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Requirements For Single Family Mortgage Instruments

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

Endorsing a Single Family FHA Case
The Direct Endorsement (DE) process allows FHA-approved lenders to submit a mortgage insurance
application for a loan to a single family, low-to-moderate-income homebuyer. The Insurance Application
function on the FHA Connection (Figure 1) is used to request mortgage insurance for a DE case and to
add or update the request information as needed prior to endorsement.

module for

Mortgage processing tutorial

Select to access
Insurance Application
Learn more about WINK help tool
Figure 1: Insurance application available on the Case Processing menu

This FHA Connection Guide module provides the following sections to assist you in obtaining FHA
mortgage insurance:
 Basic Prerequisites and Requirements
 Insurance Application Processing, which includes:
o Key Steps in Using Insurance Application
o General Information, Worksheet Information, Borrower Information, Mortgage
Information, and Endorsement Information section-by-section illustrations and explanations
of each part of the online Insurance Application form. These sections also facilitate data entry
by mapping the case binder document data to the fields to be completed on the Insurance
Application form.
 Additional Binder Information Sources provides a listing of possible information sources for
insurance application processing.
 Lender Insurance (LI) Endorsement Processing provides a high level overview of the LI
lender’s role and their additional use of Insurance Application. LI lenders, lending institutions
that apply and qualify for HUD authorization for the Lender Insurance (LI) Forward program,
endorse their own traditional (forward) FHA mortgage loans for insurance without a preendorsement review by HUD. (In addition to referencing the Lender Insurance Endorsement
Processing section, LI lenders should read all sections of this FHA Connection Guide module
for full background.)
 Insurance Application Results (MIC or NOR) provides an overview of the endorsement process
and briefly discusses insurance denial and resolution steps.

 For a DE Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) (reverse) case, use the HECM Insurance
Application function and refer to the FHA Connection Guide module on that topic.
 For training and assistance in using the FHA Connection, refer to the FHA Connection Guide
modules: Using the FHA Connection and FHA Connection Training Resources. Specific
information pertaining to Insurance Application is also available using What I Need to Know
icon located directly adjacent to the Insurance Application function
(WINK) accessed via the
on the Case Processing menu (Figure 1).

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

Basic Prerequisites and Requirements
In order for a loan to become FHA-insured, the originating lender (or its sponsor/agent) must:
1. establish a case in HUD’s origination system. For information on establishing a case, see the FHA
Connection Guide modules: Case Processing Overview and Case Number Assignment.
2. complete all basic case requirements, including providing complete and accurate borrower
information, valid street address, underwriter information, and mortgage credit analysis.
3. provide case-specific “as required” information related to an appraisal, upfront mortgage insurance
premium (UFMIP), compliance inspection, firm commitment, and property flipping issues. See
Insurance Application WINK (Preparing to Use Insurance Application, Requirements).
4. complete the Insurance Application and submit the case binder (closing package) to the HUD
Homeownership Center (HOC) within 60 days after the closing date of the mortgage. For LI lenders,
the case binder is only submitted upon request.
Once the Insurance Application is successfully processed, the case is either endorsed by HUD or issued
a NOR (see the Insurance Application Results (MIC or NOR) section). LI lenders endorse their own
forward mortgage loans for insurance using Insurance Application (see the Lender Insurance
Endorsement Processing section).

Insurance Application Processing
This section begins with the basic steps for processing the FHA Connection online Insurance Application
form, and is followed by sections with detailed illustration on completing each section of the form.

Key Steps in Using Insurance Application on the FHA Connection
Follow these basic steps to process the Insurance Application form.
1. Access Insurance Application after sign on by following the menu path: Single Family FHA >
Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application. The FHA Connection
menu path appears as a “breadcrumb trail” in the red banner at the top of each function page.
2. On the Insurance Application page (Figure 2), enter the case number in the FHA Case Number field.

Figure 2: Insurance Application query page

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
3. Successful entry of the case number opens Insurance Application Update to enter or update case
information. Data entry on this very detailed page is done using multiple resources found in the case
Note: The information entered on Insurance Application Update is validated against numerous official
sources. Entry of incorrect or invalid data or failure to supply information required for the loan type
may result in a denial of insurance with the binder returned to the lender by HUD.
4. To assist you with (a) locating the requisite case binder information to enter on Insurance Application
Update and (b) processing the FHA Connection’s online Insurance Application form itself, refer to the
following sections of this module: General Information, Worksheet Information, Borrower
Information, Mortgage Information, and Endorsement Information. Each section provides
processing tips followed by mapping illustrations of the inputs from the three key case binder
 FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary - form HUD-92900-LT,
-orMortgage Credit Analysis Worksheet (MCAW) - form HUD-92900-PUR or form HUD-92900-WS
(form use valid until September 30, 2008)
 Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) - Fannie Mae Form 1003, Freddie Mac Form 65
 HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application - form HUD-92900-A
Note: Additional documentation is required for a HOPE for Homeowners loan. See HUD Mortgagee
Letter 2008-29, HOPE for Homeowners Origination Guidance, and the associated exhibits/attachments
that accompany this letter.
For additional data entry assistance, refer to Insurance Application Help (Steps for Processing and
Field Descriptions). Click
Update page (Figure 3).

Help Links

at the upper right of the Insurance Application

Successful processing of Insurance Application Update and subsequent endorsement results in issuance of
the Mortgage Insurance Certificate (MIC). View the MIC using Mortgage Insurance Certificate on the
Single Family Origination Case Processing menu.
If the case is not endorsed, a NOR is issued. Use Notice of Return (on the Single Family Origination
Case Processing menu) to view and print the NOR.
For more information, refer to the section Insurance Application Results (MIC or NOR) at the end of
this module.

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

General Information
The General Information section of Insurance Application Update appears in Figure 3, followed by some
processing tips for this section. Key portions of the HUD forms used to complete this section are
illustrated in Figures 3a-3c, following.

Select other functions,
e.g., Case Number
Assignment, to view
the case
View-only information, e.g., case
number, property address, county
code, and originator/principal ID

ADP Code Selector

View a detailed
field description

Figure 3: General Information section of Insurance Application Update

Processing Tips for the General Information Section (Figure 3)
Refer to the What I Need to Know (WINK) icon
Case Number Assignment menu for:

next to the Update an Existing Case function on the

 background on updating view-only information entered during case number assignment
 instructions on how to change a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) case to a non-HECM
case or a non-HECM case to HECM case
Note: the ADP Code cannot be changed to a HECM case if the case was not initially established
as such (or vice versa).
Mapping of the HUD form sources for completing General Information fields appears in the Case Binder
Sources for Entering General Information section that follows (Figures 3a-3c).

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Case Binder Sources for Entering General Information
Figures 3a-3c illustrate the source form fields for the specific General Information section fields to which
they relate. The callouts (pointing to the form fields) are the field names found on Insurance Application
Refer to the case binder and Insurance Application Help (Field Descriptions) if you need to determine:
 Program ID
 PUD (Appraisal Report)
 Solar (Appraisal Report)
 Escrow (form HUD-92300)
 Escrow Complete Date (form HUD-92300)
 Escrow Amount (form HUD-92300)
ADP Code appears on the Addendum to URLA (VA Form 26-1802a /HUD-92900-A).

ADP Code
Figure 3a: ADP Code field input

Living Units and Borrower Type, e.g., Occupant or Landlord, appear on the URLA (Freddie Mac Form
65/Fannie Mae Form 1003) section II. Property Information and Purpose of Loan.

Living Units

Borrower Type (determined
from purpose of residence)
indicated here)

Figure 3b: Living Units and Borrower Type field inputs

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Building on Own Land, Cash-out, Construction Code, Construction to Permanent, Loan Purpose,
and Manufactured Housing field information appears on the top portion of the FHA Loan Underwriting
and Transmittal Summary (form HUD-92900-LT).

Construction Code

Manufactured Housing

Loan Purpose


Construction to Permanent

Building on
Own Land

Figure 3c: Other General Information field inputs

Note: For 203k (substantial rehabilitation) cases, Construction Code information can be found under
Loan Purpose.

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

Worksheet Information
The Worksheet Information section of Insurance Application Update appears in Figure 4, immediately
followed by some processing tips for this section. Key portions of the HUD forms used to complete this
section are illustrated in Figures 4a-4e following.
Use radio buttons to specify a positive
or negative amount

If the Gift Source is a nonprofit
organization, the Employer
Identification Number (EIN), must
be provided


Notation indicates this is not a HOPE for Homeowners case;
additional fields are displayed for HOPE cases (see Figure 4e)
Figure 4: Worksheet Information section of Insurance Application Update

Processing Tips for the Worksheet Information Section (Figure 4)
Tips include:
 in the monetary value fields, dollar signs ($) are not entered (they are “understood” by the
system). For the Required Investment and Total Requirements fields, you can use the radio
button to indicate either a positive amount, e.g., for new construction, or a negative amount, e.g.,
for some refinances
 the Scorecard Decision and Decision Date are view-only information based on the underwriting
decision provided by the FHA TOTAL Scorecard, used within the lender’s automated underwriting
system (AUS) for evaluation of the loan’s credit risk. Values may be:
o Accepted: Borrower determined to be an acceptable risk for the loan amount
o Referred: Borrower determined a possible bad risk for the loan amount, requiring full, manual
underwriting by the lender
o Not Scored: FHA TOTAL Scorecard was not used
Mapping of the HUD form sources for completing Worksheet Information fields appear in the Case
Binder Sources for Entering Worksheet Information section that follows (Figures 4a-4e).
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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Case Binder Sources for Entering Worksheet Information
Figures 4a-4c illustrate the source form fields from the URLA (Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form
1003) section fields to which they relate. The callouts (pointing to the form fields) are the field names
found on Insurance Application Update.
Unpaid Principal Balance appears on the URLA (Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003) in
section II. Property Information and Purpose of Loan.

Unpaid Principal Balance
Figure 4a: Unpaid Principal Balance field input

Current Housing Expense appears on the URLA (Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003) in
section V. Monthly Income and Combined Housing Expense Information.

Sum of this column
provides the amount for
Current Housing Expense
Figure 4b: Current Housing Expense field input

Total Requirements and Seller
Contribution Amount appear
on the URLA (Freddie Mac Form
65/Fannie Mae Form 1003) in
section VII. Details of

Seller Contribution Amount

Total Requirements
Figure 4c: Seller Contribution Amount
and Total Requirement field inputs

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Figure 4d illustrates the source form fields from the FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary
(form HUD-92900-LT) section fields to which they relate. The callouts (pointing to the form fields) are the
field names found on Insurance Application Update.

Appraised Value

Sales Price

Secondary Financing


UFMIP Paid in Cash

Total Income

Borrower Funds to Close

Total Fixed Payment
Required Investment

Verified Assets

Total Mortgage Payment

Seller Contribution (%)
Months in Reserves
Underwriter Approval Date
Underwriter ID

Appraisal Underwriter

Figure 4d: Other Worksheet Information field inputs

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
If energy efficient improvements are a mortgage factor, get the EEM Improvement Amount and Energy
Efficient Mortgage Type from the Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) report. For a 203k case, get
this information from form HUD-92700, line 6.
HOPE for Homeowners Loans
Figure 4e illustrates the fields that are displayed for HOPE for Homeowners (H4H) cases. The H4H
program is effective for endorsements on or after October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2011. For
additional guidance, documentation, and direction pertaining to the H4H Program, see the following HUD
Mortgagee Letters: 2008-29, HOPE for Homeowners Origination Guidance; 2009-03, HOPE for
Homeowners Origination and Servicing Guidance Supplement, and the associated exhibits/attachments
for both; 2009-15, Using First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credits; and 2009-43, HOPE for Homeowners
Program - Comprehensive Guidance.
Click for details about
validation checks

Figure 4e: HOPE for Homeowners section of Insurance Application Update

Borrower Information
The Borrower Information section of Insurance Application Update appears in Figure 6, immediately
followed by some processing tips for this section. Key portions of the HUD forms used to complete this
section are illustrated in Figures 5a-5d, following.

Note: Fields identical to those shown above for Borrower 1 are provided for Borrowers
2-5, but are omitted from this illustration.

Figure 5: Borrower Information section of Insurance Application Update

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Processing Tips for the Borrower Information Section (Figure 5)
Tips include:
 if the borrower’s/coborrower’s Name, SSN, and/or Date of Birth are added or updated, the
Insurance Application process validates the new identification information overnight with the Social
Security Administration (SSA). The following message is displayed on the Update and/or Results
Warning: Pending Borrower Validation; Check Holds Tracking Next Business Day.
Important: Check Holds Tracking the next business day to determine the status of the borrower
validation. If the borrower validation fails, the case cannot be endorsed for FHA insurance without
Homeownership Center (HOC) acknowledgment of the warning.
See Insurance Application WINK (Completing the Insurance Application, Tips for Changing
Borrower Information) for details.
 if values are not displayed in the Credit Scores field, refer to the case binder for the borrower's
three-digit credit scores and enter as applicable in the appropriate field(s), e.g., Experian/FICO
o Use Insurance Application Help (Steps for Processing) if the Borrower Type is a
corporation/partnership or government agency/nonprofit or if the case is a streamline refinance.
o FHA TOTAL Scorecard credit risk evaluations for FHA loans submitted via an automated
underwriting system using FHA TOTAL Scorecard are automatically entered by the system and
cannot be changed.
Mapping of the HUD form sources for completing Borrower Information fields appears in the Case
Binder Sources for Entering Borrower Information section that follows (Figures 5a-5d).
Case Binder Sources for Entering Borrower Information
Figures 5a-5d show where to find the Borrower Information form fields’ sources on the URLA, Freddie
Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003. The callouts (pointing to the form fields) are the field names found
on Insurance Application Update.
Date of Birth

Coborrower SSN/TIN

Borrower Name

Coborrower Name


Date of Birth


Number of


Marital Status

Years Renting

Figure 5a: Borrower information appears on the left; Coborrower information appears on the right


Years at
Current Job

Figure 5b: Borrower employment information
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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Figure 5c shows where to find ethnicity, race, and sex information if furnished by the borrower.






Figure 5c: Borrower information appears on the left; Coborrower information appears on the right

The First Time Home Buyer indicator is found on the Addendum to URLA (VA Form 26-1802a/
HUD-92900-A). If counseled, see the Counseling Certificate in the case binder for input for the Counsel Type
and Counsel TIN fields.

Figure 5d: First Time Home Buyer information source

Refer to the case binder to locate information to determine input for the fields Exempt from SSN and
Veterans Preference. Typical documents include the IRS form W-8 for Exempt from SSN and Certificate
of Veteran Status for Veterans Preference.

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

Mortgage Information
The Mortgage Information section of Insurance Application Update (Figure 6) is followed by some
processing tips for this section. Key portions of the HUD forms used to complete this section are illustrated
in Figures 6a-6c, following.

user aid

Figure 6: Mortgage Information section of Insurance Application Update

Processing Tips for the Mortgage Information Section (Figure 7)
Tips include:
 Mortgage Amount (without financed UFMIP) must be within FHA mortgage limits. The amount
entered should not include UFMIP.
 If UFMIP is included in the mortgage, include the UFMIP in the mortgage amount entered in the
Mortgage Amount (with financed UFMIP) and also select Yes in the Upfront MIP Financed field.
Note: If UFMIP is required for the case, the calculated amount due must be paid in full prior to
processing Insurance Application.
 If the principal balance was reduced to qualify the mortgage for FHA insurance, be sure to select
Yes in the Principal Reduction field and type the amount paid by the lending institution in the
Principal Reduction Amount field (not to exceed $20,000). Evidence, such as a copy of the
payment ledger showing the principal balance was paid down to an insurable amount, must be
provided by your lending institution.
 Although not a prerequisite for endorsement, monthly mortgage insurance premium payments must
be made from the beginning of loan amortization for cases requiring monthly MIP.
Mapping of the HUD form sources for completing Mortgage Information fields appears in the Case
Binder Sources for Entering Mortgage Information section that follows (Figures 6a-6c).
Case Binder Sources for Entering Mortgage Information
Figures 6a-6b illustrate the source form fields found on the FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal
Summary (form HUD-92900-LT). The callouts (pointing to the form fields) are the field names found on
Insurance Application Update.

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
Mortgage Amount (without financed UFMIP)


Amount (with
financed UFMIP)

Term of Loan

Interest Rate (%)

Qualifying Rate


Figure 6a: Mortgage Information source

The information to enter in the Amortization fields in the Mortgage Information section is found on the
URLA (Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003) (Figure 6b).


Figure 6b: Source for Amortization fields

Refer to the case binder and Insurance Application Help (Field Descriptions) if you need to determine:
 203k Consultant ID (HUD-9746-A)
 Appraiser License ID (Appraisal Report)
 Closing/Disbursement Date (form HUD-1)
 First Payment (Note)
 Maturity Date (Note, Mortgage, or other security instrument)
 Principal Reduction and Principal Reduction Amount (payment ledger showing principal
balance was paid down)
 Warranty (warranty certificate, insurance policy, or other document of similar purpose)
Note: Loan to Value, Appraiser Name, and 203k Name are system-generated after the application
information is processed.
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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application

Endorsement Information
HUD completes the Endorsement Information section (Figure 7), except for those organizations
participating in the LI Program (described in Lender Insurance Endorsement Processing). See
Insurance Application Results (MIC or NOR).

Additional Binder Information Sources
The sources of information for insurance application processing may include, but are not limited to:
 FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary - form HUD-92900-LT
 Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) - Fannie Mae Form 1003, Freddie Mac Form 65
 HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application - form HUD-92900-A
 Appraisal Report
 Mortgage Credit Analysis Worksheet - form HUD-92900-PUR or form HUD-92900-WS (form use
valid until September 30, 2008)
 Mortgage (or other security instrument)
 Note
 Settlement Statement - form HUD-1
 Gift letter
 Secondary financing instruments
 Mortgagee's Assurance of Completion - form HUD-92300
 Draw Request, Section 203(k) - form HUD 9746-A
 Ten-year warranty certificate, or similar document (generally needed for a new construction case
with a high loan-to-value ratio)
 Application for Homeownership Assistance (Section 235 of the National Housing Act) - form HUD93100
 Section 235 Payoff Statement or Assistance Payment Contract/Notice of: (1) Termination, (2)
Suspension, or (3) Reinstatement - form HUD-93114 (issued by the servicing lender of the prior
Section 235 mortgage)
 Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) report
 203k Maximum Mortgage Worksheet - form HUD-92700
 Builder's Certification of Plans, Specifications, & Site - form HUD-92541
These documents, together with any other required documents, are included in the case binder.

Lender Insurance Endorsement Processing
FHA's Lender Insurance (LI) Forward program enables qualifying lenders to endorse their traditional
forward (DE non-HECM) mortgage loans for FHA insurance without a pre-endorsement review by a HUD
Homeownership Center (HOC). This expedited procedure is part of HUD's overall effort to make the
processing of FHA loans easier and more cost-efficient so that lenders are better able to offer FHAinsured loans and expand the availability of affordable financing for potential homebuyers.
Lending organizations must meet the following criteria for eligibility in the LI Forward program:
 Be an unconditionally approved Direct Endorsement (DE) lender for at least two years
 Have an acceptable current default/claim rate at or below 150% of either the:
o national average rate for all insured mortgages for national lenders or
o state average rate for insured mortgages for lenders operating in a single state
The current default/claim rate is determined at the corporate level (Home office level) of the lender, based
on the lender underwriting the loan (see Lender Insurance Guide, section 1.6, for details
( The lender's default/claim rate is re-evaluated
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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
annually on their LI Authorization anniversary date against performance information displayed in
Neighborhood Watch on the FHA Connection. Authorized lenders can view their own information in
Neighborhood Watch using the Lender Detail Lender Summary page, which provides lender insurance
status and the date associated with the status.
Once approved for the LI Forward program, an LI lender:
 is required to perform a pre-endorsement review of each of its own forward cases before
processing the endorsement
 processes the endorsement for all of its forward cases
 is required to send case binders to HUD only when requested. Submission of case binders is
done electronically or in paper format.
However, only the HOC can endorse a case or issue a NOR if the:
 LI lender is requested to submit a case binder, or
 Case was issued a NOR and the LI lender resubmitted the case binder.
To find out more about the LI Forward program and applying for approval, refer to the following:
 HUD Housing Lender Insurance Program website (
 HUD Mortgagee Letter 2005-36 (, under 2005 Mortgagee Letters)
 Lender Insurance Guide (
 Electronic Case Binder Developer's Guide, directed primarily to lenders using Loan Origination
Systems (LOS), provides the necessary information for software development to establish and
maintain the required interface (
For more details related to LI processed endorsements, refer to FHA Connection:
 Insurance Application WINK (Figure 1)
 Insurance Application Help

Insurance Application Results (MIC or NOR)
Once the Insurance Application is completed and successfully submitted, an authorized representative
(e.g., an authorized HOC staff member for non-LI lenders or an authorized LI-lender employee for the LI
lender) endorses the case using the Endorsement Information section of Insurance Application. If
there are no problems, the Insurance Application Results page displays a message indicating that
processing was successful. Endorsement information appears at the bottom of the page indicating that
the case is insured (Figure 7).

A success message at the top of the page
indicates Insurance Application is complete

Endorsement information
appears at the bottom of
the page indicating the
case is insured

Figure 7: Insurance Application Endorsement Information

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Single Family FHA Single Family Origination > Case Processing > Insurance Application
After a case is submitted for endorsement, lenders may use the MIC/NOR List function on the Case
Processing menu to retrieve a list of their cases that were either:
a. endorsed and issued a MIC, or
b. not endorsed and issued a NOR
From the retrieved list, the lender can view and/or print the MIC or NOR.
Note: For more information on MIC/NOR List and resolving a NOR, refer to:
 Insurance Application WINK (Insurance Application – Accepted or Rejected?, Retrieving
Mortgage Insurance Certificate (MIC), or Resolving a Notice of Return (NOR)),
 MIC/NOR List Help (Business Background and Steps for Processing)
The electronic MIC serves as evidence of FHA insurance of the mortgage loan. HUD issues the NOR to
indicate that a mortgage loan cannot be endorsed for FHA insurance and provides the reason(s) for
nonendorsement. The case binder (closing package) is returned to the originator or sponsor/agent of the
loan. The lender may address the NOR by resolving the noted problems, updating case information, and
resubmitting the case binder for reconsideration and possible endorsement.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - mp_sfo04_insapp.doc
File Modified2010-01-28
File Created2010-01-28

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