EIA-886 (Revised March 2010)
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY U.S. Energy Information Administration
Expiration Date: 11/30/13 Form Approved OMB No. 1905-0191
This data collection is authorized under Section 503 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275). Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections, see the sanction provision and the provisions concerning the confidentiality of information in the Instructions. Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5.2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Responding Organization Name |
Address |
Contact Information |
Please provide name, phone, and email for main contact who can answer questions about this submission:
Please provide name, phone, and email for the supervisor of the contact listed above for this submission: |
Who Must Submit: Any organization supplying Alternative Fueled Vehicles (AFVs) or other advanced technology vehicles for use in the U.S. and/or any organization using any quantity of Alternative Fueled Vehicles in the U.S.
Purpose: Data from this form are used to satisfy public requests for information on AFVs and to provide Congress with a measure of the extent to which the objectives of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 are being met.
Attention State Agencies & Alternative Fuel Providers: The Form EIA-886 is different from the Office of Transportation Technology’s State & Alternative Fuel Provider Program which tracks compliance with DOE’s 10 CFR Part 490 using Form DOE/OTT/101 Annual AFV Acquisition Report for State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets. Form EIA-886 collects full AFV-fleet data annually while the State & Alternative Fuel Provider Program requires only light-duty AFV acquisitions for the reporting year. While there remains some overlap in data reporting, the Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires that both be filed. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Amezcua at (202) 586-1658 or email cynthia.amezcua@eia.gov
My organization is not reporting because:
It is no longer functioning. It has been sold or merged with another organization. Please either provide forwarding information (name, address, telephone) or contact EIA so that forwarding data can be captured accurately.
It does not meet the reporting criteria. Please provide EIA with your explanation.
AFV User Any organization that operated AFVs in the U.S. during the calendar year 2010, regardless of fuel consumption.
AFV Users go to page 2 |
SECTION 3: DATA from Suppliers of AFVs and Other Advanced Technology Vehicles
Vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) An entity that markets and warrants a vehicle (onroad) for use in the U.S. This category includes organizations that perform vehicle conversions before the vehicle is initially delivered to an end user for use in the U.S.
Aftermarket Vehicle Converter/Repowering Facility An entity that converts, modifies, or repowers vehicles from one fuel or source of power to another. The conversion is performed after the vehicle’s initial delivery to an end user for use in the U.S.
AFV Suppliers go to page 3 |
Instructions: For
AFVs in use as of December 31, 2010, report the vehicle type, fuel
type, engine configuration, primary application, vehicle miles
consumption, and state-level location of each AFV in your fleet.
Engine configuration refers to whether the vehicle operates
exclusively on alternative fuel (dedicated) or on a combination of
alternative fuel and traditional fuel (e.g., bi-fueled, flexible
fueled). Include all AFVs, even those that are not consuming
alternative fuel.
not include hybrid electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles if their
input fuel is gasoline or diesel fuel.
If your fleet consists of AFVs operating in multiple states, file a
separate table for each state. Use the codes provided with the form
to complete the tables below.
My organization is a:
(check all that apply)
State Agency
Electric Utility
Natural Gas Fuel Provider
Propane Fuel Provider
Transit Agency
Local Government Agency
Private Fleet
Notes: When vehicle type, fuel type, configuration and primary application are the same, group vehicles together rather than using one line per vehicle. For vehicles that operate across state lines, provide the vehicle’s predominant location of operation. If filing more than 15 lines of data or filing for multiple states, EIA encourages you to either (1) file electronically at https://eiaweb.inel.gov, (2) make copies of this page, or (3) submit an electronic version of your data in spreadsheet format using the columns and codes provided.
Enter the state in which your AFVs are located and typically operate
Enter data for vehicles operated in the state indicated
Vehicle Type |
Alternative Fuel Type |
Engine Configuration |
Primary Application |
Quantity of AFVs In use |
Total Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled
Amount of Alternative Fuel Consumed
Unit of Measurement (gallons, GGE, etc.) |
Notes: |
Were any alternative fueled vehicles retired from your fleet during this calendar year? YES NO
If yes, please list the retired vehicles and their disposition in the table below.
Vehicle Type |
Alternative Fuel Type |
Average Age of Retired AFVs (in months) |
Number of Vehicles by Disposition |
Retired from AFV service, scrapped, or converted to traditional fuel |
Sold or transferred to another entity for use as an AFV |
Do you also convert vehicles to run on alternative fuel? YES NO
If yes, proceed to page 3 and report the vehicles your organization converted during 2010.
SECTION 3: TO BE COMPLETED BY Suppliers of AFVs and Other Advanced Technology Vehicles
and Conversion Facilities: For AFVs and Other Advanced
Vehicles made available during calendar year 2010 and planned to
be made available in 2011, report the vehicle type, model name, fuel
type, engine configuration, and actual and projected supply
quantities. Engine
configuration refers to whether the vehicle operates only on
alternative fuel (dedicated) or on a combination of alternative fuel
and traditional fuel (i.e., bi-fueled, flexible fueled). Report
all hybrid and fuel cell vehicles, including those whose input fuel
is gasoline or diesel fuel. Use the codes provided with the form to
complete the table below. For the provisions concerning
confidentiality of information, please see Section V. of the
instructions included with this form.
My organization is an:
(check all that apply)
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Aftermarket Vehicle Converter
If your organization is both an OEM and an Aftermarket Vehicle
Converter, designate in the table below between those
manufactured and converted. Thank you.
Notes: When vehicle type, model, fuel type and configuration are the same, group vehicles together rather than using one line per vehicle. For respondents filing more than 20 lines of data, EIA encourages you to either (1) file electronically at https://eiaweb.inel.gov, (2) make copies of this page, or (3) submit an electronic version of your data in spreadsheet format using the columns and codes provided. If you are an AFV user who acquired your AFVs from either an OEM or a conversion facility, do not file this section; only file Section 2.
Enter data for AFVs made available in calendar year 2010 and planned to be made available in 2011.
Available” means the vehicle either was delivered for the
first time to a dealer, leasing company, or end user; was available
for delivery to a dealer, leasing company, or end user; or was
otherwise placed “in use” during the reporting period.
Do not report vehicles previously reported, such as leased vehicles
in a prior year.
this column only if you are an OEM and
a conversion facility
Vehicle Type |
Model Name |
Alternative Fuel Type |
Engine Configuration |
Quantity Made Available in 2010 |
Quantity Planned to be Made Available in 2011 |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | FORM EIA-886 Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles |
Subject | Alternative Fueled Vehicles |
Author | EIA |
Last Modified By | Sirk, Cynthia |
File Modified | 2010-07-27 |
File Created | 2010-07-27 |