Federal Fisheries Permit Application

Alaska Region Permit Family of Forms

0206 FFP revision SSL appln

Alaska Region Permit Family of Forms - Federal Fisheries Permit

OMB: 0648-0206

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Revised: 10/12/2010

OMB Control No.: 0648-0206


Expiration Date: 04/30/2013

United States Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Alaska Region
Restricted Access Management (RAM)
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, Alaska 99802-1668
Telephone: (800) 304-4846 toll free or (907) 586-7202 Juneau
FAX: (907) 586-7354

NOTICE: Only persons who are U.S. Citizens are authorized to receive or hold a Federal Fisheries Permit.
All applicants who plan to participate in directed fisheries for Pacific cod, pollock, and/or Atka mackerel with any gear
type other than jig gear must also complete Block D.
If ownership in Block A has changed or if this is a permit application for a vessel to which an FFP has never been issued,
documentation of vessel ownership must be provided with this application. To demonstrate vessel ownership you must
• for US Coast Guard (USCG) Documented Vessels, a copy of the USCG Abstract of Title or
Certificate of Documentation.
• for undocumented vessels, a copy of the State of Alaska vessel license or registration.
Indicate the type of request:

] New FFP


] Renew FFP


] Amend FFP


] Surrender FFP

If this application is submitted to renew, amend, or surrender an existing FFP, please provide your current
FFP number: ___________________
If you are surrendering your FFP, the original permit must be returned with this application.
If you are renewing or amending your application, refer to the “General Information” section of the attached instructions
that specifies which sections of the application form must be completed in addition to the amendments being made.

1. Owner Name:

2. NMFS Person ID:

3. Business Mailing Address: [ ] Permanent [

5. Business Telephone Number:

] Temporary

6. Business Fax Number:

4. Managing Company Name (if any):

7. Business E-Mail Address (if available):

Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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1. Vessel Name:


Home Port (city and state):

3. ADF&G Processor Code:

4. Is this vessel a vessel of the United
[ ] YES [ ] NO


USCG Documentation No.:

6. ADF&G Vessel Registration No.:

7. Length Overall (LOA) in feet:


Gross Tonnage:

9. Shaft Horsepower:



Registered Length in feet:

Net Tonnage:




1. AREA OF OPERATION Check one or both areas of operation, as appropriate.

] Gulf of Alaska (GOA)


] Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI)

2. TYPE OF VESSEL OPERATION Indicate below the type(s) of vessel operation you request in the Federal
groundfish fishery. An FFP may be issued for any combination of catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership,
and/or tender vessel. In addition, an FFP may also be issued for a support vessel.
Check one or any combination of the following operation types that apply:

] Catcher Vessel

[ ] Catcher/processor [

] Mothership [

] Tender Vessel (buying station)

A vessel permitted as a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, and/or tender vessel may conduct all operations
authorized for a support vessel.
Or check:

] Support Vessel

A vessel permitted as a support vessel may not conduct activities as a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership,
and/or tender vessel.
3. GEAR TYPES (catcher vessels and catcher/processors only)
Check only the gear types used for groundfish fishing:

] Trawl


] Hook-and-line


] Pots


] Jig


] Troll

Harvesting vessels (catcher and catcher/processor vessels) must complete Block D if you plan to participate in
the directed fisheries for Pacific cod, pollock and/or Atka mackerel with any gear other than jig gear.
4. GOA INSHORE PROCESSING ENDORSEMENT (catcher/processors under 125' LOA only)
Catcher/processors under 125' LOA that wish to process GOA inshore pollock or GOA inshore Pacific cod must apply
for a GOA inshore processing endorsement by checking the box below. A catcher/processor with a GOA inshore
processing endorsement is prohibited from processing more than 126 mt of GOA pollock and GOA Pacific cod, in the
aggregate, during any reporting week. Once issued, a GOA inshore processing endorsement cannot be rescinded
for the duration of a fishing year. See application instructions for further explanation.

] GOA Inshore Processing Endorsement
Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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Indicate below whether you plan to participate in any of the following four directed fisheries with gear other than
jig gear: (1) Pacific cod; (2) pollock; and (3) BSAI Atka mackerel;


Your selections will remain valid until you submit a new FFP application removing those endorsements by
checking “Remove Endorsement(s)” boxes below.


Vessels participating in these fisheries must have a vessel monitoring system (VMS) operable at any time while
the directed fishery that the permit is endorsed for is open.


See the application instructions for more information on the VMS requirements.







] Trawl
] Hook-and-Line
] Pot


] Trawl
] Hook-and-Line
] Pot


] Trawl
] Hook-and-Line
] Pot


] Remove Endorsement(s)


] Remove Endorsement(s)


] Remove Endorsement(s)

Under penalties of perjury, I hereby declare that I, the undersigned, completed this application, and the information
contained herein is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant Name (please print or type):




Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 21 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing the burden, to NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Region, Attn: Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668.

Before completing this form please note the following: 1) The NMFS may not conduct or sponsor this information request, and you
are not required to respond to this information request, unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number; 2) This
information is mandatory and is required to manage commercial fishing effort in the GOA and BSAI under 50 CFR 679 and under
402(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.); 3) Responses to this
information request are confidential under section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act as amended in 2006. It is also confidential
under NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect confidentiality of fishery statistics.

Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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Federal Fisheries Permits are required for all vessels used to fish for groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) or Bering
Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI) or that retain any bycatch of groundfish while targeting nongroundfish in the 3-200 mile zone off Alaska (see §679.4). This includes catcher vessels fishing for groundfish,
catcher/processors fishing for and processing groundfish, motherships processing groundfish, tender vessels (buying
stations) tendering groundfish, and support vessels assisting other groundfish vessels (see §679.4).
Groundfish includes but may not be limited to: pollock, Pacific cod, sablefish, Atka mackerel, rockfish, sharks, skates,
sculpins, octopus, squid, and any species of flatfish except Pacific halibut (see §679.20(a)(2)).
Processing or to process means the preparation of, or to prepare, fish or crab to render it suitable for human
consumption, industrial uses, or long-term storage, including but not limited to cooking, canning, smoking, salting,
drying, freezing, or rendering into meal or oil, but does not mean icing, bleeding, heading, or gutting (see yearly
specifications under §679.20(a)(2)).

If you are amending, renewing, or surrendering your Federal Fisheries Permit, enter the permit number where
indicated and fill out Block A, the information you are changing, and sign and date the application in Block E.

Note: It is important that all blocks are completed and all necessary documents are attached. Failure to answer
any of the questions, provide attachments, or to sign the application could result in delays in the processing of your
 Complete a separate application for each vessel. Application forms and instructions are also available on the NMFS,
Alaska Region website at https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov.
 If ownership listed in Block A has changed or if this is a permit application for a vessel for which an FFP has never
been issued, documentation of vessel ownership must be provided with this application. To demonstrate vessel
ownership you must provide:
○ for U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) documented vessels, a copy of the USCG Abstract of Title or
Certificate of Documentation.
○ for undocumented vessels, a copy of the State of Alaska vessel license or registration.

Type or print legibly in ink.


Retain a copy of completed application for your records.


Applications can be faxed to RAM at:

(907) 586-7354

Submit the completed application by mail to:
Alaska Region, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Restricted Access Management (RAM)
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668

Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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Or, hand deliver to:

NMFS Alaska Region (NMFS/RAM)
Federal Building
709 W. 9th Street, Suite 713
Juneau, Alaska 99801

Items will be sent to you by first class mail, unless you provide alternate instructions and include a prepaid mailer with
appropriate postage or a corporate account number for express delivery. Additional information is available from RAM,
as follows:
Telephone (toll free): 800-304-4846 (press “2”)
Telephone (in Juneau): 907-586-7202 (press “2”)
Website: http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/ram/default.htm
E-Mail: RAM.Alaska@noaa.gov
Please allow at least ten working days for your application to be processed. Do not wait until right before an
opening to apply for your permit, as you may not receive it on time. Items will be sent by first class mail, unless you
provide alternate instructions:

for NMFS to fax a copy of your amended permit


for NMFS to send by a faster method than regular mail

All catcher/processors and motherships that are issued an FFP under 50 CFR part 679.4(b) must use a combination of
daily cumulative production logbook (DCPL) and eLandings or other NMFS approved software to daily record and report
groundfish. For more information on eLandings, http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/elandings/faq.htm#ecr
All catcher vessels that are issued a FFP under 50 CFR part 679.4(b) must use a daily fishing logbook (DFL) to daily
record and report groundfish. Two types of catcher vessel DFL are available: one if using trawl gear and one is using
longline or pot gear.
You may request that a logbook be sent to you separately from the permit. The logbook will be sent by regular, first class
mail, unless you indicate another method. Order a logbook through NMFS Alaska Region website at
https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov, by telephone at 907-586-7228, or by fax at 907-586-7465.

Catcher vessel, trawl gear DFL
Catcher vessel, longline and pot gear DFL
Catcher/processor, trawl gear DCPL
Cather/processor, longline and pot gear DCPL
Mothership DCPL



11 x 12
12 x 17
11 x 12
12 x 17
11 x 12


Express Mail. If you would like to have your logbook sent to you by U.S. Postal Express Mail, determine from the table
above the weight and dimensions of the appropriate documents. Send us an express mail envelope with the correct
amount of postage prepaid or send express mail stamps UNATTACHED to an envelope.
NOTE: If the express mail envelope you send is too small or the postage attached is less than the amount
required, your logbook will be sent to you by regular U.S. mail.
Other Express Carriers. If you would like to have your logbook sent to you by a private express carrier, e.g., Federal
Express, UPS, DHL, etc., submit your account number and name of carrier or a prepaid envelope with the permit

Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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Indicate the type of request: New FFP, FFP Renewal, Amended FFP, or Surrendered FFP. If this application is submitted
to renew, amend, or surrender an existing FFP, please provide your current FFP number.
NOTE: If you are surrendering your FFP, the original permit must be returned with this application.


Name. Enter the full name(s) of the owner(s) of the vessel listed in Block B.
NOTE: If there is more than one owner, list the principal owner first. The permit will be issued to the first owner
listed, with et al. notation. The permit MUST be issued to the owner of the vessel, not to operators or lessees.


NMFS Person ID.


Permanent Business Mailing Address. Indicate whether address is permanent or temporary. Enter your complete
permanent business mailing address, including street or PO Box, state, and zip code. Your permit will be sent to
this address, unless otherwise notified.
Temporary Business Mailing Address: Address you want the permit sent if somewhere other than to the permanent
address. Include street or P.O. Box number, city, state, and zip code.


Managing Company. Enter the name of the company, other than the owner, that manages the operations of the
vessel (if any).

5-7. Business Telephone Number, Fax Number, and E-mail Address. Enter the business telephone number, including
area code, business fax number, and business e-mail address (if available) that are used by the vessel owner. It is
very important that you provide a number where we can contact you, or where we can leave messages for you. If
questions arise concerning your application, and we are unable to contact you, issuance of your permit will be


Enter the complete vessel name as displayed in the official documentation.


Enter the home port (city and state) as recorded in official documentation.


Enter State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Processor Code.


Answer YES or NO if this vessel is a vessel of the United States.


Enter USCG documentation number (example: 566722).


Enter the 5-digit ADF&G vessel registration number (example: 51233).


Enter the vessel's length overall (LOA) in feet and registered length in feet.
The LOA of a vessel means the centerline longitudinal distance, rounded to the nearest foot, measured between:
(1) the outside foremost part of the vessel visible above the waterline, including bulwarks, but excluding
bowsprits and similar fittings or attachments, and
(2) the outside aftermost part of the vessel visible above the waterline including bulwarks, but excluding
rudders, outboard motor brackets, and similar fittings or attachments.


Enter registered gross tonnage (U.S. tons) and net tonnage (U.S. tons) as stated in the official documentation.


Enter the shaft horsepower.
Application for Federal Fisheries Permit
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Area of Operation: Check one or both areas of operation (GOA or BSAI) to indicate the areas of operation for which
you are requesting.


Vessel Operation Categories: A vessel permitted as a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, and/or tender
vessel may conduct all operations authorized for a support vessel. A vessel permitted as a support vessel may not
conduct activities as a catcher vessel, catcher-processor, mothership, and/or tender vessel.

Indicate one or a combination of the vessel operation categories in the groundfish fisheries for which you are
Catcher Vessel - A vessel that is used for catching fish and that does not process fish on board.
Catcher/Processor - A vessel that is used for catching fish and processing that fish.
Mothership - A vessel that receives and processes groundfish from other vessels.
Tender Vessel (buying station) - A vessel that is used to transport unprocessed fish received from
another vessel to a shoreside processor, stationary floating processor, or mothership.
Or check:
Support Vessel - Any vessel that is used in support of a permitted vessel, including, but not limited to,
supplying a fishing vessel with water, fuel, provisions, fishing equipment, fish processing equipment or
other supplies, or transporting processed fish.

Gear Type: If the permit request is for a catcher vessel or catcher/processor, indicate the gear type(s) used for
groundfish operations.


GOA Inshore Processing Endorsement
An operator of a catcher/processor under 125' LOA that wishes to process GOA inshore pollock or GOA inshore
Pacific cod must apply for a GOA inshore processing endorsement by checking No. 4 of Block C on the application.
A catcher/processor with a GOA inshore processing endorsement is prohibited from processing more than
126 mt of GOA pollock and GOA Pacific cod, in the aggregate, during any reporting week.
Once issued, a GOA inshore processing endorsement cannot be rescinded for the duration of a fishing year. It may be
changed for the next fishing year by submitting an application for a permit amendment prior to the beginning of that
fishing year.
For more information on the inshore/offshore regulations, contact Sustainable Fisheries Division toll free at
(800) 304-4846 (select option #3) or (907) 586-7228.

If you plan to participate in the directed fisheries for Pacific cod, pollock, and/or Atka mackerel with any gear other than jig
gear, your FFP must be endorsed for these species in the management area(s) in which you plan to participate.
Vessels participating in these directed fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska are required to have onboard and
use a Vessel Monitoring System while the directed fisheries are open, regardless of where the vessel is fishing at the time
(including Alaska State waters) or what the vessel is targeting.
The applicant must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his
or her knowledge and belief. The application will be considered incomplete without this signature.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleRevised 10/07/02
File Modified2010-12-01
File Created2010-12-01

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