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pdfOMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
U.S. Department of Justice
Office on Violence Against Women
Court Training and Improvements Program
Brief Instructions: This form must be completed for each Court Training and Improvements Program (Courts Program)
grant received. A grant administrator or coordinator must ensure that the form is completed fully with regard to all
grant-funded activities. Grant partners, however, may complete sections relevant to their portion of the grant. Grant
administrators and coordinators are responsible for compiling and submitting a single report that reflects all
information collected from grant partners.
Following are some guidelines regarding which sections of the form must be completed by Courts Program grantees:
• Supplemental training projects must complete sections A, B, and H and in most cases will complete
subsection C1; they will not complete subsection C8 or sections D through G.
• Development projects must complete sections A, B, and H and subsection C3, and in most cases will
complete subsection C8; these grantees should read the introductory question in each of the remaining
sections and subsections (C1-C2, C4-C7, C9, and D through G) to determine whether they must complete
that section, based on the specific activities engaged in under their Courts Program grant during the
current reporting period.
For example,
1) If you are a supplemental training project and have used Courts Program funds to develop a curriculum for
family court judges in your state (but have not actually delivered training during the current reporting
period), you will complete sections A, B, C5, and H.
2) If you are a development project and have only used your funds for planning during the current reporting
period, you will complete sections A, B, C2, C3, and H.
3) If you are a development project and used funds to establish a specialized civil protection order docket and
to provide training to your court staff, you will complete sections A, B, C1, C3, C8, F1, and H.
The activities of volunteers or interns should be reported if they were coordinated or supervised by Courts Programfunded staff or if Courts Program funds substantially supported their activities.
For further information on filling out this form, refer to the separate instructions, which contain detailed definitions and
examples illustrating how questions should be answered.
Section A:
Section B:
Section C:
Section D:
Section E:
Section F:
General Information
Grant Information
Staff Information
Purpose Areas
Function Areas
Coordinated Community Response
System Improvement
Data Collection/Case Coordination
Specialized Courts or Dedicated Dockets Infrastructure
and Activities
Victim/Survivor Outreach, Information, and Referrals
to Victim Services
Victim Services
Criminal Justice
Civil Justice
Civil Protection Orders
Family Cases
Page Number
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
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Section G:
Section H:
Other Court Related Activities
Court-based Probation or Other Offender
Compliance Monitoring
Batterer Intervention Program (BIP)/Sex Offender
Monitoring (SOM)
Page Number
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • Office on Violence Against Women
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Expiration Date:
Grant Information
All grantees must complete this subsection.
Date of report
(format date with 6 digits - 01/30/11)
Current reporting period
January 1-June 30
Grantee name
Grant number
(the federal grant number assigned to your Courts Program grant)
Type of project
(Check which type of Courts Program-funded project you received funds for. Check all that apply.)
Development - planning
Development - implementation
Supplemental training
July 1-December 31
5a. Type of grantee organization
(Check the one answer that best describes the organization receiving the Courts Program grant.)
Federal court
State court
Tribal court
Territorial court
Local (county or municipal) court
Court-based program (If you check this box, you must answer 5b.)
Other (specify):
5b. Project partners receiving Courts Program funds
(Check all that apply, if you have project partners whose activities are being supported with Courts
Program funds.)
Pretrial services
Probation/parole/other offender monitoring
Victim services
Batterer intervention/offender treatment program
Other (specify):
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Expiration Date:
5c. Type of development project funded by the Courts Program grant
(If you are a development project, specify the type of project by checking all that apply.)
Civil domestic violence protection order docket project
Criminal domestic violence protection order docket project
Domestic violence docket
Dedicated domestic violence court project
Judicial education and court personnel training project
Sexual assault project
Specialized domestic violence court enhancement project
Other (specify):
5d. (Optional) Additional information
(Please describe the type of court project or court-based program that is receiving Courts Program
funding in further detail. For example, you are a juvenile domestic violence/dating violence court,
unified family court, drug or mental health court, etc.) (Maximum - 250 characters)
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Expiration Date:
Point of contact
(person responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the grant)
First name
Last name
Agency/organization name
Zip code
Does this grant specifically address tribal populations?
(Check yes if your Courts Program grant focuses on tribal populations, and indicate which tribes or
nations you serve or intend to serve.)
If yes, which tribes/nations:
What percentage of your Courts Program funds was directed to each of these areas?
(Report the area[s] addressed by your Courts Program grant during the current reporting period and
estimate the approximate percentage of funds [or resources] used to address each area [consider
training, caseload, etc.]. The grantee may choose how to make this determination.)
Throughout this form, the term sexual assault includes both assaults committed by offenders who are
strangers to the victim/survivor and assaults committed by offenders who are known to, related by
blood or marriage to, or in a dating relationship with the victim/survivor. The term domestic violence
applies to any pattern of coercive behavior that is used by one person to gain power and control over
a current or former intimate partner. The term dating violence is defined as violence committed by a
person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.
Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable
person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress.
(See separate instructions for more complete definitions.)
Percentage of
grant funds
Sexual assault
Domestic violence
Dating violence
TOTAL (must equal 100%)
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Staff Information
Were Courts Program funds used to fund staff positions during the current reporting period?
Check yes if Courts Program funds were used to pay staff, including part-time staff and contractors
during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer question 9
No—skip to section B
(Report the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff funded by the Courts Program grant during
the current reporting period. Report staff by functions performed, not by title or location. Include
employees who are part-time and/or only partially funded with these grant funds, as well as
consultants/contractors. Report grant-funded overtime. If an employee or contractor was employed or
utilized for only a portion of the reporting period, prorate appropriately. For example, if you hired a fulltime attorney in October who was 100% funded with Courts Program funds, you would report that as
.50 FTE. Report all FTEs in decimals, not percentages. One FTE is equal to 1,040 hours—40 hours per
week x 26 weeks. See separate instructions for examples of how to calculate FTEs.)
Administrator (fiscal manager, executive director)
Batterer intervention program staff
Case/docket manager
Compliance monitor
Court clerk
Court improvement consultant
Court security
Information technology staff
Judge/judicial officer
Probation officer
Program coordinator (training coordinator)
Victim advocate (non-governmental, includes domestic violence, sexual
assault, and dual)
Victim assistant (governmental, includes victim-witness specialist/
Other (specify):
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
All grantees must complete this section.
10. Statutory purpose areas
(Check all purpose areas that apply to activities supported with Courts Program funds during the
current reporting period.)
Check ALL
that apply
Purpose areas
Improving internal civil and criminal court functions, responses, practices, and procedures
Educating court-based and court-related personnel on issues relating to victims’ needs,
including safety, security, privacy, confidentiality, and economic independence, as well
as information about perpetrator behavior and best practices for holding perpetrators
Collaborating and training with Federal, State, Tribal, Territorial, and local public agencies
and officials and nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations to improve implementation
and enforcement of relevant Federal, State, Tribal, Territorial, and local law
Providing technical assistance to Federal, State, Tribal, Territorial, or local courts
wishing to improve their practices and procedures or to develop new programs
Enabling courts or court-based programs to develop new or enhance current:
Court infrastructure (such as specialized courts, dockets, intake centers, or interpreter
Community-based initiatives within the court system (such as court watch programs,
victim assistants, or community based supplementary services)
Offender management, monitoring, and accountability programs
Safe and confidential information-storage and sharing databases within and between
court systems
Education and outreach programs to improve community access, including enhanced
access for underserved populations
Other projects likely to improve court responses to sexual assault, domestic violence/
dating violence, and/or stalking
11. Priority areas or special interest categories addressed by your project
(In addition to the purpose areas identified above, the Courts Program grant application and program
guidelines may have identified areas that would receive priority consideration. If your program
addressed any of these areas during the current reporting period, list them below.)
(Maximum - 250 characters)
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Expiration Date:
Were your Courts Program funds used for training during the current reporting period?
Check yes if Courts Program-funded staff provided training, or if Courts Program funds directly
supported training during the current reporting period.
Supplemental training projects answering yes must respond to questions 12-15.
Development projects answering yes must respond to questions 16-19.
No—skip to C2
For purposes of this reporting form, training means providing information to professionals on sexual
assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking that enables them to improve their response
to victims/survivors as it relates to their role in the system.
12. Training events provided by supplemental training projects
(Report the number of training events provided during the current reporting period with Courts
Program funds.)
Total number of training events provided
13. Number of people trained at training events provided by supplemental training projects
(Report the number of people trained during the current reporting period at training events reported in
question 12 that were supported by Courts Program funds. Use the categories that are most
descriptive of the people who attended the training event and indicate whether they were trained at
national, statewide or local training events by reporting them in the appropriate column.
People trained
Number trained at
national OVW
TA provider training
Number trained at
statewide or local
training events
Administrator (fiscal manager, executive director)
Batterer intervention program staff
Case/docket manager
Compliance monitor
Court clerk
Court security
Information technology staff
Judge/judicial officer
Probation officer
Victim advocate (non-governmental, includes domestic violence,
sexual assault, and dual)
Victim assistant (governmental, includes victim-witness
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
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14. Training content areas
(Indicate all topics covered in training events reported in questions 12. Check all that apply.)
Coordinated community response
Dating violence laws
Dating violence overview, dynamics, and
Divorce/custody/visitation/child support
Domestic violence laws
Domestic violence overview, dynamics, and
Judicial monitoring
Predominant aggressor
Probation response to sexual assault, domestic
violence/dating violence, and/or stalking
Protection orders (including full faith and credit)
Protection order registry
Response to underserved/unserved populations
Response to victims/survivors of sexual
assault, domestic violence/dating violence,
and/or stalking
Response to victims/survivors who have been
Risk assessment
Safety planning
Sexual assault laws
Sexual assault overview, dynamics, and services
Sexual assault of intimate partner
Specialized courts
Stalking laws
Stalking overview, dynamics, and services
Supervised visitation
Technology for DV courts
Tribal jurisdiction and Public Law 280
Other (specify):
Issues specific to victims/survivors who:
are American Indian or Alaska Native
are Asian
are black or African American
are elderly
are Hispanic or Latino
are homeless or living in poverty
are immigrants, refugees, or asylum
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
or intersex
are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific
have disabilities
have limited English proficiency
have mental health issues
have substance abuse issues
live in rural areas
Other (specify):
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15. Supplemental training events - Additional information
(Describe the training events you reported in question 12, including the name of the TA providers you
planned and coordinated with to provide the training, and discuss the effectiveness of the training you
provided.) (Maximum – 2000 characters)
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16. Training events provided by development projects
(Report the number of training events provided during the current reporting period with Courts
Program funds. Do not count training events provided only to Courts Program-funded staff.)
Total number of training events provided
17. Number of people trained at training events provided by development projects
(Report the number of people trained during the current reporting period at training events that were
supported by Courts Program funds. Use the categories that are most descriptive of the people who
attended the training event and indicate whether or not they were funded under the Courts Program
People trained
Number trained
who were
Number trained
who were NOT
Administrator (fiscal manager, executive director)
Batterer intervention program staff
Case/docket manager
Compliance monitor
Court clerk
Court security
Information technology staff
cerImprovements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 7 • Office on Violence Against Women
Court Training
Probation officer
Victim advocate (non-governmental, includes domestic violence,
sexual assault, and dual)
Victim assistant (governmental, includes victim-witness
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
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18. Training content areas
(Indicate all topics covered in training events reported in question 16. Check all that apply.)
Coordinated community response
Dating violence laws
Dating violence overview, dynamics, and
Divorce/custody/visitation/child support
Domestic violence laws
Domestic violence overview, dynamics, and
Judicial monitoring
Predominant aggressor
Probation response to sexual assault, domestic
violence/dating violence, and/or stalking
Protection orders (including full faith and credit)
Protection order registry
Response to underserved/unserved populations
Response to victims/survivors of sexual
assault, domestic violence/dating violence,
and/or stalking
Response to victims/survivors who have been
Risk assessment
Safety planning
Sexual assault laws
Sexual assault overview, dynamics, and services
Sexual assault of intimate partner
Specialized courts
Stalking laws
Stalking overview, dynamics, and services
Supervised visitation
Technology for DV courts
Tribal jurisdiction and Public Law 280
Other (specify):
Issues specific to victims/survivors who:
are American Indian or Alaska Native
are Asian
are black or African American
are elderly
are Hispanic or Latino
are homeless or living in poverty
are immigrants, refugees, or asylum
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
or intersex
are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific
have disabilities
have limited English proficiency
have mental health issues
have substance abuse issues
live in rural areas
Other (specify):
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19. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of training activities funded or supported by your
Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you would like to share about your
training activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might be an increase
in the number of intimate partner sexual assault cases coming into your court following a
multidisciplinary training provided to advocates, victim assistants, prosecutors, and judges on intimate
partner sexual assault; or any other positive changes in practice as a result of Courts Program-funded
training.) (Maximum – 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
Are you in the planning phase of a Courts Program development project? Only Courts Program
development projects that were in the planning phase during the current reporting period should
complete this subsection.
Check yes if you have a Courts Program development grant and you were in the planning phase, or you
engaged in planning phase activities, during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 20-22
No—skip to C3
20. Planning activities conducted
(Check all that apply, for activities engaged in during the current reporting period.)
Prosecution Establishing an advisory/consulting
or parole
Coordinating and conducting planning meetings
Hiring a case manager or docket coordinator
Participating in site visits to established OVW-identified sexual assault courts and domestic
violence courts
Participating in OVW-sponsored technical assistance events
Developing specialized court policies and protocols
Other (specify):
21. Technical assistance activities with OVW-designated technical assistance providers
(Describe the technical assistance activities engaged in with OVW-designated technical assistance
providers during the current reporting period. Be sure to address site visits, consultations, tools, and
resources received.) (Maximum - 250 characters)
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Expiration Date:
22. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of planning and/or technical assistance activities
funded or supported by your Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you would
like to share about your planning or technical assistance activities beyond what you have provided in
the data above. An example might include changes in your court’s structure, policies, or practice as
the result of what was learned at site visits to other courts or attendance at OVW technical assistance
events.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
Coordinated Community Response
Courts Program development projects must complete this subsection; supplemental training projects
may complete this subsection if they used Courts Program funds to engage in CCR activities during the
current reporting period.
23. Coordinated community response/coordination activities
(Check the appropriate boxes to indicate the agencies or organizations, even if they are not memorandum of understanding [MOU] partners, that you provided victim/survivor referrals to, received victim/
survivor referrals from, or with which you engaged in other coordination activities or meetings
[including advisory committee planning meetings] during the current reporting period, according to
the usual frequency of the interactions. If the interactions were not part of a regular schedule, you will
need to estimate the frequency with which these interactions occurred during the current reporting
period. In the last column, indicate the agencies or organizations with which you have an MOU or
organizations that provided letters of support for purposes of the Courts Program grant.)
Advocacy organization
Coordination (includes victim/survivor
referrals and consultations)
Weekly Monthly
Monthly Quarterly
Attorneys (defense bar/
public defender)
Attorneys (family law bar)
Attorneys (private representation for victims)
Batterer intervention
program (BIP)
Corrections (probation,
parole, correctional
Court (other courts or
court branches)
Domestic violence
Educational institution/
Faith-based organization
Government agency (INS,
Social Security, TANF)
Health/mental health
Law enforcement
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23. Coordinated community response activities (cont.)
Coordination (includes victim/survivor
referrals and consultations)
Weekly Monthly
Monthly Quarterly
Legal organization (legal
services, bar association,
law school)
Prosecutor’s office
Registry personnel
Sex offender management/sex offender
treatment provider
Sexual assault
Social service organization (non-governmental)
Supervised visitation
Tribal government/Tribal
government agency
Other (specify):
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24. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of CCR activities funded or supported by your Courts
Program grant and to provide any additional information you would like to share about those activities
beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might include your court’s decision to
specially assign judges to preside over protection order hearings and to upgrade security at those
hearings as the result of planning meetings that included your Courts Program-funded coordinator,
legal advocates from your local domestic violence agency, legal services attorneys, and defense
attorneys. You could also describe topics discussed, goals and objectives established, and outcomes
achieved by your advisory committee.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
Were your Courts Program funds used to develop, substantially revise, or implement policies or protocols
during the current reporting period? Development and supplemental training projects that used Courts
Program funds for policies during the current reporting period will complete this subsection.
Check yes if Courts Program-funded staff developed, substantially revised, or implemented policies or
protocols, or if Courts Program funds were used to directly support the development, revision, or
implementation of policies or protocols during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 25-26
No—skip to C5
25. Types of protocols and/or policies developed, substantially revised, or implemented during the
current reporting period (Check all that apply.)
Victim services
Appropriate response to underserved
Appropriate response to victims/survivors who
are elderly or have disabilities
Appropriate response to victims/survivors with
substance abuse issues and/or mental health
Mandatory training standards for staff and
Procedures for anonymous, confidential, or
Jane Doe reporting of sexual assault
Staff, board, and/or volunteers represent the
diversity of your service area
Victim/survivor informed about crime victims’
compensation and victim impact statements
Other (specify):
Accelerated trial schedules
Appropriate response to teen dating violence
Appropriate response to underserved
Appropriate response to victims/survivors who
are elderly or have disabilities
Communications regarding service of process/
returns in case files
Compliance reviews
Courthouse security
Dedicated domestic violence docket
Full faith and credit for protection orders
Immediate access to obtaining protection orders
Intra-court communications regarding orders
of protection
Judicial monitoring of sexual assault and/or
domestic violence offenders
Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking
No charge to victims/survivors for any costs
related to prosecution of a sexual assault,
domestic violence/dating violence, and/or
stalking offense or to obtaining a protection
Offender monitoring (does not include judicial
Policies to protect victims/survivors from
internet disclosure of identifying information
Policy against mutual restraining orders
Policy on waiver of mediation
Protection order enforcement (including full
faith and credit)
Standard protection order form
Strategies to assist and protect victim/
survivor during probation and parole
Supervised visitation
Victim/survivor inclusion in offender
supervision planning process/sex offender
Victim/survivor notification of probation or
parole status
Other (specify):
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26. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of policies you have developed or implemented that
were funded or supported by your Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you
would like to share about your activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example
might include greater consistency in the imposition of bail following implementation of a protocol that
provides bail commissioners or judicial officers setting bail with detailed information about the past
criminal history of the defendant.) (Maximum – 2000 characters)
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Were your Courts Program funds used to develop, substantially revise, or distribute products during the
current reporting period? Development and supplemental training projects that used Courts Program funds
for products during the current reporting period will complete this subsection.
Check yes if Courts Program-funded staff developed products or if Courts Program funds directly
supported the development, revision, or distribution of products during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer question 27
No—skip to C6
27. Use of Courts Program funds for product development, substantial revision, or distribution
(Report the number of products developed, substantially revised, or distributed with Courts Program
funds during the current reporting period. Report the number of new products developed or
substantially revised during the current reporting period; the title/topic and intended audience of each
product developed, revised, or distributed; and the number of products used or distributed. If a
product was created in or translated into a language other than English, including Braille, indicate the
language. Report on products that were newly developed during the current reporting period whether
or not they were used or distributed, and on products that were previously developed or revised but
were used or distributed during the current reporting period. Do not report the number of products
printed or copied; only report the number developed or revised—in most cases that number will be one
for each product described—and/or the number used or distributed. See separate instructions for
examples of how to report under “Number developed or revised” and “Number used or distributed.”)
or revised
used or
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Expiration Date:
System Improvement
Were your Courts Program funds used for system improvement during the current reporting period?
Only development grantees who used Courts Program funds for system improvement as described below
during the current reporting period should complete this section.
Check yes if any Courts Program-funded staff engaged in system improvement activities or if Courts
Program funds directly supported system improvements (e.g., interpreters, safety audits, security)
during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 28-29
No—skip to C7
28. Use of Courts Program funds for system improvement
(Check all that apply for the current reporting period.)
Victim services
Compliance reviews
Intake units for protection orders
Interpreter services
Interpreter qualifications/certification
Language lines
Meetings between tribal and non-tribal entities
Protection order registry
Safety audits
Security personnel or equipment
Translation of forms and documents
Other (specify):
Probation or
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29. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of your system improvement activities that are
funded or supported by Court Program funds and to provide any additional information you would like
to share about those activities beyond what you have provided above.) (Maximum – 2000 characters)
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Data Collection/Case Coordination
Were your Courts Program funds used to develop, install, expand, or coordinate data collection,
communication, or coordination systems during the current reporting period? Only development
projects that used Courts Program funds for data collection/case coordination activities during the
current reporting period should complete this section.
Check yes if Courts Program funds or Courts Program-funded staff were used to develop, install,
expand, and/or coordinate data collection systems during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 30-31
No—skip to C8
30. Use of Courts Program funds
(Check all that apply.)
Coordinate existing data collection
Develop new data collection system
Develop electronic data sharing capacity
Develop privacy/confidentiality protocols
Engage services of IT expert
Expand existing data collection system
Install data collection system
Purchase computers/other equipment/software
31. Purpose of data collection, communication, and/or coordination systems
(Indicate all types of information identified, tracked, monitored, or linked with Courts Program-funded
technology by checking all that apply.)
Bail/bond orders
Case coordination (same parties, children)
Case management (non-judicial)
Civil and criminal case information sharing in real time
Compliance with court orders (including sanctions)
Court docket management
Evaluation/outcome measures
Incident reports
Probation conditions/violations
Protection orders
Victim notifications
Victim services availability
Violations of protection orders
Other (specify):
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Expiration Date:
Specialized Courts or Dedicated Dockets
Infrastructure and Activities
Were your Courts Program funds used to plan, develop, expand, or enhance specialized courts or
dedicated dockets during the current reporting period? Only development projects that used Courts
Program funds for specialized courts or dedicated dockets infrastructure and activities during the current
reporting period should complete this subsection.
Check yes if Courts Program funds or Courts Program-funded staff were used for specialized courts or
dedicated dockets during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 32-34
No—skip to C9
A specialized court has a specific infrastructure and procedural practices for handling sexual assault,
domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking cases. A dedicated court or docket has a
designated schedule for hearing matters and screening mechanisms to identify matters related to
sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking cases.
32. Types of cases and types of victimizations addressed by Courts Program-funded specialized courts
or dedicated dockets
(Check all types of cases and victimizations addressed by your dedicated docket or specialized court
during the current reporting period. Development projects that engaged only in planning during the
current reporting period should not answer this question.)
Sexual assault
Domestic violence
Dating violence
Civil protection orders
Criminal matters (felony)
Criminal matters (misdemeanor)
Family matters
Juvenile matters
Other (specify):
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33. Specialized court infrastructure and activities
(Check all that apply to your Courts Program-funded infrastructure and activities during the current
reporting period.)
A weekly or daily dedicated docket or
specialized court calendar for handling sexual
assault or domestic violence related civil or
criminal protection orders
A full-time specialized judge or judges (who
rotate through the docket) to hear domestic
violence cases
A full-time dedicated docket or specialized court
calendar for handling domestic violence related
civil or criminal protection orders and related
family matters
Effective case monitoring and compliance
A case coordinator to manage scheduling of the
court docket/calendar
On-site victim advocacy services
Ongoing judicial education and court personnel
training in domestic violence issues and
promising practices (in coordination with
designated OVW TA providers)
Extensive collaboration with agencies and
community-based organizations, in an effort to
strengthen the entire community’s response to
domestic violence
Intake units for protection order cases
Screening tools to track incidence of sexual
assault in domestic violence cases
Screening tools to track incidence of stalking in
sexual assault, domestic violence, and dating
violence cases
Crisis intervention advocacy
Interpreter services with expertise or training in
sexual assault and/or domestic violence
Case coordination mechanisms to identify, link,
and track cases involving the same parties or
their children
Judicial review calendars or other mechanisms
to monitor compliance with court orders
Coordinated data system with real time access
to Federal, State, and local civil and criminal
case information
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Expiration Date:
33. Specialized court infrastructure and activities (cont.)
Local working group to create policies and
procedures to guide planning and implementation of the specialized court
Administrative process for identifying eligible
cases and ensuring individual cases remain
distinct and are not consolidated (e.g., state or
local domestic violence registry linked with a
court database)
Single judge with authority to handle civil
Single judge with authority to handle criminal
Working closely with legal stakeholders (i.e.,
prosecutors, defense attorneys, family court
attorneys, guardians ad litem, etc.) to ensure
representation for all litigants
Judicial monitoring of offenders in civil
Judicial monitoring of offenders in criminal
Training and education for judges and court
personnel to keep all staff informed of the
latest research and best practices in the field
in coordination with OVW designated technical
assistance providers
Unified and comprehensive database that
captures information regarding services and
Security procedures and protocols to ensure
sufficient security personnel, safe waiting
areas for victims, and separate areas for
Ensuring appropriate levels of confidentiality of
court records and proceedings are maintained
Facilitating immediate access to victim
advocates who provide victims safety planning,
counseling, and access to social services
Addressing issues related to teen dating
Risk assessments
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 25 • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
34. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to further describe and to discuss the effectiveness of your specialized court or
docket infrastructure activities and to provide any additional information you would like to share about
your court structure and specific activities beyond what you have provided above or elsewhere on this
reporting form.) (Maximum – 2000 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Victim/Survivor Outreach, Information,
and Referrals to Victim Services
Were your Courts Program funds used to conduct outreach activities (unsolicited letters, calls, or visits),
to provide information, or to refer victims/survivors to victim services during the current reporting
period? Only development projects that used Courts Program funds for victim outreach, information, and
referrals to victim services during the current reporting period should complete this subsection. If direct
victim services were provided with Courts Program funds, section D should also be completed.
Check yes if Courts Program funds or Courts Program-funded staff were used for victim/survivor
outreach, information, or referrals to services during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 35-37
No—skip to section D
35. Victim-witness notification/outreach to victims/survivors
(Report the number of unsolicited letters sent or phone calls or visits made to victims/survivors using
Courts Program funds, informing them of services and/or providing information about the civil or
criminal justice system. Victims/survivors who are the recipients of these notification/outreach
activities should not be reported as victims/survivors served in Section D unless they also received at
least one of the services listed in question 42 Victim Services and those services were provided with
Courts Program funds.)
Number of notification/outreach activities to
Victim-witness notification/outreach to victims/
survivors (unsolicited letters, phone calls, or visits)
36. Information provided to victims/survivors
(Report the types of information routinely provided to victims/survivors using Courts Program funds
during the current reporting period by checking all that apply.)
Type of information provided
Information about available resources
Information about the legal process
Information about how to obtain/enforce a no-contact order
Information about status of case
Information about sentencing/probation conditions
37. Victim/survivor referrals to victim services
(Report the total number of victim/survivor referrals to victim services made by Courts Program-funded
staff during the current reporting period. “Governmental” refers to victim services provided by victim
assistants or victim-witness specialists/coordinators employed by criminal justice agencies, such as
law enforcement, prosecution, courts, or probation. “Non-governmental” refers to services provided by
non-profit community-based agencies to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating
violence, and/or stalking.)
victim services
victim services
Number of victim/survivor referrals
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 27 • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Were your Courts Program funds used for a court-based program to provide victim services to victims/
survivors during the current reporting period? Only development projects that used Courts Program funds
to provide victim services during the current reporting period should complete this section.
Check yes if Courts Program-funded staff provided victim services or if Courts Program funds were used
to support victim services during the current reporting period. Report all victims/survivors served and
victim services provided with Courts Program funds, whether by legal services, a victim services agency,
or victim services within prosecution or the court system. Report criminal, civil, and family cases in
sections E and F only.
Yes—answer questions 38-44
No—skip to section E
38. Number of victims/survivors served, partially served, and victims/survivors seeking services who
were not served
Please do not answer this question without referring to the separate instructions for further explanation
and examples of how to distinguish among these categories.
(Report the following, to the best of your ability, as an unduplicated count for each category during the
current reporting period. This means that each victim/survivor who was seeking or who received
services during the current reporting period should be counted only once in that reporting period. For
purposes of this question, victims/survivors are those against whom the sexual assault, domestic
violence, dating violence, and/or stalking was directed. If the victim/survivor experienced more than
one victimization, that person should be counted only once under the primary victimization. Do not
report secondary victims here.)
A. Served: Victims/survivors who
received the service(s) they requested,
if those services were funded by your
Courts Program grant
B. Partially served: Victims/survivors
who received some service(s), but not all
of the services they requested, if those
services were funded by your Courts
Program grant
(38A + 38B)
C. Victims seeking services who were
not served: Victims/survivors who sought
services and did not receive the service(s)
they were seeking, if those services were
funded by your Courts Program grant
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 28 • Office on Violence Against Women
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Expiration Date:
39. Reasons that victims/survivors seeking services were not served or were partially served
(Check all that apply.)
Reasons not served or partially served
Hours of operation
Insufficient/lack of culturally appropriate services
Insufficient/lack of language capacity (including sign language)
Insufficient/lack of services for people with disabilities
Lack of child care
Program unable to provide service due to limited resources/priority-setting
Other (specify):
[for developers: If a grantee enters a reason in “other” the following will pop up: “Victim declined
services,” “victim did not complete program,” and “victim could not be contacted” are all
inappropriate reasons and should not be reported in the “other” category. They indicate a
misunderstanding of when to report victims as partially served or not served. Please refer to the
separate instructions for further explanation and for examples.]
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Expiration Date:
40. Demographics of victims/survivors served or partially served
(Based on the victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B, report the total numbers for all that
apply. Because victims/survivors may identify in more than one category of race/ethnicity, the total for
“Race/ethnicity” may exceed the total number of victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B. However,
the total number of victims/survivors reported under “Race/ethnicity” should not be less than the total
number of victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B. The total number of victims/survivors reported
under “Gender” and the total number reported under “Age” should equal the total number of victims/
survivors reported in 38A and 38B; those victims/survivors for whom race/ethnicity, gender, and/or
age are not known should be reported in the “Unknown” category.)
Race/ethnicity (victims/survivors should not be counted more than once
in either the category “American Indian or Alaska Native” or in the category
“Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.”)
Number of victims/
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
TOTAL RACE/ETHNICITY (should not be less than [insert 38A + 38B here],
the sum of 38A and 38B)
Number of victims/
TOTAL GENDER (should equal [insert 38A + 38B here], the sum of 38A and
Number of victims/
TOTAL AGE (should equal [insert 38A + 38B here], the sum of 38A and
Other demographics
Number of victims/
People with disabilities
People with limited English proficiency
People who are immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers
People who live in rural areas
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Expiration Date:
41. Victims/survivors’ relationships to offender by victimization
(For those victims/survivors reported as served and partially served in questions 38A and 38B, report
the victims/survivors’ relationship to the offender by type of victimization. If a victim/survivor experienced more than one type of victimization and/or was victimized by more than one perpetrator, count
the victim/survivor in all categories that apply. The total number of relationships in the sexual assault
column must be at least [insert 38A + 38B], the sum of sexual assault victims/survivors reported in
38A and 38B; the total number in the domestic violence column must be at least [insert 38A + 38B],
the sum of domestic violence victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B; the total number in the
dating violence column must be at least [insert 38A + 38B], the sum of dating violence victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B and the total number in the stalking column must be at least [insert 38A
+ 38B], the sum of stalking victims/survivors reported in 38A and 38B.)
Number of victim/survivor relationships by victimization
relationships to offender
Current or former spouse or
intimate partner
Other family or household member
Acquaintance (neighbor, employee,
co-worker, student, schoolmate,
Current or former dating
Relationship unknown
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Expiration Date:
42. Victim services
(Report the number of victims/survivors from 38A and 38B who received Courts Program-funded
services during the current reporting period. Count each victim/survivor only once for each type of
service that the victim/survivor received during the current reporting period; do not report the number
of times that service was provided to the victim/survivor. The total for each type of service should not
be higher than the total of 38A and 38B [insert 38A + 38B].)
Number of
Type of service
Child care
Civil legal advocacy/court accompaniment (Assisting a victim/survivor with civil legal
issues, including preparing paperwork for a protection order and accompanying victim/
survivor to a protection order hearing, administrative hearing, or other civil court
proceeding. Does not include advocacy by attorneys and/or paralegals.)
Criminal justice advocacy/court accompaniment (Assisting a victim/survivor with
criminal legal issues, including notifying the victim/survivor of case status, hearing
dates, plea agreements, and sentencing terms; preparing paperwork such as victim
impact statements; accompanying a victim/survivor to a criminal court proceeding or
law enforcement interview; and all other advocacy within the criminal justice system.)
Victim/survivor advocacy (Actions designed to assist the victim/survivor in
obtaining support, resources, or services, including employment, housing, shelter
services, health care, victim’s compensation, etc.)
Other (specify):
43. Protection orders
(Report the number of temporary and/or final protection orders requested and granted for which
Courts Program-funded victim services staff provided assistance to victims/survivors during the current
reporting period. These orders may also be referred to as protection from abuse, protection from
harassment or anti-harassment orders, restraining orders, or no-contact or stay-away orders.)
Sexual assault protection orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Number requested
Number granted
Domestic violence protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Dating violence protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Stalking protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
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Expiration Date:
44. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of victim services funded or supported by your
Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you would like to share about your
victim services activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might include
that your agency, as the result of Courts Program funding, was able to provide more advocacy,
referrals, and court accompaniment to sexual assault survivors, which was associated with a higher
percentage of sexual assault survivors cooperating in the prosecution of cases against the offenders
accused of assaulting them.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Criminal Cases
Were your Courts Program funds used for criminal cases during the current reporting period?
Only development projects that used Courts Program funds for activities relating to criminal cases during the
current reporting period should complete this section.
Check yes if your Courts Program project funded criminal cases activities during the current reporting
Yes—answer questions 45-50
No—skip to section F
45. Number of criminal cases
(Report the number of new sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking-related
cases filed in your Courts Program-funded court during the current reporting period. Cases involving
multiple charges should be characterized by the most serious offense or charge.)
Misdemeanor and felony domestic violence cases may include any assaults, battery, vandalism, or
other offenses that occurred in a domestic violence incident. Your state law does not have to name an
offense ‘‘domestic violence’’ for a case addressing that offense to be counted here. Similarly, cases
addressing sexual assault and stalking offenses should be counted, even if your state law uses other
names for these types of offenses, such as ‘‘sexual battery’’ or ‘‘harassment.’’
Type of case
Number of new cases filed
during current reporting period
Misdemeanor sexual assault
Felony sexual assault
Sexual assault homicide
Domestic violence/dating
violence ordinance
Misdemeanor domestic
violence/dating violence
Felony domestic violence/
dating violence
Domestic violence/dating
violence homicide
Stalking ordinance
Misdemeanor stalking
Felony stalking
Stalking homicide
Violation of protection order
Violation of bail
Violation of probation or parole
Violation of other court order
Other (specify):
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
46. Disposition of cases
(Report the dispositions of all cases resolved during the current reporting period. See separate
instructions for definitions of dispositions and for examples. All totals are auto-calculated.)
Type of case
Number of
Number convicted
convicted and
Misdemeanor sexual
Felony sexual
Sexual assault
Domestic violence/
dating violence
domestic violence/
dating violence
Felony domestic
Domestic violence/
dating violence
Stalking ordinance
Felony stalking
Stalking homicide
Violation of
protection order
Violation of bail
Violation of
probation or parole
Violation of other
court order
Other (specify):
[for developers: “Total” under “Number convicted” should be an automated addition of “Plea” and
“Trial.” “Total convicted and deferred” should be an automated addition of “Deferred adjudications” and “Total” under “Number convicted.” “TOTAL” (column heading) should be an
automated addition of “Number dismissed,” “Total convicted and deferred”, and “Number acquitted.” “TOTAL” (row title) should be and automated addition of each column for all types of
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Expiration Date:
46a. Number of offenders ordered to BIP, SOM, or other offender treatment
(For all cases for which dispositions were reported in question 46, report the number of offenders who
were ordered to batterer intervention, sex offender management, or other offender treatment during
the current reporting period.)
Number of offenders
Batterer intervention program
Sex offender management
Other offender treatment (e.g., substance abuse or other
47. Criminal protection orders
(Report the number of criminal protection orders requested and granted in criminal cases and whether
they were imposed as a condition of bail or deferred disposition/probation. These orders may also be
referred to as protection from abuse, protection from harassment, or anti-harassment orders,
restraining orders, or no-contact or stay-away orders.)
Type of case
Sexual assault protection orders
Condition of bail
Condition of deferred
disposition or probation
Condition of bail
Condition of deferred
disposition or probation
Condition of bail
Condition of deferred
disposition or probation
Condition of bail
Condition of deferred
disposition or probation
Number requested
Number granted
Domestic violence
protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Dating violence
protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Stalking protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
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Expiration Date:
48. Judicial monitoring
(Report the number of offenders whose cases were reviewed by your Courts Program funded court for
compliance with conditions of probation or other court-ordered conditions, [including pre-trial, bail,
protection orders, and other conditions of release], or for violations of those conditions, by type of case.
This is an unduplicated count of offenders. Also report the total number of individual review hearings
conducted. The number of review hearings is the number of individual hearings held for each offender,
even when that offender is reviewed during the same monitoring sessions as other offenders. For
example, if 10 offenders were reviewed at the same three sessions during the reporting period, the
number of offenders reviewed would be 10 and the number of review hearings conducted would be 10
multiplied by 3, or 30.)
Type of case
Number of offenders reviewed
Number of individual
review hearings conducted
Sexual assault
Domestic violence
Dating violence
49. Dispositions of violations of court orders
(Report the total number of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking
violations for which there were judicial dispositions during the current reporting period. The
violation does not have to have occurred during this reporting period, only the disposition. A case may
be counted more than once if there were multiple violations.)
No action
of probation incarcerated
Protection order
New criminal
Failure to attend
mandated batterer
program (BIP)
Failure to attend
mandated offender
treatment (does not
include BIP)
Other condition of
probation, parole,
or other conditional
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Expiration Date:
50. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of criminal case activities funded or supported by
your Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you would like to share about
those activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might include expedited
prosecution of felony domestic violence and sexual assault cases, or an increase in the number of
those cases brought to trial, as the result of establishing a dedicated docket and assigning a specialized prosecutor to handle those cases.) (Maximum - 2000 characters).
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 38 • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Civil Protection Orders
Were your Courts Program funds used for civil protection order cases during the current reporting
period? Only development projects that used Courts Program funds for civil protection orders during
the current reporting period should complete this subsection.
Check yes if your Courts Program grant funded civil protection order cases during the current reporting
Yes--answer questions 51-55
No--skip to F2
51a. Civil protection orders by type of victimization
(If your Courts Program-funded court distinguishes between sexual assault, domestic violence, dating
violence, and/or stalking protection orders, report below the number of temporary and/or final civil
protection orders requested and granted for these victimizations in your Courts Program-funded court.
If your court does not make this distinction, report the number of protection orders in 51b. These
orders may also be referred to as protection from abuse, protection from harassment or antiharassment orders, restraining orders, or no-contact or stay-away orders.)
Sexual assault protection orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Number requested
Number granted
Domestic violence
protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Dating violence
protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
Stalking protection orders
Number requested
Number granted
51b. Civil protection orders
(Report the number of temporary and/or final civil protection orders requested and granted to victims/
survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking. These orders may
also be referred to as protection from abuse, protection from harassment or anti-harassment orders,
restraining orders, or no-contact or stay-away orders. If you have already reported protection orders by
victimization in question 51a, do not report again in this question. Do not report protection orders in
both 51a and 51b.)
Protection orders
Temporary orders
Final orders
Number requested
Number granted
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Expiration Date:
52. Relief granted in protection order cases
(For the protection orders reported in questions 51a or 51b, report the number of orders receiving
each of the specific categories of relief. Protection orders should be reported in all categories of relief
that apply. Report cases in the general “custody” category only if you are not able to report the specific
type of custody ordered - do not use custody category as a total of the specific subcategories.)
Types of relief
Number of protection orders/cases
Stay away/no contact
- Sole parental rights to petitioner
- Sole parental rights to respondent
- Shared parental rights
- Allocated parental rights
Supervised visitation/exchange
Child support
Firearms restrictions
Economic relief (spousal support, debt assignment,
payment of obligations and/or losses, etc.)
Other offender treatment (e.g., substance abuse or other
counseling, does not include BIP)
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
53. Post-judgment/post-adjudication judicial reviews of protection order conditions
(Report the number of protection order cases reviewed by the court for compliance with terms/
conditions of the protection orders, or for violations of those terms/conditions. Also report the total
number of case review hearings conducted. The number of case review hearings is the number of
individual hearings held for each unique case. For example, if 10 unique cases were each reviewed
three times during the reporting period, the number of cases reviewed would be 10 and the number
of case review hearings conducted would be 10 multiplied by 3, or 30.)
Number of protection order
cases reviewed at hearing
Number of individual
protection order case review
hearings conducted
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
54. Additional information on post-judgment/post-adjudication reviews of protection order conditions
and process for handling protection order violations
(If you reported cases reviewed in question 53, please discuss the types of issues and violations your
court is seeing most frequently in post-judgment reviews [e.g., contempt motions regarding custody,
visitation, and/or child or spousal support; motions to modify custody and/or visitation; violations of
no-contact provisions; failure to attend BIP or offender treatment, etc.] Describe any patterns that the
funded court is seeing and how it is responding. Also please describe how your court handles protection order violations.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
55. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of the civil protection order activities that were
funded or supported by Courts Program funds and to share any additional information about your civil
protection order activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might be an
increase in successful offender participation in batterer intervention programs following the institution
of protection order review hearings.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Family Cases
Were your Courts Program funds used for family cases during the current reporting period?
Only development projects that used Courts Program funds for family cases during the current reporting
period should complete this subsection.
Check yes if your Courts Program grant funded family cases during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 56-59
No—skip to section G
56. Number of new and pending family cases addressed by the court and number of hearings
conducted in family cases
(Report the number of new or pending divorce or parental rights and responsibilities cases with
issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking that were addressed by
your Courts Program-funded court during the current reporting period by type of case. Report each
case only once in the appropriate category. Also report all hearings conducted for all cases addressed
during the current reporting period. See instructions for further explanation and examples of how to
Type of case
Number of cases
Number of hearings
Divorce (no children in common)
Divorce (children in common)
Parental rights/responsibilities
Other (specify):
57. Post-judgment/post-adjudication reviews of family cases
(Report the number of divorce/parental rights and responsibilities cases reviewed by the court for
compliance with terms/conditions of the original family court orders, or for violations of those terms/
conditions. These matters may come before the court as the result of an enforcement action, motion to
modify, or on the court’s own motion. Also report the total number of case review hearings conducted.
The number of case review hearings is the number of individual hearings held for each unique case.
For example, if 10 unique cases were each reviewed three times during the reporting period, the
number of cases reviewed would be 10 and the number of case review hearings conducted would be
10 multiplied by 3, or 30.)
Number of post-judgment/
post-adjudication family cases
reviewed at hearing
Number of individual post-judgment/
post-adjudication family case
review hearings
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Expiration Date:
58. Additional information on post-disposition enforcement actions/reviews of family cases
(If you reported cases reviewed in question 57, please discuss the types of issues your court is seeing
most frequently in the hearings [e.g. contempt motions regarding custody, visitation, and/or child or
spousal support; motions to modify custody and/or visitation; violations of no-contact provisions; failure
to attend BIP or offender treatment, etc.] Describe any patterns the funded court is seeing and how it is
responding.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
59. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of the family cases activities that were funded or
supported by Courts Program funds and to share any additional information about your family cases
activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might be a decrease in the
number of custody and visitation motions and hearings after instituting one-judge one-family.)
(Maximum - 2000 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Court-based Probation or
Other Offender/Respondent Compliance Monitoring
Were your Courts Program funds used for probation or other offender/respondent compliance monitoring
activities during the current reporting period? Only development projects that used Courts Program funds
for court-based probation or other offender/respondent compliance monitoring [including pre-trial, bail,
protection orders, and other conditions of release] during the current reporting period should complete this
Check yes if your Courts Program grant funded probation or other offender/respondent compliance
monitoring activities during the current reporting period.
Yes—answer questions 60-62
No—skip to G2
60. Number of offenders/respondents
(Report the total number of continuing and new sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/
or stalking offenders/respondents supervised or monitored by Courts Program-funded staff. This is an
unduplicated count. If you have not previously filed a semi-annual progress report, include all pending
offenders/respondents at the beginning of the current reporting period as “Number of continuing offenders/respondents.” Indicate whether the offenders/respondents were monitored with or without
violations during the current reporting period.)
Number of
Number of new
Number of sexual assault
Number of domestic
violence offenders/
Number of dating violence
Number of stalking
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Expiration Date:
61. Monitoring activities
(For new and continuing offenders/respondents reported in question 60, report the number of offenders/respondents on whose behalf the listed activities were conducted. Report only those offenders/
respondents who were monitored using the specific activity under “Number of offenders/respondents”
and indicate whether they were being monitored for sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence,
or stalking-related offenses. Also report the number and type of offenders/respondents whose victims/
survivors you had contact with regarding the offenders’/respondents’ compliance with court-ordered
Number of offenders/respondents
Meeting/contact with offender/
Review of information received from,
or contact with, batterer intervention
Review of information received from,
or contact with, other mandated
offender treatment programs
(not BIP)
Review of information received from,
or contact with, substance abuse
Review of information received from,
or contact with, other counselors/
agencies (not substance abuse)
Contact with victims/survivors
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
62. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of offender/respondent compliance monitoring
activities funded or supported by your Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information
you would like to share about those activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might include an initial increase in the number of offenders/resp reviewed by the court for failing to attend BIP, followed by a decrease in that number due to greater compliance with the condition
to attend BIP. You attribute this improved compliance to the updated reliable information obtained by
the compliance monitor, including information provided through regular contact with victims/survivors,
and consistent sanctions imposed by the court for failure to attend BIP or to comply with other courtordered conditions.)
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Expiration Date:
Batterer Intervention Program (BIP)/
Sex Offender Management (SOM)
Were your Courts Program funds used for BIP/SOM during the current reporting period?
Only development projects that used Courts Program funds for BIP or other offender management
activities during the current reporting period should complete this section.
Check yes if Courts Program-funded staff or Courts Program funds directly supported BIP/SOM
activities during the current reporting period.
Yes--answer questions 63-67
No--skip to section H
63. Offenders in program
(Report the number of continuing and new offenders in your batterer intervention/sex offender
management program (BIP/SOM) during the current reporting period. If you have not previously filed a
semi-annual report, include all cases at the beginning of the current reporting period as “Continuing in
BIP or SOM from last reporting period.”)
Number of offenders
Continuing in BIP from last reporting period
Entering BIP during current reporting period
Continuing in SOM from last reporting period
Entering SOM during current reporting period
64. Outcomes
(Report the number of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking offenders in your
program who completed the program, who were terminated from the program, or who returned to the
program after termination during the current reporting period.)
Offenders in BIP
Offenders in SOM
Completed program
Terminated from program
Returned to program after
Other (specify):
65. Length of BIP in weeks
(Report the number of weeks batterers are expected to remain in the program in order to complete it. If
your BIP has more than one program length and/or curriculum, provide the length for each type of
Length of Program A
Length of Program B
Length of Program C
Number of weeks
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Expiration Date:
66. Description of sex offender management (SOM) program
(If you have reported offenders in a Courts Program-funded SOM program in question 63, use the
space below to describe the nature of your program and what type of services you provide [e.g., that
you provide individual counseling, residential treatment, etc.]) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
67. (Optional) Additional information
(Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of the BIP or SOM activities funded or supported
by your Courts Program grant and to provide any additional information you would like to share about
those activities beyond what you have provided in the data above.) (Maximum - 2000 characters)
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Expiration Date:
All grantees must answer question 68.
68. Report on the status of your Courts Program grant goals and objectives as of the end of the current
reporting period.
(Report succinctly on the status of the goals and objectives for your Courts Program grant as of the end
of the current reporting period, as they were identified in your grant proposal or as they have been
added or revised. Indicate whether the activities related to your objectives for the current reporting
period have been completed, are in progress, are delayed, or have been revised. Comment briefly on
your successes and challenges, and provide any additional explanation you feel is necessary for us to
understand what you have or have not accomplished relative to your goals and objectives. If you have
not accomplished objectives that should have been accomplished during the current reporting period,
you must provide an explanation.)
All grantees must answer questions 69 and 70 on an annual basis. Submit this information on the
January to June reporting form only.
69. What do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need, with regard to meeting the needs
of victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking and their
families and increasing offender accountability?
(Consider geographic region, underserved populations, service delivery systems, types of legal
issues, and challenges and barriers unique to your court, your court system, and your jurisdiction.)
70. What has Courts Program funding allowed you to do that you could not do prior to receiving this
(For example, funding has enabled your Courts Program-funded court to exchange case information
between criminal, civil, and family divisions of your courts in cases involving domestic violence, resulting
in fewer conflicting orders, and improved victim safety and offender accountability; it has contributed to
fewer continuances, a reduction in the number of hearings to reach resolution of family matters, or in
fewer motions for contempt and motions to modify court orders in cases involving domestic violence.)
Questions 71 and 72 are optional.
71. Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about your Courts Program grant
and/or the effectiveness of your grant.
(If you have any other data or information that you have not already reported in answers to previous
questions on this form that demonstrate the effectiveness of your Courts Program-funded program,
please provide it below. Feel free to discuss any of the following: systems-level changes, community
collaboration, the removal or reduction of barriers and challenges for victims/survivors, promising
practices, positive or negative unintended consequences.)
72. Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about the data submitted.
(If you have any information that could be helpful in understanding the data you have submitted in this
report, please answer this question. For example, if you submitted two different progress reports for the
same reporting period, you may explain how the data was apportioned to each report; if you funded staff
- e.g., advocates and attorneys - but did not report any corresponding victim services or court cases, you
may explain why; or if you did not use program funds to support either staff or activities during the
reporting period, please explain how program funds were used, if you have not already done so.)
Public Reporting Burden
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. We try
to create forms and instructions that are accurate, can be easily understood, and which impose the least
possible burden on you to provide us with information. The estimated average time to complete and file
this form is 60 minutes per form. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or
suggestions for making this form simpler, you can write to the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S.
Department of Justice, 145 N Street NE, Washington, DC 20530.
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Report on the status of your Courts Program grant goals and objectives as of the end of the current
reporting period. - Question #68
Status (100 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Status (100 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Report on the status of your Courts Program grant goals and objectives as of the end of the current
reporting period. - Question #68 (cont. 1)
Status (100 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Status (100 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Report on the status of your Courts Program grant goals and objectives as of the end of the current
reporting period. - Question #68 (cont. 2)
Status (100 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
Goals/Objectives (1,750 characters)
Status (100 characters)
Key Activities (1,750 characters)
Comments (500 characters)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
What do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need, with regard to meeting the needs of
victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and stalking and their families and
increasing offender accountability? - Question #69
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 56 • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
What do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need, with regard to meeting the needs of
victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and stalking and their families and
increasing offender accountability? - Question #69 (cont.)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
What has Courts Program funding allowed you to do that you could not do prior to receiving this funding? Question #70
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 58 • Office on Violence Against Women
OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
What has Courts Program funding allowed you to do that you could not do prior to receiving this funding? Question #70 (cont.)
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about your Courts Program grant and/or
the effectiveness of your grant. - Question #71
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about your Courts Program grant and/or
the effectiveness of your grant. - Question #71 (cont.)
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Expiration Date:
Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about the data submitted. - Question #72
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OMB Clearance # 0000-0000
Expiration Date:
Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about the data submitted. - Question #72
Court Training and Improvements Grant Program Semi-annual Progress Report • 63 • Office on Violence Against Women
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 12.05CourtTrainingImprovements.indd |
Author | dhitchcock |
File Modified | 2012-02-14 |
File Created | 2012-01-13 |