COPS Non-Hiring Progress Report

COPS Progress Report


COPS Progress Report

OMB: 1103-0102

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Department Non-Hiring Progress Report

Active Non-Hiring Grants

This survey pertains to the COPS Office awards under the following grants as of <Annual or Quarter date inserted>. It covers the following reported period: <<INSERT PERIOD>>.

OMB Examiner Note: Above examples reflect a single agency receiving both a Technology and CPD grant. In the online version, the agency will only see the list of ACTIVE grant programs where they received funding for the specified period.


1. Has your agency met all grant objectives and implemented the programmatically-approved activities scheduled to be achieved as of the reporting period?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

C PD 2007CKWXK0005

OMB Examiner Note: For each “no” response to Question #1, the agency will receive this question:

1a. Do you plan to fully implement this grant?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

C PD 2007CKWXK0005

OMB Examiner Note: For each “no” response to Question #1a, the agency will receive this question:

1b. Please explain why you do not plan to fully implement this grant (500 characters or less):

2. Has your agency purchased all equipment, technology, training, background investigations and/or other cost items in your approved project budget?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No N/A

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

C PD 2007CKWXK0005

OMB Examiner Note: For each “no” response to Question #2, the agency will receive this question:

2a. Please identify the reason(s) below that best describes the delay (check all that apply):

Purchasing in progress Vendor delays Procurement issues

Change in administration Technical issues

Other (please explain in 500 characters or less):

3. Has your agency hired all non-sworn/civilian personnel awarded in your approved project budget?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No N/A

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

P PSE 2007CKWXK0005

OMB Examiner Note: For each “no” response to Question #3, the agency will receive this question:

3a. Please identify the reason(s) below that best describes the delay (check all that apply):

Recruitment/hiring in progress Staff turnover Lack of qualified candidates

Change in administration Temporary hiring freeze

Other (please explain in 500 characters or less):

4. Does your agency require programmatic assistance at this time to ensure successful implementation of this project?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

C PD 2007CKWXK0005

OMB Examiner Note: For each “Yes” response to Question #4, the agency will receive the next two questions:

4a. Please identify the reason(s) below why you require programmatic assistance.

(Check all that apply):

Grant Modification Needed Grant Reimbursement Assistance Needed

Grant Extension Needed Grant Withdrawal Needed

Sole Source Approval Needed Consultant Rate Approval Needed

Other (please explain in 500 characters or less):

4b. Have you contacted the COPS Office about the programmatic assistance needs checked above?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

T echnology 2007CKWX0123

C PD 2007CKWXK0005

If you need programmatic assistance, please contact your Grant Program Specialist at 1-800-421-6770.

OMB Examiner Note: This question only applies to the Methamphetamine (Meth) grant program. The question will only appear online if the grantee has a Meth grant.

5. Does your agency currently intend to develop a plan to assess the results of this project?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth

OMB Examiner Note: This question only applies to certain Cooperative Agreement or grants related to Community Policing Development (CPD) activities. The question will only appear online if certain grantees have grants or cooperative agreements managed under CPD activities.

Grant Program Grant #

CPD 2006CKWXK0005


6. Please discuss the status of each goal and deliverable scheduled to be achieved, as of the reporting period, including any barriers or challenges you have experienced in implementing your project. In addition, please discuss your progress in evaluating the effectiveness and outcomes of activities implemented as a result of this project, and how this progress is consistent with the COPS Office's mission to advance Community Policing through increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

7. Please describe any planned marketing efforts for the deliverables or project outcomes.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

Community Policing Capacity

OMB Examiner Note: These questions should be asked of all FY 2007 and later grantees that are not community policing development activity grants (grouping all grant numbers together by applicable program types).  For example, if a grantee had both a Meth grant and a few Technology grants, these questions would be repeated once for each grant program. In the below example, the grantee would be required to answer the questions once for the Group I Technology grants and once for the Group II Meth grant.  Therefore, if a grantee has multiple grants for the same grant program (i.e. three Technology grants), the grantee will only need to complete this section once.

The questions in this section refer to the grant number(s) identified below and how it may have assisted your agency. You will be asked the same questions for each separate program grouping that may contain multiple grant numbers. For example, if you have three Technology grants in Group I and one Meth grant in Group II, you are required to answer the questions once for the combined three Technology grants in Group I and once for the Meth grant in Group II.



Grant Program Grant # Award Amount

Technology 2007CKWX0123 $125,000

2007CKWX0124 $ 50,000

2007CKWX0125 $ 45,000

roup I

Group II

Grant Program Grant # Award Amount

Meth 2007CKWXK0005 $130,000

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Grant Resources

Develop Community/Law Enforcement Partnerships

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community you serve.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

P1- Share relevant crime and disorder information with community members.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P2- Actively seek input from the community regarding identifying and prioritizing neighborhood problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P3- Engage the community in the development of responses to community problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P4- Collaborate with other agencies that deliver public services (e.g., parks and recreation, social services, public health, mental health, code enforcement).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to use problem-solving. Problem-solving is an analytical process for systematically 1) identifying and prioritizing problems, 2) analyzing problems, 3) responding to problems, and 4) evaluating problem-solving initiatives. Problem-solving involves an agency-wide commitment to go beyond traditional police responses to crime to proactively address a multitude of problems that adversely affect quality of life.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

PS1-Integrate problem-solving into patrol work.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS2-Identify and prioritize crime and disorder problems by having officers examine patterns and trends involving repeat victims, offenders, and locations.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS3-Explore the underlying factors and conditions that contribute to crime and disorder problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS4-Develop tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the underlying conditions that contribute to them.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Organizational Change

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to transform your agency environment, organizational structure, personnel, practices, and policies to support the community policing philosophy and community policing activities.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

OC1-Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC2-Incorporate community policing principles into your agency’s mission/vision statement and strategic plan.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC3-Institutionalize community policing principles into a corresponding set of policies, practices and procedures.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC4-Institute community policing agency-wide.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OMB Examiner Note: Explanation: The technological capacity question below should be asked of all grantees that have grant program types with equipment/technology grants (grouping all grant numbers together by applicable program types).

Increasing Technological Capacity

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your technological capacity to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

T1- Ensure agency staff have proper access to relevant data (e.g., calls for service, incident and arrest data, etc.).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T2- Analyze and understand problems in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T3- Improve your agency’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T4- Provide officers with necessary equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OMB Examiner Note: The next section is asked once per agency.

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Training and Technical Assistance Resources

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) the COPS Office has provided training or technical assistance to your agency to advance community policing.

Have you received training or technical assistance, with respect to implementing community policing, from the COPS Office or COPS-sponsored training providers?

Yes No

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

OMB Examiner Note: For each “Yes” response above, the agency will receive the following 6 questions:

Has the training and/or technical assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

Train2- Develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train3- Engage in problem-solving to prevent, respond to, and/or better analyze crime.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train4- Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train5- Improve technological capabilities to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train6- Effectively implement the strategies presented to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train7- Did you share the information that you learned with others?

Yes No

Final Report Non-Hiring Grants

This survey pertains to the COPS Office awards for the grant(s) that ended prior to <<date inserted>>.

OMB Examiner Note: Above examples reflect a single agency receiving both a Meth and TRGP grant. In the online version, the agency will only see the list of Final Report-eligible grant programs. An agency is eligible to receive a final report in a given month if their grant end date was in the prior month.

1. Has your agency purchased all equipment, technology, training, background investigations and/or other cost items and hired all non-sworn/civilian personnel awarded in your approved project budget?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth 2007CKWX0015

T RGP-E/T 2007HEWX0012

(If no, please explain in 500 characters or less):

2. Has your agency submitted a final Financial Status Report (SF-269A)?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth 2007CKWX0015

T RGP-E/T 2007HEWX0012

You must submit your final Financial Status Report within 90 calendar days of the expiration date of this grant.

3. Did your agency experience any challenges or difficulties in implementing your project or meeting project goals and objectives?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth 2007CKWX0015

T RGP-E/T 2007HEWX0012

OMB Examiner Note: For each “yes” response to Question 3, the agency will receive this question:

3a. Please identify the challenges or difficulties your agency experienced.

(Check all that apply):

Procurement issues Vendor delays Staff turnover

Change in administration Technical issues Lack of qualified candidates

Temporary hiring freeze

Other (please explain in 500 characters or less):

4. Were any new partnerships developed or existing partnerships enhanced as a result of this project?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth 2007CKWX0015

T RGP-E/T 2007HEWX0012

OMB Examiner Note: For each “yes” response to Question 4, the agency will receive this question:

4a. Please identify the new or existing partnerships that were enhanced (check all that apply):

Faith Based Organizations Businesses Federal or State Government Entities

Local Government Entities Courts Other Law Enforcement Entities

Non-Profit Organizations Schools Community Groups

Other First Responders (e.g., EMS & Fire Departments)

Local Service Agencies (e.g., Health and Human Services)


OMB Examiner Note: Meth Program only will receive the following question.

5. Did you assess the results of this project?

Grant Program Grant # Yes No

M eth 2007CKWX0015

OMB Examiner Note: For each “yes” response to Question 5, the agency will receive this question:

5a. Please describe the results of your assessment.

(Please explain in 500 characters or less):

OMB Examiner Note: This question only applies to certain Cooperative Agreement or grants related to Community Policing Development (CPD) activities. The question will only appear online if certain grantees have grants or cooperative agreements managed under CPD activities

Grant Program Grant #

CPD 2006CKWXK0005


6. Please provide a final summary of the project goals and deliverables that were achieved. In addition, please discuss how you evaluated the effectiveness and outcomes of activities implemented as a result of this project, and how this was consistent with the COPS Office's mission to advance Community Policing through increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

Grant Program Grant #

CPD 2006CKWXK0005


7. Please describe all past and ongoing marketing efforts.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

OMB Examiner Note: (Only grantees that have been awarded a single grant over $5 million would complete the following section as part of their final report)

8. Please describe the specific purpose of the COPS-funded project listed above.

Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

9. Please provide a description of how the awarded funds were spent.

Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

10. If available, please provide any statistics you may have relating to the performance of this award. As examples, these statistics may include information detailing the immediate and direct results of your project, such as the number of officer or citizen hours spent in training as a result of this award, or the impact of additional officers on response times.

Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

11. Please describe the effectiveness of this award. Your response might discuss, for example, how this project has helped to enhance your agency’s community policing and/or homeland security efforts and activities.

Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)

Community Policing Capacity

OMB Examiner Note: These questions should be asked of all FY 2007 and later grantees that are not community policing development activity grants (grouping all grant numbers together by applicable program types).  For example, if a grantee had both a Meth grant and a few Technology grants, these questions would be repeated once for each grant program. In the below example, the grantee would be required to answer the questions once for the Group I Technology grants and once for the Group II Meth grant.  Therefore, if a grantee has multiple grants for the same grant program (i.e. three Technology grants), the grantee will only need to complete this section once.


Grant Program Grant # Award Amount

Meth 2007CKWX0015 $225,000

Meth 2007CKWX0016 $100,000

MB Examiner Note:
In the examples below, when the grantee is eligible to receive the Final Report, they will need to complete the Community Policing Capacity section for their Final Meth AND for their Final TRGP-E/T grant.

Grant Program Grant # Award Amount

TRGP-E/T 2007HEWX0012 $ 80,000

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Grant Resources

Develop Community/Law Enforcement Partnerships

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community you serve.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

P1- Share relevant crime and disorder information with community members.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P2- Actively seek input from the community regarding identifying and prioritizing neighborhood problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P3- Engage the community in the development of responses to community problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P4- Collaborate with other agencies that deliver public services (e.g., parks and recreation, social services, public health, mental health, code enforcement).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to use problem-solving. Problem-solving is an analytical process for systematically 1) identifying and prioritizing problems, 2) analyzing problems, 3) responding to problems, and 4) evaluating problem-solving initiatives. Problem-solving involves an agency-wide commitment to go beyond traditional police responses to crime to proactively address a multitude of problems that adversely affect quality of life.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

PS1-Integrate problem-solving into patrol work.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS2-Identify and prioritize crime and disorder problems by having officers examine patterns and trends involving repeat victims, offenders, and locations.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS3-Explore the underlying factors and conditions that contribute to crime and disorder problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS4-Develop tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the underlying conditions that contribute to them.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Organizational Change

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to transform your agency environment, organizational structure, personnel, practices, and policies to support the community policing philosophy and community policing activities.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

OC1-Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC2-Incorporate community policing principles into your agency’s mission/vision statement and strategic plan.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC3-Institutionalize community policing principles into a corresponding set of policies, practices and procedures.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OC4-Institute community policing agency-wide.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OMB Examiner Note: Explanation: The technological capacity question below should be asked of all grantees that have grant program types with equipment/technology grants (grouping all grant numbers together by applicable program types). For example, if a grantee had both a technology grant and a few TRGP grants, these questions would be repeated once for each program type and the grantee would answer the questions once for the technology grant and once for their TRGP grants.

Increasing Technological Capacity

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your technological capacity to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

T1- Ensure agency staff have proper access to relevant data (e.g., calls for service, incident and arrest data, etc.).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T2- Analyze and understand problems in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T3- Improve your agency’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T4- Provide officers with necessary equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OMB Examiner Note: The next section is asked once per agency.

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Training and Technical Assistance Resources

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) the COPS Office has provided training or technical assistance to your agency to advance community policing.

Have you received training or technical assistance, with respect to implementing community policing, from the COPS Office or COPS-sponsored training providers?

Yes No

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

OMB Examiner Note: For each “Yes” response, the agency will receive the following 6 questions:

Has the training and/or technical assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

Train2- Develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train3- Engage in problem-solving to prevent, respond to, and/or better analyze crime.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train4- Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train5- Improve technological capabilities to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train6- Effectively implement the strategies presented to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Train7- Did you share the information that you learned with others?

Yes No

OMB Examiner Note: All grantees will complete the contact information below.

Certification and Contact Information

If you would like to provide any additional comments, please feel free to include them below.

First and Last Name of Person Completing this Report:

Title of Person Completing this Report:

E-mail of Person Completing this Report (if applicable):

Phone Number of Person Completing this Report:

I certify that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS grant awards may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in Federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law to the Federal Government. Please be advised that a hold may be placed on COPS grant awards if it is deemed that the agency is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation.

Please type your name here in place of your signature:


The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to one hour per response including time for searching existing data sources, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the report. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530; and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20530.

You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this application is 1103-#### and the expiration date is MM/DD/YYYY.

Non-Hiring Progress Report Final

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDepartment Non-Hiring Progress Report
Last Modified ByRebekah Dorr
File Modified2007-12-18
File Created2007-12-18

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