Additional Questions to Add to
Information collection’s question bank
Question 794: |
Type |
In what year did you participate in the [Insert Name of program] [as a Fall Resident]? Please select one box. |
IE |
Note: Directions only used when question is not displayed as a drop-down list of years |
Question 795: |
Type |
Which statement best describes your IVLP exchange? Please select one box |
IE |
√ |
I traveled by myself on the exchange |
I traveled with one or two other people from my country |
I traveled with a group of people only from my country |
I traveled with a group of people from my region (e.g., West Africa, Eurasia) |
I traveled with a group of people from around the world |
I don’t remember |
Question 796: |
Type |
What was your profession when you participated in the Cultural Visitors Program? Please select one box. |
IE |
√ |
Actor |
Arts presenter/manager |
Dancer |
Director |
Film artist |
Musician |
Singer |
Theater technician |
Visual artist |
Other(please write in): |
Question 797: |
Type |
What was the primary sport you played, coached or administrated when you participated in the Sports Visitors Program? Please select one box. |
IE |
Sport |
√ |
Basketball |
Baseball |
Soccer (football) |
Track & field |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 798: |
Type |
Did you participate as an athlete, coach or sports program administrator? Please select one box. |
IE |
Position |
√ |
Athlete |
Coach |
Sports program administrator |
Question 799: |
Type |
Exchange programs provide participants with many important opportunities for learning and engaging people from other countries. In the table below, please identify the three most important accomplishments resulting from your participation in the [Insert Name of program]. |
IE |
Note: Response categories will vary depending on the program. |
√ |
Advanced my professional skills |
Attended cultural events and performances |
Attended performances, working rehearsals or showcases in the United States |
Built relationships with artists, directors, etc. |
Built relationships with other players and coaches from [my country and around the world/the U.S.] |
Built relationships with other young writers from [my region/the U.S.] |
Built relationships with U.S. cultural organizations |
Conducted research for a new project |
Developed professional contacts from [around the world/the U.S.] |
Developed professional contacts with writers from [around the world/the U.S.] |
Developed professional contacts with artists, directors, technicians and managers from [outside] the United States |
Developed professional contacts with arts managers and professional from [outside] the United States |
Developed professional contacts with publishers |
Expanded my network of professional contacts |
Explored a variety of writing styles and topics |
Explored American literature and poetry |
Explored American performing arts and culture |
Explored new or different approaches and techniques in creative writing or poetry |
Explored the diversity of American art and culture |
Finished a work I brought with me |
Gained exposure to arts management in practice through mentorships |
Gained insight into the role of the private sector in American performing arts and culture |
Improved my playing skills and techniques |
Improved arts management skills |
Improved my ability to organize, plan and manage sports teams and programs |
Improved my coaching skills and knowledge |
Improved my English skills |
Improved my writing skills |
Increased my contacts with translators |
Increased my understanding of U.S. local or national government policies that affect my industry |
Increased understanding of how arts and culture can be used to address social issues |
Interacted with a writing community |
Interacted with the artistic community |
Learned about American art, theater and film |
Learned about American fiction, poetry, drama, or screenplays |
Learned about the American approach to sports |
Learned how performing arts and culture can be used to address social issues |
Learned how sports can be used to address problems faced by youth |
Learned how to use technology in arts management |
Learned more about American people and American society |
Learned new development and fundraising skills |
Learned new management skills |
Learned new or different approaches and techniques in my field of performing or fine arts |
Learned new or different management and administrative practices from arts and culture institutions in the United States |
Learned new techniques in my craft (dancing, singing, playing an instrument, acting, etc.) |
Lived and studied in the United States |
Lived and worked in an academic setting |
Other (Please write in): |
Participated in workshops with other performing artists, directors, arts managers or theater technicians in the United States |
Performed in the United States |
Purchased artistic material not readily available in my country |
Shared my culture with others |
Question 800: |
Type |
How much did the IVLP meet your expectations? Please select one box. |
IE |
Did not meet any of my expectations |
Did not meet most of my expectations |
Met some of my expectations |
Met most of my expectations |
Met all of my expectations |
Question 801: |
Type |
What is your most important accomplishment [or achievement] that is a direct result of your experience in the [Insert Name of Program]? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Note: Question will differ depending on the program’s focus |
Question 802: |
Type |
How much did the Between the Lines program improve your knowledge and skills in creative writing, poetry and forms of expression? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Not at All |
To a Small Extent |
To a Good Extent |
To a Great Extent |
Not Applicable |
Creative Writing |
Character development |
Plot development |
Setting |
Dialogue and voice/point of view |
Creativity |
Poetry |
Structure |
Voice |
Imagery |
Use of metaphors and/or similes |
Other skills |
Critiquing other works |
Critiquing and editing your own work |
Expressing your opinion verbally |
Presenting work to an audience |
Translation from English to Arabic of written works (yours or others) |
Translation from Arabic to English of written works (yours or others) |
English grammar |
Arabic grammar |
Question 803: |
Type |
Have you applied the knowledge and skills that you learned during the Between the Lines program since your return home? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Creative Writing |
Character development |
Plot development |
Setting |
Dialogue and voice/point of view |
Creativity |
Poetry |
Structure |
Voice |
Imagery |
Use of metaphors and/or similes |
Other skills |
Critiquing other works |
Critiquing and editing your own work |
Expressing your opinion verbally |
Presenting work to an audience |
Translation from English to Arabic of written works |
Translation from Arabic to English of written works |
English grammar |
Arabic grammar |
Question 804: |
Type |
Thinking back, how much did your knowledge and understanding of the following topics increase as a result of your participation in the IVLP? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Not at All |
To a Small Extent |
To a Good Extent |
To A Great Extent |
Arts management |
Fundraising and revenue generation |
Community outreach |
Public relations and marketing |
Research and conservation |
Cultural and historic preservation |
Training and education programs |
Public-private partnerships for the arts |
The role of the private sector in promoting arts and culture |
Development and management of exhibitions, performances and festivals |
Volunteerism and community involvement |
Tourism and economic development |
Role of U.S. national and local governments in arts and culture |
Performing arts policy |
Use of new technologies |
Trends in American art and culture |
American theater |
American music |
American film and television |
American dance |
American art |
Question 805: |
Type |
Thinking back, to what extent did the [Insert Program Name] improve your knowledge and skills in the following areas? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Note: Response categories will vary depending on the program focus |
Not at All |
To a Small Extent |
To a Good Extent |
To a Great Extent |
Not Applicable |
Playing and practicing techniques |
Coaching techniques and methods |
Strength and conditioning |
Nutrition and fitness |
Teamwork and team building |
Leadership skills |
Conflict resolution skills |
Sports management and administration |
Arts management |
Fundraising and revenue generation |
Public relations and marketing |
Training and education programs |
Public-private partnerships for the arts |
The role of the private sector in promoting arts and culture |
Development and management of exhibitions, performances and festivals |
Volunteerism and community involvement |
Role of U.S. national and local governments in arts and culture |
Use of new technologies |
Trends in American art and culture |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 806: |
Type |
In addition the above list in Question [Insert Question #], were there any other topics that were an important part of what you learned during your exchange program? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 807: |
Type |
Have you been able to apply any of the following topics you learned as a participant in the IVLP? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Not Applicable |
Arts management |
Fundraising and revenue generation |
Community outreach |
Public relations and marketing |
Research and conservation |
Cultural and historic preservation |
Training and education programs |
Public-private partnerships for the arts |
The role of the private sector in promoting arts and culture |
Development and management of exhibitions, performances and festivals |
Volunteerism and community involvement |
Tourism and economic development |
Role of U.S. national and local governments in arts and culture |
Performing arts policy |
Use of new technologies |
Trends in American art and culture |
American theater |
American music |
American film and television |
American dance |
American art |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 808: |
Type |
Have you been able to apply the skills and techniques that you learned during the program since your return home? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Playing and practicing techniques |
Coaching techniques and methods |
Strength and conditioning |
Nutrition and fitness |
Teamwork and team building |
Leadership skills |
Conflict resolution skills |
Sports management and administration |
Question 809: |
Type |
Did you apply any of the knowledge and skills you learned during the program since your return home? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Strategic planning |
Fundraising and revenue generation |
Public relations and marketing |
Audience development |
Providing training and education programs |
Creating public-private partnerships for the arts |
Promoting the role of the private sector in promoting arts and culture |
Developing and managing exhibitions, performances and festivals |
Promoting volunteerism and community involvement |
Using new technologies |
Question 810: |
Type |
Describe any obstacles or barriers you have faced while implementing what you have learned while a participant in the [Insert Program Name]. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 811: |
Type |
How has the Sports Visitors Program affected your skills and abilities as a player, coach or manager of sports programs? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 812: |
Type |
Has your self-confidence changed as a result of your exchange experience? Please select one box. |
IE |
Decreased Greatly |
Decreased Somewhat |
Stayed the Same |
Increased Somewhat |
Increased Greatly |
Question 813: |
Type |
How has your creative writing or poetry changed as a direct result of your participation in the exchange program? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 814: |
Type |
To what extent do you think you were able to share your culture with other teachers, students and writers while you participated in the program? Please select one box. |
IE |
Not At All |
To A Small Extent |
To A Good Extent |
To A Great Extent |
Not Applicable |
Question 815: |
Type |
What was the most significant aspect of your culture that you were able to share with other teachers, students and writers? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 816
Question A1: |
Type |
To what extent did the [Insert Program Name] improve your skills? Please select one box. |
IE |
Question A2: |
To what extent did the [Insert Program Name] improve your knowledge and skills in your technical field? Please select one box. |
Note: Question will differ depending on the program’s focus |
Not At All |
To A Small Extent |
To A Good Extent |
To A Great Extent |
Not Applicable |
Question 817: |
Type |
Which aspects of the [Insert Name of Program] were the most valuable in increasing your [writing skills and techniques / skills]? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Note: Response categories will vary depending on the program |
Yes |
No |
Not Applicable |
International Literature Today course |
Weekly Public Panels |
International Translation Workshop |
Reading and performances |
Playwrights’ program |
The IWP Cinemateque |
Cultural activities and field trips |
Community interaction |
Joint performance with American performing artists |
Close observation of techniques of other performing artists, managers, directors or theater technicians in Washington, D.C., New York City and other cities |
Workshops run by American performing artists, managers, directors or theater technicians |
Meetings and discussions about performance art, acting and techniques with other performing artists |
Meetings and discussions about managing, directing or theater techniques with other managers, directors or theater technicians |
Arts Management course taught at the Kennedy Center Arts Management Institute |
Developing a strategic plan for the organization I manage |
Discussions with the Director and other managers of the Kennedy Center |
Discussions with Directors and other managers of arts organizations in Washington, D.C. |
Discussions with the Director and other managers of arts organizations in New York City |
Mentorship placement outside of Washington, D.C. |
Discussions about managing arts organizations with other participants in the Fellows Mentoring Program |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 818: |
Type |
Please provide an example of how you have been able to apply the [knowledge / skills / techniques] that you learned during your [exchange program / residency]. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Note: Question will differ depending on the program’s focus |
Question 819: |
Type |
How has your experience in the [Insert Program Name] impacted your career? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 820: |
Type |
Since your return home from your exchange program, have you been able to diversify funding sources for your organization? Please select one box. |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
Not applicable |
Question 821: |
Type |
If you answered yes to Question 10, please describe how you’ve been able diversify funding. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 822: |
Type |
Have you done any of the following as a result of your participation in the International Writing Program? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Started or finished a new work |
Organized a writing or poetry workshop |
Participated in a writing or poetry workshop |
Participated in a writers’ network |
Critiqued and edited others’ works |
Critiqued and edited your own work |
Translated writing or poetry |
Wrote a work in English |
Mentored young writers |
Collaborated in a writing, film or poetry project |
Question 823: |
Type |
As a direct result of your participation in the [Insert Name of Program], have you done or received any of the following [in school/university,] at work or in your community? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Note: Question and response categories will vary depending on the program |
Yes |
No |
Assumed a leadership role or position in my community |
Became more focused on my education |
Collaborated in arts, dance, theater or film project |
Established a new organization [club or team] in my community |
Established a new organization, club or team at school/university |
Higher level of responsibilities or leadership at school /university |
Higher level of responsibilities or leadership in the same job |
Increased recognition from professional colleagues and peers |
Increased salary/wages |
New job with more responsibilities |
Obtained a sports scholarship for school/university |
Organized an arts, dance, theater or film festival |
Organized or initiated new activities and projects in my community |
Organized or initiated new activities or projects at school/ university |
Organized or initiated new activities or projects in the same job |
Other (Please write in): |
Participated in arts, dance, theater or film festival |
Received a fellowship or stipend to continue my [writing / artistic work] |
Served as a teacher/mentor for new artists, directors [technicians] or managers |
Set new goals for myself |
Taught or lectured at a university |
Question 824:
Question A1: |
Type |
Thinking back, what was your level of knowledge about the following aspects of the United States before participating in the [Insert Name of Program]? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Question A2: |
Thinking back, what was your level of knowledge about the following aspects of the United States after participating in the [Insert Name of Program]? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Note: Most response categories will be the same across the surveys, with a few that will vary depending on the program’s focus. |
No Knowledge |
Limited Knowledge |
Moderate Knowledge |
Extensive Knowledge |
Daily life in the United States |
American writing and poetry |
American sports |
American arts and culture |
Religious diversity in the United States |
Ethnic diversity in the United States |
The U.S. political system |
Education in the United States |
Freedom of speech and the press in the United States |
Voluntary community services and philanthropy in the United States |
American history |
American popular culture |
The United States overall |
Question 825: |
Type |
How did your views of the United States Government and the American people change as a result of your participation in the exchange program? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Much less favorable |
Less favorable |
No change |
More favorable |
Much more favorable |
United States Government |
American People |
Question 826: |
Type |
How did your [fall residency/exchange visit] in the United States influence your work? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Note: Question will differ depending on the program’s focus |
Question 827: |
Type |
Have you shared your experience or the knowledge you gained during your participation in the [Insert Name of Program] in any of the following ways? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
Note: Response categories will vary depending on the program. |
√ |
Demonstration of new skills or techniques |
Demonstration or performance in your community |
Discussion with other writers, poets, or playwrights |
Discussion with students and colleagues at your university |
Discussion with your colleagues [and peers] |
Discussion with your family |
Discussion with your friends and community members |
Formal presentation at a community event |
Formal presentation at work |
Formal presentation at your school/university |
Interview with a media outlet (newspaper, television, radio or Internet) |
Other (Please write in): |
Post on a blog or other Internet networking space |
Reading of your work |
Shared writing or poetry you wrote while in the United States |
Wrote a newspaper or magazine article, including an editorial or opinion piece |
Wrote a non-academic book |
Wrote a professional article for a journal or academic publication |
Wrote an academic book |
Question 828: |
Type |
Do you think your family, friends and [peers/ colleagues] have a more favorable or less favorable opinion of the United States because of the information you shared with them? Please select one box. |
IE |
Much less favorable |
Less favorable |
No change |
More favorable |
Much more favorable |
I don’t know |
Question 829: |
Type |
Once the Fall Residency program ended, did you continue your work at the University of Iowa or another academic institution in the United States? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 830: |
Type |
Have you returned to the United States since you participated in [Insert Name of Program]? |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
Question 831: |
Type |
If you did return to the United States, did you teach or lecture for the International Writing Program? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 832:
Question A1: |
Type |
How much time have you spent in the United States on business travel or for professional reasons other than for the International Writing Program since your fall residency in Iowa? Please select one box. |
IE |
Question A2: |
Approximately how much time have you spent in the United States on business travel or for professional reasons since your participation in the [Insert Name of Program]? Please select one box. |
Note: Question will differ depending on the program |
√ |
None |
Less than 1 month |
1 month up to 3 months |
3 months up to 6 months |
6 months up to one year |
One year or greater |
Question 833: |
Type |
How much time have you spent in the United States on personal travel since your [your participation in the [Insert Name of Program] / residency in Iowa]? Please select one box. |
IE |
√ |
None |
Less than 1 month |
1 month up to 3 months |
3 months up to 6 months |
6 months up to one year |
One year or greater |
Question 834: |
Type |
If you traveled to the United States on business, what was the reason for traveling? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 835: |
Type |
Do you expect to return to the United States within the next five years? |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
I don’t know |
Question 836: |
Type |
Have you been in contact with people you met during the [Insert Name of Program]? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 837: |
Type |
Of the following list of people you met through your participation in [Insert Name of Program], whom have you been in contact with since your return home? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
Note: Question depends on the audience, Response categories will vary depending on the program. |
√ |
[Insert Name of Program] alumni |
[Insert Name of Program] Director |
[Insert Name of Program]Coordinator |
Alumni of other U.S. [cultural] exchange programs in my country |
American coaches |
American colleagues and/or professional contacts I met while in the United States |
American colleagues or arts management professionals I met in New York City |
American organizations, such as sports teams, sports leagues, NGOs, and schools |
American students [and players] |
American teachers |
Arabic teachers |
Chaperones |
Lecturers and teachers at the DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the Kennedy Center |
Other (Please write in): |
Other exchange students in the program |
Other participants I met while on my IVLP exchange program |
Other participants in the International Writing Program |
Other program participants |
Other program participants from institutions different than my own |
Performing artists with whom you made joint performances |
Performing artists, arts managers, directors and theater technicians I met during my exchange |
Potential collaborators I met during networking events |
Professors I met at the University of Iowa |
Program agency staff |
Sports Visitor Program staff from AED, World Learning, or Partners for the Americas |
Sports Visitors Program participants I met while in the United States |
The Associate Director of the [Insert Name of Program] |
The director of my personal mentorship or workshop |
The Director of the [Insert Name of Host Institute] |
The director, board members or colleagues from my mentoring program |
U.S. Department of State staff in Washington, D.C. |
[Insert Name of Program] alumni |
Question 838: |
Type |
Since completing the program, have your or your organization established any linkages with the sports teams, organizations, schools or universities you met with during your exchange? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 839: |
Type |
Please elaborate on these linkages with U.S. organizations. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 840: |
Type |
Please describe any collaboration or work you are engaged in that was developed with a performing artists, arts presenters, directors or theatre technicians you met while in the United States. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 841: |
Type |
Since your return home, have you shared your Cultural Visitors Program experience with any young artists or students in your home country? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 842: |
Type |
Has Department of State staff in the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your home country been in contact with you since your return from the United States? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 843: |
Type |
What was the reason for the follow-up from the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your home country? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
√ |
Discussed your experience in the United States |
Asked about your work and/or career |
Asked you to perform, direct or participate in an U.S. Embassy event |
Invited you to attend a U.S. Embassy event |
Informed you about an upcoming American performing arts or cultural event |
Told you about new performing opportunities in your country with managers of theaters, performing arts centers, etc. |
Connected you with other performing artists, directors, managers or technicians |
Informed you of other opportunities to study or work in the United States |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 844: |
Type |
Of the statements listed below, which of the following applies to you since you returned home from the Sports Visitors Program? Please check one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
I play sports in school/university |
I play sports professionally |
I play sports in my free time |
I am a leader on my sports team |
I coach sports teams |
I manage a sports team or a community sports league |
I am involved in a different sport than the one I participated during the Sports Visitors Program |
I am no longer involved in the sport I participated in during the Sports Visitors Program |
I am no longer involved in any sports |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 845: |
Type |
Do you follow U.S. sports players, teams, or leagues more or less today than you did before participating in the Sports Visitors Program? |
IE |
A great deal less |
Somewhat less |
About the same |
Somewhat more |
A great deal more |
Question 846: |
Type |
Do you write more or less than you did before you participated in the Between the Lines Program? |
IE |
Much less than before |
Less than before |
No change |
More than before |
Much more than before |
Question 847: |
Type |
Of the statements listed below, have you done any of the following since you returned home from your exchange visit to the United States? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Yes |
No |
My work was published in a student magazine or student newspaper |
My work was in a local or national magazine or newspaper |
I organized a writing/poetry workshop or event |
I attended a writing/poetry workshop or event |
Question 848: |
Type |
Do you think you will pursue a career as a writer or a poet? Please select one box |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
I don’t know |
Question 849: |
Type |
How has your participation in the [Insert Name of Program] affected you personally? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 850: |
Type |
Are you in school or employed? Please select one box in each row |
IE |
Yes |
No |
I am in secondary school/high school |
I attend university |
I attend vocational training |
I am employed |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 851: |
Type |
Which forms of media do you primarily use to keep informed about American [writing / arts / sports / performing arts / arts organizations management / current events] and culture? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
Note: Question and response categories will vary depending on the program’s focus |
√ |
Television |
Radio |
Film |
Books |
Newspapers |
Magazines and trade journals |
[Insert Program related] website |
Sports websites |
Arts and culture websites |
News websites |
Social networking sites (for example, Facebook and Twitter) |
Internet photo and video sharing sites (for example, Flickr and YouTube) |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 852: |
Type |
What types of writing projects are you currently working on? Please select one box in each row. |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Short stories |
Books or novels |
Articles or essays |
Scripts or screenplays |
Poetry |
Other (Please write in): |
Question 853: |
Type |
Have any of your works been published since your participation in IWP as a Fall Resident? |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
Question 854: |
Type |
Are you still working in the arts field? |
IE |
√ |
Yes |
No |
Question 855: |
Type |
Why are you no longer working in the arts field? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 856: |
Type |
Please describe your work that was published or produced. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 857: |
Type |
What is your current occupation? |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 858: |
Type |
Where do you currently work? Please select one box. |
IE |
Note: Response categories will vary depending on program |
√ |
Independent artist/musician/actor/performer |
Independent manager or owner of an arts organization |
Conservatory/academy/school of performing or fine arts |
Government ministry/agency |
Art gallery |
Art museum |
Library |
Museum |
Non-profit organization [for performing arts] |
Performing arts group/company |
Private company [for performing arts] |
Private foundation |
University |
University theatre for performing arts |
Other (Please write in): |
Not currently working |
Question 859: |
Type |
As a direct result of your participation in the IVLP program, did you exchange ideas, collaborate or facilitate a program in art or culture with any of the following [in / outside] the United States? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
√ |
Academic Institutions |
American artists, musicians, actors, etc. |
Conservatories / academies / schools of performing and fine arts |
Film and television production companies |
Foundations |
Galleries |
Libraries |
National, state or local museums |
Non-profit organizations |
Orchestras, symphonies, etc. |
Private museums |
Radio and print organizations |
Theaters |
Other (Please write in): |
Not applicable |
Question 860: |
Type |
As a direct result of your participation in the Fellows Mentoring Program, have you exchanged ideas, collaborated or facilitated an art or culture program with any of the following? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
√ |
Arts organizations in the United States |
Artists and performers in the United States |
Arts organizations outside the United States |
Artists and performers outside the United States |
Arts organizations in my country |
New artists or performing artists in my country |
Arts managers I met through the Kennedy Center’s website, |
United States Embassy/Consulate staff |
Other (Please write in): |
None of the above |
Question 861: |
Type |
As a direct result of your participation in the Fellows Mentoring Program, have you exchanged ideas about management of your organization with any of the following? Please select all that apply. |
IE |
√ |
Arts management professionals and organizations in the United States |
Artists and performers in the United States |
Arts management professionals and organizations outside the United States |
Artists and performers outside the United States |
Arts organizations in my country |
New artists or performing artists in my country |
Arts manager professionals I met through the Kennedy Center’s website |
United States Embassy/Consulate staff |
Other (Please write in): |
None of the Above |
Question 862: |
Type |
Please elaborate on any exchange of ideas, collaboration or facilitation of a program with U.S. organizations. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 863: |
Type |
Since your return home, have you mentored any young arts managers, employees, artists or students in your home country? |
IE |
Yes |
No |
Question 864: |
Type |
Please describe any collaboration or work you are engaged in that was developed with performing artists, arts presenters, directors or theater technicians you met while in the United States. |
IE |
Response: Open-ended |
Question 865: |
Type |
What was your home country at the time of the program? |
IE |
Response: Drop-down list |
Question 866: |
Type |
In which country do you currently live? |
IE |
Response: Drop-down list |
Question 867: |
Type |
Which statement best describes the geographic location where you currently live? Please select one box. |
IE |
√ |
My country’s capital |
Another major city in my country other than the capital |
A small city, town or rural location in my country |
Question 868: |
Type |
If you have additional comments or suggestions for improving [Insert Name of Program], please give details here. We value your thoughts and feedback. |
IE |
Response: Open ended question |
Question 869: |
Type |
Please indicate how valuable each of the following activities was to you, whether professionally or personally, during your IVLP Program? Please check one box in each row. |
IE |
Not At All Valuable |
Somewhat Valuable |
Valuable |
Extremely Valuable |
Pre-Departure briefing provided by the U.S. Embassy or Consulate |
Meetings and consultations with U.S. professional counterparts |
Opportunity to meet and consult with fellow participants in my IVLP program |
Travel within the United States to different cities and regions |
IVLP program theme and subject matter (i.e. U.S. economy, electoral systems, local government, media, etc.) |
Cultural/social activities |
Speaking opportunities (at schools, universities, civic organizations, etc.) |
Home hospitality with American families |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Michelle Hale |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |