Public reporting and recordkeeping burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 13.74 hours for Parts A and B of the Memorandum of Agreement depending on the size of Public Housing Agency (PHA). This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The information will be used for monitoring PHA progress in bringing performance up to standard levels. Response to this request for information is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived, including eligibility to apply for funding. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
General Instructions:
This form is to be used by Office of Public Housing as Part B of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), a legally binding document between the Public Housing Authority (PHA) and HUD. The MOA requires the PHA to achieve certain target goals and to achieve these goals within certain time frames. These goals and time frames are included in Part B of the MOA. Part 2 of these instructions provides a comprehensive (though not all-encompassing) menu of Performance Targets and Strategies. The sample of targets and strategies was designed to be consistent with the HUD Public Reform Act and the Public Housing Assessment System. The form is to be completed by the appropriate HUD office.
Part 1 - Instruction for completing Part B
Heading and Footer Information: In the heading at the top of page 1, complete the PHA Name and PHA Fiscal Year Ending (FYE), i.e. March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31. For MOA Term, insert both the start and end dates for the MOA. The MOA term is one year and may or may not correspond with the PHA’s fiscal year. In the footer (on the following pages), enter the PHA name at the left, the total number of pages in the center, and the month and year that the MOA term starts at the right.
Operational Area: The Operational Areas are preprinted on the document. These Operational Areas include Governance; Organization and Staffing; Financial Management and Procurement; Housing Management; Property Maintenance; Resident Services and Initiatives; Capital Funds; Security; and Management Information Systems. No entry is required in this field, but entries for targets and strategies must fall under the appropriate heading.
Performance Targets: Under each operational area, identify the performance targets that apply. (See Part 2 of these instructions.) Some of the targets reflect PHAS performance standards. Additional information regarding baseline status, final target, estimated completion dates, and quarterly targets may also be needed.
Strategies: For each performance target there are a number of strategies which can lead to achieving the target. (See Part 2 of these instructions.) Additional strategies may be added and the existing ones may be modified to fit the specific PHA’s needs. The strategies shown serve as a guideline and are based on required procedures and/or recommended methods used to recover troubled PHAs. A strategy involves completing an action and should have a completion date.
Baseline: The baseline reflects measurable performance data as of a certain date, normally the beginning of the MOA term. For PHAS data, the baseline may be the date of the MASS certification, FASS submission, physical inspection, or Resident Satisfaction Survey. For other data, it may be the date of the HUD assessment. Provide the baseline data in a measurable way and provide the applicable as of date. Provide baseline information for all targets.
Final Performance Target: Using the same measure as the baseline, state the target that must be achieved during the MOA term.
Estimated Completion Date: Provide the date when the performance target or strategy is expected to be achieved. The target date may be no later than the end of the MOA term.
Quarterly Targets: For the measurable performance targets, particularly those related to PHAS, it is important to establish quarterly targets to help monitor and achieve the final target. Provide the incremental quarterly targets for the first, second, and third quarters. The fourth quarter target is also the final performance target and its completion target date is the end of the MOA term.
Lead PHA/HUD Staff: Identify the lead staff responsible for coordinating and achieving the target or strategy.
Continuation Page (Optional): Insert a continuation page where needed. Enter the PHA information as specified above. Enter the name of the Operational Area. Continue entering Performance Targets and Strategies.
Part 2 - Sample Memorandum of Agreement Performance Targets and Strategies
This is a comprehensive (though not all-inclusive) sample of Performance Targets and Strategies. Identify those that pertain to the PHA and modify as necessary to fit the specific situation. Develop new Targets and Strategies as needed to fit unique circumstances. After entering the Targets and Strategies, add baseline data, final performance targets, and estimated completion dates.
1. Governance
1.1 Establish PHA Board compliance with bylaws and applicable State laws. [Reference: 24 CFR 811.105; State Law, 1937 Act as amended] |
1.2 Establish appropriate oversight and monitoring by the Board of Commissioners. [Reference: 24 CFR 811.105; State Law, 1937 Act as amended] |
1.3 Develop and present Annual Report to appropriate local government in accordance with HA by-laws. [ Reference: HA By-laws] |
1.4 Require Appointing Officials to comply with Board members’ terms consistent with State Law. [Reference: 24 CFR 811.105; State Law, Local Law] |
1.5 Monitor implementation of the MOA. [Reference 24 CFR 902.75a] |
1.6. Take steps to enforce rights under Cooperation Agreement [Reference: 24 CFR 811.105; State Law, Local Law] |
1.7 Establish short and long-term goals and objectives for the PHA. [[Reference: 24 CFR 903.1, Public Housing Reform Act of 1998, PIH Notices 99-51 & 99-33] |
1.8 Establish goals for Section 3 and MBE/WBE Participation. [Reference 24 CFR 85.36(e), 135.30] |
1.9 Ensure permanent records of the PHA comply with applicable laws & regulations. [Reference: 24 CFR 990.201, 990.315, HA By-laws] |
1.10 HUD will provide Technical Assistance as appropriate. |
2.1 Develop, adopt and implement PHA’s Administrative Policies. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36, 965.201, HUD Guidebooks 7401.7 & 7401.1] |
2.2 Develop Operational policies and procedure manual for all agency departments. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 7401.1 & 7401.7; Public Reform Act of 1998] |
2.3 Develop/amend staffing and organizational chart. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 7401.1 & 7401.7] |
2.4 Develop a training plan for staff on general program administration.[Reference: HUD Guidebook 7401.7] |
2.5 Review, Develop and Implement Position Descriptions and Staff Performance Standards. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 701.1 & 7401.7] |
2.6 Establish and maintain employee records in accordance with Personnel Policy. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 701.1 & 7401.7] |
2.7 Recruit and hire a qualified Executive Director. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 701.1 & 7401.7, HA Personnel Policy, State Law] |
2.8 Develop and maintain current Reference Library for Commissioners and Staff. |
3.1 Improve Current Ratio (Current assets divided by current liabilities). [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.2 Increase the Expendable Fund Balance (Expendable fund balance divided by monthly operating expenses.) [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.3 Reduce Tenant Receivables Outstanding (Average number of days tenant receivable are outstanding. The gross tenant accounts receivable at year end divided by the total tenant revenue/ 365). [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.4 Reduce the Occupancy Loss which measures the vacancy rate for the year. (One minus unit months leased divided by unit months available). [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.5 Expense Management/Utilities. Review and adjust or reduce expenses as appropriate. (The expense per unit/month for key expenses, including: administration, general (PILOT), tenant services, protective services, maintenance and operations and utility expenses as adjusted for PHA size and geographical area). [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.6 Improve Net Income/Loss Ratio (Measures how the year’s operations have affected the PHA’s viability.) [Reference: 24 CFR 902, Subpart C] |
3.8 Determine the PHA’s total Financial Resources (Include other Federal, State, local and Non-profit, etc.). [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998, Five Year Plan] |
3.9 Develop and maintain an Investment Register. [ Reference: HUD Guidebook 7510.1] |
3.10 Acquire and maintain adequate insurance coverage. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 7401.5 & 7510.1; 24 CFR 965.201] |
3.11 Convert to GAAP accounting. (Transition from HUD Accounting). [Reference: 24 CFR 902.33] |
3.12 Review Property Inventory Practices and implement necessary procedures. [Reference: HUD Guidebook 7510.1] |
3.13 Execute/update General Depository Agreement. [Reference: Annual Contributions Contract; HUD Guidebook 7410.0] |
3.14 Allocate costs accurately among programs. [Reference: OMB Circular A-87] |
3.15 Improve financial management of the PHA. [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 7510.1 & 7475.1] |
3.16 Improve timely submission of reports to HUD. [Reference: HUD Guidebook 7510.1] |
3.17 Provide PHA Technical Assistance and/or Training in Financial Planning. [Reference: OIG Issues] |
3.18 Improve PHA procurement practices. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36; HUD Guidebook 7460.8] |
3.19 Verify PHA staff compliance with agency procurement policies and practices. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36, HA Procurement Policy; HUD Guidebook 7460.8] |
3.20 Provide PHA Technical Assistance and/or Training in Procurement to include: [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36] |
4 - Housing Management
4.1 Comply with current requirements regarding admission and occupancy of Public Housing. [Reference: 24 CFR 960.205; Public Housing Reform Act of 1998, Section 578; HUD Guidebook 7465.1, Chapter 5] |
4.2 Reduce vacancy loss. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
4.3 Reduce vacant unit turnaround time. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.10 & 902.43(a)(1)] |
4.4 Establish an accurate unit inventory and amend the ACC to agree with the actual number of units if necessary. [Reference: 24 CFR 990.101, 990.102, 990.109, 990.405; HUD Guidebook 7465.1] |
4.5 Develop and maintain waiting list in accordance with Admissions and Occupancy Policy. [Reference: HUD Guidebook 7465.1; Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
4.6 Resolve legal and operational problems with existing dwelling lease. [Reference: 24 CFR 966.1-7] |
4.7 Conduct Annual Re-exams in a timely manner. [Reference: 24 CFR 960.209, 990.113] |
4.8 Submit required reports to HUD on a timely basis (e.g. HUD Form 52295 (TAR), HUD Form 51234). [Reference: HUD Guidebooks 7465.1, 7475.1] |
4.9 Improve MTCS reporting to at least at an 85% level. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 908; PIH Notice 2000-13 & 99-2] |
4.10 HUD to provide Technical Assistance Training. |
5.1 Enhance staff qualifications and capabilities. [Reference: 24 CFR 5.701-705] |
5.2 Improve Work Order (WO) Performance. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.25, 902.43(a)(4)] |
5.3 Improve Maintenance operations. [Reference: PIH Notice 97-36, 64 FR 33708 dated 6/23/99] |
5.4 Inspect all buildings, sites, and systems annually. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.30, 902.23, 902.43(a)(5)] |
5.5 Improve Physical Condition score. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.30, 902.23, 902.43(a)(5)] |
5.6 Ensure 100% of dwelling units are inspected annually using UPCS and/or more stringent local code. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.30, 902.23, 902.43(a)(5)] |
5.7 Develop effective Inventory Control System for Maintenance. [Reference: HUD Guidebook 7510.1] |
5.8 Improve communications between maintenance, other PHA departments, and residents. [Reference: HA Maintenance Plan] |
6.1 Increase customer satisfaction based on the results of the REAC Customer Satisfaction Survey. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984; PIH Notice 93-23] |
6.2 Provide Technical Assistance to Resident Council Organizations. [Residence: PIH Notice 96-67] |
6.3 Improve communication between management and residents to improve customer satisfaction. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
6.4 Increase involvement and participation by community service agencies. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
6.5 Improve accountability and effectiveness of resident related grants. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984] |
6.6 Improve the rate of implementation of resident related grants. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984] |
6.7 Take appropriate action to close out old/completed resident related grant programs. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984] |
6.8 Adopt a Board Resolution supporting Economic Uplift and Self Improvement programs for residents that includes programs currently in force. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984] |
6.9 Increase Economic Development and Self-Sufficiency opportunities for residents. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 984] |
6.10 Resolve outstanding Family Self-Sufficiency program issues. |
6.11 Improve effectiveness of HOPE VI CSSP as appropriate. [Reference: 24 CFR 970, PIH Notice 99-19] |
7. Capital Funds (Modernization)
7.1 Improve the physical condition and long-term viability of the developments. [Reference: 24 CFR 968.315, 903.1-11] |
7.2 Improve the management capacity of the Authority. [Reference: 24 CFR 968.315, 903.1-11] |
7.3 Improve the timely obligation of capital funds. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.15(b)] |
7.4 Improve the timely expenditure of capital funds. [Reference: 24 CFR 901.15(a)] |
7.5. Improve the Quality of Physical Work. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36] |
7.6. Improve effectiveness of Construction contract administration procedures. [Reference: 24 CFR 968.135] |
7.7 Establish more effective budget controls and capital fund tracking procedures. [Reference: 968.320, 902.43(a)(2)] |
7.8 Address and clear all Modernization findings and observations from previous reviews, audit findings, court orders, HUD reviews, and COE findings/deficiencies. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.40] |
7.9 Comply with ADA/Section 504 requirements. [Reference: 24 CFR 968.110(a); PIH Notice 99-52] |
7.10 Comply with HUD Notice 99-11 requirements regarding hard-wired smoke detectors/sprinkler systems. [Reference: PIH Notice 99-11] |
7.11 Comply with lead based paint (LBP) and asbestos abatement requirements. [Reference: 24 CFR 965.701-711] |
7.12 Comply with energy audit requirements. [Reference: 24 CFR 965.302] |
7.13 Comply with environmental requirements. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 50] |
7.14 Reduce the findings and risk of findings in the administration of capital funds programs. [Reference: 24 CFR 85.36; HA Procurement Policy] |
7.15 Coordinate/communicate regarding modernization activities with PHA staff and residents. [Reference: 24 CFR 968.125, 901.13, 902.43(a)(2)] |
7.16 Encourage use of MBE/WBE, Section 3, and/or Resident hiring in Construction Contracts. [Reference: 24 CFR 135.30-40, 85.36e; HUD Guidebook 7401.1] |
7.17 Evaluate the need for HOPE VI and/or demolition and request funds, if applicable. [Reference: 24 CFR 970; PIH Notice 99-19] |
8.1 Reduce crime and improve the quality of life in the PHA’s developments. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998; 24 CFR Part 84 & 761] |
8.2 Establish and maintain awareness of security issues. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
8.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of applicant screening procedures in reducing crime. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
8.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of lease enforcement in reducing crime. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
8.5 Pursue non-HUD funded programs to foster drug prevention and crime reduction. [Reference: 24 CFR Part 84 & 761] |
8.6 Reduce the number of unregistered and non-resident vehicles in PHA developments. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
8.7 Reduce the number of disruptive incidents caused by non-residents. [Reference: Public Housing Reform Act of 1998] |
9.1 Resolve problems with existing MIS. |
9.2 Establish PHA capability for electronic record keeping and transmission of required reports. |
9.3 Position PHA to conduct business electronically. |
9.4. Resolve problems with PHA access and use of HUD systems. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Instructions for use of Plan Review Checklist |
Author | HUDwareII Mobile User |
Last Modified By | Preferred User |
File Modified | 2008-03-10 |
File Created | 2008-03-10 |