2010 census Part B Info Collection Stat Methods 12-3

2010 census Part B Info Collection Stat Methods 12-3.doc

2010 Census

OMB: 0607-0919

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U.S. Department of Commerce

U.S. Census Bureau

2010 Census

OMB Control No. 0607-0919

Part B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods

1. Universe and Respondent Selection

The total respondent universe consists of all persons residing in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and federally affiliated Americans overseas. Below describes the 2010 census address files, and the statistical and/or respondent selection methods used for the following operations:

The 2010 Census Address Files

The U.S. Census Bureau maintains a national Master Address File (MAF)/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing(TIGER)Database (MTDB) that is used as the source of addresses for the 2010 Decennial Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), and other Census Bureau demographic surveys’ sampling frames. The MAF component of the MTDB is the Census Bureau’s official inventory of known living quarters (housing units (HUs) and group quarters (GQ) facilities) and selected non-residential units (public, private, and commercial) in the United States and Puerto Rico. The MAF contains mailing and location address information, geocodes, and other attribute information about each living quarters.

The MAF is linked to the Topological Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) component of the MTDB. TIGER is a digital representation of all census-required map features and related attributes. TIGER provides a resource for the production of maps, data tabulation, and the automated assignment of addresses to geographic locations in a process known as geocoding.

The MAF, as it existed at the conclusion of Census 2000, was used as the initial base frame for the 2010 Census. The Census Bureau continues to update the MAF using the DSF and various automated, clerical, and field operations such as the Community Address Updating System (CAUS).

The MAF contains both city-style and non-city-style mailing addresses as well as E-911 addresses and location descriptions. A city-style address is one that uses a structure number and street name format, for example, 201 Main Street, Anytown, MA 01977. A non-city-style mailing address is one that uses either a rural route and box number format, a post office (P.O.) box format, or a general delivery format. Examples of these types of addresses are RR 2, Box 13, Anytown, MA 01977; P.O. Box 123, Anytown, MA 01977; and T. Smith, General Delivery, Anytown, MA 01977.

In the United States, the city-style addresses are most prevalent in urban and suburban areas and at the end of Census 2000 accounted for 94.4 percent of all residential addresses in the MAF. Most city-style addresses represent both the mailing address and the location address of the unit.

In some situations, a city-style address may be used only as a location address, such as addresses used for emergency-response assistance. For example, the location address could be 77 West Street, but the mailing address is P.O. Box 123.

Most non-city-style mailing addresses exist in rural areas of the United States and represent approximately 2.5 percent of all residential addresses in the MAF. The non-city-style address provides a mailing address but it does not provide specific information about the location of the unit. Locating a rural route and box number address in the field can be difficult because the mail box is not always adjacent to the unit. Locating the unit associated with a P.O. box address or a general delivery address is very difficult. In order to easily locate non-city-style addresses in the field, the MAF often contains a location description of the unit and its latitude and longitude coordinates. The presence of this information in the MAF makes field follow-up operations possible.

MAF maintenance is an ongoing, complex task. New HUs are constantly being built, older units are demolished, and the institution of new emergency-response addressing schemes render many addresses, that have been used for decades, obsolete. Maintenance of the MAF occurs through a coordinated combination of automated, clerical, and field operations designed to improve existing MAF records and keep up with the nation’s changing housing stock and associated addresses.

The Delivery Sequence File (DSF) is the USPS’s master list of all delivery-point addresses served by postal carriers. The file contains specific data coded for each record, a standardized address and ZIP code, and codes that indicate how the address is served by mail delivery (for example, carrier route and the sequential order in which the address is serviced on that route). The DSF record for a particular address also includes a code for delivery type that indicates whether the address is residential or non-residential. After Census 2000, the DSF has been the primary source of new city-style MAF addresses. For areas in which a significant number of mail deliveries are accomplished using non-city-style addresses, DSF addresses are not used to update the MAF because those addresses lack geocodes and might provide different (and unmatchable) address representations for HUs whose addresses already exist on the MAF. New versions of the DSF are shared with the Census Bureau monthly, and updates or “refreshes” to the MAF are made twice a year. For additional details on the MAF update process via the DSF, please contact Leslie Godwin at <leslie.s.godwin@census.gov>.

Field operations to support the 2010 Census will be implemented to enable HU and GQ address updates, additions, and deletions to be identified, collected, and used to update the MAF. The Census Bureau began its 2010 Census operations in 2007. The operations will include several nationwide field canvassing and enumeration operations, and will obtain address data through a cooperative effort with tribal, county, and local governments to enhance the MAF.

Nonresponse Followup Reinterview (NRFU RI) Workload

For the 2010 Decennial Census, the response rate we expect to obtain during the mailout/mailback and U/L mailback operations is 64 percent. The total nonresponse followup workload is estimated at approximately 47.2 million cases. An algorithm is used to randomly select cases for reinterview from each enumerator’s assignment workload. The NRFU RI is approximately five percent of the nonresponse followup workload and is the quality control operation for the NRFU.

Group Quarters (GQ) Workload

We estimate 11 million responses from people living or staying at Group Quarters during the GQ enumeration operation, with the Individual, Military, and Shipboard Census Reports taking approximately five minutes to complete based on cognitive study results. For the GQ Advance Visit, we estimate 300,000 responses from the contact person at the GQ facilities, taking approximately 15 minutes for crew leaders to conduct an interview with the designated contact person at the GQ.

Enumeration at Transitory Location (ETL) Workload

We estimate approximately 1.2 million responses from the ETL enumeration workload, taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. We further estimate some 46,000 responses from the contact person at the ETL location during the GQ Advance Visit operation. The interview for ETL workload will take approximately 15 minutes for enumerators to interview an occupant at each occupied ETL site for Advance Visit. However, for hotel/motels, enumerators will only contact those units identified as being occupied by other than a regular traveler.

Be Counted (BC) Workload

We estimate approximately 500,000 responses from the BC workload, taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. The BC questionnaires will be placed at selected public sites that are easily accessible and frequented by large number of people, so those persons who believe they were not counted in the 2010 Census can get the questionnaire, complete and return it.

2. Procedures for Collecting Information

During mid-April 2010, we will identify the addresses for which we have not received a census response. Census takers will visit each of the non-responding households to determine the Census Day housing unit status and complete a questionnaire. Census takers also will complete a census questionnaire for addresses that they find but are not shown on their assignment list.

The nonresponse followup workload will be updated to remove addresses for which a census response has been returned late through the mail to avoid unnecessary visits to housing units. Assignments for census takers will then be prepared using the updated workload. Just prior to the start of the operation, additional updates will be made to remove addresses of returns received after the first update. After the start of the operation, there will be two additional clerical updates to identify and remove even more late mail returns from assignments.

Beginning one week after the start of the nonresponse followup operation, we will conduct a quality control operation called Nonresponse Followup Reinterview, or NRFU RI, to ensure that the census taker followed field procedures correctly, and to identify those workers who intentionally, or unintentionally, produced data errors. We will sample a specified number of cases that were assigned to each census taker and telephone each one to conduct an interview. If a telephone number is not available, the local census office staff will try to obtain one via telephone look-up. If a valid telephone number cannot be located or the household cannot be reached after three telephone attempts, the case will be reassigned to the field for personal visit follow up. Completed NRFU RI cases will be matched to the original nonresponse followup case via the Matching Review and Coding System. Cases will first go through an automated match. Cases that do not pass the automated match will go to the Census Bureau, National Processing Center to undergo clerical matching. Cases that do not pass clerical matching will be deferred to local census offices for final adjudication. The NRFU RI will end about 10 days after the nonresponse followup operation is completed.

Between February and March of 2010, crew leaders will carry out the Group Quarters Advance Visit operation Crew leaders will visit all GQs and conduct an interview with the designated contact person to verify the GQ name, address, contact name, and phone number, and obtain a mutually agreed-upon date and time to conduct the enumeration and obtain an expected Census Day population. The information collected during the interview is used to prepare the correct amount of census materials needed to conduct the enumeration at the facility.

The Group Quarters Enumeration (GQE ) operation will be conducted at the Group Quarters on the date determined during the Advance Visit. During the GQE, three different enumeration methods can be used to enumerate the population: 1) interview residents in group quarters like skilled nursing facilities; 2) distribute questionnaire packets for residents in colleges and universities to complete; and 3) use administrative records in places where it is disruptive or unsafe for Census personnel to conduct the enumeration, such as prisons. Enumerators will visit group quarters to develop a control list of all residents and distribute census questionnaires Individual Census Reports or (ICRs) for residents to complete, interview the residents and enter the data on the ICR, or use administrative records to complete the ICR. Enumerators collect and review completed ICRs to ensure that they are complete and legible. They will also complete an ICR for any resident on the control list who did not complete one.

In preparation for the Enumeration of Transitory Locations, we will identify the locations to be enumerated during prior field operations. The Address Canvassing operation will identify address structures and locations that contain special living situations as Other Living Quarters (OLQ). The results will update the MAF/TIGER database. The Group Quarters Validation operation will screen OLQ addresses and flag any addresses meeting the criteria for a transitory location (TL) with a ‘T’. The MAF/TIGER system will provide the electronic files containing the TL addresses with corresponding codes and feature attributes information used for map product. Between mid-March and April of 2010, the Enumeration of Transitory Locations operation will enumerate individuals who do not have a Usual Home Elsewhere (UHE) and are staying at transitory at the time of enumeration. Field supervisors and Crew Leaders will make an advance contact with the transitory locations (like recreational vehicle parks, campgrounds, hotels, motels (including those on military sites), marinas, racetracks, circuses, and carnivals) to explain the operation, gather information about the size of the location, and make an appointment to conduct the canvassing and interviewing. On the scheduled date, a team of at least two enumerators will visit, canvass the area designated for occupation, and interview an occupant at each occupied site. (There is an exception for motels and hotels. At these locations, enumerators will only contact the units identified by hotel management as being occupied by other than regular travelers.) Enumerators will ask the respondents if they have a UHE. If they do not, the enumerator will conduct an interview to capture information about each of the persons living or staying at the unit. If the occupants do have a UHE, the enumerator will not conduct an interview, and the respondents will be reminded to complete the questionnaire that was mailed to their home. To update the MAF, the Decennial Response Integration System will pass response data to the Response Processing System (RPS) at HQ. They will extract address and geocoding data for each housing unit enumerated in ETL, and send it to the Geography Division. Our National Processing Center will digitize maps and send any updates to the MAF/TIGER database. Geography Division will integrate the ETL address and geocode data into the MAF/TIGER database.

The Be Counted (BC) program will be conducted between March and April of 2010. The Census Bureau will place unaddressed BC questionnaires at selected public sites that are easily accessible and frequented by large numbers of people, particularly for persons who believe they were not counted in the 2010 Census. Some examples include: 1) people with a usual address and who did not receive a questionnaire at their address; 2) people who believe the returned questionnaire for their address excluded them; and 3) people who have no usual residence. The BC questionnaires will be printed in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Russian languages and contain the mailout/mailback questions, along with address fields so that respondents can provide address information.

The BC questionnaire returns whose address is already in the Census Master Address File (MAF) are unduplicated to make sure that people are not being counted twice. For BC questionnaires whose address is not in the Census MAF, the Census Bureau will send enumerators out into the field to verify the existence of those housing units.

3. Methods to Maximize Response

The 2010 Census will use a combination of mailing strategies that historically have been shown to improve response rates, (e.g., multiple first-class mailing of the questionnaires, replacement questionnaires and user-friendly design features such as easier-to-read fonts). We plan to use a multiple mailing strategy similar to the one used in the mailout/mailback areas during the 2008 Dress Rehearsal and the 2006 Census Test. It will consist of an advance letter, a questionnaire, and a reminder (postcard and Bilingual letter). All forms and letters include a statement informing respondents that completing the questionnaire is required by law. Table 1 provides an index of the 2010 Census forms while Attachments A through D provide actual copies of all letters, questionnaires, envelopes and other public use forms.

  • Advance Letter – In early March, the USPS will deliver the advance letter [forms D-5(L) and D-5(L)(E/S)] for areas where the USPS delivers the Census questionnaire. In late February, the advance letter will be distributed in areas where census workers deliver the Census questionnaire (mailout/mailback) [form D-5(L)(UL)]. The letter alerts the respondent to look for their questionnaire and explains why it is important for them to participate. The For the Group Quarters Advance Visit (GQAV) operation, the Census Bureau will distribute the GQAV advance letter to group quarters facility managers [form D-30(L)FM], health care facilities [form D-30(L)HC], and dormitories [form D-30(L)SH].

  • Initial Questionnaire package – Approximately a week later, the USPS will deliver an initial questionnaire package to city-style addresses. The package will consist of a cover letter [form D-16(L)], the initial questionnaire [forms D-1 or D-1(E/S)], and a first class postage-paid return envelope [form D-8A]. In all other areas, census workers will deliver the initial questionnaire package consisting of a cover letter [form D-16(L)(UL), the initial questionnaire [form D-1(UL)], and a first class postage-paid return envelope [form D-6(UL)]. The cover letter will explain the purpose for the census. The mailing package will also inform residents that responding to the questionnaire is mandatory and that their responses are confidential. The bilingual questionnaire and letters are all in a “swimlane” format, in which the English version is on the left side of the page, and the Spanish is on the right. The initial questionnaire mailing package also contains an outgoing envelope [form D-6A], or [form D-6(UL)] for non-city style addresses.

  • Thank You/Reminder Postcards, and Bilingual Reminder Letter – In an effort to encourage participants to respond by Census Day (April 1, 2008), a blanket reminder postcard [forms D-9 or D-9(UL) for Update Leave areas], and a bilingual reminder letter [form D-9(L)(E/S)] contained in an outgoing envelope [form D-6C or D-8C for Update Leave areas] will be mailed by the USPS approximately a week after the initial questionnaire packages are delivered. This postcard will serve as a thank you for respondents who have mailed back their questionnaire, or as a reminder for those who have not mailed one.

  • Replacement Questionnaire Package Since mailing replacement questionnaires increase mailback response rates (and therefore reduce costs), this procedure is part of our plan for the 2010 Census. A replacement questionnaire package is an English-only package and is sent beginning approximately 10 days after the reminder postcard, and usually to households that did not return their initial questionnaire by a pre-determined date. In addition to the questionnaire, the package will contain a cover letter [form D-17(L), an outgoing envelope [form D-6C], and a return envelope [form D-8C].

There are three strategies for determining whether replacement questionnaires are mailed: 1) in select areas where a low response rate is expected, a replacement questionnaire is mailed to all households in that select area; 2) in select areas where a middle-range response rate is expected, a replacement questionnaire is mailed only to the nonresponse households that do not return their initial questionnaire; and 3) in areas where a high-mail response rate is expected, replacement questionnaires will not be mailed.

4. Testing of Procedures

The procedures for the 2010 Census were tested in a series of tests conducted during this decennial cycle, including the 2008 Dress Rehearsal, two national mail-out/mail-back tests: 2003 National Census Test and 2005 National Census Test, and two site tests: 2004 Census Test and the 2006 Census Test; and the 2007 test refined the design of the bilingual form .

5. Contacts for Statistical Aspects and Data Collection

Contact Frank Vitrano, Chief, Decennial Management Division, at (301) 763-3961, or at Internet address <frank.a.vitrano@census.gov>.

Table 1. Index of 2010 Census Forms

Form Description

Form #

Letters - (Contained in Attachment A)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-English

D-10 (L)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-Chinese

D-10 (L) (C)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-Korean

D-10 (L) (K)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-Russian

D-10 (L) (R)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-Spanish

D-10 (L) (S)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-Vietnamese

D-10 (L) (V)

Cover Letter-Be Counted-PR (English)

D-10 (L) PR

Cover Letter-Be Counted-PR (Spanish)

D-10 (L) PR (S)

Cover Letter-Initial Mailing

D-16 (L)

Cover Letter-Chinese (Fulfillment)

D-16 (L) (C)

Cover Letter-Bilingual Mailing

D-16 (L) (E/S)

Cover Letter-Korean (Fulfillment)

D-16 (L) (K)

Cover Letter-Russian (Fulfillment)

D-16 (L) (R)

Cover Letter- Spanish (Fulfillment)

D-16 (L) (S)

Cover Letter-Update Leave and U/L ADDs

D-16 (L) (UL)

Cover Letter - U/L and U/L Add - PR (English)

D-16 (L) (UL) PR

Cover Letter - U/L and U/L Add - PR (Spanish)

D-16 (L) (UL) PR (S)

Cover Letter-Vietnamese (Fulfillment)

D-16 (L) (V)

Cover Letter—Replacement Mailing


Group Quarters Advance Visit Letter – Facility Manager


Group Quarters Advance Visit Letter – Health Care Facilities


Group Quarters Advance Visit Letter – Student Housing


Advance Letter English Mailout/mailback (MO/MB)

D-5 (L)

Advance Letter-Update/Leave (U/L) Areas

D-5 (L) (UL)

Advance Letter - PR (Eng/Span)

D-5 (L) (UL) PR

Advance Letter Bilingual—English/Spanish


Cover Letter—Count of Federally Affiliated Overseas Personnel and Dependents by Home State of Residence— Department Head


Cover Letter— Count of Federally Affiliated Overseas Personnel and Dependents by Home State of Residence— Agency Head


Cover Letter—Count of Federally Affiliated Overseas Personnel and Dependents by Home State of Residence— Contact Person


Reminder Postcard (English)


Reminder Letter Bilingual—English/Spanish


Reminder Postcard Update Leave (UL) Areas


Questionnaires – (Contained in Attachment B)

Mailback-English (Initial, Replacement, Fulfillment, Update/Leave (addressed))


Fulfillment - Chinese (Simplified)

D-1 (C)

Update Enumerate, Remote Alaska, Nonresponse Followup English

D-1 (E)

Nonresponse Followup Reinterview - Puerto Rico - Spanish

D-1 (E) (RI)PR (S)

Nonresponse Followup Continuation - Puerto Rico - Spanish

D-1 (E) (SUPP)PR (S)

Update Enumerate. Remote Alaska, Nonresponse Followup Reinterview – English

D-1 (E) RI

Update Enumerate, Remote Alaska, Nonresponse Followup Continuation - English

D-1 (E) SUPP

Nonresponse Follow Up - Puerto Rico - Spanish

D-1 (E)PR (S)

Bilingual—English/Spanish (Initial and Fulfillment)

D-1 (E/S)

Update Leave ADD - English

D-1 (UL)

Update Leave ADD - Spanish

D-1 (UL) (S)

Update/Leave ADD and Fulfillment -PR English

D-1 PR

Update/Leave ADD and Fulfillment -PR Spanish

D-1 (UL) PR (S)

Fulfillment - Korean

D-1 K

Update/Leave Puerto Rico addressed - Spanish

D-1 PR (S)

Fulfillment - Russian

D-1 R

Fulfillment - Spanish

D-1 S

Fulfillment - Vietnamese

D-1 V

Be Counted—English


Be Counted-Korean


Be Counted- PR English

D-10 PR

Be Counted- PR Spanish

D-10 PR (S)

Be Counted-Russian


Be Counted-Vietnamese


Be Counted—Chinese


Be Counted—Spanish


Enumeration at Transitory Locations - English


Enumeration at Transitory Locations-PR Spanish

D-15 PR (S)

Individual Census Report (ICR)-English


Individual Census Report (ICR)-PR English

D-20 PR

Individual Census Report (ICR)-PR Spanish

D-20 PR (S)

Individual Census Report—Spanish


Military Census Report (MCR)-English


Military Census Report (MCR)-PR English

D-21 PR

Shipboard Census Report (SCR)-English


Shipboard Census Report (SCR)-PR English

D-23 PR

Group Quarters Validation (GQV) Questionnaire

D-351 (GQV)

GQV PR - Spanish

D-351 (GQV) PR (S)

GQV -Correctional Facility Continuation Form

D-351 CF (GQV)

GQV - Correctional Facility Continuation Form PR - Spanish

D-351 CF (GQV) PR (S)

GQV - Housing Unit Continuation Form

D-351 HU (GQV)

GQV - Housing Unit Continuation Form PR -Spanish

D-351 HU (GQV) PR (S)

Mailout/Mailback, U/L Informational Copy - English


Bilingual Informational Copy (Eng/Span)

D-61 (ES)

ICR Informational Copy - English

D-61 (ICR)

ICR Informational Copy -Spanish

D-61 (ICR) (S)

ICR Informational Copy -PR English

D-61 (ICR) PR

ICR Informational Copy -PR Spanish

D-61 (ICR) PR (S)

MCR Informational Copy - English

D-61 (MCR)

MCR Informational Copy- PR English

D-61 (MCR) PR

SCR Informational Copy - English

D-61 (SCR)

SCR Informational Copy - PR Spanish

D-61 (SCR) PR

Update/Leave Informational Copy - PR Spanish

D-61 PR (S)

Envelopes – (Contained in Attachment C)

Outgoing for Be Counted—English


Outgoing for Be Counted--Chinese

D-12 (C)

Outgoing for Be Counted--Korean

D-12 (K)

Outgoing for Be Counted--Russian

D-12 (R)

Outgoing for Be Counted--Vietnamese

D-12 (V)

Outgoing for Be Counted-PR (English)

D-12 PR

Outgoing for Be Counted-PR (Spanish)

D-12 PR (S)

Outgoing for Be Counted—Spanish

D-12 (S)

Return for Be Counted--English


Return for Be Counted--Korean

D-14 (K)

Return for Be Counted--Russian

D-14 (R)

Return for Be Counted--Vietnamese

D-14 (V)

Return for Be Counted-PR (English)

D-14 PR

Return for Be Counted-PR (Spanish)

D-14 PR (S)

Return for Be Counted - Chinese


Return for Be Counted - Spanish


Outgoing/Return for ICR/MCR/SCR-English


Outgoing/Return for ICR/MCR-PR (English)

D-40 PR

Outgoing/Return for ICR/MCR- PR (Spanish)

D-40 PR (S)

Outgoing/Return for Individual Census Report—Spanish


Outgoing Envelope for Advance Letters and Reminder Letter


Outgoing Envelope for Update/Leave Advance Letter

D-5 (UL)

Outgoing envelope for U/L Advance Letter - PR

D-5 PR

Outgoing for Korean Fulfillment to AZ

D-6 (K)

Outgoing for Russian Fulfillment to AZ

D-6 (R)

Outgoing for Spanish Fulfillment

D-6 (S)

Outgoing envelope for Update Leave and U/L ADDs

D-6 (UL)

Outgoing for Update/Leave (U/L) (English) & Fulfillment

D-6 (UL) PR

Outgoing for U/L (Spanish) & Fulfillment

D-6 (UL) PR (S)

Outgoing for Vietnamese Fulfillment to AZ

D-6 (V)

Outgoing for Chinese Fulfillment


Outgoing for Language Assistance Guide


Outgoing for Initial Mailing


Outgoing envelope for Initial Mailing - ret to AZ

D-6A (AZ)

Outgoing envelope for Initial Mailing - ret to IN

D-6A (IN)

Outgoing envelope for Initial Mailing - ret to MD

D-6A (MD)

Outgoing envelope for Bilingual Mailing


Outgoing envelope for Replacement Mailing


Outgoing envelope for English Fulfillment


Return for U/L (English) & Fulfillment

D-8 (UL) PR

Return for U/L (Spanish) & Fulfillment

D-8 (UL) PR (S)

Return for Initial Mailing

(2nd window for postal tracking barcode)


Return for Initial Mailing AZ (2nd window for postal tracking barcode)

D-8A (AZ)

Return for Initial Mailing IN (2nd window for postal tracking barcode)

D-8A (IN)

Return for Initial Mailing MD (2nd window for postal tracking barcode)

D-8A (MD)

Return for Initial Bilingual (2nd window for postal tracking barcode)


Return for U/L, U/L ADDs, Replacement, and Fulfillment (English and Chinese)


Return for U/L, U/L ADDs, and Replacement, Fulfillment (S,C,K,V,R)

D-8C (AZ)

Return for U/L, U/L ADDs, and Replacement

D-8C (IN)

Return for U/L, U/L ADDs, and Replacement

D-8C (MD)

Other Public Use Forms – (Contained in Attachment D)

Spanish Job Aid

D-1 (E-JOB AID) (S)

Information Sheet - (Blue) English

D-1 (F)

Information Sheet - (Green) Spanish

D-1 (F) (S)

Information Sheet (Teal)- English

D-1 (F) PR

Information Sheet (Yellow) - Spanish

D-1 (F) PR (S)

Container for Be Counted Packages-English


Container for Be Counted Packages-PR Spanish

D-10A PR (S)

Notice of Visit (English/Spanish)


Notice of Visit-Puerto Rico - English/Spanish

D-26 PR

Confidentiality Notice (English/Spanish)


Confidentiality Notice - CCM (English/Spanish)

D-31 (CCM)

Confidentiality Notice-Puerto Rico (English/Spanish) CCM

D-31 (CCM) PR

Confidentiality Notice-Puerto Rico English/Spanish

D-31 PR

Language ID Flashcard


GQV - Non-survivor Label Form

D-351 NSL (GQV)

GQV - Non-survivor Label Form - PR - Spanish

D-351 NSL (GQV) PR (S)

Count of Federally Affiliated Overseas Personnel and Dependents by Home State of Residence


Guidelines for Completing Form D-55 Count of Federally Affiliated Overseas Personnel and Dependents by Home State of Residence


Language Assistance Guides (languages 1-22)



Attachment A - Letters

Attachment B - Questionnaires

Attachment C - Envelopes

Attachment D - Other Public Use Forms


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Last Modified Byrobin376
File Modified2008-12-03
File Created2008-12-03

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