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e-CFR Data is current as of February 24, 2011
Title 30: Mineral Resources
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Subpart S—Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS)
Source: 75 FR 63649, Oct. 15, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
§ 250.1900 Must I have a SEMS program?
You must develop, implement, and maintain a safety and environmental management system (SEMS)
program. Your SEMS program must address the elements described in §250.1902, American Petroleum
Institute's Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management
Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities (API RP 75) (incorporated by reference as specified in
§250.198), and other requirements as identified in this subpart.
(a) You must comply with the provisions of this subpart and have your SEMS program in effect on or
before November 15, 2011, except for the submission of Form MMS–131 as required in §250.1929.
(b) You must submit Form MMS–131 on an annual basis beginning March 31, 2011.
(c) If there are any conflicts between the requirements of this subpart and API RP 75 (incorporated by
reference as specified in §250.198), you must follow the requirements of this subpart.
(d) Nothing in this subpart affects safety or other matters under the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard.
§ 250.1901 What is the goal of my SEMS program?
The goal of your SEMS program is to promote safety and environmental protection by ensuring all
personnel aboard a facility are complying with the policies and procedures identified in your SEMS.
(a) To accomplish this goal, you must ensure that your SEMS program identifies, addresses, and
manages safety, environmental hazards, and impacts during the design, construction, start-up,
operation, inspection, and maintenance of all new and existing facilities, including mobile offshore drilling
units (MODU) while under BOEMRE jurisdiction and Department of Interior (DOI) regulated pipelines.
(b) All personnel involved with your SEMS program must be trained to have the skills and knowledge to
perform their assigned duties.
§ 250.1902 What must I include in my SEMS program?
You must have a properly documented SEMS program in place and make it available to BOEMRE upon
request as required by §250.1924(b).
(a) Your SEMS program must meet the minimum criteria outlined in this subpart, including the following 2/28/2011
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SEMS program elements:
(1) General ( see §250.1909)
(2) Safety and Environmental Information ( see §250.1910)
(3) Hazards Analysis ( see §250.1911)
(4) Management of Change ( see §250.1912)
(5) Operating Procedures ( see §250.1913)
(6) Safe Work Practices ( see §250.1914)
(7) Training ( see §250.1915)
(8) Mechanical Integrity (Assurance of Quality and Mechanical Integrity of Critical Equipment) ( see
(9) Pre-startup Review ( see §250.1917)
(10) Emergency Response and Control ( see §250.1918)
(11) Investigation of Incidents ( see §250.1919)
(12) Auditing (Audit of Safety and Environmental Management Program Elements) ( see §§250.1920)
(13) Recordkeeping (Records and Documentation) and additional BOEMRE requirements ( see
(b) You must also include a job safety analysis (JSA) for OCS activities identified or discussed in your
SEMS program ( see §250.1911(b)).
(c) Your SEMS program must meet or exceed the standards of safety and environmental protection of
API RP 75 (incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198).
§ 250.1903 Definitions.
Definitions listed in this section apply to this subpart and supersede definitions in API RP 75,
Appendices D and E (incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198).
Designated and qualified personnel means employees (not contractors) that are knowledgeable of your
program, and have actual work experience and training in implementing and auditing a SEMS or a
similar program in an offshore oil and gas environment.
Personnel means direct employee(s) of the operator and contracted workers who are involved with or
affected by specific jobs or tasks.
§ 250.1904 Documents incorporated by reference.
The effect of incorporation by reference of a document into the regulations in this part is that the
incorporated document is a requirement. When a section in this part incorporates all of a document, you
are responsible for complying with the provisions of that entire document, except to the extent that
section provides otherwise. If any incorporated document uses the word “should ”, it means must for
purposes of these regulations.
§§ 250.1905-250.1908 [Reserved]
§ 250.1909 What are management's general responsibilities for the SEMS program? 2/28/2011
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You, through your management, must require that the program elements discussed in API RP 75
(incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198) and in this subpart are properly documented and
are available at field and office locations, as appropriate for each program element. You, through your
management, are responsible for the development, support, continued improvement, and overall
success of your SEMS program. Specifically you, through your management, must:
(a) Establish goals and performance measures, demand accountability for implementation, and provide
necessary resources for carrying out an effective SEMS program.
(b) Appoint management representatives who are responsible for establishing, implementing and
maintaining an effective SEMS program.
(c) Designate specific management representatives who are responsible for reporting to management
on the performance of the SEMS program.
(d) At intervals specified in the SEMS program and at least annually, review the SEMS program to
determine if it continues to be suitable, adequate and effective (by addressing the possible need for
changes to policy, objectives, and other elements of the program in light of program audit results,
changing circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement) and document the
observations, conclusions and recommendations of that review.
(e) Develop and endorse a written description of your safety and environmental policies and
organizational structure that define responsibilities, authorities, and lines of communication required to
implement the SEMS program.
(f) Utilize personnel with expertise in identifying safety hazards, environmental impacts, optimizing
operations, developing safe work practices, developing training programs and investigating incidents.
(g) Ensure that facilities are designed, constructed, maintained, monitored, and operated in a manner
compatible with applicable industry codes, consensus standards, and generally accepted practice as
well as in compliance with all applicable governmental regulations.
(h) Ensure that management of safety hazards and environmental impacts is an integral part of the
design, construction, maintenance, operation, and monitoring of each facility.
(i) Ensure that suitably trained and qualified personnel are employed to carry out all aspects of the
SEMS program.
(j) Ensure that the SEMS program is maintained and kept up to date by means of periodic audits to
ensure effective performance.
§ 250.1910 What safety and environmental information is required?
(a) You must require that SEMS program safety and environmental information be developed and
maintained for any facility that is subject to the SEMS program.
(b) SEMS program safety and environmental information must include:
(1) Information that provides the basis for implementing all SEMS program elements, including the
requirements of hazard analysis (§250.1911);
(2) process design information including, as appropriate, a simplified process flow diagram and
acceptable upper and lower limits, where applicable, for items such as temperature, pressure, flow and
composition; and
(3) mechanical design information including, as appropriate, piping and instrument diagrams; electrical
area classifications; equipment arrangement drawings; design basis of the relief system; description of
alarm, shutdown, and interlock systems; description of well control systems; and design basis for
passive and active fire protection features and systems and emergency evacuation procedures.
§ 250.1911 What criteria for hazards analyses must my SEMS program meet? 2/28/2011
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You must ensure the development and implementation of a hazards analysis (facility level) and a job
safety analysis (operations/task level) for all of your facilities. For this subpart, facilities include all types
of offshore structures permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed ( i.e. , mobile offshore drilling
units; floating production systems; floating production, storage and offloading facilities; tension-leg
platforms; and spars) used for exploration, development, production, and transportation activities for oil,
gas, or sulphur from areas leased in the OCS. Facilities also include DOI regulated pipelines. You must
document and maintain current analyses for each operation covered by this section for the life of the
operation at the facility. The analyses must be updated when an internal audit is conducted to ensure
that it is consistent with the current operations on your facility. Hazards analysis requirements for simple
and nearly identical facilities, such as well jackets and single well caissons, may be fulfilled by
performing a single hazards analysis which you can apply to all such facilities after you verify that any
site specific deviations are addressed in each of the elements of your SEMS program.
(a) Hazards Analysis (facility level). For a hazards analysis (facility level), you must perform an initial
hazards analysis on each facility on or before November 15, 2011. The hazards analysis must be
appropriate to the complexity of the operation and must identify, evaluate, and manage the hazards
involved in the operation.
(1) The hazards analysis must address the following:
(i) Hazards of the operation;
(ii) Previous incidents related to the operation you are evaluating, including any incident in which you
were issued an Incident of Noncompliance or a civil or criminal penalty;
(iii) Control technology applicable to the operation your hazards analysis is evaluating; and
(iv) A qualitative evaluation of the possible safety and health effects on employees, and potential
impacts to the human and marine environments, which may result if the control technology fails.
(2) The hazards analysis must be performed by a person(s) with experience in the operations being
evaluated. These individuals also need to be experienced in the hazards analysis methodologies being
(3) You should assure that the recommendations in the hazards analysis are resolved and that the
resolution is documented.
(b) Job Safety Analysis (JSA). You must develop and implement a JSA for OCS activities identified or
discussed in your SEMS program.
(1) You must keep a copy of the most recent JSA (operations/task level) at the job site and it must be
readily accessible to employees.
(2) Your JSA must identify, analyze, and record:
(i) The steps involved in performing a specific job;
(ii) the existing or potential safety and health hazards associated with each step; and
(iii) the recommended action(s)/procedure(s) that will eliminate or reduce these hazards and the risk of a
workplace injury or illness.
(3) The supervisor of the person in charge of the task must approve the JSA prior to the commencement
of the work.
§ 250.1912 What criteria for management of change must my SEMS program meet?
(a) You must develop and implement written management of change procedures for modifications
associated with the following:
(1) Equipment, 2/28/2011
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(2) Operating procedures,
(3) Personnel changes (including contractors),
(4) Materials, and
(5) Operating conditions.
(b) Management of change procedures do not apply to situations involving replacement in kind (such as,
replacement of one component by another component with the same performance capabilities).
(c) You must review all changes prior to their implementation.
(d) The following items must be included in your management of change procedures:
(1) The technical basis for the change;
(2) Impact of the change on safety, health, and the coastal and marine environments;
(3) Necessary time period to implement the change; and
(4) Management approval procedures for the change.
(e) Employees, including contractors whose job tasks will be affected by a change in the operation, must
be informed of, and trained in, the change prior to startup of the process or affected part of the
operation; and
(f) If a management of change results in a change in the operating procedures of your SEMS program,
such changes must be documented and dated.
§ 250.1913 What criteria for operating procedures must my SEMS program meet?
(a) You must develop and implement written operating procedures that provide instructions for
conducting safe and environmentally sound activities involved in each operation addressed in your
SEMS program. These procedures must include the job title and reporting relationship of the person or
persons responsible for each of the facility's operating areas and address the following:
(1) Initial startup;
(2) Normal operations;
(3) All emergency operations (including but not limited to medical evacuations, weather-related
evacuations and emergency shutdown operations);
(4) Normal shutdown;
(5) Startup following a turnaround, or after an emergency shutdown;
(6) Bypassing and flagging out-of-service equipment;
(7) Safety and environmental consequences of deviating from your equipment operating limits and steps
required to correct or avoid this deviation;
(8) Properties of, and hazards presented by, the chemicals used in the operations;
(9) Precautions you will take to prevent the exposure of chemicals used in your operations to personnel
and the environment. The precautions must include control technology, personal protective equipment,
and measures to be taken if physical contact or airborne exposure occurs; 2/28/2011
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(10) Raw materials used in your operations and the quality control procedures you used in purchasing
these raw materials;
(11) Control of hazardous chemical inventory; and
(12) Impacts to the human and marine environment identified through your hazards analysis.
(b) Operating procedures must be accessible to all employees involved in the operations.
(c) Operating procedures must be reviewed at the conclusion of specified periods and as often as
necessary to assure they reflect current and actual operating practices, including any changes made to
your operations.
(d) You must develop and implement safe and environmentally sound work practices for identified
hazards during operations and the degree of hazard presented.
(e) Review of and changes to the procedures must be documented and communicated to responsible
§ 250.1914 What criteria must be documented in my SEMS program for safe work
practices and contractor selection?
Your SEMS program must establish and implement safe work practices designed to minimize the risks
associated with operating, maintenance, and modification activities and the handling of materials and
substances that could affect safety or the environment. Your SEMS program must also document
contractor selection criteria. When selecting a contractor, you must obtain and evaluate information
regarding the contractor's safety and environmental performance. Operators must ensure that
contractors have their own written safe work practices. Contractors may adopt appropriate sections of
the operator's SEMS program. Operator and contractor must document their agreement on appropriate
contractor safety and environmental policies and practices before the contractor begins work at the
operator's facilities.
(a) A contractor is anyone performing work for the lessee. However, these requirements do not apply to
contractors providing domestic services to the lessee or other contractors. Domestic services include
janitorial work, food and beverage service, laundry service, housekeeping, and similar activities.
(b) You must document that your contracted employees are knowledgeable and experienced in the work
practices necessary to perform their job in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Documentation of
each contracted employee's expertise to perform his/her job and a copy of the contractor's safety
policies and procedures must be made available to the operator and BOEMRE upon request.
(c) Your SEMS program must include procedures and verification for selecting a contractor as follows:
(1) Your SEMS program must have procedures that verify that contractors are conducting their activities
in accordance with your SEMS program.
(2) You are responsible for making certain that contractors have the skills and knowledge to perform
their assigned duties and are conducting these activities in accordance with the requirements in your
SEMS program.
(3) You must make the results of your verification for selecting contractors available to BOEMRE upon
(d) Your SEMS program must include procedures and verification that contractor personnel understand
and can perform their assigned duties for activities such as, but not limited to:
(1) Installation, maintenance, or repair of equipment;
(2) construction, startup, and operation of your facilities;
(3) turnaround operations; 2/28/2011
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(4) major renovation; or
(5) specialty work.
(e) You must:
(1) Perform periodic evaluations of the performance of contract employees that verifies they are fulfilling
their obligations, and
(2) maintain a contractor employee injury and illness log for 2 years related to the contractor's work in
the operation area, and include this information on Form MMS–131.
(f) You must inform your contractors of any known hazards at the facility they are working on including,
but not limited to fires, explosions, slips, trips, falls, other injuries, and hazards associated with lifting
(g) You must develop and implement safe work practices to control the presence, entrance, and exit of
contract employees in operation areas.
§ 250.1915 What criteria for training must be in my SEMS program?
Your SEMS program must establish and implement a training program so that all personnel are trained
to work safely and are aware of environmental considerations offshore, in accordance with their duties
and responsibilities. Training must address the operating procedures (§250.1913), the safe work
practices (§250.1914), and the emergency response and control measures (§250.1918). You must
document the qualifications of your instructors. Your SEMS program must address:
(a) Initial training for the basic well-being of personnel and protection of the environment, and ensure
that persons assigned to operate and maintain the facility possess the required knowledge and skills to
carry out their duties and responsibilities, including startup and shutdown.
(b) Periodic training to maintain understanding of, and adherence to, the current operating procedures,
using periodic drills, to verify adequate retention of the required knowledge and skills.
(c) Communication requirements to ensure that whenever a change is made to operating procedures
(§250.1913), the safe work practices (§250.1914), or the emergency response and control measures
(§250.1918), personnel will be trained in or otherwise informed of the change before they are expected
to operate the facility.
(d) How you will verify that the contractors are trained in the work practices necessary to perform their
jobs in a safe and environmentally sound manner, including training on operating procedures
(§250.1913), the safe work practices (§250.1914), or the emergency response and control measures
§ 250.1916 What criteria for mechanical integrity must my SEMS program meet?
You must develop and implement written procedures that provide instructions to ensure the mechanical
integrity and safe operation of equipment through inspection, testing, and quality assurance. The
purpose of mechanical integrity is to ensure that equipment is fit for service. Your mechanical integrity
program must encompass all equipment and systems used to prevent or mitigate uncontrolled releases
of hydrocarbons, toxic substances, or other materials that may cause environmental or safety
consequences. These procedures must address the following:
(a) The design, procurement, fabrication, installation, calibration, and maintenance of your equipment
and systems in accordance with the manufacturer's design and material specifications.
(b) The training of each employee involved in maintaining your equipment and systems so that your
employees can implement your mechanical integrity program.
(c) The frequency of inspections and tests of your equipment and systems. The frequency of inspections
and tests must be in accordance with BOEMRE regulations and meet the manufacturer's
recommendations. Inspections and tests can be performed more frequently if determined to be 2/28/2011
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necessary by prior operating experience.
(d) The documentation of each inspection and test that has been performed on your equipment and
systems. This documentation must identify the date of the inspection or test; include the name and
position, and the signature of the person who performed the inspection or test; include the serial number
or other identifier of the equipment on which the inspection or test was performed; include a description
of the inspection or test performed; and the results of the inspection test.
(e) The correction of deficiencies associated with equipment and systems that are outside the
manufacturer's recommended limits. Such corrections must be made before further use of the
equipment and system.
(f) The installation of new equipment and constructing systems. The procedures must address the
application for which they will be used.
(g) The modification of existing equipment and systems. The procedures must ensure that they are
modified for the application for which they will be used.
(h) The verification that inspections and tests are being performed. The procedures must be appropriate
to ensure that equipment and systems are installed consistent with design specifications and the
manufacturer's instructions.
(i) The assurance that maintenance materials, spare parts, and equipment are suitable for the
applications for which they will be used.
§ 250.1917 What criteria for pre-startup review must be in my SEMS program?
Your SEMS program must require that the commissioning process include a pre-startup safety and
environmental review for new and significantly modified facilities that are subject to this subpart to
confirm that the following criteria are met:
(a) Construction and equipment are in accordance with applicable specifications.
(b) Safety, environmental, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and are
(c) Safety and environmental information is current.
(d) Hazards analysis recommendations have been implemented as appropriate.
(e) Training of operating personnel has been completed.
(f) Programs to address management of change and other elements of this subpart are in place.
(g) Safe work practices are in place.
§ 250.1918 What criteria for emergency response and control must be in my SEMS
Your SEMS program must require that emergency response and control plans are in place and are
ready for immediate implementation. These plans must be validated by drills carried out in accordance
with a schedule defined by the SEMS training program (§250.1915). The SEMS emergency response
and control plans must include:
(a) Emergency Action Plan that assigns authority and responsibility to the appropriate qualified person(s)
at a facility for initiating effective emergency response and control, addressing emergency reporting and
response requirements, and complying with all applicable governmental regulations;
(b) Emergency Control Center(s) designated for each facility with access to the Emergency Action
Plans, oil spill contingency plan, and other safety and environmental information (§250.1910); and 2/28/2011
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(c) Training and Drills incorporating emergency response and evacuation procedures conducted
periodically for all personnel (including contractor's personnel), as required by the SEMS training
program (§250.1915). Drills must be based on realistic scenarios conducted periodically to exercise
elements contained in the facility or area emergency action plan. An analysis and critique of each drill
must be conducted to identify and correct weaknesses.
§ 250.1919 What criteria for investigation of incidents must be in my SEMS program?
To learn from incidents and help prevent similar incidents, your SEMS program must establish
procedures for investigation of all incidents with serious safety or environmental consequences and
require investigation of incidents that are determined by facility management or BOEMRE to have
possessed the potential for serious safety or environmental consequences. Incident investigations must
be initiated as promptly as possible, with due regard for the necessity of securing the incident scene and
protecting people and the environment. Incident investigations must be conducted by personnel
knowledgeable in the process involved, investigation techniques, and other specialties that are relevant
or necessary.
(a) The investigation of an incident must address the following:
(1) The nature of the incident;
(2) The factors (human or other) that contributed to the initiation of the incident and its escalation/control;
(3) Recommended changes identified as a result of the investigation.
(b) A corrective action program must be established based on the findings of the investigation in order to
analyze incidents for common root causes. The corrective action program must:
(1) Retain the findings of investigations for use in the next hazard analysis update or audit;
(2) Determine and document the response to each finding to ensure that corrective actions are
completed; and
(3) Implement a system whereby conclusions of investigations are distributed to similar facilities and
appropriate personnel within their organization.
§ 250.1920 What are the auditing requirements for my SEMS program?
(a) You must have your SEMS program audited by either an independent third-party or your designated
and qualified personnel according to the requirements of this subpart and API RP 75, Section 12
(incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198) within 2 years of the initial implementation of the
SEMS program and at least once every 3 years thereafter. The audit must be a comprehensive audit of
all thirteen elements of your SEMS program to evaluate compliance with the requirements of this
subpart and API RP 75 to identify areas in which safety and environmental performance needs to be
(b) Your audit plan and procedures must meet or exceed all of the recommendations included in API RP
75 section 12 (incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198) and include information on how you
addressed those recommendations. You must specifically address the following items:
(1) Section 12.1 General.
(2) Section 12.2 Scope.
(3) Section 12.3 Audit Coverage.
(4) Section 12.4 Audit Plan. You must submit your written Audit Plan to BOEMRE at least 30 days
before the audit. BOEMRE reserves the right to modify the list of facilities that you propose to audit.
(5) Section 12.5 Audit Frequency, except your audit interval must not exceed 3 years after the 2 year
time period for the first audit. 2/28/2011
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(6) Section 12.6 Audit Team. The audit that you submit to BOEMRE must be conducted by either an
independent third party or your designated and qualified personnel. The independent third party or your
designated and qualified personnel must meet the requirements in §250.1926.
(c) You must require your auditor (independent third party or your designated and qualified personnel) to
submit an audit report of the findings and conclusions of the audit to BOEMRE within 30 days of the
audit completion date. The report must outline the results of the audit, including deficiencies identified.
(d) You must provide the BOEMRE a copy of your plan for addressing the deficiencies identified in your
audit within 30 days of completion of the audit. Your plan must address the following:
(1) A proposed schedule to correct the deficiencies identified in the audit. BOEMRE will notify you within
14 days of receipt of your plan if your proposed schedule is not acceptable.
(2) The person responsible for correcting each identified deficiency, including their job title.
(e) BOEMRE may verify that you undertook the corrective actions and that these actions effectively
address the audit findings.
§§ 250.1921-250.1923 [Reserved]
§ 250.1924 How will BOEMRE determine if my SEMS program is effective?
(a) BOEMRE or its authorized representative may evaluate or visit your facility to determine whether
your SEMS program is in place, addresses all required elements, and is effective in protecting the safety
and health of workers, the environment, and preventing incidents. BOEMRE or its authorized
representative may evaluate your SEMS program, including documentation of contractors, independent
third parties, your designated and qualified personnel, and audit reports, to assess your SEMS program.
These evaluations or visits may be random or based upon the OCS lease operator's or contractor's
(b) For the evaluations, you must make the following available to BOEMRE upon request:
(1) Your SEMS program;
(2) The qualifications of your independent third-party or your designated and qualified personnel;
(3) The SEMS audits conducted of your program;
(4) Documents or information relevant to whether you have addressed and corrected the deficiencies of
your audit; and
(5) Other relevant documents or information.
(c) During the site visit BOEMRE may verify that:
(1) Personnel are following your SEMS program,
(2) You can explain and demonstrate the procedures and policies included in your SEMS program; and
(3) You can produce evidence to support the implementation of your SEMS program.
(d) Representatives from BOEMRE may observe or participate in your SEMS audit. You must notify the
BOEMRE at least 30-days prior to conducting your audit as required in §250.1920, so that BOEMRE
may make arrangements to observe or participate in the audit.
§ 250.1925 May BOEMRE direct me to conduct additional audits?
(a) If BOEMRE identifies safety or non-compliance concerns based on the results of our inspections and
evaluations, or as a result of an event, BOEMRE may direct you to have an independent third-party audit 2/28/2011
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of your SEMS program, in addition to the regular audit required by §250.1920, or BOEMRE may conduct
an audit.
(1) If BOEMRE direct you to have an independent third-party audit,
(i) You are responsible for all of the costs associated with the audit, and
(ii) The independent third-party audit must meet the requirements of §250.1920 of this part and you must
ensure that the independent third party submits the findings and conclusions of a BOEMRE-directed
audit according to the requirements in §250.1920 to BOEMRE within 30 days after the audit is
(2) If BOEMRE conducts the audit, BOEMRE will provide a report of the findings and conclusions within
30 days of the audit.
(b) Findings from these audits may result in enforcement actions as identified in §250.1927.
(c) You must provide the BOEMRE a copy of your plan for addressing the deficiencies identified in the
BOEMRE-directed audit within 30 days of completion of the audit as required in §250.1920.
§ 250.1926 What qualifications must an independent third party or my designated and
qualified personnel meet?
(a) You must either choose an independent third-party or your designated and qualified personnel to
audit your SEMS program. You must take into account the following qualifications when selecting the
third-party or your designated and qualified personnel:
(1) Previous education and experience with SEMS, or similar management related programs.
(2) Technical capabilities of the individual or organization for the specific project.
(3) Ability to perform the independent third-party functions for the specific project considering current
(4) Previous experience with BOEMRE regulatory requirements and procedures.
(5) Previous education and experience to comprehend and evaluate how the company's offshore
activities, raw materials, production methods and equipment, products, byproducts, and business
management systems may impact health and safety performance in the workplace.
(b) You must have procedures to avoid conflicts of interest related to the development of your SEMS
program and the independent third party auditor and your designated and qualified personnel.
(c) BOEMRE may evaluate the qualifications of the independent third parties or your designated and
qualified personnel. This may include an audit of documents and procedures or interviews. BOEMRE
may disallow audits by a specific independent third-party or your designated and qualified personnel if
they do not meet the criteria of this section.
§ 250.1927 What happens if BOEMRE finds shortcomings in my SEMS program?
If BOEMRE determines that your SEMS program is not in compliance with this subpart we may initiate
one or more of the following enforcement actions:
(a) Issue an Incident(s) of Noncompliance;
(b) Assess civil penalties; or
(c) Initiate probationary or disqualification procedures from serving as an OCS operator.
§ 250.1928 What are my recordkeeping and documentation requirements? 2/28/2011
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(a) Your SEMS program procedures must ensure that records and documents are maintained for a
period of 6 years, except as provided below. You must document and keep all SEMS audits for 6 years
and make them available to BOEMRE upon request. You must maintain a copy of all SEMS program
documents at an onshore location.
(b) For JSAs, the person in charge of the activity must document the results of the JSA in writing and
must ensure that records are kept onsite for 30 days. You must retain these records for 2 years and
make them available to BOEMRE upon request.
(c) You must document and date all management of change provisions as specified in §250.1912. You
must retain these records for 2 years and make them available to BOEMRE upon request.
(d) You must keep your injury/illness log for 2 years and make them available to BOEMRE upon request.
(e) You must keep all evaluations completed on contractor's safety policies and procedures for 2 years
and make them available to BOEMRE upon request.
(f) You must keep all records in an orderly manner, readily identifiable, retrievable and legible, and
include the date of any and all revisions.
§ 250.1929 What are my responsibilities for submitting OCS performance measure
You must submit Form MMS–131 on an annual basis by March 31st. The form must be broken down
quarterly, reporting the previous calendar year's data.
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Author | blundonc |
File Modified | 2011-02-28 |
File Created | 2011-02-28 |