EECBG Better Buildings Report

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Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Status Report

EECBG Better Buildings Report

OMB: 1910-5150

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Methodology Tab
Building Type
Program Qtr Summary


BetterBuildings Grantee Report Submission

General Grantee Information

Awardee Name

Awardee Number

If you are a SubAwardee, enter your Name

Reporting Date

Preparer's Name, Contact Information

OMB Control Number 1910-5150

By checking the box, I certify that the data entered is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Sheet 2: Instructions


Please enter data for the most recent quarter in the green (mandatory) and white (voluntary) field boxes below.





Total Obligations by Grantee ($)

Obligations mean the amounts of orders placed, contracts and subgrants awarded, goods and services received, and similar transactions during a given period that will require payment by the prime recipient during the same or a future period. EECBG Program Notice 09-02B details when funds used for financing programs are considered to be obligated. Funds to be expended by a department internal to the prime recipient (i.e., not expended to reimburse a vendor nor award a sub-recipient) and not used for a financing program are considered obligated when they have been committed to the internal department that will expend the funds.
This information enables tracking of progress towards the ARRA requirement to obligate all grant monies within 18 months of the grant award.

Total Obligations by Subgrantee ($)
Total Outlays by Subgrantee ($)
Outlays (expenditures) mean charges made to the project or program. They may be reported on a cash or accrual basis. For reports prepared on a cash basis, outlays are the sum of actual cash disbursement for direct charges for goods and services, the amount of indirect expense incurred and the amount of cash advances and payments made to contractors and sub-recipients.
This information enables tracking of progress towards the ARRA requirement to expend funds within 36 months of the grant award.

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

For Definitions, References, or Rationale, see above.

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

Subgrantee Name:

The sum of these categories should equal total program costs; each line is mutually exclusive.

Total Marketing & Outreach ($)

Please report the grant expenditures for communications activities designed to identify, reach and motivate potential program participants to take actions to either learn more (e.g. audit or other informational activity) energy efficiency or initiate an energy efficiency retrofit at the PROGRAM level.
This information enables better understanding of program costs relative to program impacts.

Labor & Materials Cost ($)

Please report the grant expenditures incurred as part of an audit or retrofit directly associated with the installation of more energy efficient equipment, appliances, or building components (e.g. insulation, windows, etc.) at the PROGRAM level.
This information enables better understanding of program costs relative to program impacts.

Other Program Expenses ($)

Please report other program grant expenditures for the quarter at the PROGRAM level, not classified as materials, labor, marketing, or outreach; these expenditures may include overhead, incentives, financing, etc.
This information enables better understanding of program costs relative to program impacts.


Total Job Hours Worked (hours)

A job hour worked includes hours worked administrating or working under projects funded by ARRA and leveraged funds (i.e., state and local funds, utilities, financial institutions, private contributions, etc). This includes, but is not limited to, administrative staff, consultants and contractors involved in the management or deployment of retrofit and audit activities.
Please note this is separate and in addition to the ARRA Federal Reporting requirements. The number entered here should be equal to or greater than the sum of all audit job hours, retrofit job hours, and job hours reported via

We suggest counting job-hours from staff and consultants whose wages or salaries are paid or reimbursed with BetterBuildings or leveraged funds.

Examples include:

• The prime and sub-recipient’s administrative and program management staff hours
• Auditors and contractors working under BB and leveraged funded retrofit projects. The suggested method for quantifying audit and retrofit job hours is to request contractors to include the number of hours worked in the invoice or work order as the work is completed.
• Consultants that have billed their hours to the BB program or engaged in BB activities through leveraged partners.
• As a reminder, any hours attributed to volunteers would not be counted here. They would be counted as leveraged expenditures in row 42 or 43. Estimating the cost of the volunteer work is up to the grantees. We ask that you document a methodology.


Residential Single-Family (#)

Please enter the total number of residential single-family audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.

Residential Multi-Family Units (#)

Please enter the total number of residential multi-family unit audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.

Residential Multi-Family Buildings (#)

Please enter the total number of residential multi-family building audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.

Commercial Buildings (#)

Please enter the total number of commercial building audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.

Industrial Buildings (#)

Please enter the total number of industrial building audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.

Agricultural Buildings (#)

Please enter the total number of agricultural building audits completed among BB and leveraged partners. Information on auditor names, auditor certifications, estimated savings potential, etc. will ONLY be collected for those audits that proceed all the way to the retrofit.


Electricity (kWhrs)

Please enter the total estimated kWh saved based on the total retrofit measures installed during the most recent quarter. *If direct installation was conducted in your program, please include here the estimated savings from those efforts. In the Methodology tab, you can specify what types of measures were undertaken in your direct installation efforts.

Natural Gas (therms)

Please enter the total estimated therms saved based on the total retrofit measures installed during the most recent quarter. *If direct installation was conducted in your program, please include here the estimated savings from those efforts. In the Methodology tab, you can specify what types of measures were undertaken in your direct installation efforts.

Heating oil/LPG (gallons)

Please enter the total estimated gallons saved based on the total retrofit measures installed during the most recent quarter. *If direct installation was conducted in your program, please include here the estimated savings from those efforts. In the Methodology tab, you can specify what types of measures were undertaken in your direct installation efforts.

Total Energy Cost Savings ($)

Please enter the total annual cost savings based on the total measures installed during the most recent quarter. *If direct installation was conducted in your program, please include here the estimated savings from those efforts. In the Methodology tab, you can specify what types of measures were undertaken in your direct installation efforts.


Other Federal Expenditures ($)

Please enter the total amount of other Federal leveraged funds expended by your program during the most recent quarter. Other federal funds many include funds from EECBG and SEP, loans from HUD, etc..
This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other federal funds to generate program impacts.

Non-Federal Expenditures ($)

Please enter the total estimated amount of Non-Federal funds expended during the most recent quarter. This includes third-party, in-kind contributions, and the portion of the costs of a federally assisted project or program not borne by the Federal Government.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.


Number of active contractors performing retrofits under program

Active contractors are contractors (qualified according to your program guidance) who have performed one or more retrofits.
This information offers a basic snapshot of market transformation impacts from BetterBuildings programs.

This section tries to determine the effectiveness of a number of outreach mechanisms. We understand that some mechanisms may overlap -- for instance, a homeowner may hear of the program through a piece of mail or a phone call or a referral, but may ultimately fill out an application online.
This information offers a basic snapshot of how effective various marketing and outreach strategies were for attracting consumers to BetterBuildings programs which can inform replicability for future programs.

Business organization outreach Number attending session

Indicate the number of buildings owners that attended a meeting to learn more about your program.

Contests Number of contests

Indicate the number of contests that your program held.

Number of participants

Indicate the total number of participants in the contests.

Direct mail Number of direct mail slips

Indicate the number of direct mail pieces that were sent out.

Number of applications with direct mail IDs

Indicate the number of applications that were solicited by direct mail. If the applications enclosed with your direct mail are the same as those you might distribute in another venue, you can distinguish mail received through mail with a code or another indication.

Door to door Number of homes visited

Indicate the number of homes that were visited in any door to door outreach your program may have undertaken.

Number of homes agreeing

Indicate the number of homes that agreed to sign up for further action, whether it was an audit, a neighborhood meeting, etc.

Hotline Number of calls

Indicate the number of calls to the hotline.

Number of calls that lead to applications

Indicate the number of calls that led to applications being filled out.

One-stop-shop Number of visitors

Indicate the number of building owners who expressed interest in program service offerings, whether by phone, email, or walk-ins.

Number who requests services

Indicate the number of building owners who requested follow-up services, such as a direct installation or an audit.

Number of clients served

Indicate the number of building owners who followed through to having a retrofit conducted.

Online advertising Number of advertisements

Indicate the number of 'buys' that were placed for online advertising space through internet search ads or banners, including Facebook ads.

Number of clicks

Indicate the number of clicks on those advertisements such as internet search ads or banners, including Facebook ads.

Number of click-throughs to apply to program

Indicate the number of click-throughs that resulted in completed applications.

School, church, library Number attending session

Indicate the number of building owners who heard about the program through a school, church, or library setting.

Number of audit signups

Indicate the number of building owners who signed up for audits while marketing and outreach efforts occurred at the school, church, or library.

Neighborhood meeting

Number attending session

Indicate the number of building owners who attended a neighborhood meeting.

Social media Number of clicks

Indicate the number of clicks on links placed on any social media site, such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, or other forms of "social media" (i.e., networking tools on the Internet. This does not include any form of advertisement through these social media services. (See above for more guidance.)

Number of click-throughs to apply to program

Indicate the number of click-throughs that resulted in completed applications.

Telethon/direct phone calls Number of calls made

Indicate the number of calls made during any telethons.

Number of calls answered

Indicate the number of calls that were answered during any telethons.

Number of calls that lead to applications

Indicate the number of calls that resulted in a building owner filling out an application.

Traditional advertising: Radio Number of advertisements

Indicate the number of radio advertisements.

Traditional advertising: Newspaper Number of advertisements

Indicate the number of newspaper advertisements.

Traditional advertising: TV Number of advertisements

Indicate the number of TV advertisements.

Webinar Number of webinars

Indicate the number of webinars that were held for building owners.

Number of participants

Indicate the number of participants in the webinars.

Website Number of unique visits

Indicate the number of unique visits-- those from unique IP addresses for instance, to your program website.

Number of unique visits on application page

Indicate the number of unique visits-- those from unique IP addresses for instance, to the application page.

Number of web applicants

Indicate the number of people who successfully completed an application online.

Market Characterization

Market characterization information available (yes/no)

If available, please upload a copy of your market characterization survey via the BetterBuildings webportal (forthcoming). A market characterization study is one that identifies various audiences within your service region that enables program administrators to tailor outreach strategies and messages to specific audiences.





Example [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box] [Enter name of Loan product offering in this box]
We define financing programs according to loan product offerings, which may apply to one building sector or multiple sectors, and may be offered by unique financial institutions. If the “design” of your loan product changes (e.g., capitalization, underwriting criteria), please add the changed loan product in another column in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab. Name it something different (e.g., “Residential Loan Product v.2”). The selection of loan products will update within the financing section of the building sector tabs.

Please send the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab again in the next reporting quarter. The BB database and reporting requirements have been built acknowledging that programs will evolve over time.

Name of Originating Lender
(in most cases, a financial institution)
Lender ABC

Enter the name of the lender who originates the loan. Origination is the process of preparing, submitting, and evaluating a loan application; it generally includes a credit check, verification of employment, and a property appraisal. The originating lender is the financial institution that prepared the loan.; AFC Financial
Knowing which types of financial institutions are participating in the retrofit market enables characterization of absent financial institution types and productive dialogue with active and inactive members.

Credit Enhancements Enter dollar amounts used to fund any credit enhancements for the loan product.

Debt service reserve ($)

Debt service is the amount of money necessary to pay interest on outstanding bonds, the principal of maturing bonds and the required contributions to a sinking fund for term bonds. A debt service reserve is a fund in which moneys are placed in reserve to be used to pay debt service if pledged revenues are insufficient to satisfy the debt service requirements. The debt service reserve fund may be entirely funded with bond proceeds at the time of issuance, may be funded over time through the accumulation of pledged revenues, or may be funded only upon the occurrence of a specified event (e.g., upon failure to comply with a covenant in the bond contract). In addition, issuers may sometimes authorize the provision of a surety bond or letter of credit to satisfy the debt service reserve fund requirement in lieu of cash. If the debt service reserve fund is used in whole or part to pay debt service, the issuer usually is required to replenish the fund from the first available revenues.
Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Interest-rate buy down ($)

Enter the dollar amount used to buy down an interest rate. An interest rate buy‐down is when one party (e.g., grantee) provides a lump‐sum payment based on the net present value of the difference between a target return to the lender or loan investor and the borrower’s interest rate. This has two primary purposes: (1) increase project affordability and demand by reducing monthly payments and (2) maintaining or increasing lender / investor interest in making loans by yielding higher returns.

Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Loan-loss reserve ($) $1,000,000

Enter the dollar amount used to capitalize a loan-loss reserve. A loan loss reserve is a fund that supports a private lender that is making loans with their own capital. The loss reserve is pledged to repay the owner of the loans in the event of defaults in the portfolio of loans. Liability is capped at the amount that is put in escrow according to the contract with the lending institution -- there is no recourse to the grantee's general fund.
Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Program loan insurance ($)

Enter the dollar amount used to fund a loan insurance. Loan insurance can be used to insure loans made by private lenders to improve properties that meet certain requirements. Lending institutions make loans from their own funds to eligible borrowers to finance these improvements. Loan insurance works like other insurance policies: lenders sign up with an insurance company and pay monthly premiums, they pay off specific amounts in the event of tightly-defined events such as defaults. If there are no defaults, the premiums are still paid.
Adapted from
Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Revolving loan fund ($)

Enter the dollar amount used to capitalize a revolving loan fund (RLF). A RLF is a source of money from which loans are made. Loans are made to borrowers consistent with standard prudent lending practices. As loans are repaid by the borrowers, the money is returned to the RLF to make additional loans. In that manner, the RLF fund becomes an ongoing or "revolving" financial tool. The interest and fees paid by the RLF borrowers support program administration so that the fund’s capital base remains intact.
Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Other (name and $)

Enter the dollar amount used toward any other type of credit enhancements not listed above.

Knowing which credit enhancements are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Loan Types Indicate with a 'X' if the following applies to the loan product.

Energy Efficiency Mortgage

Energy efficiency mortgages enable homeowners to finance the cost of adding energy efficiency features to new or existing housing as part of their insured home purchase or mortgage refinancing. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Senior secured loan from lender (excluding Title I or EEMs)

A secured loan is attached to the borrower's asset and typically has a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan. Senior status indicates that in the event the lendee defaults, a senior secured loan would be paid first. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Subordinate secured loan from lender
(excluding Title I or EEMs)

A secured loan is attached to the borrower's asset and typically has a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan. Subordinate status indicates that in the event the lendee defaults, a subordinate loan would not be paid first. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Subordinate PACE

In PACE, local governments establish special tax districts with which property owners may apply for a property tax assessment in exchange for funds to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. A tax lien is a security interest in an item of property to secure the payment of debt or some other obligation, that in turn is paid-down annually or semiannually over a period of several years (usually 15 to 20 years) by the property owner via their property tax bill. A subordinate PACE has subordinate or secondary claim on an underlying security or source of payment for debt service, relative to another issue with a higher priority claim. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Unsecured loan from lender (excluding Title I) x

An unsecured loan is not attached to any of the borrower's assets and typically has a higher interest rate. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Energy Savings Performance Contracting

Energy performance contracting is a turnkey service, sometimes compared to design/build construction contracting which provides customers with a comprehensive set of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and distributed generation measures and often is accompanied with guarantees that the savings produced by a project will be sufficient to finance the full cost of the project. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.


Microloans are small loans (typically under $1000) that often have minimal underwriting criteria. Microloans may be used to incentivize specific energy improvement measures. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Power Purchase Agreement

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a contract between a power generator and a power consumer (or distributor). Historically, PPAs have been frequently signed between utilities and independent power producers as a way for the utility to procure additional generation. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

PowerSaver Loan

HUD and FHA developed PowerSaver as part of the Recovery Through Retrofit initiative launched in May 2009 by Vice President Biden’s Middle Class Task Force. Backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), PowerSaver loans will offer homeowners up to $25,000 to make energy-efficient improvements of their choice, including the installation of insulation, duct sealing, doors and windows, HVAC systems, water heaters, solar panels, and geothermal systems. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Senior PACE (Commercial)

In PACE, local governments establish special tax districts with which property owners may apply for a property tax assessment in exchange for funds to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. A tax lien is a security interest in an item of property to secure the payment of debt or some other obligation, that in turn is paid-down annually or semiannually over a period of several years (usually 15 to 20 years) by the property owner via their property tax bill. Senior PACE has first claim on an underlying security or source of payment for debt service. Senior PACE may still be an option for non Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae mortgages. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Definition of PACE:

Definition of senior lien:

Merrian Fuller, Efficiency Vermont

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Title I Home Improvement Loan

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) makes it easier for consumers to obtain affordable home improvement loans by insuring loans made by private lenders to improve properties that meet certain requirements. The Title I program insures loans to finance the light or moderate rehabilitation of properties, as well as the construction of nonresidential buildings on the property. HUD's Title I Loans on single family homes may be used for alterations, repairs and for site improvements. Loans on multifamily structures may be used only for building alteration and repairs. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.

Utility Energy Service Contract

In a Utility Energy Service Contract, a utility arranges financing to cover the capital costs of the project, which are repaid over the contract term from cost savings generated by the energy efficiency measures. With this arrangement, agencies can implement energy improvements with no initial capital investment. The net cost to the Federal agency is minimal, and the agency saves time and resources by using the one-stop shopping provided by the utility. Indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.
Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.


If the loan types above do not apply to your loan product offering, describe it in the appropriate loan product offering box, and indicate with a 'X' if this loan type describes your loan product.

Knowing which loan types are being deployed by grant programs enables a basic understanding of funding allocations and sets a baseline for tracking loan performance and attractiveness of product offerings.


If there is on-bill financing - Specify who is collecting payments: grantee, third party, property tax assessor/other (drop down)

On-bill financing/payment is a repayment mechanism for a loan. It can be structured as an on-bill loan (personal loan) or a loan attached to the meter (so the obligation to make principal and interest payments transfers when billing obligation transfers).

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan servicer (fill in) Servicer ABC

The loan servicer is the company that collects monthly mortgage payments and disperses property taxes and insurance payments. Loan servicers also monitor nonperforming loans, contact delinquent borrowers, and notify insurers and investors of potential problems. Loan servicers may be the lender or a specialized company that just handles loan servicing under contract with the lender or the investor who owns the loan.; rationale based on conversation with CL
This information increases the understanding of loan product offerings for energy efficiency and what role loan servicers have.

Collection protocol (fill in) Financial institution collects debts on $5000 or greater and debts that have been outstanding for more than 30 days.

Please describe the collection protocol used (e.g., if a third party is used, when homeowner is contacted, etc.)

This information increases the understanding of loan product offerings for energy efficiency and what effect collection protocols may have on the market.

Sector Served Indicate with a 'X' if the following sectors are served by the loan product.

Residential x

Please indicate the sector that each loan product serves.

Understanding sectoral split-out allows better analysis to be conducted on what strategies have been most effective for different sectors.




Capital Source Enter dollar amounts from each capital source for the loan product.

Public funds

BetterBuildings Grant Funds $1,000,000

Indicate what portion of the BetterBuildings grant was used for each program.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other federal funds to generate program impacts.

Other Federal Funds

Indicate any money used from other federal agencies (e.g., any money received from EECBG, SEP, Housing and Urban Development Agency, etc.)
This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other federal funds to generate program impacts.

State Funds

State funds include monies received from solely state-funded sources, including but not limited to systems benefits charges and state appropriations. This does not include money received through the State Energy Program or systems benefit charge, if the source is known.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other government funds to generate program impacts.

Local Funds

Local funds might include sources such as municipal bond financing, locally-issued Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds, and locally-issued Clean Renewable Energy Bonds.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other government funds to generate program impacts.


Indicate any other sources of capital that may have not been addressed already.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which BetterBuildings funds are/were combined with other government funds to generate program impacts.

Private funds

Bank $10,000,000

Indicate any money received from a commercial financial institution.

This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Clean Renewable Energy Bonds

Clean renewable energy bonds (CREBs) may be used by certain entities -- primarily in the public sector -- to finance renewable energy projects. The list of qualifying technologies is generally the same as that used for the federal renewable energy production tax credit (PTC). CREBs may be issued by electric cooperatives, government entities (states, cities, counties, territories, Indian tribal governments or any political subdivision thereof), and by certain lenders.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Community Development Financial Institution

A Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) is a specialized financial institution that works in market niches that are underserved by traditional financial institutions. CDFIs include regulated institutions such as community development banks and credit unions, and non-regulated institutions such as loan and venture capital funds.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Credit Union

A credit union is a member-owned, not-for-profit, cooperative financial institution. Federal credit unions are chartered by the National Credit Union Administration and member accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Non-Profit / Foundation / Socially Responsible Investment Fund

An investment fund, owned by one or more investors, is managed as one entity by one or more investors using capital to create more money through income-producing vehicles or more risk-oriented ventures. A Socially Responsible Investment Fund may fund ventures that integrate environmental, social and governance criteria into the investment strategy.;
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Performance Contracting / Direct Project Investment

Energy performance contracting is a turnkey service, sometimes compared to design/build construction contracting which provides customers with a comprehensive set of energy efficiency, renewable energy and distributed generation measures and often is accompanied with guarantees that the savings produced by a project will be sufficient to finance the full cost of the project. A performance contractor can contribute "capital" by purchasing upfront the specific measures to be installed within a building retrofit.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Private Investors / Secondary Market

The secondary market is a mechanism that allows lenders to obtain liquidity to make additional loans. Through the secondary market, the lender receives immediate liquidity which may then benefit borrowers in the form of lower interest rates and longer fixed rate terms.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.

Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs)

QECBs are qualified tax credit bonds. With tax credit bonds, generally the borrower who issues the bond pays back only the principal of the bond, and the bondholder receives federal tax credits in lieu of the traditional bond interest.
This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.


Please indicate any funds received from a utility. To the extent possible, please indicate solely only those funds received from the utility, versus a systems benefit charge or funds from the State Energy Program that may also fund activities at utilities.

This information enables better understanding of how BetterBuildings funds helped attract investments from other sources to enable program activities.


Indicate any other sources of capital that may have not been addressed already.

Underwriting Criteria

Please provide a summary of the program and its eligibility guidelines (text) Pennsylvania homeowners who own and are making qualifying improvements to their 1 to 2 unit primary residence located in Pennsylvania and whose combined annual household income is $150,000 or less are eligible to apply for a loan under the Keystone HELP Energy Efficiency Loan program. Applicants also agree to:

* Complete or provide data on energy usage for completion of the Energy Star Home Energy Yardstick or equivalent;
* Grant access to utility and fuel consumption data to the Department of Environmental Protection or its designees for 12 months from the date of loan (not applicable for Renovate and Repair ENERGY STAR Loan); and
* Complete a follow up survey in approximately 12 months from the date of loan; and
* Agree to permit a Quality Assurance inspection after the work is completed if project is selected.
* Agree to not accept any rebates or incentives for any part of the project from an Electric Distribution Company that is offering programs under Act 129 of 2008 (Act 129, 66 Pa. C.S. §§2806.1, et seq.), except for rebates for Energy Audits.

Only Keystone HELP® Approved Contractors may perform the work. All work can be financed if at least 75 percent of the project consists of qualifying improvements as listed on our program website.

Include all criteria where applicable with respect to: FICO score, annual income, debt-to-income ratio, loan-to-value ratio, savings-to-investment ratio, combined loan-to-value ratio, bankruptcy within the last 7 years, and etc. The standard measures for evaluation are the applicant’s debt-to-income ratio and FICO score, which is a score used by the credit rating industry to represent credit worthiness based on bill payment histories, current debt, and other criteria. Most programs use these standard measures; however a few use proxies for credit such as utility bill or property tax bill payment history that potentially widen the eligible pool of borrowers.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan Terms

Fixed Interest Rates Available (%) 3.50%

The interest rate is the amount of interest charged on a monthly loan payment, expressed as a percentage. Sometimes loan products will have multiple interest rates available, depending on the applicant's credit score.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Are variable interest rates available? Yes

Indicate whether variable interest rate loans (such as Adjustable Rate Mortgages) are available. Variable interest rates are loans that have an interest rate that fluctuates according to an index. This is in contrast to fixed rate loans, that have a constant rate.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

If variable interest rates are used, indicate the index to which they are attached: LIBOR

Please name the index to which the floating interest rate is attached. Some common indices used are: 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI), London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 12-month Treasury Average Index (MTA), Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT), National Average Contract Mortgage Rate, Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW)
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits. If interest rates are variable, the index will allow DOE to complete these calculations without requiring the grantee to provide regular updates.

If variable interest rates are used, indicate the maximum yearly increase in the variable interest rate: 1.50%

Please indicate, if applicable, the maximum amount by which the variable interest rate can increase in one year. This is part of the initial terms of a variable interest rate loan, such as an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM).

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits. If interest rates are variable, the maximum yearly increase will allow DOE to complete these calculations without requiring the grantee to provide regular updates.

If variable interest rates are used, indicate the lifetime interest rate ceiling (or maximum), if applicable: 10%

Describe the adjustment term and max range of the interest rate.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits. If interest rates are variable, the maximum lifetime interest rate ceiling will allow DOE to complete these calculations without requiring the grantee to provide regular updates.




Quarterly Totals Example 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Project 8 Project 9 Project 10 Project 11 Project 12 Project 13 Project 14 Project 15 Project 16 Project 17 Project 18 Project 19 Project 20 Project 21 Project 22 Project 23 Project 24 Project 25 Project 26 Project 27 Project 28 Project 29 Project 30 Project 31 Project 32 Project 33 Project 34 Project 35 Project 36 Project 37 Project 38 Project 39 Project 40 Project 41 Project 42 Project 43 Project 44 Project 45 Project 46 Project 47 Project 48 Project 49 Project 50 Project 51 Project 52 Project 53 Project 54 Project 55 Project 56 Project 57 Project 58 Project 59 Project 60 Project 61 Project 62 Project 63 Project 64 Project 65 Project 66 Project 67 Project 68 Project 69 Project 70 Project 71 Project 72 Project 73 Project 74 Project 75 Project 76 Project 77 Project 78 Project 79 Project 80 Project 81 Project 82 Project 83 Project 84 Project 85 Project 86 Project 87 Project 88 Project 89 Project 90 Project 91 Project 92 Project 93 Project 94 Project 95 Project 96 Project 97 Project 98 Project 99 Project 100 Project 101 Project 102 Project 103 Project 104 Project 105 Project 106 Project 107 Project 108 Project 109 Project 110 Project 111 Project 112 Project 113 Project 114 Project 115 Project 116 Project 117 Project 118 Project 119 Project 120 Project 121 Project 122 Project 123 Project 124 Project 125 Project 126 Project 127 Project 128 Project 129 Project 130 Project 131 Project 132 Project 133 Project 134 Project 135 Project 136 Project 137 Project 138 Project 139 Project 140 Project 141 Project 142 Project 143 Project 144 Project 145 Project 146 Project 147 Project 148 Project 149 Project 150 Project 151 Project 152 Project 153 Project 154 Project 155 Project 156 Project 157 Project 158 Project 159 Project 160 Project 161 Project 162 Project 163 Project 164 Project 165 Project 166 Project 167 Project 168 Project 169 Project 170 Project 171 Project 172 Project 173 Project 174 Project 175 Project 176 Project 177 Project 178 Project 179 Project 180 Project 181 Project 182 Project 183 Project 184 Project 185 Project 186 Project 187 Project 188 Project 189 Project 190 Project 191 Project 192 Project 193 Project 194 Project 195 Project 196 Project 197 Project 198 Project 199 Project 200

GENERAL PROJECT DATA Quarterly totals are self-calculating

This section is for collecting general data about the project.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Unique Project ID Number 0 12345-6789

Please assign a unique project ID number. Grantees may choose whatever ID numbering system best suits their needs. DOE will append a unique ID in front of the grantee-chosen ID in its database to establish unique IDs across BetterBuilding grantees.

This unique project ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique project ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

Location: Zip Code (#####)

Enter a five-digit zip code. If a nine-digit zip code is preferred, leave this row blank and enter it in the next row.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

Location: Zip Code (#####-####)

If preferable, enter a nine-digit zip code.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

Building type (drop down)
Owner-Occupied Single Family Site Built

Select the type of residence: owner-occupied single family, single family rental, multifamily, owner-occupied mobile, renter-occupied mobile, or shelter.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation.


This section is for collecting general data about the building on which the retrofit was/will be performed.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Electricity Electricity Service Provider Name
Pacific Power

Please enter the name of electricity service provider that bills the building customer.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Natural Gas Natural Gas Service Provider Name
Ignore if natural gas does not apply, and see next section

NW Natural

Please enter the name of the natural gas service provider that bills the building customer.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Other Primary Fuel Primary Energy Fuel (drop down)
Ignore if electricity and natural gas are the only fuels that the building owner uses.

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, select one of the fuels that the building uses.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.


This section is for collecting information about residential building audits.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Date of Audit Completion 0 1/15/2011

Please indicate when the audit was completed. If multiple audits were completed, please report the audit that is most relevant to enabling a subsequent retrofit to be undertaken. The audit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Audit Software (drop down)
CSG Real Home Analyzer

Please select the software that the auditor used to estimate energy savings.

Knowing what software was used to complete an audit may enable analysis of its accuracy relative to actual savings achieved.

Total Job Hours 0 4

Information on job hours could be requested from auditors and obtained on the audit report itself. Reporting audit job-hours may also be done through estimation following discussions with the auditors who are part of your program, based on an average number of hours per audit completed.

This metric is being collected to track actual program impacts, partially in response to grantees who wanted to be able to report actual jobs created.

Total Audit Invoiced Cost ($) $- $600.00

For the audit costs, we are only requiring the total invoiced audit cost (i.e., what the contractor is ultimately being paid).

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to further drive down costs.

Copy of Audit Report Uploaded (1 if yes)

Please indicate whether the audit report for this building is available to be uploaded (e.g., in PDF or a zip file) via a web portal.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings.

Electricity Estimated electricity saved per year (kWh) 0 1900

Include the estimate of kWh savings possible per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings of kWh per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Natural Gas Estimated natural gas savings per year (therms) 0 200

Include the estimate of possible therms savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

If CCF units preferred, enter estimated CCF saved per year instead. 0

Include the estimate of possible CCF savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings natural gas per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year by the building owner's natural gas use (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate the appropriate units and the quantity of potential fuel savings estimated by the audit.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

Please select the appropriate units from the dropdown menu.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Expected annual energy savings per year [in units above]

Please include the estimated other primary fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the audit report.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated savings (specified units) per year by the building owner's eneryg usage (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.


This section is for collecting information relating to retrofits that were performed.

This information will enable better understanding of the types of retrofits that were performed as part of the BetterBuildings program.

Retrofit Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please enter the date the retrofit started. A retrofit is defined as a project that is anticipated to achieve at least 15% energy savings over the course of the BetterBuildings program. A project site can undergo multiple retrofits to achieve greater than or equal to 15% energy savings.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables tracking of how long it takes for retrofits to be completed.

Retrofit Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 2/14/2011

Please enter the date on which the retrofit was completed. A retrofit is defined as a project that is anticipated to achieve at least 15% energy savings. If multiple retrofits were completed, indicate the last retrofit completed, and the cumulative results from the work. The retrofit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Knowing when a retrofit is completed is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit energy savings analyses.

Name of Contractor Company

Enter the full name of the company who performed the retrofit.

Enables post-completion interviews as part of a retrospective evaluation. Can also allow for analysis of contractor results.

Contractor Certification 1 (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.

This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification 2 (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.

This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification 3 (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.

This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Total Retrofit Job Hours 0 15

Please indicate how many job hours (persons multiplied by hours worked) total were needed to complete the project.

This metric is being collected to track actual program impacts, in part in response to grantees who wanted to be able to report actual jobs created.

Total Retrofit Invoiced Cost $- $20,000.00

Enter the total cost of the retrofit (customer contribution plus BetterBuildings funds plus other leveraged funds.) Other leveraged funds can include those from both Federal and non-Federal sources (EECBG, SEP, financial institutions listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab, etc.)

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to further drive down costs.

Loan Amount ($) $- $10,000.00

Enter the amount of the loan(s) taken on by the customer.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which financing is used by building owners to facilitate retrofits.


This section is for collecting information about what measures or equipment were installed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This subsection is for collecting information about heating equipment that was installed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Furnace (#) 0

If a new furnace was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Boiler (#) 0

If a new boiler was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Wood Stove (#) 0

If a new wood stove was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Water Heater (#) 0

If a new water heater was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field. Water heaters include any of the following types: Storage water heater, Dedicated boiler with storage tank, Instantaneous water heater, Heat pump water heater, Space-heating boiler with storage tank, Space-heating boiler with tankless coil, Solar, and Solar preheat.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


Heat Pump (#) 0

If a new heat pump was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field. Heat pumps include both ground source heat pumps (i.e., geothermal heat pumps), and air-source heat pumps.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This subsection is for collecting information about cooling equipment that was installed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Air Conditioner (#) 0 1

If a new air conditioner was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field. Air conditioners may include central A/C, mini-split A/C, or window A/C.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Ventilation System (1 if yes) 0

If a new ventilation system was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This subsection is for collecting information about energy conservation measures that were installed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Attic Insulation (1 if yes) 0 1

If new attic insulation was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Duct Insulation (1 if yes) 0 1

If new duct insulation was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Wall Insulation (1 if yes) 0

If new wall insulation was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Floor/Foundation Insulation (1 if yes) 0 1

If new floor insulation was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field. Foundation insulation can be applied in the crawl space, inside, or outside the foundation wall. Insulation can also be placed horizontally under the slab.
This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Windows Installed/Replaced (#) 0

If one or more new windows were installed, indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Air Sealing (1 if yes) 0 1

If air sealing measures were installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field. In air sealing, trained workers seal the air leakage points using a variety of materials, such as insulation, caulk, foam, vapor barriers, and weather-stripping. Areas that can be air sealed include the following: attic, fenestrations, cantilevers, home-garage connection, rim joist, crawlspace, other.
This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Duct Sealing (1 if yes) 0 1

If new duct sealing was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.
This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Refrigerator (#) 0

If a new refrigerator was installed, please indicate by entering a '1' in the field.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This section is for indicating the installation of other equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Power correction factor 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in cell C157

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


Grantees should report energy savings from program activities. These savings can be calculated using whichever method optimizes the accuracy of the prediction and the reporting time required.

Because recommended audit measures may differ from measures that are actually installed, understanding estimated energy savings of the actual installed equipment is necessary to compare estimated vs. actual energy savings. Utility bills are needed to calculate actual energy savings and costs savings accurately.

Source or method for prediction (drop down)
deemed savings

Grantees should report estimated energy savings based on what was actually installed during the retrofit. Please specify what estimation methodology was used (e.g., post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or other methodology)

Please indicate how estimated savings for each project were quantified. These estimates can be compared later with actual savings data from utility bills.

Electricity Expected kWh saved per year for installed measures 0 1700

Include the estimated kWh savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings kWh for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Natural Gas Expected therms saved per year for installed measures 0 180

Include the estimated therms savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

If CCF units are preferred, indicate expected CCFs saved per year for installed measures 0

If preferred, indicate the estimated CCF savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings natural gas for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's natural gas savings (therms or CCF) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the home uses another primary energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

If the home is heated by an energy source other than natural gas or electricity, please indicate the appropriate units for that fuel.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected energy saved per year for installed measures [in units above]

Include the estimated energy fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated % savings for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated heating oil/propane/LPG savings per year for the installed measures by the building owner's heating oil/propane/LPG savings over the past 12 months (in the same units). Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated annual cost savings ($) $- $250.00

Include the annual cost savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This section is for capturing information related to any renewable energy systems that were installed as part of the retrofit.

Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Type of Renewable Installation (drop down)

Select the renewable energy system that was installed with this project. Eligible renewable energy systems are defined by the EECBG ARRA reporting requirements: solar, wind, solar thermal (i.e., solar water heaters), geothermal (i.e., ground source heat pumps), biomass, and hydropower.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Units (drop down)

Select the appropriate units to designate the capacity of the renewable energy installation. The following are the expected units that would be reported with each renewable energy sytem: Solar [kW], wind [kW], solar thermal (i.e., solar water heater) [square feet], ground source geothermal systems (i.e., ground source heat pumps) [tons], biomass [kW] for non-transport applications, otherwise [gallons per year], hydropower [kW], capacity of other systems [BTU/h].
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Nameplate System Capacity

Report the capacity of the renewable energy system.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable System Job Hours 0

Include the number of job-hours that were required to install the renewable energy system. Include the hours from the contractor and the crew.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable Energy System Invoiced Cost ($) $-

Enter the total cost of the renewable energy system.

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down costs.


This section is for indicating whether permission has been received to access utility account data.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Electric utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the electric utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Gas utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the gas utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Fuel Suppliers for Fuel oil, LPG, etc (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the energy supplier. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

QA/QC If a job report review was completed, mark a '1' 0 1

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed; ensure that the unique ID # is linked to the activity. A job report review process typically involves review of retrofit project paperwork or other off-site review that checks program compliance and provides for follow-up with the contractor when necessary.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.

If on-site field inspections were conducted, mark a '1' 0 1

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed. Ensure that the unique ID # is linked to that activity. On-site inspections focus on evaluating a participating contractor’s performance of a home energy assessment, development of a scope of work of eligible improvements, and/or proper installation of the improvements selected by the customer.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.


This section is for collecting information related to the rejection of a loan application.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan application rejected? (1 if yes) 0

Indicate if the building owner applied for a loan, but was rejected.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for collecting information related to the the residential loan terms.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Which loan product was used to finance the retrofit?
(As listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO Tab)

[Enter name of Loan product offering in this box]

List the loan product offering that the applicant used to finance the retrofit.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Approved Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

If the loan was approved, please enter the date when the loan was funded.

Knowing when a loan is approved is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit data.

Compounding Period (# of times per year)

Compounding period indicates the number of times a year that the interest rate is applied to the cost of the loan.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Term (# of Months)

The loan term is the period of time agreed upon by the lender and the borrower to repay the loan.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Fixed Interest Rate (%)

The amount of interest charged on a monthly loan payment, expressed as a percentage.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Initial Interest Rate if Variable (%)

The initial interest rate is the rate stated in the adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) note that will be in effect from the date of the first monthly payment for the ARM. The index to which the floating interest rate is attached should be noted in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for collecting information related to residential underwriting criteria.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Annual Income ($)

The annual income of the lendee is part of the process of analyzing a loan application to determine the amount of risk involved in making the loan., "Underwriting"
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Middle Credit Score (FICO)

FICO is an abbreviation for Fair Isaac Corporation and refers to a person's credit score based on credit history. Lenders and credit card companies use the number to decide if the person is likely to pay his or her bills. A credit score is evaluated using information from the three major credit bureaus and is usually between 300 and 850. When evaluating a borrower's eligibility for a loan, financial institutions typically pull the borrower's credit history which contains all three scores. Since the scores may vary slightly, here we ask for the second highest credit score (median), in order to standardize reporting.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt-to-Income Ratio (Front End)

Debt-to-income ratio is a comparison or ratio of gross income to housing and non-housing expenses. With the FHA, the mortgage payment combined with non-housing debts should not exceed 41% of income. The front-end debt-to-income ratio is calculated with housing debts.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt-to-Income Ratio (Back End)

Debt-to-income ratio is a comparison or ratio of gross income to housing and non-housing expenses. For example, with the FHA, the-monthly mortgage payment should be no more than 29% of monthly gross income (before taxes). The back-end debt-to-income ratio is calculated with non-housing debts.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Property Valuation ($ or n/a)

Property valuation is an estimation of the current market value of a property., "Appraised Value"
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Mortgage Debt ($)

Please enter any debt the homeowner may already have prior to applying for the loan. This may be a car loan or credit card debt that is not yet paid.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Home Equity Line ($)

Home equity line of credit is a mortgage loan, usually a second mortgage, allowing a borrower to obtain cash against the equity of a home, up to a predetermined amount.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Other Debt ($)

Please enter any debt the homeowner may already have prior to applying for the loan. For example, these may include debts on a car loan or credit card. Definitions will depend on the financial institution.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Existing Liens on Property ($)

A lien is a legal claim against property that must be satisfied when the property is sold.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan-to-Value Ratio

Loan-to-value ratio is a percentage calculated by dividing the amount borrowed by the price or appraised value of the home to be purchased; the higher the LTV, the less cash a borrower is required to pay as down payment.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Previous bankruptcy or foreclosure in past 7 years? (1 if yes)

Please indicate if the applicant has previously filed for bankruptcy or had a property foreclosed in the last 7 years.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Utility Bill History

If historical utility bill payments are used as residential underwriting criteria, please use whatever the financial institution uses to specify the credit worthiness of the loan applicant here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Streamlined loan payment history and placed in separate tabs, called "January, February, March"


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Quarterly Totals Example 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Project 8 Project 9 Project 10 Project 11 Project 12 Project 13 Project 14 Project 15 Project 16 Project 17 Project 18 Project 19 Project 20 Project 21 Project 22 Project 23 Project 24 Project 25 Project 26 Project 27 Project 28 Project 29 Project 30 Project 31 Project 32 Project 33 Project 34 Project 35 Project 36 Project 37 Project 38 Project 39 Project 40 Project 41 Project 42 Project 43 Project 44 Project 45 Project 46 Project 47 Project 48 Project 49 Project 50 Project 51 Project 52 Project 53 Project 54 Project 55 Project 56 Project 57 Project 58 Project 59 Project 60 Project 61 Project 62 Project 63 Project 64 Project 65 Project 66 Project 67 Project 68 Project 69 Project 70 Project 71 Project 72 Project 73 Project 74 Project 75 Project 76 Project 77 Project 78 Project 79 Project 80 Project 81 Project 82 Project 83 Project 84 Project 85 Project 86 Project 87 Project 88 Project 89 Project 90 Project 91 Project 92 Project 93 Project 94 Project 95 Project 96 Project 97 Project 98 Project 99 Project 100 Project 101 Project 102 Project 103 Project 104 Project 105 Project 106 Project 107 Project 108 Project 109 Project 110 Project 111 Project 112 Project 113 Project 114 Project 115 Project 116 Project 117 Project 118 Project 119 Project 120 Project 121 Project 122 Project 123 Project 124 Project 125 Project 126 Project 127 Project 128 Project 129 Project 130 Project 131 Project 132 Project 133 Project 134 Project 135 Project 136 Project 137 Project 138 Project 139 Project 140 Project 141 Project 142 Project 143 Project 144 Project 145 Project 146 Project 147 Project 148 Project 149 Project 150 Project 151 Project 152 Project 153 Project 154 Project 155 Project 156 Project 157 Project 158 Project 159 Project 160 Project 161 Project 162 Project 163 Project 164 Project 165 Project 166 Project 167 Project 168 Project 169 Project 170 Project 171 Project 172 Project 173 Project 174 Project 175 Project 176 Project 177 Project 178 Project 179 Project 180 Project 181 Project 182 Project 183 Project 184 Project 185 Project 186 Project 187 Project 188 Project 189 Project 190 Project 191 Project 192 Project 193 Project 194 Project 195 Project 196 Project 197 Project 198 Project 199 Project 200

GENERAL PROJECT DATA Quarterly totals are self-calculating

This section is for collecting general data about the project.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Unique Project ID Number 0 GWL001

Please assign a unique project ID number. Grantees may choose whatever ID numbering system that best suits their needs. DOE will append a unique ID in front of the grantee-chosen ID in its database to establish unique IDs across BetterBuilding grantees.

This unique project ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique project ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

Unique Building ID Number (for multi-family/mixed-use) 0

Assign a unique Building ID Number to the entire "site," where more than one "Project" may have occurred. This can be used for either multifamily buildings or mixed use buildings.

We will now ask grantees to report activities for multifamily in the Commercial tab. This will enable the reporting the installation of large building central heating and cooling equipment, as well as residential type equipment.
Three pieces of information are important to report for multifamily in order to give context: the number of treated units, the total number of units in the building, and the % floorspace affected (for those that treat common spaces).
You can report multifamily retrofits two ways - as a whole building or on a unit by unit basis.
1. Reporting retrofits as one 'whole building'
a. Use the same ID number for the Building ID field and the Project ID field
b. Indicate the number of units treated, total units in the building, and % floor space affected.
c. Report total measures installed and energy savings estimates at the aggregated building level, not unit/apartment level

2. Reporting retrofits on a unit by unit basis
a. Use a different unique Project ID for each unit retrofitted but a common Building ID that is shared between each unit belonging to the same multifamily building.
b. Indicate total units in the building and scope of retrofit.
c. Proceed to report measures installed and energy savings on a unit level.
d. Fill out as many more columns you need for each retrofitted unit
This unique building ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique building ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

Location: Zip Code

Enter a five-digit zip code.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations. A zip code helps estimate heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

Location: Zip Code (#####-####)

If preferable, enter a nine-digit zip code.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.


This section is for collecting general data about the building on which the retrofit was/will be performed.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Building Floorspace (square feet) 0 103000

Building floorspace includes all the area enclosed by the exterior walls of the building, both finished and unfinished, including indoor parking facilities, basements, hallways, lobbies, stairways, and elevator shafts.
Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations. Total building floorspace assists in model validation and maintaining consistency with the Energy Information Administration's Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey enables helpful comparisons.

Electricity Electric Utility Name
Niagara Peninsula Energy, Inc

Please enter the name of electricity service provider that bills the building customer.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations.

Natural Gas Natural Gas Utility Name
Ignore if natural gas does not apply, and see next section

Enbridge, Inc

Please enter the name of the natural gas service provider that bills the building customer.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations.

Other Primary Fuel Primary Energy Fuel (drop down)
Ignore if electricity and natural gas are the only fuels that the building owner uses.

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, select one of the fuels that the building uses.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.


This section is for collecting information about commerical building audits.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Date of Audit Completion (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please indicate when the audit was completed. If multiple audits were completed, please report the audit that is most relevant to enabling a subsequent retrofit to be undertaken. The audit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Audit Software/Type (drop down)
ASHRAE Level 1

Please select the type of energy modeling used as part of the audit. Examples include eQuest, DOE2, and Trace, among others. Also, please select the type of audit that was performed. Audit type options may include Preliminary Energy Use Analysis (overview/walk-thru audit), ASHRAE Level 1, ASHRAE Level 2, or an energy audit following COMNET procedures, among others.
Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Total Job Hours 0 12

Enter the number of hours from each contractor employee that were required to perform the audit. This information could also be requested from auditors and obtained on the audit report itself. Reporting audit job-hours may also be done by estimations through discussions with the auditors who are part of your program, based on the average number of hours per audit completed.

This metric is being collected as a response to grantees' requests to track actual jobs created.

Total Invoiced Audit Cost ($) $- $2,000.00

Enter the total invoiced audit cost (i.e., what the contractor is ultimately being paid).

Disaggregated audit cost breakdown will help us understand where in the supply chain cost is being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down additional costs.

Copy of Audit Report Uploaded (1 if yes)

Please indicate whether the audit report for this building is available to be uploaded (e.g., in PDF or a zip file) via a web portal.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Electricity Estimated electricity saved per year (kWh) 0

Include the estimate of kWh savings possible per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings of kWh per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Natural Gas Estimated natural gas savings per year (therms) 0

Include the estimate of possible therms savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

If CCF units preferred, enter estimated CCFs saved per year instead. 0 25,000

Include the estimate of possible CCF savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings natural gas per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year by the building owner's natural gas use (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate the appropriate units and the quantity of potential fuel savings estimated by the audit.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

Please select the appropriate units from the dropdown menu.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Expected annual energy savings per year [in units above]

Please include the estimated other primary fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the audit report.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated savings (specified units) per year by the building owner's eneryg usage (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.


This section is for collecting information relating to retrofits that were performed.

This information will enable better understanding of the types of retrofits that were performed as part of the BetterBuildings program.

Retrofit Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please enter when the retrofit started. A retrofit is defined as a project site that achieves at least 15% energy savings over the course of the BetterBuildings program. A project site can under multiple retrofits to achieve greater than or equal to 15% savings.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables understanding of how timely retrofits are completed.

Retrofit Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 6/1/2011

Please enter the date at which the retrofit was completed. A retrofit is defined as a project that achieves at least 15% energy savings. If multiple retrofits were completed, indicate the last retrofit done, and the cumulative results from the work. The retrofit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables understanding of how timely retrofits are completed.

Name of Contractor Company
Enbridge, Inc

Full name of the company who performed the retrofit.

Enables post-completion interviews as part of a retrospective evaluation. Can also allow for analysis of contractor results.

Contractor Certification or License Type 1 (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification or License Type 2 (if applicable) (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification or License Type 3 (if applicable) (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Scope of Retrofit (% of Building Floorspace)

If the whole building was not audited and retrofitted, please indicate what percentage of the building floorspace was affected by the retrofit.

This information enables understanding of whether specific areas of a building were targeted for energy savings, or if sweeping energy saving-measures were implemented across a building or facility.  This information also provides context for the length, cost, and characteristics of the retrofit.

Total Retrofit Job Hours 0 200

Please indicate how many job hours (persons multiplied by hours worked) total were needed for the project.

This information enables understanding of the employment opportunities created through the retrofit industry.

Total Retrofit Invoiced Cost $- $1,600,000

Estimate the cost of the retrofit to the customer.

Disaggregated costs breakdown will help us understand where in the supply chain is cost being driven down and where new innovations are needed in driving down additional costs.

Loan Amount ($) $- $100,000

Enter the amount of the loan(s) taken on by the customer.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which financing is used by building owners to facilitate retrofits.


This space is for indicating aspects of the retrofit that are not associated with the installation of a specific piece of equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Addition or Annex (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if there were any additions or annexes to the building as part of the retrofit. An addition is defined as an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building outside of the existing building envelope.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Total added floorspace (square feet)

Please indicate how much total floorspace was added to the building (in ft2).

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Reduction in Floorspace (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if there was a reduction in building floorspace as part of the retrofit. This would be a reduction in the sum of the floor areas of the spaces within the building, including basements, mezzanine, and intermediate-floored tiers, and penthouses with a headroom height of 7.5 ft or greater.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Total reduction in floorspace (square feet)

Please indicate how much total floorspace was removed from the building (in ft2).

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Exterior Wall or Roof Replacement (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any exterior walls or roofing was replaced as part of the retrofit. An exterior wall is a portion of the building envelope including opaque area and fenestration, that is vertical or tilted at an angle of 60 degrees from horizontal or greater, that separates conditioned spaces from the exterior. Roofing is defined as the upper portion of the building envelope, including opaque areas and fenestration, that is horizontal or tilted at an angle of less than 60 degrees from horizontal.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

HVAC Equipment Upgrade (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate if any HVAC equipment was upgraded as part of the retrofit. HVAC systems include the equipment, distribution systems, and terminals that provide, either collectively or individually, the processes of heating, ventilating, or air conditioning to a building or portion of a building.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Heat exchanger replacements (# replaced) 0

Requested by Lowell, MA. Sometimes an appliance's heat exchanger (e.g., in the case of a HVAC or water heater) will be replaced, instead of repairing the entire appliance.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Type (drop down)

Specify which appliance's heat exchanger was replaced.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Fenestration (Window) Replacement (# replaced) 0

Please indicate if any windows were replaced as part of the retrofit. Fenestration includes all areas (including the frames) in the building envelope that let in light, including windows, plastic panels, clerestories, skylights, doors that are more than one-half glass, and glass block walls.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Ceiling Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if under-roof ceiling insulation was upgraded in the course of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Wall Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any wall insulation was upgraded as part of the retrofit. Wall insulation refers to insulation placed between the exterior and interior walls of the building. This is any material that when placed between the interior surface of the building and the exterior surface of the building, reduces the rate of heat loss to the environment or heat gain from the environment.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Floor Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any floor insulation was upgraded as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for describing new measures and equipment that were installed as part of the retrofit. This includes devices for comfort conditioning, lighting, cooking, or service water heating including, but not limited to, furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, heat pumps, chillers, water heaters, lamps, luminaires, or other devices or installations.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for the equipment used for heating ambient air in a building, such as a heat pump, furnace, boiler, packaged heating unit, individual space heater, and district steam or hot water piped in from outside the building.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Boilers (# installed) 0 12

Indicate if a boiler was installed. A boiler is a type of space-heating equipment consisting of a vessel or tank where heat produced from the combustion of such fuels as natural gas, fuel oil, or coal is used to generate hot water or steam. Many buildings have their own boilers, while other buildings have steam or hot water piped in from a central plant (known as district heat).
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Furnaces (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a furnace was installed. A furnace is a type of space-heating equipment with an enclosed chamber where fuel is burned or electrical resistance is used to heat air directly without steam or hot water. The heated air is then distributed throughout a building, typically by air ducts.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Units (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a packaged heating unit was installed. A packaged heating unit is a type of heating equipment that is assembled at a factory and installed as a self-contained unit. Packaged units are in contrast to engineer-specified units built up from individual components for use in a given building. They are generally mounted on the roof of the building, but also sometimes located on a slab outside the building. Packaged units produce warm air directly and distribute it throughout the building by ducts or a similar distribution system.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for the equipment used for cooling room air in a building for human comfort.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (# installed) 0 406

Please indicate if an individual air conditioner was installed. An individual air conditioner is a type of cooling equipment installed in either walls or windows (with heat-radiating condensers exposed to the outdoor air). These self-contained units are characterized by a lack of pipes or duct work for distributing the cool air; the units condition only air in the room or areas where they are located. This category includes what are commonly termed Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC).
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Units (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a packaged air conditioning unit was installed. A packaged air conditioning unit is a type of cooling equipment that is assembled at a factory and installed as a self-contained unit. Packaged units are in contrast to engineer-specified units built up from individual components for use in a given building. They are generally mounted on the roof of the building, but also sometimes located on a slab outside the building. Packaged units produce cool air directly and distribute it throughout the building by ducts or a similar distribution system. Some types of electric packaged units are also called "Direct Expansion," or DX, units. Heat Pumps are included in this category.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Residential-Type Central Air Conditioners (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a residential-type central air conditioner was installed. A residential-type central air conditioner is a type of cooling equipment in which there are four basic parts: (1) a condensing unit, (2) a cooling coil, (3) ductwork, and (4) a control mechanism, such as a thermostat.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Central Chillers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a central chiller was installed. A central chiller is a type of cooling equipment that is centrally located and that produces chilled water in order to cool air. The chilled water or cold air is then distributed throughout the building by use of pipes or air ducts, or both. These systems are also commonly known as "chillers," "centrifugal chillers," "reciprocating chillers," or "absorption chillers." Chillers are generally located in, or just outside, the building they serve.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for equipment used for automatically controlled, thermally-insulated equipment designed for heating water at temperatures less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit for purposes other than space heating.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Electric Water Heaters (# installed) 0

Please indicate if an electric water heater was installed. An electric water heater is a water heater utilizing electrical resistance as its heating source, and is designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically controlled temperature of less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Gas Water Heaters (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a gas water heater was installed. A gas water heater is a water heater utilizing the combustion of natural gas as its heating source, and is designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically controlled temperature of less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Solar Water Heater (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a solar thermal water heater was installed. Solar thermal water heaters use sunlight to heat water. There are several types of solar thermal water heater architectures. These include batch collectors, thermo-syphon, open-loop direct, pressurized glycol, and closed-loop drainback. A solar thermal water heater includes storage tanks and solar collectors, and can be either an active system (with circulating pumps and controls) or a passive system (without). They are commonly sized to provide 50% of the total hot water needs of the building.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


The section is for describing any lighting upgrades, replacements, or installations that were performed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

T8s (# installed) 0

Please indicate if T8 fluorescent lamps were installed. T8 lamps have a tube diameter of 1 inch. These are usually long, narrow, white tubes made of glass coated on the inside with fluorescent material, which is connected to a fixture at both ends of the light bulb; some are circular tubes. The light bulb produces light by passing electricity through mercury vapor, which causes the fluorescent coating to glow or fluoresce.

U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.; also
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

T5s (# installed) 0

Please indicate if T5 fluorescent lamps were installed. T5 lamps have a tube diameter of 5/8 inch. These are usually long, narrow, white tubes made of glass coated on the inside with fluorescent material, which is connected to a fixture at both ends of the light bulb; some are circular tubes. The light bulb produces light by passing electricity through mercury vapor, which causes the fluorescent coating to glow or fluoresce.
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.; also
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

LEDs (# installed) 0

Please indicate if light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were installed. This should include LED Replacement Fixtures. LEDs are based on inorganic (non-carbon based) materials. An LED is a semi-conducting device that produces light when an electrical current flow through it.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W)
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

CFLs (# installed) 0

Please indicate if compact fluorescent lamps were installed. These are also known as "screw-in fluorescent replacements for incandescent" or"screw-ins." Compact fluorescent bulbs combine the efficiency of fluorescent lighting with the convenience of a standard incandescent bulb. There are many styles of compact fluorescents, including exit light fixtures and floodlights (lamps containing reflectors). Many screw into a standard light socket, and most produce a similar color of light as a standard incandescent bulb. Compact fluorescent bulbs come with ballasts that are electronic (lightweight, instant, no-flicker starting, and 10 to 15% more efficient) or magnetic (much heavier and slower starting). Other types of compact fluorescent bulbs include adaptive circulation and PL and SL lamps and ballasts. Compact fluorescent bulbs are designed for residential uses; they are also used in table lamps, wall sconces, and hall and ceiling fixtures of hotels, motels, hospitals, and other types of commercial buildings with residential-type applications.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Lighting Controls (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if lighting controls were installed as part of a lighting system upgrade. End users utilize lighting controls for aesthetic control and for energy management. Energy management controls for lighting systems provide energy and cost savings through reducing power or reducing time of use.
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for indicating the installation of cooking-related and laundry appliances and products.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Ovens (# installed) 0

Please indicate if ovens were installed. Ovens are the most widely used cooking device for commercial cooking applications. There are many types of ovens in use, utilizing all three forms of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Types may include convection, deck, combination, rack and rotating rack, cook-and-hold, and conveyor-type ovens.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Fryers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if fryers were installed. Fryers cook foods by immersing them in oil heated to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The surrounding oil heats the moisture in the food and begins to cook the food from the inside. Fryers are available in gas and electric models.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Steamers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if steamers were installed. Steamers cook food primarily using steam generated from separate boilers, or self-generated steam. Hot steam condenses on the surface of the food, transferring heat from the vapor to the food. The two basic types of steamers are pressure-less (atmospheric) and pressurized.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Griddles (# installed) 0

Please indicate if griddles were installed. Griddles are used for many purposes including crisping, browning, searing, warming, and toasting. Food is cooked by contact with a hot plate that is heated either by gas burners or electric heating elements below. The majority of energy used in griddles is by gas burners or electric heating elements to provide heat to the cooking surface.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Broilers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if boilers were installed. Broilers are used to cook meat and seafood, brown foods, reheat plated food, and melt cheese. Types include the standard underfired broiler, overfired broiler, and salamander broiler. Broilers are available in gas or electric models, though gas models are much more common.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Dishwashers (# installed) 0

Indicate if commercial dishwashers were installed. Commercial dishwashers use building-supplied hot water, gas, and electricity in conjunction with detergents and chemical agents to clean dishes. Conveyor dishwashers are the most common type of commercial dishwasher.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Clothes Washers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a clothes washer was installed. Clothes washer types include single-load commercial washers, top loading washers, front loading washers, multi-load washers, washer extractors, and tunnel washers.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Clothes Dryers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if clothes dryers were installed. Commercial clothes dryers are segmented into single-load dryers for coin-operated and multi-housing laundries, larger capacity tumbler dryers for coin-ops and on-premise laundries, and industrial-sized dryers for off-premise industrial laundries. The different dryer types include standard and high capacity tumbler dryers, stacked dryers, and industrial-sized dryers.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


The following section is for indicating the installation of any refrigeration equipment. Refrigeration equipment is used for lowering the temperature through a mechanical process. In a typical refrigeration unit, electricity powers a motor that runs a pump to compress the refrigerant to maintain proper pressure. (A "refrigerant" is a substance that changes between liquid and gaseous states under desirable temperature and pressure conditions.) Heat from the compressed liquid is removed and discharged from the unit and the refrigerant then evaporates when pressure is reduced. The refrigerant picks up heat as it evaporates and it returns to the compressor to repeat the cycle. A few refrigeration units use gas (either natural gas or LPG) in an absorption process that does not use a compressor. The gas is burned to heat a chemical solution in which the refrigerant has been absorbed. Heating drives off the refrigerant which is later condensed. The condensed refrigerant evaporates by a release of pressure, and it picks up heat as it evaporates. The evaporated refrigerant is then absorbed back into the chemical solution, the heat is removed from the solution and discharged as waste heat, and the process repeats itself. By definition, refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioning equipment all contain refrigeration units.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Walk-Ins (# installed) 0

Please indicate if any walk-ins were installed. Walk-in coolers and freezers are large, insulated refrigerated spaces with access doors large enough for people to enter. They are used for food storage and merchandising in food service and food sales applications.
Energy Savings Potential and R&D Opportunities for Commercial Refrigeration, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Refrigerated Food Service Equipment (# installed) 0

Please indicate if any refrigerated food service equipment was installed. Refrigerated food service equipment is used to provide refrigeration and storage to maintain food products prior to and while serving them in foodservice settings. Major types of equipment include preparation tables, worktop tables, and buffet tables.
Energy Savings Potential and R&D Opportunities for Commercial Refrigeration, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Food-Grade Refrigerators and Freezers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if food-grade refrigerators and/or freezers were installed. Commercial food-grade refrigerators are refrigeration cabinets designed for storing food products at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit but no greater than 40 degrees Fahrenheit and intended for commercial use. Commercial food-grade freezers are refrigeration cabinets designed for storing food products at temperatures of 0 degrees Fahrenheit and intended for commercial use.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Other Refrigeration Equipment 0

Please indicate if other types of refrigeration equipment not listed above were installed, along with their efficiency and model number.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for indicating the installation of energy efficient office equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Installation of ENERGY STAR Office Equipment (1 if yes) 0

Was ENERGY STAR-qualified office equipment installed as part of the retrofit?

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Servers (# installed) 0

Were energy efficient (ENERGY STAR-qualified) servers installed as part of the retrofit?

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Computers & Monitors (# installed) 0

Were energy efficient computers and monitors installed as part of the retrofit?

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for indicating the installation of other equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


Grantees should report energy savings from program activities. These savings can be calculated using whichever method optimizes the accuracy of the prediction and the reporting time required.

Because recommended audit measures may differ from measures that are actually installed, understanding estimated energy savings of the actual installed equipment is necessary to compare estimated vs. actual energy savings. Utility bills are needed to calculate actual energy savings and costs savings accurately.

Source or method for prediction (drop down)
ASHRAE Level 1

Grantees should report estimated energy savings based on what was actually installed during the retrofit. Please specify what estimation methodology was used (e.g., post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or other methodology)

Please indicate how estimated savings for each project were quantified. These estimates can be compared later with actual savings data from utility bills.

Electricity Expected kWh saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated kWh savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings kWh for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Natural Gas Expected therms saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated therms savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

If CCF units are preferred, indicate expected CCF saved per year for installed measures 0 28,000

If preferred, indicate the estimated CCF savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings natural gas for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's natural gas savings (therms or CCF) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses another primary energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

If the building is heated by an energy source other than natural gas or electricity, please indicate the appropriate units for that fuel.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected energy saved per year for installed measures [in units above]

Include the estimated energy fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated % savings for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated heating oil/propane/LPG savings per year for the installed measures by the building owner's heating oil/propane/LPG savings over the past 12 months (in the same units). Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated annual cost savings ($) $- $445,000

Include the annual cost savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This section is for capturing information related to any renewable energy systems that were installed as part of the retrofit.

Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Type of Renewable Installation (drop down)

Select the renewable energy system that was installed with this project. Eligible renewable energy systems are defined by the EECBG ARRA reporting requirements: solar, wind, solar thermal (i.e., solar water heaters), geothermal (i.e., ground source heat pumps), biomass, and hydropower.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Units (drop down)

Select the appropriate units to designate the capacity of the renewable energy installation. The following are the expected units that would be reported with each renewable energy sytem: Solar [kW], wind [kW], solar thermal (i.e., solar water heater) [square feet], ground source geothermal systems (i.e., ground source heat pumps) [tons], biomass [kW] for non-transport applications, otherwise [gallons per year], hydropower [kW], capacity of other systems [BTU/h].
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Nameplate System Capacity

Report the capacity of the renewable energy system.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable System Job Hours 0

Include the number of job-hours that were required to install the renewable energy system. Include the hours from the contractor and the crew.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable Energy System Invoiced Cost ($) $-

Enter the total cost of the renewable energy system.

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down costs.


This section is for indicating whether permission has been received to access utility account data.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Gas utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver (if required) that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. DOE will provide a Web portal for transferring data outside of this spreadsheet.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Electric utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver (if required) that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. DOE will provide a Web portal for transferring data outside of this spreadsheet.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Fuel Suppliers for Fuel oil, LPG, etc (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the energy supplier. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

QA/Q If a job report review was completed, mark a '1' 0

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed; ensure that the unique ID # is linked to the activity. A job report review process typically involves review of retrofit project paperwork or other off-site review that checks program compliance and provides for follow-up with the contractor when necessary.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.

If on-site field inspections were conducted, mark a '1' 0 1

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed. Ensure that the unique ID # is linked to that activity. On-site inspections focus on evaluating a participating contractor’s performance of a home energy assessment, development of a scope of work of eligible improvements, and/or proper installation of the improvements selected by the customer.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.


This section is for collecting information related to the rejection of a loan application.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that a lending institution uses to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan application rejected? (1 if yes) 0

Indicate if the building owner applied for a loan, but was rejected.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for collecting information related to the the commercial loan terms.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to commercial retrofits.

Which loan product was used to finance the retrofit?
(As listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO Tab)

[Enter name of Loan product offering in this box]

List the loan product offering that the applicant used to finance the retrofit.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Approved Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

If the loan was approved, please enter the date when the loan was funded.

Knowing when a loan is completed is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit data.

Compounding Period (# of times per year)

Compounding period indicates the number of times a year that the interest rate is applied to the cost of the loan.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Term (# of Months)

The loan term is the period of time agreed upon by the lender and the borrower to repay the loan.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Fixed Interest Rate (%)

The amount of interest charged on a monthly loan payment, expressed as a percentage.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Initial Interest Rate if Variable (%)

The initial interest rate is the rate stated in the adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) note that will be in effect from the date of the first monthly payment for the ARM. The index to which the floating interest rate is attached should be noted in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for entering commercial underwriting criteria related to loans made under the BetterBuildings program. Underwriting refers to the terms and conditions under which credit is extended or renewed, such as financial and collateral requirements, repayment programs, maturities, pricing, and covenants.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Was borrower personal guarantee required? (1 if Yes)

Indicate if a borrower personal guarantee was required as a condition of the loan. This is common for smaller businesses, and businesses run by individuals.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR)

The debt coverage ratio is the ratio of monthly debt to the net monthly income of the property in question.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Credit Rating

Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions about credit risk. Credit ratings express the credit rating agency's opinion about the ability and willingness of an issuer, such as a corporation or state or city government, to meet its financial obligations in full and on time. Typically, for larger businesses, ratings are expressed as letter grades that range, for example, from 'AAA' to 'D' to communicate the agency's opinion of relative level of credit risk. If the credit rating is for an individual, as is common for a small business owner, indicate the middle FICO credit score.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Tenant Occupied Building (1 if Occupied)

Indicate if the building being retrofitted is currently occupied by the owner or a tenant, or is unoccupied.

This information better characterizes a distinct segment of commercial retrofits. With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Property Valuation ($)

An estimation of the value of real estate by a person licensed to do so. A person performing an appraisal must receive authorization from the appropriate body of the state in which he/she resides. A real estate appraisal may take into account the quality of the property, values of surrounding properties, and market conditions in the area. It is important for determining the property taxes for which the owner is liable, as well as a potential sale price, if the owner wishes to sell his/her property.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

If applicable, date of Loan Sale to Secondary Investors

Indicate if and when the loan was sold to a secondary investor(s). Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan-to-Value Ratio

The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is the relationship between the amount of the mortgage loan and the appraised value of the property expressed as a percentage.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Mortgage Debt ($)

Indicate the outstanding value of any mortgages on the property.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Bankruptcy or Foreclosure within the last 7 years? (1 if Yes)

Please indicate if the applicant has previously filed for bankruptcy or had a property foreclosed.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Utility Bill History

If historical utility bill payments are used as residential underwriting criteria, please use whatever the financial institution uses to specify the credit worthiness of the loan applicant here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Streamlined loan payment history and placed in separate tabs, called "January, February, March"





Quarterly Totals Example 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Project 8 Project 9 Project 10 Project 11 Project 12 Project 13 Project 14 Project 15 Project 16 Project 17 Project 18 Project 19 Project 20 Project 21 Project 22 Project 23 Project 24 Project 25 Project 26 Project 27 Project 28 Project 29 Project 30 Project 31 Project 32 Project 33 Project 34 Project 35 Project 36 Project 37 Project 38 Project 39 Project 40 Project 41 Project 42 Project 43 Project 44 Project 45 Project 46 Project 47 Project 48 Project 49 Project 50 Project 51 Project 52 Project 53 Project 54 Project 55 Project 56 Project 57 Project 58 Project 59 Project 60 Project 61 Project 62 Project 63 Project 64 Project 65 Project 66 Project 67 Project 68 Project 69 Project 70 Project 71 Project 72 Project 73 Project 74 Project 75 Project 76 Project 77 Project 78 Project 79 Project 80 Project 81 Project 82 Project 83 Project 84 Project 85 Project 86 Project 87 Project 88 Project 89 Project 90 Project 91 Project 92 Project 93 Project 94 Project 95 Project 96 Project 97 Project 98 Project 99 Project 100 Project 101 Project 102 Project 103 Project 104 Project 105 Project 106 Project 107 Project 108 Project 109 Project 110 Project 111 Project 112 Project 113 Project 114 Project 115 Project 116 Project 117 Project 118 Project 119 Project 120 Project 121 Project 122 Project 123 Project 124 Project 125 Project 126 Project 127 Project 128 Project 129 Project 130 Project 131 Project 132 Project 133 Project 134 Project 135 Project 136 Project 137 Project 138 Project 139 Project 140 Project 141 Project 142 Project 143 Project 144 Project 145 Project 146 Project 147 Project 148 Project 149 Project 150 Project 151 Project 152 Project 153 Project 154 Project 155 Project 156 Project 157 Project 158 Project 159 Project 160 Project 161 Project 162 Project 163 Project 164 Project 165 Project 166 Project 167 Project 168 Project 169 Project 170 Project 171 Project 172 Project 173 Project 174 Project 175 Project 176 Project 177 Project 178 Project 179 Project 180 Project 181 Project 182 Project 183 Project 184 Project 185 Project 186 Project 187 Project 188 Project 189 Project 190 Project 191 Project 192 Project 193 Project 194 Project 195 Project 196 Project 197 Project 198 Project 199 Project 200

GENERAL PROJECT DATA Quarterly totals are self-calculating

This section is for collecting general data about the project.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Unique Project ID Number 0

Please assign a unique project ID number. Grantees may choose whatever ID numbering system that best suits their needs. DOE will append a unique ID in front of the grantee-chosen ID in its database to establish unique IDs across BetterBuilding grantees.

This unique project ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique project ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

If Mixed Use Building: Unique Building ID Number 0

Assign a unique Building ID Number to the entire "site," where more than one "Project" may have occurred.
This unique building ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique building ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

Location: Zip Code

Enter a five-digit zip code.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations. A zip code helps estimate heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

Location: Zip Code (#####-####)

If preferable, enter a nine-digit zip code.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.


Year Constructed

1) Please enter the year that the building was built. 2) This field is voluntary. 3) If the data are collected by your program, it will be helpful to report. We prefer to have the year that the building was built. If the exact year is not known, please provide an estimate.
Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A vintage helps estimate building codes and corresponding baseline energy usage.

Building Floorspace (square feet) 0

Building floorspace includes all the area enclosed by the exterior walls of the building, both finished and unfinished, including indoor parking facilities, basements, hallways, lobbies, stairways, and elevator shafts.
Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations. Total building floorspace assists in model validation and maintaining consistency with the Energy Information Administration's Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey enables helpful comparisons.

Electricity Electric Utility Name

Please enter the name of electricity service provider that bills the building customer.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations.

Natural Gas Natural Gas Utility Name
Ignore if natural gas does not apply, and see next section

Please enter the name of the natural gas service provider that bills the building customer.

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations.

Other Primary Fuel Primary Energy Fuel (drop down)
Ignore if electricity and natural gas are the only fuels that the building owner uses.

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, select one of the fuels that the building uses.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Industrial Sub Sector NAIC code

Go to Building Type Look-up Tab to see what NAICs codes are applicable for Industrial Buildings.

Who is the Property Manager? (drop down)

Indicate whether the property is not managed, self-managed, or contracted out (professionally-managed).

Knowing characteristics of buildings before retrofit programs will provide a benchmark for retrospective evaluations.


This section is for collecting information about commerical building audits.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Date of Audit Completion (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please indicate when the audit was completed. If multiple audits were completed, please report the audit that is most relevant to enabling a subsequent retrofit to be undertaken. The audit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Audit Software/Type (drop down)

Please select the type of energy modeling used as part of the audit. Examples include eQuest, DOE2, and Trace, among others. Also, please select the type of audit that was performed. Audit type options may include Preliminary Energy Use Analysis (overview/walk-thru audit), ASHRAE Level 1, ASHRAE Level 2, or an energy audit following COMNET procedures, among others.
Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Total Job Hours 0

Enter the number of hours from each contractor employee that were required to perform the audit. This information could also be requested from auditors and obtained on the audit report itself. Reporting audit job-hours may also be done by estimations through discussions with the auditors who are part of your program, based on the average number of hours per audit completed.

This metric is being collected as a response to grantees' requests to track actual jobs created.

Total Invoiced Audit Cost ($) $-

Enter the total invoiced audit cost (i.e., what the contractor is ultimately being paid).

Disaggregated audit cost breakdown will help us understand where in the supply chain cost is being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down additional costs.

Copy of Audit Report Uploaded (1 if yes)

Please indicate whether the audit report for this building is available to be uploaded (e.g., in PDF or a zip file) via a web portal.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Electricity Estimated electricity saved per year (kWh) 0

Include the estimate of kWh savings possible per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings of kWh per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Natural Gas Estimated natural gas savings per year (therms) 0

Include the estimate of possible therms savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

If CCF units preferred, enter estimated CCFs saved per year instead. 0

Include the estimate of possible CCF savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings natural gas per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year by the building owner's natural gas use (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate the appropriate units and the quantity of potential fuel savings estimated by the audit.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

Please select the appropriate units from the dropdown menu.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Expected annual energy savings per year [in units above]

Please include the estimated other primary fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the audit report.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated savings (specified units) per year by the building owner's eneryg usage (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.


This section is for collecting information relating to retrofits that were performed.

This information will enable better understanding of the types of retrofits that were performed as part of the BetterBuildings program.

Retrofit Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please enter when the retrofit started. A retrofit is defined as a project site that achieves at least 15% energy savings over the course of the BetterBuildings program. A project site can under multiple retrofits to achieve greater than or equal to 15% savings.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables understanding of how timely retrofits are completed.

Retrofit Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 0

Please enter the date at which the retrofit was completed. A retrofit is defined as a project that achieves at least 15% energy savings. If multiple retrofits were completed, indicate the last retrofit done, and the cumulative results from the work. The retrofit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables understanding of how timely retrofits are completed.

Name of Contractor Company

Full name of the company who performed the retrofit.

Enables post-completion interviews as part of a retrospective evaluation. Can also allow for analysis of contractor results.

Contractor Certification or License Type 1 (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification or License Type 2 (if applicable) (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Contractor Certification or License Type 3 (if applicable) (drop down)

Please select any applicable contractor certifications, whether there were multiple contractors, or there was one "whole house" contractor. A contractor must follow BPI standards AND be certified, in order to count as being BPI-certified.
This information will enable better understanding of the possible role of workforce certification in achieving energy savings.

Scope of Retrofit (% of Building Floorspace)

If the whole building was not audited and retrofitted, please indicate what percentage of the building floorspace was affected by the retrofit.

This information enables understanding of whether specific areas of a building were targeted for energy savings, or if sweeping energy saving-measures were implemented across a building or facility.  This information also provides context for the length, cost, and characteristics of the retrofit.

Total Retrofit Job Hours 0

Please indicate how many job hours (persons multiplied by hours worked) total were needed for the project.

This information enables understanding of the employment opportunities created through the retrofit industry.

Total Retrofit Invoiced Cost $-

Estimate the cost of the retrofit to the customer.

Disaggregated costs breakdown will help us understand where in the supply chain is cost being driven down and where new innovations are needed in driving down additional costs.

Loan Amount ($) $-

Enter the amount of the loan(s) taken on by the customer.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which financing is used by building owners to facilitate retrofits.


This space is for indicating aspects of the retrofit that are not associated with the installation of a specific piece of equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Addition or Annex (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if there were any additions or annexes to the building as part of the retrofit. An addition is defined as an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building outside of the existing building envelope.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Total added floorspace (square feet)

Please indicate how much total floorspace was added to the building (in ft2).

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Reduction in Floorspace (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if there was a reduction in building floorspace as part of the retrofit. This would be a reduction in the sum of the floor areas of the spaces within the building, including basements, mezzanine, and intermediate-floored tiers, and penthouses with a headroom height of 7.5 ft or greater.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Total reduction in floorspace (square feet)

Please indicate how much total floorspace was removed from the building (in ft2).

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Exterior Wall or Roof Replacement (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any exterior walls or roofing was replaced as part of the retrofit. An exterior wall is a portion of the building envelope including opaque area and fenestration, that is vertical or tilted at an angle of 60 degrees from horizontal or greater, that separates conditioned spaces from the exterior. Roofing is defined as the upper portion of the building envelope, including opaque areas and fenestration, that is horizontal or tilted at an angle of less than 60 degrees from horizontal.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

HVAC Equipment Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any HVAC equipment was upgraded as part of the retrofit. HVAC systems include the equipment, distribution systems, and terminals that provide, either collectively or individually, the processes of heating, ventilating, or air conditioning to a building or portion of a building.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Heat exchanger replacements (# replaced) 0

Requested by Lowell, MA. Sometimes an appliance's heat exchanger (e.g., in the case of a HVAC or water heater) will be replaced, instead of repairing the entire appliance.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Type (drop down)

Specify which appliance's heat exchanger was replaced.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Fenestration (Window) Replacement (# replaced) 0

Please indicate if any windows were replaced as part of the retrofit. Fenestration includes all areas (including the frames) in the building envelope that let in light, including windows, plastic panels, clerestories, skylights, doors that are more than one-half glass, and glass block walls.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Ceiling Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if under-roof ceiling insulation was upgraded in the course of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Wall Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any wall insulation was upgraded as part of the retrofit. Wall insulation refers to insulation placed between the exterior and interior walls of the building. This is any material that when placed between the interior surface of the building and the exterior surface of the building, reduces the rate of heat loss to the environment or heat gain from the environment.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Floor Insulation Upgrade (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if any floor insulation was upgraded as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for describing new measures and equipment that were installed as part of the retrofit. This includes devices for comfort conditioning, lighting, cooking, or service water heating including, but not limited to, furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, heat pumps, chillers, water heaters, lamps, luminaires, or other devices or installations.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for the equipment used for heating ambient air in a building, such as a heat pump, furnace, boiler, packaged heating unit, individual space heater, and district steam or hot water piped in from outside the building.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Boilers (# installed) 0

Indicate if a boiler was installed. A boiler is a type of space-heating equipment consisting of a vessel or tank where heat produced from the combustion of such fuels as natural gas, fuel oil, or coal is used to generate hot water or steam. Many buildings have their own boilers, while other buildings have steam or hot water piped in from a central plant (known as district heat).
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Furnaces (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a furnace was installed. A furnace is a type of space-heating equipment with an enclosed chamber where fuel is burned or electrical resistance is used to heat air directly without steam or hot water. The heated air is then distributed throughout a building, typically by air ducts.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Units (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a packaged heating unit was installed. A packaged heating unit is a type of heating equipment that is assembled at a factory and installed as a self-contained unit. Packaged units are in contrast to engineer-specified units built up from individual components for use in a given building. They are generally mounted on the roof of the building, but also sometimes located on a slab outside the building. Packaged units produce warm air directly and distribute it throughout the building by ducts or a similar distribution system.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for the equipment used for cooling room air in a building for human comfort.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (# installed) 0

Please indicate if an individual air conditioner was installed. An individual air conditioner is a type of cooling equipment installed in either walls or windows (with heat-radiating condensers exposed to the outdoor air). These self-contained units are characterized by a lack of pipes or duct work for distributing the cool air; the units condition only air in the room or areas where they are located. This category includes what are commonly termed Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC).
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Packaged Units (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a packaged air conditioning unit was installed. A packaged air conditioning unit is a type of cooling equipment that is assembled at a factory and installed as a self-contained unit. Packaged units are in contrast to engineer-specified units built up from individual components for use in a given building. They are generally mounted on the roof of the building, but also sometimes located on a slab outside the building. Packaged units produce cool air directly and distribute it throughout the building by ducts or a similar distribution system. Some types of electric packaged units are also called "Direct Expansion," or DX, units. Heat Pumps are included in this category.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Residential-Type Central Air Conditioners (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a residential-type central air conditioner was installed. A residential-type central air conditioner is a type of cooling equipment in which there are four basic parts: (1) a condensing unit, (2) a cooling coil, (3) ductwork, and (4) a control mechanism, such as a thermostat.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Central Chillers (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a central chiller was installed. A central chiller is a type of cooling equipment that is centrally located and that produces chilled water in order to cool air. The chilled water or cold air is then distributed throughout the building by use of pipes or air ducts, or both. These systems are also commonly known as "chillers," "centrifugal chillers," "reciprocating chillers," or "absorption chillers." Chillers are generally located in, or just outside, the building they serve.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for equipment used for automatically controlled, thermally-insulated equipment designed for heating water at temperatures less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit for purposes other than space heating.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Electric Water Heaters (# installed) 0

Please indicate if an electric water heater was installed. An electric water heater is a water heater utilizing electrical resistance as its heating source, and is designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically controlled temperature of less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Gas Water Heaters (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a gas water heater was installed. A gas water heater is a water heater utilizing the combustion of natural gas as its heating source, and is designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically controlled temperature of less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Solar Water Heater (# installed) 0

Please indicate if a solar thermal water heater was installed. Solar thermal water heaters use sunlight to heat water. There are several types of solar thermal water heater architectures. These include batch collectors, thermo-syphon, open-loop direct, pressurized glycol, and closed-loop drainback. A solar thermal water heater includes storage tanks and solar collectors, and can be either an active system (with circulating pumps and controls) or a passive system (without). They are commonly sized to provide 50% of the total hot water needs of the building.
Energy Savings Potential and RD&D Opportunities for Commercial Building Appliances, Final Report. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2009.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


The section is for describing any lighting upgrades, replacements, or installations that were performed as part of the retrofit.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

T8s (# installed) 0

Please indicate if T8 fluorescent lamps were installed. T8 lamps have a tube diameter of 1 inch. These are usually long, narrow, white tubes made of glass coated on the inside with fluorescent material, which is connected to a fixture at both ends of the light bulb; some are circular tubes. The light bulb produces light by passing electricity through mercury vapor, which causes the fluorescent coating to glow or fluoresce.

U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.; also
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

T5s (# installed) 0

Please indicate if T5 fluorescent lamps were installed. T5 lamps have a tube diameter of 5/8 inch. These are usually long, narrow, white tubes made of glass coated on the inside with fluorescent material, which is connected to a fixture at both ends of the light bulb; some are circular tubes. The light bulb produces light by passing electricity through mercury vapor, which causes the fluorescent coating to glow or fluoresce.
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.; also
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

LEDs (# installed) 0

Please indicate if light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were installed. This should include LED Replacement Fixtures. LEDs are based on inorganic (non-carbon based) materials. An LED is a semi-conducting device that produces light when an electrical current flow through it.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W)
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

CFLs (# installed) 0

Please indicate if compact fluorescent lamps were installed. These are also known as "screw-in fluorescent replacements for incandescent" or"screw-ins." Compact fluorescent bulbs combine the efficiency of fluorescent lighting with the convenience of a standard incandescent bulb. There are many styles of compact fluorescents, including exit light fixtures and floodlights (lamps containing reflectors). Many screw into a standard light socket, and most produce a similar color of light as a standard incandescent bulb. Compact fluorescent bulbs come with ballasts that are electronic (lightweight, instant, no-flicker starting, and 10 to 15% more efficient) or magnetic (much heavier and slower starting). Other types of compact fluorescent bulbs include adaptive circulation and PL and SL lamps and ballasts. Compact fluorescent bulbs are designed for residential uses; they are also used in table lamps, wall sconces, and hall and ceiling fixtures of hotels, motels, hospitals, and other types of commercial buildings with residential-type applications.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Average Efficacy (lm/W)

Indicate the average lumens/watt of the installed lamps. Efficacy is the measure of efficiency of a light source. It is the quotient of the total luminous flux, in lumens, divided by its total input power, in watts. Its units are lumens per watt (lm/W).
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Lighting Controls (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate if lighting controls were installed as part of a lighting system upgrade. End users utilize lighting controls for aesthetic control and for energy management. Energy management controls for lighting systems provide energy and cost savings through reducing power or reducing time of use.
U.S. Lighting Market Characterization, Volume II: Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Options. Prepared by Navigant Consulting, 2005.
This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.


This section is for indicating the installation of other equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


Grantees should report energy savings from program activities. These savings can be calculated using whichever method optimizes the accuracy of the prediction and the reporting time required.

Because recommended audit measures may differ from measures that are actually installed, understanding estimated energy savings of the actual installed equipment is necessary to compare estimated vs. actual energy savings. Utility bills are needed to calculate actual energy savings and costs savings accurately.

Source or method for prediction (drop down)

Grantees should report estimated energy savings based on what was actually installed during the retrofit. Please specify what estimation methodology was used (e.g., post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or other methodology)

Please indicate how estimated savings for each project were quantified. These estimates can be compared later with actual savings data from utility bills.

Electricity Expected kWh saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated kWh savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings kWh for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Natural Gas Expected therms saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated therms savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

If CCF units are preferred, indicate expected CCF saved per year for installed measures 0

If preferred, indicate the estimated CCF savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings natural gas for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's natural gas savings (therms or CCF) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses another primary energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

If the building is heated by an energy source other than natural gas or electricity, please indicate the appropriate units for that fuel.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected energy saved per year for installed measures [in units above]

Include the estimated energy fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated % savings for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated heating oil/propane/LPG savings per year for the installed measures by the building owner's heating oil/propane/LPG savings over the past 12 months (in the same units). Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated annual cost savings ($) $-

Include the annual cost savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.


This section is for capturing information related to any renewable energy systems that were installed as part of the retrofit.

Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Type of Renewable Installation (drop down)

Select the renewable energy system that was installed with this project. Eligible renewable energy systems are defined by the EECBG ARRA reporting requirements: solar, wind, solar thermal (i.e., solar water heaters), geothermal (i.e., ground source heat pumps), biomass, and hydropower.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Units (drop down)

Select the appropriate units to designate the capacity of the renewable energy installation. The following are the expected units that would be reported with each renewable energy sytem: Solar [kW], wind [kW], solar thermal (i.e., solar water heater) [square feet], ground source geothermal systems (i.e., ground source heat pumps) [tons], biomass [kW] for non-transport applications, otherwise [gallons per year], hydropower [kW], capacity of other systems [BTU/h].
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Nameplate System Capacity

Report the capacity of the renewable energy system.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable System Job Hours 0

Include the number of job-hours that were required to install the renewable energy system. Include the hours from the contractor and the crew.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable Energy System Invoiced Cost ($) $-

Enter the total cost of the renewable energy system.

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down costs.


This section is for indicating whether permission has been received to access utility account data.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Gas utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver (if required) that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. DOE will provide a Web portal for transferring data outside of this spreadsheet.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Electric utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver (if required) that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. DOE will provide a Web portal for transferring data outside of this spreadsheet.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Fuel Suppliers for Fuel oil, LPG, etc (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the energy supplier. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

QA/Q If a job report review was completed, mark a '1' 0

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed; ensure that the unique ID # is linked to the activity. A job report review process typically involves review of retrofit project paperwork or other off-site review that checks program compliance and provides for follow-up with the contractor when necessary.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that a lending institution uses to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

If on-site field inspections were conducted, mark a '1' 0

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed. Ensure that the unique ID # is linked to that activity. On-site inspections focus on evaluating a participating contractor’s performance of a home energy assessment, development of a scope of work of eligible improvements, and/or proper installation of the improvements selected by the customer.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to industrial retrofits.

If a high number of loans are being rejected, this information allows the financial institution to understand whether to tailor loan terms to increase eligibility or to make information more accessible.


This section is for collecting information related to the rejection of a loan application.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that a lending institution uses to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan application rejected? (1 if yes) 0

Indicate if the building owner applied for a loan, but was rejected.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for collecting information related to the the commercial loan terms.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to commercial retrofits.

Which loan product was used to finance the retrofit?
(As listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO Tab)

[Enter name of Loan product offering in this box]

List the loan product offering that the applicant used to finance the retrofit.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Approved Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

If the loan was approved, please enter the date when the loan was funded.

Knowing when a loan is completed is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit data.

Compounding Period (# of times per year)

Compounding period indicates the number of times a year that the interest rate is applied to the cost of the loan.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Term (# of Months)

The loan term is the period of time agreed upon by the lender and the borrower to repay the loan.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Fixed Interest Rate (%)

The amount of interest charged on a monthly loan payment, expressed as a percentage.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Initial Interest Rate if Variable (%)

The initial interest rate is the rate stated in the adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) note that will be in effect from the date of the first monthly payment for the ARM. The index to which the floating interest rate is attached should be noted in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


This section is for entering commercial underwriting criteria related to loans made under the BetterBuildings program. Underwriting refers to the terms and conditions under which credit is extended or renewed, such as financial and collateral requirements, repayment programs, maturities, pricing, and covenants.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Was borrower personal guarantee required? (1 if Yes)

Indicate if a borrower personal guarantee was required as a condition of the loan. This is common for smaller businesses, and businesses run by individuals.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR)

The debt coverage ratio is the ratio of monthly debt to the net monthly income of the property in question.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Credit Rating

Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions about credit risk. Credit ratings express the credit rating agency's opinion about the ability and willingness of an issuer, such as a corporation or state or city government, to meet its financial obligations in full and on time. Typically, for larger businesses, ratings are expressed as letter grades that range, for example, from 'AAA' to 'D' to communicate the agency's opinion of relative level of credit risk. If the credit rating is for an individual, as is common for a small business owner, indicate the middle FICO credit score.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Tenant Occupied Building (1 if Occupied)

Indicate if the building being retrofitted is currently occupied by the owner or a tenant, or is unoccupied.

This information better characterizes a distinct segment of commercial retrofits. With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Property Valuation ($)

An estimation of the value of real estate by a person licensed to do so. A person performing an appraisal must receive authorization from the appropriate body of the state in which he/she resides. A real estate appraisal may take into account the quality of the property, values of surrounding properties, and market conditions in the area. It is important for determining the property taxes for which the owner is liable, as well as a potential sale price, if the owner wishes to sell his/her property.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

If applicable, date of Loan Sale to Secondary Investors

Indicate if and when the loan was sold to a secondary investor(s). Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan-to-Value Ratio

The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is the relationship between the amount of the mortgage loan and the appraised value of the property expressed as a percentage.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Mortgage Debt ($)

Indicate the outstanding value of any mortgages on the property.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Bankruptcy or Foreclosure within the last 7 years? (1 if Yes)

Please indicate if the applicant has previously filed for bankruptcy or had a property foreclosed.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Utility Bill History

If historical utility bill payments are used as residential underwriting criteria, please use whatever the financial institution uses to specify the credit worthiness of the loan applicant here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Streamlined loan payment history and placed in separate tabs, called "January, February, March"






Quarterly Totals Example 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Project 8 Project 9 Project 10 Project 11 Project 12 Project 13 Project 14 Project 15 Project 16 Project 17 Project 18 Project 19 Project 20 Project 21 Project 22 Project 23 Project 24 Project 25 Project 26 Project 27 Project 28 Project 29 Project 30 Project 31 Project 32 Project 33 Project 34 Project 35 Project 36 Project 37 Project 38 Project 39 Project 40 Project 41 Project 42 Project 43 Project 44 Project 45 Project 46 Project 47 Project 48 Project 49 Project 50 Project 51 Project 52 Project 53 Project 54 Project 55 Project 56 Project 57 Project 58 Project 59 Project 60 Project 61 Project 62 Project 63 Project 64 Project 65 Project 66 Project 67 Project 68 Project 69 Project 70 Project 71 Project 72 Project 73 Project 74 Project 75 Project 76 Project 77 Project 78 Project 79 Project 80 Project 81 Project 82 Project 83 Project 84 Project 85 Project 86 Project 87 Project 88 Project 89 Project 90 Project 91 Project 92 Project 93 Project 94 Project 95 Project 96 Project 97 Project 98 Project 99 Project 100 Project 101 Project 102 Project 103 Project 104 Project 105 Project 106 Project 107 Project 108 Project 109 Project 110 Project 111 Project 112 Project 113 Project 114 Project 115 Project 116 Project 117 Project 118 Project 119 Project 120 Project 121 Project 122 Project 123 Project 124 Project 125 Project 126 Project 127 Project 128 Project 129 Project 130 Project 131 Project 132 Project 133 Project 134 Project 135 Project 136 Project 137 Project 138 Project 139 Project 140 Project 141 Project 142 Project 143 Project 144 Project 145 Project 146 Project 147 Project 148 Project 149 Project 150 Project 151 Project 152 Project 153 Project 154 Project 155 Project 156 Project 157 Project 158 Project 159 Project 160 Project 161 Project 162 Project 163 Project 164 Project 165 Project 166 Project 167 Project 168 Project 169 Project 170 Project 171 Project 172 Project 173 Project 174 Project 175 Project 176 Project 177 Project 178 Project 179 Project 180 Project 181 Project 182 Project 183 Project 184 Project 185 Project 186 Project 187 Project 188 Project 189 Project 190 Project 191 Project 192 Project 193 Project 194 Project 195 Project 196 Project 197 Project 198 Project 199 Project 200

GENERAL PROJECT DATA Quarterly totals are self-calculating

This section is for collecting general data about the project.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Unique Project ID Number 0

Please assign a unique project ID number. Grantees may choose whatever ID numbering system best suits their needs. DOE will append a unique ID in front of the grantee-chosen ID in its database to establish unique IDs across BetterBuilding grantees.

This unique project ID number will enable tracking of the project through each phase: marketing, audit, financing, and retrofit. Asking grantees to assign a unique project ID number also helps ensure privacy of the building owner connected to the project.

If Multifamily: Unique Building ID Number 0

Assign a unique Building ID Number to the entire "site," where more than one "Project" may have occurred. If retrofit occurred in only common spaces, you do not need to enter a Unique Project ID above.

A multifamily unit can be a unit in a building with two to four housing units-- a structure that is divided into living quarters for two, three, or four families, or households in which one household lives above or beside another. This category also includes houses originally intended for occupancy by one family (or for some other use) that have since been converted to separate dwellings for two to four families. Typical arrangements in these types of living quarters are separate apartments downstairs and upstairs or one apartment on each of three or four floors. A multifamily unit can also be a unit in a building with five or more housing units-- a structure that contains living quarters for five or more households or families and in which one household lives above or beside another.
Multifamily homes are important to distinguish from single family homes because they typically have different building characteristics and face unique barriers to retrofits.

Location: Zip Code (#####)

Enter a five-digit zip code. If a nine-digit zip code is preferred, leave this row blank and enter it in the next row.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

Location: Zip Code (#####-####)

If preferable, enter a nine-digit zip code.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation. A zip code enables estimation of heating and cooling needs specific to a region's climate.

If applicable, building type (drop down)

Select the type of residence: owner-occupied single family, single family rental, multifamily, owner-occupied mobile, renter-occupied mobile, or shelter.

Knowing key characteristics of a building before the retrofit will provide a benchmark for comparison in a retrospective evaluation.


This section is for collecting general data about the building on which the retrofit was/will be performed.

Knowing key characteristics of a building helps to provide a benchmark when performing a retrospective evaluation.

Electricity Electricity Service Provider Name

Please enter the name of electricity service provider that bills the building customer.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Natural Gas Natural Gas Service Provider Name
Ignore if natural gas does not apply, and see next section

Please enter the name of the natural gas service provider that bills the building customer.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Other Primary Fuel Primary Energy Fuel (drop down)
Ignore if electricity and natural gas are the only fuels that the building owner uses.

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, select one of the fuels that the building uses.

The utility provider name is needed to enable DOE to determine the tariff structure (e.g., tiered rates) and, therefore, actual cost savings.

Agricultural Sub Sector NAIC code

Go to Building Type Look-up Tab to see what NAICs codes are applicable for Agriculture Buildings


This section is for collecting information about agricultural building audits.

Date of Audit Completion 0

Please indicate when the audit was completed. If multiple audits were completed, please report the audit that is most relevant to enabling a subsequent retrofit to be undertaken. The audit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Did auditor conform to certain standards when performing the audit?

Select any standards that the auditor may have used in conducting the audit.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Audit Software/Type (drop down)

Please select the type of energy modeling used as part of the audit.

Characterizing when and how an audit is completed prior to the retrofit of the building is important for replicating success.

Total Job Hours 0

Information on job hours could be requested from auditors and obtained on the audit report itself. Reporting audit job-hours may also be done through estimation following discussions with the auditors who are part of your program, based on an average number of hours per audit completed.

This metric is being collected to track actual program impacts, partially in response to grantees who wanted to be able to report actual jobs created.

Total Audit Invoiced Cost ($) $-

For the audit costs, we are only requiring the total invoiced audit cost (i.e., what the contractor is ultimately being paid).

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to further drive down costs.

Copy of Audit Report Uploaded (1 if yes)

Please indicate whether the audit report for this building is available to be uploaded (e.g., in PDF or a zip file) via a web portal.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings.

Electricity Estimated electricity saved per year (kWh) 0 1900

Include the estimate of kWh savings possible per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings of kWh per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Natural Gas Estimated natural gas savings per year (therms) 0 200

Include the estimate of possible therms savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

If CCF units preferred, enter estimated CCF saved per year instead. 0

Include the estimate of possible CCF savings per year based on the audit report. If multiple recommendations on savings potential are available, please report the maximum potential savings without regard to cost-effectiveness. If the building does not use natural gas, go to the next section.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings natural gas per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year by the building owner's natural gas use (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the building uses an energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate the appropriate units and the quantity of potential fuel savings estimated by the audit.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

Please select the appropriate units from the dropdown menu.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Expected annual energy savings per year [in units above]

Please include the estimated other primary fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the audit report.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.

Estimated % savings per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated savings (specified units) per year by the building owner's eneryg usage (same units) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to understand energy efficiency potential in the building stock audited. Maximum potential savings should be reported if possible for consistency.


This section is for collecting information relating to retrofits that were performed.

This information will enable better understanding of the types of retrofits that were performed as part of the BetterBuildings program.

Retrofit Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please enter the date the retrofit started. A retrofit is defined as a project that is anticipated to achieve at least 15% energy savings over the course of the BetterBuildings program. A project site can undergo multiple retrofits to achieve greater than or equal to 15% energy savings.

Knowing when the retrofit started and ended enables tracking of how long it takes for retrofits to be completed.

Retrofit Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 0

Please enter the date on which the retrofit was completed. A retrofit is defined as a project that is anticipated to achieve at least 15% energy savings. If multiple retrofits were completed, indicate the last retrofit completed, and the cumulative results from the work. The retrofit data can be updated in future reports by ensuring that the unique ID # is used consistently.

Knowing when a retrofit is completed is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit energy savings analyses.

Name of Contractor Company

Enter the full name of the company who performed the retrofit.

Enables post-completion interviews as part of a retrospective evaluation. Can also allow for analysis of contractor results.

Total Retrofit Job Hours 0

Please indicate how many job hours (persons multiplied by hours worked) total were needed to complete the project.

This metric is being collected to track actual program impacts, in part in response to grantees who wanted to be able to report actual jobs created.

Total Retrofit Invoiced Cost $-

Enter the total cost of the retrofit (customer contribution plus BetterBuildings funds plus other leveraged funds.) Other leveraged funds can include those from both Federal and non-Federal sources (EECBG, SEP, financial institutions listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab, etc.)

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to further drive down costs.

Loan Amount ($) $-

Enter the amount of the loan(s) taken on by the customer.

This information enables understanding of the extent to which financing is used by building owners to facilitate retrofits.

(Indicate the number of items that were installed)

These measures were suggested by MAESTRO.


Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 24 - 26" - retrofit (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 36" - retrofit (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 48" - retrofit (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 52 - 60" - retrofit (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 24 - 26" - new (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 36" - new (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 48" - new (LVHS) 0

Ventilation Fans or Box Fans 52 - 60" - new (LVHS) 0

4 High Volume Low Speed Fans 16 Ft Diameter 0


T-8 or T-5 Lamp and Electronic Ballast L290 - 4 foot lamp removed (T12 replacement only) 0

T-8 or T-5 Lamp and Electronic Ballast L299 - 8 foot lamp removed (T12 replacement only) 0

Screw-in Compact Fluorescent Lamp, 14-26 watts 0

Screw-in Compact Fluorescent Lamp, >=27watts 0

HID Fixture, Exterior Pulse Start L972 101-175 watts mercury vapor basecase 0

HID Fixture, Exterior Pulse Start L973 => 176 watts mercury vapor basecase 0

Interior High Bay Linear Fluorescent: L292 - 400W basecase up to 244W replacement 0

Interior Metal Halide Pulse Start Retrofit Fixture L968 (400W probe start MH to 320W pulse start MH) 0

LED Exit Sign LA02 CFL base case 0

LED Exit Sign LA01Incandescent base case 0

Photocell 0

Timeclock 0


Milk Precoolers 0

Milk Transfer Pump Variable Speed Drive 0

Milking Vacuum Pump Variable Speed Drive 0

Compressor Heat Recovery Units (electric water heaters) 0

Scroll Compressors for Bulk Tanks 0

Tank Insulation - Indoor location 0

Tank Insulation - Outdoor location 0

Heat Exchangers 0


Attic Inlets 0

Heating Pads for Swine 0

Insulated Brood Curtains 0

Fan Covers 0


Premium Efficiency Motor 5 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 7.5 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 10 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 15 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 20 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 25 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 30 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 40 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 50 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 60 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 75 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 100 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 125 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 150 HP 0

Premium Efficiency Motor - 200 HP 0


Low Pressure Sprinkler Nozzle - Portable (Zone 11-13) MC A272 0

Low Pressure Sprinkler Nozzle - Solid Set (Zone 11-13) MC A273 0

Stock Waterer 0


311005-Storage Water Heaters (LRG >75 MBTUH) 0

311006-Storage Water Heaters (SML <= 75 MBTUH) 0

311024-Pipe Insulation - Hot Water Applic. (sq ft) 2 in 0

311025-Pipe Insulation - Low Pressure Steam Applic. (LF) 2 in 0

311028-Pipe Insulation - Hot Water Applic. (sq ft) 1 in 0

311029-Pipe Insulation - Low Pressure Steam Applic. (LF) 1 in 0

Grain Dryers 0

Radiant Heaters - poultry broiler houses 0

Infrared Film for Greenhouses 0

Thermal shade covers - greenhouses 0


Solar Fencing (primarily for cattle, sheep, goats) 0

Solar Water Pumping (livestock watering) 0

Bio fuel heaters (propane savings) 0

Painting or Shading Fuel Tanks 0


custom- insulation 0

custom - ventilation 0

custom - lighting 0

custom - motors and VSDs 0

custom - irrigation 0

custom - refrigeration 0

custom - HVAC 0


This section is for indicating the installation of other equipment.

This information is needed to compare predicted and verified energy savings to improve cost savings analyses.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other (write here to specify) 0

If you have other equipment you want to add, indicate the equipment's name in column C of this row.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


Grantees should report energy savings from program activities. These savings can be calculated using whichever method optimizes the accuracy of the prediction and the reporting time required.

Because recommended audit measures may differ from measures that are actually installed, understanding estimated energy savings of the actual installed equipment is necessary to compare estimated vs. actual energy savings. Utility bills are needed to calculate actual energy savings and costs savings accurately.

Source or method for prediction (drop down)

Grantees should report estimated energy savings based on what was actually installed during the retrofit. Please specify what estimation methodology was used (e.g., post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or other methodology)

Please indicate how estimated savings for each project were quantified. These estimates can be compared later with actual savings data from utility bills.

Electricity Expected kWh saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated kWh savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings kWh for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated electricity savings (kWh) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's electricity use (kWh) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Natural Gas Expected therms saved per year for installed measures 0

Include the estimated therms savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

If CCF units are preferred, indicate expected CCFs saved per year for installed measures 0

If preferred, indicate the estimated CCF savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected % savings natural gas for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated natural gas savings (therms or CCF) per year for the installed measures by the building owner's natural gas savings (therms or CCF) over the past 12 months. Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Primary Fuel IF OTHER PRIMARY FUELS ARE APPLICABLE: Select energy fuel
(drop down)

If the home uses another primary energy source other than electricity or natural gas, please indicate.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Units for the energy fuel indicated above

If the home is heated by an energy source other than natural gas or electricity, please indicate the appropriate units for that fuel.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Expected energy saved per year for installed measures [in units above]

Include the estimated energy fuel saved (in the above selected units) based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated % savings for installed measures per year

To determine the estimated percent energy savings, divide the estimated heating oil/propane/LPG savings per year for the installed measures by the building owner's heating oil/propane/LPG savings over the past 12 months (in the same units). Depending on the program, homeowners may receive annual energy use data from audit software or from their utility bill.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Estimated annual cost savings ($) $-

Include the annual cost savings based on the measures installed during the retrofit. This information may be obtained from a post-retrofit quality assurance/quality control assessment, modeled savings, deemed savings, or another method.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.


This section is for capturing information related to any renewable energy systems that were installed as part of the retrofit.

Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Type of Renewable Installation (drop down)

Select the renewable energy system that was installed with this project. Eligible renewable energy systems are defined by the EECBG ARRA reporting requirements: solar, wind, solar thermal (i.e., solar water heaters), geothermal (i.e., ground source heat pumps), biomass, and hydropower.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Units (drop down)

Select the appropriate units to designate the capacity of the renewable energy installation. The following are the expected units that would be reported with each renewable energy sytem: Solar [kW], wind [kW], solar thermal (i.e., solar water heater) [square feet], ground source geothermal systems (i.e., ground source heat pumps) [tons], biomass [kW] for non-transport applications, otherwise [gallons per year], hydropower [kW], capacity of other systems [BTU/h].
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Nameplate System Capacity

Report the capacity of the renewable energy system.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable System Job Hours 0

Include the number of job-hours that were required to install the renewable energy system. Include the hours from the contractor and the crew.
Understanding how renewable energy systems can be integrated with retrofit efforts will make further progress for building zero-energy homes.

Total Renewable Energy System Invoiced Cost ($) $-

Enter the total cost of the renewable energy system.

Disaggregated cost breakdowns will help identify where in the supply chain costs are being driven down and where new innovations are needed to drive down costs.


This section is for indicating whether permission has been received to access utility account data.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Electric utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the electric utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Gas utility account and permission (1 if yes) 0 1

Please indicate whether you have the gas utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the utility. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

This information is needed to compare predicted vs. actual energy savings and to improve cost savings analysis.

Other Fuel Suppliers for Fuel oil, LPG, etc (1 if yes) 0

Please indicate whether you have the utility account number for the building owner and a signed utility bill waiver that enables collecting 12-month pre- and post-retrofit data from the energy supplier. Utility bill data will be uploaded separately.

QA/QC If a job report review was completed, mark a '1' 0

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed; ensure that the unique ID # is linked to the activity. A job report review process typically involves review of retrofit project paperwork or other off-site review that checks program compliance and provides for follow-up with the contractor when necessary.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.

If on-site field inspections were conducted, mark a '1' 0

QA/QC should be reported as it is completed. Ensure that the unique ID # is linked to that activity. On-site inspections focus on evaluating a participating contractor’s performance of a home energy assessment, development of a scope of work of eligible improvements, and/or proper installation of the improvements selected by the customer.

Documenting the frequency and type of QA/QC conducted will enable analysis of possible QA/QC impacts on energy savings achieved.


This section is for collecting information related to the rejection of a loan application.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan application rejected? (1 if yes) 0

Indicate if the building owner applied for a loan, but was rejected.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


Which loan product was used to finance the retrofit?
(As listed in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO Tab)

List the loan product offering that the applicant used to finance the retrofit.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Approved Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

If the loan was approved, please enter the date when the loan was funded.

Knowing when a loan is approved is important for tracking pre- and post-retrofit data.

Compounding Period (# of times per year)

Compounding period indicates the number of times a year that the interest rate is applied to the cost of the loan.

Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Loan Term (# of Months)

The loan term is the period of time agreed upon by the lender and the borrower to repay the loan.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Fixed Interest Rate (%)

The amount of interest charged on a monthly loan payment, expressed as a percentage.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.

Initial Interest Rate if Variable (%)

The initial interest rate is the rate stated in the adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) note that will be in effect from the date of the first monthly payment for the ARM. The index to which the floating interest rate is attached should be noted in the LOAN PRODUCT INFO tab.
Understanding availability and cost of capital is an important step for better characterizing market barriers to residential retrofits.


With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institution uses to assess credit quality. Please fill out the fields that apply; no additional data collection is required.

Annual Income ($)

The annual income of the lendee is part of the process of analyzing a loan application to determine the amount of risk involved in making the loan., "Underwriting"
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Middle Credit Score (FICO)

FICO is an abbreviation for Fair Isaac Corporation and refers to a person's credit score based on credit history. Lenders and credit card companies use the number to decide if the person is likely to pay his or her bills. A credit score is evaluated using information from the three major credit bureaus and is usually between 300 and 850. When evaluating a borrower's eligibility for a loan, financial institutions typically pull the borrower's credit history which contains all three scores. Since the scores may vary slightly, here we ask for the second highest credit score (median), in order to standardize reporting.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt-to-Income Ratio (Front End)

Debt-to-income ratio is a comparison or ratio of gross income to housing and non-housing expenses. With the FHA, the mortgage payment combined with non-housing debts should not exceed 41% of income. The front-end debt-to-income ratio is calculated with housing debts.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Debt-to-Income Ratio (Back End)

Debt-to-income ratio is a comparison or ratio of gross income to housing and non-housing expenses. For example, with the FHA, the-monthly mortgage payment should be no more than 29% of monthly gross income (before taxes). The back-end debt-to-income ratio is calculated with non-housing debts.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Property Valuation ($ or n/a)

Property valuation is an estimation of the current market value of a property., "Appraised Value"
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Mortgage Debt ($)

Please enter any debt the homeowner may already have prior to applying for the loan. This may be a car loan or credit card debt that is not yet paid.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Home Equity Line ($)

Home equity line of credit is a mortgage loan, usually a second mortgage, allowing a borrower to obtain cash against the equity of a home, up to a predetermined amount.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Outstanding Other Debt ($)

Please enter any debt the homeowner may already have prior to applying for the loan. For example, these may include debts on a car loan or credit card. Definitions will depend on the financial institution.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Existing Liens on Property ($)

A lien is a legal claim against property that must be satisfied when the property is sold.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Loan-to-Value Ratio

Loan-to-value ratio is a percentage calculated by dividing the amount borrowed by the price or appraised value of the home to be purchased; the higher the LTV, the less cash a borrower is required to pay as down payment.
With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Previous bankruptcy or foreclosure in past 7 years? (1 if yes)

Please indicate if the applicant has previously filed for bankruptcy or had a property foreclosed in the last 7 years.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.


If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Utility Bill History

If historical utility bill payments are used as residential underwriting criteria, please use whatever the financial institution uses to specify the credit worthiness of the loan applicant here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Other (write here to specify)

If there are other important residential underwriting criteria that are not already captured by this section, please describe them here.

With an understanding that there are multiple approaches to assess credit quality, we will only require the data that the lending institutions use to assess credit quality. No additional data collection is required.

Streamlined loan payment history and placed in separate tabs, called "January, February, March"

Sheet 9: Methodology Tab

Use this section to explain any methodologies used to fill out corresponding fields. This section is voluntary.

What was included in total job hours?
How was the amount of leveraged expenditures determined for other Federal expenditures?
How was the amount of leveraged expenditures determined for non-Federal expenditures?
Energy savings (kwh, therms, gallons) and Cost Savings: If direct installation was conducted in your program, specify what types of measures were undertaken in your direct installation efforts.

Indicate any comments you may have about how you filled out the loan product tab --

How were the job-hours for audits determined?

How were the job-hours for retrofits determined?

How did you determine the estimated savings based on installed measures in the retrofit? Did you use a combination of measures (e.g., deemed savings or a rerun of the model)?

How were the dollar cost savings determined? What did you assume for fuel and electricity prices, for instance?

Sheet 10: Customizable

RESIDENTIAL Enter in the yellow fields where you would like to add another option. Use the buttons labeled '1', '2', '3' in the top left corner, in the margin of the spreadsheet, to toggle back and forth between the full drop down menu options and the yellow customizable fields.

APPLICABLE SECTOR/SECTIONS Row number Section Field name Drop Down Options Name of Table
RESIDENTIAL 27 Audit Auditor Certification (drop down)

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

RESIDENTIAL 28 Audit Audit Software (drop down)

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

(drop down)


[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

RESIDENTIAL 76-78 Retrofit Contractor Certification

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL 85, 87, 89 Retrofit Financial Incentive Source

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

RESIDENTIAL 95 Retrofit Fuel Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

RESIDENTIAL 187 Retrofit Method of estimating energy savings

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 32-34 Audit Auditor Certification

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 35 Audit Audit Software/Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 81 Retrofit Contractor Certication

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 116 Retrofit Heat Exchanger replacement type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 127 Retrofit Insulation material

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 142 Retrofit Fuel Type Heating Equipment

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 173 Retrofit Electric Water Heater Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 178 Retrofit Gas Water Heater Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 219 Retrofit Dishwasher Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

COMMERCIAL 309 Retrofit Source or method for prediction for energy savings

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 30 Audit Audit Type

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 31 Audit Audit Software

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 180 Retrofit Replacements Ventilation or Box Fan Types

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 184 Retrofit Replacements Milking Pump Types [Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab] MilkPumpType

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 186 Retrofit Replacements Motor Types [Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab] AgrMotorType

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 190 Retrofit Replacements Sprinkler Types [Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab] AgrSprinklerType

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

AGRICULTURE 203 Retrofit Source or method for prediction for energy savings

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL (Green Section) Financing Loan rejection reasons

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL (Section following Audits) Marketing and Outreach Reasons

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL 194 Retrofit Primary Fuel Units

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL 206 Retrofit Type of Renewable Energy Installation

[Other, Enter in the Customizable Tab]

ALL 207 Retrofit Units kW Renewable Units



square feet

gallons per year

Sheet 11: Building Type


Building Unit Type Residential Owner-Occupied Single Family Site Built

Residential unit type consistent with WAP housing unit types

Single-Family Rental Site Built

Owner-Occupied Mobile Homes

Renter-Occupied Mobile Homes

Commercial (EIA building type definitions) Education buildings

Commercial building types consistent with EIA's Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECs)

Food sales buildings

Food service buildings

Health Care (in patient) buildings

Health Care (out patient) buildings

Lodging buildings

Mercantile (Retail Other Than Mall) buildings

Mercantile (Enclosed and Strip Malls) buildings

Office buildings

Public assembly buildings

Public order and safety buildings

Religious worship buildings

Service buildings

Warehouse and storage buildings

Vacant buildings

Re-weatherized total

Other unit categories

Industrial (NAICS Codes & Index Entries) Food 311
Any office building type in the industrial sector should be categorized as a commercial building. Only factories/manufacturing plants/etc in industrial sector (and ag sector) are categorized with NAIC codes

Beverage and Tobacco Products 312

Textile Mills 313

Textile Product Mills 314

Apparel 315

Leather and Allied Products 316

Wood Products 321

Paper 322

Printing and Related Support 323

Petroleum and Coal Products 324

Chemicals 325

Plastics and Rubber Products 326

Nonmetallic Mineral Products 327

Primary Metals 331

Fabricated Metal Products 332

Machinery 333

Computer and Electronic Products 334

Electrical Equip., Appliances, and Components 335

Transportation Equipment 336

Furniture and Related Products 337

Miscellaneous 339

Agriculture (NAICS Codes & Index Entries) Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming  112111

Cattle Feedlots  112112

Dairy Cattle and Milk Production  112120

Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching and Farming  112130

Hog and Pig Farming  112210

Chicken Egg Production  112310

Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production  112320

Turkey Production  112330

Poultry Hatcheries  112340

Other Poultry Production  112390

Sheep Farming  112410

Goat Farming  112420

Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries  112511

Shellfish Farming  112512

Other Animal Aquaculture  112519

Horses and Other Equine Production  112920

Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production  112930

All Other Animal Production  112990

Sheet 12: January

BetterBuildings Program Loan Performance Reporting

Directions: Please fill out the payment history below for retrofit projects that have received a financial loan that went into default during anytime in the quarter. Please fill the fields out according to the key below. You do not need to report loans that have been current each month. IE if a borrower defaulted in Q1, quickly repaid the loan and was current all of Q2, you only need to report the loan for Q1.

0 = current account 1 = 30-59 days past due

2 = 60-89 days 3 = 90-119 days
Standardized industry norm set by the Credit Bureaus

4 = 120-149 days 5 = 150-179 days

6 = 180+ days past due B = no pmt data available,

D = no pmt data available E = 0 balance or current

L = charged off because account not yet opened

Payment History Q1 Delinquency Charge Offs

Unique Project ID January Date of Default Default Amount ($) Current Balance ($) Sale of Assets ($) Net Lender Loss ($)

Please enter unique project ID Please see key above to enter appropriate codes. First date when the loan went 30 days past due Total amount passed due Principal balance due on a loan that is unpaid by the borrower. Proceeds from sales of assets to recover unpaid loan amount (if applicable) The net lender loss is the total amount of money lost by lender. I.e. current balance (column G) - assets sale amount (column F).

45678-9012 1 12/29/2006 100 5000

The borrower went 30 days passt due on 12/30/2010 and is currently behind in payments by $100. The remaining balance on the loan is $5,000.
56789-0123 3 10/29/2006 300 5000

The borrower is between 90-119 days late on payments totalling $300 since 10/30/2010. The remaining balance on the loan is $5,000.
1234-56789 L 7/29/2006 1500 5000
This loan was written off as uncollectable. The lender took a net loss of $5,000 (unpaid balance). Please do not include credit enhancements such as the loss reserve in this calculation.
67890-1234 L 9/29/2006 1000 2000 3000 2000
The net lender loss is $2,000 (instead of $5,000) because they sold collateral tied to the loan. This can happen in the case of a secured loan.

Sheet 13: February

BetterBuildings Program Loan Performance Reporting

Directions: Please fill out the payment history below for retrofit projects that have received a financial loan that went into default during anytime in the quarter. Please fill the fields out according to the key below. You do not need to report loans that have been current each month. IE if a borrower defaulted in Q1, quickly repaid the loan and was current all of Q2, you only need to report the loan for Q1.

0 = current account 1 = 30-59 days past due

2 = 60-89 days 3 = 90-119 days
Standardized industry norm set by the Credit Bureaus

4 = 120-149 days 5 = 150-179 days

6 = 180+ days past due B = no pmt data available,

D = no pmt data available E = 0 balance or current

L = charged off because account not yet opened

Payment History Q1 Delinquency Charge Offs

Unique Project ID February Date of Default Default Amount ($) Current Balance ($) Sale of Assets ($) Net Lender Loss ($)

Please enter unique project ID Please see key above to enter appropriate codes. First date when the loan went 30 days past due Total amount passed due Principal balance due on a loan that is unpaid by the borrower. Proceeds from sales of assets to recover unpaid loan amount (if applicable) The net lender loss is the total amount of money lost by lender. I.e. current balance (column G) - assets sale amount (column F).

45678-9012 2 12/29/2006 200 5000

The borrower went 30 days past due on 12/30/2010 and is currently behind in payments by $200. The remaining balance on the loan is $5,000.
56789-0123 4 10/29/2006 300 4900

The borrower is between 120-149 days late on payments totalling $300 since 10/30/2010. However, the borrower paid a $100 this month which reduced the balance on the loan to $4,900.

Sheet 14: March

BetterBuildings Program Loan Performance Reporting

Directions: Please fill out the payment history below for retrofit projects that have received a financial loan that went into default during anytime in the quarter. Please fill the fields out according to the key below. You do not need to report loans that have been current each month. IE if a borrower defaulted in Q1, quickly repaid the loan and was current all of Q2, you only need to report the loan for Q1.

0 = current account 1 = 30-59 days past due

2 = 60-89 days 3 = 90-119 days
Standardized industry norm set by the Credit Bureaus

4 = 120-149 days 5 = 150-179 days

6 = 180+ days past due B = no pmt data available,

D = no pmt data available E = 0 balance or current

L = charged off because account not yet opened

Payment History Q1 Delinquency Charge Offs

Unique Project ID March Date of Default Default Amount ($) Current Balance ($) Sale of Assets ($) Net Lender Loss ($)

Please enter unique project ID Please see key above to enter appropriate codes. First date when the loan went 30 days past due Total amount passed due Principal balance due on a loan that is unpaid by the borrower. Proceeds from sales of assets to recover unpaid loan amount (if applicable) The net lender loss is the total amount of money lost by lender. I.e. current balance (column G) - assets sale amount (column F).

Sheet 15: Program Qtr Summary



This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter

Total Audit Job Hours 0 0 0 0

Total Retrofit Job Hours 0 0 0 0


kWhs 0 0 0 0
therms 0 0 0 0


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