Elec 2011 Supporting Statement Part B

Elec 2011 Supporting Statement Part B.pdf

Electric Power Surveys

OMB: 1905-0129

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Part B
Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
B.1. Respondent 1 Universe
The electric power surveys collectively cover the entire range of companies involved in
the generation, transmission, distribution, and sales of electricity. Of the six surveys in
this package, three surveys are of the entire universe (or nearly the entire universe) based
on more exacting filing requirements given in those surveys; a fourth survey is for
additional information as it becomes available. A fifth survey has both an annual census
and a monthly sample component; and a sixth survey is a monthly sample survey
corresponding to one of the annual census surveys. The respondent frame for each
survey is:



Form EIA-411 – The target population for this annual census comprises all
electricity generators and electric utilities in the United States. The eight Regions
of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) collect the data
from the target population units. Each Region assembles the required information
using input from the member electricity generators and electric utilities in its
geographic area. The Regions submit the compiled data to the NERC
headquarters, where it is consolidated and forwarded to the EIA.


Form EIA-826 – The target population for this monthly survey comprises all
U.S. electric utilities, electric service providers, and distribution companies.
Cutoff sampling is used to select the sample for the Form EIA-826, which
includes most of the investor-owned utilities (188), 4 Federal utilities, all electric
service providers (92), all distribution companies, and a sample of approximately
164 municipal, cooperative, State and political subdivision utilities that have sales
to end-use customers.


Form EIA-860 – The target population for this annual census comprises all
existing and proposed (for operation within 5 years) electric power plants that
have a total generator nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt or greater. Companies
complete the form for all the plants they operate. There are approximately 2,700
entities that operate and/or propose to operate about 5,800 facilities, containing
over 19,000 generators, who are required to file the Form EIA-860. The
respondents to this survey form the basis of the EIA electric power entity frame,
from which samples for other surveys are drawn.


Form EIA-860M – The target population for this monthly census comprises
power plants within the EIA-860 target population that have either (a) a new
generator scheduled to begin commercial operations within the next 12 months, or

Respondents refer to entities in a survey frame.


(b) an existing generator scheduled for retirement within the next 12 months, or
(c) an existing generator undergoing modifications resulting in changes in
capacity or other major modifications that are scheduled to be completed within 1
month. Respondents are the operators of the power plants where these new
generators and existing generators are located. Based on the number of plants
putting new generators into service in 2008 and 2009, the EIA estimates that in a
typical month the Form EIA-860M will be used to collect data from
approximately 124 respondent entities.

Form EIA-861 – The target population for this annual census comprises
participants in the electric power industry involved in the generation,
transmission, or distribution of electricity in the United States and its territories.
Target population members include electric utilities, wholesale power marketers
(registered with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), energy service
providers (registered with the States), and electric power producers. There are
approximately 3,300 entities in the United States involved in the generation,
transmission, and distribution of electric energy. This survey serves as the
universe from which the sample for the Form EIA-826 is drawn.


Form EIA-923 – The target population for this annual census comprises all
electric plants in the United States that are connected to the electric power grid
and have a generating capacity of 1 megawatt or greater. While the target
population is defined in terms of plants, the respondents for the Form EIA-923 are
companies, which report data for the eligible plants they operate. There are
approximately 5,573 operating power plants (being reported by 2,800
respondents) for which data will be collected through Form EIA-923. Data will
be reported monthly for a sample of approximately 1,781 plants, although this
may be adjusted as the data are evaluated. Monthly respondents will report on
Schedules 1, 3, 4, and 5, plus Schedule 2 if they have a fossil-fueled capacity of
50 megawatts or greater. At the end of the year, the monthly respondents will
report on Schedules 6 and 7, plus Schedule 8, if they have a steam-electric
organic-fueled capacity of 10 megawatts or greater. Those respondents who are
not in the monthly frame will file annually. They will file Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
and 7, plus Schedule 2 if they have a fossil-fueled capacity of 50 megawatts or
greater and Schedule 8, if they have a steam-electric organic-fueled capacity of 10
megawatts or greater.

B.2. Statistical Methodology
To limit the burden on industry respondents, two of the monthly surveys, the Form EIA826 and the Form EIA-923, are sent to only a sample of units in the target populations.
The samples are cutoff samples, i.e., they are basically comprised of all units with
measures of size larger than a predefined threshold. This is complicated by compromises
due to the need for data on multiple variables of interest. The cutoff sampling eliminates
the monthly reporting burden for smaller industry participants. Because smaller units

have, in the past, been responsible for a high percentage of reporting errors, the cutoff
sampling may also reduce the levels of non-sampling error affecting the published
estimates. (See Knaub (2007, 2008) on cutoff sampling in general, Royall (1970) on
model variance, and Knaub (2001) on model bias and variance.) The remainder of this
section provides detail on the sampling and estimation methods used for the two sample
Form EIA-826 Sampling
For the Form EIA-826, the sample is composed of those utilities that typically sell most
of the electricity in each category (or end-use sector) in each State. The sample is made
up of:
• All investor-owned utilities (IOUs), except for a few small IOUs in Alaska
• All energy service providers
• All Federal utilities
• All entities selling in the public transportation sector
• A sample of the municipal and cooperative utilities.
The frames for Schedule B (energy service providers) and Schedule C (distribution
companies) are not always complete, as information from the States on these entities is
not always available in a timely manner. In these cases, the two types of respondents are
reconciled at the State level and added to the State totals. (Classical ratio estimation can
be used for variance estimation. See Knaub (1991), pages 776 and 777, “Incompletely
Specified Auxiliary Data.”) A zero-intercept, ratio model (see Royall and Cumberland,
1978) is used to estimate total sales and revenue by end-use sector and State. The sample
eliminates the smaller respondents, thus reducing burden and reducing the source of nonsampling errors.
The Form EIA-826 sample design and estimation procedures employ a linear regression
model to represent the relationship between the respondent’s annual data value (e.g.,
sales) from the prior year and the corresponding monthly value for the current month.
The prior year’s annual data come from the Form EIA-861. Data values for units not in
the sample are estimated from the prior year’s annual data and the estimated parameters
of the regression model. Data from sample units for which there is no historical Form
EIA-861 data (e.g., units new to the target population) are not used to estimate the
relationship between the prior year’s annual value and the current monthly value. The
reported current monthly data are, however, used in estimating totals for publication
groups. (See Knaub (2002).) If a sample unit’s annual data are deemed reliable, and its
Form EIA-826 (monthly) data are considered unreliable, the annual data are used (as for
the non-sampled units) to impute the monthly Form EIA-826 data. As mentioned above,
a census is performed within the Form EIA-826 for the power marketers or energy
service providers (ESP) data, and their totals are added to the estimated (imputed) entities
to obtain the estimates for the entire universe.
Form EIA-826 Monthly Sample Selection from the Form EIA-861 Annual Frame


The monthly cutoff sample thresholds for the Form EIA-826 were originally selected
based on the criterion of having estimated relative standard error (RSE) values less than 1
percent for all publication groups. The RSE is a percentage measure of the precision of a
survey statistic and is used in part as one way to measure sampling error induced by
sampling. RSEs are estimated to account for using model-based predicted monthly
values in place of missing and non-sampled data for the quantities of interest (revenues,
sales, etc.), based on monthly sampled data from the Form EIA-826, and the
corresponding annual (Form EIA-861) data for the units not in the monthly sample.
Threshold values for the cutoff sampling have been adjusted over time to maintain low
RSEs for the published estimates.
Form EIA-923 Sampling
One of the goals of the original Form EIA-923 sample selection process was to reduce the
sample size from the separate predecessor Forms EIA-906 and EIA-920. Not only did this
reduce respondent burden, but it also allowed the EIA survey staff to focus its resources on a
smaller sample to ensure a higher quality of data. A reduction in sample size was deemed
especially important in the commercial and industrial sectors due to sometimes questionable
data quality and the difficulty in collecting data from many of the smaller facilities. This
original goal continues to be an important focus of attention of the ongoing Form EIA-923
sampling strategy (See Douglas (2007)).
The cutoff sampling process for the Form EIA-923 sample is similar to the one described
above for the monthly Form EIA-826 sample. Since the original Form EIA-923 sample was
established with the 2008 data collection cycle, it is estimated that 261 plants will have been
added to the monthly sample to maintain the targeted sample coverage ratios by the inception
of the 2011 data collection cycle. These sample additions are deemed necessary as large
currently planned and under construction plants become operational. Ongoing sample
validation studies may produce other necessary sample additions as needed.
Gross generation was the main focus of the original sample selection process and its high
correlation with other data elements on the Form EIA-923 ensured good coverage results for
other reported values. Since then, sample validation studies were conducted on fuel
consumption, receipts, costs and stocks and the sample was adjusted accordingly.
Sampling parameters are assigned to each sampling stratum. The strata are defined by facility
type, energy source, and geographic region. (See "publication groups" in Knaub (1999).) For
instance, one stratum is identified as electric utilities burning coal in the South Atlantic Census
Division. The types of stratification groups are briefly described below.
Facility Type Classification for Form EIA-923
The four facility type categories comprise seven sectors for which data are collected. These
four categories, which correspond to the facility type classifications published in the Electric
Power Monthly (EPM), are (1) electric utilities, (2) independent power producers, (3)


commercial facilities, and (4) industrial facilities. Table 8 below shows the seven sectors.
(Combined Heat and Power Plant is abbreviated CHP.)

Table 8. Facility Types
Classification Sector Classification Description
Regulated Electric Utility
Commercial (Non-CHP)
Commercial (CHP)
Industrial (Non-CHP)
Industrial (CHP)

Facility Type Stratification
Electric Utilities
Independent Power Producers
Independent Power Producers
Commercial Facilities
Commercial Facilities
Industrial Facilities
Industrial Facilities

Energy Source Classification for Form EIA-923
The 14 energy source categories, which correspond to the energy source classifications
published in the EPM, are aggregations of the 36 different fuel types for which data are
collected on the survey. Table 9 gives the 14 energy source categories and the corresponding
stratification categories. The energy source codes are defined in the instructions for
completing Form EIA-923. (See Appendix C.)
Table 9. Energy Source Aggregations
Reported Energy Source Code

Energy Source Stratification
Natural Gas
Pumped Storage
Conventional Hydroelectric
Petroleum Coke
Other Gas
Other Sources


Pumped Storage facilities do not actually report energy source code HPS, rather they report energy source code WAT
combined with a prime mover code of PS to differentiate them from conventional hydroelectric facilities. The energy
source is renamed to HPS for simplicity sake only.

Geographic Regions Classification for Form EIA-923
The 10 geographic sampling groups correspond to 10 modified Census division regions
published in the EPM. The States assigned to each division are shown in Table 10.
Table 10. State/Census Division Aggregations
Modified Census Divisions
Pacific Non-Contiguous
Pacific Contiguous
East Central
West Central
East North Central
New England
West North Central
Mountain Region
DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV South Atlantic

Original Sample Selection Criteria for Form EIA-923
The Form EIA-923 sample was chosen to provide reasonably accurate results for multiple
attributes (published aggregate numbers) while minimizing the burden on the industry and the
Federal government. The following five steps were used in selecting plants for the monthly
1. Select preliminary cutoff samples based on nameplate capacity values
2. Add sample units, where necessary, based on generation, consumption and stocks
3. Add sample units, where necessary, to provide adequate sample counts for estimation
4. Add sample units, where necessary, to reduce relative standard errors (RSEs) of key
estimates to acceptable levels
5. Add other facilities, based on special-case criteria.
The first three steps were designed to ensure adequate coverage of the target population by
including all of the largest contributors to key data elements. The fourth step helps ensure that
the published estimates meet reasonable reliability standards, which is the key goal, given
acceptable resource expenditure. The final criterion covers special cases, as described below.
Facilities in the target population that meet any one of the sample selection criteria applied at
any of the five steps were included in the final sample. Further, any additional prime movers
and energy sources used by a sample facility were also included in the sample even if

individually they did not meet any of the sample selection criteria. Each sample facility reports
data for all combinations of prime mover and fuel source each month. All nuclear and pumped
storage facilities are included in the monthly sample. The remainder of this section provides
further detail on the sampling steps.
Step 1: Select Cutoff Samples Based on Nameplate Capacity. Initially, pre-determined
capacity coverage percentages were tested to ensure a certain proportion of operational Form
EIA-860 capacity is covered within each sampling group. Stand-by and back-up generators
were not included in the operational capacity totals when data were aggregated to the level of
prime mover, and only the largest consumed fuel source for each generator were used in
identifying the sample groupings. Different target coverage percentages were selected for each
facility classification, and were applied to all regions and energy sources within each
classification. When the capacity cutoff percentage yields a capacity cutoff of less than 25
megawatts, then a default value of 25 megawatts was used instead. Otherwise, the percentages
of capacity included in the sample are listed below.

Electric utilities – 70 percent
Independent power producers – 70 percent
Commercial facilities – 50 percent
Industrial facilities – 50 percent.

Step 2: Add Units Based on Generation, Consumption, and Stocks. Facilities accounting for
large percentages of actual past reported gross generation, fuel consumption, or fuel stocks,
were added to the sample, even if their nameplate capacities fell below the capacity coverage
percentage cutoff.
Step 3: Add Units to Ensure Adequate Sample in Estimation Groups. Estimation strata
identical to those employed in the Form EIA-923 regression imputation system were examined.
Units below the threshold value were added to any group with fewer than 10 usable
observations, until the usable count was brought up to 10.
Step 4: Add Sample to Meet Reliability Standards. Weighted multiple regressions,
identical to those currently employed in the Form EIA-923 imputation system, were run,
and relative standard error (RSE or CV) estimates were calculated for each publication
group by month. An additional diagnostic measure, the relative standard error for a
superpopulation (RSESP) was calculated to indicate the adequacy of the regression
model fit. Limits for both measures (RSE and RSESP) were set individually for each
facility classification and applied to all energy sources for the U.S. total for each
If one or both of the error measures fell outside of the limits, the next largest facilities, ranked
by gross generation, were included until the RSE/RSESP's were brought into a reasonable
range. It is important to note that if only the RSESP estimate was out of range, then it was
difficult to lower the estimate of RSESP based on sampling alone. In these cases, a change in
modeling may be necessary. The RSE/RSESP data quality limits are outlined below.


1. Electric utilities – RSE less than 5 percent and RSESP less than 20 percent
2. Independent power producers – RSE less than 5 percent and RSESP less than 20
3. Commercial facilities – RSE less than 10 percent and RSESP less than 30 percent
4. Industrial facilities – RSE less than 10 percent and RSESP less than 30 percent.
Step 5: Add Special Cases. Finally, additional facilities were added to the sample as
necessary. These include storage-only facilities (used in estimating stocks); new facilities for
which the EIA has no prior-year’s annual data for use in regression imputation; and any large,
easy to survey facilities which the survey staff identified as being desirable in the sample.
Table 11 shows the sample coverage by facility type and Table 12 shows the sample coverage
by energy source.
Table 11. Form EIA-923 Sample Coverage by Facility Type
2011 Sample
Electric Utilities
Independent Power Producers
Industrial Facilities
Commercial Facilities


By Count By Volume























Table 12. Form EIA-923 Sample Coverage by Energy Source
Energy Source Grouping
2011 Sample Coverage
(percent by volume)
Natural Gas
Other Gas
Other Sources
Petroleum Coke
Pumped Storage
The regression estimation/imputation procedures used for the Form EIA-826 and
Form EIA-923 are documented and discussed in the on-line statistics journal,
InterStat, in the following articles:

“Using Prediction-Oriented Software for Survey Estimation,” at the following
URL: http://interstat.stat.vt.edu/interstat/articles/1999/abstracts/g99001.html-ssi
“Using Prediction-Oriented Software for Survey Estimation - Part II: Ratios of
Totals,” at the following URL:
“Using Prediction-Oriented Software for Survey Estimation - Part III: Full Scale
Study of Variance and Bias,” at the following URL:

The method described in these articles is generally useful for both small area
estimation and imputation, with adjustments as described in those documents.
Additional documentation and references include:
(1) “Model-Based Sampling, Inference and Imputation,” available on the EIA Web
site at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/forms/eiawebme.pdf
(2) “Weighting in Regression for Use in Survey Methodology," InterStat, available

(3) “Some Applications of Model Sampling to Electric Power Data,” ASA
Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, available at:
(4) Royall, R.M., and W.G. Cumberland (1978), "Variance Estimation in Finite
Population Sampling," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73, 351-358
(5) “The Classical Ratio Estimator,” InterStat, available at:
(6) “Cutoff Sampling and Inference,” InterStat, available at:
(7) “Cutoff vs. Design-Based Sampling and Inference For Establishment Surveys,”
InterStat, available at:
(8) Douglas, Joel R.(2007), “Model-Based Sampling Methodology for the new EIA923,” Presented to the American Statistical Association and EIA’s Joint Meeting on
Energy Statistics, October 18, 2007,

B.3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates
For all of the EIA electric power respondents, the response rates are close to or equal
to 100 percent. For 2008 annual data, all 11,117 annual respondents (aggregated
across all surveys) submitted their data and typically only about 3-7 out of 2,252
monthly 2009 data respondents did not submit their data in any given month. To
maximize response rates, the EIA forms have been designed and the instructions
have been written to be clear and concise to help the respondent complete the forms.
Data that are not expected to change from year-to-year or month-to-month are prepopulated on the forms. Forms and/or notifications are mailed or emailed early to
maximize the time that respondents have to complete the surveys. As noted, the EIA
Internet Data Collection (IDC) System makes forms available on-line as soon as
respondents obtain a secure ID and password. Given the high IDC use rate in 2009
(approximately 95 percent of the monthly reports and an estimated 90 percent of the
annual reports), most of those respondents will merely log on in the next data
collection period and access their required forms. Form(s) due dates are the same
each period so that respondents can schedule their completion activities. The
notification and due dates for each survey are provided in Table 6.
The non-respondents are contacted by email, telephone, and letter to request data
submission until an insignificant non-response rate is obtained. Follow-up letters
and emails citing failure to file the required form are mailed to all non-respondents.
If no response occurs as a result of the letters, additional correspondence, requesting

immediate submission of the appropriate data, is sent to the supervisor of the
primary contact and, if necessary to higher-level management officials at the nonrespondent entity. These letters are sent from the Office Director or, if necessary,
from the EIA Administrator. Statistical imputation fills any gaps created by the
small amount of non-response.
Respondents who file via the IDC System are given the opportunity to either correct
or explain unusual data during their submission. The explanations are reviewed by
the EIA staff. Respondents are called if further clarification is needed. For those
respondents that do not file via the IDC, but rather on a hardcopy of the form,
telephone calls are made to confirm corrections or clarifications of any unusual data.
In addition, the EIA has recently developed an improved centralized frame system
which affords all survey staff almost immediate knowledge of changes in plant
ownership and/or contacts; such changes contributed to non-response in the past.
The new system is integrated with the IDC System so that access can be given to
new owners and/or contacts quickly.

B.4. Tests of Procedures
The electric power surveys are established continuing surveys and testing was done
at the time they were being established. It is the Electric Power Division’s policy to
test in several phases. First, the proposed forms are reviewed by internal EIA
subject matter and survey methodology experts. The second phase of the testing
involves sending draft forms to representatives of the major segments of the electric
power industry. Finally, the proposed forms are tested with actual volunteer survey
respondents. These respondents are asked to review the forms, and then they are
debriefed by EIA to make sure they understand the concepts being measured, can
successfully navigate the forms, and have the data in their business records.
Changes are made at all stages of testing to incorporate feedback.

B.5. Forms Consultation
During 2009, the Electric Power Division met with a variety of stakeholders to make
them aware of the general proposals for form changes and to elicit their suggestions,
concerns, and needs. The following is a list of some of the organizations with whom
the EIA met.

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
American Public Power Association
American Statistic Association
American Wind Energy Association


DOE, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
DOE, Office of Fossil Energy
Edison Electric Institute
Electricity Consumers Resource Council
Electricity Storage Association
Electric Power Supply Association
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates
National Hydropower Association
National Mining Association
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Ocean Renewable Power Company
Ozone Transportation Commission
Science and Technology Policy Institute
Solar Energy Industries Association
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

For additional information concerning these surveys, please contact Rebecca A.
Peterson at 202-586-4509 or at rebecca.peterson@eia.doe.gov. For information
concerning this request for OMB approval, please contact the agency Clearance
Officer, Jason Worrall, at 202-586-6075 or at jason.worrall@eia.doe.gov.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorGrace Sutherland
File Modified2010-09-24
File Created2010-09-24

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