Mothership Economic Data Collection

West Coast Groundfish Trawl Economic Data


Economic data collections for catcher vessels, catcher-processors, motherships and first receivers

OMB: 0648-0618

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OMB Control No. 0648-#### Expiration Date: ##/##/####

NOAA Fisheries – Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Retain a completed copy of this questionnaire for your records.

I. Contact Information and Vessel Characteristics
1. Verify the following information on record about this vessel’s physical characteristics. If the information on record
is correct, please place a check mark in the Corrections column. If the information on record is incorrect or there is
no information on record, please provide the correct information in the Corrections column.

Information on Record

Vessel Name

Vessel Name

USCG Vessel Number


Home Port

Seattle, WA

Length Overall (feet)


Fuel Capacity (gallons)

No Information on Record

Horsepower of Main Engines



2. Provide the contact information for the owner of the mothership vessel.
Name of Company, Partnership, or Other Business Entity
Business Mailing Address
Street / PO Box

Business Phone



Business Fax



Zip Code


Business Email

This form can be downloaded from
If you have any questions, please contact us at (###) ###-#### or
Submit by 9/1/12 to EDC Program, FRAM Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd E, Seattle, WA 98112.

3. If the vessel was leased or bareboat chartered during 2011, provide the contact information for the leaseholder or
charterer of the mothership vessel.
Name of Company, Partnership, or Other Business Entity
Business Mailing Address
Street / PO Box

Business Phone



Business Fax



Zip Code


Business Email

4. List the mothership permit(s) used with this vessel during 2011 in the West Coast whiting fishery below. West Coast
includes Washington, Oregon, and California.
Mothership Permit Number

Permit Owned or Leased?

Mothership Permit Number (2)

Permit Owned or Leased?

Mothership Permit Number (3)

Permit Owned or Leased?

5. Provide the contact information for the individual completing this report. If your address, phone, and email are
provided in the Owner or Leaseholder information above, you do not need to repeat them here but please provide your
name and title.
Mothership Vessel Owner (or Designated Representative)
Mothership Vessel Leaseholder or Charterer (or Designated Representative)


Business Mailing Address
Street / PO Box

Business Phone



Business Fax



Zip Code


Business Email

[ Page 2 ]

6. Did you receive or process any fish using this mothership vessel during the 2011 calendar year?


Complete and submit the entire questionnaire for your 2011 fiscal year.


Complete and submit the questionnaire through this page only.

7. Read the following statement and sign and date the box below.
I certify under penalty of perjury that I have reviewed all the information in this questionnaire and that it is
true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Date signed




Please proceed to the next page if you received or processed any fish in this mothership vessel during 2011


[ Page 3 ]

8. Answer the following questions related to the most recent survey value of the vessel.

What was the year of this vessel's last value survey?


What was the market value of the vessel from the survey,
rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?

$ ________________

What was the replacement value of the vessel from the survey,
rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?
Did the survey values given above include the value of permits
associated with the vessel at the time of the survey?
Did the survey values given above include the value of quota
associated with the vessel at the time of the survey?
Did the survey values given above include the value of all processing
equipment gear on the vessel at the time of the survey?
Did the survey values given above include the value of all fishing
gear on the vessel at the time of the survey?

$ ________________








9. For the remainder of the survey, report values from your 2011 fiscal year. On what day did this vessel’s 2011 fiscal
year begin?
mm dd
Please report values from your 2011 fiscal year for the remainder of this survey.

10. Was this vessel hauled out in 2011?


11. Provide this vessel’s average fuel use per day (for propulsion or other uses) when engaged in each of the following
West Coast includes Washington, Oregon, and California.
Fuel use should include all fuels used for propulsion or other uses

Fuel Use

Processing and steaming in the West Coast whiting fishery

____________ gal/day

Steaming between the West Coast and Alaska

____________ gal/day

[ Page 4 ]

12. How many gallons of fuel did this vessel use (for propulsion or other uses) during 2011 in the West Coast whiting
Please exclude any steaming between the West Coast and Alaska in these calculations.
Type of Fuel



______________ gal

Bunker oil

______________ gal

Fish oil

______________ gal

13. Provide the number of days this vessel was at sea during 2011 in each of the following activities. Please note that
there is a special category for days at sea traveling between the West Coast and Alaska. (This information will be
used to allocate some of your expenditures between the West Coast and Alaska in order to avoid asking more detailed
information about the vessel's activity in Alaska)
Count partial days as full days

Days at Sea

Processing in the West Coast whiting fishery

____________ days

Steaming in the West Coast whiting fishery

____________ days

Off-loading in the West Coast whiting fishery

____________ days

Steaming between the West Coast and Alaska

____________ days

All Alaska fisheries

____________ days

14. Provide the number of one-way trips this vessel made steaming between the West Coast and Alaska during 2011.
______ one-way trips

15. Provide the average number of processing crew members and the average number of non-processing crew
members (including the captain) when the vessel was operating in the West Coast whiting fishery during 2011.
Processing crew includes line workers, fishmeal crew, quality control, technicians, cleanup, mechanics who
work on processing equipment, factory manager, and combis.
Non-processing crew includes wheelhouse, deck crew, engine room, and galley.

West Coast whiting

Average Number
of Processing Crew

Average Number of
Non-Processing Crew
(including captain)


[ Page 5 ]

II. Capitalized Investments
16. Provide the 2011 capitalized expenditures associated with each of the following categories for this vessel. Note that
some capitalized expenditures are asked for all fisheries (West Coast, Alaska and other) and others are asked only for
the West Coast whiting fishery. Round all answers to the nearest 100 dollars. (Capital investments on the vessel and
gear shared across fisheries will be allocated to the West Coast based on days or tonnage)

Capitalized Expenditure Category

Expenditures in
All Fisheries
West Coast,
Alaska, and Other

Expenditures in
West Coast

Vessel and On-board Equipment
exclude processing equipment and fishing gear
include all electronics, safety equipment, and machinery not used to process or harvest fish
Capitalized expenditures on new and used vessel and on-board
Processing Equipment
exclude all equipment, machines, and buildings based primarily on shore
exclude any processing equipment that is not used at least partially in the West Coast whiting fishery
include on-board freezers, storage equipment, packing equipment, conveyers, and on-board cargo handling
Capitalized expenditures on processing equipment used only in the
West Coast whiting fishery
Capitalized expenditures on processing equipment shared by the West
Coast whiting and other fisheries
Fishing Gear
include cod ends and other fishing gear used in the West Coast whiting fishery
exclude any fishing gear that is not used at least partially in the West Coast whiting fishery
Capitalized expenditures on fishing gear used only in the West Coast
whiting fishery
Capitalized expenditures on fishing gear shared by the West Coast
whiting and other fisheries

III. Permit Expenses
17. Provide the total cost of mothership permits purchased or leased during 2011 for use in the West Coast whiting
Permits Purchased or Leased

Total Cost

Purchase of mothership permits


Lease of mothership permits


[ Page 6 ]

IV. Annual Expenses
18. Provide the total amount expensed during 2011 in each of the categories below. Note that some expenses are
asked for all fisheries (West Coast, Alaska and other) and some expenses are asked only for the West Coast
whiting fishery. Round all answers to the nearest 100 dollars.
Expenses Category

Expenses in
All Fisheries
West Coast,
Alaska, and Other

Expenses in
West Coast

a. Processing crew (include wages, bonuses, benefits, payroll taxes,
and unemployment insurance)


b. Non-Processing crew (include wages, bonuses, payroll taxes, and
unemployment insurance)


c. Crew travel not deducted from crew wages


d. Observer fees


e. Mothership co-op dues



Fuel and lubrication (do not include steaming between West Coast
and Alaska)


g. Food


Non-fish ingredients (additives)


Packing materials


Freight to the vessel on supplies


Other supplies (linens, clothing, cleaning, etc.)




h. Offload expenses (cross-dock fees, port tariffs, etc.)



On-board cargo / product insurance



Repair and maintenance on fishing gear used only in the West Coast
whiting fishery (expensed in 2011)


k. Repair and maintenance on fishing gear shared by the West Coast
whiting fishery and other fisheries (expensed in 2011)



Processing equipment repair and maintenance (expensed in 2011)


m. Vessel and on-board equipment repair and maintenance (expensed
in 2011)


[ Page 7 ]

Expenses in
All Fisheries

Expenses Category (continued)

West Coast,
Alaska, and Other

n. Insurance premium payments (hull and machinery, protection and
indemnity, and pollution insurance)


o. Moorage


p. Lease or bareboat charter of this mothership vessel


q. Depreciation (vessel, on-board equipment, and processing


Expenses in
West Coast

19. Provide the weight and the cost of fish purchased from catcher vessels in the West Coast whiting fishery during
2011. Round weights to the nearest metric ton.
Please include any post-season adjustments for purchases of fish that were harvested in 2011.
Total cost should include taxes and vessel buyback program fees paid on behalf of catcher vessels.

Type of Fish

Total Weight of
Fish Received but
Not Paid For
(for size or other reasons)

Total Weight of
Fish Purchased

Total Cost of
Fish Purchases




All other species

20. Provide the total round weight of all fish processed by this mothership vessel in all fisheries (West Coast, Alaska and
other) during 2011. Round to the nearest metric ton. (This information will be used to allocate some of your
expenditures between the West Coast and Alaska in order to avoid asking more detailed information about the
vessel's activity in Alaska)
___________________ mt

21. Provide the percentage, by value, of all products off-loaded from this mothership vessel in the West Coast whiting
fishery at each of the following locations. Column sum should total 100%.

Percentage of Total
Off-load Value



Blaine / Bellingham


Port Angeles


Westport / Hoquiam




Coos Bay


At sea (tramper)



[ Page 8 ]

V. Annual Earnings
22. Provide the total weight and value of production in the West Coast whiting fishery during 2011. Report weights to
the nearest metric ton.
Do not include any additional payment you received to cover any shipping, handling, or storage costs associated
with the sale beyond the f.o.b. port of discharge.
Please include any post-season adjustments for products produced in 2011.
For products produced in 2011 and held in inventory at the end of the year, estimate the value on the basis of the
average price received for similar products sold during the year.
Include products shipped to other establishments of your company.
Do not include revenue associated with fish caught in any fishery except the West Coast whiting fishery.
Total Weight of

Total Value of
















Fish oil

















Type of Fish

Other Species
All other species

23. Provide the revenue received during 2011 from the sale or lease of West Coast whiting mothership permits that were
associated with this vessel.
Sale / Lease of Permits

Revenue Received

Sale of West Coast whiting mothership permits


Lease of West Coast whiting mothership permits


24. Provide the revenue received during 2011 from the lease or bareboat charter of this mothership vessel.
$ ________________

[ Page 9 ]

Questionnaire Comments:

Public Reporting Burden Statement
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to take 8 hours per response, including time for reviewing
the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden to Todd Lee, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd E, Seattle, WA 98112.
Additional Information
Before completing this form, please note the following: 1) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control
Number; 2) This information is mandatory and is required to manage commercial fishing efforts under 50 CFR part 660 and under
section 402(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.); 3) Responses to this information request are confidential
under 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.). They are also confidential under NOAA Administrative
Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect the confidentiality of fishery statistics.

[ Page 10 ]

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMothership Vessel Questionnaire 2010
AuthorLeif Anderson
File Modified2010-07-19
File Created2010-07-14

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