Web Survey of Section 108 Funds Recipients

Web Survey of the Recipients of Section 108 Funds

WEB Survey Instrument 9-1-10

Web Survey of Section 108 Funds Recipients

OMB: 2528-0261

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Supporting Document C

Section 108 Evaluation Program Evaluation Survey

Below is provided a facsimile of the Web survey instrument and the relevant material that will precede or accompany the survey. The survey will be sent to approximately 300 grantees that received Section 108 funds during Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 though FY 2007.


For the Web survey, it will be necessary to identify a “primary respondent” from each grantee who will receive the survey and be responsible for completing it. For this we will get assistance from the CPD Field Office Director. Econometrica will send the HUD GTR the materials to be sent to each of the CPD Field Office Directors through the Section 108 Program Director.

While waiting for OMB clearance we will ask HUD’s Section 108 Program Director to send each Field Office Director an Excel file with the projects included in the survey from their Region. The Field Directors will be asked to provide the Section 108 contact name, phone number, and email address for each project listed and send it back to Headquarters within ten working days. We will work with the GTR to obtain the returned Excel files and to follow up on any missing or incomplete information. We will also provide an email for the CPD Field Office Director to send each contact encouraging each of the respondents to participate in the survey when it arrives.

After we receive OMB approval, we will directly notify the CPD Program Office Director in HQ that it is time to send an e-mail alerting the Section 108 project contacts that an the web survey will be forthcoming. This email should be sent within five working days.  A copy of our notification will be sent to the GTR and Section 108 Program Director (who will have already approved this process up-front).

The HUD CPD Field Office Director will be provided with suggested text for a brief pre-survey e-mail message to send to Section 108 contacts that were previously identified by HUD, alerting them that an e-mail invitation to participate in the Section 108 program evaluation will arrive shortly, identifying that the invitation to participate will be coming directly from Econometrica Inc. Although this is a voluntary survey, the message will encourage the recipient to place a high priority on reviewing the contents of the invitation and to participate in the survey. We will try to ensure that the pre-survey e-mail is sent by the Field Office Director to the Section 108 contact no more than two weeks prior to the time of the e-mail invitation to participate in the survey.


Dear (name of Section 108 project contact will be inserted here):

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) needs your feedback as part of an evaluation of the Section 108 program. HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) has contracted with Econometrica, Inc., a research and consulting company in Bethesda, MD, to conduct an independent evaluation of the Section 108 program. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the program's effectiveness and to identify areas for improvement.

A key part of this research is learning about project activities and outcomes through use of a web-based survey. This information is needed to address comments from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and respond to requests from Congress, but will also help HUD develop performance measures and implement procedures to collect accomplishment data from recipients of Section 108 funds.

You have been selected to participate in this web survey because a Section 108 award has been made to your jurisdiction during Fiscal Years 2002 through 2007. While your participation in this survey is voluntary, it is very important that you respond. Your input will affect the continued ability of the Department to make available Section 108 loans for local economic development.

Each web survey applies to a particular Section 108 project. To begin using the survey, you will need to enter your email address and a password. For the survey of project (insert project title), project number (insert project number) funded in (insert year) your password is as follows. Xxxxxxx

Before you begin, you might want to view and print the entire survey, which is provided as a PDF file.

View Entire Survey

You may also want to view and print the Special Instructions.

View Special Instructions

When you are ready to begin, please use the link, below:


This survey is confidential. Your answers will never be associated with your name or email address. This survey should take you about 30 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the web survey or the evaluation, please do not hesitate to call the HUD Technical Representative (Judson James) at 202-402-5707 or the Econometrica Principle Investigator (Priscila Prunella) at 240-333-0243. We will be pleased to talk with you.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Mercedes Márquez

Assistant Secretary, Office of Community Planning and Development

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

3. Special Instructions

Before you begin answering survey questions:

  1. The web survey asks questions about a particular Section 108 project. In order to respond to the survey questions, you may find that other members of your local Section 108 team need to be consulted. It may be easier to complete the survey if you first print a copy (in PDF format) before answering any survey questions.

  1. To print a PDF file with all the survey questions included in the Web version of the survey, return to the email invitation and click on the link, “View PDF file”. You can print the survey or save it to your PC for viewing later on. For example, while taking the survey, you might want to review the content of questions that you have already answered. Once you have submitted answers to questions in a particular page or section, the survey software won’t allow you to go back.

  1. In some instances, your local tracking of project outcomes may combine or refer to two Section 108 awards together, as if they were one project. If you are unsure which Section 108 project is being asked about in the web survey, please call Priscila Prunella at Econometrica Inc. at 240-333-0243 before gathering and reporting information on this project.

When you are ready to begin answering survey questions:

  1. Click on the link provided in the email invitation, enter your email address and password, and follow the instructions on the screen.

  1. You do not need to complete the entire survey in one session. At the end of each section or page of the survey, you will be able to save your results and continue later on. If you choose to “save page and continue later,” you will receive a follow-up email with a link provided that will allow you to re-enter the survey where you left off.

  1. The terminology and categories used in this survey are also used in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and reported by grantees to HUD through the Integrated Disbursement Information System (IDIS). If you would like to review or confirm the meaning of the activity categories or national objectives, these are available in Appendices A and B of the IDIS training manual, available at this link:


  1. When you answer the last question in the survey and click on “Continue”, your survey results survey will automatically be transmitted to Econometrica and included in the evaluation. We appreciate your cooperation!


The OMB number and the title of the survey will be displayed at the top of each screen on the Web survey.

Organization of the Survey

A. General Project Information*

B. Assistance to Specific Businesses, Non-Profit Organizations or Government Agencies

  1. Third Party Loans (Loan Pools)

  2. Economic Development

  3. Public Facilities

  4. Housing

  5. Outcomes*

  6. Conclusion*

Asterisked (*) sections should be completed for each project. Other sections would be completed as applicable for the project.

Please Note: This will be distributed as a Web based survey instrument. In the Word version below, you will not see the effect of skip logic where it is used, nor will you see all the pop up boxes that might appear asking for explanatory text. For example, pop up boxes are used in Section A when the respondent answers “no”. Throughout the survey, when a respondent answers "other", a text box pops up, with the message 'Please explain". 

  1. General Project Information

This survey concerns the Section 108 loan guarantee for project number ${custom1}, originally approved in ${custom3}; known as the ${custom4}; with the following purpose: ${custom5} ${custom6} ${custom7} ${custom8} ${custom9} ${custom10} ${custom11}

1a. HUD has provided your name as the contact person for this project. Are you responsible for this project?


No 1a. If “no”, please provide the name and phone number for the contact person.

1b.Is the project name stated correctly?


No 1b. If “no”, what is the correct project name?

1c. Is the purpose stated correctly?


No 1c. If “no”, what is the purpose?

The amount of Section 108 funds approved for this project as recorded by HUD is ${custom2}.

2a. Do you agree that this is the HUD-approved amount?


No2a. If “no”, what is the HUD-approved amount?

2b. If no to question 2, Please explain how you arrived at this corrected amount? For example, is your corrected amount based on receiving more than one Section 108 approval for this project?

3.Please indicate the total amount of Section 108 funds that have been drawn down for this project through the current date.

Please select date of the most recent drawdown:



























4.Has there been a major change in the sources of financing committed to this project since the time of your application to HUD?



5. Including both Section 108 loan guarantee funds and these other sources of financing, what is the total amount of money that has been committed to this project?

6. Are any activities of this project being carried out as part of a geographically targeted revitalization effort? (Choose one only.)

Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA)

Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) area

Local target area

No, not geographically targeted

7. If project activities are being carried out as part of a geographically targeted revitalization effort, please describe the effort. (Choose one only.)





  1. Assistance to Specific Businesses, Non-profit Organizations or Government Agencies

8. As part of this project, has assistance been provided to one or more specific private sector businesses, non-profit organizations or other local government agencies (i.e., as subrecipients)?



9. Have any of the following types of Section 108 financial assistance been provided to businesses, nonprofits or other subrecepients?



Amortizing permanent loan

Forgivable or deferred payment loan


Loan guarantee for private loan

Construction loan


  1. How many entities (businesses, nonprofits or other subreceipients) received this assistance?

  1. What was the total amount of assistance provided?

  1. For assistance provided to businesses/subrecipients, please indicate whether these entities were:



For-profit organization

Non-profit organization

Non-profit subsidiary of a for-profit company

Local or state government agency

  1. Third Party Loans (Loan Pools)

13. As part of this project, has the use of Section 108 funds included use of a loan fund or other approach which involved taking applications and lending to third parties (e.g., businesses and




14. Is the loan pool intended to be used for any of the following purposes?



Economic Development

Public Facilities


15. Are loans made for any of the following activities?



Real Estate (acquisition or rehab)

Machinery/Equipment purchases

Facade improvments


Site preparation/Clearance/Demolition

Job/technical training


16. As part of this project, in addition to the Section 108 funds, are other sources of funds available to the loan pool?



16a. If yes to Question 16, what is the amount of additional funds?

16b. If yes to Question 16, are any of the following sources of these additional funds?




Other types of financial institutions


No applicable

17. How long has the loan pool been active?

Years___________ Months_______________

18a. How many loans have been made from the pool?

18b. What is the total amount that has been loaned from the loan pool?

19. Based on policies established for the loan poal, what are the minimums and maximums for each of the following?



Loan Size ($)

Interest Rate (%)

Term (Years)

  1. Economic Development

Economic development activity may be accomplished by offering financial assistance, or through use of loan pools, or through direct investment. For all economic development activities reported below, please describe activities of the total project, including those funded by Section 108 or by other funding sources.

20a. Does this project include any economic development activity?



20b. As part of this project, have any of the following types of economic development activities been funded?



Facility intended to create economic opportunity such as civic center or farmers market

Assistance to business for real estate acquisition/expansion

Assistance to business for working capital/inventory

Development of industrial park

Job training/employee support


21. In funding these economic development activities, which of the following actions are involved?



Commercial/industrial building acquisition, construction, rehabilitation

Commercial/industrial facade improvements or correction code violations

Other commercial/industrial improvements


Infrastructure development

Technical assistance

Microenterprise assistance


22. As part of these economic development activities, was funding provided for infrastructure improvements?



22a. If yes to Question 22, which of the following infrastructure improvements were involved?



Solid waste disposal improvements

Flood drainage improvements

Water/sewer improvements

Street improvements


Tree planting

Technology such as fiber optic or DSL lines

Other utilities


23. Which of the following sectors of the local economy will benefit as a result of this economic development activity?



Industrial (mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing, construction or manufacturing)

Wholesale trade

Retail trade



24. Which of the following types of service were involved?



Educational services

Health care and social assistance

Arts, entertainment and recreation

Accomodation (e.g., hotels) and food services


25. At the present time, what is the status of overall spending (including Section 108 funds and funds from other sources) for the economic development activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (all or nearly all funds are spent)

Partially complete (some funds remain unspent)

Incomplete (more than half of funds remain unspent)

Other (please explain)

26. At the present time, what is the status of the economic development activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (most accomplishments that are considered likely to occur have already been achieved)

Partially complete (some accomplishments have been achieved, but more are expected in the future)

Incomplete (most accomplishments that are considered likely to occur have not yet been achieved)

Other (please explain)

  1. Public Facilities

For any public facility included in this project, please describe the public facility activities of the total project, including those funded by Section 108 or by other funding sources.

27a. Does this project include funding for a public facility?



27b. As part of this project, which of the following types of public facility were funded?



Neighborhood facility – (e.g., for social services, or multi-purpose)

Park/ recreational facility – (e.g. swimming pool, sports complex

Transportation facility (e.g., bus station or transit terminal)

Parking facility

Public/civic building

Senior center

Handicapped center

Homeless facility

Child care center

Health facility


27b. As part of this project, which of the following types of public facility were funded?



Neighborhood facility - (e.g., for social services, or multi-purpose )

Park/recreational facility - (e.g. swimming pool, sports complex)

Transportation facility (e.g. bus station or transit terminal)

Parking facility

Public/civic building

Senior center

Handicapped center

Homeless facility

Child care center

Health facility


28. In funding this public facility, which of the following types of activity are involved?





Acquisition of real property

Disposition of real property

Clearance and demolition

Cleanup of contaminated sites



29. Did funding of the public facility include money for infrastructure improvements?



29a. If yes to Question 29, which of the following infrastructure improvements were involved?



Solid waste disposal improvements

Flood drainage improvements

Water/sewer improvements

Street improvements


Tree planting

Technology such as fiber optic or DSL lines

Other utilities


Not applicable

Infrastructure - other

30. At the present time, what is the status of overall spending (including Section 108 funds and funds from other sources) for the public facility activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (all or nearly all funds are spent)

Partially complete (some funds remain unspent)

Incomplete (more than half of funds remain unspent)

Other (please explain)

31. At the present time, what is the status of the public facility activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (most accomplishments that are considered likely to occur have already been achieved)

Partially complete (some accomplishments have been achieved, but more are expected in the future)

Incomplete (most accomplishments that are considered likely to occur have not yet been achieved)

Other (please explain)

  1. Housing

Housing-related activities may be accomplished by offering financial assistance, or through use of loan pools, or through direct investment. For all housing-related activities reported below, please describe the activities of the total project, including those funded by Section 108 or by other funding sources.

32a. Does this project include funding for housing-related activities?



32b. Which of the following types of housing-related activity have been undertaken?



Construction of housing

Direct homeownership assistance

Rehab: single-unit residential

Rehab: multi-unit residential

Rehab: public housing modernization

Rehab: energy efficiency improvements

Rehab: lead-based paint/lead hazards


Residential historic preservation


33. In funding this housing-related activity, which of the following types of actions were involved?





Acquisition of real property

Disposition of real property

Clearance and demolition

Cleanup of contamination sites



34. In funding this housing-related activity, was funding provided for infrastructure improvements?



34a. If yes to Question 34, which of the following infrastructure improvements were involved?



Solid waste disposal improvements

Flood drainage improvements

Water/sewer improvements

Street improvements


Tree planting

Technology such as fiber optic or DSL lines

Other utilities


Not applicable

Infrastructure - Other

35. Is the housing-related activity intended to provide permanent housing to any of the following groups?



Elderly individuals

Persons with disabilities

Homeless individuals or families

Persons with special needs

Other type of need

36. Is the housing related activity intended to provide any of the following types of benefit?




Rental housing

Institutional or group housing

37. Are some or all of the housing units intended to be affordable to persons of low- and moderate income?



37a. If yes to Question 37, please specify the period of affordability in years?

37b. If yes to Question 37, is there a period of guaranteed affordability?



37c. If yes to Question 37, what is the period of guaranteed affordability? (Specify in years)

38. At the present time, what is the status of overall spending (including Section 108 funds and funds from other sources) for the housing-related activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (all or nearly all funds are spent)

Partially complete (some funds remain unspent)

Incomplete (more than half of funds remain unspent)

Other (please explain)

39. At the present time, what is the status of accomplishments for the housing-related activity for this project? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Complete (most accomplishments have been achieved)

Partially complete (some accomplishments have been achieved

Incomplete (most accomplishments have not yet been achieved

Other (please explain)

  1. Outcomes

40. What national objective(s) has this Section 108 project met? * (Requires Response)



*Low/mod area benefit

*Low/mod limited clientele

*Low/mod housing benefit

*Low/mod job creation and retention

*Slum/blight area benefit

*Slum/blight spot benefit

*Urgent need/other

41. How many low and moderate income (LMI) persons reside in the area where benefits are available as a result of project activities through the present date?

41a. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (area benefit)

42. How many low and moderate income (LMI) persons have actually received benefits as a result of project activities? (Indicate annual benefits provided during the most recent year for which data are available.)

42a. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (limited clientele)

43a. In providing low/mod housing benefit, how many housing units have been provided(built, rehabbed, or otherwise improved) as a result of project activities through the present date:(For homebuyer assistance, count each assisted household as one housing unit)

43b. Of these, how many units were affordable?

43c. Is retail/commercial space included in this housing-related activity?



43d. Please indicate square footage of retail/commercial space provided.

43e. Were any housing units brought from substandard to standard condition (up to HUDs Housing Quality Standards or to local code)?



43f. What was the number brought up to standard condition?

43g. Were any housing units made accessible for persons with disabilities?



43h. What was the number made accessible?

43i. Were there any homeless persons or any others living in institutional or group quarters who received permanent housing as a result of this project?



43j. What was the number of persons receiving permanent housing?

43k. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (Housing benefit)

44a. In providing low/mod job creation and retention, how many new Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs have actually been created through the present date?

44b. How many positions that might otherwise have been let go were retained through the present date?

44c. How many of the newly created FTE jobs were filled by low-and moderate income persons?

44d. How many of the retained jobs were held by low- and moderate income people?

44e. How many total jobs have been created or retained through the present date?

44f. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (job creation and retention)

45a. In addressing slums and blight, how many housing units have been demolished through the present date?

45b. How many blocks have been cleared through the present date?

45c. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (slum/blight)

46. In addressing urgent/other needs, please describe the project activities and the result of these activities through the present date.

46a. Please describe the most important sources of data or other evidence that you used to track these outcomes. (Urgent need/other)

47. In your opinion, were any of the following possible outcomes accomplished as a result of this Section 108 project?



Attract or relocate businesses to state/locality

Spur the development of new small businesses

Assist in the expansion of existing businesses

Assist a failing business to remain viable

Help to revitalize downtown

Increase commercial, business, or wage tax revenue

Increase the property tax base

Promote construction jobs

Provide new commercial services to community

Promote neighborhood revitalization


48. In your opinion, as a result of this Section 108 project, have any of the following types of services become available either in the neighborhood where project activities occurred or in the surrounding area?



The first grocery store(s) in an area

The first bank(s) in an area

Shopping or restaurant choices

Parking or public transportation

Schools or higher education facilities/opportunities

Parks, open spaces playgrounds, or recreation centers

Access to arts and cultural institutions, museums

Health care services

Employment and training centers

Childcare centers


49. As a result of this Section 108 project, have any of the following types of revitalization or new investment occurred either in the neighborhood where project activities occurred or in the surrounding area?



Improvement in exterior appearance, streetscape, or facades

New businesses have been created

Existing businesses have expanded

Property values have increased

Amenities or community facilities have expanded or improved

Infrastructure has improved

50. For the positive outcomes accomplished in the past years, has the project been able to sustain these outcomes to the present time?

Yes, most or all of the benefits, such as jobs created and businesses supported, continue to exist.

No, the benefits have not been sustained, due to local economic conditions or other factors beyond the control of the jurisdiction.

Not known because we stopped tracking outcomes after meeting our goal(s)

Other (please explain)

51. If this project has not been successful in reaching its intended outcomes, has this occurred partly as a result of the timing of the project?



The current economic recession has made it difficult to complete the project on time

Volatile markets and uncontrollable costs like energy-rate increases led to project delays

An unexpected rise in the price of land led to cost overruns or project delays

There were unexpected environmental problems or other government-caused delays

More time is needed-may reach intended outcomes in the future


52. If this project has not been successful in reaching its intended outcomes, did any of these factors contribute to this result?



Not applicable, because the project was successful

The project plan or concept was flawed and not viable

Poor management/oversight by grantee staff

There was an insufficient level of investment/insufficient capital

Lack of a good business plan

The assisted business was not financially viable

Insufficient marketing or promotion

Over-expansion or expanding too quickly

No businesses/insufficient businesses were attracted to the facility developed by the grantee

The investment in the neighborhood failed to attracted other investment to the area


53. In general, were most of the intended results from this Section 108 investment achieved? (Choose the answer that best describes current status.)

Yes, we achieved most or all of our intended results

The project has achieved mostly positive results that fell somewhat short of plans

The project is in process, so the results are not yet known

The project has not succeeded as planned but nonetheless has achieved some positive results

No, the project was not successful

Other (please explain)

  1. Conclusion

54. Would your jurisdiction consider doing another Section 108 loan?



54a. If no to Question 54, please indicate why your jurisdiction would not consider doing another Section 108 loan?



Concerned about the programs security requirement

Don’t want to include CDBG funds as part of a repayment plan

Don’t want to risk losing CDBG funds if repayment plan is not met

The application process is more hassle than it’s worth

We don’t anticipate needing any large projects where Section 108 might be needed

Lack of interest among businesses or other potential borrowers

Counting jobs or following compliance rules for national objective and public benefit is too difficult/confusing

Change in local politics has meant an unwillingness to borrow funds for economic development or other eligible purposes


55. Did your jurisdiction choose to use Section 108 for any of the following reasons?



It allowed us to borrow a large amount of funds

Funds were not available from any other source

Section 108 funds were cost effective/low cost to borrow

Our grantee did not want to raise debt/issue bonds for this project

Section 108 funds were a catalyst for obtaining other federal, state or private funding sources


56a. When planning this project, did your jurisdiction consider (or actually use) any of the other Federal funding sources listed below?

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

not considered

considered but not used


Empowerment Zones/Renewal Communities

Community Development Block Grants


Department of Agriculture

not considered

considered but not used


Business and Industry Loan

Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants

Community Facilities

Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration (EDA)

not considered

considered but not used


Public Works and Economic Development Program

Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund

Small Business Administration (SBA)

not considered

considered but not used


Basic 7(a) Loan Guarantee Program

Certified Development Corporation (504) Loan Program

Department of the Treasury

not considered

considered but not used


New Markets Tax Credits

Historic Tax Credits

Low Income Housing Tax Credits

Bank Enterprise Award

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

not considered

considered but not used


Community Services Block Grant

56b. Please tell us more about the reasons that you did not consider using programs that you identified above.

56c. For programs that you considered but did not use, please tell us more about the reasons why you did not use these programs.

56d. In your opinion, do you consider each of the following statements to be true or false?



no opinion

The project could have been done as well without the use of Section 108

Without Section 108, there would have been delays in securing other funds

Without Section 108, the project would have accomplished less

Without Section 108, the project would not have happened at all

57. Please tell us, in your own words, what was accomplished as a result of the Section 108 project?

58. In your opinion, what likely would or would not have happened, had Section 108 financing not been available for this project? And, why do you believe that to be the case?

Click on “Continue” to submit your survey. Thanks for your cooperation!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJudson L. James
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-02

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