EAPSI Advisor Survey

Evaluation of National Science Foundation’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes and International Research Fellowship Program

EAPSI Advisor Survey

EAPSI Advisor Survey

OMB: 3145-0214

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National Science Foundation
EAPSI Advisor Survey
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc. for the National Science Foundation (NSF), to learn
about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional activities of individuals who participated
in NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program. You are receiving this survey
because you are listed in the EAPSI database as the advisor of an EAPSI fellow.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution.
You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. Your responses to this
survey will be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality, and we
have put in place procedures in place to minimize this risk. You will never be identified by name, and
information from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program level, combined with
about approximately 500 other responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (866) 421-6223, or
email her at EAPSI_survey@abtassoc.com. You may also contact the evaluation’s program officer at NSF,
John Tsapogas (jtsapoga@nsf.gov). If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you
may contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877)520-6835.
To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please continue with the survey if you agree to participate in this study.
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]

Notes in brown are for programming purposes. 
Some questions will be received by specific groups of individuals only.  These skip patterns are 
indicated throughout the survey.  For the paper version, we have included these skip patterns in 
text. These will be programmed into the online version.  
There are places throughout the survey where Institution, year, name etc. will be filled into the 
question or instruction text using a sample file.   
We now would like to ask you about your experiences with the program. Please respond to the
best of your recollection.



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EAPSI US Advisor Survey 
Module A: Basic Information 
Before we begin the survey, please confirm the following information 
A1a.  Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, your name is [First Name, 
Middle Name/Initial, Last Name].  Is this information correct?  Mark one answer 
  ‰  Yes, the name is correct. 
  ‰  No, my name has changed or is misspelled above.  My name is:  [Textbox]  
  ‰  No, I am not the person named above.  I believe you have reached me by mistake.   
A1b.  Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, you were the faculty advisor 
of EAPSI Fellow, [Fellow name].  Is this information correct?  Mark one answer 
  ‰  Yes, the Fellow’s name is correct. 
  ‰  No, the Fellow’s name is incorrect.  The correct name is:  [Textbox] 
    ‰  I have never had a student in the EAPSI program.  EXIT SURVEY. 
A1c.  Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the 
EAPSI program in the summer of [Year of EAPSI experience].   Is this information correct?  Mark 
one answer 
  ‰  Yes, the year is correct.   
  ‰  No, the year is incorrect.  The correct year is:  [Textbox] 
‰ I don’t know or I do not recall 
A1d.  Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the 
EAPSI program in [name of EAPSI country].  Is this information correct?  Mark one answer 
  ‰  Yes, the country is correct.   
‰ No, the country is incorrect.  The correct country is:  [Textbox] 
‰ I don’t know or I don’t recall 
A1e.  Based on the NSF EAPSI program records, your student, [Fellow name], participated in the 
EAPSI program at [name of institution].  Is this information correct?  Mark one answer 
  ‰  Yes, the institution is correct.   
‰ No, the institution is incorrect.  The correct institution is:  [Textbox] 
‰ I don’t know or I don’t recall 
A1f.  Based on the information provided in the EAPSI application, your title at the time of [Fellow 
name]’s EAPSI experience was [Title].  Is this information correct?  Mark one answer 
  ‰  No, the title is incorrect.  My correct title at the time was:  [Textbox] 
  ‰  Yes, the title is correct.   
A1g.  What is your current title? 
  ‰   Unchanged 
  ‰   My current title is: [Textbox] 



Page 67 

A2. Which of the following is true?  Check all that apply 
‰ I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in the research group 
or institution which hosted the Fellow 
‰ I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in the country which 
hosted the Fellow 
‰ I was a student, a postdoc, a faculty member, or a visiting scientist in a different foreign 
‰ I had a collaboration with the faculty member (or researcher) who hosted my student 
‰ I had a collaboration with another faculty member (or researcher) at the host institution 
‰ I had another connection to the institution or the country which hosted the Fellow.  
Please specify: [Textbox] 
A3. Which of the following characterizes your department?  Check all that apply. 
‰ My department encourages international collaborations 
‰ Faculty are rewarded for developing international research partnerships 
‰ My department provides financial support to faculty pursuing international 
‰ My department promotes (i.e., advertises) fellowships for graduate students or 
postdocs to conduct research in a foreign country 
‰ My department hosts foreign post‐docs and faculty visiting my institution for research‐
related purposes 
Module B:  Role of Department/Institution in the application to the EAPSI Program 
B1.  Before your student’s application for EAPSI, were you familiar with the EAPSI program? 
‰ Yes  
‰ No  
  ‰  Cannot recall 
B2.  At the time of application, did your institution do any of the following to publicize the EAPSI 
program to graduate students? Check one response for each row 
Providing application information about EAPSI 
in departmental newsletters, emails, listservs
Posting EAPSI information and application 
deadlines on departmental bulletin boards
Maintaining current EAPSI program information 
at the student career center
Holding meetings about EAPSI as an 
international research opportunity 
Hosting former EAPSI fellows to present their 
EAPSI experiences to other graduate students 
Other.  Please specify: [Textbox]



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B3.  At the time of application, what types of support has your department and/or institution 
provided to graduate students for the EAPSI application process?  Check one response for each 
Locating an appropriate host 
Contacting the host institution
Application editing or submission 
Other.  Please specify: [Textbox]
I do not know
Module C: Advisor Support for EAPSI Applicant 
C1.   Did you encourage the Fellow to apply to the EAPSI program?  
    ‰  Yes [Please skip to question C2] 
‰ No [Please skip to question C4] 
C2.  What were the reasons you encouraged the Fellow to apply to the EAPSI program? Check all 
that apply  
‰ My own positive experiences collaborating internationally 
‰ The importance of international perspective 
‰ To help the Fellow’s future academic or professional career 
‰ To create more US – international collaborations among researchers   
‰ Other.  Please specify: [Textbox] 
C3.  In your view, did the Fellow achieve the following goals?  Check one response for each row 

Not at all

To establish or maintain a 
collaboration with an 
international researcher 
To advance his/her research 
To be exposed to another 
country’s research 
To learn a technique or an 
approach from the host 
To bring back samples or 
other resources  
To become familiar with the 
research enterprise in 
another country 
To become familiar with the 
culture and traditions of 
another country 
Other: [Textbox] 


I cannot 


















Exceeded my 


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C4.  What aspects of the application process were you involved in? Check all that apply 
    ‰  I suggested a host institution to the applicant 
    ‰  I recommended the applicant to the host or to someone else at the host’s 
    ‰  I worked with the applicant to develop a research project  
    ‰  I provided feedback on the applicant’s proposal 
    ‰  I provided feedback on the applicant’s biographical sketch 
    ‰  I discussed cultural and language aspects of the host country with the applicant  
    ‰  Other.  Please specify: [Textbox] 
‰    None of the above 
Module D: Participation in the program  
D1. While the Fellow was at the host institution, did you provide any of the following ongoing 
support? Check all that apply 
    ‰  I provided academic support (scientific advice, academic planning) to the Fellow 
‰ I worked with the applicant to develop a publication based on research conducted 
at the host institution 
‰ I facilitated the applicant’s research through my contacts with the host institution  
‰ I visited the Fellow at the host institution 
‰ I provided cultural or language support to the Fellow 
    ‰  Other: [Textbox] 
Module E: Benefits to the Fellow’s career and to the Advisor 
E1.  Upon the Fellow’s return, which of the following was true?  Check all the apply  
‰ I assisted the Fellow in preparing a presentation and/or publication on research 
conducted at the host institution   
‰ I mentored the Fellow on how to integrate the research conducted at the host 
institution into their research conducted in the U.S. 
‰ I mentored the Fellow to continue work on the EAPSI project 
‰ I provided or helped the Fellow obtain financial support to continue work on the 
EAPSI project 
‰ I provided guidance on how to maintain the Fellow’s professional contacts 
developed at the host institution 
‰ I helped the Fellow to pursue further international research opportunities 
‰ Other: [Textbox] 



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E2.  Which of the following benefits did you and your group derive as a result of the EAPSI 
fellowship?  Check all that apply. 
‰ The Fellow introduced new knowledge, approaches, and/or technical skills to my group 
‰ The Fellow brought back samples or other materials unavailable or not easily accessible 
outside of the host institution or country 
‰ The Fellow’s experience broadened our understanding of research enterprise in the 
foreign country 
‰ The Fellow helped establish or maintain an important collaboration 
‰ The Fellow made my group and research better known abroad 
‰ The Fellow’s experience changed the direction of our research or added a new 
dimension to our research 
‰ We published papers which resulted from the Fellow’s participation in EAPSI 
‰ Other. Please specify. [Textbox] 
E3. Please give one example of the most important benefit to you personally or to your research 
group members that resulted from the EAPSI fellowship.  [Textbox] 
E4.  Were there any of the following negative effects on the Fellow as a result of his/her EAPSI 
program participation? Check all that apply 
‰ The Fellow’s degree completion was delayed 
‰  The Fellow became distracted from his/her research project  
‰ There was tension between the Fellow and the others members of my group due to 
his/her participation in the EAPSI program 
‰ Participation in the program created or deepened competition between my group 
and the host group 
‰ Methods or ideas that the Fellow brought back to my group were inadequate or 
erroneous and derailed research progress 
‰ Other. Please specify. [Textbox] 



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Module F: Benefit of EAPSI to the US department 
F1. Have any of the following taken place at your department as a result of the fellows’ 
participation in EAPSI? Check all that apply 
‰ Students in my department became more interested in collaboration with 
international researchers 
‰ Faculty in my department became more interested in collaboration with 
international researchers 
‰ Students in my department have begun collaborating with international researchers 
‰ Faculty in my department have begun collaborating with international researchers 
‰ Administration in my department became more supportive of collaboration with 
international researchers   
‰ Additional policies, procedures, or structures have been put in place at my 
department to facilitate international collaboration  
‰ Collaborations with international researchers have raised the prestige of my 
‰ Collaborations with international researchers have helped attract students and 
other researchers to my department 
‰ Collaborations with international researchers have helped bring funds to my 
‰ None of the above 
F2. Feel free to elaborate on any of the above and/or to provide additional examples of how the 
fellows’ participation in the EAPSI program affected your department.  [Textbox] 
F3.  Do you think there have been any advantages for your department to have students from 
the department participate in the EAPSI program?  
‰ Yes. Please specify. [Textbox]  
‰ No.  Please specify.  [Textbox] 



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Module G: US Advisor and Institution’s Current Relationship with Foreign Institutions 
G1. Do you currently collaborate with international researchers? 
‰ Yes Æ GOTO G1a. 
‰ NoÆ GOTO G2 
  G1a. Who are these collaborators? 
‰ EAPSI fellow’s host 
‰ Other researcher(s) in the host country.   
‰ Researcher(s) in other foreign country(ies).   
G1b.  What is the nature of your international collaborations? Check all that apply 
With a researcher in 
With the 
With another 
Fellow’s host 
researcher in the host  another foreign 
Co‐author papers 
Co‐author patent/license 
Co‐sponsor professional 
Share data or information 
Collaborate on a research 
Talk about research projects  
Other. Please specify: 
G2. Which of the following are true? 
‰ I visited the host at the host’s foreign facility 
‰ The EAPSI host visited me in the US 
‰ A member of the EAPSI host’s group visited me in the US or joined my group 
‰ A foreign researcher connected to the EAPSI host, but not in the EAPSI host’s group 
visited me in the US or joined my group 
‰ A foreign researcher connected to the EAPSI host visited or joined another group in my 
‰ Because of the EAPSI program, I expanded my network of international collaborations in 
some other way.  Please describe [textbox]. 
G3. Please estimate the number of collaborations that currently exist between the members of 
your research group (including yourself) and researchers in other countries: 
‰ 0 
‰ 1‐5 
‰ 6‐10 
‰ >10 
  G3a. What is the size of your research group including yourself? [Textbox] 



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G4. Have other members of your group participated in international research programs? 
‰ Yes  
‰ No 
Module H: Program Satisfaction 
H1. Was the duration of the program appropriate? 
‰ Yes 
‰ No.  Please elaborate [textbox] 
H2. Was the timing of the program appropriate (during the summer)? 
‰ Yes 
‰ No.  Please elaborate [textbox] 
H3.  Would you recommend or have you recommended the EAPSI program to other students? 
Mark one answer 
    ‰  I have/would recommend the program.  Why?  [Textbox] 
    ‰  I have not/would not recommend the program.  Why not?  [Textbox] 
    ‰  I am not sure 
H4. Has the EAPSI experience made you more or less likely to get involved in international 
collaboration?  Mark one answer 
‰ I am more likely to get involved in an international research collaboration 
‰ I am less likely to get involved in an international research collaboration 
‰ The EAPSI experience has not affected my likelihood to get involved in an international 
research collaboration 
H5. Please feel free to share any thoughts or recommendations about EAPSI.  [Textbox] 



Page 74 

Interview Guide for EAPSI Program Manager in Foreign Location
Thank you for participating in this study. As the representative of [FILL IN NAME OF
FOREIGN PARTNER ORGANIZATION], we are interested in your perspectives on the
EAPSI fellowship program, and any feedback you might provide to help improve the

How long have you been working for [NAME OF PARTNER ORGANIZATION]?
How long you have been working with the EAPSI program?
What are your responsibilities for the EAPSI program?

General questions about the EAPSI program

How are responsibilities for running the program divided between your office and the
host universities/institutions?
What supports do you provide to the fellows and hosts in terms of resources,
equipment, language training?
How are host institutions and faculty members selected to participate in the EAPSI

EAPSI program goals and expectations

What are your expectations (goals) of the EAPSI program for your country?
Since you have been involved in the EAPSI program, to what extent has it met these
One of the goals of the EAPSI program is to increase collaborations between US
scientists and foreign scientists? How well do you think the program is
accomplishing this goal?
How does participating in the EAPSI program benefit your country? Are there
benefits for the hosts? For the Fellows?

Difficulties that might have arise with the EAPSI program

Are there any specific examples of negative aspects of participation in the EAPSI
program that stand out in your mind? Prove on difficulties or concerns that arise
during the process of matching EAPSI fellows and hosts, during fellowships.
Are there any difficulties or concerns that host scientists express about participating
in the program? Can you think of ways these might be addressed?
Are there any difficulties or concerns that Fellows express about participating in the
program? Can you think of ways these might be addressed?



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NSF’s role in the EAPSI program

What kinds of communication do you have with NSF and how often? Is the amount
of communication with NSF enough for you to implement the EAPSI program? Does
NSF share enough information with you and in a timely manner?
How satisfied are you with the support you have from NSF?
In what ways could NSF facilitate your country’s or your organization’s participation
in the EAPSI program?


What suggestions would you have for improving the EAPSI program?
Are there aspects of the program that you would keep the same?
Is there anything else you think it would be helpful for us to know about for our
evaluation of the program?



Page 76 

Interview Guide for EAPSI Agency Official in Foreign Location 
Thank you for participating in this study. As the representative of [FILL IN NAME OF
FOREIGN PARTNER ORGANIZATION], we are interested in your perspectives on the
EAPSI fellowship program, and any feedback you might provide to help improve the

How long have you been working for [PARTNER ORGANIZATION]?
Do you work directly with the EAPSI program? If so, in what role?

Country’s participation in the EAPSI program.




[COUNTRY] has been involved in the EAPSI program since [YEAR]: Why did your
country initially decide to become involved in the EAPSI program? [If more than 2
years ask:] Are the reasons for continuing to participate in EAPSI different from the
initial motivation to participate?
What are the goals of your participation in EAPSI? Are these goals being met?
What would you like to see change so that these goals could be better met?
How does the EAPSI program fit into the mission of your agency? Into the scientific
research agenda in your country?
From your perspective, what is the value-added (e.g., in terms of resources,
expansion of expertise, reputation) of the EAPSI program for the following
o your country;
o your organization;
o the host institutions;
o the host scientists?
Are there any disadvantages to participating in the EAPSI program for the following
o your country;
o your organization;
o the host institutions;
o the host scientists;
Does [NAME OF COUNTRY] participate in programs for visiting graduate students
from countries besides the United States? Which country/ies? How is this program
similar to and different from EAPSI?

NSF’s role in the EAPSI program.

For the NSF, one of the goals of the EAPSI program is to increase US researchers’
interest in forming and sustaining international collaborations, such as collaborations
with scientists in [COUNTRY]. In your experience, how well do you think the
program accomplishes this goal?



Page 77 


In what ways could NSF facilitate your country’s or your organization’s participation
in the EAPSI program?
Are there any changes you would like to see the U.S. National Science Foundation –
the EAPSI program sponsor in the U.S. – make to the program?

• Is there anything else you think it would be helpful for us to know about for our
evaluation of the program?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to discuss your experiences with the EAPSI
program with me. If you have any questions or concerns that occur to you later on,
please feel free to contact me by email at [give email address]. If you would prefer to
talk to someone at NSF, you may contact [NSF OFFICIAL] at [NSF OFFICIAL



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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePropensity Score Matching
File Modified2010-07-09
File Created2010-07-09

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