Model 610 Flood Warning

2006 Model 610 flood warning.pdf

Community Rating System (CRS) Program-Application Worksheets and Commentary

Model 610 Flood Warning

OMB: 1660-0022

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National Flood Insurance Program
Community Rating System

CRS Credit for
Flood Warning Programs

Note on this edition: This document was revised to reflect the following changes in the
2006 CRS Coordinator’s Manual:
•	 CRS credit for TsunamiReady programs of the National Weather Service was
•	 A copy of the list of critical facilities must be submitted with the community’s annual
recertification documentation.

A community interested in more information on obtaining flood insurance premium
credits through the Community Rating System (CRS) should have the CRS Application.
This and other publications on the CRS are available at no cost from
Flood Publications 


P.O. Box 501016 

Indianapolis, IN 46250-1016 

(317) 848-2898 

Fax: (317) 848-3578

They can also be viewed and downloaded from FEMA’s CRS website,



Introduction .............................................................................................1 

Flood Threat Recognition System...........................................................3 

Emergency Warning and Dissemination ...............................................17 

Other Response Efforts .........................................................................25 

Critical Facilities Planning ....................................................................48 

StormReady and TsunamiReady Programs...........................................52 

Evaluation Report..................................................................................54 

CRS Final Scoring.................................................................................55 

For More Information............................................................................57 

The following local governments provided material as examples for this publication.
Their cooperation is appreciated.
Blackwell, Oklahoma

Des Moines, Iowa 

Harmony Grove, California 

King County, Washington 

Los Angles, California 

Panama City, Florida 

Rapid City, South Dakota 

Red River, New Mexico 

Whatcom County, Washington 

Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. 

Credit for Flood Warning Programs


Edition: 2006

[This page intentionally blank.]

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Warning time is a critical factor
in mitigating flood losses. The
more lead time available for
appropriate action, the greater the
reduction in flood damage that
can be achieved. Hundreds of
flood warning and response
programs have been implemented
in the United States over the last
two decades. Their performance
over this period has shown them
to be an efficient and effective
means of reducing losses of life
ALERT flood warning flasher,
and property from flooding and
Harmony Grove, California
consequently, they have received
increased attention in recent
years. The Community Rating
System (CRS) encourages and recognizes flood warning programs that provide timely
warning of impending flood threats, disseminate warnings to floodplain occupants, and
coordinate flood response activities.

The Community Rating System is a part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
When communities go beyond the minimum standards for floodplain management, the
CRS can provide discounts up to 45% off flood insurance premiums.
Communities apply for a CRS classification and are given credit points that reflect the
impact of their activities on reducing flood losses, insurance rating, and promoting the
awareness of flood insurance. The Insurance Services Office’s ISO/CRS Specialist reviews
the community’s program and verifies the CRS credit. This includes a review of the written
procedures and records for an activity and, in some cases, a visit to sites in the field.
A community applies using the CRS Application. CRS credit criteria, scoring, and
documentation requirements are explained in the CRS Coordinator’s Manual. Both
publications are free from the office listed inside the front cover of this document.
The CRS encourages comprehensive flood warning and response programs and recognizes
them under Activity 610 (Flood Warning Program).
The description of this activity is not intended to be a model for developing a flood
warning or flood response program. As with the rest of the CRS activities, its objective is

Credit for Flood Warning Programs


Edition: 2006

to provide a simple way to measure a local program’s potential impact on flood insurance
premiums. An effective flood warning or response program needs to be carefully prepared
and tailored to the local flood hazards and the specific needs of the community.

Credited Elements
This activity has five elements that provide credit for flood warning and response planning:
1. 	 Flood Threat Recognition System (FTR). The first element of a flood warning
program is the operation of a system that tells the community that a flood is on its
way. This is termed a flood threat recognition system and is recognized as element
FTR under this activity. The notice that a flood is coming can be provided by the
National Weather Service, by a state or regional agency, by monitoring local rain and
river gages, and/or in other ways. However, the community must have a system for
receiving meaningful early notifications.
2. 	 Emergency Warning Dissemination (EWD). The next element is the dissemination
of the flood warning to residents of the community. This element is termed emergency
warning dissemination and is shown as the acronym EWD. Various methods can be
used, such as sirens, telephone calls, or the Emergency Alert System. The credit points
are based on the dissemination methods used. Credit for this element is available only
if the community has a creditable flood threat recognition system, an annual outreach
project that covers flood warning and flood safety and reaches at least 90% of the
target audience, and an adopted flood response plan.
3. 	 Other Response Efforts (ORE). If the community implements the first two elements,
then it is eligible for credit for implementing activities to minimize flood damage
under this third element, other response efforts (ORE). These include activities like
sandbagging, coordinating evacuation, barricading flooded streets and bridges, and
issuing status reports to the media.
4. 	 Critical Facilities Planning (CFP). If the community implements the first two
elements, then it is also eligible for credit for implementing the fourth level of
involvement: critical facilities planning, that is, coordination of the flood warning and
response effort with critical facilities. A critical facility is a structure or a site that, if
flooded, would result in severe consequences to public health and safety. Examples
include hospitals, emergency operating centers, important bridges, and hazardous
materials storage areas. Providing these facilities with early warning and coordinating
with their flood response plans is recognized under this element.
5. 	 StormReady community (SRC). This element credits a local government that has
been designated by the National Weather Service as a StormReady or a TsunamiReady
community and has a flood threat recognition system able to forecast the arrival time
and peak flow or elevations of floods.
The requirements for crediting Activity 610 are explained in the Coordinator’s Manual.
This publication expands on the Coordinator’s Manual and provides examples from
different local governments. Several sections of plans and other materials from the City of
Blackwell, Oklahoma, are reproduced throughout this publication, with marginal notes
indicating the pertinent CRS elements.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Flood Threat Recognition System (FTR)
The minimum requirement for credit for this activity is a flood threat recognition system
to identify impending flooding. The system can use locally collected data or data from the
National Weather Service, or other rain, river, or storm monitoring agency.
The CRS recognizes two different types of flood threat recognition systems. The first is
for those local governments that depend on an outside notice of an impending flood. The
notice may come from the National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, or other agency that provides
flood warnings or river level statements. Usually this type of system is operated on major
rivers and coastal areas where
there is more lead time of an
impending flood.
The CRS also recognizes local
flood threat recognition
systems. These systems are
usually found on smaller
streams, especially in
mountainous areas where there
is little lead time. They rely on
local volunteers or automatic
rain and river gages to provide
real-time data that can be used
to develop early warning of
flooding or potential flood
conditions. They may be
operated by the community, by
a regional entity, by a state
agency, or in combination with
a federal agency.

ALERT rain gage

It does not matter which agency provides the flood forecast to the community. What
counts is that a knowledgeable person in the community is responsible for receiving
information and making or communicating a locally useful flood prediction. Monitoring
the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Radio and
hearing that low-lying portions of several counties can expect flooding is not creditable
under the CRS unless the community has its own follow-up system of monitoring and
predicting flood levels.

To receive credit for either type of flood threat recognition system, the local government
requesting FTR credit must submit documentation describing the flood threat recognition
system. This description must include (1) an identification of flood hazards; (2) an

Credit for Flood Warning Programs


Edition: 2006

explanation of the data collection, communications, and data analysis components of the
system; (3) an explanation of how and when system components are maintained and
tested; and (4) the amount of warning lead time the system provides for each source of
flooding covered by the warning program.
1. Identification of flood hazards: The hazard identification needs to describe the local

flood hazard and not be a broad or generic discussion of flooding in general. A flood
threat recognition system should be tailored to the needs of an area; therefore, the hazard
assessment should include a description of the areas that are expected to be affected.
These areas should be shown on a map or otherwise described. The description should
include source of water, depth of flooding, special hazards, and a discussion of past floods
where such data are available.
In coastal areas, numerical models are used in the hazards analysis to identify the timing,
severity, and sequence of wind and hurricane surge hazards that can be expected from
hurricanes of various categories, tracks, and forward speeds striking the study area. Two
of the models used for this analysis are the Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from
Hurricanes (SLOSH) and the Special Program to List Amplitudes from Hurricanes
(SPLASH) models. During the
preparation of the study,
additional areas expected to be
inundated by freshwater
flooding from rainfall are added
to the inundation maps.
This step involves gathering and
reviewing existing flood studies,
including the Flood Insurance
Study, drainage problem studies,
models that identify areas
inundated during hurricanes. For
CRS credit, the community does
not need to conduct studies to
develop new flood data.
Panama City, Florida, inundation map
for hurricane categories 1 through 5

In addition to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), other agencies that can
assist with flood hazard
identification include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; the Natural Resources Conservation Service; the Bureau of Reclamation; the Tennessee Valley Authority; the National
Weather Service; and state and regional planning, flood, and water resources management
2. Data collection, communications, and data analysis: The description must

demonstrate that the flood threat recognition system is timely and reliable enough to allow

Credit for Flood Warning Programs


Edition: 2006

a reasonable opportunity to reduce the impact of the flood on the community and its
residents. This description will be different for each type of flood threat recognition system.
Non-Local Flood Threat Recognition System
These systems include the National Hurricane Center’s notices and river stage forecasts
from the National Weather Service, Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation,
Tennessee Valley Authority, or other agency that monitors river stages. In descriptions of
these systems, local governments must include information about how warning messages
are handled and how the data relate to local conditions, as detailed below.
Tell how warning messages are received and processed. If the community uses a nonlocal service, the description for the flood threat recognition system must demonstrate that
it is prepared to receive and act on flood warnings on a 24-hour basis.
The flood threat recognition system lets local officials know that a flood is coming. It
should also provide or enable estimates to be made of the time of onset of flooding and
crest height. Notification systems with these capabilities include:
•	 River stage reports from the National Weather Service, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, or other agency that monitors river stages;
•	 Reports from the National Hurricane Center; and
•	 Reports from an IFLOWS (Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System) that
rainfall in watersheds above the community will cause the river to crest at a certain
stage at a certain time at a specific location in the community.

Thirteen River Forecast Centers of the National Weather Service have hydrologic
forecasting responsibility for the main stem rivers and their larger tributaries.

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To receive CRS credit the community’s program must meet the following three
•	 Monitoring equipment, such as the NOAA Weather Wire or NOAA Weather Radio,
must be located in an office that will be able to respond to the notice 24 hours a day.
Typical locations are police or fire dispatch offices. These credit points are also
provided if the county or another agency monitors the flood threat recognition system
and there are procedures to contact someone in the community on a 24-hour basis.
•	 The documentation must identify a person responsible for monitoring the system.
That person must also have instructions on what to do once a flood threat is
recognized. For example, the instructions could have the dispatcher call the
emergency manager or implement other specified flood response steps.
•	 The information received must be keyed to one or more specific sites in the
community. A system that provides a National Weather Service notice of predicted
stream levels at a gage or other reference location, such as a bridge, in or near the
community is creditable. However, a general National Weather Service notice, such
as “low-lying areas may flood,” or spring snowmelt forecasts, does not receive credit.
The example on page 7 shows the level of detail necessary for effective action by
local authorities and property owners.
Tell how the data received relate to local conditions. For additional credit the local
government must describe how the site-specific data are then extended to other locations
within the community. This model may be either a “real-time” model run during the
flood, or maps, charts, and other output from a model that provides detailed data for
points other than those specifically forecast in the announcement from

Monitor Stage—The stage at which initial action must be taken by concerned interests
(livestock warning, removal of equipment from lowest overflow areas, or simply
general surveillance of the situation). This level may produce overbank flows
sufficient to cause minor flooding of low-lying lands and local roads.
Flood Stage—The stage at which overbank flows are of sufficient magnitude to cause
considerable inundation of land and roads and/or threat of significant hazard to life
and property.

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2.5 FT

Example of a river stage forecast from the National Weather Service

the outside agency. Local governments have accomplished this using a variety of methods,
described below.
•	 Using a flood profile produced by computer modeling (e.g., the profile in the
community’s Flood Insurance Study) and a contour map to determine the area along
the river that will be inundated by the flood that has been forecast.
•	 Using SLOSH inundation
maps to convert a forecast
from the National Hurricane
Center to a predicted area of
inundation throughout the
community. The example at
right is from Panama City,
•	 Using a forecast peak flow
at one point on a river from
the National Weather
Service or an IFLOWS
system and the HEC-2
backwater model to produce
a map of inundation areas
throughout the community.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

A portion of Panama City, Florida’s inundation map

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Localized Flood Threat Recognition System
These systems include monitoring upstream river and rain gages by volunteers,
neighboring communities, or others who report the data to an emergency operating center
or other location or ALERT, IFLOWS, and similar automated systems for transmitting the
gage data to a microprocessor that converts the data to a flood prediction. Local
governments must describe three components of these systems, as noted below.
Describe the data collection system. Both manual and automated systems are used today.
Under both, the flood threat recognition system is based on upstream river and rain gages.
The difference between the
two is that the manual system
relies on human gage readers
to call and report the
readings, while an automated
system relies on an automated
precipitation and/or river
gage data collection and
reporting system (e.g.,
comparable system).
Describe the gage density.
Gage data are analyzed to
predict downstream arrival
time and peak flow or crest
elevations. In general, the
more gages there are, the
more useful the data and the
more accurate the preSchematic of an ALERT collection and reporting system
diction. CRS credits those
systems where the density of
the gage network is at least one rainfall gage per 10 square miles of watershed or if all
upstream tributaries with watersheds larger than 10 square miles are gaged.
Describe the prediction model. The community should tell how the flood stage forecast
is prepared. If a manual technique is used, describe how the system predicts downstream
arrival time and peak flow or elevations. If a computerized flow prediction model is used,
describe how the system analyzes the data collected to predict arrival time and peak flow
or elevations. For both the manual and computer model methods, give the locations of the
prediction points. They must be in the community or close enough to it to ensure that the
prediction is applicable to the community’s emergency response plan.
The National Weather Service has established guidelines and procedures under which a
county/community can forecast floods, thus enabling advance warnings to those communities
located along small tributary streams. The procedures use a system of stream and rain gages
installed at specified sites (coordinated with problem areas) around the Local Flood Warning
System (LFWS) area.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs


Edition: 2006

Sample of Flood Advisory Table
------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLOOD STAGE
6.0 FT

175 SQ MI
610.30 FT MSL 



12.9 FT


ON 3/04/48




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.6
0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.5 2.9
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.4
0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.3 3.8
0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2
0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.1 4.6
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FS 6.0
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
0.9 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3
1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 3.0 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.3 3.8 4.4 4.9 5.4
1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.6 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.8
1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.6
2.2 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.3 4.8 5.4 5.9 6.4 6.9
2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.7 5.2 5.7 6.2 6.8 7.2
2.8 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.6 7.1 7.6
3.2 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.0 7.6 8.0
3.6 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.3 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.4
4.1 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 8.9
4.6 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.3 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.4



The daily reading and maintenance of these gages is the responsibility of local observers.
Rainfall amounts are reported by these observers to a designated local Flash Flood
Coordinator. The Flash Flood Coordinator uses these amounts to calculate the average
precipitation over the area. Using a procedure developed by the National Weather Service
River Forecast Center to determine the threat for flash flooding, the Flash Flood
Coordinator will notify the emergency services agency director if the potential for flash
flooding exists or if flooding is imminent. The Flash Flood Coordinator must relay this
same information to the National Weather Service office having flood warning
responsibility for the county.
In the application of the self-help hydrologic forecast procedures for floods and flash
floods, the following information is needed:
1.	 The amount of water available for runoff. (This includes snowmelt as well as rainfall
and is usually referred to as the average basin rainfall.)

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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2.	 A method of determining the amount of runoff produced. (The Advisory Table (or
categorical procedure) relates rainfall to runoff for a location with the use of the
current advisory rainfall (or flood guidance) and the runoff procedure.)
3.	 The length of time of rainfall that produces runoff (duration of significant rainfall).
4.	 The amount of water in the stream before a runoff-producing event.

Reservoir release changes from upstream reservoirs.

To develop flood forecast procedures for small streams where they are not provided by the
National Weather Service, the local government should consult with the Weather Forecast
Office in its area.

Example from Whatcom County, Washington 

Manual System Using a Spotter Network 

Whatcom County, Washington, uses a precipitation spotter network for
its flood forecasting, monitoring, and warning program. Working with
the National Weather Service, they have examined historical records
to determine the relationship between precipitation and discharge
peaks. These have been compiled and formatted for the county to use
in assessing the potential severity of an impending flood.
The chart below shows total precipitation depths compiled for six
different return periods and two different durations at Bellingham and
the Glacier Ranger Station. Rainfall frequency-duration curves for the
two locations are presented in the figure on page 11. These data can
be used to determine the return period of actual precipitation events.

Table from NOAA’s Atlas Number 2—Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of Western Washington,
Volume IX—Washington.

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Example rainfall frequency-duration curves from Washington study.

The Town of Red River, New Mexico, uses a similar system with weather spotters
(volunteer observers) to identify the level of threat. The town uses the 10- and 100-year
flood elevations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Flood Plain Delineation Study
for the Town of Red River, New Mexico to identify the level of threat. Flows from the 2year event up to the 10-year event are identified as “level 1” and are shown as a red zone
on their flood warning maps. Flows from the 10-year event up to the 100-year event are
identified as level 2 and are shown as a blue zone.
The maps were originally prepared in 1994. The town adds other houses and facilities as
they are built in the floodplain. These are shown with a different cross hatching pattern
and in an approximate location only. The structures are also listed on the address
notification list maintained by the town.
Graphically displaying the stage information on maps with structures and facilities makes
it easier to identify mitigation and emergency actions that should be taken during a flood.
By combining topographic and flood level data, the town can calculate expected flood
depth ranges and velocities for each neighborhood, commercial area, or facility. These are
used to identify areas that should be warned and evacuated. Red River also uses the
information to plan ahead for street closures, shelter capacity requirements, the number of
sandbags that will be needed, etc.

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Red River, New Mexico, flood study profile and map, Plate 6.
3. Maintenance and testing of system components: Each system must have a

schedule of maintenance, drills, and/or other training appropriate to its needs. An ALERT
system usually has automatic daily tests, while a manual gage-reading system may only
need an annual drill. The community’s documentation must explain how and when the
flood threat recognition system is maintained and updated.

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4. Warning lead times: Flood warning times for each stream or body of water covered
by the program must be provided. A response plan must be based on the amount of time
the flood threat recognition system provides for the community to respond to the flood
notification. Warning times can be estimated.

CRS Credit
A total of 40 points is available for either a local or non-local flood threat recognition system.
The scoring is based on whether the data collection and data analysis components of the system
are manual or automated, and on the percentage of the floodplain occupants covered. See page
55 for a discussion of the impact adjustment.

Credit Calculation
The end result of this work is an initial score for the community’s flood threat recognition
system (FTR). It is the product of the credit points multiplied by the impact adjustment ratio. See
page 55 for a discussion of the impact adjustment. In the Coordinator’s Manual, the credit
calculation is shown as the following formula:
cFTR = FTR x rFTR, where
cFTR is the total credit for FTR,
FTR is the points for FTR, which range from 15 to 40, and
rFTR is the impact adjustment ratio, which ranges from 0.25 to 1.0.
cFTR can range from 3.75 to 40.

In order to confirm that a community’s program meets the CRS credit criteria and to assist
in calculating credit points, several types of documentation must be submitted with the
request for credit. For a community’s first application for a CRS classification, worksheet
page 41 of the CRS Application is submitted along with the documentation described on
the bottom of that page.

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The City of Blackwell is located in Kay County in north-central Oklahoma. The primary water
course and cause of flooding in Blackwell is the Chikaskia River, which flows in a southeasterly
direction from its source, just southeast of Pratt, Kansas, to its confluence with the Salt Fork of the
Arkansas River about 12 miles south of Blackwell.
At Blackwell, the Chikaskia flows southeasterly from an area immediately north of the City skirting it
on the northeast sides and forming part of the eastern corporate boundary. It continues until it
reaches an area near the southern corporate boundary and then continues southeasterly towards
the confluence with the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River. The route of the river through the City
starts at mile 26.0 and ends at mile 28.5.

FTR - Flood Hazard Description

The Chikaskia is a flat, slow-moving river that drains farm land. It has a drainage area of 1,865
square miles. Flood velocities average 6 feet per second in 100-year floods and 8 feet per second
in 500-year floods. Present land use along the Chikaskia River through Blackwell is mainly
agricultural along the east side and residential on the west side.
The Chikaskia River and its flood characteristics have been studied by the Tulsa District, U.S.
Army, Corps of Engineers, and have been reported as “Flood Plain Information,” June 1976. The
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has also done a Flood Insurance Study for the
City, dated 1979.
In addition to the Chikaskia, the Corps of Engineers study identifies two tributaries within the City
that contribute to flood conditions.

Tributary 1
The southern tributary flows from east to west through the City. The drainage area is near the
confluence with the Chikaskia River and covers an area of 2.32 square miles.

Tributary 2
The northern tributary also flows from east to west. It has a drainage area near the confluence with
the Chikaskia River and covers an area of 1.53 square miles. Several drainage problem areas exist
in the City, which can result in flash flooding. This occurs when heavy local rains are severe
enough to overload the existing underground storm sewers and open channels.
The majority of the flood-producing storms that occur over the Chikaskia River watershed usually
occur in the spring and summer. The larger floods have usually resulted from localized, intense
thunderstorms. Although thunderstorms occur more frequently during the spring and summer, they
may occur at any time of the year, as seen in the October 1986 flood, in which flood elevation levels
reached the 34-ft. mark, and again in September 1987 at the 33-ft. mark.

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FTR - Flood Hazard Description

Flooding of the Chikaskia in Blackwell can also occur with heavy rainfall upstream as well as from
locally intense storms or a combination of both. In the western part of the City, flooding results from
locally intense thunderstorms combined with the effects of the backwater from the Chikaskia River.
Both in-city tributaries have short reaches that contain adverse stream bed slopes, which cause
ponded waters after the floodwaters have receded. Most of the open channels and culverts on
the tributaries are built to convey the 10-year and in some cases the 50- or 100-year floods.
However, some of the channels and culverts are undersized for even the 10-year floods and
can produce some backwater conditions. In addition, floatable material, such as lumber crates,
wood building materials, trees, and empty storage tanks, may be carried away by the
floodwaters, causing serious damage to downstream structures and clogging culvert openings.
This creates a more hazardous flooding problem. The hazards are especially severe on the two
tributaries where, in some cases, very small culverts may be plugged by even small floating
Because of the extent of flooding during a major flood, several thoroughfares are submerged. The
affected transportation facilities in the floodplain include portions of U.S. Highway 177, Oklahoma
Highway 11, the AT & SF railway, various county roads, city streets, and alleys. The Flood
Forecast Map and Flash Flood map found in the Appendix indicate the areas affected in Blackwell
by different levels of flooding.
In flood conditions, structures that are affected are mainly residential and commercial on the east
and north side of town near the banks of the Chikaskia, and along Highway 11. An industry,
Blackwell Acme, now Eagle Foundry, is under flood threat at the 100-year level. The Blackwell
Pollution Control Plant is under threat at the 500-year level. An intersection near the Blackwell
Regional Hospital and Red Cross is subject to flash flooding. A list of specific areas affected by
different levels of flooding is in the Appendix.

FTR - Description

The National Weather Service issues flash flood watches and warnings for Kay County.
Warning is provided for the Chikaskia River at Blackwell, Oklahoma, by teletype link in the
Police Dispatch office. The National Weather Service has a forecasting gage located near
Corbin, Kansas, that provides a 12- to 14-hour warning for downstream flooding. The National
Weather Service in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of Tulsa also has a
forecasting gage at mile 26.0 on the Chikaskia in Blackwell that provides more current local
flood crest conditions. The Office of Emergency Preparedness has access to the Corps of
Engineers data base in Tulsa via telephone modem. The Blackwell Office of Emergency
Preparedness has an Emergency Operations Center. This center is manned when the first
flood alert is received and local monitoring of the flooding conditions begins. The local flood
gage can be read manually as often as every hour. Contact is made with residents at Lake
Blackwell to monitor the rising of the river upstream.

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Warning Time

Flood warnings provided by the National Weather Service give at least 12 hours of notice of
potential flooding upstream. Monitoring at Lake Blackwell Dam gives a 2-hour notice of intensified
flooding conditions on the local level. Local monitoring provides as much warning as possible,
usually with a two- or three-hour notice to affected citizens.

FTR - Maintenance

The teletype system utilized by the Police Dispatch is used daily and kept in working order. Radio
systems are also used on a daily basis and a daily radio check is run by the Police Dispatch for the
Fire Department and other departments as requested. The outdoor sirens are tested every Friday
at noon, with the only exceptions being if Kay County or any adjoining county is under any kind of a
watch. Any failures in the system are corrected on a priority basis. Sirens and public address
systems on police and fire vehicles are used on a regular basis and kept in working order. Gages,
transmission equipment, and base stations for the National Weather Service are maintained by that
agency. The Corps of Engineers maintains its gage also. The City of Blackwell assists in this
maintenance and routine checks by manually reading the gages in Blackwell and calling the
readings to the Corps and the NWS.

FTR - Testing

The flood threat recognition and warning dissemination program provides for regular drills held
in March prior to the rainy season as a part of Public Flood Awareness Week. This is
coordinated by the Director of the Blackwell Office of Emergency Preparedness. Flood
conditions are simulated and all involved personnel from the City, County, and Emergency
Operations Center as well as the Blackwell Regional Hospital, Red Cross, KOKB radio station
and cable television take part in the drill. After the drill, warning and response actions will be
evaluated and modifications to the program will be made as needed. This annual drill provides
an opportunity to train new personnel of the various agencies involved for the flood warning

The initial responsibility for flood threat recognition and warning lies with the City of Blackwell Police
Dispatch. Upon receiving a teletype bulletin, the Dispatch calls the Blackwell Emergency
Preparedness Director and notifies the City Manager of Blackwell. The Emergency Operations
Center is opened and the flood conditions are monitored on a local basis as well as by contact with
the NWS. At that point the responsibility for the warning and dissemination program shifts to the
Director of the Emergency Operations Center. The Director notifies the radio station and cable
television. In addition, the Director notifies the City Manager if additional warnings are needed,
such as emergency vehicle messages, neighborhood warnings, sirens, or bullhorns. The Director
also notifies the County and State highway departments as to flood threat conditions.

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Emergency Warning Dissemination (EWD)
The full benefit of early flood warning is only realized if the community disseminates the
warning to the general public and to critical facilities. Additional flood damage can be
prevented if the community has a flood response plan that includes appropriate tasks, such
as directing evacuation, sandbagging,
and moving building contents above
flood levels.
This element credits a community’s
arrangements for disseminating a flood
warning to the general public.

This element has five prerequisites.
1. 	 The community must receive flood
threat recognition (FTR) system
A siren warning can reach many people fast, but
2. 	 The community must have adopted
it doesn’t tell them what to do.
an emergency response plan. The
term “plan” includes annexes and
standard operating procedures
(SOPs) that may be developed pursuant to the plan. The items for which EWD credit is
requested must be in that plan or in its annexes or procedures.

3. 	 The warning must be disseminated in ways that can reach people in a timely manner,
including under conditions of night or heavy storms. If the warning lead time is under
12 hours, it is not sufficient to rely solely on radio and TV announcements. In coastal
communities, hurricane and tropical storm warnings are provided 24 hours in advance,
so using the Emergency Alert System would suffice. However, as noted below, more
points are available for using multiple methods of disseminating the warning.
4. 	 The warning dissemination equipment and procedures must be tested at least annually.
This requirement is met if (1) the tests are done specifically for a flood warning drill,
(2) the community responds to a real flood warning, or (3) there is a drill or real
warning to respond to another hazard, provided the personnel and equipment involved
are substantially the same. For example, if both flood warnings and tornado warnings
are disseminated via siren activated by the fire department, an annual test or drill of
either, or an event for which the system was used, will meet this requirement for that
method of dissemination.
5. 	 Many floodplain residents may not know whether a siren means a flood, a fire, a
tornado, or an invasion. Even if they know that a flood is on the way, often they do

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not know what to do. Therefore, for CRS credit for warning dissemination, the
community must have an annual program to tell the public about its warning program
and flood safety measures, such as evacuation.
The community must conduct an annual outreach project covering the topics “flood
warning” and “flood safety” as discussed in Section 331 of the Coordinator’s Manual.
This may be credited under Outreach Projects to the Community (OPC), Outreach
Projects to Floodplain Residents (OPF), or the community’s Outreach Project Strategy
(OPS) under Activity 330 (Outreach Projects). Additionally, a project that is not
credited by the CRS but reaches at least 90% of the properties in the floodplain and
adequately covers “flood warning” and “flood safety” can meet this public information
requirement. If an OPS is used, the strategy document must discuss the best way to
publicize warning and safety information to the target audience.
The criteria for this requirement are spelled out in Activity 330 in the Coordinator’s
Manual and in CRS Credit for Outreach Projects. The latter publication includes
brochure examples from local governments to illustrate how they have advised their
residents about flood warnings and flood safety.

CRS Credit
Credit for Emergency Warning Dissemination (EWD) is based on the methods of warning
dissemination to the general public. A maximum of 60 points can be earned for EWD
credit. A community may include redundant warning dissemination systems in its flood
response plans that total more than 60 points, but no more than 60 points are provided for
this element. Warning dissemination policies, procedures, and methods credited by CRS
include those described below.
1. Adopted warning message
policies and procedures. This
credit recognizes adopted message
policies and procedures that
encourage quick action to provide
the proper early flood warning. The
CRS credits procedures that specify
when and how a warning is issued
and specifies the messages to be
disseminated under different
conditions. The documentation must
include instructions so the staff can
quickly issue the appropriate
warnings. Without such a policy,
staff members may debate whether
the recognized flood threat warrants
a warning or they may not know
whom to warn or when.

Evacuation message sign in
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

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Map of public warning siren coverage for Rapid City, South Dakota

2. 	 Outdoor sound and siren systems. Some communities find that an outdoor
voice-sound system or a fixed siren system that covers the flood hazard area is a
quick, effective way to provide flood warnings. Care should be taken in the design
and testing to ensure that occupants inside homes and businesses can hear the signal
or message when the buildings are closed and storm conditions exist.
3. 	 Door-to-door and mobile public address systems. Some communities disseminate
warnings by door-to-door contact or mobile public address systems. This approach
allows site-specific messages to be given to residents in threatened areas. However, it
is time- and resource-intensive. The emergency operations plan or standard operating
procedures should describe how this task will be implemented.
4. 	 Emergency Alert System. One of the quickest ways to reach a large number of people
with an emergency message is the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Local government
participation in the activation of the EAS for natural disaster emergencies is governed
by federal regulation and the local area EAS plan. CRS credit is available to local
governments that can activate the EAS. Procedures for activation should be in a
standard operating procedure and include information on who is authorized to activate
the system. They should also describe the authentication procedure.

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5. Telephone warning. A telephone
calling tree or automatic telephone
dialing system can be credited,
provided that the warning
dissemination is to ALL FLOODPLAIN
OCCUPANTS . However, these
prerequisites must be kept in mind:
the system must provide adequate
lead time and be tested annually.
Telephone numbers must be updated
annually. A telephone procedure that
only contacts community staff or
critical facilities is not credited under
this element.

Handbooks that provide guidance to local
governments, radio and television stations, and
cable operators are available from the Federal
Communications Commission.

6. Cable television override
system. Local governments that can
activate the EAS on the cable
television system serving the
jurisdiction receive CRS credit.

7. 	Local AM radio transmitters.
Due to gaps in the NOAA Weather Radio coverage area, some local governments have
installed or contracted with other AM radio transmitter sites to expand the warning
area. In addition to flood warning and evacuation messages, some local governments
find these stations helpful in disseminating information on public safety and property
protection measures. Note that this does not include local commercial AM radio
8. 	 Other systems. Additional points may be possible for warning systems not listed.
Communities should submit requests for such credit to their ISO/CRS Specialist.

Credit Calculation
The end result of this work is an initial score for the community’s emergency warning
dissemination system (EWD). It is the product of the credit points multiplied by the impact
adjustment ratio. See page 55 for a discussion of the impact adjustment. In the Coordinator’s
Manual, the credit calculation is shown as the following formula:
cEWD = EWD x rEWD, where
cEWD is the total credit for EWD,
EWD is the points for EWD, which range from 10 to 60, and
rEWD is the impact adjustment ratio, which ranges from 0.25 to 1.0.
cEWD can range from 2.5 to 60.

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To confirm that a community’s program meets the CRS credit criteria and to help
calculate credit points, several types of documentation must be submitted with the request
for credit. For a community’s first application for a CRS classification, the application
form on page 41 of the CRS Application should be used. This form should be submitted
along with the documentation described on the bottom of that page.

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EWD - Cable

Dissemination of warnings is done through the Blackwell Emergency Operations Center in
Blackwell and the Blackwell Police Dispatch. Warnings are distributed as follows:

For slowly developing floods – the local radio station 1580 AM is contacted by Blackwell
Office of Emergency Preparedness and given information for flood evacuation. Updated
information is given as deemed appropriate. Public handout information, newspaper
articles, and other outreach activities annually advise citizens to listen to 1580 AM. Cable

EWD – Public

television override will also run advisories for flooding potential and evacuation.

For rapidly developing or flash floods – The local cable system’s cable override will be
utilized to make the public aware of existing conditions concerning the Chikaskia River. The
Fire Department may make a door to door canvass of the hazard areas to warn residents. If
time is short, warnings are to be given by public address systems from police, fire, or
emergency vehicles as they drive through the hazard areas.


EWD – Message Reception	

The initial responsibility for flood threat recognition and warning lies with the City of Blackwell Police

Upon receiving a teletype bulletin, the Dispatch calls the Blackwell Emergency

Preparedness Director and notifies the City Manager of Blackwell. The Emergency Operations
Center is opened and the flood conditions are monitored on a local basis as well as by contact with
the NWS. At that point the responsibility for the warning and dissemination program shifts to the
Director of the Emergency Operations Center. The Director notifies the radio station and cable
television. In addition, the Director notifies the City Manager if additional warnings are needed,
such as emergency vehicle messages, neighborhood warnings, sirens, bullhorns. The Director also
notifies the County and State highway departments as to flood threat conditions.

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Task 1.A – Issue Flood Warnings
The objective of this task is to provide the general public with early notification that a flood along the 

Chikaskia River is imminent. 

Flood Condition A: 

EWD - Message Procedures


When the NWS announces a flood threat on the Chikaskia River, the Police
Dispatch notifies the Director of Emergency Preparedness. The Director notifies the
local radio station, KOKB, 1540 AM, and information about the flooding and
evacuation is provided. The local cable television channel override will also run
advisories for flooding potential and evacuation.


The radio station, KOKB, has prepared messages for each flood condition. They list
the names of intersections of streets and areas of town that are expected to flood.
The radio station also has information about flood safety precautions, and under
Flood Conditions B, C, or D, it knows that the American Red Cross building or
another building will be designated as the evacuee reception center.


Police and fire department personnel are alerted to flood conditions and are on
standby to give warnings in the threatened areas by public address system.

EWD – Example Warning Message	

NOTE: Blackwell, Oklahoma has sample messages for different stages of flooding. Below
is a sample of the message used when flood stage is 34 to 36 feet.


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EWD - Siren Warning System Coverage

Siren coverage for Blackwell, Oklahoma

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Other Response Efforts (ORE)
This element credits the flood response tasks undertaken by the community, other
agencies, the private sector, and volunteer organizations. These tasks should be itemized
in the community’s flood response plan.
Many communities have prepared multi-hazard
emergency response plans or comprehensive
emergency management plans. Unless such a plan
has a flood annex, standard operating procedures, or
other parts that specifically address the community’s
flood problem, it may not be specific enough to
qualify for CRS credit. For CRS credit, a flood
response plan must specifically relate to the flood
hazard and identify activities that respond to the
flood threat at different predicted stages.

There are three prerequisites for credit.
1. 	 The community must receive credit for its flood
threat recognition system and for disseminating a
flood warning to the general public.

One community’s response plan

2. 	 The community must conduct at least one
exercise of the response plan each year. The exercise may be a table top exercise, drill,
or response to an actual disaster. If the flood response plan is part of a multi-hazard
plan, then the exercise may be in response to another type of disaster provided the
parties and tasks involved are substantially the same.
3. 	 The other response tasks must be included in the community’s adopted flood response

CRS Credit
Up to 50 points of credit are available for Other Response Efforts (ORE). The amount of
credit awarded is based on the emergency plan’s identification of flood tasks, tying tasks
to predicted flood levels, and identifying resources needed to complete response tasks.
1. 	Flood tasks keyed to flood levels. The CRS credits community flood response plans
or multi-hazard plans keyed to specific predicted flood levels furnished by the flood
threat recognition system. For example, many coastal communities have established
task assignments for different categories of hurricanes. Response tasks are keyed to
predicted water or wave heights and the estimated time remaining until the landfall of
gale force winds.

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Some local governments maintain
records of their flood history at the
river gage sites within their
jurisdictions. They also identify
areas that flood and the emergency
actions that need to be completed
before flood waters reach identified
The river stage data to the left are
from the City of Des Moines,
Department of Public Works, Flood
Emergency Plan. The city has stage
or staff gages along the Des Moines
and Raccoon rivers and along its
other major streams. The flooding
history, flood impact and emergency
actions are identified for specific
flood levels at each gage site.
The river stage data at the left are
for the Public Works Department.
Similar data should be maintained
for each emergency response agency.
River stage data for Des Moines, Iowa

Riverine flood response plans
are usually keyed to flood
stage predictions at specific
locations. A flood stage
forecast map shows the areas
inundated at each stage, so the
community emergency
planners can develop
appropriate task assignments
for each level of flooding. The
plans should be changed
periodically to reflect new
conditions within the

Example of a flood stage forecast map

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Emergency tasks and
mitigation measures can best be
incorporated in the local
emergency operations plan
when the potential for loss of
life and property damage can
be described. Evaluating flood
loss potential is done by
assessing the resident
population and damageable
property located on the
floodplain that would be
directly affected by flooding.
Identification of residential structures within flood zones in
the City of Los Angeles, California,
Many communities have
floodplain management plan
established stage damage charts
that show the relationship
between river stage and flood
damage. These charts must be kept current to reflect changes in urban development. The
relationship of river stage to inundation area is important in determining flood loss
potential. Community flood studies, such as those developed for flood insurance, provide
profiles and maps that reveal the magnitude of flooding expected and permit the
identification of critical public services that are vulnerable to flooding. The chart below
from King County, Washington, illustrates one method of displaying information about
potential levels of flooding and their consequences.

Flood Phase Information

Flow at gage near
1500 c.f.s.



Internal Alert


2500 c.f.s.

Minor Flooding

San Souci area homes may be
inaccessible and experience high
water depths and velocities. Tolt River
Rd and some driveways may overtop.


4500 c.f.s.

Moderate Flooding

Increased water depth and velocity in
San Souci and other areas.


7000 c.f.s.

Major Flooding

Levees may overtop near Carnation.
Channel changes may occur.

Potential flood conditions on Tolt River near Carnation, King County, Washington

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A number of questions should be answered when evaluating flood loss potential.
•	 Is there a potential for loss of life associated with floods?
•	 What structures are located within the floodplain, especially critical facilities?
•	 What is the annual flood damage?
•	 What is the potential flood damage for a particularly severe flood?
•	 What percentage of property can be temporarily relocated?
•	 Where are the safe evacuation routes in relation to the area of inundation?
•	 What are the health and safety hazards associated with local flooding?
2. 	Flood tasks assigned to agencies. If the plan, its appendices, or approved standard
operating procedures identify responsibility for flood response tasks for the
community’s staff and other public and private organizations, CRS credit is awarded.
The tasks vary according to the flood hazard and the community’s resources.
Typical actions and responding parties include
•	 Activating the emergency operations room (emergency management),
•	 Closing streets or bridges (police or public works),
•	 Shutting off power to threatened areas (utility company),
•	 Holding children at school/releasing children from school (school district),
•	 Passing out sand and sandbags (public works),
•	 Ordering an evacuation (mayor),
•	 Opening evacuation shelters (Red Cross),
•	 Monitoring water levels (engineering), and
•	 Security and other protection measures (police).
The staff to which tasks are assigned will also vary. At a minimum, it should include
employees of the community like the emergency manager and police, fire, and public
works personnel. A good plan coordinates with other agencies, such as the school
district, adjacent cities and counties, the state police, the National Guard, and private
organizations such as the Red Cross, utility companies, and suppliers of flood fighting
If the other agencies and organizations agree, their activities should be included in the
task assignments to help plan for a coordinated flood response.
3. 	 Estimate resources required for flood tasks. CRS credit is provided if the plan
includes a summary of the estimated resources required, the time required to carry out
each flood response task, and where the necessary resources can be obtained. This
credit is provided for those plans that include the details of how the tasks will be

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For example, if a building is to be sandbagged, this credit would be provided if the
plan notes who is responsible, how many sandbags will be needed, how long it will
take, and where the bags, sand, and plastic sheeting will be obtained.

Credit Calculation
The end result of this work is an initial score for the community’s Other Response Efforts
(ORE). It is the product of the credit points multiplied by the impact adjustment ratio. See
page 55 for a discussion of the impact adjustment. In the Coordinator’s Manual, the credit
calculation is shown as the following formula:
cORE = ORE x rORE, where
cORE is the total credit for ORE,
ORE is the points for ORE, which range from 10 to 50, and
rORE is the impact adjustment ratio, which ranges from 0.25 to 1.0.
cORE can range from 2.5 to 60.

To confirm that a community’s program meets the CRS credit criteria and to assist in
calculating credit points, documentation must be submitted with the request for credit. For
a community’s first application for a CRS classification, use the application form on
page 41 of the CRS Application. This form should be submitted along with the
documentation described at the bottom of that page.
While much of the documentation for emergency warning and dissemination credit will be
found in a community’s multi-hazard plan or other comprehensive emergency response
plan, other documentation may be required. Many of the specific items required to
document these elements may be in appendices or standard operating procedures rather
than in the body of the plan.
If a multi-hazard emergency response plan or comprehensive emergency management plan
with many annexes is used to document the credit for this activity, the entire document
should not be submitted with the CRS application. The specific documentation should be
marked with the CRS acronyms in the margin of the plan, and copies of only those pages
should be submitted. Portions of the City of Blackwell Plan are reproduced below, with
the margins marked to show the documentation.
Many municipal warning systems or response plans are part of county emergency
management programs. It must be noted that each community is responsible for ensuring
that its submittal is complete. It is the applicant’s responsibility to send in all
documentation, including items handled by the county or another agency.

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This flood emergency action plan describes the actions to be taken when flooding appears
imminent. The primary objective of the plan is to reduce the risk to life. Actions to reduce property
damage and other economic losses are to be undertaken only if the use of resources for these
purposes will not interfere with the primary objective.


FTR - Flood Hazard Description

FTR - Data Collection

This plan covers all incidents of imminent flooding affecting the city of Blackwell from all sources.
The provision in the plan is designed to deal with flooding up to the 500-year flood. All departments
and employees of the City are directed to cooperate in carrying out the plan when it is activated.

Basis for the Plan
Flood data was collected for the “Flood Plain Study” prepared by the Tulsa District, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, 1976, and a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood
Insurance Study for the City in 1979. Warning times are established by the National Weather
Service (NWS). The NWS provides flood crest predictions for the Chikaskia River at Corbin,
Kansas, and at mile 26.0, located at the State Highway 11 Bridge in North Blackwell. Several
residents along the Chikaskia River have gages and provide eyewitness information to the Office of
Emergency Preparedness, and this information is passed on to the NWS.
A Flood Stage Forecast map was prepared based on elevations of manholes and other known
elevation reference marks. The copy of this map is located in the Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) and is enclosed as Appendix A.

Five Flood Conditions
This Flood Emergency Action Plan is based on five flood conditions displayed on the Flood Stage
Forecast map.


Flood Condition A: the ten-year flood. Condition A on the Chikaskia River means a flood
stage of 33.6 ft. As the river reaches the 10-year flood level of 33.6 ft. and the river
continues to rise, the Mayor needs to consider signing a Declaration of Emergency. Waters
at this level would also rise in Tributary 1 and Tributary 2. At this level as many as 162
residences and one church would be affected. Most of these homes will be affected by
water in the streets and in park areas along the tributaries and the River. Three businesses
will be similarly affected.

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Flood Condition B: no known flooding in Blackwell has reached the 50-year. Condition B
on the Chikaskia River means a flood stage of 38 feet at the State Highway 11 bridge gage.
Tributaries 1 and 2 will also rise under Condition B. At this level of flooding, approximately
48 additional residences are threatened; park land and railroad access land will be most
affected. A total of 16 businesses will be similarly affected under these conditions. No
public facilities will be threatened.

FTR - Flood Hazard Description


Flood Condition C: the 100-year flood according to the Flood Insurance Study Rate Map.
Condition C on the Chikaskia River means a flood stage of 40 feet at the State Highway 11
bridge gage. Tributaries 1 and 2 would continue to rise; an additional 167 residences and
16 businesses would be affected, mostly by flooded streets. The Oklahoma National Guard
armory would be threatened. The Blackwell Regional Hospital would have flood waters in a
portion of the parking lot but would not be affected.


Flood Condition D: the 500-year flood. Condition D on the Chikaskia River means a flood
stage of 42 feet at the State Highway 11 bridge gage. Tributaries 1 and 2 would continue to
rise. An additional 262 residences would be affected. Two public schools would be
affected. An additional two businesses would be affected, including one foundry, Eagle
Iron. A listing of all affected businesses can be found in Appendix B.


Flash Flooding: refers to any rapid fall of rain in amounts in a short period of time that will
not cause long-term flooding problems but due to the rapid accumulation will cause shortterm problems. Street flooding is a primary concern with certain intersections historically
causing problems for motorists. No residences are affected by flash flooding, however, the
Blackwell Regional Hospital and the Western Kay County American Red Cross are both
affected by the flooding of the intersection at Thirteenth Street and Ferguson Avenue. Both
facilities experience flooding in the parking lots next to the intersection. With excessive
amounts of rain, both have experienced some flooding at the entry area of the buildings.
Areas affected are shown on the Flash Flood map in Appendix A.

Activation of the Plan
This plan, or appropriate parts of the plan, is to be put into operation under any of the following
1. Issuance of a flood warning for the Chikaskia River by the National Weather Service.
2. Issuance of a flash flood warning for the area by the National Weather Service.
3. If direct communications with the National Weather Service are lost and heavy rainfall is known
to by occurring in the Chikaskia River watershed.
The decision to activate the plan is to be made by the Emergency Preparedness Director or the
designated alternate. Upon activation of the plan, notice is to be given by the Director to the City
Manager and the heads of appropriate city departments. Once activated, the conduct of the plan
will be directed by the Director with the advice and assistance of liaison personnel from each city
department. Only those parts of the plan appropriate to the situation shall be activated.

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EWD	 - Television Override and Messages

ORE - Flood Response Tasks

The tasks making up the plan are not all intended to be carried out whenever the plan is activated.
Some of the tasks are necessary to deal with flooding on the Chikaskia River, Tributaries 1 and 2;
some are applicable only to flash flooding. The tasks to be carried out for each situation are based
on the predicted flood stage and resulting flood condition. Generally Flood Condition A tasks will be
initiated first, followed by Flood Condition B tasks upon direction of the Office of Emergency

Summary of Task



Flooding of the Chikaskia River and its tributaries:
Issue flood warnings.
Provide traffic control along the river and along tributary floodplain.
Monitor conditions and close additional roads as necessary.
Protect the Pollution Control Plant.
Flash flooding in low lying areas:
Issue flood warnings.
Provide traffic control along South Thirteenth Street and other areas subject
to rapidly rising water.
All cases of flooding:
Open the Emergency Operations Center.
Maintain contact with the National Weather Service, Emergency Broadcast
System and other warning systems.
Coordinate emergency response with other City of Blackwell Departments.
Open and operate evacuee reception center in coordination with American
Red Cross.


Task 1.A – Issue Flood Warnings
The objective of this task is to provide the general public with early notification that a flood along the 

Chikaskia River is imminent. 

Flood Condition A: 

1. 	 When the NWS announces a flood threat on the Chikaskia River, the Police Dispatch
notifies the Director of Emergency Preparedness. The Director notifies the local radio
station, KOKB, 1540 AM, and information about the flooding and evacuation is provided.
The local cable television channel override will also run advisories for flooding potential
and evacuation.
2. 	The radio station, KOKB, has prepared messages for each flood condition. The
messages include the list of street intersections and the areas of town that are expected
to flood. The radio station also has information about flood safety precautions, and
under Flood Conditions B, C, or D, they know the American Red Cross building or
another building will be designated as the evacuee reception center.
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3. 	 Police and fire department personnel are alerted to flood conditions and are on stand by
to give warnings in the threatened areas by public address system.
Flood Conditions B, C, and D: same as Flood Condition A.

ORE - Flood Tasks

Task 1.B – Provide Traffic Control Along the Chikaskia River and its Tributaries
Flood Condition A:
Manned traffic control points would be established at North Main and Florence Avenue and
at Doolin Avenue and Sixth Street. There would also be manned traffic control points at
South Main and Furguson and at South Main and Southwest Boulevard. It is the
responsibility of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to provide barricades and
manned traffic control at these points because this is a State maintained highway. At the
request of ODOT these points may also be manned by the police department with
uniformed officers, provided through mutual aid agreements or by volunteers approved by
the police department.
Barricades/flashers would be placed at the following locations by the street department.

ORE - Flood Tasks Based on Flood Levels

Along the Chikaskia River

McKinley Avenue and E Street
Oklahoma Avenue and E Street
Blackwell Avenue and E Street
Bridge Avenue and E Street
Lincoln Avenue and E Street
Santa Fe Avenue and D Street.

When flood waters have reached the location of Bridge and I streets, the television cable override
will be used to warn livestock owners in the flood areas to evacuate livestock.

Along Tributary #1

B Street and Furguson Avenue
B Street and Adams Avenue
First Street and Furguson Avenue
First Street and Southwest Boulevard
Second Street and Furguson Avenue
Second Street and Southwest Boulevard
Third Street and Furguson Avenue
Third Street and Southwest Boulevard
Third Street and Crest Avenue
Third Street and Ikred Avenue
Third Street and Coolidge Avenue
Coolidge Avenue and Southwest Boulevard
Enlows Avenue and Southwest Boulevard.

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ORE - Flood Tasks Keyed to Flood Levels

Along Tributary #2

Sixth Street and Florence Avenue
Fourth Street and Kansas Avenue
Fourth Street and Frisco Avenue
Fourth Street and Florence Avenue
Second Street and Doolin Avenue
First Street and Florence Avenue
A Street and Doolin Avenue
B Street and Doolin Avenue.

Flood Condition B:
Manned traffic control points will be established at the following points: Sixth Street and Doolin
Avenue, North Main Street and Florence Avenue, South Main Street and Furguson Avenue and
South Main Street Adams Avenue, D and Blackwell Avenue, D and Lincoln Avenue. These will be
manned in the same manner as under Condition A. Unmanned traffic control points will be marked
with barricades and/or flashers and will be located as follows:

Along the Chikaskia River

Dewey Avenue and D Street
McKinley Avenue and D Street
Oklahoma Avenue and E Street
Blackwell Avenue and E Street
Bridge Avenue and D Street
Padon Avenue and D Street
College Avenue and D Street
Lincoln Avenue and D Street
C Street and College Avenue
B Street and Lincoln Avenue
B Street and Lawrence Avenue.

At this point, D street will be closed to traffic, except for those affected by the flooding. Admission
to the flooded area will be by passes issued by the Blackwell Police Department. A one way
entrance to the east side of town that is flooded will be down Blackwell Avenue, east on D Street
and north on Lincoln Avenue. No street parking will be allowed Bridge Avenue from D Street east
into the flooded area as this street is designated for emergency vehicle access. A traffic control
pattern is indicated on the Flood Forecast Map. The same measures will be taken for the north side
of town, north of Main and Doolin, where a manned police barricade will be stationed. Unmanned
traffic control points will be marked with barricades and/ or flashers and will be located as follows:

Along Tributary #1

First Street and Furguson Avenue
Second Street and Furguson Avenue

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ORE - Flood Tasks Keyed to Flood Levels


Third Street and Furguson Avenue
Sixth Street and Sante Fe Avenue
Ninth Street and Sante Fe Avenue
Lloyd Avenue and Furguson Avenue
Eighth Street and Furguson Avenue
Sixth Street and Furguson Avenue
Coolidge Avenue and Southwest Boulevard
Enlows Avenue and Southwest Boulevard
Third Street and Coolidge Avenue
Third Street and Ikred Avenue
Third Street and Crest Avenue
Third Street and Southwest Boulevard
Second Street and Crest Avenue
First Street and Crest Avenue
South Main Street and Adams Avenue
South Main Street and Hill Avenue
B Street and Carson.

Along Tributary #2

Thirteenth Street and Doolin Avenue
Thirteenth Street and McKinley Avenue
Eighth Street and Kansas Avenue
Dewey Avenue and Ninth Street
Sixth Street and Parkway Drive
Eighth Street and Florence Avenue
Dewey Avenue and Seventh Street
Ash Avenue and Park Drive
Sixth Street and Almack Drive
Dewey Avenue and Seventh Street
Sixth Street and McKinley Avenue
Fifth Street and McKinley Avenue
Dewey Avenue and Legion Drive
Fourth Street and Frisco Avenue
Fourth Street and Florence Avenue
Fourth Street and Kansas Avenue
Third Street and Doolin Avenue
Second Street and Florence Avenue
First Street and Kansas Avenue
B Street and Kansas Avenue
A Street and Florence Avenue.

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Flood Condition C: 

Manned traffic control points for Condition C will be the same as with Condition B except that the 

point of control on Doolin Avenue will be located at the Seventh Street intersection. Barricades 

would be in places as for Condition B with the following additions: 

ORE - Flood Tasks Keyed to Flood Levels

Along the Chikaskia River

D Street and Oklahoma Avenue
D Street and Blackwell Avenue
C Street and Lawrence Avenue
South Main Street and Lawrence Avenue.

Along Tributary 1
Barricades would be in place as for Condition B with the following additions:
Thirteenth Street and Furguson Avenue
Eighth Street and Franklin Avenue.

Along Tributary 2
Barricades would be in place as for Condition B with the following additions:
Eighth Street and Ash Avenue
Eighth Street and Parkway Drive
Eleventh Street and McKinley Avenue
Ninth Street and McKinley Avenue
Fifth Street and Oklahoman Avenue
Fourth Street and Dewey Avenue
North Main Street and Florence Avenue
B Street and Florence Avenue.
Flood Condition D:
Manned traffic control points for Condition D would include Seventh Street and Doolin, North Main
Street and Kansas Avenue, South Main Street and Lawrence Avenue, and South Main Street and
Adams Avenue. These will be manned in the manner stipulated under Condition A. Unmanned
barricades will be relocated, with a few additions to previous points to further isolate land along the
river or tributaries. Barricade and flasher locations include:

Along the Chikaskia River

B Street and Kansas Avenue
B Street and Frisco Avenue
B Street and Dewey Avenue
C Street and McKinley Avenue
D Street and Blackwell Avenue
D Street and Bridge Avenue
D Street and Padon Avenue

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ORE - Flood Tasks Keyed to Flood Levels


D Street and College Avenue
C Street and Padon Avenue
B Street and College Avenue
B Street and Lincoln Avenue
B Street and Lawrence Avenue
C Street and Lawrence Avenue
South Main Street and Lawrence Avenue

Along Tributary 1

First Street and Lawrence Avenue
Second Street and Furguson Avenue
Third Street and Furguson Avenue
Sixth Street and Sante Fe Avenue
Ninth Street and Sante Fe Avenue
Eighth Street and Furguson Avenue
Sixth Street and Furguson Avenue
Coolidge Avenue and Southwest Boulevard
Enlows Avenue and Southwest Boulevard
Third Street and Southwest Boulevard
Third Street and Ikred Avenue
Third Street and Crest Avenue
Second Street and Crest Avenue
First Street and Crest Avenue
South Main Street and Adams Avenue
South Main Street and Hill Avenue
South Main Street and Carson Avenue
B Street and Carson Avenue.

Along Tributary 2

Ninth Street and Doolin Avenue
Eighth Street and Rainbow Drive
Seventh Street and Almack Drive
Eighth Street and Florence Avenue
Thirteenth Street and Doolin Avenue
Thirteenth Street and McKinley Avenue
Eleventh Street and McKinley Avenue
Ninth Street and Dewey Avenue
Eighth Street and Dewey Avenue
Seventh Street and McKinley Avenue
Sixth Street and Oklahoma Avenue
Fifth Street and Oklahoma Avenue
Fourth Street and Dewey Avenue

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Third Street and Kansas Avenue
Second Street and Frisco Avenue
First Street and Frisco Avenue
North Main Street and Kansas Avenue
A Street and Florence Avenue
B Street and Florence Avenue.

ORE - Flood Tasks Keyed to Flood Levels

Task 1.C – Monitor Conditions and close additional roads as


A Variety of methods will be used to monitor the river level and street flooding during all flood
a) The river gages at Blackwell and Corbin Dam in Kansas are monitored routinely by the
NWS, OEP, and City Engineering staff.
b) 	 The river gage at Blackwell and Corbin Dam will be monitored every thirty minutes to
one hour by OEP staff as assigned by the Director once a flood warning is issued for
the area.
c) 	 In the event that telephone connections are lost to the gages, the gage located on
State Highway 11 will be manually monitored by the City Engineering staff or a
qualified volunteer assigned by the OEP Director, every thirty minutes.
d) 	 Reports to the OEP or Police Department by citizens living along the River or one of
the tributaries will be recorded and analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

Task 1.D – Pollution Control Plant
Flood Conditions A, B, and Flash Flooding:
With any significant rainfall, whether flash flooding or river levels at 27 feet, the staff
at the Pollution Control Plant will begin to monitor conditions utilizing a gage on the
side of the dike. Increased inflow from submerged manholes during any flooding will
affect routine tasks at the Plant. Such inflow will affect the permitted release levels
and quality standards of plant discharge. The plant is not in danger of flooding.
Flood Condition C:
When flooding level reaches Condition C—a 100-year flood—the Pollution Control
Plant will not be threatened by flooding, although elevation measurements indicate
flood waters would be one foot from the dike surrounding the Plant. The Plant is
designed to withstand 100-year flooding.
Precautions described under Flood Condition D will be taken if levels increase
above the 100-year level or if other situations indicated need for protection rather
than monitoring.
Flood Condition D:
Condition D – a 500-year flood, the Pollution Control Plant would be inundated with flood water. To
prepare for such flooding, the following steps should be taken:
Same as for Condition A.
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Protective measures would be taken as needed and include:
Obtaining bags and filling them with sand.
Entire staff will stay at the plant to monitor flood levels and maintain the
protective measures around the clock until the danger of flooding is past.
The plant will maintain contact with the OEP through telephone or radio in
order to estimate water levels and flow increase.


ORE - Flood Tasks

Task 3.A – Open the Emergency Operations Center
Upon notification of a flood warning from the NWS, either directly or through the Police Department
teletype, the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness will open the Emergency Operations
Center (EOC).
All necessary EOC staff will be contacted, including the City Manager. 

Contact by radio with local and state response agencies will be established. 

Contact with NWS will be maintained. 

EOC staff will implement tasks to be completed, including but not limited to: 

Monitoring river gages either manually or by phone, 

Mapping flood advancement, 

Coordinating response with various agencies, and 

Contacting affected businesses, residences, etc. 

EWD – Emergency Alert System and Public Address

Task 3.B – Maintain contact with the National Weather Service, Emergency Broadcast System
and other warning Systems
a) Contact will be established with the National Weather Service Emergency.
b) Contact will be established with the local station (KOKB AM 1520) and the Emergency
Broadcast network in this area (WBBZ AM radio).
c) Warnings will be issued to affected areas after consultation of NWS and local officials
using the local television cable override.
d) Businesses outside of the flood area will be contacted by telephone so that employees
residing in the affected area can return home to prepare for imminent flooding.
e) In the event that telephone service is not available, police and fire personnel will deliver
statements. Police and fire vehicles will alert the general citizens by driving up and
down areas expected to flood, sounding sirens and utilizing the public address system
as an alerting device.

Task 3.C – Open and operate evacuee reception center through cooperation with American Red
Cross and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services
According to the Emergency Operations Plan for the Blackwell Office of Emergency Preparedness,
all sheltering activities will be conducted in cooperation with the American Red Cross and the
Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Both agencies will be contacted by OEP.

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ORE – Resources Needed


Both agencies will be asked to send a representative to the EOC for consultation
and to maintain contact with the agency throughout the flood emergency.
The OEP will provide information as accurately as possible so that appropriate
shelters can be established to provide necessary service to all who need shelter,
food, etc., and so that shelters will be established in locations which will not be
affected by a continual rise in flood levels.

The resources needed to carry out this Flood Emergency Action Plan are shown in Appendix G on
Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Flood Conditions A, B, C, D, and Flash Flooding, respectively.

NOTE: The table on page 47 is an example of the method Blackwell uses to identify
resources needed to complete each flood response task. This example identifies the
resources needed for Condition C or the 100-year flood event.

Emergency Preparedness Director
The Director of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) is responsible for the overall direction of the
conduct of this flood emergency plan. Specifically, the director or designated alternate is
responsible for:
Activating the warning and response plan, opening the EOC, and directing the
conduct of those tasks appropriate to the situation.
Notifying the City Manager and members of the EOC staff (which includes
department heads within the city) whenever the plan is activated and keeping them
apprised of conditions.
The City Manager or his representative will be the authorizing authority to make
such purchases or requisition of materials and supplies as are needed to carry out
the emergency response tasks.
The City Manager or his representative will provide for access of information to the
public through available media or other means.
Monitoring the implementation of this plan.

Police Department
The dispatcher on duty at the time of notification is given of activation of this plan will work with the
Police Chief or designated alternate from the EOC who will
Serve in the Emergency Operations Center until relieved,
Direct that all department staff be put on standby and that all vehicles be fueled and
serviced as needed,
Activate Mutual Aid with Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement agencies as
needed, and
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ORE - Flood Tasks


Ensure the implementation of tasks related to traffic control, coordination of
evacuation activities, and providing security to evacuated areas.

Street Department
When notified of the activation of this plan, the Street/Park Superintendent shall
Designate a liaison to serve in the Emergency Operations Center until relieved.
Provide for staffing of the Public Works Department office on a 24-hour basis.
Ensure implementation of tasks related to providing flashers and barricades for
designated intersections, provide sand for sandbagging as required, and provide
transportation for equipment as needed.

Fire Department

EWD – Door- to- Door


When notified of the activation of this plan, the Fire Chief shall
Designate a liaison to serve in the Emergency Operations Center until relieved,
Direct all departmental staff to be put on standby and that all vehicles be fueled and
serviced as needed, and
Activate Mutual Aid with area Fire Departments to ensure needed staff levels for the
implementation of tasks related to providing door-to-door warning, conducting
search and rescue operations and providing for care of casualties.

Pollution Control Plant
When notified of any flood watch or warning, the Plant supervisor will ensure that needed staff will
be available for the implementation of Task 1.C.

American Red Cross and Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Pursuant to the Blackwell Emergency Operation Plan, the Chapter Manager of the American Red
Cross and County Director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Resources will work together to
provide shelter and emergency needs for any evacuees in the following manner:
Each agency will have a representative at the EOC.
The American Red Cross will provide the shelter and adequate staff to meet the
immediate shelter needs of the evacuees.
The American Red Cross will provide food for evacuees.
The American Red Cross will provide a canteen for Emergency Response personnel
involved in evacuations or rescues.
The American Red Cross and Department of Human Services will work together to
operate a registration center for evacuees.
The American Red Cross and Department of Human Services will work together to
provide for long-term needs of those whose houses are damaged in the flood.

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Appendix 1 lists key facilities that have an important role in the conduct of flood emergency
operations through implementing their own emergency plan, providing further warning to workers, or
assisting in the conduct of the city’s emergency response plan.

In the case of a partial power failure, the Emergency Operations Center would be moved to the
American Red Cross with the Blackwell Police Department as the second alternate. In the case of
total power failure, operations would be coordinated by the use of automobile phones and radios.

The City of Blackwell sponsors a Flood Awareness month every year in March or April. The
following activities are scheduled during that month:
A declaration of Flood Awareness by the Mayor and City Council.
A table top drill is scheduled by the Director of Emergency Preparedness that
includes all City department heads, the Red Cross, the Blackwell Regional Hospital,
Department of Human Services, KOKB radio station, and the Blackwell Journal
Public information handouts are available at the Utility payment windows and the
Blackwell Public Library in both English and Spanish that covers all related topics of
flooding in Blackwell such as the Flood Hazard, Flood Warnings, Flood Safety,
Flood Insurance, Property Protection, Floodplain Development Permits, Drainage
System Maintenance, and Traffic Control in Flooded Areas.
The Director of Emergency Preparedness and the Community Rating System
Coordinator update this plan and all related documents. All revisions of this plan
shall be prepared within two weeks of the tabletop drill.

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Flood Condition A
Flood Condition B
Flood Condition C
Flood Condition D

Flood Stages Shown on Flood Insurance Rate Map (only a portion of the map shown).

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Blackwell, Oklahoma — Historical Crest Stage Information
Significant River Levels


Worst flood in recent memory outside the USGS
period of record occurred on June 10, 1923. Based
on a high-water mark at a different location. USGS
determined a flood discharge of 100,000 CFS.






November 1, 1998 - A total of 51 homes receive
minor to major damage in Blackwell and 166
residents are evacuated from the city during the





October 3, 1986 - Floodwaters reach a half-foot in
depth in some homes on the north side of
Blackwell. Local streets are closed.
















































35.0 ft

34.0 ft

October 11, 1973 - Motorists are rescued from the
intersection of Highway 177 and Highway 11. Ten
city blocks in Blackwell are flooded.
33.0 ft


32.0 ft

31.0 ft


30.0 ft

At 29 feet, city streets in the east and north sides of
Blackwell begin to flood. Hubbard Road floods
east of Blackwell.
------------ FLOOD STAGE --------------------- MINOR FLOODING STAGE -------

29.0 ft



------------ BANKFULL STAGE ------------

28.0 ft







27.0 ft





26.0 ft



------------ ACTION STAGE ------------

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Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Blackwell’s Flood Warning Plan includes tables to identify the resources needed for each
flood response task identified in the plan. The table below identifies the resources needed
for Condition C or the 100-year flood event.

Blackwell, Oklahoma 

Needed Resources for Flood Condition (Condition C) 













as needed








as needed

Public Works


Pollution Control





Red Cross/DHS


as needed





available from local supply store


available from city supply


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Critical Facilities Planning (CFP)
This element credits warning and coordinating with critical facilities. The CRS defines
four types of critical facilities.
•	 Those structures or facilities that produce, use, or store highly volatile, flammable,
explosive, toxic, and/or water-reactive materials;
• Hospitals, nursing homes,
and housing likely to contain
occupants who may not be
sufficiently mobile or otherwise
able to avoid death or injury during
a flood;
• Police stations, fire stations,
vehicle and equipment storage
facilities, and emergency
operations centers that are needed
or contain equipment needed for
flood response activities before,
during, and after a flood; and

Some critical facilities need special consideration in flood
warning plans.

• Public and private utility
facilities that are vital to
maintaining or restoring services to
flooded areas before, during, and
after a flood.

The community should develop its own list of facilities that are critical to the flood
response (e.g., emergency operating center, hospital, etc.) or that would cause special
problems during a flood (e.g., wastewater treatment plant, chemical storage areas, etc.).

There are three prerequisites for credit.
1. 	 The community must receive credit for the flood threat recognition system and for
disseminating a flood warning to the general public.
2. 	 The community must update the information on the critical facilities at least annually.
3. 	 Coordination with critical facilities must be included in the community’s adopted
flood response plan.

CRS Credit
There are three ways to obtain credit for Critical Facilities Planning (CFP).
1. 	 Maintain a list of critical facility locations and contacts. CRS credit points are
provided if the flood response plan includes the names and telephone numbers of the
operators of critical facilities affected by flooding. The list must include the names of
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either those people responsible for day-to-day operation of a facility or a contact
person designated by the facility. Examples of the latter would be the facility’s
security office or emergency manager.
Communities must send a copy of this list to the ISO/CRS Specialist with their annual
recertification. If the list is very long, one or two pages from the list will suffice.
Recertifications are due October 1 of each year.
2. 	 Special notices and warnings. Points are provided if the community has
arrangements for providing special warnings or early notifications directly to the
facilities that need them. Not all critical facilities will need an early warning, but
coordination with them will identify those that do. Some may want as early a notice as
possible in order to implement their own flood response plans. Others may need a
direct call because they cannot be reached by the system that warns the general public
or they need specific flood data provided by the flood threat recognition system. There
is no credit if the community only notifies other city departments unless the
community owns all of the critical facilities in the floodplain.
3. 	 Critical facility flood response plans. CRS points are provided if the critical
facilities that need them have their own flood response plans that have been developed
or reviewed by the community. Many larger facilities have their own emergency plans.
This credit is provided if the community has reviewed the plans so it can better
coordinate the community’s and the facilities’ responses to flooding.

Credit Calculation
The initial score for the community’s Critical Facilities Planning (CFP) is based on the
sum of the credit received for maintaining a list of critical facility locations and contacts
(CFP1), providing special notices and warnings to critical facilities (CFP2), and the
percentage of critical facilities with flood response plans (CFP3). There is no impact
adjustment for CFP1 or CFP2. To receive these credits, all critical facilities that are
affected by flooding must be identified, contact names and numbers must be maintained,
and appropriate warnings must be provided to the operators. Only CFP3 has an impact
adjustment, which is discussed on page 55. In the Coordinator’s Manual, the credit
calculation is shown as the following formula:
cCFP = CFP1 + CFP2 + (CFP3 x rCFP), where
cCFP is the total credit for CFP,
CFP1 is the credit for maintaining the critical facility list, 10 points,
CFP2 is the credit for special notices and warnings, 20 points,
CFP3 is the credit for critical facility flood response plans, 20 points,
CFP is the points for CFP, which range from 10 to 50, and
rCFP is the impact adjustment ratio, which ranges from 0.25 to 1.0.
cCFP can range from 5 to 50.

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Alternate Sites for EOC Operations – in the case of a partial power failure, the Operations Center
CFP – Critical Facilities Identified with Methods of Warning and Level of Flooding

would be moved to the American Red Cross or the Blackwell Police Department, depending upon
the degree of power failure. In the case of total failure, the operations and warning would be
coordinated using automobile mobile phones and radios.

City Mobilization Center – will be located at the City Warehouse on Lawrence and B Street.
Site-Specific Warnings – the only facility that is located in a flood zone that would not hear a siren
warning is Eagle Iron, Inc. who would be notified by telephone or emergency vehicle.

Special Recipients – a calling list of specific recipients is maintained by the police department. The
two nursing homes, Southwest Cupid Manufacturing Company, and the schools have direct
connections to an alarm system in the Police Department that is activated to provide early or
advance notice of flooding or other emergency situations. This system is voice- and bell-activated
and has an emergency generator back up in case of power failure.
Other locations on the calling list would be notified by squad car in case of power failure. Currently
there are some facilities that by nature of their location at the far west edge of the city limits near the
I-35 intersection do not hear the siren. These facilities are on the calling list but are not affected in
by flooding conditions as they are located quite some distance from the Chikaskia.

Pollution Control Plant – flood preparation alert begins when the Chikaskia River level reaches 27
feet. Water levels are monitored by a gage located on the side of the dike at the plant. The plant is
manned 24 hours a day during flooding. Although flooding is not a threat to the plant itself until
water nears the 500-year flood stage, flood operation response is necessary for effluent discharge
when the Chikaskia floods.

NOTE: Critical facilities located in the floodplain are identified in the list of residents,
businesses, and public facilities affected by flooding. The buildings are grouped by the
flood level that will affect the location. See pages 45–46. The city updates its list of
facility contacts every year.

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To confirm that a community’s program meets the CRS credit criteria and to assist in
calculating credit points, documentation must be submitted with the request for credit. For
a community’s first application for a CRS classification, the application form on page 41
of the CRS Application should be used. This form should be submitted along with the
documentation described on the bottom of that page.

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StormReady and TsunamiReady Programs (SCR)
The National Weather Service established the StormReady and TsunamiReady programs to help
local governments improve the timeliness and effectiveness of hazardous weather-related
warnings for the public. By participating, local agencies can earn recognition for their
jurisdictions by meeting the guidelines established by the National Weather Service in
partnership with federal, state, and local emergency
management professionals. More information on these
programs can be found at and .

There are two prerequisites for this element.
1.	 The local government must receive credit for a flood threat recognition system operating
within its jurisdiction.
2.	 The flood warning program must be able to forecast the arrival time and peak flow or
elevation of floods.
Additionally, for TsunamiReady credit, the community must
3. 	 Meet the mapping requirements described in CRS
Credit for Management of Tsunami Hazards,
sections 410TS and 430TS; and
4. 	 Adopt a tsunami hazards operations plan or annex
that addresses actions to take after a tsunami
CRS credits for StormReady and TsunamiReady are not automatically granted to each
local government that receives the StormReady or TsunamiReady designation from the
National Weather Service. The CRS flood threat recognition requirements go beyond
those of the StormReady and TsunamiReady programs. For example, the CRS requires a
flood stage forecast on specific streams or areas. Warnings that only say “expect
flooding in low areas along small streams” are not detailed enough to warrant CRS credit.
These types of messages are not specific enough to encourage people to initiate property
protection measures that reduce flood insurance claims.
In addition to identifying how the local government will receive the tsunami warning, the
tsunami operations plan should
•	 Describe how the warning will be disseminated to the public;
•	 Identify evacuation routes and/or buildings to be used for vertical evacuation;
•	 Tell how critical facilities will be warned; and
•	 Tell how the “all clear” message will be disseminated.

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CRS Credit
The StormReady and TsunamiReady programs have communications and educational
requirements that go beyond the traditional CRS requirements. Therefore, CRS credit points are
awarded to local governments that receive credit for flood threat recognition (FTR), are
designated by the National Weather Service as StormReady or TsunamiReady communities, and
meet the above prerequisites.
Twenty-five (25) points are provided for obtaining and maintaining the designation as a
National Weather Service StormReady community and meeting the CRS prerequisites. A
separate and additional 30 points are provided for obtaining and maintaining the
designation as a National Weather Service TsunamiReady community and meeting the
CRS prerequisites.

Credit Calculation
There is no impact adjustment for StormReady or TsunamiReady credit. A StormReady
community receives 25 points, a TsunamiReady community receives 30 points, and a
community in both programs receives 55 points.

No additional documentation is required for the StormReady community credit. The
ISO/CRS Specialist checks the community’s status on the National Weather Service’s
website and the documentation for flood threat recognition (FTR) to confirm that the CRS
prerequisites are met.
TsunamiReady communities provide a copy of their tsunami hazards operations plan.

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Evaluation Report
It is important that problems be corrected if the flood warning program does not perform
as anticipated. Therefore, if the community is flooded and the damage meets a certain
threshold, it must prepare an evaluation report on how the system operated and what
improvements may be needed.
The report is not required if there was no flood during the year. A report is needed only if
the community experienced at least one flood during the previous year that damaged more
than 10 buildings, caused more than $50,000 in property damage, or caused the death of
one or more persons. For each flood meeting these criteria, this report must describe how
the program operated in response to the flood, and any improvements that may be needed.
The following format is recommended:
1. 	 The cause or source of the flood and its estimated recurrence interval, if known;
2. 	 Performance of the flood threat recognition system;
3. 	 Dissemination of warnings and public response (i.e., evaluation of EWD);
4. 	 Governmental and private response activities, such as evacuation or flood
fighting (i.e., evaluation of ORE);
5. 	 Impact of the flood on critical facilities (i.e., evaluation of CFP);
6. 	 Description of deaths, injuries, property damage, and impact on public health
and safety;
7. 	 Examples of damage prevented by the flood warning system and response plan;
8. 	 Lessons learned and changes needed in the warning program and response plan;
9. 	 The status of implementing the changes recommended by the last post-flood
evaluation report.
The report does not need to cover items 3 through 5 if the community is not receiving
CRS credit for these elements. If the evaluation identifies shortcomings in the flood
warning system or failures in its operation, the report must identify remedial actions that
will improve future operation.
This report will generally not need to be longer than a few pages. If an “after action”
report was done for other purposes, it will probably include most or all of the needed
items. If it does not, the missing items may be included in a cover letter.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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CRS Final Scoring
If a system does not cover all of a community’s sources of flooding, the areas affected are
factored in during the impact adjustment. The impact adjustment modifies the credit points to
reflect how much of the community’s developed areas are covered by its flood warning program.
The impact adjustment is based on the number of buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area
(SFHA) that receive the flood warning.

Full Coverage
In some cases, a flood warning program is implemented throughout the community.
Where a community implements a warning program that serves everyone in the SFHA, the
impact adjustment variables for those elements are 1.0. A written statement that all
buildings in the SFHA are covered by the program is sufficient documentation. However,
this is only possible if the flood threat recognition system covers all of the floodplains
that have buildings on them.

Partial Coverage
In some communities the flood warning program does not cover all of the floodplain areas. Local
governments may not have the resources to develop flood threat recognition systems on small
streams where there are few residents or in areas where the flooding is shallow.
If the community does not provide warning to all occupants in the SFHA, the CRS credit points
must be adjusted to reflect the impact of the program. This is the “impact adjustment,” which is
done by multiplying the credit points for FTR, EWD and ORE by the percentage of the
community covered. The impact adjustment ratio is based on the percentage of buildings in the
SFHA that are covered. CFP3 is adjusted by the percentage of critical facilities with flood
response plans.
For example, suppose a community has a large river and a coastal area shown on its
FIRM. There are 100 buildings within the coastal SFHA and there are 20 buildings within
the river’s non-coastal SFHA. Buildings in the SFHA total 120. The community has a
flood threat recognition system for coastal flooding, but not for flooding on the noncoastal reach of the river. Buildings covered by the flood threat recognition total 100. The
percentage of buildings covered by FTR would be calculated as follows:
rFTR = bFTR = 100 = 0.83 


For documentation, the local government should list each river or stream covered by the flood
warning program and identify the number of buildings in the SFHA. The number of buildings in
the SFHA must be the same number used in several other CRS activities. It is explained in more
detail in Section 300 of the Coordinator’s Manual.
To simplify the CRS application process, the impact adjustment is not included in the CRS
Application. When the ISO/CRS Specialist conducts the verification visit, he or she will help
determine the appropriate impact adjustment and will help with any needed calculations.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Although much of the documentation for emergency warning and dissemination credit
will be found in a community’s multi-hazard plan or other comprehensive emergency
response plan, other documentation may be required. Many of the specific items required
to document these elements may be in appendices or standard operating procedures rather
than in the body of the plan.
If a multi-hazard emergency response plan or comprehensive emergency management plan
with many annexes is used to document the credit for this activity, the entire document
should not be submitted with the CRS application. The specific documentation should be
marked with the CRS acronyms in the margin of the plan, and copies of only those pages
should be submitted.
One way to help the reviewer find what is needed is to write a short narrative of the
community’s program. This report can include some of the specific statements needed for
credit for the various elements and can reference portions of other documents as
For example, the narrative report could describe the equipment used for flood threat
recognition in a few sentences and refer to a map attached from another document. The
narrative report could also state that maintenance is performed at least annually. The
narrative report can be used to document the impact adjustment ratios.
Many municipal warning systems or response plans are part of county emergency
management programs. It must be noted that each community is responsible for ensuring
that its submittal is complete. It is the applicant’s responsibility to send in all
documentation, including items handled by the county or another agency.

Verification Visit
During the verification visit, the ISO/CRS Specialist will ask the local government to complete a
questionnaire that will help determine the documentation needed to ensure that the local warning
program receives the appropriate credit

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Edition: 2006

For More Information
In most cases, communities can receive assistance from their state emergency
management agency or the National Weather Service in establishing warning programs
and planning and conducting drills. Most districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
have handbooks on flood emergency procedures and offer help in developing flood
response plans. The Tennessee Valley Authority also has a program to assist communities.
The following four publications can be downloaded free from FEMA’s website.
Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning, State and Local Guide 101.
Hazardous Weather Resource Guide, A Source Book For: Planning For Hazardous
Weather and Flooding. FEMA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Weather Service. 1996.
Effective Disaster Warnings. National Science and Technology Council, Committee on
Environment and Natural Resources. 2000.

Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry. FEMA. 2002. . 

The following may be ordered from
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
U.S. Department of Commerce

Springfield, VA 22161

Guidelines on Community Local Flood Warning and Response Systems. Federal
Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data. 1985. (NTIS order number PB 86
109 717, $21.95).
Community Handbook on Flood Warning and Preparedness Programs. H. James
Owen, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1981. (NTIS order number AD A108
669, $15.95).
Copies of the following two publications are available free on the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration’s website.
Automated Local Flood Warning Systems Handbook, Weather Service Hydrology
Handbook No. 2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather
Service. 1997. .
StormReady Organization and Operations Manual. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Weather Service. 2000. .

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Edition: 2006

The following CRS publication provides more information on aspects related to flood
warning. It is available free by using the order form in Appendix E of the Coordinator’s
Manual, or from
Flood Publications


P.O. Box 501016

Indianapolis, IN 46250-1016
(317) 848-2898

Fax: (317) 848-3578

CRS Credit for Outreach Projects discusses the requirements for notifying residents of
the warning system and flood safety.

Credit for Flood Warning Programs

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Edition: 2006 

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - AA Model 610 Flood Warning.wbk
File Modified2009-01-09
File Created2009-01-08

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