OMB Number: 0584-0524 Expiration Date: XX/XXXX
Power Partner Commitment Form
Eat Smart. Play Hard.™
The Food and Nutrition Service invites you to become an Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ Power Partner. Complete this form and check what your agency will do over the next 12 months to promote healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. Email this form to or fax it to 703-305-2576, Attention NSS.
Primary Contact __________________________ Title _________________________________________
Organization/Dept. ____________________________ Agency/Division _____________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ______ Zip: ________________________________________
Phone: _________________ Fax: ________________ Email: _____________________________________
Secondary Contact _________________________ Title ________________________________________
Organization/Dept. ____________________________ Agency/Division ____________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________________________________
Phone: _________________ Fax: ________________ Email: ____________________________________
Which USDA nutrition assistance program(s) does your agency administer? Check all that apply.
[ ] NONE [ ] Child Nutrition/School Meals [ ] Food Stamp Program
[ ] WIC [ ] WIC Farmers Market [ ] FDPIR
[ ] CACFP [ ] Summer Food Service Program [ ] TEFAP
[ ] CSFP [ ] Other – specify ____________________________________
Type of requesting agency: [Check only one]
State Agency ____ Local Agency ____ Other, specify___________
Check all that apply. As an Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ Partner, we will:
Complete the Choice A or B of the Basic Requirements and at least 2 optional requirements from _(date)__ to_(date)__ (must be completed in 12 months).
Basic Requirements:
Choice A
conduct 3-4 lessons for kids (including the take home and community components),
sponsor at least one education/community wide program featuring Power Panther * that uses the Power Panther scripts, stories, and Power Up Moves,
conduct a tour of the kids’ Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ website. Have kids work in groups to provide feedback on each of the eight locations in the virtual community.
conduct 1-2 Power Plan lessons for Parents.
Choice B
conduct 1-2 lessons for kids (including the take home and community components),
sponsor at least one education/community wide program featuring Power Panther * that uses the Power Panther scripts, stories, and Power Up Moves,
conduct 3-4 Power Plan lessons for Parents.
Note: The activities in either Choice A or B must be completed during a 6-8 week period of time to maximize impact.
Optional Requirements (Check at least two):
Host a family “food tasting” night to make family members aware of the
important role they play in promoting healthy eating and an active living environment; share resources and tips and conduct a tour of the parent web pages and resources. Include a taste test of the healthy, tasty, easy, and low cost recipes on the site.
Conduct additional education sessions with children and or adults using the Power Plans or FNS My Pyramid for Kids lesson plans.
Conduct (# ) events using Power Panther*, the Power Panther scripts and
related resources.
Feature an article on Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ in our publications.
Play the audio Eat Smart. Play Hard. ™ PSAs
Create a dance routine with our kids using the Power Panther songs.
Encourage our band to learn and play the Power Panther song at school assemblies.
Conduct trainings for staff on new Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ resources.
Include a link to Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ on our website.
Other, please describe________________________________________
* Submit Costume Request and Agreement Form for your event at least 6-8 weeks in advance.
___________________ ___________________________ _________________________
Date Name (print or type) Signature
FNS-813 (03/10)
File Type | application/msword |
Author | jwilson |
Last Modified By | rgreene |
File Modified | 2010-03-29 |
File Created | 2010-03-29 |