pdf |
pdfAppendix A. Instruments
IRFP Applicants Survey
EAPSI Applicants Survey
IRFP Host Survey
EAPSI Host Survey
EAPSI Advisor Survey
Interview Guide for EAPSI Program Manager in Foreign Location
Interview Guide for EAPSI Agency Official in Foreign Location
Introductory screen:
Survey of former applicants to the
National Science Foundation’s
International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)
Welcome and thank for your interest in this study. This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates
Inc., and our subsidiary, AbtSRBI, for the National Science Foundation (NSF), to learn about the
experiences, career choices, and professional activities of individuals who applied to NSF’s
International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP). You are receiving this survey because you are listed
in the IRFP database as an applicant to IRFP.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your
institution. You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. There are
minimal risks associated with your participation. We take your privacy very seriously. Your responses
to this survey will be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of
confidentiality, and we have put in place procedures to minimize this risk. Reports will never identify
you by name, and information from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program
level, combined with about 250 other responses. When we receive your survey we will detach and
store separately your name and other identifying information that could be used to link you to your
survey responses. Survey responses will be stored on a secure drive that is only accessible to
members on the study team. Only study team web technicians and data analysts from Abt Associates
and AbtSRBI will see individual responses that can be linked to you. Survey data files will be shared
with NSF at the end of the study, only after study team members have examined the data to be free of
any information that could help identify you; this cleaning includes procedures to limit someone from
inferring your identity by analyzing non-identifying data. Hence, we encourage you to respond
candidly about your experiences. Separate from your individual responses to the survey we will
provide NSF any updated contact information we have found or requested from you. None of this
contact information will be linked in any way to your survey responses. At the conclusion of the study,
Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will destroy all records, electronic or otherwise, that link you to your
survey responses.
This study’s IRB approval number is #0494, valid from 8/6/2010 to 8/5/2011. For questions, please contact
Teresa Doksum, IRB Administrator, Abt Associates, at
The valid OMB control no. for this information collection is xx-xxxxx. (Expires on mm/dd/yyyy)
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 1
Next screen:
IRFP applicant survey
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions
about the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (866) 4216223 (toll free within the U.S.) or email her at IIRRFFPP__ssuurrvveeyy@
m. You may also contact the
evaluation’s program officer at NSF, John Tsapogas (jjttssaappooggaa@
@nnssff..ggoovv). If you have questions about
your rights as a research participant, you may contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review
Board Administrator at (877) 520-6835 (toll-free within the U.S.) or by email:
To learn more about this study, please refer to the FFrreeqquueennttllyy AAsskkeedd Q
Quueessttiioonnss page.
Navigating through the survey:
As you work through the survey, your responses are automatically saved. You may change a response
M button. Use the NNEEXXTT IITTEEM
M button to advance to the next
At any time, you may click on the SSAAVVEE &
& FFIINNIISSHH LLAATTEERR button if you wish to temporarily pause the
survey and return to it at a later time.
On each page of the survey, a HHEELLPP button is provided if you experience technical difficulties with the
online survey. This button will allow you to send a request for assistance to the survey’s website
When you have completed the survey, please click on the SSUUBBM
MIITT button at the end of the survey.
You may submit the survey even if there are some questions that you choose not to answer.
Please click on “Begin” if you agree to participate in this study. BBEEGGIINN
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 2
FAQs are Optional screens, displayed only if R clicks on FFrreeqquueennttllyy AAsskkeedd Q
Whhaatt iiss tthhee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall RReesseeaarrcchh FFeellloow
wsshhiipp PPrrooggrraam
m ((IIRRFFPP))??
Whhyy aarree yyoouu ddooiinngg tthhiiss ssttuuddyy??
Whhyy hhaavvee II bbeeeenn sseelleecctteedd ttoo ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn tthhiiss ssuurrvveeyy??
w ddiidd yyoouu ggeett m
myy ccoonnttaacctt iinnffoorrm
w lloonngg w
wiilll tthhiiss ssuurrvveeyy ttaakkee ttoo ccoom
wiilll yyoouu uussee m
myy ccoom
DDooeess tthhiiss ssttuuddyy hhaavvee hhuum
maann ssuubbjjeeccttss rreevviieew
w cclleeaarraannccee??
Whhoo iiss ffuunnddiinngg tthhee ssttuuddyy??
Whhoo aarree AAbbtt AAssssoocciiaatteess IInncc aanndd AAbbttSSRRBBII??
What is the International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)?
The International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program
that provides support for new doctoral-level scientists and engineers to conduct research in a foreign
country for a period of 3 to 24 months.
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about the characteristics of scientists and engineers who applied for an
IRFP Fellowship between 1992 and 2009. Information about the domestic and international
experiences of IRFP participants and non-participants will help NSF understand the usefulness and
relevance of international research training for scientists and engineers. Information from this study
will be used to describe the experiences and career paths of new Ph.D. scientists and engineers who
expressed interest in pursuing an international collaboration.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as having applied to the
International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP).
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on prior IRFP applicants.
We then obtained your contact information through an internet search.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 30 minutes.
How will you use my comments?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about IRFP applicants’ early
career trajectories, the nature of their research collaborations both within and outside of the U.S., and
their subsequent career paths.
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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Has this study been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
Yes, the study was also approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you have any concerns
about your participation in this survey, please contact Teresa Doksum, Institutional Review Board
Administrator at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via email at iirrbb@
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract
GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will complete the study.
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. AbtSRBI is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in large-scale data collection and public opinion
research. NSF has contracted with Abt Associates and AbtSRBI to design and implement a survey of
individuals who applied to NSF’s International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP).
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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IRFP applicant survey
The header above in dark blue should appear at top of each survey screen.
To begin, we’d like to confirm that we’ve reached the appropriate person.
A1. Based on the information that you provided to NSF in your application, your name is [First
Name, Middle Name/initial, Last Name]. Is this correct?
No, my name has changed or my name is misspelled above. My name is: [textbox, 75]
No, I’m not the person named above. EXIT SCREEN
Yes, this is correct.
[Former Fellows only]
A2.1. Based on the information contained in the NSF database, you participated in the National
Science Foundation’s International Research Fellowship Program starting in [Year of
application]. Is this correct? If you participated in IRFP more than once, please consider
your most recent experience
Yes, this is correct. GO TO A3
No, I never participated in IRFP CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN
No, I applied for the IRFP, but withdrew my application before the award decision was
No, I was awarded the IRFP fellowship, but declined it EXIT SCREEN
No, I participated in IRFP, but my fellowship began in:
Enter year: [textbox, 4] GO TO A3 [data check. If year ≤ 1990 or ≥ 2011 or if year nonnumerical reject entry and prompt R to correct entry: “Please type a four-digit year
between 1990 and 2010”] Set Year of application = entered year.
[Unfunded applicants only]
A2.2. Based on the information contained in the NSF database, you applied for the National
Science Foundation’s International Research Fellows Program (IRFP) in [year of
application], but did not participate in a fellowship. Is that correct?
Yes, this is correct. GO TO A3
No, I applied for an IRFP fellowship in (Enter year): [textbox 4] data check as in A2.1, Set
year_of_application = entered year
No, I did participate in an IRFP fellowship. CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN
No, I never applied for this program. CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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A3. Based on the information in the NSF database, you applied to spend your IRFP fellowship in
[IRFP country]. Is this correct?
Yes GO TO A4
No, I applied for an IRFP fellowship in (Enter country): [textbox, 50]. GO TO A4 Set
IRFP_country = entered country
A4a. Our records indicate that you received your doctorate in [phdyear]. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct. GO TO A5
No, I earned my degree in (Enter year): [textbox, 4] GO TO A5 [data check: If year ≤
1900 or ≥ 2011 or if year non-numerical reject entry and prompt R to correct entry:
“Please type a valid four-digit year”] Set phdyear = entered year
I have more than one doctorate. GO TO A4b
A4b. Please enter the years that you received your first and your most recent doctoral degrees:
First doctoral degree received in (enter year): [textbox, 4]
Most recent doctoral degree (enter year): [textbox 4]
Go TO A5
A5. What discipline best characterizes your field of research when you applied for an IRFP
fellowship (that is, your doctoral field of research)? First, indicate which one of four
broader areas in which your discipline falls:
Check one only:
1 Sciences
(Biological/Life, Chemical, Computer/Information,
Environmental, Earth/Atmospheric/Oceanographic,
Geosciences, Mathematical/Statistical, Physics, Psychology)
2 Social Sciences (Economics, Sociology, Anthropology/Archaelogy, Political
Science, Geography, Linguistics, other)
3 Health/Medical
4 Engineering
display one of three screens based on choice above:
Science screen
Social Science, Health screen
Social Science, Health screen
Engineering screen
The next three pages should each be a separate screen. After R hits SUBMIT, go to Item B1
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 6
Science Fields
For Science/Math Education select the primary scientific or mathematical field, or select
SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall and see “OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education,
To view other fields, click on a button:
SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall fields.
EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg fields.
Agricultural/food sciences
605 Animal sciences
606 Food sciences/technology
Biological sciences
Bioengineering, see
ENGINEERING, next page
Environmental life sciences
680 Environmental science/studies
Computer and information
sciences For Computer
Engineering, see
ENGINEERING, next page
671 Computer/information
Mathematics and statistics
Chemistry, except biochem
Earth, atmospheric, and
ocean sciences
Physics Biophysics, see
Biological Sciences
631 Biochemistry/biophysics
632 Biology, general
633 Botany
634 Cell/molecular biology
635 Ecology
636 Genetics, animal/plant
607 Plant sciences
608 OTHER agricultural sciences
637 Microbiological sciences/immunology
638 Nutritional sciences
639 Pharmacology, human/animal
640 Physiology and pathology,
641 Zoology, general
642 OTHER Biological sciences
681 Forestry sciences
674 Computer systems analysis
sciences, general
676 Information services/systems
672 Computer programming
677 OTHER computer/information sciences
673 Computer science
841 Applied mathematics
844 Statistics
842 Mathematics, general
845 OTHER mathematics
843 Operations research
873 Chemistry except biochemistry (biochemistry, see Biological sciences)
872 Atmospheric
876 Geological sciences, other
877 Oceanography
874 Earth sciences
879 OTHER physical sciences
875 Geology
871 Astronomy/astrophysics
878 Physics
891 Clinical psychology
894 General psychology
892 Counseling
704 Educational psychology
893 Experimental psychology
895 Industrial/organizational psychology
896 Social psychology
897 OTHER psychology
MIITT selection and go to next Survey Item (B1).
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 7
Social Sciences and Health/Medical fields
For Science/Math Education select the primary scientific or mathematical field (click on
SScciieennccee), or see below “OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education, General”
To view other fields, click on a button:
SScciieennccee fields.
EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg fields.
Political and related
601 Agricultural economics
923 Economics
927 International relations
928 Political science/government
902 Public policy studies
921 Anthropology/archaeology
922 Criminology
929 Sociology
OTHER social sciences
620 Area/ethnic studies
621 Education, general
924 Geography
771 Linguistics
861 Philosophy of science
930 OTHER social sciences
925 History of science
781 Audiology/speech pathology
787 Nursing (4 years or longer program)
782 Health services administration
788 Pharmacy
783 Health/medical assistants
789 Physical therapy and other
784 Health/medical technologies
rehabilitation/therapeutic services
785 Medical preparatory programs
790 Public health (Including environmental
(e.g., pre-dentistry, pre-medical,
pre- veterinary)
791 OTHER health/medical sciences
786 Medicine (e.g., general, internal, orthopedic,
surgical, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic,
podiatry, veterinary)
MIITT selection and go to next Survey Item (B1).
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 8
Engineering fields
For Science, Math or Engineering Education select the primary scientific or
mathematical field (click on SScciieennccee), or or select SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall and
see “OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education, General”
To view other fields, click on a button:
SScciieennccee fields.
SSoocciiaall SScciieennccee oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall fields.
Biochemical engineering, see Bioengineering/biomedical under OTHER Engineering
Chemical engineering
725 Chemical engineering
Civil/architectural eng.
Industrial engineering
Mechanical engineering
OTHER engineering
723 Architectural engineering
726 Civil engineering
727 Computer/systems engineering
728 Electrical/electronics/communications
733 Industrial/manufacturing engineering
735 Mechanical engineering
721 Aerospace/aeronautical/
astronautical engineering
722 Agricultural engineering
724 Bioengineering/biomedical
731 Engineering, general
729 Engineering sciences/
730 Environmental engineering
732 Geophysical/geological engineering
734 Materials engineering, including
736 Metallurgical engineering
737 Mining/minerals engineering
738 Naval architecture/marine engineering
739 Nuclear engineering
740 Petroleum engineering
741 OTHER engineering
MIITT selection and go to next Survey Item (B1).
Do not display the following info: Source: SESTAT education codes in NSRCG major
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 9
B1. Why did you apply to IRFP? Check all that apply.
To conduct research with a specific person or at a specific institution
To collaborate with a foreign scientist
To understand what research in my field was like outside the US
To access resources (e.g. samples, equipment) for research that I could not find in the U.S.
To enhance my skills or knowledge as a researcher
To enhance my resume as a future job candidate
To learn about the culture, history, and/or geography of another country
To learn another language
To travel outside of the United States
For family reasons (e.g., to accompany a spouse traveling abroad)
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
B2. For your application to the IRFP program, why did you select your IRFP country? Check all that
The host researcher was conducting research relevant to my own interests
The host institution had equipment or resources helpful for my proposed research
A faculty advisor or mentor recommended this particular country, the particular host institution
or host researcher in this country
I have professional ties with someone who is from this country
The host researcher had visited my department or university
There were particular places in this country (aside from the host institution) that I wanted to
visit or see
I had studied this country’s culture, history, politics, geography, etc. before applying
I was familiar with the primary language(s) spoken there
Other reason (please specify): [textbox, 300]
B3. Did the notification of your application status allow you sufficient time to make the necessary
arrangements for your visit or to make alternative plans if you did not receive the award? Check one
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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B4. How did your primary graduate advisor view your decision to apply for an IRFP? Check one only.
I do not know how my advisor viewed my decision to apply
I did not have an advisor when I most recently applied
My advisor opposed my decision to apply
My advisor was indifferent to my decision to apply
My advisor supported my decision to apply
My advisor encourage me to apply to the IRFP program
B5. What types of mentoring or guidance did you receive from your graduate advisor or other
colleagues during the preparation of the IRFP application? Check all that apply.
Suggested a host institution
Recommended me to a colleague at the host institution
Provided feedback on my project proposal
Discussed with me cultural and language aspects of the host country
Other – specify: [textbox, 300]
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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Items in this section ask for information about the year in which you applied for an IRFP Fellowship.
C1. At the time you applied for an IRFP Fellowship ([year_of_application]) were you employed in a
tenure-track faculty position? Check one only
C2a. At the time you applied for IRFP ([year_of_application]), what was the highest degree you had
completed? You may have applied before you officially received your doctorate, for example.
Check one only:
Bachelor’s degree (BS, BA)
Master’s degree (MA, MS, MBA, etc.)
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, MD, joint MD/PhD, JD, PsyD, ScD)
Other degree– specify: [textbox, 50]
C2b. At the time you applied for IRFP ([year_of_application]), had you received or were you pursuing a
graduate degree from an institution outside the United States? Check one only
C3a. While you were an undergraduate, did you participate in a study abroad program or did you spend
a semester (or more) pursuing your education at a college/university outside the United States?
Check one only
C3b. While you were a graduate student did you participate in a study abroad program or did you spend
a semester (or more) pursuing your graduate research or education outside the United States?
Check one only
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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C4. At the time you applied for IRFP ([year_of_application]), had you done any of the following? Check
all that apply
Attended elementary or secondary school in another country (outside the U.S.)
Lived outside the U.S. for six months longer
Collaborated on research with someone based in another country
Published research with someone based in another country
Attended or presented scholarly work at a research conference in another country
Participated on a research team with a scientist who was visiting my group from a foreign
Worked with a colleague who had completed an IRFP Fellowship
None of the above
C5a. At the time you applied for an IRFP fellowship ([year_of_application]), were you already working
at the foreign institution that you proposed as your IRFP host? Check one only
C5b. At the time you applied for IRFP ([year_of_application]), were you already collaborating with the
host scientist(s) or someone else at the host institution(s) that you proposed in your application?
That is,even if you were not physically working at the host institution, were you already
collaborating with someone at that institution? Check one only
Yes, with my proposed host scientist
Yes, with someone else at my proposed host institution (not the host scientist)
C6. At the time you applied for an IRFP Fellowship ([year_of_application]) were you aware of any
relationship between your U.S.-based institution (graduate, postdoctoral, or other) and that of the
host institution to which you applied? Check all that apply:
Yes, a student, postdoc or faculty member in my department had collaborated with
someone at the host institution
Yes, my department or university had an existing collaboration or student/faculty exchange
program with the host institution
Other students/postdocs/faculty from my university or department had been to the host
Yes, there was another type of relationship. Please specify: [textbox, 300]
No, I was not aware of any such relationship
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 13
At the time you applied for the IRFP ([year_of_application]), how many of the following had you
authored/co-authored, edited/co-edited, developed/co-developed? Include articles in-press,
patents registered; do not included manuscripts or products under review at the time. Include
works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the same work more than once if
it is available in multiple formats.
Total number
Number completed
with a foreign
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Peer-reviewed conference publications (e.g.
abstracts, conference papers, posters)
Patents and licenses, registered or pending
Book chapter(s) (e.g., in edited volumes)
C8. Have you ever received a nationally competitive fellowship to support your graduate studies? Do
not include support you received directly from your institution or support from a faculty member’s
grant funding.
Nationally-competitive fellowships are unrestricted fellowships granted by a federal agency,
private foundation, or similar organization directly to an individual graduate student (or graduate
school applicant) for use at any graduate institution of his/her choosing. Check one only
UNFUNDED, GO TO ITEM Module D (Item D1a)
As of October 1, 2010, had you completed your IRFP fellowship (including any U.S.-based "re-entry
period")? Check one only
Yes Go to D1a
No R will receive items in Module E and Module G; Do not Present Modules D, F.
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 14
In this section, we ask about various professional experiences you’ve had up to October 1, 2010. We
use a standard date so that all survey participants think about the same period of time when
answering these questions.
D1a. Since receiving your first doctoral degree how many postdoctoral appointments have you held?
have? Please include any postdocs you held through October 1, 2010. Please include IRFP if you
received an award.
Enter Number of postdocs [textbox 2] or if None, check this box:
If “none” box is checked Skip to D1c, else continue to D1b.
D1b. [all applicants]: Since receiving your first doctoral degree, how many postdoctoral appointments
have you held at institution(s) outside the United States? Please include any postdocs you held
through October 1, 2010. Please include IRFP if you received this fellowship. Check one only
3 or more
D1c. During the week of October 1, 2010 were you working for pay or profit? Work includes being selfemployed, on a postdoctoral appointment, or on any type of paid or unpaid leave, including vacation.
Check one only
Yes, in a postdoctoral position GO TO D4
Yes, in another type of position (i.e., not a postdoctoral position) GO TO D2
No, I was not working then GO TO D6
D2. Was your primary employer during the week of October 1, 2010 an educational institution? Check
one only
Yes GO TO D2a
D2a. Was the educational institution where you worked a . . . Check one only
Preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school or system GO TO D4
Two-year college, community college or technical institute
Four-year college or university,* other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute
Other educational institution [please specify]: [textbox, 150]
*Four-year college/university includes doctoral-granting and non-doctoral-granting
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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D2b. During the week of October 1, 2010 what type of academic position did you hold at this
institution? Mark Yes or No for each item.
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head or chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Other (please specify: [ textbox, 75])
D2c. During the week of October 1, 2010 what was your faculty rank? Check one only
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Professor/Full Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other: [textbox, 75]
D2d. What was your tenure status? Check one only
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track
after D2d, SKIP to D4
D3 only for respondents where D2 = NO
D3. Which of the following best describes your primary employer during the week of October 1, 2010?
Check one only
SELF-EMPLOYED or a BUSINESS OWNER (non-incorporated or incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm)
PRIVATE SECTOR (for-profit or non-profit, including tax-exempt and charitable
Local GOVERNMENT (city, county, school district)
U.S. MILITARY service, activity duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
OTHER type of employer: Please specify: [textbox, 300]
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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In performing the primary job you held during the week of October 1, 2010, did you work with
individuals located in countries other than the US? If you were a postdoctoral fellow during this
period, please consider the postdoctoral fellowship to be your primary job. Check one only
Yes GO TO D4a
D4a. Did your work with individuals in countries other than the US involve. . .
Mark Yes or No for each item.
Sharing data or information?
Sharing materials, equipment, or facilities?
Preparing a joint publication?
Jointly developing a product, process, or program?
Collaborating on a research project?
Other type of work? Specify: [ textbox, 300]
D4b. For the primary job you held during the week of October 1, 2010 were you employed at a location
outside the U.S.? If you were based in the United States but travelled internationally for this job,
you should answer “No.”
D5. Between [year of IRFP application] and October 1, 2010, did you receive any grants (as Principal
Investigator or co-Principal Investigator), prestigious awards or honors based on your research? If
you were an IRFP fellow, do not count the IRFP Fellowship itself. Check Yes or No for each.
Not applicable for my
position (e.g., not
eligible for
Grant(s) as Principal Investigator
Grant(s) as co-Principal Investigator
Prestigious award(s)/honor(s)
If any row in D5 = Yes: Former IRFP Fellows, GO TO D5a; Unfunded applicants, SKIP to D5b
If ALL rows in D5 = No or Not applicable GO TO D6.
D5a. [former IRFP Fellows only] Were any of these grants or awards based on research conducted
or advanced during your IRFP fellowship? Check one only
Not sure
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
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D5b. What was the name of the most prestigious grant, award or honor for research you have received
and who did it come from?
(i) Name of award: [textbox, 300]
(ii) The award was from: Check one:
An international organization or foreign government
A U.S. government agency
A US-based professional association
A private foundation in the U.S.
An institution where I was employed or my doctoral institution
None of the above
(iii) Please type the full name of the awarding agency or organization: [textbox, 300]
D6. Between [year of IRFP application] and October 1, 2010, how many of the following works had you
published or produced (on your own or with others)?
Include works “in press” but do not include works “under review” or “in preparation.” Include
works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the same work more than once if
it is available in multiple formats.
Make your best approximation if you do not know the exact number.
The first row should not appear on-screen and the column “IRFP Fellows only” should appear
Do not display this row onscreen
All Respondents
(if none, enter
All respondents
How many of these
from collaboration
with foreign
IRFP Fellows only:
How many of these
from collaboration
with your IRFP
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Peer-reviewed conference
publications (e.g. abstracts,
conference papers, posters)
Patents and licenses, registered or
Book chapter(s) (e.g., in edited
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 18
D7. Between [year of IRFP application + 2] and October 1, 2010, have you ever worked in another
country? (“Work” refers here to employment for pay or profit and includes postdoctoral
appointments.) Check one only.
Yes GO TO D7a
D7a. For how many years (if less than 1 year, how many months) did you work in another
country (or countries)?
I worked in another country/countries for: Check one only.
Less than 1 year Go to D7a_(i)
1 year or longer Go to D7a_(ii)
D7a_(i). Enter number of months total: [textbox, 2] Go to D8
D7a_(ii). Enter number of years total: [textbox, 2] Go to D8
D7a(i) and D7a(ii) should appear on - screen together with D7a.
D8. Between [year of IRFP application + 2] and October 1, 2010, did you mentor any individuals from
the United States who conducted research in another country?
Check all that apply
I mentored undergraduate students who conducted research abroad
I mentored graduate students who conducted research abroad
I mentored postdocs who conducted research abroad
I mentored faculty who conducted research abroad
I mentored research scientists who conducted research abroad
I mentored other individuals who who conducted research abroad
I did not mentor any individuals who conducted research abroad
Former IRFP Fellows:
Unfunded applicants:
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Go to D9
Go to D10
Page 19
(Fellows only):
In this next question, we’re interested in any effects that your participation in IRFP may have had on
people or institutions you’ve worked with in the U.S. since the end of your IRFP fellowship.
Since the end of your IRFP fellowship, have you done any of the following? If, since the end of
your IRFP fellowship, you have been unemployed, self-employed or worked only outside the
United States, please select “Not applicable” in each row.
I have taught my colleagues, students, or peers research
methods that I learned during my IRFP fellowship
I have shared with my colleagues resources (e.g., data,
samples, materials) or tools (e.g., algorithms, software,
instruments) that I collected developed during my IRFP
Continue to D10
(All survey participants):
D10. Between [year of IRFP application +2] and October 1, 2010, have you done any of the following:
If during this period you have been unemployed, self-employed or worked only outside the
United States, please select “Not applicable” in each row.
I have established a program to foster international
I have hosted researchers or professional colleagues from
another country at my institution
I have led a delegation of colleagues to visit a research
laboratory, university, or business in another country
I have established or served in a leadership role for an
international association for professionals in my line of
Unfunded applicants: Go to Module G (DEMOGRAPHICS)
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 20
In this section, we’d like to ask about experiences you had during your IRFP Fellowship.
E1. In preparation for your IRFP fellowship, did you study a language spoken in your host country?
Check all that apply.
No, I was already familiar with the language spoken in the host country
No, I did not study a language spoken in the host country
Yes, I did some self-guided language study (i.e., individual study using books or computer-based
instructional software, such as Rosetta Stone)
Yes, I studied with a conversation partner or a tutor who was familiar with a language spoken in
the host country
Yes, I enrolled in a formal language training course led by an instructor (either an online course
or “live” course)
E2. During your IRFP fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of cultural or
leisure activities in your host country? Check all that apply
Festivals, holiday or religious ceremonies
Outdoor activities to explore the landscape, geography
Sporting events
Non-scientific lectures or presentations
Other (please specify):
I did not participate in any cultural activities
E3. During your IRFP fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of
professional activities? Check all that apply
Visit(s) to educational or research institutions other than my host institution
Visit(s) to businesses/industrial laboratories
Language courses or language study
Lectures, colloquia, seminars in my field
Attended professional conferences in my host country
I gave a talk or presentation to researchers from my host country
Networking with colleagues from institutions other than my host institution
Other (please specify):
I did not attend or participate in any professional activities
E3a. Please describe one of the most memorable activities or events you experienced in your host
textbox, 2500
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 21
E4. Who was primarily involved in the following activities related to the IRFP project(s) on which you
worked? Mark one answer in each row.
Me and the
Mostly the
host or host’s
host or
members of
Mostly me
his/her group
about equally Not applicable
without me
Developing the ideas, hypotheses,
broad framework, or vision for the
research project
Researching literature or research base
relevant to the project
Keeping records, tracking supplies,
Developing instrumentation, software,
equipment, or data collection
Collecting data or carrying out
Analyzing data or observations
Interpreting results
Planning or developing follow-up work
based on results
Written, oral dissemination of results
(publications, presentations)
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 22
E5. Did you experience any of the following difficulties during your fellowship? Check all that apply.
Inadequate access to space, facilities, equipment, computers, resources/supplies
My role on the project was less than that merited by my skills/knowledge
Not enough guidance from host/host’s research group
I was asked to do work that was someone else’s responsibility
Not given credit for my contributions to advancing a project
Communication or language difficulties
Logistical difficulties (e.g., with transportation, navigating bureaucracy, etc. )
Legal or medical difficulties in my host country
I felt that my ideas were not treated with respect
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my gender
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my race/ethnicity
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my cultural or religious background
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on a disability
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
E6. During your IRFP fellowship, who provided direct supervision while you were conducting your work?
Check all that apply.
The host researcher him/herself
Another staff scientist
A junior faculty member or post-doctoral fellow
Another graduate student(s)
A laboratory technician or other employee/worker
No one, I was not supervised by anyone
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 23
Please indicate how satisfied you were with various aspects of your IRFP experience. Mark one
answer in each row.
Fellowship support amount
Fellowship duration
Fellowship timing with respect to your career
Research/laboratory facilities at the host location
Access to the internet
Frequency of meetings with your host
Match between yours and your host’s research
Host’s expertise in his/her field
The level of the host’s intellectual contribution to
your joint research project
Host’s efforts to help you meet other researchers
Host’s inclusion of you in research
group/laboratory, meaningful collaboration
Guidance or mentoring provided by host
Opportunities to experience and learn about your
host country, its culture, history, etc
The quality of research you were able to conduct
Professional connections you made during the
Accommodations & Logistics
Your host
Your experiences
E7a. If you would like to elaborate or comment further on areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with
your IRFP experience, please do so:
textbox, 2500
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 24
F1. Since the conclusion of your IRFP fellowship and October 1, 2010, have you collaborated or
communicated with your host scientist? Check one only
I have collaborated on a research project GO TO F1a
I have communicated with my host but haven’t collaborated
further on research GO TO F1c
I have not communicated with my host GO TO F1c
F1a. What was the extent of your collaboration? Check all that apply
I have a position in the host’s group
I have a position at the host’s institution
We exchanged ideas, data, ideas, research results, or tools
We co-authored papers
We co-advised students
We visited each other at our institutions
Other – specify [textbox, 300]
F1b. How recently has the latest collaboration with your host occurred? Check one only
Within the past 6 months GO TO F2
Within the past 12 months GO TO F2
1-2 years ago GO TO F2
3 or more years ago GO TO F2
F1c. Why do you no longer collaborate with your former host? Check all that apply
Our research interests diverged
One or both of us lacked funding needed to maintain collaboration
Language differences have hindered further collaboration
Political or cultural differences have hindered further collaboration
Geographic distance has hindered further collaboration
I did not think that further collaboration would be beneficial for me
My host did not actively pursue or maintain further collaboration with me
One (or both) of us is too busy with other projects
Other – specify [textbox, 300]
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 25
F2. Did participating in IRFP make you qualified for a broader range of opportunities after the fellowship
ended? Check one only
Yes, IRFP broadened my career options Go to F2a
No, IRFP did not broaden my career options Go to F2b
I am not sure Go to F3
F2a. Describe how IRFP broadened your career options:
textbox, 2500
F2b. Did IRFP constrain your career options? Check one only
Yes Go to F2c
No Go to F3
F2c. Describe how IRFP constrained your career options:
textbox, 2500
F3. Which of the following professional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in IRFP?
Check all that apply
My work at the host institution resulted in a substantial advancement in my research
My work at the host institution opened up new areas of investigation
I became familiar with scientific enterprise of the host country
I became committed to international research collaboration
I made valuable connections to researchers in the host country
My career goals changed from an academic career to a non-academic career
My career goals changed from a non-academic to an academic career
I decided to pursue research in a different discipline than the one I was most familiar with when
I began my IRFP fellowship
IRFP participation made me more competitive for jobs I was interested in
IRFP participation made me consider professional opportunities I would not have considered in
the past
None of the above
F3a. What did your IRFP host scientist do to assist you in obtaining employment after your fellowship?
Check all that apply.
Helped me network with potential employers
Recommended me to others directly, by telephone or in-person
Reviewed my CV/resume and/or other application materials
Wrote letters of reference on my behalf
Provided financial assistance for travel to conference, other professional networking
Other (please specify): [textbox 300]
Host offered me no assistance finding post-fellowship employment
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 26
F4. Which of the following additional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in IRFP? Check
all that apply
Research methods or ideas that I learned benefited others in my institution
Samples that I collected or tools that I developed benefited others in my institution
My peers became interested in international collaboration
Others in my research group (in the U.S.) began an international research collaboration
Researchers that I met during my fellowship joined my research group in the U.S.
Other – specify [textbox, 300]
None of the above
F5. Which of the following personal benefits occur as a result of your participation?
Check all that apply.
I became comfortable with the traditions and culture of the host country
I made personal connections in the host country
I gained proficiency in another language
I decided to live outside the United States (i.e., at least 6 months)
None of the above
F6. Which of the following are true? Check Yes or No for each
Obtaining full-time employment after the conclusion of my IRFP
fellowship was more difficult than I expected
I lost an important career or educational opportunity by
participating in IRFP
I am more skeptical about international collaboration than before
F7. What was the most positive aspect of your IRFP experience?
Textbox 2500
F8. What was the most challenging aspect of your IRFP experience?
Textbox 2500
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 27
F9. Would you recommend IRFP to a colleague? Check one only
F9a. Why or why not?
textbox, 2500
F10. Would you recommend your IRFP host scientist to a colleague seeking an international
collaboration? Check one only
F11. Would you recommend your host country to a colleague? Check one only
F12. What would you change about the IRFP program?
Textbox 2500
F13. What was the most important contribution of IRFP participation to your career?
Textbox 2500
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 28
G1. What is your gender?
G2. What is your ethnicity? Mark one only.
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
G3. What is your race? Check one or more.
American Indian or Alaska native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
G4. What is your citizenship status?
United States citizen since birth
United States citizen, naturalized
Non-U.S. citizen with a permanent
U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”)
Non-U.S. citizen with a temporary U.S. Visa
Go to G5
Go to G4a
Go to G4a
Go to G4a
G4a. How old were you when you began living in the United States? (age in years): [textbox, 2]
The next question is designed to help us better understand the career paths of individuals with
different physical disabilities:
G5. What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have
with: Mark one answer for each item.
Moderate Severe
to do
SEEING words or letters in ordinary newsprint (with
glasses/contact lenses, if you usually wear them)
HEARING what is normally said in conversation with
another person (with hearing aid, if you usually wear
WALKING without human or mechanical assistance or
using stairs
LIFTING or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds,
such as a bag of groceries
If all 4 rows in G5 are marked “None,” Go to Thank you screen. Else go to G5a.
What is the earliest age at which you first began experiencing any difficulties in any of these
Since birth; or Enter age in years:
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 29
Thank you screen: After hitting SUBMIT, respondent sees this screen.
IRFP applicant survey
Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any general comments about the survey, please write
them below.
Textbox, 2500
If you have any questions about this survey or the study, please contact Dr. Alina Martinez, Study
Director, Abt Associates, at (866) 421-6223 (toll-free within the US) or email her at You may also contact John Tsapogas, who is overseeing this study at NSF,
with any questions or comments:
Thank you for your assistance. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration.
Confirm Fellowship Screen
Before continuing, we’d like to note that NSF records may have confused the International Research
Fellowship Program (IRFP) and the NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Science and Engineering Fellowship
program. The NSF-NATO postdoc differs from the IRFP award:
NSF-NATO postdoctoral fellowships provided up to 12 months of funding for research in one of
the NATO member countries or NATO partner nations:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
IRFP fellowships provided 3 to 24 months of funding for research in any country.
Some survey participants applied separately for IRFP and NSF-NATO. NSF’s records indicate that you
(if FELLOW display Section S only; if UNFUNDED APPLICANT display Section R only)
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 30
Section R
applied for an IRFP fellowship. Please select the response that best describes you:
I received an NSF-NATO fellowship; I may also have applied for an IRFP fellowship. Go To R1
I received an award from the International Research Fellowship Program, not the NSF-NATO
postdoctoral program. Go To EXIT SCREEN
I never applied to NSF for an internationally-based postdoctoral fellowship. Go To EXIT
R1: We especially need you to complete this survey. The survey focuses on your professional
achievements, the type of work you do currently and the types of collaborations you may have with
scientists and engineers in the US and other countries. The value of this study to NSF and to the
broader scientific community depends on the good will of people like you. Please click here to
continue with the survey (you may Exit on the next screen if you wish): CCOONNTTIINNUUEE Go to A3
Section S
received an IRFP postdoctoral fellowship to conduct research in [IRFP_country] . Please select the
response that best describes you:
I conducted postdoctoral research in the country named above as an IRFP fellow
Go to S1
I conducted postdoctoral research in the country named above; I’m not sure what NSF
program supported this postdoc. Go to S1
I received both an NSF-NATO fellowship and an IRFP fellowship. Go to S1
I received an NSF-NATO fellowship; I’m not confusing it with the IRFP postdoctoral
program. Go to EXIT SCREEN
I never applied to NSF for an internationally-based postdoctoral fellowship. Go to EXIT
S1: This survey focuses on your experiences in the IRFP program in [IRFP_country], as well as what
you have been doing since your IRFP fellowship concluded: other postdocs, your professional
achievements, the type of work you do currently and the types of collaborations you may have with
scientists and engineers in the US and other countries. Please click here to continue with the survey
(you may Exit on the next screen if you wish): CCOONNTTIINNUUEE Go to A3
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 31
If we have identified the wrong respondent or have erroneous information, display this screen and
FLAG this respondent for Abt follow-up (weekly basis)
IRFP applicant survey
Please accept our apology.
The information you supplied suggests that you are not eligible to participate in this study or that we
have reached you in error. We regret any inconvenience to you. If you have any questions about this
study or you would like to make a comment, please contact one of the following individuals:
Dr. Alina Martinez, Study Director at Abt Associates:, or (866) 4216223 (toll free within the U.S.);
John Tsapogas, Office of International Science and Engineering, NSF:
May we have permission to contact you by telephone in order to clarify your responses here? Entering
your number does not obligate you to answer any questions.
Yes, you may reach me at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . [telephone digit entry]. Go to Best Times
No, please do not contact me.
Best time(s) to call (check all that apply):
Weekdays (9 to 5pm)
Evenings (5 to 8pm)
Saturday or Sunday 9-5pm
IRFP Applicants Survey: ID# xxxxxxx
Page 32
Introductory screen:
Survey of former applicants to the
National Science Foundation’s
East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program
Welcome and thank for your interest in this study. This survey is being conducted by Abt
Associates Inc. and our subsidiary, AbtSRBI, for the National Science Foundation (NSF), to learn
about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional activities of individuals who
applied to NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program. You are receiving this
survey because you are listed in the NSF database as an applicant to EAPSI.
NSF’s records indicate that you applied for a summer graduate research fellowship in one of
the following sites between 1999 and 2010:
New Zealand
These graduate summer fellowships are part of NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
program (EAPSI). If you do not recall applying to this program, please click here:
II ddoonn’’tt rreeccaalll aappppllyyiinngg
Otherwise, please continue. The next page has important information about this study.
Click on “Continue” directs R to Screen 2
Click on “I don’t recall” directs R to Confirm Fellowship screen
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 1
Screen 2
EAPSI Applicant Survey
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your
institution. You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. There
are minimal risks associated with your participation. We take your privacy very seriously. Your
responses to this survey will be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach
of confidentiality, and we have put in place procedures to minimize this risk. Reports will never
identify you by name, and information from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at
the program level, combined with about 500 other responses. When we receive your survey we
will detach and store separately your name and other identifying information that could be used
to link you to your survey responses. Survey responses will be stored on a secure drive that is
only accessible to members on the study team. Only study team web technicians and data
analysts from Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will see individual responses that can be linked to you.
Survey data files will be shared with NSF at the end of the study, only after study team members
have examined the data to be free of any information that could help identify you; this cleaning
includes procedures to limit someone from inferring your identity by analyzing non-identifying
data. Hence, we encourage you to respond candidly about your experiences. Separate from
your individual responses to the survey we will provide NSF any updated contact information we
have found or requested from you. None of this contact information will be linked in any way to
your survey responses. At the conclusion of the study, Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will destroy
all records, electronic or otherwise, that link you to your survey responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey. If you have
questions about the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates
Inc. at (866) 421-6223 (toll free within the U.S.) or email her at
You may also contact the evaluation’s program officer at NSF, John Tsapogas (
If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact Teresa
Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877) 520-6835 (toll free within the
U.S.) or by email:
To learn more about this study, please refer to the FFrreeqquueennttllyy AAsskkeedd Q
Quueessttiioonnss page.
Please click on “Begin” if you agree to participate in this study. BBEEGGIINN
Click on BEGIN takes R to Navigation Screen
This study’s IRB approval number is #0494, valid from 8/6/2010 to 8/5/2011. For questions, please
contact Teresa Doksum, IRB Administrator, Abt Associates, at
The valid OMB control no. for this information collection is xx-xxxxx. (Expires on mm/dd/yyyy)
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 2
Navigation screen:
EAPSI Applicant Survey
Navigating through the survey:
As you work through the survey, your responses are automatically saved. You may change a
response by clicking on the PPRREEVVIIOOUUSS IITTEEM
M button. Use the NNEEXXTT IITTEEM
M button to advance to
the next question.
At any time, you may click on the SSAAVVEE &
& FFIINNIISSHH LLAATTEERR button if you wish to temporarily
pause the survey and return to it at a later time.
On each page of the survey, a HHEELLPP button is provided if you experience technical difficulties
with the online survey. This button will allow you to send a request for assistance to the
survey’s website administrator.
When you have completed the survey, please click on the SSUUBBM
MIITT button at the end of the
survey. You may submit the survey even if there are some questions that you choose not to
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 3
FAQs are Optional screens, displayed only if R clicks on FFrreeqquueennttllyy AAsskkeedd Q
Whhaatt iiss tthhee EEaasstt AAssiiaa aanndd PPaacciiffiicc SSuum
meerr IInnssttiittuutteess ((EEAAPPSSII)) PPrrooggrraam
Whhyy aarree yyoouu ddooiinngg tthhiiss ssttuuddyy??
Whhyy hhaavvee II bbeeeenn sseelleecctteedd ttoo ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn tthhiiss ssuurrvveeyy??
w ddiidd yyoouu ggeett m
myy ccoonnttaacctt iinnffoorrm
w lloonngg w
wiilll tthhiiss ssuurrvveeyy ttaakkee ttoo ccoom
wiilll yyoouu uussee m
myy ccoom
DDooeess tthhiiss ssttuuddyy hhaavvee hhuum
maann ssuubbjjeeccttss rreevviieew
w cclleeaarraannccee??
Whhoo iiss ffuunnddiinngg tthhee ssttuuddyy??
Whhoo aarree AAbbtt AAssssoocciiaatteess IInncc aanndd AAbbttSSRRBBII??
What is the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program?
The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program is a National Science Foundation
(NSF) program that provides funding for U.S. graduate students to spend eight to ten weeks
collaborating with a host researcher in one of seven sites in the East Asia and Pacific region:
Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about the characteristics of current and former graduate students
who applied to participate in the EAPSI program sometime between 1999 to 2009.
Information about the domestic and international experiences of EAPSI participants and nonparticipants will help NSF understand the usefulness and relevance of international research
training for scientists and engineers. Information from this study will be used to describe the
characteristics and subsequent career paths of graduate students who expressed interest in
pursuing an international collaboration.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as having applied to the
EAPSI program while you were a graduate student.
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on prior EAPSI
applicants. We then obtained your contact information through an internet search.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 30 minutes.
How will you use my comments?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about the graduate
training, international experience, and career paths of applicants to the EAPSI program between
1999 and 2009.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 4
Has this study been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
Yes, the study was approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you have any
concerns about your participation in this survey, please contact Teresa Doksum, Institutional
Review Board Administrator at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via email at
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract
GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will complete the study.
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
AbtSRBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in large-scale data collection
and public opinion research. NSF has contracted with Abt Associates and AbtSRBI to design and
implement a survey of graduate students who applied to NSF’s EAPSI program.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 5
EAPSI Applicant Survey
This dark blue header above appears on each screen of the survey.
Please note: In this survey, we will refer to East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI)
“sites,” or “locations” rather than EAPSI “countries.” For example, Australia, China, Korea,
Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan were EAPSI sites in 2010.
To begin, we’d like to confirm that we’ve reached the appropriate person.
A1. Based on the information that you provided to NSF in your application, your name is [First
Name, Middle Name/initial, Last Name]. Is this correct?
No, my name has changed or my name is misspelled above. My name is: [textbox, 75]
No, I’m not the person named above. EXIT SCREEN
Yes, this is correct.
[Former Fellows only]:
A2.1 Based on the information contained in the NSF EAPSI database, you participated in the
National Science Foundation’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes program (EAPSI) in
the summer of [EAPSI_year]. Is this correct?
If you participated in EAPSI more than once, we refer here, and throughout the rest of the
survey, to your most recent EAPSI experience unless specifically stated otherwise.
Yes, this is correct. GOTO A3
No, I never participated in EAPSI. CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN Section R
No, I applied for the EAPSI fellowship, but withdrew my application before the award
decision has been made. EXIT SCREEN
No, I was awarded the EAPSI fellowship, but declined it. EXIT SCREEN
No, I participated in EAPSI, but the most recent year I participated was (Enter year as
yyyy): [textbox, 4]. GOTO A3 Set EAPSI_year = entered year. [data check. If year ≤
1998 or ≥ 2011 or if year non-numerical reject entry and prompt R to correct entry:
“Please type a four-digit year between 1998 and 2010”]
[Unfunded applicants only]
A2.2. Based on the information contained in the NSF database, you most recently applied for
EAPSI in [year], but did not participate in a fellowship. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct. GOTO A3
No, I did participate in an EAPSI fellowship: my fellowship took place in the summer of
(Enter year as yyyy): [textbox, 4] [data check as in A2.1] in [Select locationsite:
[dropdown EAPSI site menu]. GOTO CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN Section S Set
EAPSI_year = entered year; Set EAPSI_actual_site = Selection
No, I never applied for this program. CONFIRM FELLOWSHIP SCREEN
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 6
A3. Based on the information contained in the NSF database, when you most recently applied
for an EAPSI fellowship, the first choice of host site you listed was [EAPSI_app_site]. (If you
received an EAPSI fellowship, you may have visited a different site, but here we want to
know what site you listed in your application as your first choice.)
Is this correct?
Yes, [EAPSI_app_site] was my first choice
No, the first choice I listed on my most recent application for an EAPSI fellowship was:
(Select site): [dropdown EAPSI site menu]. Set EAPSI_app_site to selection.
I do not recall
Fellows Goto A3a.
Unfunded applicants Goto A4.
A3a. [Fellows only]: Some EAPSI fellows did not receive their first choice of host site. In
which site was your EAPSI fellowship? Select site: [dropdown EAPSI site menu] If you
have held more than one EAPSI fellowship, please respond based on your most recent
fellowship. Set EAPSI_actual_site = selection
A4. Based on the information that you provided to NSF in your application, you were enrolled at
[University] when you most recently applied for an EAPSI fellowship. Is this correct?
No, I was enrolled as a graduate student at (Enter full name of graduate instituition
without abbreviations): [textbox, 100]. Set UNIVERSITY = text entered
A5. What graduate degree were you pursuing when you most recently applied for the summer
EAPSI fellowship?
Master’s degree (MA, MS)
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, MD, joint MD/PhD, PsyD, ScD)
Other – specify: [textbox, 50]
A5a. As of [October 1st, 2010], had you earned this degree?
Go to A5b
Go to A6
A5b. What month and year did you receive this degree?
___|_____ (mm|yyyy) Data check: month must be blank or two-digits in (01 to
12), year must be blank or four-digits between (1900 to 2011). If improper form,
reject entry and display “Please enter a two-digit month (or leave it blank) and a
four-digit year (or leave it blank).”
A6. In what month and year did you first enroll as a graduate student at [University]? Enter
two-digit month and four-digit year: [_ _|_ _ _ _ (mm|yyyy)] Data check: month must be
blank or two-digits in (01 to 12), year must be blank or four-digits between (1900 to
2011). If improper form, reject entry and display “Please enter a two-digit month (or
leave it blank) and a four-digit year (or leave it blank).”
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 7
A7. What discipline were you studying as a graduate student when you applied for an EAPSI
fellowship? Please select the field that best matches your discipline. First, indicate which
one of four broader areas in which your discipline falls: Check one only:
1 Sciences
(e.g., Biological/Life, Chemical, Computer/Information, Environmental,
Earth/Atmospheric/Oceanographic, Geosciences, Mathematical/Statistical,
Physics, Psychology)
2 Social Sciences
(e.g., Economics, Sociology, Anthropology/Archaeology, Political Science,
Geography, Linguistics, other)
3 Health/Medical fields
4 Engineering
display one of three screens based on choice above:
Science screen
Social Science, Health screen
Social Science, Health screen
Engineering screen
The next three pages should each be a separate screen. After R hits SUBMIT, go to Item B1
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 8
Science Fields
For Science/Math Education select the primary scientific or mathematical field, or select
SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall and see “OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education,
To view other fields, click on a button:
SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall fields.
EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg fields.
Agricultural/food sciences
605 Animal sciences
606 Food sciences/technology
Biological sciences
Bioengineering, see
ENGINEERING, next page
Environmental life sciences
680 Environmental science/studies
Computer and information
sciences For Computer
Engineering, see
ENGINEERING, next page
671 Computer/information sciences,
Mathematics and statistics
Chemistry, except biochem
Earth, atmospheric, and
ocean sciences
Physics Biophysics, see
Biological Sciences
631 Biochemistry/biophysics
632 Biology, general
633 Botany
634 Cell/molecular biology
635 Ecology
636 Genetics, animal/plant
607 Plant sciences
608 OTHER agricultural sciences
637 Microbiological sciences/immunology
638 Nutritional sciences
639 Pharmacology, human/animal
640 Physiology and pathology,
641 Zoology, general
642 OTHER Biological sciences
681 Forestry sciences
674 Computer systems analysis
676 Information services/systems
672 Computer programming
677 OTHER computer/information sciences
673 Computer science
841 Applied mathematics
844 Statistics
842 Mathematics, general
845 OTHER mathematics
843 Operations research
873 Chemistry except biochemistry (biochemistry, see Biological sciences)
872 Atmospheric
876 Geological sciences, other
877 Oceanography
874 Earth sciences
879 OTHER physical sciences
875 Geology
871 Astronomy/astrophysics
878 Physics
891 Clinical psychology
894 General psychology
892 Counseling
704 Educational psychology
893 Experimental psychology
895 Industrial/organizational psychology
896 Social psychology
897 OTHER psychology
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 9
Social Sciences and Health/Medical fields
For Science/Math Education select the primary scientific or mathematical field (click on
SScciieennccee), or see below “OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education, General”
To view other fields, click on a button:
SScciieennccee fields.
EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg fields.
Political and related
601 Agricultural economics
923 Economics
927 International relations
928 Political science/government
902 Public policy studies
921 Anthropology/archaeology
922 Criminology
929 Sociology
OTHER social sciences
620 Area/ethnic studies
621 Education, general
924 Geography
771 Linguistics
861 Philosophy of science
930 OTHER social sciences
925 History of science
781 Audiology/speech pathology
787 Nursing (4 years or longer program)
782 Health services administration
788 Pharmacy
783 Health/medical assistants
789 Physical therapy and other
784 Health/medical technologies
rehabilitation/therapeutic services
785 Medical preparatory programs
790 Public health (Including environmental
(e.g., pre-dentistry, pre-medical,
pre- veterinary)
791 OTHER health/medical sciences
786 Medicine (e.g., general, internal, orthopedic,
surgical, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic,
podiatry, veterinary)
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 10
Engineering fields
For Science, Math or Engineering Education select the primary scientific or
mathematical field (click on SScciieennccee), or select SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall and see
“OTHER Social Sciences: 621: Education, General”
To view other fields, click on a button:
SScciieennccee fields.
SSoocciiaall SScciieennccee oorr HHeeaalltthh//M
Meeddiiccaall fields.
Biochemical engineering, see Bioengineering/biomedical under OTHER Engineering
Chemical engineering
725 Chemical engineering
Civil/architectural eng.
Industrial engineering
Mechanical engineering
OTHER engineering
723 Architectural engineering
726 Civil engineering
727 Computer/systems engineering
728 Electrical/electronics/communications
733 Industrial/manufacturing engineering
735 Mechanical engineering
721 Aerospace/aeronautical/
astronautical engineering
722 Agricultural engineering
724 Bioengineering/biomedical
731 Engineering, general
729 Engineering sciences/
730 Environmental engineering
732 Geophysical/geological engineering
734 Materials engineering, including
736 Metallurgical engineering
737 Mining/minerals engineering
738 Naval architecture/marine engineering
739 Nuclear engineering
740 Petroleum engineering
741 OTHER engineering
Do not display the following info: Source: SESTAT education codes in NSRCG major
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 11
B1. Why did you apply for an EAPSI fellowship? Check all that apply.
To conduct research with a specific person or at a specific institution
To collaborate with a foreign scientist
To understand what research in my field was like outside the US
To access resources (e.g. samples, equipment) for research that I could not find in the U.S.
To enhance my skills or knowledge as a researcher
To make progress towards earning my graduate degree
To enhance my resume as a future job candidate
To learn about the culture, history, and/or geography of another place
To learn another language
To travel outside of the United States
For family reasons (e.g., to accompany a spouse traveling abroad)
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
B2. For your application to the EAPSI program, why did you select the site you indicated was your first
choice for host site? Check all that apply.
The host researcher there was conducting research relevant to my own interests
The host institution had equipment or resources helpful for my proposed research
A faculty advisor or mentor recommended this particular site, the particular host institution or
host researcher in this site
I have professional ties with someone who is from this site
The host researcher had visited my department or university
There were particular places in this site (aside from the host institution) that I wanted to visit or
I had studied its culture, history, politics, geography, etc. before applying
I was familiar with the primary language(s) spoken there
Other reason (please specify): [textbox, 300]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 12
B3. Did the notification of your application status allow you sufficient time to make the necessary
arrangements for your visit or to make alternative plans if you did not receive the award? Check one
I don’t recall
B4. How did your primary graduate advisor view your decision to apply for an EAPSI? Check all that
I do not know how my advisor viewed my decision to apply
I did not have an advisor when I most recently applied
My advisor opposed my decision to apply
My advisor was indifferent to my decision to apply
My advisor supported my decision to apply
My advisor encourage me to apply to the EAPSI program
B5. What types of mentoring or guidance did you receive from your graduate advisor or other mentors
during the preparation of the EAPSI application? Check all that apply.
Provided a letter of recommendation to NSF
Suggested a host institution
Recommended me to a colleague at the host institution
Provided feedback on my project proposal
Discussed cultural and language aspects of the host site with me
Other – specify: [textbox, 300]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 13
B6. Did you participate in a pre-departure orientation? Check one only..
NoGo To C1
I do not recall Go To C1
B6a. Did the pre-departure orientation provide adequate information on the following topics?
Check all that apply.
Living expenses
Healthcare access
Culture and rules of the host site
Political situation in the host site
What not to do in the host site
What to do in case of emergency
I do not recallGo To C1
B6b. What additional topics do you think should have been covered during the orientation?
[textbox, 500].
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 14
Items in this section ask for information about the year in which you applied for an EAPSI fellowship.
C1. Using a 4-point scale, what was your overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA)?
If you have more than one bachelor’s degree, give your overall grade point average for your first
bachelor’s degree. Check one only.
3.75 – 4.00 GPA (Mostly A’s)
3.25 – 3.74 GPA (About half A’s/half B’s)
2.75 – 3.24 GPA (Mostly B’s)
2.25 – 2.74 GPA (About half B’s/half C’s)
1.75 – 2.24 GPA (Mostly C’s)
1.25 – 1.74 GPA (About half C’s/half D’s)
Less than 1.25 (Mostly D’s or below)
Did not take courses where grades were given
C2a. While you were an undergraduate, did you participate in a study abroad program or did you spend
a semester (or more) pursuing your education outside the United States? Check one only.
C2b. Before applying to EAPSI, had you participated in a study abroad program as a graduate student or
spend a semester (or more) pursuing your research or graduate education outside the United
States? Check one only.
C3. Prior to applying for an EAPSI fellowship, had you ever visited or lived in any of the following places
for a period of 30 days or longer? Check all that apply.
New Zealand
None of the above places
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 15
C4. At the time you applied for an EAPSI fellowship, had you studied, or were you conversant in, any of
the following languages? Check all that apply.
Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)
Hindi or Urdu
None of the above
C5. At the time you applied for an EAPSI fellowship, had you participated in any international or
intercultural clubs, organizations, or professional associations? Check one only.
C6. At the time you applied for EAPSI, had you done any of the following? Check all that apply
Attended elementary or secondary school in another country (outside the U.S.)
Lived outside the U.S. for six months or longer
Collaborated on research with someone based in another country
Published research with someone based in another country
Attended or presented scholarly work at a research conference in another country
Participated on a research team with a scientist who was visiting my graduate institution
from a foreign institution
Worked with a colleague who had completed an EAPSI Fellowship
C7a. In your application for EAPSI, did you include a letter of support (or other written communication,
such as an email message) from the host scientist with whom you proposed to work? Check one
At the time you applied for EAPSI, were you already collaborating with the host scientist or
someone else at the host institution to which you applied? Check one only.
Yes, with my proposed host scientist
Yes, with someone else at the host scientist’s institution
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 16
Which of the following were true at the time of application? Check all that apply.
My graduate advisor or another faculty member in my department was collaborating or
had collaborated with a researcher at the host institution
My graduate department or university had an existing collaboration or graduate student
exchange program with the host institution
Other graduate students from my university or department had been to the host institution
There was another type of relationship between my graduate institution and the host
institution. Please specify: [textbox, 300]
None of the above were true (to my knowledge)
At the time you applied for EAPSI, how many of the following had you authored/co-authored,
edited/co-edited, developed/co-developed?
Include articles in-press, patents registered; do not included manuscripts or products under
review at the time. Include works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the
same work more than once if it is available in multiple formats.
Total number
Number completed
in collaboration with
a foreign colleague
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Peer-reviewed conference publications (e.g.
abstracts, conference papers, posters)
Patents and licenses, registered or pending
Book chapter(s) (e.g., in edited volumes)
C9. By the time you applied for an EAPSI Fellowship, had you received a nationally competitive
fellowship(s) to support your graduate studies? Do not include support you received directly from
your graduate institution or support from a faculty member’s grant funding.
Nationally-competitive fellowships are unrestricted fellowships granted by a federal agency,
private foundation, or similar organization directly to an individual graduate student (or graduate
school applicant) for use at any graduate institution of his/her choosing. Check one only.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 17
In this section, we ask about various professional experiences and accomplishments that have
occurred between [EAPSI_year] and a standard “reference date.” We use a standard date so that all
survey participants think about the same period of time when answering these questions.
D1. As of October 1, 2010, what is the highest degree you have completed? Check one only:
Bachelor’s degree (BS, BA)
Master’s degree (MA, MS, MBA, etc.)
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, MD, joint MD/PhD, JD, PsyD, ScD, etc.)
Other degree– specify: [textbox, 50]
If respondent holds Doctoral Degree, then go to D1b. Else skip to D1c.
D1b. [all respondents]: Since receiving your first doctoral degree, how many postdoctoral
appointments have you held at institution(s) outside the United States? Please include any
postdocs you held through October 1, 2010. Check one only.
3 or more
D1c. During the week of October 1, 2010 were you working for pay or profit? Work includes being selfemployed, on a postdoctoral appointment, or on any type of paid or unpaid leave, including
vacation. Check one only.
1 Yes, in a postdoctoral position
2 Yes, in another type of position (not a postdoctoral appointment) GOTO D2
3 No, I was still in graduate school then GOTO D6
4 No, I was not in graduate school and not working then GOTO D6
IF D1c = 3 (I was still in graduate school) then LET “CurrGrad = 1” (see note after Item D6)
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 18
D2. Was your primary employer during the week of [October 1, 2010] an educational institution? Check
one only
Yes GOTO D2a
D2a. Was the educational institution where you worked a . . . Check one only
Preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school or system GOTO D4
Two-year college, community college or technical institute
Four-year college or university other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute
Other educational institution [please specify]: [textbox, 150]
*Four-year college/university includes doctoral-granting and non-doctoral-granting institutions.
D2b. During the week of [October 1, 2010] what type of academic position did you hold at this
institution? Mark Yes or No for each item.
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head or chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Other (please specify: [textbox, 75])
D2c. During the week of [October 1, 2010], what was your faculty rank? Check one only
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Professor/Full Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other: [textbox, 75]
D2d. What was your tenure status? Check one only
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track
Go to D4
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 19
D3 only for respondents where D2 = NO
D3. Which of the following best describes your primary employer during the week of October 1, 2010?
Check one only.
SELF-EMPLOYED or a BUSINESS OWNER (non-incorporated or incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm)
PRIVATE SECTOR (for-profit or non-profit, including tax-exempt and charitable organizations;
includes private colleges/universities
Local GOVERNMENT (city, county, school district)
State GOVERNMENT (including state colleges/universities)
U.S. MILITARY service, activity duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
OTHER type of employer: Please specify: [textbox, 300]
D4. In performing the primary job you held during the week of [October 1, 2010], did you work with
individuals located in countries other than the US? Check one only. If you held a postdoctoral
appointment at this time, please consider that your primary job.
Yes GOTO D4a
D4a. Did your work with individuals in countries other than the US involve . . .
Mark Yes or No for each item.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Sharing data or information?
Sharing materials, equipment, or facilities?
Preparing a joint publication?
Jointly developing a product, process, or program?
Collaborating on a research project?
Other type of work? Specify: [textbox, 300]
Page 20
D5. Between [EAPSI_year] and October 1, 2010, did you receive any grants (as Principal Investigator or
co-Principal Investigator), prestigious awards or honors based on your research? If you were an
EAPSI fellow, do not count the EAPSI Fellowship itself. Check Yes or No for each.
Not applicable for my
position (e.g., not
eligible for
Grant(s) as Principal Investigator
Grant(s) as co-Principal Investigator
Prestigious award(s)/honor(s)
If any row in D5 = Yes: Former EAPSI Fellows, GO TO D5a; Unfunded applicants, SKIP to D5b
If ALL rows in D5 = No or Not applicable GO TO D6.
D5a. [former EAPSI Fellows only] Were any of these grants or awards based on research
conducted or advanced during your EAPSI fellowship? Check one only
Not sure
D5b. What was the name of the most prestigious grant, award or honor for research you have
received and who did it come from?
(i) Name of award: [textbox, 300]
(ii) The award was from: Check one:
An institution where I was employed or my doctoral institution
A US-based professional association
An international organization
A U.S. government agency
A private foundation in the U.S.
None of the above
(iii) Please type the full name of the awarding agency or organization: [textbox, 300]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 21
Between [EAPSI_year] and [October 1, 2010], how many of the following works had you published
or produced (on your own or with others)?
Include works “in press” but do not include works “under review” or “in preparation.” Include
works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the same work more than once if
it is available in multiple formats.
Make your best approximation if you do not know the exact number.
The first row should not appear on-screen, and the column “EAPSI Fellows only” should appear
Do not display this row on-screen
All respondents
EAPSI Fellows only:
(if none,
enter “0”)
How many of these
in collaboration
with foreign
How many of these
in collaboration
with your EAPSI
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Peer-reviewed conference
publications (e.g. abstracts,
conference papers, posters)
Patents and licenses, registered
or pending
Book chapter(s) (e.g., in edited
AFTER ITEM D6, IF CurrGrad = 1 THEN GO TO G1; ELSE IF CurrGrad = 0 THEN GO TO D7
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 22
D7. Between [year of EAPSI] and [October 1, 2010], have you ever worked in a country other than the
United States? (“Work” refers here to employment for pay or profit.)
Yes GOTO D7a
D7a. For how many years (if less than 1 year, how many months) did you work in another
country (or countries)?
I worked in another country/countries for: Check one only.
Less than 1 year Go to D7a_(i)
1 year or longer Go to D7a_(ii)
D7a_(i). Enter number of months total: [textbox, 2] Go to D8
D7a_(ii). Enter number of years total: [textbox, 2] Go to D8
D7a(i) and D7a(ii) should appear on - screen together with D7a.
D8. Between [EAPSI_year] and the week of [October 1, 2010], did you mentor any individuals from the
United States who conducted research in another country?? Check all that apply
I mentored undergraduate students who conducted research abroad
I mentored graduate students who conducted research abroad
I mentored postdocs who conducted research abroad
I mentored faculty who conducted research abroad
I mentored research scientists who conducted research abroad
I mentored other individuals who conducted research abroad
I did not mentor any individuals who conducted research abroad
Former Fellows: Go to D9
Unfunded applicants:
Go to D10
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 23
D9 for Former EAPSI fellows only
In this next question, we’re interested in any effects that your participation in EAPSI may have had on
people or institutions you’ve worked with in the U.S. since the end of your EAPSI fellowship.
Since the end of your EAPSI fellowship, did you do any of the following? If, since the end of
your EAPSI fellowship, you have been unemployed, self-employed or worked only outside the
United States, please select “Not applicable” in each row.
I have taught my colleagues, students, or peers research
methods that I learned during my EAPSI fellowship
I have shared with my colleagues resources (e.g., data,
samples, materials) or tools (e.g., algorithms, software,
instruments) that I collected developed during my EAPSI
Former EAPSI fellows continue to D10
Between [EAPSI_year] and [October 1, 2010], did you do any of the following? If during this
period you have been unemployed, self-employed or worked only outside the United States,
please select “Not applicable” in each row.
I have established a program to foster international
I have hosted researchers or professional colleagues from
another country at my institution
I have led a delegation of colleagues to visit a research
laboratory, university, or business in another country
I have established or served in a leadership role for an
international association for professionals in my line of
Fellows GO TO E1
Unfunded GO TO G1
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 24
E1. In preparation for your EAPSI fellowship, did you study a language spoken in your host site? Check
all that apply.
No, I was already familiar with the language spoken in the host site
No, I did not study a language spoken in the host site
Yes, I did some self-guided language study (i.e., individual study using books or computer-based
instructional software, such as Rosetta Stone)
Yes, I studied with a conversation partner or a tutor who was familiar with a language spoken in
the host site
Yes, I enrolled in a formal language training course led by an instructor (either an online course
or “live” course)
E2. During your EAPSI fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of cultural or
leisure activities? Check all that apply
Festivals, holiday or religious ceremonies
Outdoor activities to explore the landscape, geography
Sporting events
Non-scientific lectures or presentations
Other (please specify):
I did not participate in any cultural activities
E3. During your EAPSI fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of
professional activities? Check all that apply.
Visit(s) to educational or research institutions other than my host institution
Visit(s) to businesses/industrial laboratories
Language courses or language study
Lectures, colloquia, seminars in my field
I gave a talk or presentation to researchers in my host site
Networking with colleagues from institutions other than my host institution
Other (please specify):
I did not attend or participate in any professional activities
D3a. Please describe one of the most memorable activities or events you experienced in
your host site:
[textbox, 2500]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 25
E4. Who was primarily involved in the following activities related to the EAPSI project(s) on which you
worked? Mark one answer in each row.
Mostly me
Mostly the
host or
members of
his/her group
without me
Me and the
host or host’s
research group
about equally
Collecting data or carrying out simulations
Analyzing data or observations
Interpreting results
Developing the ideas, hypotheses, broad
framework, or vision for the research
Researching literature or research base
relevant to the project
Keeping records, tracking supplies,
Developing instrumentation, software,
equipment, or data collection processes
Planning or developing follow-up work
based on results
Written, oral dissemination of results
(publications, presentations)
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 26
Did you experience any of the following difficulties during your fellowship? Check all that apply.
Inadequate access to space, facilities, equipment, computers, resources/supplies
My role on the project was less than that merited by my skills/knowledge
Not enough guidance from host/host’s research group
I was asked to do work that was someone else’s responsibility
Not given credit for my contributions to advancing a project
Communication or language difficulties
Logistical difficulties (e.g., with transportation, navigating bureaucracy, etc. )
Legal or medical difficulties in my host site
I felt that my ideas were not treated with respect
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my gender
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my race/ethnicity
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on my cultural or religious background
Encountered barriers or discomfort based on a disability
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
During your EAPSI fellowship, who provided direct supervision while you were conducting your
work? Check all that apply.
The host researcher him/herself
Another staff scientist
A junior faculty member or post-doctoral fellow
Other graduate student(s)
A laboratory technician or other employee/worker
No one, I was not supervised by anyone
Were any researchers from your graduate institution involved in the project(s) you conducted
during EAPSI? Check all that apply.
My graduate advisor
Other faculty at my U.S. graduate institution
Other graduate students at my U.S. graduate institution
Undergraduate students at my U.S. graduate institution
None of the above
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 27
E8. Please indicate how satisfied you were with various aspects of your EAPSI experience. Check one
answer in each row.
Fellowship support amount
Fellowship duration
Research/laboratory facilities at the
host institution
Access to the internet
Frequency of meetings with host
Match between host’s and my
research interests
Host’s expertise in his/her field
Accommodations & Logistics
Your host
The level of the host’s intellectual
contribution to our joint research
Host’s efforts to help me meet other
Host’s inclusion of me in research
group/laboratory, meaningful
Guidance or mentoring provided by
Your experiences
Opportunities to experience and
learn about culture, history,
geography, etc. in my host site
The quality of research I was able to
Match between scope or goals of
project and duration of EAPSI
Professional connections made
during the fellowship
If you would like to elaborate or comment further on areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with
your EAPSI experience, please do so.
textbox, 2500
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 28
F1. Since the conclusion of your EAPSI fellowship and [October 1, 2010], have you collaborated or
communicated with your host scientist? Check one only
I have collaborated on a research project GOTO F1a
I have communicated with my host but haven’t collaborated further on research GOTO F1c
I have not communicated with my host GOTO F1c
F1a. What was the extent of your collaboration? Check all that apply
I have a position in the host’s group
I have a position at the host’s institution
We exchanged ideas, data, ideas, research results, or tools
We co-authored papers
We co-advised students
We visited each other at our institutions
Other – specify [textbox, 300]
F1b. How recently has the latest collaboration with your host occurred? Check one only
Within the past 6 months GOTO F2
Within the past 12 months GOTO F2
1-2 years ago GOTO F2
3 or more years ago GOTO F2
F1c. Why do you no longer collaborate with your former host? Check all that apply
Our research interests diverged
One or both of us lacked funding needed to maintain collaboration
Language differences have hindered further collaboration
Political or cultural differences have hindered further collaboration
Geographic distance has hindered further collaboration
I did not think that further collaboration would be beneficial for me
My host did not actively pursue or maintain further collaboration with me
My colleagues discouraged me from continuing this collaboration
My advisor discouraged me from continuing this collaboration
One (or both) of us is too busy with other projects
Other – specify [textbox, 300]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 29
F2. Did participating in EAPSI make you qualified for a broader range of opportunities after the
fellowship ended? Check one only.
Yes, EAPSI did broaden my opportunities GOTO F3a
No, EAPSI did not broaden my opportunities GOTO F2b
I am not sure GOTOF3
F2a. Describe how EAPSI broadened your opportunities:
[textbox, 2500]
F2b. Did EAPSI constrain your opportunities? Check one only.
Yes Go to F2c
No Go to F3
F2c. Describe how EAPSI constrained your opportunities:
textbox, 2500
F3. Which of the following professional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in EAPSI?
Check all that apply
My work at the host institution resulted in a substantial advancement in my research
My work at the host institution opened up new areas of investigation
I became familiar with the scientific enterprise in my EAPSI site
I became committed to international research collaboration
I made valuable connections to researchers outside the U.S.
My career goals changed from an academic career to a non-academic career
My career goals changed from a non-academic to an academic career
I decided to pursue a graduate degree in a different discipline than the one I was pursuing when
I began my EAPSI fellowship
EAPSI participation made me more competitive for jobs I was interested in
EAPSI participation made me consider professional opportunities I would not have considered in
the past
None of the above
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 30
F4. Which of the following additional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in EAPSI? Check
all that apply
Research methods or ideas that I learned benefited others in my institution
Samples that I collected or tools that I developed benefited others in my institution
My peers became interested in international collaboration
Others in my research group (in the U.S.) began an international research collaboration
Researchers that I met during my fellowship joined my research group
Other – specify [textbox]
None of the above
F5. Which of the following personal benefits occurred as a result of your participation?
Check all that apply.
I became comfortable with the traditions and culture of my host site
I made personal connections in the places I visited during the fellowship
I gained proficiency in another language
I decided to live outside the United States (i.e. at least 6 months)
None of the above
F6. Which of the following are true? Check Yes or No for each:
Completion of my graduate degree was delayed because of my
participation in EAPSI
Competition was introduced between my research group and the host
because of my participation in EAPSI
I lost an important career or educational opportunity by participating in
I am more skeptical about international collaboration than before EAPSI
F7. What was the most positive aspect of your EAPSI experience? [textbox, 2500]
F8. What was the most challenging aspect of your EAPSI experience? [textbox, 2500]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 31
F9. Would you recommend the EAPSI fellowship to another graduate student seeking an international
experience? Check one only.
F9a. Why or why not? [textbox, 2500]
F10. Would you recommend your EAPSI host scientist to another graduate student seeking an
international experience? Check one only.
F11. Your fellowship took place in [EAPSI_site]. Would you recommend this EAPSI site to another
graduate student seeking an international experience? Check one only.
F12. What would you change about the program? [textbox, 2500]
F13. What was the most important contribution of EAPSI participation to your career?
[textbox, 2500]
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 32
G1. What is your gender?
G2. What is your ethnicity? Check one only.
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
G3. What is your race? Check one or more.
American Indian or Alaska native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
G4. What is your citizenship status? Check one only.
United States citizen since birth
Go to G5
United States citizen, naturalized
Go to G4a
Non-U.S. citizen with a permanent
U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”)
Go to G4a
Non-U.S. citizen with a temporary U.S. Visa
Go to G4a
G4a. How old were you when you began living in the United States? (Enter age in years): [textbox, 2]
G5. What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have
with: Mark one answer for each item.
SEEING words or letters in ordinary newsprint (with
glasses/contact lenses, if you usually wear them)
HEARING what is normally said in conversation with
another person (with hearing aid, if you usually wear
WALKING without human or mechanical assistance or
using stairs
LIFTING or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds,
such as a bag of groceries
to do
If all 4 rows in G5 are marked “None,” Go to Thank you screen. Else go to G5a.
What is the earliest age at which you first began experiencing any difficulties in any of these
Since birth; or Enter age in years:
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 33
Thank you screen: After hitting SUBMIT, respondent sees this screen.
EAPSI applicant survey
Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any general comments about the survey, please write
them below.
Textbox, 2500
If you have any questions about this survey or the study, please contact Dr. Alina Martinez, Study
Director, Abt Associates, at (866) 421-6223 (toll-free within the US) or email her at You may also contact John Tsapogas, who is overseeing this study at NSF,
with any questions or comments:
Thank you for your assistance. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 34
NSF’s records may be in error. However, it may be that you do not recognize the term “East Asia and
Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program.” For example, all of the following summer institutes are part
of the EAPSI program:
The Summer Institute in Japan, a joint program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) and NSF;
The Summer Institute in Korea, and joint program of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation
(KOSEF) and NSF;
The Summer Institute in Taiwan (SIT), a joint program of Taiwan’s National Science Council (NSC) and
The EAPSI summer institute in Australia, supported by the Australian Academy of Science and NSF;
The China Summer Institute, supported by NSF and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology
(MOST), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and National Natural Science Foundation of China
The EAPSI summer institute in New Zealand, coordinated by the Royal Society of New Zealand and
supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) and NSF;
The EAPSI summer institute in Singapore, co-sponsored by Singapore’s National Research
Foundation and NSF.
If you participated in any of the above, then for the purposes of this survey, you participated in an EAPSI
summer institute.
Did you participate in any of the above?
Yes, I did RETURN TO PRIOR SCREEN (Intro Screen #1 or A2.1)
No, I did not Go TO EXIT SCREEN
I’m not sure Go TO R1
R1: Even if you’re not sure, we would like you to complete this survey to the best of your ability. The
survey focuses on your professional achievements, the type of work you do currently and the types of
collaborations you may have with scientists and engineers in the US and other countries, in addition to
your EAPSI summer experiences. Please click here to continue with the survey (you may Exit on the
next screen if you wish): CCOONNTTIINNUUEE Go to Prior Screen: Intro Screen #1 or A2.1 (update
automatically so that A2.1 = Yes, this is correct)
Some graduate students may have travelled with a U.S. faculty member and other graduate students
(from any college or university, not necessarily your graduate institution) to Australia, China, Japan,
Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, or Singapore for several weeks during the summer. However, if you
yourself did not prepare and send a research proposal and application to the National Science
Foundation (NSF), then it is likely NSF’s records have mis-identified you.
Did you prepare and submit to NSF your own individual application for a summer institute in Australia,
China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, or Singapore?
Yes, I did go to S1 and FLAG this case for review by Abt
No, I travelled there under the sponsorship of a U.S. faculty member go to EXIT SCREEN
I’m not sure go to EXIT SCREEN
S1: Please accept our apology for the mistake in our records. Let’s continue with the survey: You
indicated that you participated in EAPSI in [EAPSI_year] in [EAPSI_site]. Please click to continue.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 35
If we have identified the wrong respondent or have erroneous information, display this screen and
FLAG this respondent for Abt follow-up (weekly basis):
EAPSI applicant survey
Please accept our apology.
The information you supplied suggests that you are not eligible to participate in this study or that we
have reached you in error. We regret any inconvenience to you. If you have any questions about this
study or you would like to make a comment, please contact one of the following individuals:
Dr. Alina Martinez, Study Director at Abt Associates:, or (866) 4216223 (toll free within the U.S.);
John Tsapogas, Office of International Science and Engineering, NSF:
May we have permission to contact you by telephone to clarify your responses here? Entering your
number does not obligate you to answer any questions.
Yes, you may reach me at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . [telephone digit entry] Go to Best Times.
No, please do not contact me.
Best time(s) to call (check all that apply):
Weekdays (9 to 5pm)
Evenings (5 to 8pm)
Saturday or Sunday 9-5pm
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 36
National Science Foundation
IRFP Host Survey
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc. and our subsidiary, AbtSRBI, for the National
Science Foundation (NSF), to learn about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional
activities of individuals who participated in NSF’s International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP). You
are receiving this survey because you are listed in the IRFP database as a host of an IRFP fellow.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution.
You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. There are minimal risks
associated with your participation. We take your privacy very seriously. Your responses to this survey will
be protected under the U.S. Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality, and we have
put in place procedures to minimize this risk. Reports will never identify you by name, and information
from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program level, combined with about 250 other
responses. When we receive your survey we will detach and store separately your name and other
identifying information that could be used to link you to your survey responses. Survey responses will be
stored on a secure drive that is only accessible to members on the study team. Only study team web
technicians and data analysts from Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will see individual responses that can be
linked to you. Survey data files will be shared with NSFat the end of the study, only after study team
members have examined the data to be free of any information that could help identify you; this cleaning
includes procedures to prevent someone from inferring your identity by analyzing non-identifying data.
Hence, we encourage you to respond candidly about your experiences. Separate from your individual
responses to the survey we will provide NSF any updated contact information we have found or requested
from you. None of this contact information will be linked in any way to your survey responses. At the
conclusion of the study, Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will destroy all records, electronic or otherwise, that
link you to your survey responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at 866) 421-6223 (may
incur international telephone charges if initiated outside the U.S) or email her at You may also contact the evaluation’s program officer at NSF, John
Tsapogas ( If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may
contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877) 520-6835 6835 (may incur
international telephone charges if initiated outside the U.S) or by email:
To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please continue with the survey if you agree to participate in this study.
This study’s IRB approval number is #0494, valid from 8/6/2010 to 8/5/2011. For questions, please
contact Teresa Doksum, IRB Administrator, Abt Associates, at
The valid OMB control no. for this information collection is xx-xxxxx. (Expires on mm/dd/yyyy)
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
Notes in brown are for programming purposes.
Some questions will be received by specific groups of individuals only. These skip patterns are
indicated throughout the survey. For the paper version, we have included these skip patterns in
text. These will be programmed into the online version.
There are places throughout the survey where Institution, year, name etc. will be filled into the
question or instruction text using a sample file.
What is the International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)?
Why are you doing this study?
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
How did you get my contact information?
How long will this survey take to complete?
How will you use my comments?
Does this study have human subjects review clearance?
Who is funding the study?
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
What is the International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)?
The International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP) is a National Science
Foundation (NSF) program that provides support for new doctoral-level scientists and
engineers to conduct research in a foreign country for a period of 9 to 24 months.
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about the experiences of researchers who have hosted one
or more IRFP fellows from the United States as part of the IRFP program. In
particular, NSF would like to understand how host researchers perceive the program
and the students they have hosted, and what kinds of benefits and challenges host
researchers experienced. The information collected in the study will help NSF make
improvements to the program, and understand how best to support and encourage
international collaboration.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as having hosted
one or more U.S. fellows participating in the IRFP program.
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on IRFP
participants and the scientists who hosted them. We then confirmed your contact
information through an internet search.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 15 minutes.
How will you use my comments?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about the
experiences of IRFP host researchers with the program and with the guest fellows.
Has this study been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
Yes, the study was also approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you
have any concerns about your participation in this survey, please contact Teresa Doksum,
Institutional Review Board Administrator at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via
email at
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract
GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will complete the study.
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. AbtSRBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in
large-scale data collection and public opinion research. NSF has contracted with Abt
Associates and AbtSRBI to design and implement a survey of individuals who applied to
NSF’s International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP).
IRFP Foreign Hosts
We now would like to ask you about your experiences with the program. Please respond to the
best of your recollection.
Module A: Basic Information
A1. Based on the NSF IRFP database, your name is [First Name, Middle Name/initial, Last
Name]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, my name is correct.
No, my name has changed or is misspelled above. My name is: [Textbox]
No, I am not the person named above. I believe you have reached me by mistake.
A2. Based on the NSF IRFP database, you hosted an IRFP fellow named [Fellow name]. Is this
information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the fellow’s name is correct.
No, the fellow’s name is incorrect. The correct name is: [Textbox]
I never participated in the IRFP program. EXIT SURVEY.
A3. Based on the NSF IRFP database, you hosted [Fellow name] in [Year of IRFP experience]. Is
this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the year is correct.
No, the year is incorrect. The correct year is: [Textbox]
A4. Based on the NSF IRFP database, you hosted [Fellow name] at [Name of institution]. Is this
information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the institution is correct.
No, the institution is incorrect. The correct institution is: [Textbox]
A5. Before hosting [Fellow Name] in [Year of IRFP], had you ever before hosted a visiting
researcher from the United States?
Yes, I had hosted another IRFP Fellow previously
Yes, but the individual(s) was not sponsored by the IRFP program
No, I had never before hosted a visiting researcher from the United States
The remaining items on this survey refer to the IRFP Fellow named above [Fellow name] and (or)
to the period of time during which you hosted this individual at your institution [Year of IRFP
experience]. If you have hosted more than one IRFP Fellow, please answer items on this survey
with respect to [Fellow name], who you hosted beginning in [Year of IRFP experience].
A6. As of [reference week] are you working at [Name of institution], the institution where you
worked when you hosted this IRFP Fellow
Yes, I currently work at the same institution
No, I no longer work there. I am now working at (please tell us the name of your current
employer, university, or company: [Textbox]
A7. Have you increased your collaboration with U.S. researchers as a result of of your
participation in the IRFP?
A8. Prior to hosting to this IRFP fellow, had you visited the United States for training or other
professional purposes? Check all that apply
Yes, I was an undergraduate student in the United States
Yes, I was a graduate student in the United States
Yes, I was a postdoc in the United States
Yes, I was a visiting scientist in the United States
Yes, I was a faculty member in the United States
Yes, I came to the United States to attend a conference, a workshop, or a
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
No, I have not visited the United States for any professional purposes
A9. Did you know [Fellow Name] or one of his/her colleagues before you hosted this IRFP
A10. Which of the following characterizes your department (or research unit within your
institute)? Check all that apply.
My department (or research unit) encourages international collaborations
Faculty (or employees) in my department (or institution) are rewarded for developing
international research partnerships
My department (or research unit) provides financial support to faculty (or employees)
pursuing international collaborations
My department (or research unit) promotes (that is, advertises) fellowships and other
opportunities for researchers in my country to conduct research in another country
My department (or research unit) hosts foreign researchers visiting my institution for
research-related purposes
None of the above
Module B: Participation Decision and Goals
B1. How did you first learn about the IRFP program? Mark one answer
From the IRFP fellow I hosted
From the IRFP fellow’s PhD (doctoral) advisor
From another faculty member at the IRFP fellow’s institution in the United States
From an administrator at the IRFP fellow’s institution
From the United States’ National Science Foundation (NSF) web site, printed
publication, or presentation
From a faculty member (or colleague) at my institution
From an administrator at my institution
From a colleague at an institution other than where I work
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
B2. Why did you decide to host this IRFP fellow? Check all that apply
I was interested in the project proposed by the Fellow
I was interested in establishing or maintaining collaboration with a US researcher
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with the fellow
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with the fellow’s advisor
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with researchers at the
fellow’s institution
I had a positive experience with the program in the past
I had a positive experience with another international program
To create an international environment in my research group
To attract students/postdocs to my research
To learn new methodologies, approaches, or tools from the fellow
My research area is particularly suitable for collaboration
Other: [Textbox]
Module C: Program Experience
C1. Who was primarily involved in the following activities related to the research on which you
and the IRFP Fellow worked?
Mostly the
Mostly me
The fellow
or members
and I were
independently of my group
(this activity
was not part
of the
Developing the ideas, hypotheses,
broad framework, or vision for the
research project
Researching literature or research
base relevant to the project
Keeping records, tracking supplies,
Developing instrumentation,
software, equipment, or data
collection processes
Collecting data or carrying out
Analyzing data or observations
Interpreting results
Planning or developing follow-up
work based on results
Written, oral dissemination of
results (publications, presentations)
C2. Do you agree or disagree with the following aspects of your participation as host to an IRFP
Strongly Disagree Agree
The fellow integrated with staff/members of my
research group
The fellow had sufficient knowledge and expertise to
be a full participant in a research collaboration with
The amount of time for the fellowship experience
was too short
Language was a barrier to the fellow’s ability to
interact with me and/or my group
The fellow was willing to take appropriate risks
necessary for research
The fellow exercised appropriate caution in his/her
approach to research
The fellow spent sufficient time working on the
proposed project
Scientific cultures of our countries are similar, making
productive collaboration possible
Lifestyles and general cultures of our countries are
similar, making productive collaboration possible
C3. How often did you meet with the IRFP fellow during his/her visit to your institution to talk
about the project or to discuss other research-related issues? Mark one answer
Every other day
Twice a week
Once a week
Every other week
Once a month
Less than once a month
I do not recall
Other: [Textbox]
Module D: Program Outcomes and Career Impacts
D1. Which of the following describes the extent of your collaboration with the fellow since the
fellowship experience? Select one response
I have not been in touch with the Fellow GOTO D2
I have stayed in touch with the Fellow, but have not collaborated on any
research project GOTO D2
I have collaborated with this Fellow at some point in the past, but not at present
I am currently collaborating with this Fellow GOTO D1a
I plan to collaborate with this Fellow GOTO D2
What is the nature of this collaboration as of [reference week]? Check all that
We …
Work on projects together
Share data
Publish papers together
Visit each other’s institutions to discuss research or to work on projects
Invite each other to give talks
Jointly apply for collaborative grants or other funding sources
Co-mentor graduate students or postdoctoral fellows
Other: [Textbox]
D2. Are you currently collaborating with the IRFP fellow’s faculty advisor?
D2a. Are you currently collaborating with other U.S. researchers?
D3. Please indicate the number of papers in press or published, which you co-authored with the
During the IRFP fellow’s time at your institution: [Textbox]
Within a year of the fellow’s time at your institution: [Textbox]
2-3 years after the fellow’s time at your institution: [Textbox]
4-5 years after the fellow’s time at your institution: [Textbox]
Total number of papers (in press or published) co-authored with this IRFP fellow as
of [reference week] [Textbox]
Module E: Program Satisfaction
E1. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this IRFP fellow? Mark one
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied.
E1a. What did you find most satisfying or unsatisfying? [Textbox]
E2. Which of the following benefits did you derive as a host for IRFP fellows? Check all that
I established or renewed a collaboration with US researchers
I and/or researchers in my group published research papers based on the
collaborative work with this IRFP Fellow
I and/or researchers in my group developed a database or a website based on the
collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group obtained funding based on the collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group gave one or more presentations based on the
collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group learned new techniques or approaches
I and/or researchers in my group became more familiar with the research enterprise
in the United States
Participation in the program changed the direction of some research projects in my
Participating in the program enhanced my interest in collaborating with US
E3. Have any of the following taken place at your institution as a result of your participation as
host to an IRFP Fellow? Check all that apply
My colleagues increased collaborations with US researchers
Administration in my department became more supportive of collaboration with US
Additional policies, procedures, or structures have been put in place at my
institution to facilitate foreign collaboration
Collaborations with US researchers helped attract students and other researchers to
my institution
Other benefits of hosting this IRFP Fellow (please describe any): [textbox]
None of the above
E4. What were the best aspects of your affiliation with this IRFP fellow? [Textbox]
E5. What were the most challenging aspects in your affiliation with this IRFP fellow? [Textbox]
E6. Were there any unexpected outcomes in your affiliation with this IRFP fellow? [Textbox]
E7. Would you recommend or have you recommended to others that they host an IRFP fellow?
Mark one answer
I have recommended the program, or I would recommend the program.
Why? [Textbox]
I have not recommended the program, and I would not recommend the program. Why
not? [Textbox]
I am not sure
E8. Please feel free to share any additional thoughts or recommendations about IRFP. [Textbox]
National Science Foundation
EAPSI Host Survey
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc. and our subsidiary, AbtSRBI, for the National
Science Foundation (NSF), to learn about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional
activities of individuals who participated in NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI)
program. You are receiving this survey because you are listed in the EAPSI database as a host of an
EAPSI fellow.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution.
You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. There are minimal risks
associated with your participation. We take your privacy very seriously. Your responses to this survey will
be protected under the U.S. Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality, and we have
put in place procedures to minimize this risk. Reports will never identify you by name, and information
from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program level, combined with about 500 other
responses. When we receive your survey we will detach and store separately your name and other
identifying information that could be used to link you to your survey responses. Survey responses will be
stored on a secure drive that is only accessible to members on the study team. Only study team web
technicians and data analysts from Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will see individual responses that can be
linked to you. Survey data files will be shared with NSFat the end of the study, only after study team
members have examined the data to be free of any information that could help identify you; this cleaning
includes procedures to prevent someone from inferring your identity by analyzing non-identifying data.
Hence, we encourage you to respond candidly about your experiences. Separate from your individual
responses to the survey we will provide NSF any updated contact information we have found or requested
from you. None of this contact information will be linked in any way to your survey responses. At the
conclusion of the study, Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will destroy all records, electronic or otherwise, that
link you to your survey responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (866) 421-6223 (may
incur international telephone charges if initiated outside the U.S) or email her at You may also contact the evaluation’s program officer at NSF, John
Tsapogas ( If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may
contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877) 520-6835 (may incur
international telephone charges if initiated outside the U.S) or by email:
To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please continue with the survey if you agree to participate in this study.
This study’s IRB approval number is #0494, valid from 8/6/2010 to 8/5/2011. For questions, please
contact Teresa Doksum, IRB Administrator, Abt Associates, at
The valid OMB control no. for this information collection is xx-xxxxx. (Expires on mm/dd/yyyy)
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 1
What is the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Program?
Why are you doing this study?
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
How did you get my contact information?
How long will this survey take to complete?
How will you use my comments?
Does this study have human subjects review clearance?
Who is funding the study?
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
What is the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program?
The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program is a program in which
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its partners organizations in Australia,
China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan cooperate to provide U.S.
graduate students an opportunity to spend eight to ten weeks collaborating with a host
researcher at a university or research institute in one of these locations. The program
matches accomplished researchers in the host location with promising U.S. graduate
students to foster international collaboration.
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about the experiences of researchers who have hosted one
or more graduate students from the United States as part of the EAPSI program. In
particular, NSF would like to understand how host researchers perceive the program
and the students they have hosted, and what kinds of benefits and challenges host
researchers experienced. The information collected in the study will help NSF make
improvements to the program, and understand how best to support and encourage
international collaboration.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as having hosted
one or more U.S. graduate students participating in the EAPSI program.
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on
EAPSI participants and the scientists who hosted them. We then confirmed your contact
information through an internet search.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 15 minutes.
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 2
How will you use my comments?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about the
experiences of EAPSI host researchers with the program and with the guest students.
What happens if I don’t answer this survey?
Participation in the survey is voluntary. Abt Associates will not share information with
the National Science Foundation or its partner agencies in your location about your
decision to participate or not to participate.
Has this study been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
Yes, the study was also approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you
have any concerns about your participation in this survey, please contact Teresa Doksum,
Institutional Review Board Administrator at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via
email at A call to this number may incur international charges.
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract
GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will complete the study.
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. AbtSRBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in
large-scale data collection and public opinion research. NSF has contracted with Abt
Associates and AbtSRBI to design and implement a survey of researchers who hosted a
U.S. graduate student participating in NSF’s EAPSI program.
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 3
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
Notes in brown are for programming purposes.
Some questions will be received by specific groups of individuals only. These skip patterns are
indicated throughout the survey. For the paper version, we have included these skip patterns in
text. These will be programmed into the online version.
There are places throughout the survey where Institution, year, name etc. will be filled into the
question or instruction text using a sample file.
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 4
EAPSI Host Survey
We now would like to ask you about your experiences with the program. Please respond to the
best of your recollection.
Module A: Basic Information and Pre-Award Characteristics
A1. Based on the NSF EAPSI database, your name is [First Name, Middle Name/initial, Last
Name]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the name is correct.
No, my name has changed or is misspelled above. My name is: [Textbox]
No, I am not the person named above. I believe you have reached me by mistake.
A2. Based on the NSF EAPSI database, you have hosted an EAPSI Fellow named [Fellow name].
Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the Fellow’s name is correct.
No, the Fellow’s name is incorrect. The correct name is: [Textbox]
I never participated in the EAPSI program. EXIT SURVEY.
A3. Based on the NSF EAPSI program files, you hosted [Fellow name] in the summer of [Year of
EAPSI experience]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the year is correct.
No, the year is incorrect. The correct year is: [Textbox]
A4. Based on the NSF EAPSI program files, you hosted [Fellow name] at [Name of institution]. Is
this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the institution is correct.
No, the institution is incorrect. The correct institution is: [Textbox]
A5. Before hosting [Fellow Name] in [Year of EAPSI experience], had you ever before hosted a
visiting graduate student from the United States?
Yes, I had hosted another EAPSI Fellow or other EAPSI Fellows previously
Yes, but the individual(s) was not sponsored by the EAPSI program
No, I had never before hosted visiting graduate students from the United States
The remaining items on this survey refer to the EAPSI Fellow named above [Fellow name] and
(or) to the summer during which you hosted this individual at your institution [Year of EAPSI
experience]. If you have hosted more than one EAPSI Fellow, please answer items on this survey
with respect to [Fellow name], who you hosted beginning in [Year of EAPSI experience].
A6. As of [reference week] are you working at [Name of institution], the institution where you
worked when you hosted this EAPSI Fellow
Yes, I currently work at this same institution
No, I no longer work there. I am now working at (please tell us the name of your current
employer, university, or company: [Textbox]
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 5
A7. At the time of this EAPSI Fellow’s participation, approximately, what percentage of your
research group were from foreign countries? Mark one answer
I cannot recall
≥ 76%
Not applicable, I do not work in a group
A8. As of [reference week], approximately what percentage of your research group is from
foreign countries? Mark one answer
Not applicable, I do not work in a group
A8a. Have you increased your collaboration with U.S. researchers as a result of your
participation in EAPSI?
A9. Prior to your participation in EAPSI, had you visited the United States for training or other
professional purposes? Check all that apply
Yes, I was an undergraduate student in the United States
Yes, I was a graduate student in the United States
Yes, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the United States
Yes, I was a visiting scientist in the United States
Yes, I was a faculty member in the United States
Yes, I came to the United States for a conference, a workshop, or a meeting
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
No, I have not visited the United States for any professional purposes
A10. Did you know [Fellow name] or one of his/her colleagues before your hosted this EAPSI
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 6
A11. Which of the following characterizes your department (or research unit within your
institute)? Check all that apply.
My department (or research unit) encourages international collaborations
Faculty (or employees) in my department (or research unit) are rewarded for developing
international research partnerships
My department (or research unit) provides financial support to faculty (or employees)
pursuing international collaborations
My department (or research unit) promotes (that is, advertises) fellowships and other
opportunities for researchers in my country to conduct research in another country
My department (or research unit) hosts foreign researchers visiting my institution for
research-related purposes
None of the above
Module B: Participation Decision and Goals
B1. How did you first learn about the EAPSI program? Mark one answer
From the EAPSI Fellow I hosted
From the EAPSI Fellow’s U.S. faculty advisor
From another faculty member at the EAPSI Fellow’s institution
From an administrator at the EAPSI Fellow’s institution
From a previous EAPSI participant
From the United States’ National Science Foundation (NSF) web site, printed
publication, or presentation
From a faculty member or colleague at my institution
From an administrator at my institution
From the partner organization in my country
From a colleague at an institution other than where I work
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
B2. Why did you decide to host this EAPSI fellow? Check all that apply
I was interested in the project proposed by the Fellow
I was interested in establishing or maintaining collaboration with a US researcher
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with the Fellow
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with the Fellow’s advisor
I personally knew, knew of, or previously collaborated with researchers at the Fellow’s
I had a positive experience with the program in the past
I had a positive experience with another international program
Hosting a US scientist is considered prestigious in my country
To improve the status of my department and/or institution
To create an international environment in my research group
To attract students/postdocs to my research
To learn new methodologies, approaches, or tools from the Fellow
My research area is particularly suitable for collaboration
Other: [Textbox]
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 7
Module C: Application Process
C1. How would you characterize the ease or difficulty of the following aspects of arranging the
Fellow’s visit?
Not applicable
(I did not
provide this or
make these
for the Fellow
Providing supporting materials for the application
Providing assistance with obtaining a visa
Arranging the Fellow’s lodging
Arranging the Fellow’s office space
Arranging the Fellow’s access to buildings or to
other institutional facilities
Finding an appropriate research project
C1a. Please elaborate on any of the above or on any other challenging aspects of arranging the
student’s visit. [Textbox]
Module D: Program Experience
C1. At the time when the EAPSI Fellow was at your institution [year of EAPSI fellowship], what
was the size of your research group?
I do not remember
C2. How often did you meet with the EAPSI Fellow during his/her visit to your institution to talk
about the project or to discuss other research-related issues? Mark one answer
Every other day
Twice a week
Once a week
Every other week
Once a month
Less than once a month
I do not recall
Other: [Textbox]
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 8
C3. Who was primarily involved in the following activities the research on which you and the
EAPSI Fellow worked?
Mostly the
Fellow (or the
Fellow and
his/her U.S.
Mostly me
or members of
my group
The Fellow and
I were equally
Not applicable
(this activity
was not part of
the research)
Developing the ideas, hypotheses,
broad framework, or vision for the
research project
Researching literature or research
base relevant to the project
Keeping records, tracking supplies,
Developing instrumentation,
software, equipment, or data
collection processes
Collecting data or carrying out
Analyzing data or observations
Interpreting results
Planning or developing follow-up
work based on results
Written, oral dissemination of
results (publications, presentations)
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 9
C4. Do you agree or disagree with the following aspects of your participation as host to an EAPSI
The Fellow integrated with staff/members of my
research group
The Fellow had sufficient knowledge and expertise to
be a full participant in a research collaboration with
The amount of time for the fellowship experience
was too short
The timing of the fellowship (that is, over the
summer) was inconvenient
Language was a barrier to the Fellow’s ability to
interact with me and/or my group
The Fellow was willing to take appropriate risks
necessary for research
The Fellow exercised appropriate caution in his/her
approach to research
The Fellow was hard-working and dedicated
C5. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this EAPSI fellow? Mark one
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied.
D5a. What did you find most satisfying or unsatisfying? [Textbox]
C6. Which of the following is true about you and the EAPSI Fellow [Name of EAPSI Fellow]?
Check all that apply
Our research interests were well-matched
Our work styles were well-matched
Our goals and expectations for the experience were similar
Module D: Program Outcomes and Career Impacts
D1. Which of the following describes the extent of your collaboration with the Fellow since the
fellowship experience? Select one response
I have not been in touch with the Fellow Go to D2
I have stayed in touch with the Fellow, but have not collaborated on any
research projectGo to D2
I have collaborated with the Fellow at some point in the past, but not at present Go to
I am currently collaborating with the Fellow GOTO D1a
I plan to collaborate with the FellowGo to D2
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 10
Does not
D1a. What is the nature of your collaboration as of [the reference week]?
Check all that apply. We …
Work on projects together
Share data
Publish papers together
Visit each other’s institutions to discuss research or to work on projects
Invite each other to give talks
Jointly apply for collaborative grants or other funding sources
Co-mentor graduate students or postdoctoral fellows
Other: [Textbox]
D2. Are you currently collaborating with this EAPSI fellow’s faculty advisor?
YesGO TO D2b
No GO TO D2a
I’m not sure if my collaborating partner is the EAPSI fellow’s advisor GO TO E2a
D2a. Are you currently collaborating with other U.S. researchers?
YesGO TO D2b
I’m not sure GO TO D2b
D2b. What is the nature of this collaboration as of [reference week]? Check all that apply
We …
Work on projects together
Share data
Publish papers together
Visit each other’s institutions to discuss research or to work on projects
Invite each other to give talks
Jointly apply for collaborative grants or other funding sources
Co-mentor graduate students or postdoctoral fellows
Other: [Textbox]
D3. Please indicate the number of papers in press or published, which you co-authored with the
Fellow [Name of EAPSI Fellow]: Enter 0 if you did not co-author papers (in press or published)
with this Fellow.
During this Fellow’s time at your institution (summer of [YEAR of EAPSI]) [Textbox]
Within a year of this Fellow’s time at your institution [Textbox]
2-3 years after summer of [YEAR of EAPSI][Textbox]
4-5 years after summer of [YEAR of EAPSI][ [Textbox]
Total number of papers (in press or published) co-authored with this EAPSI Fellow as
of [the reference week] [Textbox]
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 11
Module E: Program Satisfaction
E1. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the EAPSI experience? Mark one answer
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied. Why? [Textbox]
Unsatisfied. Why? [Textbox]
E1a. Please elaborate [Textbox]
E2. Which of the following benefits did you derive as a result of your participation in the EAPSI
program? Check all that apply
I established or renewed a collaboration with a US researcher
I and/or researchers in my group published research papers based on the
collaborative work with this EAPSI Fellow
I and/or researchers in my group developed a database or a website based on the
collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group obtained funding based on the collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group gave one or more presentations based on the
collaborative work
I and/or researchers in my group learned new techniques or approaches
I and/or researchers in my group obtained access to resources not easily available at my
institution or country
I and/or researchers in my group became more familiar with the research enterprise
in the United States
Participation in the program changed the direction of some research projects in my
Participating in the program helped advance my career
Participating in the program enhanced my interest in collaborating with US
Participating in the program helped me recruit students
I became friends with the Fellow
Hosting an EAPSI Fellow (or several EAPSI Fellows) enhanced the recognition of my work
by peers
I improved my English language skills
E3. What were the best aspects of your experience with the EAPSI program? [Textbox]
E4. Can you provide any examples of how participating in the EAPSI program affected your
institution? [Textbox]
E5. What were the most challenging aspects of your experience with the EAPSI program?
E6. Were there any unexpected outcomes of your participation in the EAPSI experience?
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 12
E7. Would you recommend or have you recommended to others that they host EAPSI fellows?
Mark one answer
I have recommended the program, or I would recommend the program.
Why? [Textbox]
I have not recommended the program, and I would not recommend the program. Why
not? [Textbox]
I am not sure
E8. Please feel free to share any additional thoughts or recommendations about EAPSI.
EAPSI Foreign Host Survey
Page 13
National Science Foundation
EAPSI Advisor Survey
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc. and our subsidiary, AbtSRBI, for the National
Science Foundation (NSF), to learn about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional
activities of individuals who participated in NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI)
program. You are receiving this survey because you are listed in the EAPSI database as the advisor of an
EAPSI fellow.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution.
You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. There are minimal risks
associated with your participation. We take your privacy very seriously. Your responses to this survey will
be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality, and we have put in
place procedures to minimize this risk. Reports will never identify you by name, and information from the
study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program level, combined with about approximately 500
other responses. When we receive your survey we will detach and store separately your name and other
identifying information that could be used to link you to your survey responses. Survey responses will be
stored on a secure drive that is only accessible to members on the study team. Only study team web
technicians and data analysts from Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will see individual responses that can be
linked to you. Survey data files will be shared with NSFat the end of the study, only after study team
members have examined the data to be free of any information that could help identify you; this cleaning
includes procedures to prevent someone from inferring your identity by analyzing non-identifying data.
Hence, we encourage you to respond candidly about your experiences. Separate from your individual
responses to the survey we will provide NSF any updated contact information we have found or requested
from you. None of this contact information will be linked in any way to your survey responses. At the
conclusion of the study, Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will destroy all records, electronic or otherwise, that
link you to your survey responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (866) 421-6223 (toll free
within the U.S.) or email her at You may also contact the evaluation’s
program officer at NSF, John Tsapogas ( If you have questions about your rights as a
research participant, you may contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at
(877) 520-6835 (toll free within the U.S.) or by email:
To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please continue with the survey if you agree to participate in this study.
This study’s IRB approval number is #0494, valid from 8/6/2010 to 8/5/2011. For questions, please
contact Teresa Doksum, IRB Administrator, Abt Associates, at
The valid OMB control no. for this information collection is xx-xxxxx. (Expires on mm/dd/yyyy)
Page 1
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
Notes in brown are for programming purposes.
Some questions will be received by specific groups of individuals only. These skip patterns are
indicated throughout the survey. For the paper version, we have included these skip patterns in
text. These will be programmed into the online version.
There are places throughout the survey where Institution, year, name etc. will be filled into the
question or instruction text using a sample file.
Page 2
What is the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Program?
Why are you doing this study?
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
How did you get my contact information?
How long will this survey take to complete?
How will you use my comments?
Does this study have human subjects review clearance?
Who is funding the study?
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
What is the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program?
The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Program is a National Science
Foundation (NSF) program that provides funding for U.S. graduate students to spend
eight to ten weeks collaborating with a host researcher in one of seven locations in the
East Asia and Pacific region: Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore,
and Taiwan.
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about the characteristics of current and former graduate
students who participated in the EAPSI program between 1999 and 2009. NSF is
particularly interested in how the graduate advisors of EAPSI Fellows’ view the
program and its benefits (or costs) to graduate students’ subsequent educational and
career paths. This information will help NSF understand the usefulness and relevance
of international research training for scientists and engineers.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as having served as
graduate advisor to a former EAPSI fellow.
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on prior
EAPSI Fellows’ applications. We then obtained your contact information through an
internet search.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 15 minutes.
How will you use my comments?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about the
graduate training, international experiences, and career paths of former EAPSI Fellows.
Page 3
What happens if I don’t answer this survey?
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you
or your institution. Study participation will not affect your current NSF funding or future
applications to NSF for funding/grants.
Has this study been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
Yes, the study was approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you have
any concerns about your participation in this survey, please contact Teresa Doksum,
Institutional Review Board Administrator at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via
email at
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract
GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and AbtSRBI will complete the study.
Who are Abt Associates Inc and AbtSRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. AbtSRBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in
large-scale data collection and public opinion research. NSF has contracted with Abt
Associates and AbtSRBI to design and implement a survey of the graduate advisors of
former participants in NSF’s EAPSI program.
Page 4
EAPSI US Advisor Survey
Module A: Basic Information
Before we begin the survey, please confirm the following information
A1a. Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, your name is [First Name,
Middle Name/Initial, Last Name]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the name is correct.
No, my name has changed or is misspelled above. My name is: [Textbox]
No, I am not the person named above. I believe you have reached me by mistake.
A1b. Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, you were the faculty advisor
of EAPSI Fellow, [Fellow name]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the Fellow’s name is correct.
No, the Fellow’s name is incorrect. The correct name is: [Textbox]
I have never had a student in the EAPSI program. EXIT SURVEY.
A1c. Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the
EAPSI program in the summer of [Year of EAPSI experience]. Is this information correct? Mark
one answer
Yes, the year is correct.
No, the year is incorrect. The correct year is: [Textbox]
I don’t know or I do not recall
A1d. Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the
EAPSI program in [name of EAPSI country]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the country is correct.
No, the country is incorrect. The correct country is: [Textbox]
I don’t know or I don’t recall
A1e. Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the
EAPSI program at [name of institution]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
Yes, the institution is correct.
No, the institution is incorrect. The correct institution is: [Textbox]
I don’t know or I don’t recall
A1f. Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, your title at the time of [Fellow
name]’s EAPSI experience was [Title]. Is this information correct? Mark one answer
No, the title is incorrect. My correct title at the time was: [Textbox]
Yes, the title is correct.
A1g. What is your current title?
My current title is: [Textbox]
Page 5
A2. Which of the following is true? Check all that apply
I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in the research group
or institution which hosted the Fellow
I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in the country which
hosted the Fellow
I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in a different foreign
I had a collaboration with the faculty member (or researcher) who hosted my student
I had a collaboration with another faculty member (or researcher) at the host institution
I had another connection to the institution or the country which hosted the Fellow.
Please specify: [Textbox]
A3. Which of the following characterizes your department? Check all that apply.
My department encourages international collaborations
Faculty are rewarded for developing international research partnerships
My department provides financial support to faculty pursuing international
My department promotes (i.e., advertises) fellowships for graduate students or
postdocs to conduct research in a foreign country
My department hosts foreign post-docs and faculty visiting my institution for researchrelated purposes
Module B: Role of Department/Institution in the application to the EAPSI Program
We now would like to ask you about your experiences with the program. Please respond to the
best of your recollection.
B1. Before your student’s application for EAPSI, were you familiar with the EAPSI program?
Cannot recall
B2. At the time of application, did your institution do any of the following to publicize the EAPSI
program to graduate students? Check one response for each row
Providing application information about EAPSI
in departmental newsletters, emails, listservs
Posting EAPSI information and application
deadlines on departmental bulletin boards
Maintaining current EAPSI program information
at the student career center
Holding meetings about EAPSI as an
international research opportunity
Hosting former EAPSI fellows to present their
EAPSI experiences to other graduate students
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
Page 6
B3. At the time of application, what types of support has your department and/or institution
provided to graduate students for the EAPSI application process? Check one response for each
Locating an appropriate host
Contacting the host institution
Application editing or submission
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
I do not know
Module C: Advisor Support for EAPSI Applicant
C1. Did you encourage the Fellow to apply to the EAPSI program?
Yes [Please skip to question C2]
No [Please skip to question C4]
C2. What were the reasons you encouraged the Fellow to apply to the EAPSI program? Check all
that apply
My own positive experiences collaborating internationally
The importance of international perspective
To help the Fellow’s future academic or professional career
To create more US – international collaborations among researchers
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
C3. In your view, did the Fellow achieve the following goals? Check one response for each row
Not at all
Exceeded my
I cannot
To establish or maintain a
collaboration with an
international researcher
To advance his/her research
To be exposed to another
country’s research
To learn a technique or an
approach from the host
To bring back samples or
other resources
To become familiar with the
research enterprise in
another country
To become familiar with the
culture and traditions of
another country
Other: [Textbox]
Page 7
C4. What aspects of the application process were you involved in? Check all that apply
I suggested a host institution to the applicant
I recommended the applicant to the host or to someone else at the host’s
I worked with the applicant to develop a research project
I provided feedback on the applicant’s proposal
I provided feedback on the applicant’s biographical sketch
I discussed cultural and language aspects of the host country with the applicant
Other. Please specify: [Textbox]
None of the above
Module D: Participation in the program
D1. While the Fellow was at the host institution, did you provide any of the following ongoing
support? Check all that apply
I provided academic support (scientific advice, academic planning) to the Fellow
I worked with the applicant to develop a publication based on research conducted
at the host institution
I facilitated the applicant’s research through my contacts with the host institution
I visited the Fellow at the host institution
I provided cultural or language support to the Fellow
Other: [Textbox]
Module E: Benefits to the Fellow’s career and to the Advisor
E1. Upon the Fellow’s return, which of the following was true? Check all the apply
I assisted the Fellow in preparing a presentation and/or publication on research
conducted at the host institution
I mentored the Fellow on how to integrate the research conducted at the host
institution into their research conducted in the U.S.
I mentored the Fellow to continue work on the EAPSI project
I provided or helped the Fellow obtain financial support to continue work on the
EAPSI project
I provided guidance on how to maintain the Fellow’s professional contacts
developed at the host institution
I helped the Fellow to pursue further international research opportunities
Other: [Textbox]
Page 8
E2. Which of the following benefits did you and your group derive as a result of the EAPSI
fellowship? Check all that apply.
The Fellow introduced new knowledge, approaches, and/or technical skills to my group
The Fellow brought back samples or other materials unavailable or not easily accessible
outside of the host institution or country
The Fellow’s experience broadened our understanding of research enterprise in the
foreign country
The Fellow helped establish or maintain an important collaboration
The Fellow made my group and research better known abroad
The Fellow’s experience changed the direction of our research or added a new
dimension to our research
We published papers which resulted from the Fellow’s participation in EAPSI
Other. Please specify. [Textbox]
E3. Please give one example of the most important benefit to you personally or to your research
group members that resulted from the EAPSI fellowship. [Textbox]
E4. Were there any of the following negative effects on the Fellow as a result of his/her EAPSI
program participation? Check all that apply
The Fellow’s degree completion was delayed
The Fellow became distracted from his/her research project
There was tension between the Fellow and the others members of my group due to
his/her participation in the EAPSI program
Participation in the program created or deepened competition between my group
and the host group
Methods or ideas that the Fellow brought back to my group were inadequate or
erroneous and derailed research progress
Other. Please specify. [Textbox]
Page 9
Module F: Benefit of EAPSI to the US department
F1. Have any of the following taken place at your department as a result of the fellows’
participation in EAPSI? Check all that apply
Students in my department became more interested in collaboration with
international researchers
Faculty in my department became more interested in collaboration with
international researchers
Students in my department have begun collaborating with international researchers
Faculty in my department have begun collaborating with international researchers
Administration in my department became more supportive of collaboration with
international researchers
Additional policies, procedures, or structures have been put in place at my
department to facilitate international collaboration
Collaborations with international researchers have raised the prestige of my
Collaborations with international researchers have helped attract students and
other researchers to my department
Collaborations with international researchers have helped bring funds to my
None of the above
F2. Feel free to elaborate on any of the above and/or to provide additional examples of how the
fellows’ participation in the EAPSI program affected your department. [Textbox]
F3. Do you think there have been any advantages for your department to have students from
the department participate in the EAPSI program?
Yes. Please specify. [Textbox]
No. Please specify. [Textbox]
Page 10
Module G: US Advisor and Institution’s Current Relationship with Foreign Institutions
G1. Do you currently collaborate with international researchers?
Yes GOTO G1a.
G1a. Who are these collaborators?
EAPSI fellow’s host
Other researcher(s) in the host country.
Researcher(s) in other foreign country(ies).
G1b. What is the nature of your international collaborations? Check all that apply
With the
With another
With a researcher in
Fellow’s host
researcher in the host another foreign
Co-author papers
Co-author patent/license
Co-sponsor professional
Share data or information
Collaborate on a research
Talk about research projects
Other. Please specify:
G2. Which of the following are true?
I visited the host at the host’s foreign facility
The EAPSI host visited me in the US
A member of the EAPSI host’s group visited me in the US or joined my group
A foreign researcher connected to the EAPSI host, but not in the EAPSI host’s group
visited me in the US or joined my group
A foreign researcher connected to the EAPSI host visited or joined another group in my
Because of the EAPSI program, I expanded my network of international collaborations in
some other way. Please describe [textbox].
G3. Please estimate the number of collaborations that currently exist between the members of
your research group (including yourself) and researchers in other countries:
G3a. What is the size of your research group including yourself? [Textbox]
Page 11
G4. Have other members of your group participated in international research programs?
Module H: Program Satisfaction
H1. Was the duration of the program appropriate?
No. Please elaborate [textbox]
H2. Was the timing of the program appropriate (during the summer)?
No. Please elaborate [textbox]
H3. Would you recommend or have you recommended the EAPSI program to other students?
Mark one answer
I have/would recommend the program. Why? [Textbox]
I have not/would not recommend the program. Why not? [Textbox]
I am not sure
H4. Has the EAPSI experience made you more or less likely to get involved in international
collaboration? Mark one answer
I am more likely to get involved in an international research collaboration
I am less likely to get involved in an international research collaboration
The EAPSI experience has not affected my likelihood to get involved in an international
research collaboration
H5. Please feel free to share any thoughts or recommendations about EAPSI. [Textbox]
Page 12
Interview Guide for EAPSI Program Manager in Foreign Location
Thank you for participating in this study. As the representative of [FILL IN NAME OF
FOREIGN PARTNER ORGANIZATION], we are interested in your perspectives on the
EAPSI fellowship program, and any feedback you might provide to help improve the
How long have you been working for [NAME OF PARTNER ORGANIZATION]?
How long you have been working with the EAPSI program?
What are your responsibilities for the EAPSI program?
General questions about the EAPSI program
How are responsibilities for running the program divided between your office and the
host universities/institutions?
What supports do you provide to the fellows and hosts in terms of resources,
equipment, language training?
How are host institutions and faculty members approved to participate in the EAPSI
NSF’s role in the EAPSI program
What kinds of communication do you have with NSF and how often? Is the amount
of communication with NSF enough for you to implement the EAPSI program? Does
NSF share enough information with you and in a timely manner?
How satisfied are you with the support you have from NSF?
In what ways could NSF facilitate your country’s or your organization’s participation
in the EAPSI program?
EAPSI program goals and expectations
What are your expectations (goals) of the EAPSI program for your country?
Since you have been involved in the EAPSI program, to what extent has it met these
One of the goals of the EAPSI program is to increase collaborations between US
scientists and foreign scientists? How well do you think the program is
accomplishing this goal?
How does participating in the EAPSI program benefit your country? Are there
benefits for the hosts? For the Fellows?
Challenges that might have arise with the EAPSI program
Are there any specific examples of challenging aspects of participation in the EAPSI
program that stand out in your mind? Are there anydifficulties or concerns that arise
during the process of matching EAPSI fellows and hosts, during fellowships.
Are there any difficulties or concerns that host scientists express about participating
in the program? Can you think of ways these might be addressed?
Are there any difficulties or concerns that Fellows express about participating in the
program? Can you think of ways these might be addressed?
Evaluation or Survey of EAPSI Program
Have you conducted an evaluation or survey of your role in the EAPSI program?
Did you use any results from these efforts to make improvements to the program?
Can you share with us any of your results (publications, reports, etc.)?
What suggestions would you have for improving the EAPSI program?
Are there aspects of the program that you would keep the same?
Is there anything else you think it would be helpful for us to know about for our
evaluation of the program?
Interview Guide for EAPSI Agency Official in Foreign Location
Thank you for participating in this study. As the representative of [FILL IN NAME OF
FOREIGN PARTNER ORGANIZATION], we are interested in your perspectives on the
EAPSI fellowship program, and any feedback you might provide to help improve the
How long have you been working for [PARTNER ORGANIZATION]?
Do you work directly with the EAPSI program? If so, in what role?
NSF’s role in the EAPSI program.
For the NSF, one of the goals of the EAPSI program is to increase US researchers’
interest in forming and sustaining international collaborations, such as collaborations
with scientists in [COUNTRY]. In your experience, how well do you think the
program accomplishes this goal?
In what ways could NSF facilitate your country’s or your organization’s participation
in the EAPSI program?
Are there any changes you would like to see the U.S. National Science Foundation –
the EAPSI program sponsor in the U.S. – make to the program?
Country’s participation in the EAPSI program.
Does [NAME OF COUNTRY] participate in programs for visiting graduate students
from countries besides the United States? Which country/ies? How is this program
similar to and different from EAPSI?
[COUNTRY] has been involved in the EAPSI program since [YEAR]: Why did your
country initially decide to become involved in the EAPSI program? [If more than 2
years ask:] Are the reasons for continuing to participate in EAPSI different from the
initial motivation to participate?
What are the goals of your participation in EAPSI? Are these goals being met? What
would you like to see change so that these goals could be better met?
How does the EAPSI program fit into the mission of your agency? Into the scientific
research agenda in your country?
From your perspective, what is the value-added (e.g., in terms of resources,
expansion of expertise, reputation) of the EAPSI program for the following
o your country;
o your organization;
o the host institutions;
o the host scientists?
Are there challenges or unexpected outcomess to participating in the EAPSI program
for the following participants:
o your country;
o your organization;
o the host institutions;
o the host scientists;
Evaluation or Survey of EAPSI Program
Have you conducted an evaluation or survey of your role in the EAPSI program?
Did you use any results from these efforts to make improvements to the program?
Can you share with us any of your results (publications, reports, etc.)?
Is there anything else you think it would be helpful for us to know about for our
evaluation of the program?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to discuss your experiences with the EAPSI
program with me. If you have any questions or concerns that occur to you later on,
please feel free to contact me by email at [give email address]. If you would prefer to
talk to someone at NSF, you may contact [NSF OFFICIAL] at [NSF OFFICIAL
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Appendix A.doc |
Author | MartinezA1 |
File Modified | 2010-10-13 |
File Created | 2010-10-12 |