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pdfNational Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Social Science Program
Expedited Approval for NPS- Sponsored Public Surveys
Project Title
Submission Date:
Understanding Trends of Sport Fishing on Critical Fishery Resources in
Olympic National Park Rivers and Lakes
The goal of this project is to describe recreational fishing effort and provide clear guidance to
management to prevent unacceptable impacts to park resources. Anglers come from around
the world to fish the waters of Olympic National Park (OLYM). The park consists of 12
major watersheds, 4,000 miles of streams, 31 fish species, and 70 unique salmonid
populations. Salmon that inhabit park rivers are of high ecological and cultural importance,
and significantly contribute to recreational and commercial fisheries. We propose to: 1)
quantify the location, extent, seasonality, and magnitude of recreational fishing effort in
rivers and lakes; 2) estimate the catch by fish species; 3) better understand angler
demographics; and 4) assess incidental catch of federally threatened species. Information will
be used to better understand spatial and temporal pressures on fishery resources.
(not to exceed 150 words)
Principal Investigator Contact Information
First Name:
Street Address:
Last Name:
Chief Fisheries Biologist
Olympic National Park
600 East Park Avenue
Port Angeles
Zip code:
Park or Program Liaison Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Human Dimensions of Biological
Resource Management
National Park Service, Fort Collins
Street Address:
Biological Resource Management Division
1201 Oakridge Dr., Suite 200
Fort Collins
Zip code:
Project Information
Olympic National Park, Washington
Park(s) For Which Research
is to be Conducted:
Survey Dates:
Type of Information Collection Instrument (Check ALL that Apply)
Mail- Back
Other (explain)
Survey Justification:
(Use as much space as
needed; if necessary include
additional explanation on a
separate page.)
On- Site
X Face- to- Face
Social science research in support of park planning and management is mandated
in the NPS Management Policies 2006 (Section 8.11.1, “Social Science Studies”).
The NPS pursues a policy that facilitates social science studies in support of the
NPS mission to protect resources and enhance the enjoyment of present and future
generations (National Park Service Act of 1916, 38 Stat 535, 16 USC 1, et seq.).
NPS policy mandates that social science research will be used to provide an
understanding of park visitors, the non-visiting public, gateway communities and
regions, and human interactions with park resources. Such studies are needed to
provide a scientific basis for park planning, development, operations,
management, education, and interpretive activities.
The goal of this project is to provide information on trends in fishing effort and
catch in Olympic National Park. This information will be used to identify possible
regulatory measures that may be necessary to protect OLYM fishery resources.
The objectives of this survey are: 1) quantify the extent, seasonality, and
magnitude of recreational fishing effort in selected OLYM rivers and lakes; 2)
assess incidental catch of federally threatened species in recreational fisheries; 3)
estimate the harvest or catch rates of hatchery, wild, non-native, and federally
threatened salmonids based on angler interviews; and 4) use the information to
better predict spatial and temporal pressures on fishery resources in OLYM.
Encompassing nearly one million acres of designated wilderness on the Olympic
Peninsula of northwestern Washington, OLYM consists of 12 major watersheds,
600 high lakes, two large lakes, and 4,000 miles of rivers and streams. The park
contains one of the largest contiguous areas of relatively pristine habitat
throughout the range of several west coast fish species. These diverse aquatic
habitats harbor 31 species of freshwater and anadromous fish and at least 70
unique populations of salmon and trout. Five species in the park are recognized as
federally threatened.
Salmonid populations that inhabit park rivers are of high ecological importance.
Pacific salmonids are known to provide food for over 130 species of aquatic and
terrestrial wildlife species (Cederholm et al. 2001), and studies have shown that
20 to 40% of the phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon in freshwater systems may be
marine-derived through carcasses of spawned salmon (Kline et al. 1990, 1994;
Bilby et al. 1996).
These salmonid populations are also of significant recreational value. Virtually all
of the waters in OLYM support highly popular sport fisheries. This popularity is
fostered by the proximity of OLYM to the Seattle/Tacoma metropolitan area (100
miles away). The Seattle/Tacoma area has seen its population grow significantly
over recent decades – growth was about 20% from 1990 to 2000 – a trend that is
projected to continue.
To meet NPS management objectives of protecting and perpetuating native
aquatic species and preserving the diversity and ecological integrity of native fish
populations, the park promotes catch-and-release of all wild fish, but allows
harvest of non-native and hatchery-origin fish.
To make appropriate fisheries management decisions, particularly as related to
fishing regulations, we need to understand trends in angling effort, catch, and
angler demographics. An evaluation of fishing pressure, effort, and catch is the
first important step in successful management of the park’s fishery resources.
The following are specific types of biological questions that are important to
managers and will be addressed by this project:
What is the extent and magnitude of recreational fishing pressure in
selected park watersheds?
What are the targeted fish species?
What is the composition of catch by fish species?
What percent of the catch in a given river is comprised of wild versus
hatchery raised fish?
What months receive the most intensive recreational fishing pressure?
How many boats typically fish a given river during summer, fall, and
What is the relative catch between permitted guides versus non-guides?
Is there significant incidental catch of federally listed and threatened fish
species in OLYM’s recreational fisheries?
In addition, information on angler demographics, background, and preferences
will be gathered to inform future management decisions related to fishing
regulations. These surveys will represent the first studies of human dimensions of
fisheries in OLYM.
Survey Methodology: (Use
as much space as needed; if
necessary include
additional explanation on a
separate page.)
(a) Respondent universe: Adult (18 and older) anglers who fish the park’s rivers
and lakes between December 15, 2009 and June 30, 2011. The period of data
collection represents two full fishing seasons for Pacific salmonids.
(b) Sampling plan/procedures:
We will use established fisheries techniques to conduct a statistically rigorous
survey to quantify fishing effort and catch in readily accessible portions of one
east side river (North Fork Skokomish), two north side rivers (Elwha and Sol
Duc), and three west side rivers (Hoh, Queets, and Quinault Rivers) where fishing
pressure is intense. We also will monitor effort and catch on Lake Ozette and
Lake Crescent. This project will occur over two fiscal years.
Survey Design
Creel surveys (or angler interviews) will be used to assess the temporal and spatial
distribution of fishing effort and catch. Sites, dates, and sampling times will be
selected based on methods described in “Sampling the Recreational Fishery” by
Malvestuto (1983) and Pollock et al. (1997). Sampling days for each waterway
will be selected from a random stratified design (weekdays vs. weekend days),
under the assumption that increased fishing pressure occurs on the weekend. A
random sample of weekdays and another random sample of weekend days will
provide relatively precise estimates of fishing effort that will then be combined to
estimate effort for each river or lake.
Sites for angler interviews will be randomly selected from a list of known access
sites along each river or lake. Interview days will be divided into three time
periods of early morning, midday, and evening. A random number table will be
used, with replacement, to select a time period to conduct an individual survey.
Surveys will be conducted only with willing participants. For a given fishing
party, each angler 18 years of age or older will be interviewed.
Each study day will be divided into two tasks: 1) conduct counts of the number of
vehicles and trailers along a given river or lake; and 2) interview anglers. Two
estimates of angler effort will be conducted daily, and the average of these two
counts will be used to estimate effort for the day. Surveyors will interview anglers
to determine: State of permanent residence; length of time fished; targeted
species; the number and species of fish caught, kept, or released; whether fish
were hatchery, wild, or non-native; type of gear; use of guide or no guide;
whether they are fishing from bank or by boat, and location of fishing; angler
satisfaction with existing fishing regulations; preference for catch-and-release;
and knowledge of threatened species in each system.
(c) Instrument administration: Face-to-face interviews will be conducted with
willing participants. Park fisheries staff will conduct angler surveys along rivers
and lakes. Anglers will be informed that the survey is voluntary. Interview forms
will be completed by surveyors in the field.
(d) Expected response rate/confidence levels: The total number of anglers is
estimated to be 700 per year based on anecdotal information and past surveys by
the State of Washington. The expected response rate is 75% based on similar
surveys conducted by the State of Washington in nearby coastal rivers (Personal
communication, Randy Cooper, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife).
This yields a margin of error for dichotomous measures of +/- 2.14 (assuming a
finite population of 700).
(e) Strategies for dealing with potential non- response bias: Observations
regarding gender, group size, the presence of children, and the number of anglers
in each group, as well as the reason for refusal (if given), will be recorded on a log
sheet. These items will be used to compare non-respondents with respondents.
The implications of any non-response bias for interpretation of results will be
discussed in the final report.
(f) Description of any pre- testing and peer review of the methods and/or
instrument (recommended): We are using widely accepted and proven survey
methods to interview anglers. The approach and study design are statistically
sound and were reviewed by biostatisticians and peers in fisheries. We have pretested the survey instrument for burden estimate and clarity of questions with 10
federal employees and 9 members of the public.
Total Number of
Initial Contacts |
Expected Respondents:
Reporting Plan:
Estimated Time to
Complete Initial
Contact |
Instrument (mins.):
Surveyors will complete the angler interviews in the field. Survey forms will be
summarized weekly by park staff in the Fisheries Management Division.
Data summaries will include the following: 1) number of angler interviews that
were conducted monthly each year; 2) number of fish species landed, catch per
hour, number kept, and number released in each river or lake; 3) summary of total
fish species landed and catch-per-unit effort for those species commonly
encountered; 4) boat effort on rivers and lakes; 5) angler demographics by river
(age, residence, level of fishing experience); 6) gear types by river and month; 7)
encounters with hatchery vs. wild fish; and 8) encounters with federally
threatened bull trout.
OLYM will write a final technical report that will be published by the National
Park Service or in a leading fisheries journal (i.e. North American Journal of
Fisheries Management or Transactions of the American Fisheries Society). A
copy of the final report will be archived with the Social Science Studies.
Collection in Washington, D.C. We also will produce a one-page “Findings Brief”
to be distributed to the public.
Literature Cited:
Bilby, R. E., B. R. Fransen, and P. A. Bisson. 1996. Incorporation of nitrogen and
carbon from spawning coho salmon into the trophic systems of small streams:
Evidence from stable isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences 53:164-173.
Cederholm, C. J., D. H. Johnson, R. E. Bilby, L. G. Dominguez, A. M. Garrett,
W. H. Graeber, E. L. Greda, M. D. Kunze, B. G. Marcot, J. F. Palmisano, R. W.
Plotnikoff, W. G. Pearcy, C. A. Simenstad, and P. C. Trotter. 2001. Pacific
salmon and wildlife: Ecological contexts, relationships, and implications for
management. Pages 628-687 in D. H. Johnson and T. A. O’Neil, editors.
Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State
University Press, Corvallis.
Kline, T. C., J. J. Goering, O. A. Mathisen, P. H. Poe, and P. L. Parker. 1990.
Recycling of element transported upstream by runs of Pacific salmon: I. δ15N and
δ13C evidence in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Science 47:136-144.
Kline, T. C., Jr., J. J. Goering, O. A. Mathisen, P. H. Poe, P. L. Parker, and R. S.
Scanlan. 1994. Recycling of element transported upstream by runs of Pacific
salmon: II. δ15N and δ13C evidence in the Kvichak River watershed, Bristol Bay
southwestern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
Malvestuto, S.P. 1983. Sampling the recreational fishery. Pages 397 to 430 in
Fisheries Techniques by L.A. Nielsen and D.L. Johnson, editors. American
Fisheries Society. Southern Printing Company, Blackburg, Virginia.
Pollock, K.H., Hoenig, J.M., Jones, C.M., Robson, D.S. & Greene, C.J. 1997.
Catch rate estimation for roving and access point surveys. North American
Journal of Fisheries Management 17, 11-19.
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
LOCATION (Check one) :
___ North Fork Skokomish River
___ Elwha River
___ Sol Duc River
___ Lake Ozette
___ Hoh River
___ Queets River
___ Quinault River
___ Lake Crescent
Olympic National Park
Fisheries Survey
Interview Protocol:
The interviewer will make a brief introduction to approach anglers and invite them to participate in
a face-to-face interview. Individuals who agree to participate will be further informed about the
survey and its subject matter. Interviewers will ask participants if they are 18 years of age or
older. Names will not be recorded, so anonymity will be assured. Interviewers will note time of
contact, whether angler is male or female, number of people in group, presence of children, and
refusals for all contacts.
Interview Script:
Interviewer: “Are you planning to fish today?” [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses of
Park Resources]
___ YES My name is ______________________. I work with Olympic National Park and am
helping to conduct a survey of fishing in this park. Would you be willing to answer a few
questions about your fishing today? The questions will take about 15 minutes to complete. All of
your answers are voluntary and anonymous.
___ NO
___ YES
Thank you for your time. Have a good day.
Are you 18 years old or older?” [Topic Area 1: Individual Characteristics]
END CONTACT (proceed to next person in group)
Would you be willing to participate?” (If “No” - END OF CONTACT)
If “Yes,” follow with survey questions:
1) What fish species are you fishing for today? [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses of
Park Resources]
Don’t know/Refused
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
2) About what time did you start fishing today? _______________ ? [Topic Area 2: Trip/Visit
Don’t know/Refused
3) About what time do you expect to stop fishing today? ___________________ [Topic Area 2:
Trip/Visit Characteristics]
Don’t know/Refused
4) How many hours do you usually fish per trip? ________________ [Topic Area 2: Trip/Visit
Don’t know/Refused
5) On average, how many fishing trips do you make to this park per year? ______________
[Topic Area 2: Trip/Visit Characteristics]
Don’t know/Refused
6) What type of gear are you using, or have you used, on this trip? [Topic Area 2: Trip/Visit
Don’t know/Refused
7) How many vehicles did you and your group use to arrive at this location? [1. variation GR4]
____________________ Number of vehicles
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
8) Would you mind if I measured your catch? [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses of
Park Resources]
Go to question 9.
Make measurements, then go to question 9.
8a) What type (species) of fish did you catch today? [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities
and Uses of Park Resources]
Don’t know/Refused
8b) How many fish did you catch (weight)? [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses
of Park Resources]
____________________________________(record total number and/or weight)
Don’t know/Refused
9) How many years have you been fishing? [Topic Area 1: Individual Characteristics]
10) Have you ever been fishing in OLYM before? [Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses of
Park Resources]
Go to question 11
10a) If yes, for how many years? ________[ Topic Area 3: Individual Activities and Uses
of Park Resources]
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
11) On this visit to [insert name of river or lake], compared to what you expected, how crowded
did you feel? [CROWD3]
I didn’t know what to expect
Less crowded than expected
About the same as expected
More crowded than expected
12) Prior to your visit, were you and your group aware that [insert name of river or lake] is
managed by NPS? [KNOW3]
Not sure
13) Have you seen a copy of OLYM fishing regulations? [Topic Area 1: Individual
No Where would you suggest they be made available?_________________
Where did you see it? ________________________________________
14) Please rate your level of satisfaction with OLYM fishing regulations [Topic Area 7 Individual Opinions on Park Management]
Very Satisfactory
Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory
Very Unsatisfactory
If you rated the fishing regulations as "very unsatisfactory" or "unsatisfactory," please explain
15) Do you prefer catch-and-release fishing or catch-and-keep fishing? [Topic Area 1: Individual
No preference
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
16) Do you belong to any fishing group/s? [Topic Area 1: Individual Characteristics]
Go to question 17
Which ones? _________________________________________________
17) What year were you born? ________________ [1.AGE1]
18) Where do you live? [1. variation RES1]
County ________________
19) Would you like to add anything else about your catch, gear, or time you spent here? [Topic
Area 6 - Individual Perceptions of their Park Experiences]
*Additional Information Provided upon Request.
16 U.S.C. 1a-7 authorizes collection of this information. This information will be used by park
managers to better serve the public. Response to this request is voluntary. No action may be taken
against you for refusing to supply the information requested. An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
BURDEN ESTIMATE STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to
average 15 minutes per response. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other
aspect of this form to:
Sam J. Brenkman
Chief Fisheries Biologist
Olympic National Park
600 East Park Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone 360-565-3081
Fax 360-565-2990
OMB Control #
Expiration Date:
Date: ____________________Weather: ___________________________Sampling site: ______________________________________
Time of
18 or older?
Group Size
# of Children
# of Anglers
Present in
Comments/Reason for Refusals
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - OMB_form_Final_12-11-09.rtf |
Author | JGramann |
File Modified | 2010-01-10 |
File Created | 2010-01-10 |