone Number*, Phone Extension)
Study Center*
Organization Name*
Organization Location
*Required Fields
Figure 2‑10
Enter all required data field to complete registration form
Select “Submit”.
A successfully registered user will receive this result upon completing the registration page.
Figure 2‑11
After successfully completing the authentication and registration process, the user will be able to access the ALT.
There are two types of users that will access the ALT system.
Provider ALT User - a group of medical care providers and their staff who are able to lookup addresses
Study Center (SC) ALT User – users at the SC who are able to lookup address
Figure 3‑12
The system provides the Provider ALT User, SC ALT User with options to perform Single or Batch entry lookup.
The system requests the following information:
PSU* – Primary Sampling Unit
Street Number – If a Street Number is not entered, the ALT will only match the input to addresses in the database that do not have Street Numbers. If a Street Number is entered, the ALT will include it as search criteria as an exact match.
PreDir – Pre Direction (ex. E Center Lane)
Street Name*
Street Type
PostDir - Post Direction (ex. E Center Lane, NE)
Apartment/Unit – If an Apartment/Unit is entered, the ALT will not include it as search criteria.
City* +
State* +
Zip Code* +
If the non-required fields are populated, the ALT may include input as search criteria and as an exact match.
* Required Field
+ Complete City/State OR Zip. If the City, State, AND Zip Code fields are all entered, the system will use the Zip Code field as search criteria and ignore the City and State fields.
Figure 4‑13
Fields noted with an asterisk (*), are required for proper address lookup. Submitting an address missing one or more of these fields will result in a system generated message.
Figure 4‑14
Enter all required data field to complete registration form
Select “Search”.
Once all required fields have been satisfied, the ALT system will identify if an address is contained within a NCS geographical area or segment and return a message indicating a match or not. It will also indicate the PSU selected in the lookup criteria.
Figure 4‑15 Match
Figure 4‑16 No Match
Batch Lookup allows the user to lookup several addresses within a single file. The file format must be a comma separated value (csv) file. The ALT system requires the following information:
PSU* – Primary Sampling Unit
File for Upload*
* Required Field
The file headers should include the following information:
Address ID – Strongly encourage to include
Street Number
PreDir – Pre Direction (ex. E Center Lane)
Street Name
Street Type
PostDir- Post Direction (ex. E Center Lane, NE)
Zip Code
Figure 4‑17
The ALT will perform a Fuzzy match on the street number and/or city entered for each address in the uploaded file. If a street number is not entered for each address entered in the file and uploaded, the ALT shall match the input to addresses in the databases that do not have a street number.
Figure 4‑18
If the uploaded file contains at least one address record containing all of the required information (Street Name, City, State, Zip Code), then the system results will return as an output file.
For each address record that is listed in the uploaded file, the system populates the output file with the following information:
Address ID (if exists in File for Upload)
Indication of address match or no match
The system will prompt the Provider ALT User, SC ALT User to indicate what to do with the output file (e.g., save, open).
Figure 4‑19
The Batch Lookup output file will be a comma separated value (csv) file.
Figure 4‑20 Batch Lookup Results
Should the user have questions and/or concerns, contact the helpdesk or call 1-866-817-7033.
A tracking ticket number and response will be received from the Field Support HelpDesk within 1 business day. This response will come from an NORC email address ( – not the .gov address above (which is for submission purposes only). NORC will either provide the help you need or will triage your questions to the appropriate NICHD staff or contractor for response. Follow-up emails will be received directly from a contractor or NICHD. The ticket number will be used to track all requests and make sure they are addressed.
Please include the following information in your emails to the Field Support HelpDesk. Do not include any information that identifies respondents or potential respondents in an email.
Name of Submitter and Study Center PI
Study Center/Study Location
Phone number and email to be contacted
Description of the problem
NOTE: Any issues concerning Study Center contracts, budgets, invoicing, formative research (LOIs), IRB and OMB submissions should continue to be submitted to the PO-managed mailbox (
Site Minder Known Issues |
Recommended Action |
Message: |
Redirected to NIH Login Page by SiteMinder |
Close the browser and try again |
The system cannot process your request at this time. Please try again. |
Close the browser and try again |
This page is used to hold your data while you are being authorized for your request. |
You will be forwarded to continue the authorization process. If this does not happen automatically, please select the “Continue” button, close the browser and try again. |
Browser: |
To use Firefox browser |
Set it to allow jscript.
Logging out doesn't always kill the session. |
Close browser to logout is not always recommended. If a user wants to logout, select the Logout link. |
Firefox browser sometimes will not display the error message when a user selects a file for upload that may have too many or few columns. |
Hover over the pop-up. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | NCS VDR User's Guide 1.0 |
Author | SSS, Inc. |
Last Modified By | Lisa Anne Haney |
File Modified | 2011-02-11 |
File Created | 2011-02-11 |