HUD 96010 Logic Model

Section 3 Program Implementation and Coordination Grant


Section 3 Grant Application

OMB: 2529-0050

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Sheet 1: Instructions

Sheet 2: Year1

eLogic Model®
HUD Program: ICDBG
Project Location:
US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Applicant Legal Name:

Project Location State:
OMB Approval 2535-0114 exp. 02/28/2011

Component Name:

Fiscal Year: 2009_Recovery Year 1

Project Name:

Reporting Period: Reporting Period: Leave this field blank during the application process. If you get an award, select the reporting period from the dropdown list.

Project Type:

Reporting Start Date: Reporting Start Date: Leave this field blank during the application process. If you get an award, when reporting, enter the start date of your reporting period.

Construction Type:

Reporting End Date: Reporting End Date: Leave this field blank during the application process. If you get an award, when reporting, enter the end date of your reporting period.

HUD Goals Policy Priority Problem, Need, Situation Services or Activities/Outputs Measure Outcome Measure Evaluation Tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Policy Planning Programming Pre Post YTD Impact Pre Post YTD Accountability


A. Tools for Measurement




B. Where Data Maintained




C. Source of Data




D. Frequency of Collection




E. Processing of Data
































































































Sheet 3: Year2

eLogic Model®
HUD Program: ICDBG
Project Location: 0 US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Applicant Legal Name: 0
Project Location State: 0 OMB Approval 2535-0114 exp. 02/28/2011

Component Name: 0
Fiscal Year: 2009_Recovery Year 2

Project Name: 0
Reporting Period:

Project Type: 0
Reporting Start Date:

Construction Type: 0
Reporting End Date:
DUNS # 0 ­ 0
HUD Goals Policy Priority Problem, Need, Situation Services or Activities/Outputs Measure Outcome Measure Evaluation Tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Policy Planning Programming Pre Post YTD Impact Pre Post YTD Accountability


A. Tools for Measurement




B. Where Data Maintained




C. Source of Data




D. Frequency of Collection




E. Processing of Data
































































































Sheet 4: Year3

eLogic Model®
HUD Program: ICDBG
Project Location: 0 US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Applicant Legal Name: 0
Project Location State: 0 OMB Approval 2535-0114 exp. 02/28/2011

Component Name: 0
Fiscal Year: 2009_Recovery Year 3

Project Name: 0
Reporting Period:

Project Type: 0
Reporting Start Date:

Construction Type: 0
Reporting End Date:
DUNS # 0 ­ 0
HUD Goals Policy Priority Problem, Need, Situation Services or Activities/Outputs Measure Outcome Measure Evaluation Tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Policy Planning Programming Pre Post YTD Impact Pre Post YTD Accountability


A. Tools for Measurement




B. Where Data Maintained




C. Source of Data




D. Frequency of Collection




E. Processing of Data
































































































Sheet 5: Total

eLogic Model®
HUD Program: ICDBG
Project Location: 0 US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Applicant Legal Name: 0
Project Location State: 0 OMB Approval 2535-0114 exp. 02/28/2011

Component Name: 0
Fiscal Year: 2009_Recovery Total

Project Name: 0
Reporting Period: Total

Project Type: 0
Reporting Start Date:

Construction Type: 0
Reporting End Date:
DUNS # 0 ­ 0
HUD Goals Policy Priority Problem, Need, Situation Services or Activities/Outputs Measure Outcome Measure Evaluation Tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Policy Planning Programming Pre Post YTD Impact Pre Post YTD Accountability


A. Tools for Measurement




B. Where Data Maintained




C. Source of Data




D. Frequency of Collection




E. Processing of Data
































































































Sheet 6: GoalsPriorities

HUD Goals

HUD Priorities
A1 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(1) Expand national homeownership opportunities.

A1 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(1) Providing Credit Counseling and Education for Families and Individuals.
A2 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(2) Increase minority homeownership.

A2 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(2) Homebuying Information for New Homeowners.
A3 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(3) Make the home-buying process less complicated and less expensive.

A3 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(3) Rental Housing Options.
A4 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(4) Reduce predatory lending through reform, education and enforcement.

A4 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(4) How to File a Discrimination Complaint.
A5 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(5) Help HUD-assisted renters become homeowners.

A5 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(5) Complying with Limited English Proficiency Requirements.
A6 Increase homeownership opportunities.
(6) Keep existing homeowners from losing their homes.

A6 Improve the knowledge of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters to be Aware of Discriminatory practices and their Rights and Increase Financial Literacy to Prevent Foreclosure and to Address the Needs of Households Facing Foreclosure.
(6) Addressing the Needs of Homeowners, Homebuyers and Renters who are Persons with disabilities.
B1 Promote Decent Affordable Housing.
(1) Expand access to and availability of decent, affordable rental housing.

B1 Encouraging Accessible Design Features.
(1) Visitability in new construction and substantial rehabilitation.
B2 Promote Decent Affordable Housing.
(2) Improve the management accountability and physical quality of public and assisted housing.

B2 Encouraging Accessible Design Features.
(2) Universal Design.
B3 Promote Decent Affordable Housing.
(3) Improve housing opportunities for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

C Providing Full and Equal Access to Grassroots Faith-Based and Other Community Organizations in HUD Program Implementation.
B4 Promote Decent Affordable Housing.
(4) Promote housing self-sufficiency.

D Participation of Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) in HUD Programs.
B5 Promote Decent Affordable Housing.
(5) Facilitate more effective delivery of affordable housing by reforming public housing and the Housing Choice Voucher program.

E1 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(1) Creation of affordable housing units, supportive housing, and group homes.
C1 Strengthen Communities.
(1) Assist disaster recovery in the Gulf Coast region.

E2 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(2) Establishment of a set-aside of units of affordable housing for the chronically homeless.
C2 Strengthen Communities.
(2) Enhance sustainability of communities by expanding economic opportunities.

E3 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(3) Establishment of substance abuse treatment programs targeted to the homeless population.
C3 Strengthen Communities.
(3) Foster a suitable living environment in communities by improving physical conditions and quality of life.

E4 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(4) Establishment of job training programs that will provide opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.
C4 Strengthen Communities.
(4) End chronic homelessness and move homeless families and individuals to permanent housing.

E5 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(5) Establishment of counseling programs that assist homeless persons in finding housing, managing finances, managing anger, and building interpersonal relationships.
C5 Strengthen Communities.
(5) Address housing conditions that threaten health.

E6 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(6) Provision of supportive services, such as health care assistance that will permit homeless individuals to become productive members of society.
D1 Ensure Equal Opportunity in Housing.
(1) Ensure access to a fair and effective administrative process to investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination.

E7 Ending Chronic Homelessness.
(7) Provision of service coordinators or one-stop assistance centers that will ensure that chronically homeless persons have access to a variety of social services.
D2 Ensure Equal Opportunity in Housing.
(2) Improve public awareness of rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws.

F Promoting Energy Star and Green Development.
D3 Ensure Equal Opportunity in Housing.
(3) Improve housing accessibility for persons with disabilities.

G Promoting Assistance to Veterans
D4 Ensure Equal Opportunity in Housing.
(4) Ensure that HUD-funded entities comply with fair housing and other civil rights laws.

E1 Embrace High Standards of Ethics, Management, and Accountability.
(1) Strategically manage human capital to increase employee satisfaction and improve HUD performance.

E2 Embrace High Standards of Ethics, Management, and Accountability.
(2) Improve HUD’s management and its internal controls to ensure program compliance and resolve audit issues.

E3 Embrace High Standards of Ethics, Management, and Accountability.
(3) Improve accountability, service delivery, and customer service of HUD and its partners.

E4 Embrace High Standards of Ethics, Management, and Accountability.
(4) Capitalize on modernized technology to improve the delivery of HUD’s core business functions.

F1 Promote Participation of Faith-Based and Other Community Organizations.
(1) Reduce barriers to faith-based and other community organizations' participating in HUD-sponsored programs.

F2 Promote Participation of Faith-Based and Other Community Organizations.
(2) Conduct outreach and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of faith-based and community organizations to attract partners and secure resources.

F3 Promote Participation of Faith-Based and Other Community Organizations.
(3) Encourage partnerships between faith-based and other community organizations and HUD’s grantees and subgrantees.

Sheet 7: Needs

CAMP eLogic Model®
Column 2
Indian Tribes and Alaskan Natives are in need of suitable living environments with decent housing, particularly for people with low to moderate incomes.
Indian Tribes and Alaskan Natives are in need of community infrastructure and facilities to improve the health, safety, and well-being of residents.
Indian Tribes and Alaskan Natives are in need of economic development and job creation activities to foster self-sufficiency.
There are urgent unmet needs that impact upon the health and safety of the Native American and Alaskan Native communities that must be addressed.


Sheet 8: Services

CAMP eLogic Model® Click here to allow deletion of 'New' Activities
Column 3
Economic Development-Facility-Acquisition Square Feet
Economic Development-Facility-New construction Square Feet
Economic Development-Facility-Rehabilitation Square Feet
Economic Development-Land Acquisition Acres
Employment-Jobs Created FTEs
Employment-Jobs Retained FTEs
Employment-Low-income persons employed Persons
Employment-Unemployed persons employed Persons
Housing-Homebuyer Assistance-(Interest rate subsidies, loan guarantees, down payments, closing costs) Grants/Loans
Housing-Housing constructed incorporated Green Development practices/techniques Units
Housing-Housing constructed used Energy Star appliances and products Units
Housing-Housing rehabilitated incorporated Green Development practices/techniques Units
Housing-Housing rehabilitated used Energy Star appliances and products Units
Housing-Housing Rehabilitation-Homeownership Units
Housing-Housing Rehabilitation-Homeownership-Average cost per unit Dollars
Housing-Housing Rehabilitation-Rental Units
Housing-Housing Rehabilitation-Rental-Average cost per unit Dollars
Housing-Land for future housing Acres
Infrastructure-Communications Households
Infrastructure-Gas & Electric Lines/Roads/Water/Sewer Linear Feet
Infrastructure-Land Acquisition Acres
Micro-enterprises-Grants/Loans Grants/Loans
Micro-enterprises-Technical Assistance Persons
New Housing Construction-Homeownership Units
New Housing Construction-Rental Units
Public Facilities-Acquisition (Facilities, health & safety, recreation, community services) Facilities
Public Facilities-Acquisition-Cost per building Dollars
Public Facilities-Acquisition-Square feet Square Feet
Public Facilities-Incorporated Green Development practices/techniques Facilities
Public Facilities-New Construction (Facilities, health & safety, recreation, community services) Facilities
Public Facilities-New Construction-Cost per building Dollars
Public Facilities-New Construction-Square feet Square Feet
Public Facilities-Rehabilitation (Facilities, health & safety, recreation, community services) Facilities
Public Facilities-Rehabilitation-Cost per building Dollars
Public Facilities-Rehabilitation-Square feet Square Feet
Public Facilities-Used Energy Star appliances and products Facilities
Public Services-Persons Persons Assisted
Training-Job Training Persons
other Other

Sheet 9: Outcomes

CAMP eLogic Model® Click here to allow deletion of 'New' Outcomes
Column 5
Criminal Justice-Reduction in drug-related crimes Persons
Economic Development-Facility developed for economic development purposes Jobs created
Employment-Increased income resulting from employment generated by project Persons
Energy-Percent reduction in unitization Percentage
Health-Reduction in health-related hazards Persons
Housing-Buildings Rehabilitated-Incorporated Green Development techniques Buildings
Housing-Buildings Rehabilitated-Used Energy Star appliances and products Units
Housing-Housing Constructed-Incorporated Green Development techniques Buildings
Housing-Housing Constructed-Used Energy Star appliances and products Units
Housing-Increase in available rental housing Units
Housing-Increase in homeownership rates Households
Housing-Reduction in the number of substandard housing units lived in by families Units
Infrastructure-Improved Infrastructure-Units connected to gas, phone or electric lines/roads/water/sewer Units
Micro-enterprises-Residents with skills to create microenterprises/small businesses Persons
Micro-enterprises-Small businesses created-Businesses Businesses
Micro-enterprises-Small businesses created-Jobs Jobs
Self-Sufficiency-Improved quality of life due to employment Persons
Self-Sufficiency-Improved quality of life due to public services Persons
Self-Sufficiency-Improved quality of life due to services provided by the public facility Persons
Self-Sufficiency-Increased economic self-sufficiency of program beneficiaries Persons
other other

Sheet 10: Tools

CAMP eLogic Model®
A. Tools For Measurement
Bank accounts
Construction log
Enforcement log
Financial aid log
Intake log
Mgt. Info. System-automated
Mgt. Info. System-manual
Outcome scale(s)
Phone log
Pre-post tests
Post tests
Program specific form(s)
Recruitment log
Technical assistance log
Time sheets
B. Where Data Maintained
Agency database
Centralized database
Individual case records
Local precinct
Public database
Specialized database
Tax Assessor database
Training center
C. Source of Data
Audit report
Business licenses
Certificate of Occupancy
Code violation reports
Counseling reports
Employment records
Engineering reports
Environmental reports
Escrow accounts
Financial reports
GED certification/diploma
Health records
Inspection results
Lease agreements
Legal documents
Loan monitoring reports
Mortgage documents
Payment vouchers
Permits issued
Progress reports
Sale documents
Site reports
Tax assessments
Testing results
Waiting lists
Work plan reports
D. Frequency of Collection
Upon incident
E. Processing of Data
Computer spreadsheets
Flat file database
Manual tallies
Relational database
Statistical database

Sheet 11: Reporting

Carter-Richmond Methodology

The Management Questions developed for your program are based on the Carter-Richmond Methodology.* A description of the Carter-Richmond Methodology appears in the General Section of the NOFA.

* © The Accountable Agency – How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Public and Private Programs,” Reginald Carter, ISBN Number 9780978724924

Response to Management Questions

Measure Count/Amount
1 How many persons are you serving (unduplicated count)? Persons
2 How many public facilities were constructed? Facilities
3 What is the total square footage of constructed public facilities? Square Footage
4 How many public facilities were rehabilitated? Facilities
5 What is the total square footage of rehabilitated public facilities? Square Footage
6 How many public facilities were renovated? Facilities
7 What is the total square footage of renovated public facilities? Square Footage
8 What was the value of public facilities constructed, rehabilitated or renovated? Dollars
9 How many residential buildings were constructed? Buildings
10 What is the total square footage of constructed residential buildings? Square Footage
11 How many residential buildings were rehabilitated? Buildings
12 What is the total square footage of rehabilitated residential buildings? Square Footage
13 How many residential buildings were renovated? Buildings
14 What is the total square footage of renovated residential buildings? Square Footage
15 What was the value of residential buildings constructed, rehabilitated or renovated? Dollars
16 How many new businesses or micro-enterprises were created? Businesses/Micro-Enterprises
17 What was the value (projected earnings) of new businesses or micro enterprises created? Dollars
18 How many jobs were created as a result of the project? Jobs
19 How many jobs were retained as a result of the project? Jobs
20 What was the value of jobs created based on an annual wage? Dollars
21 What was the value of jobs obtained based on an annual wage? Dollars
22 How many persons purchased a home? Persons
23 What was the value of homes purchased? Dollars
24 How many educational or job training opportunities were provided? Opportunities
25 How many units/projects incorporated Energy Star appliances and products? Units
26 How many units/projects/buildings incorporated Green Development? Units
27 What is the average percent reduction in energy utilization? Percentage
28 What is the average reduction in energy cost? Dollars
29 How many low-income persons were employed by the project? Persons
30 How many formally unemployed persons were employed by the project? Persons
31 Describe the population you are serving in the space below:

46 If you are collecting client level data, identify the number of persons receiving services:

32 How many persons receiving services are under the age of 6? Persons
33 How many persons receiving services are ages 6-17? Persons
34 How many persons receiving services are ages 18-30? Persons
35 How many persons receiving services are ages 31-50? Persons
36 How many persons receiving services are ages 51-61? Persons
37 How many persons receiving services are age 62 and older? Persons




























































File Typeapplication/
Last Modified ByRoberta L. Youmans
File Modified2009-06-01
File Created2005-11-22

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