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pdfEconomic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Please respond to the fol... Page 1 of 4
Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants
Please respond to the following questions to assist the Federal Housing
Finance Agency in identifying the nation's unmet economic development
credit needs. Your responses are important to us. The Federal Housing
Finance Agency is administering this voluntary survey. Your responses will
be anonymous and will only be associated with the type of your
organization. Your responses will also be provided to the Federal Home
Loan Bank (FHLBank) as written (i.e., unedited) to facilitate the open-forum
This survey should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Thank
you very much for taking part in this survey.
OMB No. 2590-XXXX, Exp. Date: MM/DD/2010.
Please check the federal, state, or local economic development
funding programs that your organization participates in? (select all that
Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) Program
Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Community
Development Initiatives
U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)
State/local economic development authorities
Other (please specify):
What are the biggest economic problems your market has faced in the
past 2 years? (please select only your top three)
Decline of a major industry (e.g. auto) - If selected, please
identify the major industry in the "other" field below.
Decline in sources of funds
Decline in private sources of funds
Decline in Federal sources of funds
Decline in state sources of funds
Decline in local sources of funds
Decline in business credit demand
Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Please respond to the fol... Page 2 of 4
General decline in small business activity
High unemployment
Lack of public infrastructure to support development
Lack of local government concessions (e.g., tax abatements)
More restrictive credit requirements
Other (please specify):
Rank the following purposes of business credit for which there is an
unmet demand in your market. (1 = Most Important, 4 = Least
Permanent Working Capital
Premises/Real Estate
What is currently the most difficult portion of an economic
development funding package for your organization to obtain?
Loan from private lender
Guarantees/credit enhancements
Gap financing
Other (please specify):
Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that
you think will be creating demand for long-term financing (maturities of
5 years or more) in your market area in the next five years (e.g.,
evolving industries, small businesses, relocation packages for regional
or national business headquarters, local government expansion).
What types of economic development initiatives have been successful
in your organization's service area; for example, initiatives that have
Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Please respond to the fol... Page 3 of 4
created jobs, provided new public services, or revitalized a specific
geographical area?
Are you familiar with the FHLBank's targeted economic development
funding program?
Never heard of the program.
Yes, but have not obtained funding through it.
Yes, have worked with an FHLBank member to obtain funding.
If your organization has obtained funding from a member using a
FHLBank's targeted economic development program, what are the
features of the FHLBank's program that you are most satisfied
with? (1 = Very Satisfied, 5 = Least Satisfied)
Additional Comments:
Additional Comments:
Targeting of purpose
Additional Comments:
Eligible ways to use funds for targeted purposes
Additional Comments:
Other (please specify the "other" in the additional comments box
Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Please respond to the fol... Page 4 of 4
Additional Comments:
What economic development needs (e.g., types of industries,
geographic areas, or other) do you think should be targeted for
FHLBank economic development funding?
10 Does your institution have small business, small farm, or agribusiness
and other community development loans/assets to use as collateral
for economic development advances from the FHLBank?
11 Please identify your organization type from the drop down list below.
#11 Drop down list
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 1 of 6
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of
Pittsburgh Participants
Please respond to the following questions to assist the Federal Housing
Finance Agency in identifying the nation's unmet economic development
credit needs. Your responses are important to us. The Federal Housing
Finance Agency is administering this voluntary survey. Your responses will
be anonymous and will only be associated with the type of your
organization. Your responses will also be provided to the Federal Home
Loan Bank (FHLBank) as written (i.e., unedited) to facilitate the open-forum
This survey should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Thank
you very much for taking part in this survey.
OMB No. 2590-XXXX, Exp. Date: MM/DD/2010
Is your institution a/an?
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (housing)
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (business)
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (both:
housing & business)
Credit union (Regulated by NCUA)
Commercial bank (regulated by OCC, the Federal Reserve, or
the FDIC)
Housing associate (state or local housing finance or economic
development finance authority)
Insurance company
Savings association (regulated by OTS)
Please check the federal, state or local economic development
funding programs that your institution participates in. (select all that
Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) Program
Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Community
Development Initiatives
U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)
State/local economic development authorities
Other (please specify):
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 2 of 6
What are the biggest economic problems your market has faced in the
past 2 years? (please select only your top three)
Decline of a major industry (e.g. auto) - If selected, please
identify the major industry in the "other" field below.
Decline in sources of funds
Decline in private sources of funds
Decline in Federal sources of funds
Decline in state sources of funds
Decline in local sources of funds
Decline in business credit demand
General decline in small business activity
High unemployment
Lack of public infrastructure to support development
Lack of local government concessions (e.g., tax abatements)
More restrictive credit requirements
Other (please specify):
Rank the following purposes of business credit for which there is an
unmet demand in your market. (1 = Most Important, 4 = Least
Permanent Working Capital
Premises/Real Estate
What are the most difficult portions of an economic development
funding package for the borrower to come up with? (please rank using
1 = Most difficult, 3 = Least difficult)
Equity Loan from private lender
Gap financing
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 3 of 6
Guarantees/credit enhancements
What do you view as the biggest hurdle to borrowers trying to qualify
for economic development financing at your institution?
Borrower's weak financial position
Cost (interest rates, fees, short amortization) of private loan
Subordination of loans
Lack of collateral
Lack of private credit
Lack of public credit
Other (please specify):
Does your institution provide any of the following financing products
for economic development projects? (select all that apply)
Gap Financing
Letters of Credit
Does Not Provide Economic Development Financing
Other (please specify):
What is the annual volume (number of loans and dollar amount of
loans) of economic development lending done by your institution?
Number of
Dollar Amount of
Does your institution offer loans or other credit products for the
following types of activities? (select all that apply)
CDFI Intermediaries
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 4 of 6
Small Businesses (as defined by SBA or less than 100
Medium Sized Businesses (100-499 employees)
Large Sized Businesses (500 or more employees)
Social Services
Other (please specify):
10 If yes to question 9, what are the loan maturities? (select all that
1 year or shorter
From 1 to 5 years
From 5 to 10 years
From 10 to 20 years
Longer than 20 years
11 Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that
you think will be creating demand for long-term financing (maturities of
5 years or more) in your market area in the next five years (e.g.,
evolving industries, small businesses, relocation packages for regional
or national business headquarters, local government expansion).
12 What types of economic development initiatives have been successful
in your institution's service area; for example, initiatives that have
created jobs, provided new public services, or revitalized a specific
geographical area?
13 When was the last time that your institution applied for or obtained a
targeted economic development advance, grant or letter of credit from
an FHLBank?
Never applied for an advance, grant, or letter of credit
Within the last year
Within the last 3 years
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 5 of 6
Within the last 5 years
Within the last 10 years
14 How many FHLBank targeted economic development advances were
you approved for within the last five years?
Never applied for targeted economic development advances
Less than 5 advances
5 advances to less than 10 advances
10 advances to less than 20 advances
20 or more advances
15 Is there a feature of the FHLBank's targeted economic development
advances program that deters your institution from obtaining these
advances to fund your economic development and small business
credit activities?
Regulation is too confusing
Targeting requirements for use of advances doesn't target the
economic development needs in my service area
Not inclined to use housing assets as collateral for economic
development loans
Don't have sufficient housing assets to collateralize economic
development advances
Other (please specify):
16 What economic development needs (e.g., types of industries,
geographic areas, or other) do you think should be targeted for the
use of FHLBank economic development funding?
17 In your opinion, what would be the characteristics of successful
targeted economic development advances from your FHLBank, that
your institution would be willing and able to access regularly to
support economic development and business financing in your market
FHLBank Member Economic Development Survey for FHLBank of Pittsburgh Participants Pleas... Page 6 of 6
18 Does your institution qualify as a community financial institution (CFI)
(i.e., assets at or below $1.01 billion?
19 If your institution is a CFI, does your institution have small business,
small farm, agribusiness and other community development
loans/assets to use as collateral for economic development advances
from the FHLBank?
20 Please provide your total assets as of 12/31/09.
(For October Open‐Forum Discussion)
What type of organizations do your association represent? (check all that apply)
Economic development
Social services or facilities
Public/government‐related services or facilities
Owner‐occupied development/preservation
Rental development/preservation
Public/private partnership
Are your members primarily
Both not‐for‐profit and for‐profit
Do your members rely primarily on funding for economic development from
Government sources
Private sources
Do your members primarily focus on
Revitalizing declining areas
Businesses in newly developing areas
Sustaining existing communities
Do your members primarily use economic development financing for
small businesses (SBA defined)
expansion of medium businesses
relocations of large businesses from other areas
farms and agribusinesses
What are the uses of and need for economic development funding by your members? Please rank
from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important)
What federal, state or local economic development programs or sources of funding are most
important to your member organizations for funding economic development activities?
Please list the three most useful attributes of these government‐related programs for your
members (e.g., no restriction on working capital, fixed interest rate, etc)
Please list the three most difficult requirements of these government‐related programs for
your members (e.g., equity requirements too high, collateral requirements, subordination
requirements, minimum loan amounts too high).
What private economic development programs or sources of funding are most important to your
member organizations for funding economic development?
Please list the three most useful attributes of these private programs for your members (e.g.,
no restriction on working capital, fixed interest rate, etc)
Please list the three most difficult requirements of these private programs for your members
(e.g., equity requirements too high, limited availability, subordination requirements).
What is the biggest economic problem your members have faced in the past 2 years?
Decline of a major industry (e.g., auto)
Decline in sources of funds
Private sources
Government sources
More restrictive credit requirements
Lack of public infrastructure to support development
Lack of local government concessions (e.g., tax abatements)
What do you view as the most important industries for economic development funding (please rank
from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important)
a. Commercial
b. Industrial
c. Manufacturing
d. Farming/agribusiness
e. Social Services
f. Public facility projects and activities
g. Public or private infrastructure projects such as roads, utilities and sewers
Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that will require long‐term financing,
create jobs and spur economic growth (e.g., hospitals, fire companies, energy and/or
telecommunications industries):
What types of economic development initiatives have been successful in your organization’s service
area, for example, initiatives that have created jobs in certain industries (green jobs, energy),
provided for social services (parks, day care centers), and/or located in a specific geographical area
(unemployment, population loss census tracts, or empowerment zone etc.)
Is your organization familiar with the Federal Home Loan Banks?
Is your organization familiar with the economic development lending programs of the Federal Home
Loan Banks for advancing funds to banks and thrifts to lend to businesses and organizations for
economic development activities?
Does your organization have a working relationship with one or more Federal Home Loan Banks on
behalf of your members?
Has your organization discussed issues or problems with the FHLBanks regarding economic
development activities? If so, what were the issues/problems?
(For October Open‐Forum Discussion)
1) What is currently the most difficult portion of an economic development funding
package for the borrower to come up with? (select one response)
Loan from private lender
Guarantees/credit enhancements
Gap financing
2) What do you view as the biggest hurdle to obtaining economic development
financing? (select one response)
Cost (interest rates, fees, short amortization) of private loan
Lack of private credit
Lack of public credit
3) What would be useful attributes of private economic development funding that would
complement your agency’s programs? (check all that apply)
Long‐term funding
Short‐term/bridge funding
Fixed‐rate funding
Funding for premises
Funding for equipment
Funding for permanent working capital
Guarantees/Credit enhancements
Small loans
4) What do you see as the more critical needs for economic development? (check all
that apply)
Rural Areas
Urban Areas
Particular states or regions of the country (please specify)
Small businesses
Expansion of medium businesses
Redevelopment of declining areas
Development of new areas
Sustaining existing communities
Development of new industries (e.g., “green” products and services) to replace declining
Micro and small business incubation
5) What do you view as the most important industries for economic development
funding (please rank from 1 = most important to 7 = least important)
Social Services
Public facility projects and activities
Public or private infrastructure projects such as roads, utilities and sewers
6) Does your agency primarily focus on? (please rank 1 = most important, 2 = very
important, 3 = important)
Revitalizing declining areas
Businesses in newly developing areas
Sustaining existing communities
7) Does your agency primarily use economic development financing for? (please rank 1=
most important, 2 = very important, 3 = important, 4 = somewhat important)
Small businesses (SBA defined)
Expansion of medium businesses
Relocations of large businesses from other areas
Farms and agribusinesses
8) Please check the purposes of business credit for which there is unmet demand in your market.
(Please rank from 1 = most important to 5 = somewhat Important?
Permanent Working Capital
Other(please specify)
9) Do you restrict funding for any of these purposes?
• No
• Yes (please specify)
10) What do you think are the three most useful attributes of your program for borrowers
(e.g., no restriction on working capital, fixed interest rate, etc.)? (Comment Box)
11) What do you think are the three most difficult requirements of your program for
borrowers to meet (e.g., equity requirements, collateral requirements, subordination
requirements, minimum loan amounts)? (Comment Box)
12) What is the biggest economic problem your market has faced in the past two years?
(please select only your top three)
Decline of a major industry (e.g., auto) – If selected, please identify the major industry in the
“other” field below.
Decline in Private sources
Decline in Government sources
More restrictive credit requirements
General decline in small business activity
High unemployment
Lack of public infrastructure to support development
Lack of local government concessions (e.g., tax abatements)
Other (please specify):
13) What do you view as the most important industries for economic development funding?
(please rank from 1 = most important to 7 = least important)
Social Services
Public facility projects and activities
Public or private infrastructure projects such as roads, utilities and sewers
14) Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that will require long‐term
financing, create jobs and spur economic growth (e.g., hospitals, fire companies, energy
and/or telecommunications industries): (Comment Box)
15) What types of economic development initiatives have been successful in your
organization’s service area, for example, initiatives that have created jobs in certain
industries (green jobs, energy), provided for social services (parks, day care centers), and/or
located in a specific geographical area (unemployment, population loss census tracts, or
empowerment zone etc.) (Comment Box)
16) Are you familiar with the FHLBanks’ targeted economic development programs which
advances funds to banks and thrifts to lend to businesses and organizations for economic
development activities? (Select one response)
Never heard of the program
We regularly partner with FHLBank member lenders
Member lender regularly uses FHLBank economic development programs
Do not know if this funding is provided through special FHLBank economic development
17) Which type of financial assistance from the Federal Home Loan Banks might be of
potentially greatest use to the grantees/borrowers/beneficiaries of your
agency/department? (Please rank from 1 = highest to 4 = lowest).
Letter of Credit
18) How could the FHLBanks programs used for economic development be improved? Please
consider use of funding for targeted economic development programs. (Comment Box)
Questions for Economists — (For October Open‐Forum Discussion)
If you were to construct an Economic Development (ED) funding program what aspects would you
emphasize and/or what areas would you target? List 3 aspects or areas.
What role can the FHLBanks play in economic development funding?
What programs are you aware of that could benefit from new or increased economic development
Rank order this list by importance or need for ED funding:
a. Commercial
b. Industrial
c. Manufacturing
d. Social Services
e. Public facility projects and activities
f. Public or private infrastructure projects such as roads, utilities and sewers
Is the order dependent on geography or some other characteristic? Describe.
Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that will require long‐term financing,
create jobs and spur economic growth (e.g., hospitals, fire companies, energy and/or
telecommunications industries):
What types of economic development initiatives have been successful in your organization’s service
area, for example, initiatives that have created jobs in certain industries (green jobs, energy),
provided for social services (parks, day care centers), and/or located in a specific geographical area
(unemployment, population loss census tracts, or empowerment zone etc.)
Is the FHLBank model for private funding for bank and thrift lending for housing an appropriate
model for private funding for bank and thrift lending for economic development and small
What potential impact can a well designed FHLBank system economic development funding program
have on the development or revitalization of a local community?
g. Very positive
h. Somewhat positive
i. Neutral (no impact)
j. Somewhat negative
k. Very negative
Please provide additional explanation if desired:
Survey Questions for FHLBank Member Lenders — (For October Open‐Forum Discussion)
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
1. * Is your institution a/an?
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (housing)
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (business)
Certified Community Development Financial Institution (both: housing & business)
Credit union
Commercial bank (regulated by OCC, the Federal Reserve or the FDIC)
Housing associate (state or local housing finance or economic development finance authority)
Insurance company
Savings association (regulated by OTS)
2. * Please check the federal, state or local economic development funding programs that your
institution participates in. (check all that apply)
Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) Program
Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Community Development Initiatives
U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)
State/local economic development authorities
Other (please specify):
3. * What is the biggest economic problem your market has faced in the past 2 years? (please select
only your top three)
Decline of a major industry (e.g., auto) – If selected, please identify the major industry in the
“other” field below.
Decline in sources of funds
Decline in private sources of funds
Decline in Federal sources of funds
Decline in state sources of funds
Decline in local sources of funds
Decline in business credit demand
General decline in small business activity
High unemployment
Lack of public infrastructure to support development
Lack of local government concessions (e.g., tax abatements)
More restrictive credit requirements
Other (please specify):
4. * Rank the following purposes of business credit for which there is an unmet demand in your
market (1 = most important, 4 = least important).
Permanent Working Capital
Premises/Real estate
5. * What is currently the most difficult portion of an economic development funding package for
the borrower to come up with? (1 = Most difficult, 3 = Least difficult)
Equity Loan from private lender
Gap financing
Guarantees/credit enhancements
6. * What do you view as the biggest hurdle to borrowers trying to qualify for economic
development financing from your institution?
Borrower’s weak financial position
Cost (interest rates, fees, short amortization) of private loan
Subordination of loans
Lack of collateral
Lack of private credit
Lack of public credit
Other (please specify):
7. * Does your institution provide any of the following financing products for economic
development projects (select all that apply)
Gap Financing
Letters of Credit
Does Not Provide Economic Development Financing
Other (please specify):
8. What is the annual volume (number of loans and dollar amount of loans) of economic
development lending done by your institution?
Number of Economic Development Loan:
Dollar Amount of Economic Development Loans:
9. * Does your institution offer loans or other credit products for the following types of activities
(select all that apply)
CDFI Intermediaries
Small Businesses (as defined by SBA or less than 100 employees)
Medium Sized Businesses (100‐499 employees)
Large Sized Businesses (500 or more employees)
Social Services
Other (please specify):
10. * If yes to Question 9, what are the loan maturities? (select all that apply)
1 year or shorter
From 1 to 5 Years
From 5 to 10 years
From 10 to 20 years
Longer than 20 Years
11. * Please describe the types of economic development initiatives that you think will be creating
demand for long‐term financing (maturities of 5 years or more) in your market area in the next
five years (e.g., evolving industries, small businesses, relocation packages for regional or national
business headquarters, local government expansion).
12. * What types of economic development initiatives have been successful in your institution’s
service area; for example, initiatives that have created jobs, provided new public services, or
revitalized a specific geographical area?.
13. * When was the last time that your institution applied for or obtained a targeted economic
development advance, grant or letter of credit from an FHLBank?
Never applied for an advance, grant, or letter of credit
Within the last year
Within the last 3 years
Within the last 5 years
Within the last 10 years
14. * How many FHLBank targeted economic development advanceswere you approved for within
the last five years?
Never applied for a targeted economic development advances
Less than 5 advances
5 advances to less than 10 advances
10 advances to less than 20 advances
20 or more advances
15. * Is there a feature of the FHLBank’s targeted economic development advances program that
deters your institution from obtaining these advances to fund your economic development and
small business credit activities?
Regulation is too confusing
Targeting requirements for use of advances doesn’t target the economic development needs in
my service area
Not inclined to use housing assets as collateral for economic development loans
Don’t have sufficient housing assets to collateralize economic development advances
Other (please specify):
16. * What economic development needs (e.g., types of industries, geographic areas, or other) do
you think should be targeted for the use of FHLBank economic development funding?
17. * In your opinion, what would be the characteristics of successful targeted economic
development advances from your FHLBank, that your institution would be willing and able to
access regularly to support economic development and business financing in your market area?
18. * Does your institution qualify as a community financial institution (CFI) (i.e., assets at or below
$1.01 billion? Yes________ No__________
19. * If your institution is a CFI, does your institution have small business, small farm, agribusiness or
other community development loans/assets to use as collateral for economic development
advances from the FHLBank? Yes________ No__________
20. Please provide your total assets as of 12/31/09.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | |
Author | millerc |
File Modified | 2010-08-18 |
File Created | 2010-08-18 |