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pdfU.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
Form OE-781R collects international electricity export and import data from persons authorized by Order
to export electric energy from the United States to foreign countries and persons authorized by
Presidential permit or treaty to construct, operate, maintain, or connect electric power transmission lines
that cross the U.S. international border. Such persons are required to report monthly flows of electric
energy received or delivered, the cost and revenues associated with those transactions, related ancillary
services, the characteristics of transmission operations, and the current and proposed capacities of crossborder lines. The data collected on this form may appear in the following Energy Information
Administration (EIA) and Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) publications: Electric
Power Annual, Annual Energy Review, Annual Energy Outlook, Electric Power Monthly, and Transactions
Across International Borders.
Form OE-781R is mandatory pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 772 and must be completed monthly by persons
issued Orders authorizing them to export electricity from the United States to foreign countries and by
owners and operators of international electricity transmission lines authorized by Presidential permit or
Submit the completed Form OE-781R for each month to the EIA no later than the last day of month
following the reporting month. For example, if reporting data is for June, the survey is due on July 30.
The method for filing the Form OE-781R is via EIA’s electronic forms (e-filing) system. That system
is secure, has built-in edits to catch errors before the form is submitted to EIA, saves time and effort, and
reduces the likelihood of a callback from EIA. If you are not already validated in the system, log on to for instructions. If your firm’s activities encompass multiple North
American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) functional categories, (Purchasing and Selling Entity
(PSE), Transmission System Operator (TSO), or Transmission Owner (TO), each group will require a
unique validation code to help maintain the separation of scheduling and marketing information within the
firm. Federal and State organizations responsible for administrating U.S. Treaties will report additional
information under another category, Treaty Entity (TR).
There are other filing options if access to the Internet is not available:
E-mail the form to:
Fax the form to: (202) 287-1959 or (202) 287-1960
Mail the form to: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Mail Stop: BG076 (Form OE-781R), 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20586-0690
Note that commonly used facsimile and e-mail transmissions (including files attached to e-mail messages)
travel over ordinary telephone lines and are not considered secure electronic methods of transmitting
survey data. Please retain a copy of your submission for your files.
For questions regarding the Form OE-781R or additional information contact:
Survey Processing Issues:
Name: Michelle Bowles
Telephone Number: 202-586-2430
Regulatory Issues:
Name: Steven Mintz
Telephone Number: (202) 586-9506
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Form OE-781R (2010)
Form Approved
OMB No. 1901-0296
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
1. Verify all preprinted information, including company name(s); and address; and contact name(s),
telephone number(s), FAX number(s), title(s), and e-mail address(es). If incorrect, revise the
incorrect entry and provide the correct information. State codes are two-character U.S. Postal
Service abbreviations. Provide any missing information.
2. The e - filing system will contain instructions and special drop-down menus to facilitate data
3. Companies having a Presidential permit where the permit or authorization covers transmission
lines at or less than one megawatt will be required to file all the monthly OE-781R data once in an
annual filing. Those entities will be notified by EIA about choosing this optional filing method.
Specify the proper Functional Area Category and/or Treaty responsibility by marking the applicable
1. Purchasing & Selling Entities (PSE): Purchasing & Selling Entities may be affiliated or
unaffiliated merchants and may or may not own generating facilities.
2. Transmission System Operator (TSO): Transmission System Operators oversee the electric
power system operations.
3. Transmission Owners (TO): Transmission owners own and maintain transmission facilities.
4. U.S. Treaty Entity (TR): Entities assigned the oversight responsibilities (U.S. Section) covering
electricity and associated linked water usages.
NOTE: Depending on the category that the filer selects (e.g., Transmission System Operator,
Purchasing & Selling Entity, Transmission Owner, or Treaty Entity), specific survey schedules and
customized drop-down menus, pertaining strictly to that chosen category, will be presented to the filer
throughout the electronic filing process. Companies that operate under multiple categories need to
register each activity separately using a different password.
1. Survey Contact: Verify contact name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
2. Supervisor Contact: Verify the contact’s supervisor’s name, title, address, telephone number,
and e-mail address.
3. Company Name: Verify the name and address of the entity filing the survey.
4. Presidential Permits: For Transmission Owners, report your assigned Presidential Permit
number(s) individually in the areas provided (e.g., PP-73). (For ease of preparation, this
information will autofill from the last submission if e-filing is used.)
5. Export Authorizations: For Purchasing and Selling Entities, if applicable, report your Export
Authorization number(s) individually in the areas provided, along with the corresponding
reporting period (month and year date). Export Authorizations are required for export activities.
(For ease of preparation, this information will autofill from the last submission if e-filing is used).
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
6. FERC EQR Filer Identification: For Purchasing and Selling Entities, if applicable, report the
Filer Identification Number assigned by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for
filing the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR). All entities holding a valid FERC tariff that authorizes
the wholesale sale of imported electricity must file the EQR. (For ease of preparation, this
information will autofill from the last submission if e-filing is used.)
(Purchasing and Selling Entities/U.S. Treaty Entities)
NOTES TO USER: Please note that items 1 through 7 are to be completed by Purchasing and Selling
Entities. Items 8 through 12 are to be completed by Treaty Entities.
The e-filing survey form includes a drop-down menu of Balancing Authority names associated with each
Purchasing and Selling Entity.
1. For Line 1, provide the scheduled level of imports and the associated payments for Cost-ofService Transactions, Market Rate Transactions, and/or Exchanges, indicating the delivery
term of the contract for each Balancing Area to Balancing Area interface where those imports
cross to the United States. The contract delivery terms are grouped as: hourly purchases,
purchases less than one year, purchases for one or more years, other purchases, and summed
by total Interface purchases. If specific delivery terms are not available, provide the interface total
alone. An Interface refers to a transmission link between balancing areas for adjacent
transmission systems on the U.S. and the Canadian or Mexican sides of the border. Within each
U.S. transmission system, information on transmission and ancillary services is available on a
non-discriminatory basis to meet the regulatory requirements of transmission open access.
The following instructions and definitions apply:
Cost-of-Service Transactions. For each balancing area to balancing area interface and contract
delivery term, if available, supply the name and level of scheduled imports across that interface
during the reporting period. Specify information on payments made for bundled and unbundled
transmission and/or ancillary charges related to these bundled transactions, if available, and the
total dollar amount. Cost-of-service prices come from rate schedules that are set according to
government regulation to allow the regulated entity to recover its costs of capital and operation.
“Ancillary services” are those specific services defined as such by the FERC. “Bundled” refers to
prices that cover energy, transmission, and ancillary services together. Two options are provided
to cover different billing practices. If the value for the energy, ancillary, and transmission service
is fully bundled, then show the dollar value in the “Completely Bundled” column. However, if the
cost of “transmission service” is separable from the “energy and ancillary” totals, report those
values separately in the respective columns. A total value will also be reported for this option in
the “Total” column. Provide any comments in Schedule 6.
Market Rate Transactions. For each balancing area to balancing area interface and contract
delivery term, supply the level of power for the scheduled imports during the reporting period.
Supply the total payment information for electricity “Contracted,” “Booked-out,” and “Delivered.”
Market rate prices are determined in an open market system of supply and demand and may
recover less or more than full costs. “Contracted” is the full value of all imports for the month in
which the power was to flow. “Booked-out” is the value of sales back to the foreign entity.
“Delivered” is the value of actual electricity imports for the month. The “Total” column is the sum
of all payments made for that category of power deliveries under the contract delivery term, and
equals the sum of payments for electricity delivered, transmission and ancillary services.
NOTE TO USER: The e-filing system will have a screen with three prior months. This allows for
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Form OE-781R (2010)
changes coming from “Booked-out” adjustments.
Form Approved
OMB No. 1901-0296
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Exchange Transactions. For each balancing area to balancing area interface and contract
delivery term, supply the level of power and total dollar amount for the gross receipt of exchange
imports during the reporting period. In an exchange agreement, the U.S. entity accepts delivery of
imports and later repays the foreign supplier in kind, at times and rates and in amounts as
mutually agreed. Wheeling transactions that start (source) and stop (sink) within the United
States, but either schedule the power delivery across Canadian or Mexican transmission lines will
be included in the exchange transaction category. Provide any comments in Schedule 6.
2. For Line 2, Grand Total Imports, enter the total volumes and costs derived from the interface
information requested in Line 1 for all contract delivery terms.
3. For Lines 3 through 7, refer to the Glossary for clarification of each source of power generation.
“System” refers to power acquired from the transmission system for which the fuel source is
unknown. “Renewable” excludes hydropower. Lines 3 through 7 have to do with scheduled
imports and scheduled receipts of commercial transactions, i.e., not those that fall under the
terms of a treaty.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
4. Lines 8 through 14 address the disposition of electricity generated in Canada or Mexico that flows
to the United States under the terms of U.S. treaties and other international agreements with
Canada or Mexico governing the shared use of the water resources of major international river
basins. Such flows may be non-financial, where the United States receives electricity in exchange
for additional water access or other considerations, or financial, where a cash payment is made in
lieu of such other considerations.
5. For Lines 8 through 12, Non-Financial, provide information for the scheduled level of power flow
taking place under the terms of U.S. treaties that apply to the indicated river systems. Lines 8
through 12 are for non-financial exchanges, where no dollars are exchanged and only the level of
power is to be reported in MWh.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
6. For Lines 13 and 14, Financial, provide information for the scheduled level of power flow taking
place under the terms of U.S. treaties and the associated total cost incurred. Lines 13 and 14 are
for financial transactions, where dollars are exchanged between entities.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
(Purchasing and Selling Entities/U.S. Treaty Entities)
NOTES TO USER: Please note that items 1 through 7 are to be completed by Purchasing and Selling
Entities. Items 8 through 12 are to be completed by Treaty Entities.
The e-filing system includes a drop-down menu of Balancing Authority names associated with each
Purchasing and Selling Entity.
1. For Line 1, provide the scheduled level of exports and the associated cash receipts for Cost-ofService Transactions –and/or– Market Rate Transactions –and/or– Exchanges, indicating the
delivery terms of the contract for each Balancing Area to Balancing Area interface where those
exports cross out of the United States. The contract delivery terms are grouped as: hourly sales,
sales less than one year, sales for one or more years, other sales, and total sales. If specific
delivery terms are not available, provide the total alone. An interface referes to a transmission
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
link between balancing areas for adjacent transmission systems on the U.S. and the Canadian or
Mexican sides of the border. Within each U.S. transmission system, information on transmission
and ancillary services is available on a non-discriminatory basis to meet the regulatory
requirements of transmission open access.
The following instructions and definitions apply:
Cost-of-Service Transactions. For each Balancing Area to Balancing Area interface and
contract delivery term, supply the name and level of scheduled exports across that interface
during the reporting period. Provide information on revenues from bundled and unbundled
transmission, and/or ancillary charges related to these bundled transactions, if available, and the
total dollar amount. Cost-of-service prices come from rate schedules that are set according to
government regulation to allow the regulated entity to recover its costs of capital and operation.
“Ancillary services” are those specific services defined as such by the FERC. “Bundled” refers to
prices that cover energy, transmission, and ancillary services together. Two options are provided
to cover different billing practices. If the value for the energy, ancillary and transmission services
is fully bundled, then show the dollar value in the “Completely Bundled” column. However, if the
cost of “transmission services” is separable from the “energy and ancillary” totals, report those
values separately in the respective columns. A total value will also be reported for this option in
the “Total” column. Provide any comment in Schedule 6.
Market Rate Transactions. For each Balancing Area to Balancing Area interface and contract
delivery term, supply the level of power for the scheduled exports during the reporting period.
Provide the total revenues for electricity “Contracted,” “Booked-out,” and “Delivered.” Market rate
prices are determined in an open market system of supply and demand and may recover less or
more than full costs. “Contracted” is the full value of all exports for the month in which the power
was to flow. “Booked-out” is the value of purchases back from the foreign entity. “Delivered” is
the value of actual electricity exports for the month. The “Total” column is the sum of all
payments received for that category of power deliveries under the contract delivery term, and
equals the sum of payments for electricity delivered, transmission and ancillary services.
NOTE TO USER: The e-filing system will have a screen with three prior months. This allows for changes
coming from “Booked-out” adjustments.
Exchange Transactions. For each Balancing Area to Balancing Area interface and contract
delivery term, supply the level of power and total dollar amount for the gross shipments of
exchange exports during the reporting period. In an exchange agreement, the U.S. entity makes
delivery of exports and later receives compensation from the foreign supplier in kind, at times and
rates and in amounts as mutually agreed. Wheeling transactions that start (source) and stop
(sink) within the United States, but either schedule the power delivery across Canadian or
Mexican transmission lines will be included in the exchange transaction category. Provide any
comments in Schedule 6.
2. For Line 2, Grand Total Exports, enter the total volumes and revenues derived from the interface
information requested in Line 1 for all contract delivery terms.
3. For Lines 3 through 7, refer to the Glossary of each source of power generation. “System” refers
to exported power acquired from the transmission system for which the fuel source is unknown.
“Renewable” excludes hydropower. Lines 3 through 7 have to do with scheduled exports and
scheduled deliveries of commercial transactions, i.e., not those that fall under the terms of a
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
NOTE TO USER: For the following items, respondents that have U.S. Treaty oversight responsibilities
will be pre-notified of their status. As treaty entities, they only have the responsibility to file information for
the following items.
4. Lines 8 through 14 address the disposition of electricity generated in the United States that flows
to Canada or Mexico under the terms of U.S. treaties and other international agreements with
Canada or Mexico governing the shared use of the water resources of major international river
basins. Such flows may be non-financial, where the United States delivers electricity in
exchange for additional water access or other considerations, or financial, where a cash payment
is taken in lieu of such other considerations.
5. For Lines 8 through 12, Non-Financial, provide information for the scheduled level of power flow
taking place under the terms of U.S. treaties that apply to the indicated river systems. Lines 8
through 12 are for non-financial exchanges, where no dollars are exchanged and only the level of
power is to be reported in MWh.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
6. For Lines 13 and 14, Financial, provide information for the level of power flow taking place under
the terms of U.S. treaties and the associated total payment received. Lines 13 and 14 are for
financial transactions, where dollars are exchanged between entities.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable for the line item.
KEY SYSTEM SUPPORT (Purchasing and Selling Entities)
Filers need to supply this information for each international TSIN interface that they utilize.
NOTE TO USER: The e-filing system will automatically provide the Balancing Authorities that were
reported in Schedules 2A and 2B.
For Line 1, Total Ancillary Services, indicate for each interface whether the sources of ancillary
services in whole or part for the month are Power Suppliers, 3rd Parties, or both. Make this
indication by entering either a Y = Yes, N = No, or U = Unknown.
In addition, provide the total cost of these services in the US Dollars column.
Complete this line for both the Imported Services and the Exported Services.
“Ancillary Services” are services that ensure reliability and support the transmission of
electricity. Specific services to be included here are those reported for the FERC Electricity
Quarterly Report (EQR). Filers should refer to the FERC EQR data dictionary, listed in the
Glossary, for definitions of individual services and other key system support services.
For Line 2, Replacement Power for Transmission Losses, indicate for each interface whether
replacement power for the real power transmission loss was provided in whole or part for the
month by Power Suppliers, 3rd Parties, or both. Make this indication by entering either a Y =
Yes, N = No, or U = Unknown.
In addition, provide the total cost in the U.S. Dollars column.
Complete this line for both the Imported Services and the Exported Services.
For Lines 3 through 11, for the columns labeled Imported Services – U.S. Side and Exported
Services, there is a field that says, “Check if No Change Required.” Place a checkmark inside
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
the brackets [] if there has been no change since the last survey submission.
For Lines 3 through 11, review each column, and place a checkmark in each field to indicate
whether each service was provided in whole or in part for the month by Power Suppliers or 3rd
Parties, and whether the services were bundled in power or transmission. Provide that same
information for both imports (if provided on the U.S. side of the border) and exports. If not
applicable, leave the field blank.
Filers need to supply this information for each international TSIN interface in their transmission system.
The unit of volume is megawatt hours (MWh).
NOTE TO USER: The e-filing system furnishes a drop-down menu of source/destination combinations.
For Line 1, Total Power Flow for Month, provide the information for total scheduled imports
falling under Firm transmission contract terms, Non-firm transmission contract terms, and the
Total. “Firm” power is intended to meet the demand requirements of a utility’s customers; there
are no planned interruptions of service under that type of delivery agreement. “Non-Firm” power is
subject to curtailment or cessation by the supplier in accordance with prior agreement.
In addition, provide the information for total scheduled exports falling under Firm transmission
contract terms, Non-firm transmission contract terms, and the Total.
Next, provide the Actual level of power that was transmitted across the interface –AND– the
Inadvertent level of power that was transmitted. “Actual” power is the metered flow. “Inadvertent”
is the difference between scheduled and actual transmissions.
For Line 2, International Source and U.S. Destination Combinations, for each interface,
provide the scheduled imports falling under the Firm transmission contract term, Non-firm
transmission contract term, and the Total. Provide this for each international source and U.S.
destination combination. A drop-down menu is supplied for e-filers for ease of entry.
For Line 3, U.S. Source and International Destination Combinations, for each interface,
provide the scheduled exports falling under the Firm contract term, Non-firm contract term, and
the Total. A drop-down menu is supplied for e-filers for ease of entry.
For Line 4, “System” refers to power acquired from an international transmission system or
merchant for which the fuel source is unknown.
For Line 5 “Non System” refers to all other power flows. Lines 4 and 5 are for scheduled
imports under commercial transactions—i.e., not those that fall under the terms of a treaty.
Line 6 refers to imports taking place under the terms of U.S. treaties.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable to the line item.
For Line 7, “System” refers to power acquired from a U.S. transmission system or merchant for
which the fuel source is unknown.
For Line 8 “Non System” refers to all other power flows. Lines 7 and 8 are for scheduled
exports under commercial transactions—i.e., not those that fall under the terms of a treaty.
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
9. Line 9 refers to exports taking place under the terms of U.S. treaties.
NOTE: Skip the fields that are grayed-out, as they are not applicable to the line item.
NOTES TO USER: Items 1a through 4a are to be completed by Transmission System Operators. Items
5a through 5c are to be completed by Transmission Owners and 6a through 6c are to be completed by
Purchasing and Selling Entities.
The e-filing system furnishes a drop-down menu choice of Imports or Exports.
Sections on Capacity are to be filled in by Transmission System Operators only. The Section on DOE
Presidential Permits is for Transmission Owners only. The section on DOE Export Authorizations is for
Purchasing and Selling Entities only.
Information about the TSIN interface will be collected based upon the Type of Transmission Line Usage.
The breakouts are as follows: Alternating Current (AC), Direct Current (DC), and Special Facilities (SF)
that uses new technologies to switch from DC and AC on the same transmission line will provide
information on both interface types.
Electrical System Safe Operating Limits at Time of Seasonal Peak for both the imports and exports is
the maximum load in megawatts (MW) that a transmission line can carry as constrained by voltage
regulation conditions, transfer restrictions coming from other parts of the integrated electrical power
system, and usage up to thermal limits without suffering heat-related deterioration of line equipment. The
criterion is to be used on Alternating Current line usage.
Thermal Limits at Time of Seasonal Peak for both the imports and exports is the maximum load in
megawatts (MW) that a transmission line can carry without suffering heat-related deterioration of line
equipment. This criterion is to be used on Direct Current line usage.
For “Special Facilities” that use both AC and DC on the same transmission line. Please fill-out both
the AC and DC sections for Summer and Winter Limits and Total Transfer Capability for Summer and
For Line 1a, Summer Limit, for each TSIN interface, provide data for the period June 1 though
September 30.
For Line 2a, Winter Limit, for each TSIN interface, provide data for the period December 1
through the end of February.
For Line 3a, Summer Total Transfer Capability (TTC), for each interface, provide data for the
Summer period TTC for both the imports and exports. “TTC” is the amount of electric power that
can be transferred over the interface in a reliable manner while meeting pre-set contingency
requirements. Summer is the period of June 1 through September 30.
For Line 4a, Winter Total Transfer Capability (TTC), for each interface, provide data for the
Winter period. TTC for both the imports and exports. Winter is the period of December 1 through
the end of February.
For Line 5a, enter the Presidential Permit Number.
For Line 5b, for all international interfaces crossed, provide a count of the occurrences (if any)
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
when the Presidential Permit Terms were exceeded, for both imports and exports.
Line 5c, for any Presidential Permit Terms Exceeded, provide an explanation.
For Line 6a, cite enter the Export Authorization Number.
9. Line 6b, for all international interfaces crossed; provide a count of the occurrences (if any)
when the Export Authorization Terms were exceeded, for both imports and exports.
10. Line 6c, for any Export Authorization Terms Exceeded, provide an explanation.
(Transmission Owners)
Transmission Line Identification
NOTE TO USER: For electronic filers, during their initial filing the filers will need to provide the TSIN
Identification and the Presidential Permit number for each transmission line crossing the border. After the
initial information filing, existing transmission line information will be displayed automatically. On the
paper form an individual existing transmission line column, referred to here as Transmission Line 1st, 2nd
3rd, etc., with a Presidential Permit number is shown. The e-filing system furnishes several drop-down
menus for relevant sections of this schedule.
For Line 1a, Presidential Permit Number, enter the assigned number that was provided by DOE
when your authorization was approved. For Line 1b, enter the TSIN Identification Number, if
For Line 2, Terminal Location (From), enter the name of the beginning terminal point of the
For Line 3, Terminal Location (To), enter the name of the ending terminal point of the line.
For Line 4, Line Ownership Type, identify the type of organization that best represents the line
owner, including the following types of utilities: C = Cooperative, F = Federal, I = Investor-Owned,
M = Municipal, A = Municipal Marketing Authority, S = State owned, P = Political Subdivision
(Non-state), Q = Independent Power Producer or Qualifying Facility, R = Retail Power Marketer
(or Energy Service Provider), O = Other (other includes foreign based entities).
For Line 5, Percent Ownership, enter the percentage owned by each filing transmission facility
For Line 6, Status of Existing Transmission Line, enter the applicable status: OP =
Operational, RE = Retired in place (lines and equipment not removed), OS = Being taken Out of
service or is Out of Service and AB= Abandoned.
For Line 7, Line Length, enter the number of miles between the beginning and ending
terminal points of the line (regardless of the number of conductors or circuits carried).
For Line 8, Line Type, select the physical location of the line conductor: OH = Overhead,
UG = Underground, SM = Submarine.
For Line 9, Voltage Type, enter the voltage type: AC = Alternating Current, DC = Direct
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
Current, SF = Special Facility using new technologies for DC and AC.
10. For Line 10, Voltage Operating (Kilovolts), enter the voltage at which the line is normally
operated in kilovolts (kV).
11. For Line 11, Voltage Design (Kilovolts), enter the voltage at which the line was designed to
operate in kilovolts (kV).
12. For Line 12, Conductor Size (MCM), enter the size of the line conductor in thousands of
circular mils (MCM).
13. For Line 13, Conductor Material Type, enter the conductor material type: AL = Aluminum,
ACCR = Aluminum Composite Conductor, ACSR = Aluminum Core Steel Reinforced.
14. For Line 14, Bundling Arrangement, enter the bundling arrangement/configuration of the
line conductors: 1 = Single, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, 4 = Quadruple, 5 = Other.
15. For Line 15, Circuits per Structure Present, enter the current number of three-phase circuits
on the structures of the line.
16. For Line 16, Circuits per Structure Ultimate, enter the ultimate number of three-phase
circuits that the structures of the line are designed to accommodate.
17. For Line 17, Pole/Tower Type, identify the predominant pole/tower material for the line: P =
Single Pole, H = H Frame, T = Tower, U = Underground, O = Other.
18. For Line 18, Capacity Rating (megavolt amperes), enter the normal load-carrying capacity of
the line in megavolt amperes (million volt amperes) (MVA).
(Transmission Owners)
Transmission Line Identification
NOTE: Filers need to provide this information for each transmission line crossing the border.
NOTE TO USER: For electronic filers, during their initial filing the filers will need to provide the TSIN
Identification and the Presidential Permit number for each transmission line crossing the border. After the
initial information filing, existing transmission line information will be displayed automatically. On the
paper form an individual existing transmission line column, referred to here as Transmission Line 1st, 2nd
3rd, etc., with a Presidential Permit number is shown. The e-filing system furnishes several drop-down
menus for relevant sections of this schedule.
For line 1a, Presidential Permit Number, enter the assigned number that was provided by DOE
when your authorization was approved. For Line 1b, enter the TSIN Identification Number, if
For Line 2, Terminal Location (From), enter the name of the beginning terminal point of the
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
3. For Line 3, Terminal Location (To), enter the name of the ending terminal point of the line.
For Line 4, Line Ownership Type, identify the type of organization that best represents the line
owner, including the following types of utilities: C = Cooperative, F = Federal, I = Investor-Owned,
M = Municipal, A = Municipal Marketing Authority, S = State-Owned, P = Political Subdivision
(Non-state), Q = Independent Power Producer or Qualifying Facility, R = Retail Power Marketer
(or Energy Service Provider), O = Other, (other includes foreign based entities).
For Line 5, Percent Ownership, enter the percentage owned by each filing transmission facility.
For Line 6, Status of Proposed Transmission Line, enter the applicable status: CL =
Conceptual, CN = Cancelled, CO = Under Construction PL = Planned.
For Line 7, Line Length, enter the number of miles between the beginning and ending
terminal points of the line (regardless of the number of conductors or circuits carried.)
For Line 8, Line Type, select the physical location of the line conductor: OH = Overhead, UG
= Underground, SM = Submarine.
For Line 9, Voltage Type, enter the voltage type: AC = Alternating Current, DC = Direct
Current, SF = Special Facility using new technologies for DC and AC.
10. For Line 10, Voltage Operating (Kilovolts), enter the voltage at which the line is normally
operated in kilovolts (kV).
11. For Line 11, Voltage Design (Kilovolts), enter the voltage at which the line was designed to
operate in kilovolts (kV).
12. For Line 12, Conductor Size (MCM), enter the size of the line conductor in thousands of
circular mils (MCM).
13. For Line 13, Conductor Material Type, enter the conductor material type: AL = Aluminum,
ACCR = Aluminum Composite Conductor, ACSR = Aluminum Core Steel Reinforced.
14. For Line 14, Bundling Arrangement, enter the bundling arrangement/configuration of the
line conductors: 1 = Single, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, 4 = Quadruple, 5 = Other.
15. For Line 15, Circuits per Structure Present, enter the current number of three-phase circuits
on the structures of the line.
16. For Line 16, Circuits per Structure Ultimate, enter the ultimate number of three-phase
circuits that the structures of the line are designed to accommodate.
17. For Line 17, Pole/Tower Type, identify the predominant pole/tower material for the line: P =
Single Pole, H = H Frame, T = Tower, U = Underground, O = Other.
18. For Line 18, Capacity Rating (megavolt amperes), enter the normal load-carrying capacity of
the line in megavolt amperes (million volt amperes) (MVA).
19. For Line 19, Projected In Service Date, enter the projected month and year that the facility will
enter service (mm-yyyy).
20. For Line 20, Upgrade to Existing Line, indicate whether the project represents an upgrade to an
U.S. Department of Energy
Form Approved
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Form OE-781R (2010)
existing line, check yes or no. If yes, Provide the Upgrade Capacity
21. For Line 21, Right-of-Way Use, indicate whether a line project will use: New, Existing or
Unknown Right-of-Way. Check all that apply.
22. For Line 22, New Facilities, indicate whether a project represents an: Improvement to Grid,
Improvement to Substation, or Other. Check all that apply.
comments to specific Schedules and Line Items.
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability
Form OE-781R (2010)
Form Approved
OMB No. 1901-0296
Approval Expires 11/30/2012
Additional terms related to this form are available online at: (FERC “Electric Quarterly Report, Filing Requirements
Guide”) (FERC “Electric Quarterly Data Dictionary Version 1.0”) (NERC, Archived Glossary of OASIS Terms) (NERC Glossary of Terms used in Reliability Standards) (EIA, Energy Glossary)
The timely submission of Form OE-781R by those required to report is mandatory under 10 CFR sections
205.300 et. Seq. and 205.320 et.seq. The timely submission of Form OE-78R by those required to report
also is mandatory under Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (FEAA) (Public
Law 93-275), as amended.
Failure to respond may result in a penalty of not more than $2,750 per day for each civil violation, or a fine
of not more than $5,000 per day for each criminal violation. The Government may bring a civil action to
prohibit reporting violations, which may result in a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or
permanent injunction without bond. In such civil action, the court may also issue mandatory injunctions
commanding any person to comply with these reporting requirements. Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a
criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the
United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 7.8 hours per respondent,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining
the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to the Energy Information Administration, Statistics and Methods Group, EI-70, 1000
Independence Avenue S.W., Forrestal Building, Washington, D.C. 20585-0670; and to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. A
person is not required to respond to the collection of information unless the form displays a valid OMB
Information reported on Form OE-781R will be treated as non-sensitive and may be publicly released in
identifiable form. In addition to the use of the information by EIA for statistical purposes, the information
may be used for any nonstatistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or
adjudicatory purposes.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - OE-781R Revised Instructions 05-27-2010.doc |
Author | JWO |
File Modified | 2010-06-25 |
File Created | 2010-06-25 |