IGERT Monitoring System Crosswalk: Trainee
New Items |
Common Collection Categories
Staff and Project Participant Characteristics1 |
Project Implementation Characteristics2 |
Project Outputs3 |
1. About You |
Contact Information: Name: (First, Middle Initial, Last, Maiden) Department at Institution Address at Institution Institution City Institution State Zip Code Phone Extension Fax E-mail Address Web URL |
X |
X |
State or Country of Birth |
X |
Ethnicity (Choose one)
X |
Race (Choose one or more)
X |
Gender (Choose one)
X |
Disability Status (Choose one or more responses)
X |
Citizenship (Choose one):
X |
X |
Permanent residents only provide:
Permanent Resident Alien Status Granted (mm/yyyy) |
X |
X |
Major [Respondent chooses from the list of academic disciplines shown in the endnotes]4 |
X |
X |
Degree Sought
X |
X |
Brief description of your research interest/topic (not program specific) (word limit: 1000) [Textbox] |
X |
X |
Does your research involve any of the following (Mark all that apply)
X |
Current IGERT Advisor(s) (Mark all that apply) [Checkbox for each IGERT advisor as entered via PI survey] |
X |
X |
How Involved Was Your Advisor in Programmatic Activities
X |
Expected Graduation Date (mm/yyyy) |
X |
If expected to graduate within one year, what type of employment are you pursuing? [mark all that apply] Government
Educational Institution (college, university, or K-12)
Self-Employed/Entrepreneur |
X |
X |
If expected to graduate within one year, what type of employment would you most prefer? [mark one] Government
Educational Institution (college, university, or K-12)
Self-Employed/Entrepreneur |
X |
Permanent Contact Information (voluntary): |
Social Security Number |
X |
Student’s personal e-mail address |
X |
Contact Information of someone who will know how to reach student in three years: Name Relationship to you Address City State ZIP code Country Phone Phone extension E-mail address |
X |
2. Your Background |
Academic/Professional Background Prior to IGERT Traineeship: |
X |
Name of high school/secondary school/institution from which you graduated/received a diploma |
X |
X |
Location of High School (City, State or Country, and Zip or Postal code) |
X |
X |
School type (select one)
X |
Undergraduate Degree Prior to IGERT Traineeship: |
Undergraduate Major [Respondent chooses from the list of academic disciplines shown in the endnotes] |
X |
Double Major |
X |
Undergraduate Institution |
X |
Undergraduate Institution City |
X |
Undergraduate Institution State |
X |
When did you receive your first undergraduate degree? (yyyy) |
X |
X |
Undergraduate Degree Type (Choose one)
X |
Post-Undergraduate Degree Prior to IGERT Traineeship: |
Did you obtain a post-undergraduate degree prior to becoming an IGERT Trainee? Yes/No
If Yes, provide the following information: |
X |
Degree Type
X |
When Received (yyyy) |
X |
X |
Graduate Major [Respondent chooses from the dropdown list of academic disciplines shown in the endnotes] |
X |
Name of institution granting degree |
X |
X |
Graduate Department [Respondent writes in department name] |
X |
Employed after undergraduate and before current graduate school |
Were you employed in the public/private sector for one or more years after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming an IGERT Trainee? (Do not include employment as a Research Assistant (R.A.) or Teaching Assistant (T.A.) while pursuing a Master’s degree) Yes/No |
X |
Total number of years (equal to or greater than one year, to the nearest year) you were employed in the public or private sector after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming an IGERT trainee. (Do not count employment as a Research Assistant (R.A.) or Teaching Assistant (T.A.) while pursuing a Master’s degree) |
X |
3. Your Achievements |
Publications, Patents, and Presentations Provided by the PI [The list of publications, patents, and presentations that were entered via the PI survey that included this trainee as an author are presented for the trainee to review] |
X |
Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants Other Than IGERT
Provide for each Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant Other Than IGERT: |
Title of Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant |
X |
Proposal Title |
X |
Year Awarded |
X |
Awarding Agency/Organization |
X |
Other Honors and Recognition
Provide for each honor or recognition: |
Title of Honor or Recognition |
X |
Year |
X |
Society/Granting Organization |
X |
Research or Education Accomplishments |
X |
Major research or education accomplishments in the last year (word limit: 1000) [Textbox] |
X |
4. Research Preparation |
Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in during this reporting period. [Mark all that apply]
X |
X |
How many courses/seminars did you take in disciplines outside of your primary dscipline during this reporting period? |
X |
X |
How many courses/seminars did you take that specifically covered interdisciplinary topics related to your IGERT during this reporting period? |
X |
X |
How many courses/seminars were in the primary discipline |
X |
5. Professional Skills |
Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in during this reporting period. [Mark all that apply]
X |
6. Career Preparation |
Please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial IGERT training experience or component that has prepared you to be successful in a science or engineering career in an international/global setting. Note: This can include U.S.-based experiences. (word limit: 1000) [Textbox] |
X |
Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in during this reporting period. [Mark all that apply]
X |
7. Internships |
Have you taken part in any internships lasting one month or more with industries or businesses, government laboratories or agencies, or with nonprofit organizations during the current reporting period? Yes/No
If yes, please indicate the setting, duration (to the nearest month), and location of the internship(s). [The respondent can specify up to four internships. The following data is collected for each internship] |
X |
Internship |
Company/agency name |
X |
Internship setting (pull-down options)Internship location
If U.S. please indicate the state and town
If foreign, please indicate the foreign country
X |
Internship Duration |
X |
Please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial professional or career-related aspect. [Limit: 1,000 characters] |
X |
X |
Internship contributions that have prepared you for your career: (check all that apply)
X |
8. International Experiences |
Have you taken part in any international experiences during this reporting period? Yes/No
If Yes, the respondent can specify up to five international experiences. The following data is collected for each international experience: |
International Experience |
X |
Was this int'l experience related to your IGERT research? Yes/No |
X |
International experience duration |
X |
Please identify the primary country in which the international activities occurred. |
X |
Please indicate the international activities you engaged in during this reporting period as part of your IGERT project/activities, and please describe the benefit of each experience. (Mark all that apply)
Were you formally prepared for your international experience? Yes/No |
If yes to previous question, What experiences were included in the preparation for your international experience?
What did you accomplish on int'l exp (Mark all that apply and provide a text description) • Awards/Honors/Recognitions • Broader Impacts • Invention/Patent • Presentations • Publications • Other |
If you took part in international activities during this reporting period, please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial professional or career-related aspect of these activities. [Limit: 1,000 characters] |
In the text box below, please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial aspect of being an IGERT trainee during this reporting period. This might include 1) an opportunity you have had as a result of being an IGERT trainee that has significantly affected your professional development, 2) an aspect of the project that provided exceptional "added value" to your educational experience, or 3) an aspect of the project that has been especially successful and/or represents a real change from the way that graduate students are usually educated at your institution. |
X |
Please describe what you consider to be the most important opportunity for improvement in the IGERT program with which you are associated. |
X |
10. Training Confirmation |
X |
How many hours spent per week did you spend on programmatic activities |
X |
X |
Did you participate in regular training throughout the year |
X |
X |
Describe training received [Limit: 1,000 characters] |
X |
X |
How often did you receive training
X |
X |
What was your stipend amount
X |
X |
How does your traineeship stipend compare to stipends received by regular teaching or research assistants at your organization (Choose one)
X |
X |
NSF provides your affiliated organization with a $10,500 cost-of-education allowance with a 1 year traineeship in lieu of all required tuition and fees. How much would it cost if you had to pay the normal charges yourself (text box) |
X |
X |
[This question is only asked of funded trainees]
Did you have to pay any tuition or fees this year? Yes/No |
X |
1 Elements of these characteristics include: Name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, disability status, class, major, grade point average, yearly fellowship or stipend amount, or project role.
2 Elements of these characteristics include: Sources and amount of funds, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, partnerships, training, research methods.
3 Elements of these characteristics include: research findings, publications, presentations, degrees granted, educational materials.
4 List of Academic Disciplines:
Chemistry – Analytical
Chemistry – Bio-inorganic
Chemistry – Bio-organic
Chemistry – Biophysical
Chemistry – Environmental
Chemistry – Inorganic
Chemistry – Materials
Chemistry – Physical
Chemistry – Polymer
Chemistry – Theoretical
Chemistry – Other (please specify):
Comp/IS/Eng – Artificial Intelligence (including Robotics, Computer Vision, and Human Language Processing)
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Architecture and Grids
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Languages and Systems
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Theoretical Foundations
Comp/IS/Eng – Database Information Retrieval and Web Search
Comp/IS/Eng – Graphics and Visualization
Comp/IS/Eng – Human Computer Interaction
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Security and Assurance
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Technology and Organizations
Comp/IS/Eng – Networks and Communications
Comp/IS/Eng – Operating Systems and Middleware
Comp/IS/Eng – Scientific Computing and Informatics
Comp/IS/Eng – Software Engineering
Comp/IS/Eng – Other (please specify):
Engineering – Aeronautical and Aerospace
Engineering – Agricultural
Engineering – Bioengineering
Engineering – Biomedical
Engineering – Chemical
Engineering – Civil
Engineering – Computer Engineering
Engineering – Electrical and Electronic
Engineering – Energy
Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
Engineering – Engineering Science
Engineering – Environmental
Engineering – Industrial
Engineering – Materials
Engineering – Mechanical
Engineering – Metallurgical
Engineering – Nuclear
Engineering – Ocean
Engineering – Petroleum
Engineering – Polymer
Engineering – Systems Engineering
Engineering – Other (please specify):
Geosciences – Aeronomy
Geosciences – Atmospheric Chemistry
Geosciences – Chemical Oceanography
Geosciences – Climate Dynamics
Geosciences – Geochemistry
Geosciences – Geology
Geosciences – Geophysics
Geosciences – Hydrologic Sciences
Geosciences – Large Scale Dynamics Meteorology
Geosciences – Magnetospheric Physics
Geosciences – Marine Geology and Geophysics
Geosciences – Mesoscale Dynamic Meteorology
Geosciences – Paleoclimate
Geosciences – Paleontology
Geosciences – Physical Meteorology
Geosciences – Physical Oceanography
Geosciences – Solar-Terrestrial
Geosciences – Other (please specify):
Life Sciences – Agriculture
Life Sciences – Agronomy
Life Sciences – Anatomy
Life Sciences – Animal Behavior
Life Sciences – Animal Science
Life Sciences – Biochemistry
Life Sciences – Biological Oceanography
Life Sciences – Biophysics
Life Sciences – Botany (including Plant Physiology)
Life Sciences – Cell Biology
Life Sciences – Computational Biology
Life Sciences – Developmental Biology
Life Sciences – Ecology
Life Sciences – Ecosystem Ecology
Life Sciences – Entomology
Life Sciences – Environmental Sciences
Life Sciences – Evolutionary Biology
Life Sciences – Fish and Wildlife
Life Sciences – Forestry
Life Sciences – Genetics
Life Sciences – Horticulture
Life Sciences – Immunology
Life Sciences – Marine Biology
Life Sciences – Microbiology
Life Sciences – Molecular Biology
Life Sciences – Neurosciences
Life Sciences – Nutrition
Life Sciences – Pharmacology
Life Sciences – Physiology
Life Sciences – Plant Pathology
Life Sciences – Population and Community Ecology
Life Sciences – Soil Science
Life Sciences – Structural Biology
Life Sciences – Virology
Life Sciences – Zoology
Life Sciences – Other (please specify):
Mathematical Sciences – Algebra or Number Theory
Mathematical Sciences – Analysis
Mathematical Sciences – Applications of Mathematics (including Biometrics and Biostatistics)
Mathematical Sciences – Geometry
Mathematical Sciences – Logic or Foundations of Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences – Operations Research
Mathematical Sciences – Probability and Statistics
Mathematical Sciences – Topology
Mathematical Sciences – Other (please specify):
Physics and Astronomy – Astronomy
Physics and Astronomy – Astrophysics
Physics and Astronomy – Atomic and Molecular
Physics and Astronomy – Condensed Matter Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Nuclear
Physics and Astronomy – Optics
Physics and Astronomy – Particle Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Physics of Fluids
Physics and Astronomy – Plasma
Physics and Astronomy – Solid State
Physics and Astronomy – Theoretical Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Other (please specify):
Psychology – Cognitive
Psychology – Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychology – Computational Psychology
Psychology – Developmental
Psychology – Experimental or Comparative
Psychology – Industrial/Organizational
Psychology – Neuropsychology
Psychology – Perception and Psychophysics
Psychology – Personality and Individual Differences
Psychology – Physiological
Psychology – Psycholinguistics
Psychology – Quantitative
Psychology – Social
Psychology – Other (please specify):
Social Sciences – Archaeology
Social Sciences – Cliometric History
Social Sciences – Communications
Social Sciences – Cultural Anthropology
Social Sciences – Decision Making
Social Sciences – Demography
Social Sciences – Econometrics
Social Sciences – Economics (except Business Administration)
Social Sciences – Geography
Social Sciences – History of Science
Social Sciences – International Relations
Social Sciences – Law and Social Science
Social Sciences – Linguistics Anthropology
Social Sciences – Linguistics
Social Sciences – Medical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences – Physical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Political Science
Social Sciences – Public Policy
Social Sciences – Risk Analysis
Social Sciences – Science Policy
Social Sciences – Sociology (except Social Work)
Social Sciences – Urban and Regional Planning
Social Sciences – Other (please specify):
STEM Education and Learning Research – Engineering Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Mathematics Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Science Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Technology Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Common |
Author | Larry Suter |
Last Modified By | splimpto |
File Modified | 2011-03-03 |
File Created | 2010-11-02 |