Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project
OMB 0920-0307
Robert Kirkcaldy, Project Officer
Attachment 6
Project Personnel
Sentinel Clinic and Regional Laboratory Address List
Albuquerque, New Mexico - (ALB)
Carmelita Garcia [Acting, State STD Program Director]
Dan Burke [State STD Program Manager]
New Mexico Dept. of Health
1190 St. Francis Dr.
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Email Daniel.Burke@state.nm.us
Email Carmelita.Garcia@state.nm.us
Lisa Onischuk [supervisor]
Erica Pierce [lab contact]
Scientific Laboratory Division
P.O. Box 4700
Albuquerque, NM 87196-4700
(505) 841-2596 (Onischuk)
Email lisa.onischuk@state.nm.us
Email Erica.Pierce@state.nm.us
Bruce Trigg, MD, Medical Director, STD clinic
Cheryl Champlin [main clinic contact]
Meg Davidson [clinic contact]
New Mexico Department of Health
Public Health Division
P.O. Box 25846
1111 Stanford Dr. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 841-4112 (Trigg)
FAX (505) 841-4147 (Trigg)
(505) 841-4143 (Davis-Cave)
(505) 841-4163 (Champlin)
fax: (505) 841-4153 (Champlin)
Email brucet@doh.state.nm.us (Trigg)
Email margaret.davidson@state.nm.us (Davidson)
Email cheryl.champlin@state.nm.us (Champlin)
Peter Fishburn [Disease Prevention Program Manager] (Cheryl’s supervisor)
Atlanta, Georgia - (ATL)
VACANT [State STD Program Director]
VACANT [State STD Program Manager]
Kenya C. Taylor, Regional Operations Manager, STD Unit
GA Dept. of Human Resources
Division of Public Health
2 Peachtree St., NW - 9th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-3120
Fax (404) 657-3133
404.463.0413 (Phone) - Kenya
Carlos del Rio, MD [GISP Principal Investigator]
Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Emory University School of Medicine
69 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 616-7025 (direct line-del Rio)
(404)415-0635 (beeper)/ (404)234-8743 (cell)
Email cdelrio@emory.edu
Rinwa Offutt [regional lab contact and submits clinic data]
Infectious Disease Laboratory
Department of Medicine
46 Armstrong Street
WMB – Rm 309
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 616-6142
FAX (404) 880-9305
Email boffutt@emory.edu
Email dxduran@dhr.state.ga.us
Brian Palmer, DO, MPH, Medical Program Administrator [clinic contact]
Cassandra Marquette [lab contact]
Evelyn Dooley [lab contact]
Fulton County Dept of Health & Wellness/Communicable Disease Branch
99 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive
Atlanta, GA 30303
Email brian.palmer@fultoncountyga.gov
Email cassandra.marquette@fultoncountyga.gov
Email evelyn.dooley@fultoncountyga.gov
Baltimore, Maryland - (BAL)
Sherry Ketemepi, Project Director
Baltimore City Health Department
STD Program
210 Guilford Ave, 3rd floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 396-4448 Fax (410) 396-8457
Emily Erbelding, MD, MPH (clinic contact)
Medical Director
Baltimore City Health Dept. STD Program
Asst. Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
1830 E. Monument St, Rm 445
Baltimore, MD 21287
(410) 550-6254
Email eerbeldi@jhmi.edu
Lisa Thompson (enters data into GISPWeb)
Druid Health Clinic
1550 W. North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 396-0176
Vincent Marsiglia [lab contact]
Director, BDC Laboratory
1515 West North Avenue
Room 237
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 396-7894
Email vmarsiglia@juno.com
Birmingham, Alabama - (BHM)
Anthony Meriweather
Alabama Department of Public Health
Division of STD Control
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1440
Montgomery, AL 36104-3704
(334) 206-5350
FAX (334) 206-2768
Email anthony.meriweather@adph.state.al.us
Charles Woemle, State Project Director
Edward W Hook, III, MD [GISP Principal Investigator]
Sharron Hagy, Secretary
Division of Infectious Diseases
703 19th Street South
Ziegler Research Bldg., Room 242
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007
(205) 934-4204 (Hook) / (205) 975-5504 (Jones)
FAX (205) 975-7764 (Hook)
Email ehook@uab.edu
Email Sharron@uab.edu
Lenderman [regional
lab contact]
Paula Dixon
Division of Infectious Diseases
703 19th Street South
Zeigler Research Bldg., Room 242
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007
205-975-5505 (Collum)
FAX 205-975-7764
Email pdixon@uab.edu
Email clende@uab.edu
Email ccollum@uab.edu
Maraldine Hill [clinic contact] Woody Hines [lab contact]
Cynthia D. Vaughn (supervisor) Birmingham Division of Laboratories
Birmingham STD Center 1400 Sixth Avenue, South
P.O. Box 2648 Birmingham, AL 35233
Birmingham, AL 35202 (205) 933-1388
(205) 930-5586 (Hill) Email fleetwoodhines@adph.state.al.us
(205) 930-1199 (Vaughn)
FAX (205) 930-1187
Email Maraldine.Hill@jcdh.org
Email Cynthia.Vaughn@jcdh.org
Chicago, Illinois - (CHI)
Will Wong [clinic contact]
Medical Director
Chicago Division of Public Health
2861 N. Clark Street, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60657
Ph: 312-872-7372
Email wong_will@cdph.org
John Paffel [STD Program Manager]
Email jmp9@cdc.gov
Sue Kubba, MS, SPSA [lab contact]
Section Chief, Clinical Microbiology
Illinois Department of Public Health
2121 W. Taylor
Chicago, Il 60612
312-793-7217 (Kubba)
312-793-7764 (Fax)
Email SUE.KUBBA@Illinois.gov
Irina Tabidze [clinic contact]
Chicago Dept of Public Health
Division of STD/HIV/AIDS
2045 W Washington Blvd, Room 325 D
Chicago, IL 60612
(312) 413-8032 (Tabidze)
FAX (312) 355-1915
Email Tabidze_Irina@cdph.org
Cincinnati, Ohio - (CIN)
Jen Keagy, MPH, CHES [STD Program Manager]
Ohio Department of Health
HIV/STD/AVH Prevention Program
35 E. Chestnut Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-466-3173
Fax: 614-728-0876
e-mail: jen.keagy@odh.ohio.gov
Dr. Sudha Mehta, Medical Director - STD Clinic
Malcolm Adcock, MD
Eric Washington [clinic contact]
Earlene Salter [data entry]
Cincinnati Department of Health
3101 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229
513-357-7347 (Washington)
513-357-7336 (Salter)
Email eric.washington@odh.ohio.gov
Email earlene.salter@cincinnati-oh.gov
Email Sudha.Mehta@cincinnati-oh.gov
FAX (513) 357-7307
Rose Webster, Lab Supervisor
Rick Lefken [lab contact]
Cincinnati Department of Health (temporary site)
Central Lab
3101 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229
(513) 357-7230 (main line)
(513) 357-7229 (Lefken, Webster)
Email rick.lefken@cincinnati-oh.gov
Email rose.webster@cincinnati-oh.gov
FAX (513) 357-7234/7226
Cleveland, Ohio - (CLE)
Jen Keagy, MPH, CHES [STD Program Manager]
Ohio Department of Health
HIV/STD/AVH Prevention Program
35 E. Chestnut Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-466-3173
Fax: 614-728-0876
e-mail: jen.keagy@odh.ohio.gov
Gerri S. Hall, PhD [GISP Principal Investigator]
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
University School of Medicine
Staff Microbiologist
Section of Microbiology
9500 Euclid Avenue, L-40
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
(216) 444-5990
email hallg@ccf.org
FAX (216) 445-6984
Laura Doyle [regional lab contact] Wendy Johnson, MD, Medical Dir. Cleveland Clinic Foundation Community Health City Health Dept.
Section of Microbiology, L-40 1925 St. Clair 9500 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland, OH 44195-5140 (216) 664-4621 (216) 444-5870 wjohnson@city.cleveland.ohs.us
(216) 445-0413 (Doyle direct)
email Doylel@ccf.org
FAX (216) 445-6984
Latonya Thompson, Clinic Director
J. Glenn Smith Health Center
11100 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44108
(216) 249-4100
Neil Conway [lab contact]
Clinic Director and Chief of Laboratories MaryLou Zima [clinic contact]
Thomas J McCafferty Health Center
4242 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
(216) 651-5005 (directory)
(216) 664-6461 (Conway)
(216) 664-6608 (Zima)
email Nconway@city.cleveland.oh.us
email mzima@city.cleveland.oh.us
NOTE: Isolates are collected at J. Glenn Smith Clinic and are sent to McCafferty where the lab is located.
Dallas, Texas - (DAL)
Jim Lee
STD Program Manager
Texas Department of Health
Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-9987
(512) 490-2515
FAX (512) 490-2509
Ann Robbins
email ann.robbins@dshs.state.tx.us
Barbara Smith [clinic contact]
STD Clinic Manager
Barbara Gallagher, DO
Dallas County Dept. of Health and Human Serv.
Ruby McGilbra, Clerical Supervisor
Anna Ellis, Data entry
Dallas County Dept. of Health and Human Serv.
2377 N. Stemmons Fwy.
Dallas, TX 75207
(214) 819 2050 (Smith)
(214) 819-2194 (McGilbra)
(214) 819-2820 (Ellis)
email bsmith@dallascounty.org
email Bgallagh@dallascounty.org
email aellis@dallascounty.org
Ed Bannister, PhD [lab contact]
Lab Director
Gloria Hardin, Laboratorian
Dallas County Dept. of Health and Human Serv.
2377 N. Stemmons Fwy.
Dallas, TX 75207
(214) 819-1952 (Bannister)
email ebannis@dallascounty.org or Ebannister@juno.com
(214) 819-1951 (Hardin), FAX (214) 819-2896
Denver, Colorado - (DEN)
Ralph Wilmoth
Colorado Department of Health
STD/AIDS Section
4300 Cherry Creek Drive, South
Denver, CO 80246
(303) 692-2684
Email ralph.wilmoth@state.co.us
Karen Peterson, MD
Denver Public Health
605 Bannock Street, MC-2600
Denver, CO 80204-4507
Phone: 303-602-3556
Fax: 303-602-3551
Kees Rietmeijer, MD, Clinic Director
Julie Subiadur [clinic contact]
Thomas Deem (GISP Coordinator)
Rebecca Rothbard
Denver Public Health
605 Bannock Street
Denver, CO 80204-4507
(303) 436-7212 (Reitmeijer)
(303) 436-7183 (Subiadur)
(303) 602-3613 (Deem)
(303) 602-3635 (Rothbard)
(303) 602-3615 (fax)
e-mail: Cornelis.Rietmeijer@dhha.org
e-mail: Julie.Subiadur@dhha.org
e-mail: Thomas.Deem@dhha.org
e-mail: Rebecca.Rothbard@dhha.org
Detroit, Michigan- (DTR)
Kristine Judd, STD Program Manager (Detroit office: 313-456-4426)
Michigan Department of Community Health
Division of HIV/ AIDS-STD
2479 Woodlake Circle, Suite 380
Okemos, MI 48202
(517) 241-0870
email juddk@michigan.gov
FAX (517) 241-0875
Jambunathan Ramanathan, Clinic Medical Director
Dr. Melinda Dixon, Acting Department Director
Katie Randolph [main clinic contact]
Harolyn Tarr [clinic contact]
Detroit Department of Health
STD Clinic
8921 John C. Lodge
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 876-0134 (Edwards/Kenney)
(313) 876-4184 (Ramanathan/McDougle)
email Jambunathan@msn.com
email tarrh@health.ci.detroit.mi.us (Tarr)
email randolphk@health.ci.detroit.mi.us (Randolph)
FAX (313) 876-0000
Dr. Aloysius Hanson, Laboratory Director
Parul Patel, Principal Medical Technologist [lab contact]
City of Detroit Dept. of Health
Laboratory Division
1151 Taylor, Room 150 C
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 876-4223 (Hanson)
(313) 876-4225 (Patel)
email HansonA@health.ci.detroit.mi.us (Hanson)
email Parul@health.ci.detroit.mi.us (Patel)
FAX (313) 876-4221
Greensboro, North Carolina- (GRB)
Evelyn Foust
Rick Hedenquist
HIV/ STD Prevention and Care Branch
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
tel (919) 733-7301 (main line)
tel (919) 733-9490 (Foust)
tel (919) 349-8732 (Hedenquist)
email evelyn.foust@ncmail.net
email rick.hedenquist@ncmail.net
Fax (919) 733-1020
Cindy Toler [lab and clinic contact]
Susan Krawczyk, alternate clinic contact
Phyllis Stevens (clinic supervisor)
Guilford County Health Department
1100 East Wendover
Greensboro, NC 27405-6713
(336) 641-6904 (Toler)
(336) 451-0865 (Toler cell)
(336) 641-4607 (Krawczyk)
(336) 641-6684 (Stevens)
email ctoler@co.guilford.nc.us
email skrawcz@co.guilford.nc.us
Honolulu, Hawaii - (HON)
Peter Whiticar, Program Director
Venie Lee, Program Manager
STD/HIV Prevention Program
Diamond Head Health Center
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96816-2399
(808) 733-9010
email Whiticar@lava.net
FAX (808) 733-9015
Venie Lee, Field Services Supervisor, DIS [clinic contact]
Laurie Gorelangton
Hawaii Department of Health
STD/HIV Prevention Program
Diamond Head Health Center
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96816-2399
(808) 733-9281 (Lee)
(808)733-9281 (Gorelangton)
email venie.lee@doh.hawaii.gov
email laurie.gorelangton@doh.hawaii.gov
FAX (808) 733-9291
Norman O’Connor [lab contact]
Chris Whelen [Lab Director]
Hawaii Department of Health
Laboratory Division
2725 Waimano Home Rd.
Pearl City, HI 96782
(808) 453-6706
Email: norman.o'connor@doh.hawaii.gov
Kansas City, Missouri (KCY)
Michael Herbert [STD Program Manager & Project Director]
Email mike.herbert@dhss.mo.gov
Ron Griffin, MPH [state contact]
Division Manager, Communicable Disease
Prevention and Public Health Preparedness
2400 Troost Avenue
Suite 2100
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 513-6142 (phone)
Lesha Dennis [clinic contact]
Epidemiology Specialist
Communicable Disease Prevention & Public Health Preparedness
2400 Troost, Suite 2000
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816)513-6119 (phone)
Tiffany Wilkinson [clinic]
Kansas City Health Department
2400 Troost, Suite 2100
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 513-6139 (phone)
(816) 513-6033 (fax)
Jennifer Jones [lab contact]
Kansas City Health Department
2400 Troost, Suite 2100
Kansas City, MO 64108
Las Vegas, Nevada - (LVG)
Richard Whitley [STD Project Director]
Julia Spaulding [STD Program Manager]
Nevada State Health Division
Communicable Disease Program
505 E. King Street, Room 504
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Phone: (775) 684-4740 (Whitley)
Phone: (775) 684-4192 (Spaulding)
Email: rwhitley@nvhd.state.nv.us
Email: jspaulding@nvdh.state.nv.us
Sandra Noffsinger
STD Manager for Nevada
Elizabeth Foss, Chief Lab Technologist [lab and clinic contact]
Ken Stottler (GISPweb)
(if unavailable, contact Patricia Armour, Lab Mgr @ 702-759-1020)
Clark County Health District
Nevada Public Health Laboratory (SNPHL)
State Public Health Laboratory System
Address: 700 Desert Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89106
Address: P O Box 3902, Las Vegas, NV 89127
telephone: 702 759 1029 (Stottler)
lab telephone: 702 759 1020
Fax: 702 759 1444
625 Shadow Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
(702) 759-0770 (Foss)
email foss@snhdmail.org
Bonnie Sorenson, Clinical Services Manager/ Clark Co. STD Program Manager
Clark County Health District
Nursing Division
625 Shadow Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
(702) 759-1312
email Sorenson@cchd.org
Patty O’Rourke-Langston, Supervisor, Clark Co. STD Program
Clark County Health District
625 Shadow Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
(702) 759-0744
Email O’Rourke-Langston@cchd.org
Los Angeles, California - (LAX)
Peter Kerndt, MD [STD Project Director]
Mary Hayes, STD [Program Manager]
Paula Amezola de Herrera, Sexual Health Epidemiologist
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center
1625 N. Schrader Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
213-744-3093 / 3348
Email pkerndt@dhs.co.la.ca.us
Email mahayes@ladhs.org
Email pamezola@laglc.org
Gail Bolan, MD Chief Dr. Maxine Liggins
Heidi Bauer, MD, MPH Director, South Health Center
Michael Samuel, DrPH 1522 East 102nd Street
Carol Kong, MPH Los Angeles, CA 90002
CA Dept. of Hlth Svcs (323) 235-6703
850 Marina Bay Pkwy email mliggins@dhs.co.la.ca.us
Bldg. P, 2nd Floor Dr. Sushma Bahl, staff physician
Richmond, CA 94804-6403 Dr. Emery Jakab, staff physician
(510) 620-3177 (Bolan)
(510) 620-3178 (Bauer)
(510) 620-3198 (Samuel)
email gail.bolan@cdph.ca.gov
email heidi.bauer@cdph.ca.gov
email Michael.Samuel@cdph.ca.gov
email carol.kong@cdph.ca.gov
Fax (510) 620-3180
Joan Sturgeon [lab contact]
Ellen Rudy [main clinic contact] Public Health Microbiology Supervisor II
Laboratory Surveillance Coordinator Aranak Tavassoli, section supervisor
Kai-Jen Cheng Anita Salazar
Getahun Aynalem LA Public Health Laboratory
Megan Lazzar 12750 Erickson Avenue
Los Angeles County, DHS, Public Health, Downey, CA 90242
Sexually Transmitted Disease Program email asalazar@ph.lacounty.gov
2615 S. Grand Ave, Room 500 email atavassoli@ph.lacounty.gov
Los Angeles, CA 90007 email jsturgeon@ph.lacounty.gov
(213) 744-3093 (Kerndt) phone:(562) 658-1316 (Tavassoli)
(213) 744-3056 (Rudy) phone: (562)658-1354 (Sturgeon)
(213) 744-5957 (Lazza) fax:(562) 401-5988
(213) 744-5905 (Cheng)
(213) 744-5966 (Aynalem)
e-mail pkerndt@ph.lacounty.gov
e-mail kcheng@ph.lacounty.gov
e-mail gaynalem@ph.lacounty.gov
e-mail mlazzar@ph.lacounty.gov
e-mail erudy@ph.lacounty.gov
Miami, Florida - (MIA)
Karla Schmitt, Chief
Bureau of Disease Intervention
Dept of Health
Adrian Cooksey, MPH [state contact]
Email: Adrian_Cooksey2@doh.state.fl.us
Surveillance/Epidemiologist Supervisor
4052 Bald Cypressway
Bin A-19
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1716
(850) 245-4303 (Schmitt)
email Karla_Schmitt@doh.state.fl.us
Dr. Peter Shih, Director Bill Calvert
Becky Delcristo, Asst. Director Program Manager
Elesi Quaye [lab contact] Navy Environmental Health Ctr
Diana Hartman (757) 462-3390 email calvert@nehc.med.navy.mil
Microbiology Laboratory
Department of Health
1325 NW 14th Ave.
Miami, FL 33125
(305) 324-3570
(305) 325 2894 (Quaye)
(305) 324-2427 (Hartman)
email elesi_quaye@doh.state.fl.us (Quaye)
FAX (305) 324-2429
Micaelle Titus [clinic contact]
Cheryl Hardy (supervisor)
Dade County Health Dept.
STD Surveillance
1350 NW 14th Street, Bldg 1
Miami, FL 33125
(305) 325-3242 x34713 (Titus)
(305) 325-3242 x213 (Hardy)
email: Micaelle_Titus@doh.state.fl.us
email: cheryl_hardy@doh.state.fl.us
Tom Burns, Dade Co. [STD Program Manager]
Dade County Health Department
1350 NW 14th St., Building 1, Room 204
Miami, FL 33125-1696
(305) 325-3242
Minneapolis, Minnesota - (MIN)
Peter Carr [STD Project Director]
Christine Jones [STD Program Manager]
AIDS/STD Prevention Services Section
Minnesota State Dept of Health
STD and HIV Section
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
(651) 201-4002 / FAX (651) 201-4000
email peter.carr@state.mn.us
email christine.jones@state.mn.us
Christine Sachi (data manager)
Glenise Johnson, MPH [clinic contact]
Luisa Pessoa-Brandao
Minnesota Dept of Health
STD and HIV Section street address (FedEx):
P.O. Box 64975 625 Robert St. N.
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 St. Paul, MN 55155-2538
(651) 201-5414 (general #)
(651) 201-4037 / FAX (651) 201-4040 (Sachi)
email christine.sachi@health.state.mn.us
651-201-4032 / FAX (651) 201-4000 (Pessoa-Brandao)
email Luisa.Pessoa.Brandao@state.mn.us
651.201.5624 (Johnson)
email Glenise.Johnson@state.mn.us
Paula K. Nelson, M.S., CNP
Operations Manager, Public Health Clinic Red Door
TB and Refugee Services
Health Services Building
525 Portland Avenue S.
Mailcode 952
Minneapolis, MN 55415
612-348-3283 office, 612- 919-1791 blackberry
612-596-7900 fax
David Boxrud [lab contact]
Molecular Epidemiology Supervisor
Interim Virology/ Immunology Lab Supervisor
Public Health Laboratory
MN Dept. of Health street address (FedEx):
P.O. Box 64899 601 Robert St. N.
St. Paul, MN 55164-0899 St. Paul, MN 55155-2538
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(651) 201-5257 / FAX (651) 201-5514
email david.boxrud@health.state.mn.us
New Orleans, Louisiana - (NOR)
Lisa Ann Longfellow, STD Project Director and STD Program Manager
Joy Ewell, Public Health Advisor
STD Control Program
Office of Public Health
Department of Health & Hospitals
1450 L & A Rd.
Metairie, LA 70001
(504) 219-4429 (Longfellow)
email llongfe@dhh.la.gov
(504) 219-4429 (Ewell)
email Jewell@dhh.la.gov
FAX (504) 219-4427
Stephanie Taylor, MD [clinic & lab contact]
Medical Director
Vanessa Hargrove (data)
Delgado Clinic
517 N Rampart St
New Orleans LA 70112
Phone: 504-658-2540 (Taylor)
Phone: 504-658-2557 (Hargrove)
E-mail: staylo2@lsuhsc.edu
E-mail: vhargrov@dhh.la.gov
New York City, New York – (NYC)
Susan Blank, MD, MPH, STD Project Director
Julia A. Schillinger, MD, MSc (STD Program Manager & clinic contact)
Director of Surveillance, Epidemiology and Research
Bureau of STD Control
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth Street
Room 207, CN#73
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 788-4429 (Schillinger)
Phone: (212) 295-5415 (Blank)
Fax: (212) 788-4431
Email: jschilli@health.nyc.gov
Email: sblank@health.nyc.gov
Preeti Pathela, DrPH [clinic contact & state contact]
City Research Scientist II
Bureau of STD Control
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth Street, Room 207, CN#73
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 788-6617
Fax: (212) 788-4431
Email: ppathela@health.nyc.gov
Lillian V. Lee, MS, SM (NRM-ASCP) (lab contact)
Chief of Microbiology Services
New York City DOHMH
Public Health Laboratory
455 First Ave., Rm 208
New York, NY 10016
Office: 212-447-6970
Cell phone: 347-865-5434
Fax: 212-447-4540
e-mail: llee2@health.nyc.gov
Sam Sebiyam [state contact – budgets]
e-mail: ssebiyam@health.nyc.gov
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OKC)
Jan Fox, STD Project Director
Kristen Eberly, STD Program Manager
HIV/ STD Service
Oklahoma State Dept of Health
1000 NE 10th Street, Mail Drop 0308
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
(405) 271-4636 (Fox / Eberly)
Email janf@health.ok.gov
Email kristene@health.ok.gov
FAX (405) 271-5149
Ronald Greenfield, MD
Medical Director at STD Clinic
University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
920 S.L. Young Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 271-6122
Email ronald-greenfield@ouhsc.edu
FAX (405) 271-1476
Susan Browder, Clinic Manager [clinic contact]
Pamela Rollins, Assistant Director
Sharon Clark
Oklahoma City-County Health Dept.
921 N.E. 23rd St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 419-4211 (Browder)
(405) 419-4249 (Clark)
FAX (405) 419-4263
Email susan_browder@occhd.org
Email Pamela_Rollins@OCCHD.org
Brad Finkhouse [lab contact]
Oklahoma City-County Health Dept.
921 NE 23rd
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
Phone 405-425-4379
Fax 405-419-4240
Email Brad_Finkhouse@OCCHD.org
Orange County, California - (ORA)
Gail Bolan, MD, Chief, STD Project Director
Romni Neiman, STD Program Manager
Heidi Bauer, MD, MPH
Michael Samuel, DrPH
Carol Kong, MPH
CA Dept. of Hlth Svcs
850 Marina Bay Pkwy
Bldg. P, 2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804-6403
(510) 620-3177 (Bolan)
(510) 620-3178 (Bauer)
(510) 620-3198 (Samuel)
email gail.bolan@cdph.ca.gov
email heidi.bauer@cdph.ca.gov
email Michael.Samuel@cdph.ca.gov
email carol.kong@cdph.ca.gov
Fax (510) 620-3180
Dr Douglas Moore
Paul Hannah, Supervising Public Health Microbiologist [clinic and lab contact]
Karen Galliher [lab contact-microbiologist]
HCA Public Health Laboratory
1729 West 17th Street, Bldg 40 Edwin Lopez
Santa Ana, CA 92706 Southern Regional Manager
(714) 834-8379 (Moore) Disease Intervention Section
email dmoore@ochca.com Long Beach Dept of Hlth & Human Svcs
(714) 834-8327 (Hannah) 2525 Grand Ave, Room 235
email phannah@ochca.com Long Beach, CA 90815
(714) 834-7703 (Galliher) 562-570-4084 (ph) email Kgalliher@ochca.com 562-570-4190 (fax)
FAX (714) 834-7968 email ELopez2@dhs.ca.gov
Dr. Christopher Reid
Medical Director
STD Clinic
Orange County Health Care Agency
1725 West 17th St. P.O. Box 6099
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 834-8376
FAX (714) 834-8275
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - (PHI)
Caroline Johnson, STD Project Director
Melinda Salmon, STD Program Manager
Dr. Alexander Phillips [clinic and lab contact]
Diane Green [lab contact]
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Division of Disease Control
500 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 685-6740 (Johnson)
email caroline.johnson@phila.gov
(215) 685-6618 (Salmon)
Email Melinda.e.salmon@phila.gov
(215) 685-6465 (direct line) or (215) 685-6737 (gen. #) (Phillips)
email Alex.Phillips@phila.gov
(215) 685-6815 (Green)
email Diane.Green@phila.gov
FAX (215) 545-8362
Dr. Lenore Asbell, MD
STD Clinic Medical Director
Division of Disease Control
500 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia PA 19146
(215) 685-6617
(215) 545-8362
email Lenore.Asbell@phila.gov
Phoenix, Arizona - (PHX)
Judy Norton (STD Project Director)
Roxanne Ereth (STD Program Manager)
Arizona Dept. of Health Services
STD Control
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3237
(602) 364-4698 (Norton)
(602) 364-2119 (Ereth)
FAX (602) 364-2119
Email: nortonj@azdhs.gov
Email: roxanne.ereth@azdhs.gov
Lovina Ogden [lab contact and clinic contact]
Dr. Renuka Khurana [clinic contact]
James Topping, Lab Supervisor
Maricopa County Health Department
Public Health Clinic Lab
1645 E. Roosevelt
Phoenix, AZ 85006
(602) 506-6994 (Ogden)
(602) -506-6997 (Topping)
email jamestopping@mail.maricopa.gov
email: lovinaogden@mail.maricopa.gov
FAX (602) 506-0005
Portland, Oregon - (POR)
Veda Latin, STD Project Director
Doug Harger, STD Program Manager
Oregon Health Division
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 21
Portland, OR 97232
(971) 673-0153 (Latin)
(971) 673-0149 (Harger)
Email veda.latin@state.or.us
email: douglas.r.harger@state.or.us
FAX (971) 673-0178
Gary Oxman, MD, Health Officer
Mary Ann Ware, MD, TB/ STD Clinic Physician
Kathie Raisler [lab and clinic contact]
Krista Fogel (data entry)
Multnomah County
Health Department Lab
426 SW Stark Street, 10th Floor
Portland, OR 97204
(503) 988-3417 (Clinic)
(503) 988-3555 (Lab - Raisler)
email mary.a.ware@co.multnomah.or.us (Ware)
email Kathie.a.raisler@co.multnomah.or.us (Raisler)
email Krista.m.Fogel@co.multnomah.or.us
FAX (503) 988-3917 (Clinic)
FAX (503) 988-5453 (Lab)
Margaret Lentell
STD Clinic Manager
503-988-3663 x22706
Richmond, Virginia (RIC)
Kathryn Hafford [Acting STD Program Manager & Project Director]
Director, Health & Research Informatics
Division of Disease Prevention (hiv.std.tb.Rx)
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor's Street, suite 321
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804-864-7964
Fax: 804-864-7983
Jeffrey A. Stover, MPH
Jennifer Bissette
Asst. Dir. Of Health and Research Informatics
Division of Disease Prevention (hiv.std.tb.Rx)
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor’s Street, suite 326
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804-864-7961 (Stover)
Phone: 804-864-8004 (Bissette)
Fax: 804-864-8050
Dr. Sulola Adekoya (clinic contact)
Richmond City STD
North 10th Street, Rm. 114,
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 646-6381
Ellen Basinger (lab
Department of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) - state lab
North 5th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 648-4480
San Diego, California - (SDG)
Gail Bolan, MD Chief, STD Project Director
Romni Neiman, STD Program Manager
Heidi Bauer, MD, MPH
Michael Samuel, DrPH
Carol Kong, MPH
CA Dept. of Hlth Svcs
850 Marina Bay Pkwy
Bldg. P, 2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804-6403
(510) 620-3177 (Bolan)
(510) 620-3178 (Bauer)
(510) 620-3198 (Samuel)
email gail.bolan@cdph.ca.gov
email rneiman@dhs.ca.gov
email heidi.bauer@cdph.ca.gov
email Michael.Samuel@cdph.ca.gov
email carol.kong@cdph.ca.gov
Fax (510) 620-3180
Christopher Peter, PhD, Lab Director
Paul Temprendola [lab contact]
Cyrstal French
Loreto Negado
Dawn Kiefler [data clerk - submits data]
Raquel Escalante, CDI
Lauren Farber Brookshire, supervisor
San Diego Department of Health Services
Public Health Laboratory
3851 Rosecrans Street, Suite 716
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 692-8500, (619) 692-8555 (Peters)
(619) 692-8557 (Kiefler)
(619) 692-8569 (Guevara)
email Chris.peter@sdcounty.ca.gov
email paul.temprendola@sdcounty.ca.gov
email crystal.french@sdcounty.ca.gov
email loreto.negado@sdcounty.ca.gov
email Dawn.Kiefler@sdcounty.ca.gov
email Raquel.Escalante@sdcounty.ca.gov
email Lauren.Farber@sdcounty.ca.gov
FAX (619) 692-8558
Elaine Pierce [clinic contact - at clinic] Rob Gilchick
STD Control Officer and Senior Physician Medical Director of San HIV, STD and Hepatitis Branch Diego STD Clinic
3851 Rosecrans Street, Suite 207 email Rgilchhe@co.sandiego.ca.us
San Diego, California 92110
MS P505
San Diego, California - (SDG) (cont’d)
Phone: 619 692-8806
Fax: 619 296-2607
Edwin Lopez (See Orange County for contact info)
San Francisco, California - (SFO)
Susan Philip, MD, MPH, STD Project Director
Wendy Wolf, STD Program Manager
SFDPH STD Prev & Control Services
356 7th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Ph: (415) 487-5535
Fax: (415) 495-6463
Susan Philip, MD, MPH (clinic contact)
Wendy Wolf
Florence Yu (data)
San Francisco City-County Health Department
STD Control
SFDPH STD Prevention & Control Services
356 7th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 487-5501 (Wolf)
email Wendy.Wolf@sfdph.org
(415) 487-5535 (Philip)
Email susan.philip@sfdph.org
FAX (415) 495-6463 (415) 487-5517
Email: Florence.Yu@sfdph.org
Dr. Will Wong Bob Kohn (data)
San Francisco City Clinic (415) 355-2022
356 7th Street e-mail: Robert.kohn@sfdph.org
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 487-5500 (Wong)
FAX (415) 495-6463 (Wong)
Email Lisa.Feng@sfdph.org Sally Liska, DrPH, Director
Anna Babst [lab contact]
SF Dept of PH Laboratory
101 Grove Street, Rm 419
San Francisco, CA 94102
email Sally_Liska@dph.sf.ca.us
email Anna.Babst@sfdph.org
phone (415) 554-2800
fax (415) 431-0651
Gail Bolan, MD Chief
Heidi Bauer, MD, MPH
Michael Samuel, DrPH
Carol Kong, MPH
CA Dept. of Hlth Svcs
850 Marina Bay Pkwy
Bldg. P, 2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804-6403
(510) 620-3177 (Bolan)
(510) 620-3178 (Bauer)
(510) 620-3198 (Samuel)
email gail.bolan@cdph.ca.gov
email heidi.bauer@cdph.ca.gov
email Michael.Samuel@cdph.ca.gov
email carol.kong@cdph.ca.gov
Fax (510) 620-3180
Seattle, Washington - (SEA)
Mark Aubin (STD Program Manager)
Department of Health
Chief, Office of STD Services
Airdustrial Park, Bldg. 14
PO Box 47842
Olympia, WA 98504-7842
(360) 236-3456
email mark.aubin@doh.wa.gov
FAX (360) 236-3470
King K Holmes, MD PhD [GISP Principal Investigator]
Mary Fielder/ Ron, Secretary
Wil Whittington, lab director [lab contact]
Harborview Medical Center
325 9th Avenue, Box 359931
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 731-3620 (Holmes) / FAX (206) 731-3694 (Holmes)
email worthy@u.washington.edu (Fielder/ Ron/ Holmes)
(206) 897-5325 or (206) 731-8374 or 6827 (Whittington)
(206) 559-7314 (pgr) (Whittington)
Email: wlw@u.washington.edu ; WLHW@clearwire.net (Whittington)
FAX (206) 720-4209
Karen Winterscheid [regional lab contact] -- (FedEx or UPS address) --
Harborview Medical Center 3NJ342A
325 9th Ave. 908 Jefferson St.
Box 359742 Seattle, WA 98104
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 897-5324 (available 8am to 1pm Pacific)
email Kwinters@u.washington.edu
Barbara Krekeler, Clinic Administrator Matt Golden, MD, MPH [clinic contact]
Harborview STD Clinic Med. Director, PHSKC STD Clinic
325 9th Avenue Asst Prof of Medicine, UW
Box 359777 325 9th Ave Box 359777
Seattle, WA 98104-2499 Seattle, WA 98104-2499
(206) 731-5877 (Krekeler) (206) 731-6829
FAX (206) 731-4151 Fax (206) 731-4151
email: barbara.krekeler@metrokc.gov email: Golden@u.washington.edu
Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii - (TRP)
Peter Whiticar, STD Project Director
Venie Lee, STD Program Manager
STD/HIV Prevention Program
Hawaii Department of Health
Diamondhead Health Center
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96816-2399
(808) 733-9010 (Whiticar)
email Whiticar@lava.net
(808) 733-9281 (Lee)
email venie.lee@doh.hawaii.gov
FAX (808) 733-9291
Stephen Morgan [clinic & lab contact]
LTC Chris Whelen
Chief, Microbiology Services
Buddy Eberly (Supervisor)
Department of Pathology & Area Laboratory Services
Tripler Army Medical Center
1 Jarrett-White Road
Honolulu, HI 96859
(808) 433-6006 (general)
(808) 433-1605 (Morgan)
(808) 433-6185 (Whelen) (808) 433-6188 (Eberly)
Email Stephen.c.morgan@us.army.mil
email Andrew.whelen@us.army.mil
email bardwell.eberly@us.army.mil
FAX (808) 433-2795
Gary Aspera
Maj. John Meyer
Stephen M Yamada
Infection Control & Epidemiology
Department of Preventive Medicine
Tripler Army Medical Center
1 Jarrett-White Road
Honolulu, HI 96859
Email gary.aspera@us.army.mil
Email john.meyer5@us.army.mil
email Stephen.Yamada@amedd.army.mil
FAX (808)433-9914
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Susan Conner |
Last Modified By | ixl3 |
File Modified | 2010-06-24 |
File Created | 2010-06-11 |