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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 229 / Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Notices
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R9–MB–2010-N264; 1200–1232–0000P2]
Information Collection Sent to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for Approval; OMB Control
Number 1018–0022; Federal Fish and
Wildlife Permit Applications and
Reports—Migratory Birds and Eagles
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
We (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service) have sent an Information
Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for
review and approval. We summarize the
ICR below and describe the nature of the
collection and the estimated burden and
cost. This information collection is
scheduled to expire on November 30,
2010. We may not conduct or sponsor
and a person is not required to respond
to a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. However, under OMB
regulations, we may continue to
conduct or sponsor this information
collection while it is pending at OMB.
DATES: You must submit comments on
or before December 29, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Send your comments and
suggestions on this information
collection to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior at OMB-OIRA
at (202) 395–5806 (fax) or (e-mail).
Please provide a copy of your comments
to the Service Information Collection
Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS 222–ARLSQ, 4401
North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
22203 (mail), or (email).
request additional information about
this ICR, contact Susan Lawrence,
Division of Migratory Bird Management,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS
MBSP–4107, 4501 North Fairfax Drive,
Arlington, VA 22203 (mail); (e-mail); or
703–358–2016 (telephone).
OMB Control Number: 1018–0022.
Title: Federal Fish and Wildlife
License/Permit Applications and
Reports, Migratory Birds and Eagles, 50
CFR 10, 13, 21, and 22.
Service Form Numbers: 3–200–6
through 3–200–18, 3–200–67, 3–200–68,
3–200–71, 3–200–72, 3–200–77, 3–200–
78, 3–200–79, 3–200–81, 3–200–82, 3–
202–1 through 3–202–17, 3–186, and 3–
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Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Description of Respondents:
Individuals; zoological parks; museums;
universities; scientists; taxidermists;
businesses; and Federal, State, tribal,
and local governments.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or retain a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion
for applications; annually or on
occasion for reports.
Number of Respondents: 57,260.
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 57,260.
Completion Time per Response:
Varies from 15 minutes to 40 hours
depending on activity.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 93,402.
Estimated Annual Nonhour Burden
Cost: $1,049,925 for fees associated with
permit applications.
Abstract: Our Regional Migratory Bird
Permit Offices use information that we
collect on permit applications to
determine the eligibility of applicants
for permits requested in accordance
with the criteria in various Federal
wildlife conservation laws and
international treaties, including:
(1) Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16
U.S.C. 703 et seq.).
(2) Lacey Act (16 U.S.C. 3371 et seq.).
(3) Bald and Golden Eagle Protection
Act (16 U.S.C. 668).
Service regulations implementing
these statutes and treaties are in Chapter
I, Subchapter B of Title 50 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR). These
regulations stipulate general and
specific requirements that, when met,
allow us to issue permits to authorize
activities that are otherwise prohibited.
All Service permit applications are in
the 3–200 series of forms, each tailored
to a specific activity based on the
requirements for specific types of
permits. We collect standard identifier
information for all permits. The
information that we collect on
applications and reports is the
minimum necessary for us to determine
if the applicant meets/continues to meet
issuance requirements for the particular
activity. This revised ICR includes
modifications to the format and content
of the currently approved applications
so that they (a) are easier to understand
and complete and (b) will accommodate
future electronic permitting.
This ICR includes four permit
application and report forms that are
currently approved under OMB Control
Number 1018–0136. Once OMB takes
action on this IC, we will discontinue
OMB Control No. 1018–0136.
• FWS Form 3–200–71 (Eagle Take
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• FWS Form 3–200–72 (Eagle Nest
• FWS Form 3–202–15 (Eagle Take
Monitoring and Annual Report).
• FWS Form 3–202–16 (Eagle Nest
Take Monitoring and Reporting).
In addition, we are proposing three
new forms:
• FWS Form 3–200–81 (Special
Purpose—Utility) will provide an
application specifically tailored for
utilities (e.g., power, communications)
to request permits to salvage migratory
birds on their property and rights-ofway.
• FWS Form 3–200–82 (Eagle
Transport Into and Out of the United
States) will provide an application for
permits under the Bald and Golden
Eagle Protection Act to transport dead
eagle specimens into and out of the
country temporarily for scientific or
exhibition purposes, such as for
museum exhibits.
• FWS Form 3–202–17 (Special
Purpose—Utility Annual Report) will
provide a standardized annual report
form for Special Purpose—Utility
Comments: On April 7, 2010, we
published in the Federal Register (75
FR 17757) a notice of our intent to
request that OMB renew approval for
this information collection. In that
notice, we solicited comments for 60
days, ending on June 7, 2010. We did
not receive any comments.
We again invite comments concerning
this information collection on:
• Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary, including
whether or not the information will
have practical utility;
• The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. Before including your
address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment, including your personal
identifying information, may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask OMB in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that it will be done.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 229 / Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Notices
Dated: November 23, 2010.
Hope Grey,
Information Collection Clearance Officer,
Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2010–29979 Filed 11–29–10; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R1–ES–2010–N250; 10120–1113–
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Draft Revised Recovery
Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl
(Strix occidentalis caurina); Reopening
of Public Comment Period
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of document availability;
reopening of comment period.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, recently announced
the availability of the Draft Revised
Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted
Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) for
public review and comment. See
We now reopen the comment period. If
you have previously submitted
comments, please do not resubmit them,
because we have already incorporated
them in the public record and will fully
consider them in developing our final
recovery plan.
DATES: To ensure consideration, please
send your written comments by
December 15, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of the
draft revised recovery plan are available
online at:
recovery_plan/100915.pdf and http://
NorthernSpottedOwl/Recovery/. Printed
copies of the draft revised recovery plan
are available by request from the Field
Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Oregon Fish and Wildlife
Office, 2600 SE. 98th Avenue, Ste. 100,
Portland, OR 97266 (phone: 503/231–
6179). Written comments regarding this
recovery plan, or requests for copies of
the plan, should be addressed to the
above Portland address or sent by e-mail
Brendan White or (for draft copies of
population response model output)
Diana Acosta, Fish and Wildlife
Biologists, at the above address and
phone number.
September 15, 2010, we published a
Federal Register notice (75 FR 56131)
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announcing the availability of the Draft
Revised Recovery Plan for the Northern
Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)
for public review and comment under
the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C
1531 et seq.). We originally opened this
comment period for 60 days, from
September 15, 2010, to November 15,
2010. We are re-opening the public
comment period until December 15,
2010, in response to several requests for
additional time to review and comment
on the draft revised recovery plan.
For background information on the
draft revised recovery plan, see our
September 15, 2010, notice. As stated in
that notice, we particularly seek
comments concerning portions of the
draft revised recovery plan that have
been updated from the 2008 recovery
plan. Appendix C of the draft revised
recovery plan described stages 1 and 2
of our ongoing three-stage spotted owl
modeling effort. Since its release we
have continued this effort, initiating
population response modeling using the
individual-based population program
HexSim. Though still at preliminary
draft stage, population response
simulations from this portion of the
modeling process are available for
public review by request from our
office. These simulations do not
estimate what will occur in the future,
but provide comparative information on
potential population responses to
different conservation scenarios as
described in the draft revised recovery
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you may ask us in your comment
to withhold personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
The authority for this action is section
4(f) of the Endangered Species Act, 16
U.S.C. 1533(f).
Dated: November 15, 2010.
Richard R. Hannan,
Acting Regional Director, Region 1, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2010–30069 Filed 11–29–10; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R2–R–2010–N203; 20131–1265–
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife
Refuge, Cameron and Willacy
Counties, TX; Final Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Finding of No
Significant Impact for Environmental
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of our final comprehensive
conservation plan (CCP) and finding of
no significant impact (FONSI) for the
environmental assessment (EA) for the
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife
Refuge (NWR). In this final CCP, we
describe how we will manage this
refuge for the next 15 years.
ADDRESSES: You may view or obtain
copies of the final CCP and FONSI/EA
by any of the following methods. You
may request a hard copy or CD–ROM.
Agency Web Site: Download a copy of
the document(s) at
E-mail: Include
‘‘Laguna Atascosa final CCP’’ in the
subject line of the message.
Mail: Mark Sprick, AICP, Natural
Resource Planner, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Division of Planning,
P.O. Box 1306, Albuquerque, NM
In-Person Viewing or Pickup: Call
505–248–7411 to make an appointment
during regular business hours at 500
Gold Avenue, SW., Albuquerque, NM
Sonny Perez, Refuge Manager, Laguna
Atascosa NWR, 22817 Ocelot Road, Los
Fresnos, TX 78566; by phone, 956–748–
3607; or by e-mail,
With this notice, we finalize the CCP
process for the Laguna Atascosa NWR.
We started this process through a notice
in the Federal Register July 19, 2004 (69
FR 43010).
Laguna Atascosa NWR is located in
Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas,
and encompasses 97,007 acres of brush
lands, coastal prairies, freshwater and
brackish pothole wetlands, estuarine
wetlands, lomas (clay ridges), wind tidal
flats, and barrier island beaches and
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Document |
Subject | Extracted Pages |
Author | U.S. Government Printing Office |
File Modified | 2010-11-30 |
File Created | 2010-11-30 |