FY 2009 SHSP Tribal IJ Reference Guide

FY09_shsp_tribal_IJ_Reference Guide.pdf

FEMA Preparedness Grants: State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal

FY 2009 SHSP Tribal IJ Reference Guide

OMB: 1660-0113

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Contents......................................................................................................................... 1
Part I. OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 2
Investment Justification in FY 2009 ....................................................... 2
Part II. ENHANCEMENTS FROM FY 2008 TO FY 2009................................................ 3
Feedback from Preparedness Stakeholders and Partners .................. 3
Updates Made to the FY 2009 Investment Justification ....................... 3
Part III. INVESTMENT JUSTIFICATION SUBMISSION................................................. 4
General Considerations for Completing the Investment Justification 4
Additional References ............................................................................. 5
Part IV. INVESTMENT JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONS.................................................. 6
Overall Investment Justification Section............................................... 7
Baseline .................................................................................................... 9
Strategy .................................................................................................. 10
Implementation ...................................................................................... 11
Impact ..................................................................................................... 14
Part V. SCORING ......................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX A. ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................... 17



This Investment Justification Reference Guide will provide an overview of changes
incorporated into the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Investment Justification based on feedback
received from stakeholders and partners, provide clarification for all Investment
Justification questions, and provide an overview of the scoring criteria against which the
Investment Justification questions will be evaluated. The FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
Investment Justification Guide complements the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Guidance and
Application Kit, developed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
A. Investment Justification in FY 2009
Eligible tribes requesting FY 2009 SHSP Tribal funding are required to use the Tribal
Investment Justification Template. The Investment Justification may include up to 3
Investments and must account for all SHSP Tribal funds requested by the applicant.
Eligible tribes are encouraged to coordinate with their State and surrounding Urban
Areas to present an overall application that represents a collaborative, integrated
For FY 2009 SHSP Tribal, there is an optional cost sharing opportunity that will provide
a bonus in the effectiveness analysis. Applicants that identify optional cash and /or inkind cost sharing funds may receive up to a 5 point bonus to their effectiveness score.
Per the requirements in the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Guidance and Application Kit, at least
25 percent of the total award must be allocated to the Strengthening Preparedness
Planning Priority through planning, training and exercise activities.



FY 2008 TO FY 2009
A. Feedback from Preparedness Stakeholders and Partners
Throughout the course of the FY 2008 HSGP review and scoring process, DHS
collected and compiled recommendations from a variety of stakeholder and partner
sources, including peer reviewer surveys following the peer review conference,
participant surveys from the After Action Conference, as well as formal and informal
stakeholder and partner discussions conducted throughout the year. The DHSsponsored After Action Conference held in San Francisco, California on August 20,
2008 involved approximately 150 State, territory, Tribal, and local representatives from
40 States and territories and 5 Tribes.
The feedback and recommendations provided by the stakeholder and partner
community were instrumental in refining the FY 2009 Investment Justification and
review process.
B. Updates Made to the FY 2009 Investment Justification
In updating the FY 2009 Investment Justification, DHS placed significant emphasis on
the feedback and recommendations from stakeholders and partners. Several of the
stakeholder and partner recommendations and actions implemented by DHS include:
9 Enhanced Milestones, Investment Challenges and Outputs/Outcomes.
Milestones, Investment Challenges, and outputs/outcomes have been consolidated
into the new Accomplishments question. This question will allow applicants to more
easily identify the major accomplishments they hope to achieve during the SHSP
Tribal period of performance, the milestones that will mark their progress towards
these achievements, and the challenges that may impede successful
implementation of the Investment.
9 Expand Funding Plan Character Limit. The character limit for each response area
of the Funding Plan has been increased so that applicants may provide additional
details about the planned expenditure of their allocated FY 2009 SHSP Tribal funds.
9 Project Management. The Project Management question has been moved to the
Overall section to allow applicants to outline the management team that will be used
across all Investments within an Investment Justification rather than at the individual
Investment level.



In order to request FY 2009 SHSP Tribal funds, eligible tribes are required to:
1. Use the Tribal Investment Justification Template, which can be found at
2. Submit a copy of the completed Tribal Investment Justification Template to each
State within which any part of the tribe is located for review before submitting it to
3. Submit the completed Tribal Investment Justification Template to
http://www.grants.gov no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, March
20, 2009
Additional information regarding grants.gov requirements, the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
grant program, funding priorities, and allowable cost information can be found in Part IV
of the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Guidance and Application Kit.
Questions regarding the Investment Justification and the Investment Justification
submission process should be directed to the Centralized Scheduling and Information
Desk (CSID). CSID can be contacted at 1-800-368-6498 or askcsid@dhs.gov. CSID
hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday.
A. General Considerations for Completing the Investment Justification
9 Only the information included in the Tribal Investment Justification Template will be
scored in the review process. All other information is considered supplementary and
contextual. As such, responses in the Investment Justification should be selfsufficient and self-contained. Applicants should not rely on references to other
sources of information to explain their response.
9 Applicants are encouraged to minimize the use of acronyms, proper nouns (e.g.,
names of service providers or contractors) and highly-technical terms specific to
their Investment. If these acronyms, names, or terms must be used, they should be
clearly defined.
9 Applicants have the option to include attachments, such as organizational charts,
when submitting their Tribal Investment Justification Template to grants.gov.
9 Applicants must read the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Guidance and Application Kit prior to
completing their Tribal Investment Justification Template.


B. Additional References
Additional sources of information that may be considered while developing the
Investment Justification include:
• FY 2009 SHSP Tribal materials (http://www.fema.gov/grants)
• FEMA Headquarters Program Analysts (reached via CSID at 1-800-368-6498)
As outlined in section 1151 of title 18 US Code, Indian country is defined as:

“Except as otherwise provided in sections 1154 and 1156 of this title, the term
‘Indian country’, as used in this chapter, means (a) all land within the limits of
any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States Government,
notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way
running through the reservation, (b) all dependent Indian communities within
the borders of the United States whether within the original or subsequently
acquired territory thereof, and whether within or without the limits of a state,
and (c) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been
extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same.”



Each Investment Justification will be evaluated through a national review process to
assess the anticipated effectiveness of an applicant’s plan to address national and local
priorities (including the National Preparedness Guidelines and applicant-specific
priorities), with the overall goal of managing risk and building preparedness capabilities.
The national review will include both federal and tribal peer reviewers. Eligible tribes
are strongly encouraged to participate as reviewers in the national review process.
DHS has defined anticipated effectiveness as:
• The extent to which the Investment supports the vision of the State, territory,
Tribe, or Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy and program planning activities
• The ability to successfully execute and implement the Investment to achieve the
planned Investment outputs and outcomes
The SHSP Tribal Investment Justification consists of an Overall section and up to 3
Investments. Each of the 3 individual Investments contains four individual Investment
categories: Baseline, Strategy, Implementation, and Impact. Within these four
categories there are a total of 11 individual Investment questions.
This section will provide additional details regarding each question in the Overall
Investment Justification section and each of the four individual Investment categories,
including helpful hints for responding to those questions. Additionally, in response to
stakeholder and partner feedback, examples have been provided for those questions for
which stakeholders and partners have requested additional information. These
examples are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect actual or recommended
Investments for the enhancement of preparedness capabilities. They are intended to
demonstrate the type and level of detail of information necessary to respond to the FY
2009 SHSP Tribal Investment Justification questions.


A. Overall Investment Justification Section

Scoring Criteria

Helpful Hints and Tips

Overall Investment Justification Section
Overall Investment Justification
Question: Describe your understanding of
the spectrum of terrorism and natural
hazard risks your tribal area faces. Explain
how this understanding influenced
development of this Investment
Justification. (4,000 char. max)

• The information
provided is not scored
as an individual
section; however, it is
considered in the
Portfolio Score, and
should demonstrate
the relationship
between the individual
Investments and the
understanding of risk

• Describe the risks to your tribal area; remember to include:
o Terrorism risks
o Natural hazard risks; and
o Risk information from your own planning processes
• Potential sources of information to assist with this response include:
o Tribal risk assessments and analyses

Management & Administrative Costs
Question: Provide a brief overall summary
of planned management and administrative
(M&A) expenditures that support the
implementation of the Investments
proposed in this Investment Justification.
(2,500 char. max)

• The information
provided is not scored
as an individual
section; however, it is
considered in the
Portfolio Score

• Describe all M&A costs required to implement the Investments
proposed in this Investment Justification
• Potential sources of information to assist with this response include:
o Part VI. B of the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Guidance and Application Kit



Scoring Criteria

Helpful Hints and Tips

Overall Investment Justification Section
Project Management Question:
Describe the management team roles and
responsibilities, governance structures,
and subject matter expertise specifically
required for all of the Investments included
in this Investment Justification. (2,500
char. max)

• The information
provided is not scored
as an individual
section; however, it is
considered in the
Portfolio Score and
should demonstrate
the team’s ability to
manage the
Investments listed in
the application

• Identify the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of the project
manager responsible for implementing the Investments proposed in the
Investment Justification
• Identify other operational roles and subject matter expertise necessary
for managing the proposed Investments in the Investment Justification,
including the responsibilities associated with each role
• Describe operational roles and responsibilities specific to the successful
implementation of the Investments proposed in the Investment
• Describe how the subject matter expertise will be used in the
implementation of the Investment
• Subject matter expertise may include:
o Homeland security related subject matters (e.g., biohazard, search
and rescue, specialized training)
o Administrative functions necessary for implementing the Investment
Justification (e.g., accounting, procurement)
• The response should serve as supporting material for question III.C. of
the Investment and should not be a description of the organizational
structure of the homeland security agency
• If the management team differs for each Investment, the differences
(e.g., roles, responsibilities, governance structure, subject matter
expertise, etc.) should be outlined in question III.C. of the Investment

Individual Investment Questions
Individual Investment questions provide information regarding each Investment. There are 11 individual Investment
questions, in addition to the Investment Heading. In order for an Investment to be considered complete, all questions,
including the Investment Heading, must be addressed.


B. Baseline

Scoring Criteria

I.A. Baseline – Previous SHSP Tribal
Request Name and Funding: If the
Investment was included in a previous
SHSP Tribal request, please provide the
name of the Investment and the total
amount of SHSP Tribal funding that was
dedicated to this Investment, if any.
I.B. Baseline – Purpose Statement:
Describe, at a high-level, what activities will
be implemented and what will be
accomplished by this Investment. (1,000
char. max)

• The information provided is not
scored as an individual section;
however, it is considered in the
Comprehensive Investment Score
and should establish the
Investment’s background and
progress made to date



If this Investment was included in the FY 2008
SHSP Tribal Investment Justification
submission, provide the Investment name
from the FY 2008 request and the total
amount of FY 2008 SHSP Tribal funding used
(not requested)


Identify the goals of the Investment
Identify, at a high-level, the key activities
required to successfully implement the
Identify why the project is a necessary
Investment for your Tribe


All Investment Types (new and ongoing):
• Describe the current state (baseline or starting
point) of the Investment at the beginning of the
FY 2009 SHSP Tribal period of performance
• Discuss Investment objectives expected to be
accomplished over the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
period of performance
• Identify the capability gap(s) that this
Investment is intended to address
Ongoing Investment: Include accomplishments
to date, such as:
• Major milestones, purchases, training
activities, or other implementation steps that
have been or will be started and/or completed
before the application of FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
New Investment: If the proposed Investment is
new, please indicate that there are no
accomplishments to date

I.C. Baseline – Description: Provide a
description of the current state of this
Investment, its objectives, and any
outcomes that will be completed prior to
the application of FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
funds. Include in this description whether
this is a new or ongoing Investment.
Describe the capability gap(s) that this
Investment is intended to address. (1,500
char. max)


C. Strategy

Scoring Criteria

II.A. Strategy – Homeland Security
Plans: Explain how this Investment
supports homeland security plans, such as
the State Preparedness Report. (Part of
overall Investment 15,000 char. max)

• Response provides linkage
between the Investment and
homeland security plans
• Response demonstrates how the
Investment will contribute to
reaching any homeland security
plan targets


II.B. Strategy – Target Capabilities:
Provide one primary and up to four
secondary Target Capabilities that this
Investment supports. For the primary
Target Capability selected, provide an
explanation of how it is supported by this
Investment. (500 char. max)

• Response provides linkage
between the Investment and the
selected primary Target Capability
• Response demonstrates how the
Investment will support the
selected primary Target Capability



II.C. Strategy – National Priorities:
Identify the National Priority(ies) that this
Investment supports; up to four may be

• The information provided is not
scored as an individual section,
however, it is considered in the
Comprehensive Investment Score


Reference relevant initiatives in homeland
security plans
Describe how the Investment contributes to
achieving identified targets
Directly link the Investment and homeland
security plan targets discussed
If used, identify specific, related page numbers
from the State Preparedness Report (SPR)
NOTE: The SPR will only be used during the
review process to provide context for the
Investment and will not be scored
The primary Target Capability should be the
Target Capability that is most significantly and
directly supported by the Investment
Secondary Target Capabilities should include
Target Capabilities that are directly supported
by the Investment, but to a lesser extent than
the primary Target Capability
Target Capabilities selected should be
relevant to the capability gap(s) described in
Question I.C
o The score for this question is not
dependent upon the number of Target
Capabilities identified, although responses
should be comprehensive for the
The Investment should directly support the
National Priorities provided
For a list of the current Target Capabilities and
National Priorities, refer to Appendix C of this

D. Implementation

Scoring Criteria

III.A. Funding Plan: Provide the total
estimated cost to implement this
Investment during the three year, FY 2009
SHSP Tribal period of performance by
completing the following table:
• For each solution area that has an
associated FY 2009 SHSP Tribal cost,
provide a brief summary of the planned
expenditures (including personnel)
• If this Investment includes optional cost
sharing funds, provide the cash or inkind funding amounts in the
appropriate section of the funding table
and describe how those funds will be
• Other sources of funding should be
identified and described appropriately
(1,500 char. max per solution area)

• Response references the appropriate
activities, services, or products for
the solution area
• Response describes how the
estimated SHSP Tribal costs will be
used specifically towards this
• The optional cash and in-kind cost
sharing funds identified are
considered in the effectiveness



Building a House
Total Estimated Equipment Cost: $150,000 from X funding source
For the purpose of this Investment, our planned expenditures will include the purchase
of lumber, insulation, construction tools, roofing and plumbing materials, concrete, and
windows. Estimated personnel expenses for procuring the equipment have been
included in the estimated equipment cost. Purchasing this equipment will be critical to
achieving the primary objective of building the house. Full funding for the equipment is
expected to come entirely from X funding, as no other funding sources are available.


Provide the total estimated cost for the
Personnel costs should be included as a part
of the estimated cost for a particular solution
Describe the planned expenditures, including
products, services, and activities
Planned expenditures should be appropriate
for the solution area and grant program in
which they are described; however, the list of
planned expenditures does not need to be
Describe in the solution area summaries how
the funding will be used
NOTE: Character limits have been increased
for FY 2009; consequently, applicants should
provide more details around POETE funds
NOTE: At least 25 percent of FY 2009 SHSP
Tribal funding across all Investments must be
collectively allocated to the Strengthening
Preparedness Planning Priority through
planning, training and exercise activities


Scoring Criteria

III.B. Accomplishments: Identify up to five
accomplishments that will be achieved
within the three year, FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
period of performance. For each
• Identify the planned end date for when
the accomplishment will occur
• Identify at least one milestone that will
indicate the Investment is progressing
towards the accomplishment
• Identify at least one challenge that may
impede the achievement of the
accomplishment within the period of
(1,000 char. max per solution area)

• Each response provides a clear
description of the Investment’s
• Milestones collectively present a
clear sequence of events that will
lead to the associated
• Challenges should describe potential
barriers to both the successful
implementation of the proposed
Investment and the completion of the
associated accomplishments within
the FY 2009 SHSP Tribal period of


Building a House
Accomplishment 1:
• The foundation of the house will be laid by 4/15/09
Milestones for Accomplishment 1:
• Develop project management plan (3/01/09 – 3/08/09)
• Obtain permits and necessary inspections for each task area (3/01/09 – 3/08/09)
• Hire contractors/labor for each major task area (3/01/09 – 3/15/09)
• Buy materials for each specific task area (3/15/09 – 3/30/09)
• Perform work based on schedule developed in the project management plan
(3/30/09 – 7/1/09)
Challenges for Accomplishment 1:
• Permits and necessary inspections may take longer to acquire
• Inclement weather could delay laying foundation
• Inclement weather in other parts of the country could affect the ability to acquire
lumber or other supplies, delaying completion dates



Planned accomplishments should show
progress toward the overall objective of the
Milestones should illustrate a sequence of
events that incrementally build up to the
identified accomplishments
Identify the planned end date for when each
accomplishment will occur
Identify at least two accomplishments
Identify at least one milestone and at least one
challenge for each accomplishment
NOTE: All accomplishments, milestones, and
challenges should be specific to this
Investment, and should be relevant within the
FY 2009 SHSP Tribal award period of
NOTE: The score for this question is not
dependent upon the number of
accomplishments, milestones, and challenges
listed; however, responses must provide clear
descriptions and sufficient detail


Scoring Criteria

III.C. Challenge Mitigation: Explain how
the management team described in the
Overall section will mitigate challenges and
ensure that the expected accomplishments
and milestones for this Investment will be
achieved within the three year, FY 2009
SHSP Tribal period of performance. (Part
of overall Investment 15,000 char. max)

• Response describes how the
management team will mitigate
challenges to meet milestones in
order to achieve the
accomplishments for the proposed


Building a House
Our management team includes a procurement expert with extensive experience in
overseeing construction quality and managing any delays in the delivery of materials
and equipment. The project manager has overseen 40 housing construction projects
over the past two years. For this reason, the project manager is qualified to lead the
development of detailed project plans that account for inclement weather or
acquisition delays, and to ensure completion of the project on time and within budget.
The site manager and his team will meet with city officials and inspectors on a weekly
basis to ensure that applications for permits and inspection schedules do not delay


Identify a mitigation strategy for each
challenge listed, describing how challenges
will be addressed and overcome
If the management team differs from that
identified in the Overall Investment
Justification section, outline the differences in
this response

E. Impact

Scoring Criteria


IV.A. Impact on Identified Risk: Describe
how achieving this Investment’s
accomplishments will reduce your identified
risk as described in the Overall Investment
Justification question. (Part of overall
Investment 15,000 char. max)

• Response describes how the
accomplishments will reduce risks
outlined in the Overall Investment
Justification question

IV.B. Sustainability: Describe the longterm approach to sustaining the capabilities
created or enhanced by this Investment, or
explain why this Investment will not be
sustained. (Part of overall Investment
15,000 char. max)

• Response describes how the
capabilities developed by this
Investment will be
maintained/sustained beyond the
three year FY 2009 SHSP Tribal
period of performance,
• Response describes why the
Investment will not be
maintained/sustained long-term





Response should reference accomplishments
provided in Question III.B
Describe the linkage between the risks
identified in the Overall Investment
Justification question and the
accomplishments identified in this Investment

Describe plans for maintaining the capabilities
developed by the Investment, including:
o Any additional sources of funding to be
used, if necessary
o Future plans for sustaining the Investment,
if any
Describe how the Investment will continue to
fill capability gaps beyond the FY 2009 SHSP
Tribal period of performance
For sustainment Investments, describe how
successful maintenance of the capabilities has
been achieved to date and provide plans
indicating how capabilities will be sustained in
the long-term


For FY 2009, the method for calculating an Investment Justification’s anticipated
effectiveness score will generally remain the same as the method used in FY 2008. An
illustration of how the FY 2009 anticipated effectiveness score is calculated has been
provided below. Please note that the weights have been adjusted to reinforce new
priority areas.

FY 2009 Anticipated Effectiveness Calculation
Effectiveness Score
(100 Points)
Cost Sharing
(where applicable)
(20 Points)


Overall Investment
(80 Points)

Investment Score

Investment Score
(20 Points)


Funding Plan

Categories Score
(80 Points)

Challenge Mitigation


The Investment Categories Score and its individual components are represented by
the blue boxes. The weightings applied to the questions were determined by DHS.
The Comprehensive Investment Score, represented by the yellow box, assesses how
well the individual responses collectively demonstrate the applicant’s vision (addressed
by the Baseline and Strategy sections, and the Impact question) and the applicant’s


ability to execute the proposed Investment (addressed by the Implementation section
and the Sustainability question).
The combination of the Investment Categories and Comprehensive Investment Scores
comprise the Individual Investment Score, represented by the light green box. All
Individual Investment Scores are used to produce one Overall Investment Score.
Finally, a Portfolio Score, represented by the orange box, will be given to the
Investment Justification submission as a whole. This score assesses how well the
applicant’s Investments collectively support homeland security plans, avoid duplication
of efforts, and work towards reducing the applicant’s risk as outlined in the Overall
Investment Justification question.
The sum of the Overall Investment Score and Portfolio Management Score make up the
Anticipated Effectiveness Score, represented by the dark green box. Additionally,
applicants that identify optional cash and /or in-kind cost sharing funds may receive up
to a 5 point bonus to their effectiveness score.




The end product or result of using Investment resources


An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, will have
a potentially negative impact on the ability of an
Investment to achieve its planned accomplishments
The three-year (36-month) period of grant
implementation, beginning at the time of the grant award

FY 2009 SHSP Period
of Performance
Governance Structure

The organizational configuration that will manage the


The (positive) effect that an Investment has on the
population and geographic area(s)


The targeted use of FY 2009 SHSP Tribal funding, at the
operational level, towards the achievement of one or
more Initiatives that support the development of National
Priorities and Target Capabilities


The grant application used by Tribes to request SHSP
Tribal funding. For FY 2009, Tribes may include up to 3
Investments as part of their Investment Justification. The
collective Investments within an Investment Justification
should demonstrate an applicant’s ability to meet
strategic goals and objectives aligned to the National
Priorities and Target Capabilities


A significant point or event in the Investment that leads to
achieving an accomplishment

Planned Expenditures

The products, services, and/or activities on which funding
will be spent

Portfolio Management

The centralized management of one or more
Investments, which includes identifying, prioritizing,
authorizing, managing, and controlling the Investments to
achieve specific strategic homeland security objectives


A defined function to be performed by a project team
member, such as coordinator, manager, operator, or



Citizen Corps Program
Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk
Grant Programs Directorate
Grants Reporting Tool
Homeland Security Grant Program
Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program
Management and Administration
Metropolitan Medical Response System
Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and
State Administrative Agency
State Homeland Security Program
Target Capabilities List
Urban Areas Security Initiative



Target Capabilities
Common Capabilities

Respond Mission Capabilities

Community Preparedness and Participation
Risk Management
Intelligence and Information Sharing and Dissemination

Prevent Mission Capabilities
Information Gathering and Recognition of Indicators
and Warnings
Intelligence Analysis and Production
Counter-Terror Investigation and Law Enforcement
CBRNE Detection

Protect Mission Capabilities
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Food and Agriculture Safety and Defense
Epidemiological Surveillance and Investigation
Laboratory Testing

On-Site Incident Management
Emergency Operations Center Management
Critical Resource Logistics and Distribution
Volunteer Management and Donations
Responder Safety and Health
Emergency Public Safety and Security
Animal Disease Emergency Support
Environmental Health
Explosive Device Response Operations
Fire Incident Response Support
WMD and Hazardous Materials
Response and Decontamination
Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place
Isolation and Quarantine
Search and Rescue (Land-Based)
Emergency Public Information and Warning
Emergency Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment
Medical Surge
Medical Supplies Management and
Mass Prophylaxis
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related
Fatality Management

Recover Mission Capabilities
Structural Damage Assessment
Restoration of Lifelines
Economic and Community Recovery

National Priorities
• Expand regional collaboration
• Implement the National Incident Management System and the National Response Plan
• Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan
• Strengthen information sharing and collaboration capabilities
• Strengthen communications capabilities
• Strengthen CBRNE detection, response, and decontamination capabilities
• Strengthen medical surge and mass prophylaxis capabilities
• Strengthen planning and citizen preparedness capabilities


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - FY 2009 SHSP Tribal Investment Justification Reference Guide.doc
File Modified2008-11-05
File Created2008-11-05

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