Deceased Donor Registration

Deceased Donor Registration.doc

Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients Data System

Deceased Donor Registration

OMB: 0915-0157

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Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) Record Field Descriptions

Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) records are generated and available as soon as the donor organ disposition process is completed in DonorNet®. The Deceased Donor Registration record is to be completed for all consented but not recovered and recovered donors.

A consented (written) but not recovered donor is one in which consent was obtained but the organs were not recovered for transplantation. Information about this donor is entered on the DDR record to determine why the donor's organs may not have progressed to donation.

A recovered organ donor refers to situations where consent was obtained and at least one organ was recovered for the purpose of transplantation.

The DDR record must be completed within 30 days from the record generation date. See OPTN/UNOS Policies for additional information.  Use the search feature to locate specific policy information on Data Submission Requirements.

To correct information that is already displayed in an electronic record, call the UNOS Help Desk at 1-800-978-4334.

Donor Information

The donor's ID # will be displayed at the top of this section.

OPO: The organ procurement organization (OPO) reported in the Donor Feedback displays. Verify the OPO name and center code of the OPO responsible for the management of the donor and that the displayed OPO provider number is the 6-character Medicare identification number of the OPO.

Donor Hospital: The donor hospital reported in the Donor Feedback displays. Verify the hospital name and the 6-character Medicare provider number of the hospital which originally referred the donor. If this information is incorrect, you may make modifications in the donor record in DonorNet. The information will then be updated in the DDR record. A list of Medicare provider numbers for your state can be obtained in the Donor Hospitals section of DonorNet.

Referral Date: Enter the date of the initial donor referral call to the OPO. Use the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY. This field is required.

Recovered Outside the U.S.: If the organs were recovered outside of the United States, select Yes. If the organs were not recovered outside of the United States, select No. This field is required.

If Yes is selected, select the name of the Country, from the drop-down list, where the organs were recovered.

Last Name: Enter the last name of the donor who was referred to your OPO as a potential organ donor. This field is required.

First Name: Enter the first name of the donor who was referred to your OPO as a potential organ donor. This field is required.

Middle Initial: Enter the middle initial of the donor who was referred to your OPO as a potential organ donor.  

DOB: Enter the date the donor was born using the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY or enter the donor's Age in Years or Months. (List of Age Unit codes)

Gender: Indicate if the donor is Male or Female. This field is required.

Home City: Enter the name of the city where the donor lived before hospitalization. If the donor did not live in the United States before hospitalization, enter the city and country of the donor's residence in the space provided. This field is required.

Note: If the donor is a Non-Resident Alien and lived in the United States before hospitalization, complete the Home City field, leave the State and Zip Code fields blank and complete the Citizenship and Home Country fields located further below.

State: If the donor lived in the United States before hospitalization, select the state from the drop-down list where the donor's home city was located. (List of State codes)

Zip Code: Enter the U.S. Postal Zip Code of the location where the donor lived before hospitalization.

Ethnicity/Race: Select, as appropriate, to indicate the donor's ethnicity/race. This field is required. (List of Ethnicity/Race Codes)

American Indian or Alaska Native: Select for donors who are of North, South, or Central American descent (e.g. American Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, Alaska Indian). If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select American Indian or Alaska Native: Other. If unknown, select American Indian or Alaska Native: Not Specified/Unknown.

Asian: Select for donors who are of Asian descent (e.g. Asian Indian/Indian Sub-Continent, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese). If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select Asian: Other. If unknown, select Asian: Not Specified/Unknown.

Black or African American: Select for donors of African descent (e.g. African American, African (Continental), West Indian, Haitian). If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select Black or African American: Other. If unknown, select Black or African American: Not Specified/Unknown.

Hispanic/Latino: Select for donors who are of Central or South American descent (e.g. Mexican, Puerto Rican (Mainland), Puerto Rican (Island), Cuban). If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select Hispanic/Latino: Other. If unknown, select Hispanic/Latino: Not Specified/Unknown.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Select for donors who are descendents of the Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, or Samoan peoples. If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Other. If unknown, select Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Not Specified/Unknown.

White: Select for donors who are of European Descent, Arab or Middle Eastern or North African (non-Black). If the donor belongs to the primary category, but does not belong to any of the subcategories listed, select White: Other. If unknown, select White: Not Specified/Unknown.

Citizenship: Select the donor's citizenship from the drop-down list. This field is required. (List of Citizenship codes)

U.S. Citizen: Select if the donor is a U.S. Citizen by birth or naturalization.

Resident Alien: Select if the donor is a non-U.S. citizen currently residing in the United States (e.g., Permanent Resident, Conditional Resident, Returning Resident). A Permanent Resident is an individual residing in the U.S. under legally recognized and lawfully recorded residence as an immigrant. A Conditional Resident is any alien granted permanent resident status on a conditional basis (e.g., a spouse of a U.S. Citizen; an immigrant investor), who is required to petition for the removal of the set conditions before the second anniversary of the approval of the conditional status. A Returning Resident is any lawful permanent resident who has been outside the United States and is returning to the U.S., also defined as a "special immigrant".

Non-Resident Alien/Specify Country: If the donor is a Non-Resident Alien (Nonimmigrant), select the Home Country from the drop-down list. A Nonimmigrant is an alien who seeks temporary entry to the United States for a specific purpose. The alien must have a permanent residence abroad and qualify for the nonimmigrant classification sought. The nonimmigrant classifications include: foreign government officials, visitors for business and for pleasure, aliens in transit through the U.S., treaty traders and investors, students, international representatives, temporary workers and trainees, representatives of foreign information media, exchange visitors, fiance(e)s of U.S. citizens, intracompany transferees, NATO officials, religious workers, and some others. Most non-immigrants can be accompanied or joined by spouses and unmarried minor (or dependent) children.

Unknown: Select only if the donor's citizenship is unknown.

Note: Permanent residence begins on the date the donor was granted permanent resident status. This date is on the donor's Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as Alien Registration Card). To view a sample card, go to

Cause of Death: Select the donor's cause of death from the drop-down list. This field is required. If the cause of death is not listed, select Other Specify, and enter the cause of death in the Specify field. If Other Specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Cause of Death codes)

Head Trauma
CNS Tumor
Other Specify

Mechanism of Death: Select the donor's mechanism of death from the drop-down list. If the mechanism of death is not listed, select None of the Above. This field is required. (List of Mechanism of Death codes)

Drug Intoxication
Gunshot Wound
Blunt Injury
Intracranial Hemorrhage/Stroke
Death from Natural Causes
None of the Above

Circumstances of Death: Select the donor's circumstances of death from the drop-down list. If the circumstance of death is not listed, select None of the Above. This field is required. (List of Circumstances of Death codes)

Death from Natural Causes
None of the Above

Procurement and Consent

Medical Examiner/Coroner: If the donor's death was reported to the medical examiner/coroner, select Yes, Medical Examiner Consented or Yes, Medical Examiner Refused Consent from the drop-down list. If the donor's death was not reported to the medical examiner/coroner, select No. If unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. (List of Medical Examiner codes)

Yes, Medical Examiner Consented
Yes, Medical Examiner Refused Consent

Did the patient have written documentation of their intent to be a donor: If the patient had written documentation of their intent to be a donor, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

If yes, indicate mechanisms (check all that apply): Select the type of documentation used for consent. This field is required if Yes is selected for written documentation. If the mechanism is not listed, select Other Specify, and enter the mechanism in the Specify field. If Other Specify is selected, this field is required.

Driver's license
Donor Card
Donor Registry
Durable Power of Attorney/Healthcare Proxy
Other Specify

Was the consent based solely on this documentation: If consent was based solely on this documentation, select Yes. If not, select No. If Yes is selected for written documentation, this field is required.

Did the patient express to family or others the intent to be a donor: If the patient expressed their intent to be a donor to their family or others, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

Date and time of pronouncement of death (Complete for brain dead and DCD donors): Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY, and military time of pronouncement of death of the donor. This field is required.

Date and time consent obtained for first organ: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY, and military time consent was obtained for first organ. This field is required.

Clinical Information

ABO Blood Group: The donor's blood type reported in the donor record in DonorNet displays. Verify the blood type displayed for the donor referred to your OPO. (List of ABO Blood Type codes)

Height: Enter the height of the donor at the time of recovery in the appropriate space, in ft (feet) and in (inches) or cm (centimeters). This field is required.

If the donor's height at the time of recovery is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Weight: Enter the weight of the donor at the time of recovery in the appropriate space in lbs (pounds) or kg (kilograms). This field is required.

If the donor's weight at the time of recovery is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Terminal Lab Data: For each of the laboratory tests enter the value, in the units indicated, from tests performed closest to the time of recovery. These fields are required. If a lab value is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Serum Creatinine (mg/dl)

BUN (mg/dl)

Total Bilirubin (mg/dl)



Protein in Urine (Yes, No, UNK)

Last Serum Sodium Prior to Procurement (mEq/L)


Blood pH

Hematocrit (%)

Pancreas (PA Donors Only): These fields are required for pancreas donors.

Serum Lipase (u/L)

Serum Amylase (u/L)

Serology: For each of the tests listed, select the results from the drop-down lists (Cannot Disclose, Indeterminate, Negative, Not Done, Positive, or Unknown). These fields are required. (List of Serology Results codes)









EBV (VCA) (lgG)

EBV (VCA) (lgM)


Note: For CMV, a titer of >1:4 for the complement fixation or latex agglutination tests, a titer of >1:10 for IgG-immunofluorescence (IF) and a titer of >1:16 for IgM-IF are usually considered positive. If the test(s) are below the threshold considered positive, the result should be marked Negative. If testing was done, but for a rare reason, results are inconclusive, select Indeterminate. If testing was not done, select Not Done. Select Unknown if no results are found. If you cannot disclose the results, select Cannot Disclose.

Note: For Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV (VCA) (lgG), EBV (VCA) (lgM), and EBNA) serologies, a titer level of <1:10 is considered Negative.

Donor Management: (Any medication administered within 24 hours prior to crossclamp.) If any of the listed medications were given to the donor within 24 hours prior to crossclamp, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. If one to three medications are not listed, enter the name of the medication in the Other/Specify field. You may enter up to 3 medications. If a medication falls under more than one category (antihypertensives and vasodilators) select Yes for both categories. These fields are required, except for Other/Specify.








DDAVP (synthetically derived vasopressor (e.g. DDAVP or Desmopressin))


Arginine Vasopressin (human or animal derived vasopressor (e.g. pitressin, vasopressin, argipressin))





Inotropic Medication at Time of Cross Clamp: If any inotropic agents were administered at the time of cross clamp, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

If Yes is selected, complete the following:

Medication: Select the medication from the drop-down list. If Yes is selected for Inotropic Medications at Time of Cross Clamp, this field is required. If the medication is not listed, select Other, specify. Enter the medication in the Specify field. If Other, specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Inotropic Medication codes)

Isoproterenol (Isuprel
Other, specify

Dosage at Time of Cross Clamp: Enter the dosage in the space provided. If Yes is selected for Inotropic Medications at Time of Cross Clamp, this field is required.

Dosage Units: Select the units from the drop-down list. If Yes is selected for Inotropic Medications at Time of Cross Clamp, this field is required. (List of Dosage Unit codes)


Final Dosage Duration: Enter the duration in hours. If Yes is selected for Inotropic Medications at Time of Cross Clamp, this field is required.

Note: The dosage at the time of recovery for Dopamine, Dobutamine, and Levophed must fall between .05 and 40. For Epinephrine the dosage range must fall between .01 and 40. For Neosynephrine and Other, specify the dosage must fall between .01 and 300. The dosage range for Isoproterenol (Isuprel) is .10 and 40 mcg/min.

Number of transfusions during this (terminal) hospitalization: Select the number of units, from the drop-down list, for packed red cells or whole blood transfused prior to organ recovery for this hospitalization. If the number of transfusions is not known or it is not known if the donor received a transfusion, select Unknown. This field is required. (List of Transfusion codes)

1 - 5
6 - 10
Greater than 10

Three or more inotropic agents at time of incision: If the donor received three or more inotropic agents at the time of incision, select Yes. If not, select No. This field is required.

Clinical Infection: If there is documented evidence of any clinical infection during this hospitalization for the donor, select Yes. If there is no documented evidence of any clinical infection during this hospitalization for the donor, select No. If the donor's history of infection is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

If there is documented evidence of any clinical infection during this hospitalization for the donor, select whether the Source was Blood, Lung, Urine and/or Other, specify. If Yes is selected for Clinical Infection, these fields are required. If Other specify is selected, enter the source in the space provided. If Other specify is selected, this field is required.

For each source selected, if the infection was confirmed by culture, select Yes. If the infection was not confirmed by culture, select No. For each Source selected, this field is required.

Life Style Factors

Cigarette Use (>20 pack years) - Ever: If the donor has ever used cigarettes for more than 20 pack years, select Yes. If the donor has never used cigarettes or the usage is less than 20 pack years, select No. If cigarette usage is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

Pack years refers to the number of packs of cigarettes the donor smoked per day multiplied by the number of years. For example, a donor smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day for 10 years would equal 20 pack years.

AND continued in last six months: If the donor used cigarettes for more than 20 pack years and has continued usage within the last 6 months, select Yes. If the donor has not used cigarettes within the last 6 months, select No. If cigarette usage in the last 6 months is unknown, select Unk. If Yes is selected for Cigarette Use, this field is required.

Cocaine Use - Ever: If the donor has ever abused or had a dependency to cocaine, select Yes. If not, select No. If cocaine use is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

AND continued in last six months: If the donor abused or had a dependency to cocaine within the last 6 months, select Yes. If not, select No. If cocaine use in the last 6 months is unknown, select Unk. If Yes is selected for Cocaine Use, this field is required.

Other Drug Use (non-IV) - Ever: If the donor has ever abused or had a dependency to Non-IV street drugs, such as crack, marijuana or prescription narcotics, sedatives, hypnotics or stimulants, select Yes. If not, select No. If drug use is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

AND continued in last 6 months: If the donor abused or had a dependency to non-IV street drugs, such as crack, marijuana or prescription narcotics, sedatives, hypnotics or stimulants within the last 6 months, select Yes. If not, select No. If drug use is unknown, select Unk. If Yes selected for Other Drug Use, this field is required.

Heavy Alcohol Use (heavy = 2+ drinks/day): If the donor has a history of having two or more alcoholic drinks per day, select Yes. If not, select No. If alcohol use is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

Tattoos: If the donor has any tattoos, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

Does the Donor meet CDC guidelines for "High Risk" for an organ donor: If the donor meets CDC guidelines for "High Risk" for an organ donor, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

Note: Refer to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for the definition of "High Risk" behavior.

History of Diabetes: If the donor has a documented history of diabetes mellitus prior to this hospitalization, select Yes and the number of years from the drop-down list. If the duration is unknown, select Yes, Duration Unknown. If the donor does not have a history of diabetes, select No. If the donor’s history is unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. (List of Diabetes History Duration codes)

Yes, 0-5 Years
Yes, 6-10 Years
Yes, > 10 Years
Yes, Duration Unknown

Insulin Dependent: If the donor has a history of diabetes and is insulin dependent, select Yes and the number of years from the drop-down list. If the duration is unknown, select Yes, Duration Unknown. If the donor is not insulin dependent, select No. If the donor’s insulin history is unknown, select Unknown. If Yes is selected for History of Diabetes, this field is required. (List of Insulin Dependent Duration codes)

Yes, 0-5 Years
Yes, 6-10 Years
Yes, > 10 Years
Yes, Duration Unknown

History of Hypertension: If the donor has a documented history of hypertension prior to this hospitalization, select Yes and the number of years from the drop-down list. If the duration is unknown, select Yes, Unknown Duration. If the donor’s hypertension history is unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. (List of Hypertension History Duration codes)

Yes, 0-5 Years
Yes, 6-10 Years
Yes, >10 Years
Yes, Unknown Duration

If yes, method of control: Select Yes, No or Unk (unknown) for each method of hypertension control listed. If Yes is selected for History of Hypertension, these fields are required.

Other hypertensive medication

History of Cancer: If the donor has a documented history of any type of cancer prior to this hospitalization, select the primary cancer site from the drop-down list. If the donor has no documented history of any type of cancer prior to this hospitalization, select No from the drop-down list. If the donor’s cancer history is unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. If the primary cancer site is not listed, select Other, Specify. Enter the cancer site in the Specify field. If Other, Specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Cancer Location codes)

Skin - Squamous, Basal Cell
Skin - Melanoma
CNS Tumor - Astrocytoma
CNS Tumor - Glioblastoma Multiforme
CNS Tumor - Medulloblastoma
CNS Tumor - Neuroblastoma
CNS Tumor - Angioblastoma
CNS Tumor - Meningioma
CNS Tumor - Other
Genitourinary - Bladder
Genitourinary - Uterine Cervix
Genitourinary - Uterine Body Endometrial
Genitourinary - Uterine Body Choriocarcinoma
Genitourinary - Vulva
Genitourinary - Ovarian
Genitourinary - Penis, Testicular
Genitourinary - Prostate
Genitourinary - Kidney
Genitourinary - Unknown
Gastrointestinal - Esophageal
Gastrointestinal - Stomach
Gastrointestinal - Small Intestine
Gastrointestinal - Colo-Rectal
Gastrointestinal - Liver & Biliary Tract
Gastrointestinal - Pancreas
Lung (Include bronchial)
Other, Specify

Cancer Free Interval: If the donor has a documented history of cancer, enter the number of years the donor has been free of any sign of cancer. Cancer-free interval can be entered in portions of a year by entering a decimal. If data is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). This field is required. (List of Status codes)

Cancer at time of procurement: If the donor exhibited documented clinical signs of cancer at the time of recovery, select Yes for each of the categories listed. If the donor did not exhibit documented clinical signs of cancer at the time of recovery for any listed category, select No. If unknown, select Unk. These fields are required.



Organ Recovery

Recovery Date (donor to OR): Enter the date the donor entered the operating room for the purpose of organ recovery. Use the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY. If the operation began in the evening and concluded the next day, enter the date the operation began. Modification can be made in the donor feedback if incorrect. This field is required.

Was this a DCD donor: If this donor was a DCD (Donation after Cardiac Death) donor, select Yes. If this donor was not a DCD donor, select No. This field is required.

If Yes, Controlled: If this was a DCD donor and the DCD donor was controlled, select Yes. If the DCD donor was not controlled, select No. If unknown, select Unk. If Yes is selected for DCD donor, this field is required.

A controlled DCD donor is a donor whose life support will be withdrawn and whose family gave written consent for organ donation in the controlled environment of the operating room.

An uncontrolled DCD donor is a patient who expires in the emergency room or elsewhere in the hospital before consent for organ donation is obtained and catheters are placed in the femoral vessels and peritoneum to cool organs until consent can be obtained. Also, an uncontrolled DCD donor is a patient who is consented for organ donation but suffers a cardiac arrest requiring CPR during procurement of the organs.

If Yes, Date and time of withdrawal of support: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of the withdrawal of support. The date must be between referral date and date and time agonal phase begins. If Yes is selected for If Yes, Controlled, this field is required.

If Yes, Date and time agonal phase begins (systolic BP < 80 or O2 sat. < 80%): Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time when the agonal phase begins. The date must be between date and time of withdrawal of support and the day after the recovery day. If Yes is selected for If Yes, Controlled, this field is required.

If DCD, Total urine output during OR recovery phase: Enter the total urine output (cc). If Yes is selected for If Yes, Controlled, this field is required.

Measures Between Withdrawal of Support and Cardiac Death. Provide Serial Data Every 15 Minutes Between Withdrawal of Support and Start of Agonal Phase, and Every 5 Minutes Between Start of Agonal Phase and Cardiac Death.

Date: Enter the date using the standard 8-digit numeric format of (MM/DD/YYYY format).

Time (military time): Enter the time.

Systolic blood pressure: Enter the systolic blood pressure.

Systolic Blood Pressure - The top number in the blood pressure (the 120 in a blood pressure of 120/80) measures the maximum pressure exerted on the vessel wall when the heart contracts.

Diastolic blood pressure: Enter the diastolic blood pressure.

Diastolic Blood Pressure - The bottom number in the blood pressure measurement (80 in a blood pressure of 120/80), indicating the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.

Mean arterial pressure: Enter the mean arterial pressure.

O2 Saturation: Enter the O2 saturation.

If Yes, Core Cooling Used: If this was a DCD donor, select Yes if core cooling was used. If core cooling was not used for the DCD donor, select No. If Yes is selected for If Yes, Controlled, this field is required.

Core Cooling: In the process of non-heart-beating organ donation, some centers place large intravascular cannulae into the femoral vessels. These cannulae are placed before or after death. After death has been declared, they are used to drain blood and to replace it with cold preservation solution. In addition, cold preservation solution may be infused into the abdominal cavity through large catheters.

If Yes, Date and time abdominal aorta cannulation: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of abdominal aorta cannulation. If Yes is selected for DCD Donor, this field is required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

If Yes, Date and time thoracic aorta cannulation: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of thoracic aorta cannulation. If Yes is selected for DCD Donor, this field is required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

If Yes, Date and time portal vein cannulation: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of portal vein cannulation. If Yes is selected for DCD Donor, this field is required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

If Yes, Date and time pulmonary artery cannulation: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of pulmonary artery cannulation. If Yes is selected for DCD Donor, this field is required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Estimated Warm Ischemic Time: If this was a DCD donor, enter the estimated number of minutes that elapsed from the time of cardiac arrest until the time core cooling was initiated. If Yes is selected for DCD Donor, this field is required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

If No, was this a consented DCD donor that progressed to brain death?: If this was a consented DCD donor that progressed to brain death, select Yes. If not, select No. If No is selected for Was this a DCD donor, this field is required.

Cardiac arrest since neurological event that lead to declaration of brain death: If cardiac arrest occurred between a fatal brain injury event and organ recovery, select Yes. If cardiac arrest did not occur, select No. If No is selected for Was this a DCD donor, this field is required.

Note: With DCD donors, if cardiac arrest occurred during donor management, then select Yes. Otherwise, select No for DCD donors.

If Yes, Duration of Resuscitation: If cardiac arrest occurred between a fatal brain injury event and organ recovery, enter the total minutes of cardiac resuscitation. If Yes is selected for Cardiac arrest, this field is required.  If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Clamp Date: Enter the date the aorta was cross clamped. Use the standard 8-digit numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY. This field is required.

Clamp Time: (Military Time): Enter the time the aorta was cross clamped. This field is required. If the time the aorta was cross clamped is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Clamp Time Zone: Select the time zone from the drop-down list which corresponds with the time and location of the recovery. This field is required.(List of Time Zone codes)


All Donors Cardiac and Pulmonary Function:

History of previous MI: If the donor had a history of myocardial infarction, select Yes. If the donor did not have a history of myocardial infarction, select No. If this information is unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

LV ejection fraction (%): Provide the left ventricular ejection fraction, if known. This field is required. If the left ventricular ejection fraction is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Method: Select the left ventricular ejection method from the drop-down list. If a value is entered for LV ejection fraction, this field is required. (List of LV Ejection Method codes)

Echo (echocardiogram)
MUGA (scan)

If LV, Ejection Fraction < 50%:

Structural Abnormalities: If there were abnormalities, select Yes for each of the affected locations. If there were no abnormalities at the location, select No. If a value is entered for LV ejection fraction, this field is required.


Wall Abnormalities: If there were abnormalities select Yes for each of the affected type. If there were no abnormalities of the type, select No. If a value is entered for LV ejection fraction, this field is required.


Coronary Angiogram: If the donor had a coronary angiogram, select Yes, normal or Yes, not normal from the drop-down list. If the donor did not have a coronary angiogram, select No from the drop-down list. This field is required. (List of Coronary Angiogram codes)

If Abnormal, # of Vessels with > 50% Stenosis: If the results of the coronary angiogram were abnormal, select the number of vessels with more than 50% stenosis from the drop-down list. If this information is unknown, select Unknown from the drop-down list. If Yes, not normal is selected, this field is required.

Pulmonary Measurements:

Lung - Was pO2 done: If a pO2 was done, select Yes. If not, select No. If unknown, select Unk. This field is required.

If Yes, Lung pO2 terminal value: If pO2 was done, enter the terminal value in mm/Hg. If Yes is selected for Lung - Was pO2 done, this field required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown).

If Yes, Lung pO2on FiO2 terminal value of: If pO2 was done, enter the percent (i.e. 40%) of Lung pO2 on FiO2. If Yes is selected for Lung - Was pO2 done, this field required.

PCO2: Enter the PCO2 in mm/Hg. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). This field is required. (List of Status codes)

Was a pulmonary artery catheter placed: If a pulmonary artery catheter was placed, select Yes. If not, select No. This field is required.

If Yes, Initial (baseline) and Final-Preoperative measurements: If a pulmonary artery catheter was placed, enter the Initial (baseline) and Final (preoperative) measurements for the following fields. If Yes is selected for Was a pulmonary artery catheter placed, these fields are required. If unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Map: (mm/Hg) (Mean arterial pressure)
CVP: (mm/Hg) (Central Venous Pressure)
PCWP: (mm/Hg) (Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure)
SVR: ((dynes/sec/cm)^5) (Systemic Vascular Resistance)
PA Systolic: (mm/Hg) (Pulmonary Artery Pressure Systolic)
PA Diastolic: (mm/Hg) (Pulmonary Artery Pressure Diastolic)
CO: (L/min) (Cardiac Output)
Cardiac Index: (L/min/sq. m)

Biopsy (heart donors only): If a biopsy was performed, select Yes with the type of result. If Yes, Other Diagnosis Specify is selected, enter the diagnosis in the Other Diagnosis/Specify field. If a biopsy was not performed, select No. This field is required if the heart was transplanted. (List of Biopsy Result codes)

Yes, Myocarditis
Yes, Negative Biopsy Result
Yes, Other Diagnosis Specify

Left Kidney Biopsy: If a biopsy was performed on the left kidney, select Yes. If not, select No. If the left kidney (or en bloc kidneys) was recovered or transplanted, this field is required.

Glomerulosclerosis: If Yes is selected for Left Kidney Biopsy and the organ was recovered or transplanted, select the glomerulosclerosis percentage for the left kidney from the drop-down list. This field is required. (List of Kidney Glomerulosclerosis codes)

0 - 5
6 - 10
11 - 15
16 - 20

Pump: If a pump was used in preservation of the left kidney, select Yes. If not, select No. If the left kidney (or en bloc kidneys) was recovered or transplanted, this field is required.

Final Resistance Prior to Shipping: If Yes is selected for Pump, enter the resistance value. If Yes is selected for Pump, this field is required. If data is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Transferred to transplant center on pump: If pump was used in preservation of the left kidney and the organ was transferred to the transplant center on pump, select Yes. If not, select No. If Yes is selected for Pump, this field is required.

Right Kidney Biopsy: If a biopsy was performed on the right kidney, select Yes. If not, select No. If the right kidney (or en bloc kidneys) was recovered or transplanted, this field is required.

Glomerulosclerosis: If Yes is selected for Right Kidney Biopsy and the organ was recovered or transplanted, select the glomerulosclerosis percentage for the right kidney from the drop-down list. (List of Kidney Glomerulosclerosis codes)

0 - 5
6 - 10
11 - 15
16 - 20

Pump: If a pump was used in preservation of the right kidney, select Yes. If not, select No. If the right kidney (or en bloc kidneys) was recovered or transplanted, this field is required.

Final Resistance Prior to Shipping: If Yes is selected for Pump, enter the resistance value. If Yes is selected for Pump, this field is required. If data is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Transferred to transplant center on pump: If pump was used in preservation of the right kidney and the organ was transferred to the transplant center on pump, select Yes. If not, select No. If Yes is selected for Pump, this field is required.

Liver Biopsy: If a biopsy was performed on the liver, select Yes. If not, select No. If the liver was recovered or transplanted, this field is required.

% Macro vesicular fat: If Yes is selected for Liver Biopsy, enter the percentage of macro vesicular fat. This field is required. If data is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Macrovesicular - Large fat droplets balloon the liver cell, displacing the nucleus to the periphery of the cell, like an adipocyte. Triglycerides accumulate most commonly because it has the highest turnover rate of all hepatic fatty acid esters. Liver uptake of FFA from adipose tissue and the diet is unrestrained, whereas FFA disposition by oxidation, esterification, and VLDL secretion is limited.

% Micro/intermediate vesicular fat: If Yes is selected for Liver Biopsy, enter the percentage of micro/intermediate vesicular fat. This field is required. If data is unavailable, select the reason from the status (ST) drop-down list (N/A, Not Done, Missing, Unknown). (List of Status codes)

Microvesicular - Fatty liver, small fat droplets accumulate, cells appear foamy, and nuclei are central. Triglycerides collect in subcellular organelles (i.e. endoplasmic reticulum), reflecting widespread metabolic disturbance. Mitochondrial injury limits FFA oxidation, while apoprotein synthesis necessary for VLDL secretion is depressed, leading to triglyceride accumulation.

Other Histology (check all that apply): If Yes is selected for Liver Biopsy, indicate if another histology was performed.

Other Specify (enter the histology)

Left Lung Bronchoscopy and Right Lung Bronchoscopy: If a lung was recovered or transplanted, select the results of the bronchoscopy procedure from the drop-down list. If the results were abnormal, select Abnormal with the type of abnormality. If a bronchoscopy was not performed, select No Bronchoscopy. If unknown, select Unknown if bronchoscopy performed. This field is required. (List of Bronchoscopy Result codes)

No Bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy Results normal
Bronchoscopy Results, Abnormal-purulent secretions
Bronchoscopy Results, Abnormal-aspiration of foreign body
Bronchoscopy Results, Abnormal-blood
Bronchoscopy Results, Abnormal-anatomy/other lesion
Bronchoscopy Results, Unknown
Unknown if bronchoscopy performed

Chest X-ray: If a lung was recovered or transplanted, select the results of the chest x-ray from the drop-down list. If abnormalities were found on the chest x-ray, select Abnormal with the location. If this information is unknown, select Unknown if chest x-ray performed. If a chest x-ray was performed and the results are unknown, select Results unknown. If no chest x-ray was performed, select No chest x-ray. This field is required. (List of X-ray Result codes)

No chest x-ray
Results Unknown
Unknown if chest x-ray performed

Organ Dispositions

Complete the requested information for each displayed organ type listed.

Organ: Verify the final disposition of the organ. (List of Feedback Disposition codes)

Consent Not Requested
Consent Not Obtained
Organ Not Recovered
Recovered Not for Tx
Recovered for Tx but Not Tx

If DCD, Date and time [organ] recovered/removed from donor: Enter the date, using the standard 8-digit format of MM/DD/YYYY format, and military time of organ recovery/removal. If the organ was recovered or transplanted and Yes is selected for Was this a DCD donor, this field is required.

Recipient: The recipient name from the Waitlist removal record displays. Verify that the recipient listed is correct.

SSN: The recipient's social security number from the Waitlist removal record displays. Verify that the recipient's social security number is correct.

TX Center: The recipient’s transplant center displays. Verify that the center is correct.

Reason Code: Select the appropriate reason code from the drop-down list. This field is required. If Other, specify is selected, enter the reason in the space provided. If Other, specify is selected, this field is required.

If consent was not requested, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. The remaining questions for this organ will not display. (List of Consent Not Requested codes)

Donor age
Non-heart beating donor
History of previous cardiac surgery (valid for heart only)
History of severe cardiac disease (valid for heart only)
History of lung disease (valid for lung only)
History of gastro-intestinal disease (valid for intestine only)
History of diabetes mellitus (valid for pancreas only)
Pancreatitis (valid for pancreas only)
Acute/chronic renal failure
Donor quality
Donor ABO
Other specify

If consent was not obtained, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. The remaining questions for this organ will not display. (List of Consent Not Obtained codes)

Cultural beliefs
Religious beliefs
Family conflict
Other, specify

If the organ was not recovered, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. The remaining question for this organs will not display. (List of Organ Not Recovered codes)

Poor organ function
Cardiac Arrest
Positive Hepatitis
Positive HIV
Diseased organ
Anatomical abnormalities (not valid for PA or PA segments)
Vascular damage
No recipient located
Donor medical history
Donor social history
Positive HTLV - 1
Biopsy findings
Surgical damage in OR
No local recovery team
Organ refused by all regional programs
Organ refused by all national programs
Organ refused by all programs with urgent need
Ruled out after evaluation in OR
Ruled out due to biopsy report
Ejection fraction < 50%
PO2 < 200 on O2 challenge
Hemodynamically unstable donor
Trauma to organ
Positive (+) gram stain
Time constraints
Medical Examiner restricted recovery
Replaced/aberrant RHA or CHA traversing head of PA
IPDA-SMA junction identified within 5mm from RHA junction
IPDA originating directly from RHA
Other anatomical abnormality
Converted anatomical abnormalities (206 for PA and PA segments) INACTIVE
Other, specify

If the organ was recovered but not for transplant use, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. (List of Recovered Not for Transplant codes)

Recovered for Research
Recovered for Heart Valves
Recovered for Extra-corporeal Liver
Recovered only for purpose Hepatocytes
Recovered Pancreas for Technical Reasons (UNOS-use only)

If the organ was recovered for a transplant but not used for a transplant, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. (List of Recovered for Transplant but Not Transplanted codes)

Recovered for Transplant: Discarded Locally
Recovered for Transplant: Shared and Discarded
Recovered for Transplant: Submitted for Research
Recovered for Transplant: Sent for Heart Valves
Recovered for Transplant:  whole PA/PI, processed for islets, not transplanted or transplant unknown
Recovered for Transplant: Sent for Ex-corp Liver
Recovered for Transplant: Sent for Hepatocytes
Recovered for Transplant: Pancreas sent for Technical Reasons (UNOS-use only)
Exported, not transplanted or transplant unknown

If the organ was transplanted, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list. (List of Organ Disposition codes)

Organ Transplanted Locally
Organ Transplanted Shared
Islet Cells Transplanted
Exported Out of U.S., transplanted

Reason organ not transplanted: If the organ was not transplanted, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list, the organ was not transplanted. If Other, specify is selected, enter the reason in the Specify field. (List of Reason Not Transplanted codes)

Too old on pump
Too old on ice
Vascular damage
Ureteral damage
Inadequate urine output
Donor medical history
Donor social history
Positive CMV
Positive HIV
Positive Hepatitis
Warm ischemic time too long
Organ trauma
Organ not as described
Biopsy findings
Recipient determined to be unsuitable for TX in OR
Poor organ function
Diseased organ
Anatomical abnormalities
No recipient located - list exhausted
Other, specify

Recovery Team #: Enter the 6-digit Medicare Provider number of the OPO or transplant center procurement team that performed the recovery operation. This field is required.

Initial Flush Solution: For each recovered organ, select the flush solution from the drop-down list, used during the recovery procedure. If unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. If Other, specify is selected, enter the flush solution used in the Specify field. If Other, Specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Initial Flush Solution codes)

Viaspan (UW/Belzer)
Modified Collins
No Flush
Other, specify

Back Table Flush Solution: For each recovered organ, indicate the back table flush solution used to preserve each organ. If a back flush solution was not used, select No Flush. If unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. If Other Specify is selected, enter the flush solution used in the Specify field. If Other Specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Back Table Flush Solution codes)

No Flush
Viaspan (UW/Belzer)
Modified Collins
Other Specify

Final Flush/Storage Solution: For each recovered organ, indicate the final flush and storage solution used during the recovery procedure. If unknown, select Unknown. This field is required. If Other Specify is selected, enter the flush solution used in the Specify field. If Other, Specify is selected, this field is required. (List of Initial Flush Solution codes)

Viaspan (UW/Belzer)
Modified Collins
No Flush
Other, specify

OPO sent vessels with organ: If vessels (vascular allografts) were sent with the organ, as indicated on the Donor Organ Disposition in DonorNet, Yes displays. If no vessels were sent, No displays.

Tx center used extra vessels in the tx procedure: If extra vessels (vascular allografts) were used in the transplant procedure, as indicated on the Waitlist Removal record, Yes displays. If the vessels were not used, No displays.

Vessel Donor ID: The Donor ID entered on the Waitlist removal displays.

Note: If the extra vessels used in a transplant procedure are procured from a tissue processing organization, they are not reported in UNetSM.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDeceased Donor Registration
Last Modified ByDarcy
File Modified2010-08-30
File Created2010-08-30

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