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pdfNational Science Foundation
EAPSI Applicants Survey
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc. for the National Science Foundation (NSF), to learn
about the graduate experiences, career choices, and professional activities of individuals who applied to
NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program. You are receiving this survey because
you are listed in the EAPSI database as an applicant to EAPSI.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution.
You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. Your responses to this
survey will be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality, and we
have put in place procedures in place to minimize this risk. You will never be identified by name, and
information from the study will only be reported in the aggregate at the program level, combined with
about 500 other responses.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (866) 421-6223 or
email her at You may also contact the evaluation’s program officer at NSF,
John Tsapogas ( If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you
may contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877)520-6835.
To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please continue with the survey if you agree to participate in this study.
[Note for reviewers: This survey will be programmed for on-line administration. The formatting of
items may appear differently on-line.]
Notes in brown are for programming purposes.
Some questions will be received by specific groups of individuals only. These skip patterns are
indicated throughout the survey. For the paper version, we have included these skip patterns in
text. These will be programmed into the online version.
There are places throughout the survey where Institution, year, name etc. will be filled into the
question or instruction text using a sample file.
We now would like to ask you about your experiences with the program. Please respond to the
best of your recollection.
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EAPSI Applicants Questionnaire
Some items include a common [reference date], like that used in the Survey of Doctoral
Recipients (SDR), to account for the fact that individual survey respondents are unlikely to
complete the survey during the same week or month within the data collection period (currently
scheduled for early October 2010).
Before we begin the survey, we’d like to confirm that we’ve reached the appropriate person.
A1. Based on the information that you provided to NSF in your application, your name is [First
Name, Middle Name/initial, Last Name]. Is this correct?
No, my name has changed or my name is misspelled above. My name is: [textbox] Æ
GOTO A2.1 or A2.2
No, I’m not the person named above. Æ EXIT SURVEY
Yes, this is correct. Æ GOTO A2.1 or A2.2
A2.1 [Fellows only] Based on the information contained in the NSF EAPSI database, you
participated in the National Science Foundation’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
program (EAPSI) in the summer of [year]. Is this correct?
If you participated in EAPSI more than once, we refer here, and throughout the rest of the
survey, to your most recent EAPSI experience unless specifically stated otherwise.
Yes, this is correct. Æ GOTO A3
No, I never participated in EAPSI. Æ EXIT SURVEY
No, I applied for the EAPSI fellowship, but withdrew my application before the award
decision has been made. Æ EXIT SURVEY
No, I was awarded the EAPSI fellowship, but declined it. ÆEXIT SURVEY
No, I participated in EAPSI, but the most recent year I participated was [enter year here].
A2.2. [Unfunded applicants only] Based on the information contained in the NSF database, you
applied for EAPSI in the year of [year], but did not participate in a fellowship. Is this
Yes, this is correct. Æ GOTO A4
No, I did participate in an EAPSI fellowship, but my fellowship began in the summer of
[enter year: yyyy] and took place in [enter country here]. Æ GOTO A3
No, I never applied for this program. Æ EXIT SURVEY
This first set of questions is needed to ensure that the correct individual is responding to the survey.
Brackets indicate either information that will be pre‐filled from extant data, or places where the
respondent is asked to enter information. Some of these questions can be removed if extant data are
available for all applicants.
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A3. Based on the information contained in the NSF database, you applied to spend your EAPSI
fellowship in [EAPSI country]. Is this correct?
No, I applied for an EAPSI fellowship in [list of EAPSI countries].
A4. Based on the information that you provided to NSF in your application, you were enrolled at
[University] when you most recently applied for an EAPSI fellowship. Is this correct?
No, I was enrolled as a graduate student at [enter University name here].
A5. What graduate degree were you pursuing when you applied for the summer EAPSI
Master’s degree (MA, MS)
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD)
MD/PhD or JD/PhD
Professional degree (MD, JD, MBA, PsyD)
Other – specify: [textbox]
A5a. As of [October 1st, 2010], had you earned this degree?
Yes Æ Go to A5b
Æ Go to A6
A5b. What month and year did you receive this degree?
___|_____ (mm|yyyy)
A6. In what year did you first enroll as a graduate student at [University]? [enter year: yyyy]
A7. What discipline were you studying when you applied for an EAPSI fellowship? Please select
the field and subfield that best matches your discipline.
Respondents will select their discipline from a list corresponding to the list used in the
Survey of Doctoral Recipients 2008 questionnaire.
B1. How did you learn about the EAPSI Fellowship? Check all that apply.
I saw a flyer or poster about EAPSI at my department or university
I heard about EAPSI through a peer, colleague or faculty member
I heard about it at presentation by NSF
I learned about EAPSI at a professional conference I was attending
A researcher from an EAPSI host country (not in the U.S.) told me about EAPSI
I was browsing the NSF website and discovered it
I was searching online for international research opportunities
Other (please specify): [textbox]
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B2. Why did you apply for an EAPSI fellowship? Check all that apply.
To conduct research with a specific person or at a specific institution
To collaborate with a foreign scientist
To understand what research in my field was like outside the US
To access resources (e.g. samples, equipment) for research that I could not find in the
To enhance my skills or knowledge as a researcher
To make progress towards earning my graduate degree
To enhance my resume as a future job candidate
To learn about the culture, history, and/or geography of another country
To learn another language
To travel outside of the United States
For family reasons (e.g., to accompany a spouse traveling abroad)
Other (please specify): [textbox]
B3. For your application to the EAPSI program, why did you select your EAPSI country? Check all
that apply.
The host researcher was conducting research relevant to my own interests
The host institution had equipment or resources helpful for my proposed research
A faculty advisor or mentor recommended this particular country, the particular host
institution or host researcher in this country
I have professional ties with someone who is from this country
The host researcher had visited my department or university
There were particular places in this country (aside from the host institution) that I
wanted to visit or see
I had studied this country’s culture, history, politics, geography, etc. before applying
I was familiar with the primary language(s) spoken there
The host country was not my first choice
Other reason (please specify): [textbox]
B4. During the EAPSI application process, did you experience any of the following difficulties?
Check all that apply.
Finding a host scientist whose research matched my research interests
Identifying a research project that I could accomplish in 8 to 10 weeks
Communicating with people at the host institution due to a language barrier
Getting answers to my questions regarding the application from NSF
Using the FastLane application system
Demonstrating my qualifications using the application format
Other: please specify: [textbox]
None: I did not experience any difficulties
B5. Did the notification of your application status allow you sufficient time to make the
necessary arrangements for your visit or to make alternative plans if you did not receive the
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B6. How did your primary graduate advisor view your decision to apply for an EAPSI?
I do not know how my advisor viewed my decision to apply
I did not have an advisor
My advisor opposed my decision to apply
My advisor was indifferent to my decision to apply
My advisor supported my decision to apply
B7. What types of mentoring or guidance did you receive from your graduate advisor or other
mentors during the preparation of the EAPSI application? Check all that apply.
Provided a letter of recommendation to NSF
Suggested a host institution
Recommended me to a colleague at the host institution
Provided feedback on my project proposal
Discussed with me cultural and language aspects of the host country
Other – specify: [textbox]
B8. Did you participate in a pre‐departure orientation?
NoÆGo To C1
B8a.Did the pre‐departure orientation provide adequate information on the following
Living expenses
Healthcare access
Culture and rules of the host country
Political situation in the host country
What not to do in the host country
What to do in case of emergency
B8b. What additional topics do you think should have been covered during the orientation?
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Items in this Module are needed for the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) to ensure a good
match between EAPSI fellows and EAPSI Non‐awarded applicants.
C1. Using a 4‐point scale, what was your overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA)?
If you have more than one bachelor’s degree, give your overall grade point average for your
first bachelor’s degree.
3.75 – 4.00 GPA (Mostly A’s)
3.25 – 3.74 GPA (About half A’s/half B’s)
2.75 – 3.24 GPA (Mostly B’s)
2.25 – 2.74 GPA (About half B’s/half C’s)
1.75 – 2.24 GPA (Mostly C’s)
1.25 – 1.74 GPA (About half C’s/half D’s)
Less than 1.25 (Mostly D’s or below)
Have not taken courses where grades were given
C2. While you were an undergraduate, did you participate in a study abroad program or did you
spend a semester pursuing your education outside the United States?
C3. Which of the following were true at the time of application? Check all that apply.
I was already collaborating with the host scientist or someone else at the host
My advisor or another faculty member in my department had collaborated
with someone at the host institution
My department or university had an existing collaboration or graduate student
exchange program with the host institution
Other graduate students from my university or department had been to the host
There was another type of relationship with the host institution. Please specify:
C4. By the time you applied for an EAPSI Fellowship, had you done any of the following? Check
all that apply
Attended elementary or secondary school in another country
Collaborated on research with someone based in another country
Published research with someone based in another country
Presented scholarly work at a research conference in another country
Belonged to an international association, either for students or professionals
Participated on a research team with a scientist who was visiting my group from a
foreign institution
Worked with a colleague (peer or faculty member) who had an ongoing collaboration
with researcher(s) in another country/countries
Worked with a colleague who had completed an EAPSI Fellowship
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C5. By the time you applied for an EAPSI Fellowship, had you authored/co‐authored,
edited/co‐edited, developed/co‐developed the following types of research papers or
Include works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the same work
more than once if it is available in multiple formats.
Yes No
Peer‐reviewed publications
Yes No
Yes No
Book chapters
Yes No
Other publications (e.g. abstract, conference papers, posters)
Yes No
Patents and licenses, registered or pending
Yes No
Yes No
Computing software, algorithms, models, or simulations
Other products (e.g., websites; research‐related blogs)
C6. By the time you applied for an EAPSI Fellowship, had you received a nationally competitive
fellowship(s) to support your graduate studies?
Do not include support you received directly from your graduate institution or support from
a faculty member’s grant funding.
Competitive graduate fellowships include those awarded by Federal, state, or local
agencies or by a private foundation to support graduate students enrolled (or intending to
enroll) at any graduate institution.
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D1. In preparation for your EAPSI fellowship, did you study a language spoken in your host
country? Check all that apply.
No, I was already familiar with the language spoken in the host country
No, I did not study a language spoken in the host country
Yes, I did some self‐guided language study (i.e., individual study using books or
computer‐based instructional software, such as Rosetta Stone)
Yes, I studied with a conversation partner or a tutor who was familiar with a language
spoken in the host country
Yes, I enrolled in a formal language training course led by an instructor (either an online
course or “live” course)
D2. Was the language a barrier for you during your EAPSI fellowship?
Language was a significant barrier
Language was a minor barrier
Language was not a barrier
D3. During your EAPSI fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of
cultural or leisure activities in your host country? Check all that apply
Festivals, holiday or religious ceremonies
Outdoor activities to explore the landscape, geography
Sporting events
Non‐scientific lectures or presentations
Other (please specify):
I did not participate in any cultural activities
D4. During your EAPSI fellowship, did you attend or participate in any of the following types of
professional activities?
Visit(s) to educational or research institutions other than my host institution
Visit(s) to businesses/industrial laboratories
Language courses or language study
Lectures, colloquia, seminars in my field
I gave a talk or presentation to researchers from my host country
Networking with colleagues from institutions other than my host institution
Other (please specify):
I did not attend or participate in any professional activities
D4a. Please describe one of the most memorable activities or events you experienced in
your host country: [textbox]
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D5. Did you experience any barriers to participating in or attending any cultural or professional
activities? Check all that apply:
There were no barriers
There were logistical (e.g., transportation, cost) barriers to my participation
There were language barriers to my participation
There were cultural or religious barriers to my participation
My gender made participation difficult or uncomfortable
My ethnicity or race made participation difficult or uncomfortable
Other – specify: [textbox]
D6. What were the primary benefits (if any) of the cultural and professional activities you
attended or in which you participated?
Developed important personal relationship(s)
Broadened my understanding of cross‐cultural similarities and differences
Developed important professional relationship(s)
Broadened my understanding of research and development in my field
Other (please specify): [textbox]
D7. Who was primarily involved in the following activities related to the EAPSI project(s) on
which you worked? Mark one answer in each row.
Mostly me
Mostly the
host or
members of
his/her group
without me
Me and the
host or host’s
research group
about equally
Developing the ideas, hypotheses, broad
framework, or vision for the research project
Researching literature or research base
relevant to the project
Keeping records, tracking supplies,
Developing instrumentation, software,
equipment, or data collection processes
Collecting data or carrying out simulations
Analyzing data or observations
Interpreting results
Planning or developing follow‐up work based
on results
Written, oral dissemination of results
(publications, presentations)
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D8. Did you experience any of the following difficulties during your fellowship? Check all that
Inadequate access to space, facilities, equipment, computers, resources/supplies
My role on the project was less than that merited by my skills/knowledge
Not enough guidance from host/host’s research group
Communication or language difficulties
I felt that my ideas were not treated with respect
Encountered sexual, gender‐ racial or other harrassment or discrimination
I was asked to do work that was someone else’s responsibility
Not given credit for my contributions to advancing a project
Other (please specify): [textbox]
D9. How often did you meet with your host researcher or your host’s research group to discuss
your EAPSI project?
About every day
About every other day
About once a week
About once every other week
Once a month or less
D10. What type of advice or guidance did your host (or host’s research group) provide you?
Check all that apply.
Conceptual guidance
Technical assistance
Assistance with bureaucratic or logistical barriers
Constructive feedback on mistakes
Helped support my morale
Hands‐on assistance doing the work
Assistance with networking for job placement after the EAPSI fellowship
D11. During your EAPSI fellowship, who provided direct supervision while you were conducting
your work? Check all that apply.
The host researcher him/herself
Another staff scientist
A junior faculty member or post‐doctoral fellow
Another graduate student(s)
A laboratory technician or other employee/worker
No one, I was not supervised by anyone else
D12. Were any researchers from your graduate institution involved in the project(s) you
conducted during EAPSI? Check all that apply.
My advisor
Other faculty at my grad institution
Other grad students at my grad institution
None of the above
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D13. Please indicate how satisfied you were with various aspects of your EAPSI experience.
Check one answer in each row.
Fellowship support amount
Fellowship duration
Fellowship timing (summer)
Research/laboratory facilities at the
host location
Access to the internet
Host’s availability
Match between my and my host’s
research interests
Host’s expertise in his/her field
The level of the host’s intellectual
contribution to our joint research
Host’s efforts to help me meet other
Host’s inclusion of me in research
group/laboratory, meaningful
Guidance or mentoring provided by
Opportunities to experience and
learn about the host country, its
culture, history, etc
The quality of research I was able to
Match between scope or goals of
project and duration of EAPSI
Professional connections made
during the fellowship
D13a. Please feel free to elaborate on areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with EAPSI.
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E1. Since the conclusion of your EAPSI fellowship and [October 1, 2010], have you collaborated
or communicated with your host scientist? Select one answer
I have collaborated on a research project Æ GOTO E1a
I have communicated with my host but haven’t collaborated further on research Æ
I have not communicated with my host Æ GOTO E1c
E1a. What was the extent of your collaboration? Check all that apply
I have a position at the host’s group
I have a position at the host’s institution Æ GOTO E1b
We exchanged ideas, data, ideas, research results, or tools Æ GOTO E1b
We co‐authored papers Æ GOTO E1b
We co‐advised students Æ GOTO E1b
We visited each other at our institutions Æ GOTO E1b
Other – specify [textbox] Æ GOTO E1b
E1b. How recently has the latest collaboration with your host occurred?
Within the past 6 months Æ GOTO E2
Within the past 12 months Æ GOTO E2
1‐2 years ago Æ GOTO E2
3 or more years ago Æ GOTO E2
E1c. Why do you no longer collaborate with your former host? Check all that apply
Our research interests diverged
One or both of us lacked funding needed to maintain collaboration
Language differences have hindered further collaboration
Political or cultural differences have hindered further collaboration
Geographic distance has hindered further collaboration
I did not think that further collaboration would be beneficial for me
My host did not actively pursue or maintain further collaboration with me
My colleagues discouraged me from continuing this collaboration
My advisor discouraged me from continuing this collaboration
One (or both) of us is too busy with other projects
Other – specify [textbox]
None of the above
E2. Did participating in EAPSI make you qualified for a broader range of opportunities after the
fellowship ended?
Yes, EAPSI did broaden my career optionsÆ GOTO E3a
No, EAPSI did not broaden my career options
I am not sure
E2a. Describe how EAPSI broadened or constrained your career options: [textbox]
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E3. Which of the following professional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in
EAPSI? Check all that apply
My work at the host institution resulted in a substantial advancement in my research
My work at the host institution opened up new areas of investigation
I became familiar with scientific enterprise of the host country
I became committed to international research collaboration
I made valuable connections to researchers in the host country
My career goals changed from an academic career to a non‐academic career
My career goals changed from a non‐academic to an academic career
I decided to pursue a graduate degree in a different discipline than the one I was
pursuing when I began my EAPSI fellowship
EAPSI participation made me more competitive for jobs I was interested in
EAPSI participation made me consider position I would not have considered in the past
None of the above
E4. Which of the following additional benefits occurred as a result of your participation in
EAPSI? Check all that apply
Research methods or ideas that I learned benefited others in my institution
Samples that I collected or tools that I developed benefited others in my institution
My peers became interested in international collaboration
Others in my research group (in the U.S.) began an international research collaboration
Researchers that I met during my fellowship joined my research group
Other – specify [textbox]
None of the above
E5. Which of the following personal benefits occurred as a result of your participation?
Check all that apply.
I became comfortable with the traditions and culture of the host country
I made personal connections in the host country
I gained proficiency in another language
I decided to live outside the United States (i.e. at least 6 months)
None of the above
E6. Which of the following are true? Check all that apply
Completion of my graduate degree was delayed
Competition was introduced between my research group and the host
I lost an important career or educational opportunity by participating in EAPSI
I am more skeptical about international collaboration than before EAPSI
None of the above
E7. What was the most positive aspect of your EAPSI experience? [textbox]
E8. What was the most challenging aspect of your EAPSI experience? [textbox]
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E9. Would you recommend the EAPSI fellowship to another graduate student seeking an
international experience?
Yes Æ GOTO E9a
E9a. Why or why not? [textbox]
E10. Would you recommend your host to another graduate student seeking an international
E11. Would you recommend your host country to another graduate student seeking an
international experience?
E12. What would you change about the program? [textbox]
E13. What was the most important contribution of EAPSI participation to your career? [textbox]
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The wording of several items in this module is matched to SDR. These items are marked as
F1. During the week of [October 1, 2010] were you working for pay or profit? Work includes
being self‐employed, on a postdoctoral appointment, or on any type of paid or unpaid leave,
including vacation. MATCH TO SDR2006 A1
Yes, in a postdoctoral position Æ GOTO F1a, then to F6
Yes, in another type of position Æ GOTO F1a, then to F2
No, I am still in graduate school Æ GOTO F9
No, I am not in graduate school and not working Æ GOTO F1a, then to F9
F1a. Between [year] and [October 1, 2010], how many postdoctoral appointments did
you have? Please include your current position in the total.
3 or more
F1b. Do you plan to remain in academia?
I am not sure
F1c. Have you held any postdoctoral appointment at an institution outside the United
F2. Which of the following best describes your primary employer during the week of [October 1,
2010]? MATCH TO SDR2006 A11
SELF‐EMPLOYED or a BUSINESS OWNER (non‐incorporated or incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm)
PRIVATE SECTOR (for‐profit or non‐profit, including tax‐exempt and charitable
organizations; includes private colleges/universities
Local GOVERNMENT (city, county, school district)
State GOVERNMENT (including state colleges/universities)
U.S. MILITARY service, activity duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
OTHER type of employer: Please specify: [textbox]
F3. Was your primary employer during the week of [October 1, 2010] an educational institution?
Yes Æ GOTO F3a‐d
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F3a. Was the educational institution where you worked a . . . MATCH TO SDR2006 A13
Preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school or system
Two‐year college, community college or technical institute Æ GOTO F3b
Four‐year college or university, other than a medical school Æ GOTO F3b
Medical school (including university‐affiliated hospital or medical center) Æ GOTO F3b
University‐affiliated research institute Æ GOTO F3b
Other educational institution [please specify]: [textbox]
F3b. During the week of [October 1, 2010] what type of academic position did you hold at
this institution? Mark Yes or No for each item. MATCH TO SDR2006 A14
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head or chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Other (please specify: [textbox])
F3c. During the week of [October 1, 2010], what was your faculty rank? MATCH TO
SDR2006 A15
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other: [textbox]
F3d. What was your tenure status? MATCH TO SDR2006 A16
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track
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F4. Which of the following work activities occupied at least 10% of your time during a typical
week on this job? Mark Yes or No for each item. MATCH TO SDR2006 A25
No Work activities occupying at least 10% of my time
Accounting, finance, contracts
Basic research—study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its
own sake
Applied research—study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a
recognized need
Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of
materials, devices
Design of equipment, processes, structures, models
Computer programming, systems or applications development
Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training
Managing or supervising people or projects
Production, operations, maintenance (e.g., chip production, operating lab
Professional services (e.g., health care, counseling, financial services, legal services)
Sales, purchasing, marketing, customer service, public relations
Quality or productivity management
Other—Specify: [textbox]
F5. In performing the primary job you held during the week of [October 1, 2010], did you
work with individuals located in countries other than the US? MATCH TO SDR 2006
If you are a graduate student, please consider graduate school your primary job
Yes Æ GOTO F5a
F5a. Did your work with individuals in countries other than the US involve. . .
Mark Yes or No for each item. MATCH TO SDR
Sharing data or information?
Sharing materials, equipment, or facilities?
Preparing a joint publication?
Jointly developing a product, process, or program?
Collaborating on a research project?
Other type of work? Specify: [textbox]
F6. As of [October 1, 2010], were you intending to pursue any of the following international
opportunities? Check all that apply
A postdoctoral position outside the United States
Graduate training at an institution outside the U.S.
Employment outside the United States
Other international research program. Which one? [Textbox]
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F7. Between [year of EAPSI] and [October 1, 2010], did you receive any awards or honors for
Yes Æ GOTO F7a
F7a for Fellows only: [Declinees SKIP to F7b]
F7a. Were any of these awards based on research conducted or advanced during your
EAPSI fellowship?
F7b. What was the name of the most prestigious award for research you have received and
who did it come from?
Name of award: [textbox]
The award was from:
My graduate department or institution
A regional or national professional association
An international professional association
A U.S. government agency
A foundation in the U.S.
An institution or government based outside the U.S.
Other – specify: [textbox]
F8. Between [year of EAPSI] and [October 1, 2010], how many of the following works had you
published or produced (on your own or with others)?
Include works “in press” but do not include works “under review” or “in preparation.”
Include works published in electronic or printed format but do not count the same work
more than once if it is available in multiple formats. Make your best approximation if you
do not know the exact number.
All Respondents
All respondents
EAPSI Fellows only:
How many of these How many of these
from collaboration from collaboration
(if none, enter
with foreign
with your EAPSI
Non peer reviewed publications
Peer reviewed publications
Book chapters
Patents, licenses registered or
Computing software, models,
Other [textbox]
F9. Between [year of EAPSI] and [October 1, 2010], have you ever worked in another country?
EAPSI Applicants Survey
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Yes Æ GOTO F9a
F9a. For how many years in total did you work in another country? [textbox]
F10. Between [year of EAPSI application] and [October 1, 2010], did you ever . . . Check all that
Host a foreign colleague in the US to collaborate on research or development project
with me?
Co‐sponsor a professional conference with individuals or institutions from another
Communicate with colleagues from other countries?
F11. Between [year of EAPSI application]and [October 1, 2010] did you ever …
Mark Yes, No or Not applicable for each item.
Yes No Not applicable
for my position
Serve as chairperson of an academic department?
Serve as director of a research center or institute
affiliated with this institution?
Obtain tenure?
Receive an elevation in faculty rank?
Receive an award for teaching?
Receive an award for service?
Receive an endowed chair?
Receive a prize or recognition from a professional
association for outstanding contribution(s) to your
Serve as Editor of a professional publication?
Serve on a visiting committee or another advisory
F12. Between the conclusion of your EAPSI fellowship and [October 1, 2010], did you receive
any funding to conduct research as a Principal Investigator (PI) or co‐PI?
Not applicable (e.g., not eligible for research funding, not relevant for my position)
Yes Æ GOTO F12a
No, I did not apply for such funding during that period of time Æ GOTO F13
No, I applied but did not receive such fundingÆ GOTO F13
EAPSI Applicants Survey
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F12a. Was the funding you received between the conclusion of your EAPSI fellowship and
[October 1, 2010] as a PI, co‐PI, or both?
PIÆ answer F12b only
co‐PIÆ answer F12c only
BothÆanswer F12b and F12c
F12b. What was the total awarded amount of the most prestigious single research
grant/award you received as Principal Investigator (PI)?
Do not subtract indirect costs taken by your institution.
Please round to the nearest whole dollar.
F12c. What was the total awarded amount of the most prestigious single research
grant/award you received as co‐Principal Investigator (co‐PI)?
Do not subtract indirect costs taken by your institution.
Please round to the nearest whole dollar.
EAPSI Applicants Survey
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F13. At institutions in the United States where you have worked since the end of your EAPSI
fellowship, did you do any of the following? If, since the end of your EAPSI fellowship,
you have been unemployed, self‐employed or worked only outside the United States,
please select “Not applicable” in each row.
I have taught my colleagues, students, or peers research
methods that I learned during my EAPSI fellowship
I have shared resources (e.g., data, samples, materials) or
tools (e.g., algorithms, software, instruments) that I
collected developed during my EAPSI fellowship with my
At an institution where I have worked, I have established a
program to foster international collaborations
I have invited researchers or professional colleagues from
another country to visit my institution
I have led a delegation of colleagues to visit a research
laboratory, university, or business in another country
I have established or served in a leadership role for an
international association for professionals in my line of
I have persuaded a colleague, (or student or postdoctoral
fellow) to pursue an international collaboration
Other [textbox]
F14. Between [year of EAPSI application] and the week of [October 1, 2010], had you mentored
any individuals from the United States who traveled to another country to conduct
research? Please check all that apply
I did not mentor any individuals who traveled to another country
I mentored graduate students who traveled to another country
I mentored postdocs who traveled to another country
I mentored faculty who traveled to another country
I mentored research scientists who traveled to another country
I mentored other individuals who traveled to another country
F15. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the principal job you held during the
week of [October 1, 2010]? MATCH TO SDR2006 A32
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
EAPSI Applicants Survey
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G1. What is your gender?
G2. What is your ethnicity?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
G3. What is your race?
American Indian or Alaska native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
G4. What is your citizenship status?
United States citizen since birth Æ Go to G5
United States citizen, naturalizedÆ Go to G4a
Non‐U.S. citizen with a permanent U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”) Æ Go to G4a
Non‐U.S. citizen with a temporary U.S. VisaÆ Go to G4a
G4a. How old were you when you began living in the United States? [textbox]
G5. Are you a person with a disability?
G6. During the week of [October 1, 2010] what was your approximate annual gross income?
$50,000 or less
$50,001 to 100,000
$100,001 to 150,000
$150,001 to 200,000
$200,001 or more
Choose not to answer
EAPSI Applicants Survey
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Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any questions about this study, please contact
[contact info]. If you would like to leave any comments about the survey, please do so:
Occasionally, we need to contact respondents to clarify a response to a question. May we have
permission to contact you by telephone to clarify your responses to this survey? Entering your
number does not obligate you to answer any questions.
Yes, you may reach me at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . [telephone digit entry]
Best time(s) to call (check all that apply):
Weekdays (9 to 5pm)
Evenings (5 to 8pm)
Saturday or Sunday 9‐5pm
The information you supplied suggests that you are not eligible to participate in this study or
that we have reached you in error. We regret any inconvenience to you. If you have any
questions about this study or you would like to make a comment, please contact [contact info].
May we have permission to contact you by telephone should we need to clarify your responses
here? Entering your number does not obligate you to answer any questions.
Yes, you may reach me at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . [telephone digit entry]
Best time(s) to call (check all that apply):
Weekdays (9 to 5pm)
Evenings (5 to 8pm)
Saturday or Sunday 9‐5pm
EAPSI Applicants Survey
Page 55
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Propensity Score Matching |
Author | MartinezA1 |
File Modified | 2010-07-09 |
File Created | 2010-07-09 |