Registration Practices Statement
Version 1.00
June 2010
Contract Number 263-01-D-0050
Task Order HHSH230G5004
CM Number NPDB- 04443.01.00
Submitted To:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Health Professions
Division of Practitioner Data Banks
Building, Room 8-103
5600 Fishers Lane
Maryland 20857
Prepared by:
SRA International, Inc.
4350 Fair Lakes Court
Fairfax, Virginia 22033-4233
Copyright 2010, SRA International, Inc. (SRA). This document is copyrighted by SRA, and is provided for the intended recipient’s review only. Permission to otherwise copy, electronically reproduce, reprint, or utilize this document, in part or in whole, is expressly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from SRA.
In order to obtain consent, please contact SRA at:
SRA International, Inc.
4300 Fair Lakes Court
Fairfax, VA 22033
Table of Contents
2.0 Registration Practices Overview 2
2.3 NPDB-HIPDB Participant Roles and Responsibilities 2
2.3.1 NPDB-HIPDB Authorities 2
2.4.1 Specification of Administration Organization 5
2.4.2 Contact Person for this RPS 5
2.4.3 Person Determining RPS Suitability 5
2.4.4 RPS Approval Procedures 5
4.0 Identification and Authentication 10
4.1 Initial Entity Registration 10
4.1.1 Authentication of Entity Identity 10
4.1.2 Authentication of the Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator Identities 10
4.2 Initial Authorized Agent Registration 11
4.3 Initial Entity User Registration 11
4.4 Initial Authorized Agent User Registration 12
4.5 Initial Investigative Search User Registration 12
4.6 Initial Self-Querier Registration 13
4.7 Initial Report Subject Registration 13
4.8 Trusted Operator Accounts 13
4.9 Account Renewal and Update 13
5.0 Account Life-Cycle Operational Requirements 15
5.1.1 Who Can Submit a Registration Request 15
5.1.2 Enrollment Process and Responsibilities 15
5.2 Registration Processing 15
5.6.1 Who Can Request Revocation 15
5.6.2 Requests for Revocation 16
5.6.3 Revocation Request Grace Period 18
6.0 Facility, Management and Operational Controls 19
6.1.1 Site Location & Construction 19
6.1.3 Power and Air Conditioning 19
6.1.5 Fire Prevention & Protection 19
6.2.2 Number of Persons Required per Task 19
6.2.3 Identification and Authentication for Each Role 19
6.2.4 Roles Requiring Separation of Duties 19
6.3.1 Qualifications, Experience, and Security Clearance Requirements 20
6.3.2 Background Check Procedures 20
6.3.3 Training Requirements 20
6.3.4 Job Rotation Frequency and Sequence 20
6.3.5 Sanctions for Unauthorized Actions 20
6.3.6 Contractor Requirements 20
6.3.7 Documentation Supplied to Personnel 20
6.4 Audit Logging Procedures 20
6.4.1 Types of Events Recorded 20
6.4.2 Frequency of Processing Data 20
6.4.3 Retention Period for Security Audit Data 20
6.4.4 Protection of Security Audit Log Data 20
6.4.5 Security Audit Log Data Backup Procedures 20
6.4.6 Security Audit Collection System (Internal vs. External) 20
6.4.7 Notification to Event-Causing Subject 21
6.4.8 Vulnerability Assessments 21
6.5.1 Types of Events Archived 21
6.5.2 Retention Period for Archive 21
6.5.3 Protection of Archive 21
6.5.4 Archive Backup Procedures 21
6.5.5 Requirements for Time-Stamping of Records 21
6.5.6 Archive Collection System (Internal or External) 21
6.5.7 Procedures to Obtain and Verify Archive Information 21
6.6 Compromise and Disaster Recovery 21
6.6.1 Incident and Compromise Handling Procedures 21
6.6.2 Computing Resources, Software, and/or Data are corrupted 21
6.6.3 Token/Account Compromise Procedures 21
6.6.4 Business Continuity Capabilities After a Disaster 21
7.0 Technical Security Controls 22
7.1 Computer Security Controls 22
7.2 Life Cycle Technical Controls 22
7.2.1 System Development Controls 22
7.2.2 Security Management Controls 22
7.2.3 Life-Cycle Security Ratings 22
7.3 Network Security Controls 22
8.0 Review of Registration Practices 23
8.2 Identity/Qualifications of Reviewer 23
8.3 Reviewer’s Relationship to NPDB-HIPDB 23
8.4 Topics Covered by Review 23
8.5 Actions Taken as a Result of Deficiency 23
8.6 Communication of Results 23
9.0 Other Business and Legal Matters 24
9.1.1 NPDB-HIPDB Credential Issuance or Renewal Fees 24
9.1.2 Fees for other Services 24
9.2 Financial Responsibility 24
9.2.3 Insurance or Warranty Coverage for End-Entities 24
9.3 Confidentiality of Business Information 24
9.3.1 Scope of Confidential Information 24
9.3.2 Information Not Within the Scope of Sensitive Information 24
9.4 Privacy of Personal Information 25
9.4.2 Information Treated as Sensitive 25
9.4.3 Information not Deemed Sensitive 25
9.4.4 Responsibility to Protect Sensitive Information 25
9.4.5 Notice and Consent to use Private Information 25
9.4.6 Disclosure Pursuant to Judicial or Administrative Process 25
9.4.7 Other Information Release Circumstances 26
9.5 Intellectual Property Rights 26
9.6 Representations & Warranties 26
9.6.1 NPDB-HIPDB Representations and Warranties 26
9.6.2 Subscriber Representations and Warranties 26
9.6.3 Relying Parties Representations and Warranties 26
9.6.4 Representations and Warranties of other Participants 26
9.7 Disclaimers of Warranties 26
9.8 Limitations of Liability 26
9.10.3 Effect of Termination and Survival 27
9.11 Individual Notices & Communications With Participants 27
9.12.1 Procedure for Amendment 27
9.12.2 Notification Mechanism and Period 27
9.13 Dispute Resolution Provisions 27
9.15 Compliance with Applicable Law 28
9.16 Miscellaneous Provisions 28
9.16.4 Enforcement (Attorneys’ Fees and Waiver of Rights) 28
List of Tables
In accordance with federal guidelines for securing the National Practitioner Data Bank-Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (NPDB-HIPDB) system against unauthorized use, the Data Banks have established a Registration Practices Management body that is responsible for the identification and authentication of all NPDB-HIPDB users who have electronic access to the system. A Registration Practices Statement (RPS) describes the practices that the Registration Practices Management body employs for authenticating the identity of its users to issue accounts or credentials1 that provide system access, as well as managing or revoking accounts in accordance with specific requirements.
This RPS describes the roles and responsibilities of all NPDB-HIPDB participants as they pertain to registration, details the identity proofing and registrations practices implemented by the Registration Practices Management body for each system user (i.e., role), identifies account life cycle operational requirements, references where information on facility, management, operational and technical security controls may be found, stipulates when the registration practices in this document must be reviewed and covers other business and legal considerations. Note that registration processes and sample registration forms are not included in this document; that information may be found in the Registration Practices Management Operations Manual.
The target audience for the RPS includes NPDB-HIPDB authorities such as its e-Authentication Manager and Change Control Board (CCB) and all other personnel fulfilling roles within the Registration Practices Management body; therefore, this RPS is considered an internal document.
The remainder of this introductory section describes the registration policy guidelines that are followed by this RPS, the scope of this document, NPDB-HIPDB’s registration roles and responsibilities, and the administration responsibilities for this RPS.
This document follows the guidelines provided for Level 2 and Level 3 (for the Investigative Search interface only) assurance level rating requirements stipulated in E-Authentication Guidance for Federal Agencies (OMB M-04-04) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Draft Special Publication 800-63-1, Electronic Authentication Guidelines, and the recommendations of the National Practitioner Data Bank-Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (NPDB-HIPDB) E-Authentication Requirements Analysis – December 2008, CM# NPDB- 04443.01.00 [NPDB EAUTH]).
The structure of this RPS is based on “best practices” documentation developed for the Federal Government and commercial industry to describe the rigorous registration practices for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) systems. This RPS describes the practices followed by NPDB-HIPDB to identify users, and to issue, manage and revoke credentials for accessing the NPDB-HIPDB system.
There are four distinct entity categories within the NPDB-HIPDB community. As shown here, each category includes several roles. The roles within each category are described in the following sections of this document:
Registration Practices Management
Division of Practitioner Databanks (DPDB) e-Authentication Manager
NPDB-HIPDB Change Control Board (CCB)
Trusted Operations
NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center/Document Control Center Operator
NPDB-HIPDB System Administrators
NPDB-HIPDB Information System Security Officer (ISSO)
User Administration
Entity/Agency Certifying Official
Entity Data Bank Administrator
Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrator
End Entities
Entity User
Authorized Agent
Report Subject
The DPDB e-Authentication Manager manages and administers all e-Authentication efforts for NPDB-HIPDB within HRSA. The DPDB e-Authentication Manager has technical oversight and is responsible for NPDB-HIPDB, and participates on the NPDB-HIPDB Configuration Control Board.
The NPDB-HIPDB CCB is responsible for creating, maintaining and implementing this RPS and all registration practices and procedures regarding the NPDB-HIPDB System.
The individual(s) responsible for processing registration documentation, disseminating Administrator account information (e.g., DBID, User ID, password) for new accounts, completing a self-query request, looking up billing information, etc.
The individual(s) responsible for creating Windows, Unix, and database accounts that provide system operators (e.g., customer service representatives) with access to physical machines and applications; each has varying roles and access permissions.
The ISSO creates and maintains the security policy, roles, and other applicable information that is used within the NPDB-HIPDB regarding access control.
The individual selected and empowered by an entity to certify the legitimacy of a registration for participation in the NPDB-HIPDB.
The Entity Data Bank Administrator sponsors, approves, revokes and assigns privileges (e.g., query, report or both) to Entity Users. The Entity Data Bank Administrator may also designate an Authorized Agent (organization) to submit reports and queries on the Entity’s behalf.
The Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrator sponsors, approves, revokes and assigns privileges (e.g., query, report or both) to Authorized Agents (Users).
An individual authorized by an Entity to submit a report and/or query to the NPDB, HIPDB, or both. Entities may maintain an unlimited number of user accounts to submit transactions (e.g., queries, reports) and retrieve responses from the Data Banks.
An employee of an Authorized Agent organization with a user account that may query and/or report on behalf of an Entity. This user role’s functions are identical to that of an Entity User.
An individual health care practitioner (e.g., licensed physician, dentist, audiologist, clinical social workers), provider or supplier who may query the NPDB-HIPDB for information about themselves or the organization they work for. A self-querier may also be a report subject (described below).
An individual or organization that is the subject of a Medical Malpractice Payment Report, an Adverse Action Report, or a Judgment or Conviction Report. When a report is submitted to NPDB-HIPDB, the Data Banks processes the report and sends a Report Verification Document, including a copy of the report, to the reporting entity. A Notification of a Report in the Data Bank(s), which includes a copy of the report, is also sent to the report subject. The entity that filed a report may change the information in the report; a report subject cannot change the information in the report, but may supplement using the NPDB-HIPDB website to add a Subject Statement and/or dispute the report. A report subject may also request the report be elevated to secretarial review. A dispute and secretarial review request may regard the accuracy of the report, whether or not it was submitted according to NPDB-HIPDB reporting requirements, or the eligibility of the entity to report the information. A report subject may also self-query (described above).
Federal and State law enforcement agencies (registered as an Entity) submit report data (e.g., criminal convictions and civil judgments against health care practitioners, providers and suppliers related to health care) to the HIPDB as well as query the HIPDB using the Investigative Search Capability (ISC). By providing an Originating Reporting Agency Identifier (ORI) number at the time of registration, law enforcement agency investigators may perform free text ad hoc queries against the HIPDB. Federal and State law enforcement agencies also can submit explicit queries to the NPDB.
The right to rely reasonably on a NPDB-HIPDB Credential is limited to the NPDB-HIPDB System.
The DPDB e-Authentication Manager or the NPDB-HIPDB CCB can initiate an audit of NPDB-HIPDB Entity and Authorized Agent organizations to determine compliance with the registration practices described in this document.
The NPDB-HIPDB CCB is responsible for all aspects of this RPS.
The contact person for this RPS shall be the DPDB e-Authentication Manager. Questions regarding this document should be directed to the DPDB e-Authentication Manager through the NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center at the following address:
National Practitioner Data Bank - Health Care Integrity and Protection Data Bank
P.O. Box 10832
Chantilly, Virginia 20153-0832
The NPDB-HIPDB CCB is responsible for determining the suitability of this RPS.
The NPDB-HIPDB CCB is responsible for approving this RPS as it relates to implementing the specific registration practices.
The DPDB e-Authentication Manager has the following obligations:
Provide e-Authentication oversight for NPDB-HIPDB.
Request revocation of Entity/Agent Databank Administrator, Entity/Authorized Agent User, Investigative Search User and Self-Querier accounts to the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center as needed.
Approve creation of emergency accounts.
The NPDB-HIPDB CCB shall ensure that the NPDB-HIPDB registration practices are operating in accordance with this RPS.
NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center/Document Control Center Operators have the following obligations:
Verifying the accuracy of information entered in the Entity/Authorized Agent registration package.
Process incoming registration documents for registering Certifying Officials, Data Bank Administrators, Entity/Authorized Agent users, self-queriers and Investigative Search users.
Approve and forward registration documents for archival after successfully verifying the information.
Scan and archive all registration documents.
Provide customer service support to the NPDB-HIPDB System users.
Issue tokens to Investigative Search users and manage the token process.
Provide account setup information to the Entity/Agent Data Bank Administrator.
NPDB-HIPDB Administrators are obligated to maintain the NPDB-HIPDB systems and technical infrastructure, which includes:
Perform backups and recovery for the NPDB-HIPDB software, data, and logs;
Monitoring of the software application platform and reporting of non-working services;
Performance of the operation and maintenance of the hardware and operating systems;
Execution of scripts and routines that manage the NPDB-HIPDB systems;
Creating Customer Service Center Operation system accounts;
Initiating change control procedures to perform upgrades or install patches.
The ISSO has the following obligations:
Designate all policy settings for the NPDB-HIPDB System in accordance with the NPDB-HIPDB policies and this RPS.
Provide guidance for registering Data Bank administrators and users when notified of emergency situations.
An Entity/Authorized Agent’s Certifying Official has the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration documentation.
Request to revoke the Entity/Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrator’s account if there is a danger of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
Entity Data Bank Administrators have the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration documentation.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke their own account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
Successfully complete training in identity proofing procedures for Entity Users.
Identity proof Entity Users by following the registration practices described in this document and approve the issuance of the NPDB-HIPDB credentials.
Revoke Entity User Accounts upon request from Entity Users or if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrators have the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration document.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Successfully complete training in the identity proofing procedures of Authorized Agents.
Identity proof Authorized Agents by following the registration practices described in this document and approve the issuance of the NPDB-HIPDB credentials.
Request to revoke their own account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
Revoke Authorized Agent Accounts upon request from Authorized Agents or if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
The Entity Users have the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration document.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke the account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
The Authorized Agent (User) has the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration document.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke the account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
The Self-Querier has the following obligations:
Submit the correct information in the individual and organizational self-query registration documents.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke the account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way.
The Report Subject has the following obligations:
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke the account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way.
Investigative Search users have the following obligations:
Submit correct information in the registration document.
Protect the NPDB-HIPDB account and token (e.g., safeguard login credentials, log in from a secure location).
Request to revoke the account if there is a risk of it being compromised or subjected to unauthorized use in any way, or if any information affecting the reliability of the account changes or is no longer true (e.g., name changes, no longer employed, associated or affiliated with the Organization).
NPDB-HIPDB accounts are issued to further the mission and operations of NPDB-HIPDB, HRSA and HHS and liability claims shall be subject to the terms of the federal tort claims act as interpreted by the HHS Office of General Counsel.
The users of the NPDB-HIPDB System are solely responsible for meeting their obligations per a Subscriber Agreement presented to them upon initial login to their account. A sample Subscriber Agreement can be found in the Registration Practices Management Operations Manual. Failure of the users to comply with the Subscriber Agreement is grounds for NPDB-HIPDB credential revocation. The users waive any and all claims against the Service, its agents and employees, contractors and assignees for any action arising from the use or possession of NPDB-HIPDB credentials.
As described in National Practitioner Data Bank-Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (NPDB-HIPDB) Identity Proofing and Registration Process Alternatives-June 2009, DCN 12313-114-101-NPDB-IDP-REG-20090630 [NPDB-IDPROOF] document, the initial Entity registration consists of three steps that represent the process of downloading, completing and submitting registration documentation.
The Entity Registration document includes the Entity’s Name, Address and Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN). The NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Operator shall authenticate this information through record checks through applicable agencies or third party service providers to verify the information provided in the registration document is accurate.
The Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator provide valid identification to a notary public as a part of Entity registration. An overview of the entire process is as follows:
The Data Bank Administrator visits the online Entity Registration service and begins the registration process. The user fills out the registration document online, establishes an Administrator user ID and password, and is issued a Data Bank Identification (DBID) number. The user prints out the Entity Registration document with the provided information pre-populated. Both the Certifying Official’s and the Data Bank Administrator’s registration documents are a part of this printout.
As part of the Entity Registration process, the Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator must provide two forms of ID and sign separate registration documents in front of a notary (U.S.-based Entities located in countries outside of the United States may utilize notary services available at the local US Consulate2). The notary shall record the Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator’s personal information (identification number, expiration date) from the IDs presented onto the registration document. One form of identification must be a valid State or Federal government-issued photo ID.
Forms of acceptable ID are as follows: An unexpired state-issued photo ID (with a serial number) such as a driver’s license; Passport from country of citizenship, federal, state or local government agency (must have name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color and address); US military ID; Certificate of U.S. Citizenship; Certificate of Naturalization; permanent or unexpired temporary resident card; Native American tribal document; or Canadian driver’s license.
The notary shall complete a separate section describing their certification (e.g., state/county in which they operate) and sign a statement acknowledging that the Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator appeared in front of them and for what purpose, date the document and provide a notary stamp or seal.
The Entity, Certifying Official and Data Bank Administrator forms may be combined into one registration package and mailed to the NPDB-HIPDB, or if the Certifying Official and the Data Bank Administrator are in different locations, the registration documents may be sent separately to the NPDB-HIPDB.
This is established by one of the following methods:
Option 1 - The Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator presents an unexpired photo ID badge issued by the registering Entity that indicates their affiliation to the Entity (work badge) along with the notarized registration document. The notary shall record on the document that the photo ID badge issued by the Entity was presented. A photocopy of the Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator badges will be sent along with the individual’s notarized registration document.
Option 2 - The Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator may provide a signed letter on company letterhead from an authorized organization official (e.g., a person from Human Resources or Payroll) attesting to the affiliation. A permitted exception would be an authorization letter from a one-person company as long as the company’s information can be verified by NPDB-HIPDB Operations.
Once the Entity’s registration package is approved by NPDB-HIPDB, a Registration Verification notice shall be emailed to the Entity Data Bank Administrator as per current practice. Upon receipt, the Entity Data Bank Administrator completes the registration by logging in using the credentials supplied during the initial online registration process.
This process is the same as the Entity Registration process described above in Section 3.1.
The Entity Data Bank Administrator completes an online request to begin the process of creating a user account (information required by the online User Account Request page will be minimal, such as User Name, User Login ID, Contact Information and Email Address, and an optional confidential pass phrase).
The user receives an email with a link to a registration page. The user completes the User Registration page online, specifies a password, prints out the resulting document and takes it to the Entity Data Bank Administrator (or if remotely located, a notary).
The Entity Data Bank Administrator or notary will (a) ensure authentication of the Entity User identity and (b) ensure affiliation of the Entity User to the Registering Entity by identity proofing the user as listed in the table below.
Table 1: Identity Proofing an Entity User
Entity Data Bank Administrator |
Notary* |
* If available.
If the user’s identification is valid, the user shall sign and date the User Registration document in front of the Entity Data Bank Administrator (or Notary) who will also sign and date it. The Entity Data Bank Administrator sends the signed document to the Data Banks via mail for archive purposes. For the account to remain active, the signed registration document must be received no later than 30 days from the time the Data Bank Administrator approves creation of the account.
Entity Data Bank Administrator approves the creation of the account
using the IQRS interface and the account is activated. As a result of
approval, the user will receive an approval email and can access the
For access to the NPDB-HIPDB through ITP and QRXS interfaces, it is assumed that the client system will have an owner/sponsor and the Entity Data Bank Administrator will identity proof the owner/sponsor with the same process.
This process is the same as the Entity User Registration process described above in Section 3.3.
Investigative Search users complete an Investigative Search User Registration document and submit the notarized document to the NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center for review and approval. Approval requires verification of the Investigative Search user’s employment, which can be done by contacting the agency’s Human Resources Department.
If the NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center Operator approves the registration, the Investigative Search user shall be sent a two-factor authentication token along with instructions for logging into the system.
The Self-Querier submits a notarized Self-Querier Registration document that contains information from an ID issued by the Federal or State Government (e.g., driver’s license, passport) such as serial number, expiration date, address and credit card information for either him/herself or his/her organization. The self-query report is generated and sent back to the address specified in the document or may be accessed electronically.
NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center Operations forwards to the Report Subject via postal mail the report along with a report number and password to access the information online. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is considered sensitive and therefore shall be masked (i.e., the original data is hidden or filtered) in the printed report.
Trusted Operator accounts are created as specified in the NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Entities are required to renew their NPDB-HIPDB accounts every two years starting from the date of approval of their initial registration. Data Bank Administrators may renew the Entity/Agent Registration, the Entity/Agent User registrations and Investigative Search User registrations through use of current NPDB-HIPDB credentials. As part of the renewal process, Data Bank Administrators will be given the opportunity to verify which users registered with their organization are still valid. While renewal does not require identity-proofing, all Entity/Agent Users and Investigative Search Users identities must be re-proofed every six years through the re-registration process.
No renewal process is established for Report Subjects as the account used to access the Report Response Service never expires. For Self-Query users, the NPDB-HIPDB account credentials expire at the time noted on their initial registration documents.
Trusted Operator accounts are valid until they are no longer employed; there are no specific renewal procedures for these accounts.
Updating a NPDB-HIPDB account means changing the user profile information collected and stored in the system. Users may update their information through use of current NPDB-HIPDB credentials.
Trusted Operator accounts are updated by authorized System Administrators.
The NPDB-HIPDB Entity/Agent Data Bank Administrator, Entity User, Authorized Agent, and Investigative Search User (i.e., Subscriber) accounts are revoked when the binding between the Subscriber and the NPDB-HIPDB account is no longer considered valid. Examples of circumstances that invalidate the binding are:
The Subscriber violates, or NPDB-HIPDB suspects that the Subscriber is violating, the terms of this RPS, or any other agreement, regulation or law applicable to the account;
The Subscriber is no longer affiliated with the registered entity, e.g., Subscriber’s employment is terminated or Subscriber is suspended for cause, compromise, or suspected compromise of private keys and/or password and profile;
The NPDB-HIPDB account has been, or is suspected of having been lost, or stolen;
Change in Subscriber’s role (such as organizational change where the Subscriber moves between Entities) or permissions;
The Subscriber or other authorized party (as defined in Section 5.6) requests that the account be revoked.
The Subscriber’s Entity/Authorized Agent organization does not re-register with NPDB-HIPDB.
Self-Querier and Report Subjects may request their accounts to be revoked. The DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO may also request revocation if the Subscriber violates or NPDB-HIPDB suspects that the Subscriber is violating the terms of this RPS, or any other agreement, regulation or law applicable to the account.
Trusted Operator accounts are revoked upon termination of employment or removal from the project.
A document for registering an Entity shall be submitted by authorized representatives of the Entity/Authorized Agent, i.e. the Entity/Agent Certifying Official and Entity Data Bank Administrator, following the process described in Section 4.1.
Entity/Agent users shall be sponsored by their Data Bank Administrator(s) to register for an account following the process described in Section 4.3.
Investigative Search Users submit a notarized registration document directly to the NPDB-HIPDB to register for an account as described in Section 4.5.
Self-Query Users submit a notarized registration document and receive the self-query reports in the mail or access them electronically through the NPDB-HIPDB system.
Report Subjects receive initial account access information in the mail.
As per the terms of the Subscriber Agreement that appears the first time a user logs into their account.
It is the responsibility of the NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center Operators to verify that the information in an Entity Registration document, Investigative Search User registration document and Self-Query is complete.
The Entity/Agent Data Bank Administrator shall follow the requirements specified in Section 4.3 to verify information in end user registration documents.
The procedures for account issuance to NPDB-HIPDB subscribers are described in Sections 4.1– 4.7 of this document.
The procedures for account renewal are described in Section 4.9.1 of this document.
The procedures for account update are described in Section 4.9.2 of this document.
The revocation of an Entity/Authorized Agent Databank Administrator accounts may only be requested by:
The Data Bank Administrator in whose name the account has been issued;
The Certifying Official, if the Data Bank Administrator is an employee or contractor of the registered Entity or Authorized Agent;
The DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO.
The revocation of an Entity User, Authorized Agent or Investigative Search User account may only be requested by:
The Subscriber in whose name the account has been issued;
The individual or organization who made the request for the account on behalf of a device or application (for automated queries through IPT or QRXS);
The Data Bank Administrator or Certifying Official, if the Subscriber is an employee or contractor of the registered Entity;
The DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO.
Self-Querier and Report Subjects may request their accounts to be revoked. The DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO may also request the revocation of these accounts.
The ISSO makes a request to the Trusted Operator accounts upon termination of employment or removal from the project.
The following information must be obtained for auditing purposes when a revocation request is made:
Date of revocation request;
Name of the Subscriber;
Reason for requesting revocation;
Name and title of person requesting revocation;
Contact information of person requesting revocation;
Signature of person requesting revocation (electronic signature if the Subscriber is requesting the revocation their own account via IQRS or a wet signature if the revocation form is submitted as a paper copy).
Entity Users, Authorized Agents and Investigative Search Users can make account revocation requests on-line using their existing NPDB-HIPDB credentials to their Entity/Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrators. Once the request is submitted, the Data Bank Administrator will review the request and revoke the account immediately upon verification of the request. In cases where the user cannot request revocation on-line through the NPDB-HIPDB system, the user will make the revocation request to the administrator through other channels (e.g., email, phone call); the Data Bank Administrator will send the NPDB-HIPDB account revocation form to the user. The user signs the revocation request document (no notarization required) and sends it back to the Data Bank Administrator. The Data Bank Administrator revokes the account and submits the document to NPDB-HIPDB for auditing purposes.
In cases requiring immediate revocation of an account, the requester may call the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center and request the revocation. The Customer Service Center will send the NPDB-HIPDB account revocation form to the user. The user signs the revocation request document (no notarization required) and sends it back to the Customer Service Center. The Customer Service Center revokes the account and forwards the document to NPDB-HIPDB Document Center for auditing and archival purposes.
Faxed revocation request forms shall be accepted.
Entity/Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrators may revoke the user accounts based upon the revocation reasons stated in Section 3.9.3. The DPDB e-Authentication Manager and ISSO may also request the Customer Service Center to revoke user accounts based upon the revocation reasons stated in Section 3.9.3. In this case, the DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO signs the revocation request document on behalf of the user and this document is archived for audit purposes.
The Entity/Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrator can make account revocation requests on-line using their existing NPDB-HIPDB credentials to the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center. Once the request is submitted, the Center will review the request and revoke the account immediately upon verification of the request.
In cases where the Data Bank Administrator cannot access the account on-line or in cases requiring immediate revocation of an account, the Data Bank Administrator may call the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center and request the revocation. The Customer Service Center will send the NPDB-HIPDB account revocation form to the Data Bank Administrator. The Data Bank Administrator signs the revocation request document (no notarization required) and sends it back to the Customer Service Center. The Customer Service Center revokes the account and forwards the document to the NPDB-HIPDB Document Control Center for auditing and archival purposes.
Faxed revocation request forms shall be accepted.
The Entity/Authorized Agent Certifying Official, the DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO may also request the Customer Service Center to revoke the Data Bank Administrator accounts based upon the revocation reasons stated in Section 3.9.3. In this case, the Entity/Authorized Agent Certifying Official, the DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO signs the revocation request document on behalf of the Data Bank Administrator and this document is archived for audit purposes.
The Self Querier and Report Subject can make account revocation requests on-line using their existing NPDB-HIPDB credentials to the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center. Once the request is submitted, the Center will review the request and revoke the account immediately upon verification of the request.
In cases where the Self Querier and Report Subject cannot access the account on-line or in cases requiring immediate revocation of an account, the Self Querier and Report Subject may call the NPDB-HIPDB Customer Service Center and request the revocation. The Customer Service Center will send the NPDB-HIPDB account revocation form to the Self Querier and Report Subject. The Self Querier and Report Subject signs the revocation request document (no notarization required) and sends it back to the Customer Service Center. The Customer Service Center revokes the account and forwards the document to NPDB-HIPDB Document Center for auditing and archival purposes.
Faxed revocation request forms shall be accepted.
The Entity/Authorized Agent Certifying Official, the DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO may also request the Customer Service Center to revoke the accounts based upon the revocation reasons stated in Section 3.9.3. In this case, the Entity/Authorized Agent Certifying Official, the DPDB e-Authentication Manager or ISSO signs the revocation request document on behalf of the administrator and this document is archived for audit purposes.
Trusted Operator accounts are revoked upon termination of employment or removal from the project. The ISSO makes the request to revoke these accounts.
There is no grace period for account revocation. Upon receipt and confirmation of the revocation request, the account is revoked. Once an account is revoked, the Subscriber must repeat the registration process to open a new account, including identity proofing.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
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Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
No stipulation.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
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Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
No stipulation.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
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Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
No stipulation.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
Specified in NPDB-HIPDB System Security Plan.
NPDB-HIPDB Entities and Authorized Agents as well as all Customer Service Center/Document Control Center operators could be subject to an annual review of their registration practices. The NPDB-HIPDB CCB reserves the right to review or inspect registrations operations at any time. Further, the NPDB-HIPDB CCB reserves the right to inspect any information in the control or custody of any Data Bank Administrator pertaining to their identity proofing duties, or other obligations outlined within the Subscriber Agreement. This RPS will be reviewed annually and modified on an as-needed basis.
Current procedures for initial Entity/Agency registration and for new Entity User/Agent registration result in continuous auditing. For example: paperwork must be approved for all new Entity/Agency registrations before the account is created, and paperwork must be received and approved for all new Entity User/Agent accounts within 30 days or the account will be disabled.
Audit functions may be required for registered entities outside of the United States where notary services are not available, as they have self-certified. Audits may also be required to confirm account revocation procedures.
The reviewer must be familiar with the NPDB-HIPDB system, its operations, this RPS and any related documentation.
The reviewer (who meets the qualifications listed in Section 8.2 of this document) will be selected by the NPDB-HIPDB CCB to conduct the review.
This RPS, in its entirety, as well as all other supporting documentation is subject to annual review.
The reviewer will report the results of a review to the CCB. The CCB will report the results to authorized authorities within HRSA and/or HHS, as appropriate. Any Entity or Authorized Agent being reviewed will propose a remedy, including the expected time for completion, to the CCB. Depending upon the nature and severity of the discrepancy, the CCB, in its sole discretion, may decide to halt temporarily the registration operation of the Entity, to revoke credentials issued to the Entity, or take other actions it deems appropriate. Upon correction of the deficiency, the CCB may reinstate the Entity. The CCB may require a special review to confirm the implementation and effectiveness of the remedy.
The reviewer will report the results of the registration review to the CCB, HRSA and/or HHS, as appropriate. The implementation of remedies will be communicated to the CCB. A special review may be required to confirm the implementation and effectiveness of the remedy.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
All the NPDB-HIPDB information will be protected and only made available to authorized users or required by law.
Personally Identifiable Information (i.e., PII) submitted in an NPDB-HIPDB registration document (see Table 1 Identity Proofing an Entity User for PII data collected) is considered sensitive. Access to the registration information (including user name and DBID number) will be restricted to Trusted Operations (Customer Service Center, Document Control Center, System Administrators) and others persons authorized by the CCB with a reason to know the information in order to perform their official duties.
The information associated with the NPDB-HIPDB account, such as E-Mail address and Organization name are not considered sensitive.
For the purpose of proper administration of the accounts, this information may be requested to manage the accounts (e.g., identifying numbers, business addresses, telephone numbers).
Privacy Impact Assessment is conducted annually as required by HRSA. Refer to the NPDB-HIPDB privacy policy posted on the NPDB-HIPDB website for additional information.
All personally identifying information is considered sensitive and will be protected from unauthorized disclosure. Records of individual registration transactions may be released upon request to users involved in the transaction or their legally recognized agents. The contents of the archives maintained by NPDB-HIPDB shall not be released except as required by law.
Some information that is provided during registration process such as E-Mail address, and Organization name are not considered sensitive.
Sensitive information will be stored in the NPDB-HIPDB digital archive based on EMC Documentum and Paxton storage and may be released only in accordance with other stipulations in Section 8.4.
Per the NPDB-HIPDB privacy policy posted on the NPDB-HIPDB website.
The NPDB-HIPDB shall not disclose private information to any third party unless authorized by the CCB, required by law, government rule or regulation, or order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Any request for release of information shall be processed according to 41 CFR 105-60.605.
In the event a user is suspected to have used, or is using, their credentials to commit illegal acts under the governing laws of the United States of America, upon presentation and verification of official court order or subpoena documentation and approval from HHS General Counsel, user credentials will be disclosed to law enforcement officials to assist in any investigative process. Any request for release of information will have its documentation authenticated. The authentication process requires that the receiver of the request:
Verify the presenting official’s credentials (at least one government-issued photo ID).
Verify the subpoena or court order documentation presented by the official. This includes a sight check of the official letterhead and original signature, in addition to contacting the issuing office as specified on the document.
Notifying the CCB prior to releasing the requested information.
Registration information will be released in connection with civil discovery by subpoena, court order or otherwise as required by law. Unless prohibited by the terms of the order under which the civil discovery is proceeding, the NPDB-HIPDB will make reasonable efforts to notify the end entity prior to releasing the information.
NPDB-HIPDB will not disclose any user credential information to any third party unless authorized by the NPDB-HIPDB CCB, required by federal law or regulation, or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
The U.S. Government retains exclusive rights to the intellectual property associated with any products or information developed under the NPDB-HIPDB RPS. Registrants and Subscribers represent and warrant that all information supplied during the registration process does not infringe upon or violate the intellectual property rights of any third party. Registrants and Subscribers will defend, indemnify, and absolve from financial responsibility NPDB-HIPDB for any claims of loss or damage resulting from such infringement or violation. If Registrants and Subscribers find it impossible to comply with this provision because Federal or State law prohibits indemnification or other compensation; NPDB-HIPDB will waive this provision because compliance would be contrary to law.
The intellectual property in this RPS is the exclusive property of HRSA.
NPDB-HIPDB warrants that any Trusted Agent relied upon by the system is operating in accordance with the applicable NPDB-HIPDB registration policies in place.
Subscribers are required to sign the Subscriber Agreement acknowledging their obligations.
No stipulation.
All responsibilities described in this RPS shall be adhered to – no disclaimers are permitted.
The U.S. Government shall not be liable to any party, except as determined pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 28 U.S.C. 2671-2680, or as determined through a valid express written contract between the Government and another party.
No stipulation.
This RPS becomes effective when approved by the CCB. This RPS has no specified term.
Termination of this RPS is at the discretion of the CCB.
The requirements of this RPS remain in effect through the end of the archive period for the last credential issued.
This document does not restrict the channels (e.g., email, postal mail, telephone) used to communicate notices or changes in registration practices. No stipulation.
The CCB shall review this RPS at least once every year. Corrections, updates, or suggested changes to this RPS shall be made available on a need-to-know basis to appropriate parties at HRSA and HHS.
This RPS and any subsequent changes shall be made available to appropriate parties within one week of approval.
In the event of any dispute or disagreement between two or more of the participants (Disputing Parties) arising out of or relating to these policies, including Relying Party and Subscriber Agreements, the Disputing Parties shall use their best efforts to settle the dispute or disagreement through negotiations in good faith following notice from one Disputing Party to the other(s). If the Disputing Parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable resolution of the dispute or disagreement within sixty (60) days following the date of such notice, then the Disputing Parties may present the dispute to the NPDB-HIPDB CCB. In the event that the NPDB-HIPDB CCB is unable to resolve the dispute, the parties may bring the matter to the HHS Office of General Counsel for resolution.
The construction, validity, performance, and effect of certificates issued under these procedures shall be governed by United States Federal law (statute, case law, or regulation).
NPDB-HIPDB is required to comply with applicable laws.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
If a particular provision of this RPS is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this RPS shall remain in full force and effect until the RPS is updated.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
No stipulation.
The table below identifies all changes that have been incorporated into each baseline of this document. Baseline changes require review and approval.
Version |
Date |
Author |
Description |
1.0k |
6/11/10 |
Savith Kandala, Kathy Rigney |
First draft for DPDB review. |
Listed below are acronyms used within this document.
Change Control Board |
Data Bank Identification Number |
Document Control Number |
Division of Practitioner Data Banks |
Federal Tort Claims Act |
Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank |
ID |
Identification |
Integrated Query and Reporting Service Query and Reporting XML Service |
Investigative Search Capability |
Information System Security Officer |
ICD Transfer Program |
National Institute of Standards |
National Practitioner Data Bank |
Office of Management and Budget |
Originating Agency Identifier |
Personally Identifiable Information |
Query and Reporting XML Service |
Registration Practices Statement |
Tax ID Number |
1 Except where otherwise specifically noted, all references in this RPS to “Accounts” or “Credentials” shall mean NPDB-HIPDB accounts for accessing the NPDB-HIPDB system.
2 Practice Note: For locations outside the US, where such notary services are unavailable, the self-certified registration documents may be sent to NPDB-HIPDB ISSO for approval.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | NPDB-HIPDB e-auth requirements analysis |
Author | Kathy |
Last Modified By | Hrsa |
File Modified | 2010-10-20 |
File Created | 2010-10-20 |